Cheerful grammar in Russian. Summary of the lesson of the circle "Fun Grammar

"Fun Grammar". The basic rules of Russian spelling in poetic form to facilitate understanding and memorization educational material

So that the child is not exhausted ... (A. Pushkin)

"Entertaining Grammar" includes excerpts from the works of children's writers, which are additional material for practicing literate writing skills. A child can work with a book both independently and together with parents or older children. I hope that this book will help students improve their literacy and master the spelling standards.

Who is tired of boring rules,
Did you get sick from studying?
Who forced himself
Boring to learn a lesson?
Who has a lot of mistakes
And in the notes the whole notebook?
For whom is learning grief,
Who grabbed the deuce again?
You know, friend, don't be a nerd
After all, cramming is a lie.
Read poetry, my dear,
Smile and you'll understand.
Sorrows will disappear in an instant,
You will write well.
From the lessons, no doubt
You will receive joy.
Make easy everything that is difficult -
This is the main thing for everyone.
Everything is real, everything is possible.
Believe in yourself, success will come.

Unstressed vowels at the root of a word

Many unstressed vowels
So we need help.
What to do? Where is the solution?
Put the letter under stress.
You follow us
Feel free to change the word.
Well, if it is very difficult,
You can look it up in a dictionary.
Z..l..nela on p..lyanka
And thick was
It is clear even to a monkey
How to check all words.

Now practice:

    Behind the river was a forest.

    Kor..tyshki made boats out of k..ry, swam across the river and h..dili into the forest for gr..bami, for yag..ladies, for..rekhami.

    Gr..would k..r..tyshki p..poured p..loy under k..tails and so..shchili in pieces d..mine.

(According to N. Nosov)

Spelling of consonants in the root

Re .. cue wind and frost ..,
Even doo .. froze in the forest ...
Here again, skill is needed.
Act right, act smart.
Doubt? Don't be afraid.
Let stand behind the consonant
Vowel. We'll hear right away
Clear sound. Ready? We write!

Now practice:

I'm with everyone these days ..,
It hurts a lot...
I don't eat bread.. or soo..,
Because it hurts. .
But I am silent about this
Because I don't want to go to the hospital.
Would chocolate help?
I would be very ra...
Or sweet water?
Oh, how painful, what a disaster!
I can't stand it at all
I'd rather eat candy.
Oops, I can't take it anymore!
Everything. I'm running to the doctor now.

Unpronounceable consonants at the root of a word

But this is just hide and seek.
The sound is either there or not. Riddles.
Choose a word
For the sound to come again
Not lost anywhere
And I would stay where I am.
So..nce shines, in the middle..tse - a holiday..nick...
Well, where are you, sound-prankster?

Now practice:

Famous (?) wizard, scientist and magician
He told his grandchildren about his experiences as follows:
Take, for example, dry grapes.
It tastes (?) ny and sweet, everyone says so.
In the surrounding (?) gardens, I want to tell you,
You pick apples, more cherry plum,
Yes, month (?) pears, perhaps, will do.
Our neighbors will give you free.
Cut, cook. Dangerously! Fire!
Do not touch the pot with your hands on the stove!
Umes (?) But add more sugar.
If you want, add a little boiling water.
- Preles (?) But! The wizard stroked his stomach.
-Wonderful (?) we got a compote!

Spelling of vowels O - E after a hissing word in the root

Here's some fun, invigorating advice for you:
At the root of the word after the hissing
What do you hear under stress?
O is heard. Y is written.


Now practice:

The princess is crying, dressed in,
And the stupid king will not understand in any way,
What is the reason for those tears and what a trouble.
And the poor man rushes about here and there.
Courtiers ..then hold advice,
After all, there are no obvious reasons for hysteria.
Perhaps the part is disheveled,
Or maybe stung by a bee .. lka?
The princess whispered in the doctor's ear:
- Kryzh .. vnik zh .. I really want to.
All in and keep family council
Kryzh .. there is no vnik in the city.
In the thicket .. the forest messenger galloped,
Across the river kryzh .. vnik he suddenly saw.
Along the narrow railroad, swaying, past ..l,
But I'm glad that kryzh .. went into our princess ..l.
Princess, wearing a woolen hood ..n,
Waiting for the messenger, she went up to the balcony.
A messenger rushed from the black forest,
Kryzh .. he brought a vnik, and here the fairy tale ends.
The king is delighted, he is overjoyed.
On a platter to the messenger, he carries sh..colade.
And in the cheek the princess kisses him.
The king remained silent, did not say anything.
Who is in charge of the roots?

    What determines the spelling of a vowel in the roots with alternation.

    Commanded by suffix -А-.-KOS- (-KAS-)

They came to the lesson in our class
The root -KOS- and the root -KAS-.
The suffix -A- rushed in an instant,
He deafened everyone with a loud cry:
- Where are you, where are you, root -KAS-?
I can't live without you!
If after the root -A-,
With the root -KAS - write words.


Let's assume the root -FALSE-
Went out in the rain without galoshes.
Caught a cold, that's clear.
The condition is terrible.
laid on the bed,
How hard it is for him now.
Offered ointment, injections,
Skips the poor school.
But the smart root -LAG-
Suffix -A-, like a flag,
unfolded behind him
And he never sneezed.
I guess it's clear kids
How do you write these roots?

Command consonant sounds -RAST- (-RASH-), -ROS-

Here's the problem, here's the question:
How do I write -RAST- and -ROS-?
I am ready to conclude:
At the root -RASH- and at the root -RAST-
The letter A, and at the root -ROS-
The letter O, and the question is removed.


Rostislav lives in Rostov.
Who is he, who is he? Moneylender.
And a sprout in a new pot
I'm used to exceptions.
"Branch" - twig, escape,
Deprecated in new Age.


Emphasis commands
tan, but tanned,
Emphasize boldly
And you must be able
Without fear and doubt
Against fate
Following the beat
-GAR- to distinguish from -GOR-






Alternating vowels at the root of a word

Opening a new leaf
Here are the roots for you - SHINE- and - BLIST -.
Next will be even harder
There are a lot of roots with E and I.
They will scatter in an instant:
This -ZHEG -, and this -ZHIG -.
Ah, vexation! Missed!
Fled -STEL- and -STEEL-.
Let's get them in order.
We will write everything in a notebook.
They will stand in a column
We will repeat:







    Brilliant bliss-;

Attention! Attention!
In roots with alternation
We write And, looking at first,
Is there after the root -A-.
If not, what's your solution?
- We write E without delay.

Commands the meaning

    RVN- (flat, straight, smooth: flat road)

    RAVN- (same: equal in weight)

    IOC- (soak in liquid: boots get wet)

    POPPY- (dip in liquid: dip pen into ink)

Now practice:

The raft tilted, and Ellie screamed in fear, but Tin Woodman and the Scarecrow hurried to jump to the other side, and the balance was restored. The tin woodcutter and the Scarecrow drove the raft across the river, beyond which a wonderful river began. The travelers hoped to meet a warm welcome at Goodwin's palace. R..the magician's inspiration frightened them. On the horizon, a bl. The clouds froze..lali already half the sky, bl..became lightning. And thunder rumbles reached the travelers who were frozen in fear. (According to A. Volkov)

The use of a hard sign

I'm not a joke to you, not a trifle.
I am a very, very strong sign.
I ask you to clearly, firmly know
Where and when to write me.
After the prefix, my place
Followed by E, Yu, I, Yo.

Now practice:

In .. are whirling, snowflakes are spinning,
B..yutsya in the door and out the window.
In .. the south covered the paths,
V.. trips to the city and the countryside.
The ball with .. huddled in the under .. ride - eat something now!
It's good to be together with a friend
Hide the bone in reserve.
In the south, in the south, calm down,
Crawl away like a white snake.
Sharik, darling, don't be afraid.
Here's some bread, nibble on it.

Spelling of vowels after hissing and C in suffixes and endings of nouns

Look quickly, buddy
Snow is falling from the sky..
With a white and porches..m
The house seems to us a palace .. m.
And now, my friend, pay attention:
In suffixes and endings
At the edge of the word, at the very end
After hissing and after C
Under the accent is written O,
E - unstressed, only everything.

Now practice:

A bull is walking along the clover..k.
Its barrel ..k like a tavern ..k,
Like a drum
His belly.
He chews clover all day long. (L. Mezinov)

Grandpa Ezh..k,
Do not go to the coast.. to.
There the snow melted .. to,
Fills puddles .. to.
You get your feet wet
Red boots.

Spelling -I -, -Y- after C

Gypsy on tiptoe
And chirping so loud
Chicken - faint
Chicken problems:
- Why am I, poor, in the exceptions?
Gypsy terrible scared to death.
And in the ROOT of the word and in the words on -TSIYA
Fun, joy, laughter and vanity.
Dashing circuses on motorcycles
Among the acacias they rush. The beauty!
On the dial, the arrows deftly dance,
The cistern of kvass has been drunk for a long time.
The barber shaves and waves his mat,
Cyclops and the cynic wandered off to the cinema.
Where is Y?
Look at the end of the word:
Mowers, tits, birds, cucumbers ....
-Now you understand, - I ask again, -
Where after C do you write I, where Y?

Spelling of suffixes -EK- and -IK-

Here is the lock. Key to it.
They will help us better.
Learn the letter in the suffix
To write correctly.
Please earnestly
In the genitive case
Follow the vowel
If you agree.
If the vowel is gone
One must remember:
In every word everywhere
We write only the suffix -EK-
If the vowel remains
The student must remember
What's in the words (so little)
We write only the suffix -IK-


    KEY - KEY

Spelling prefixes

Always spelled the same
Although everyone sounds different,
Prefixes TO-, FOR-, OVER- and others.
I taught them all day and until night.
Run and OVERwrite,
Chop off and REST….
You have to write correctly.
Don't forget about it.

Prefixes on Z and prefix -C-

Z- prefix does not exist.
Everyone knows this for sure.
But in the words of Z there is still:
Prefixes on Z and on C as girlfriends,
But in different however play toys.
3 prefix before a voiced consonant,
On C - before the deaf. It's simple and clear.

Prefixes -PRE- and -PRI-

Take a closer look.
We prefixes pre- and pre-.
Learn to distinguish us
distinguish from each other.
Remember four things first:
Incomplete action and approach,
The proximity of something to something
Don't forget to join.
Our hands can do anything
The nail will be nailed, sewn, glued,
Everything will be done as it should
Fast, fun and friendly.
The hare galloped to the neighbor,
He shouted: “I will come to you!
At the school garden
There are already carrots like.”
Open the window soon -
The cat cannot enter the house.
Ah, the cutlets are burnt!
Don't worry, they've already been eaten.
PRE is a great prefix.
She needs a supplement in everything.
We check with the word “VERY”
Or RE-replace.

Now practice:

    Shorties pr .. carried the juice of flowers, which thickened and pr .. turned into rubber. Znayka pr .. was preparing a large barrel for (z, s) boron juice.

    Znayka ordered Shpuntik to carry the pump. He connected a long rubber tube to this pump, doused it with juice and began to pump air.

    All the kids, too, got down to business. Soon the ball was so Ra (s, s) pouting that the kids pr.

    The work lasted two days, and so on.. It stopped when the ball became the size of a house.

    Znayka pr .. knitted a ball to a walnut bush and ordered the short men pr .. to make a basket for him.

(According to N. Nosov)

Н and НН in adjective suffixes

I'm completely confused
How many is needed in the word N?
I can't understand.
Help disassemble.
Here is the basis of the word BATH.
N one. I beg your attention!
Bath steam is useful to everyone,
Suffix -N-, and no problem.
Suffix -IN-
Example: mouse,
swan, crane,
And chicken, and bee,
Let's pull ourselves together: beastly.
-AN- and -YAN- are like twins.
Ah, what good fellows!
Here in a linen shirt -YAN-,
In our leather jacket -AN-.
Rye bread they chew
And they drink oatmeal jelly,
A silver spoons
They scoop okroshka together.
Suffix -ENN- and suffix -ONN-
approached from both sides
To the station buffet.
And what is there in it!
But the money was not enough
And bought anything:
Terribly sour cranberry juice
And pumpkin seeds whole bag
Yes, the morning paper.
Thanks for that too.


How to remember the exception?
This is a terrible pain!
It will be remembered
Just look at the window.
Always two N's, no doubt
In a window with a glass surface,
There is a tin bolt
And a wooden window sill. (“Baby Monitor Lessons”)

Now practice:

The boys brought a leather suitcase and put it on the table. Mother opened it and began to take out sheets of gold and silver .. paper, blue, green .. and orange, cardboard, a box with blown glass .. balls, bundles of gold and silver .. rigmarole, lanterns with colored mica .. th windows and a big star. (According to A. Tolstoy)

Spelling b after hissing in different parts of speech

You, my friend, do not be careless.
To write correctly
Start with the part of speech.
This is a must to know.

Part of speech

Word form

3 sk., Zh. R.

rye, daughter

2 sk., m.

ball, rook


f., cf. genus

many clouds

in plural, genus. P.

among monsters

in all verbs into sibilant

command. incl.

eat soup

infinitive (n. f.)

must be protected


short form

prickly, hot

in all dialects

to the hissing


EXCEPTIONS: already, married, unbearable

I am powerful and I am prickly
I'm ebullient, and I'm sticky,
I am good and very fresh.
You watch me do not eat!
- Who you are? - Take a closer look.
We are short adjectives.
We are strong friends with the hissing one,
A soft sign is not needed at all!

Spelling NOT with different parts speeches

One can only wonder:
NOT - part of the root, NOT - particle,
NOT - prefix. How can we be?
How not to forget all this?
If you said harshly:
- No, without NOT such a word!
So, you should definitely know:
You need NOT to write.
There are SYNONYMS in place,
We write together, we write together.
Fun, no regrets
Looking for a new value.
If you inserted a union,
So opposed
Two things, two events
Sign. Without regret
Break away from the word NOT.
It will be completely right.
I sit (not) cheerful, but sad.
Soup was some (not) tasty,
The juice was far from (not) sweet.
In general, everything is vile and disgusting.
Maybe call the doctors?
I don't seem to be well.
Or eat chocolate?
No, I don't need anything.
Why am I (not) happy?
They called daddy to school.
Yes, (not) avoidable (not) benefits
In wonderful school years!

Spelling H and HH in participles and verbal adjectives

Here is a short reference for you:
If the word has a prefix,
We two H will write again.
If these conditions do not exist,
We will meet the letter H alone.
(Roasted meat, painted chest)
CH and NN, guys, we met suddenly.
You can figure it out, the risk is small:
(Patched trousers, torn collar,
Mowed grass, plucked flower)
It's not fun. Learn a lesson.
It's easy, it's hard to forget.
A steamed turnip is easier, maybe.

That's enough
For a rating of "3".
You are in the school textbook
Look anyway.
Lots of exceptions!
Well, remember.
Teaching is not easy
Don't put your hands down.
Learn better
You will know everything.
And then you'll get
You are rated "5".

Now practice.

Remember how many N is written in participles, verbal and denominative adjectives.

    Early in the morning Pinocchio put the alphabet in his purse and ran to school.

    On the way, he did not even look at the sweets that were (N, NN) in the shop - poppy-seed triangles on honey, sweet pies and lollipops in the form of roosters, planted (N, NN) on a stick.

    Pinocchio saw canvases (N, NN) th farce, decorated with (N, NN) th multi-colored flags.

    He bought a ticket, sat in the front row and looked with delight at the lowered (H, HH) curtain. The bell struck and the curtain went up.

    There were map(H, HH) trees on the stage. A lantern in the form of a moon was reflected in a piece of a mirror on which swans swam, made (H, HH) from cotton wool. From behind the card (H, HH) tree appeared small man in a long (H, HH) shirt with long (H, HH) sleeves.

(According to A. Tolstoy)

Spelling of adverbs

Negative adverbs
Here is a special meeting -
Learning to write adverbs.
And of course, no doubt
Let's repeat the pronouns
Someone knocked on the door
But no one answered.
Someone else's door is locked
Nowhere to go now.
Nobody cares
Where to sleep for him.
No one is anywhere to be seen.
Sad, scary and embarrassing
When there is no one to talk to...
Is everything clear now, brethren?
In adverbs, pronouns

Hyphen adverbs

Somehow, just barely
Just barely
I write words all day
Difficult indeed.
First of all, I don't understand
Although I write in Russian,
Where is the hyphen and why?
From such a load
I'm ready to howl like a wolf
Barking like a dog.
What should I do? What do i do?
Does anyone even know?
Who would help in a friendly way,
Suggested in a brotherly way,
How can I learn a lesson?
How can I figure it out?
I kindly ask
Save me somehow.
I'm in a hurry to understand about the hyphen,
You explain to me.
The explanation is:
If there is a prefix COE-,
Suffix -THAT, -OR, -EVER,
Don't forget about the dash.
Very, in principle, like
But they are still different.
Take a closer look
These are adjectives.
Here is the part of speech you are looking for
It's called an adverb.
It's easy to find her
There is always a prefix PO-,
Suffix -EMU, -KI and -SKI.
Feel free to write off the board.
Wrap your nose in winter
Santa Claus hurried through the forest.
I ran through the winter forest,
He was holding a bag of gifts.
"Hey!" - from snow-covered branches
Shouted like a bird sparrow.
Like a wolf howled angrily,
The hunter shot him.
If the word is repeated
So that's how it's supposed to be.
We need to put up a sign
In this word, anyway.
What's left? Nothing.
Two prefixes B- and VO-
And, of course, secondly,
The suffix -IH and the suffix -YH.

Now practice:

    If Dunno took up some (any) business, then everything turned out to be topsy-turvy (inverted). He really wanted to learn something (something), but did not like to work.

    One day he decided to learn how to play some (some) musical instrument. Guslya gave him a balalaika. The stranger rattled and said:

    No, the balalaika plays too quietly. Give me something else, louder. - He grabbed the pipe and began to blow with all his might: "Boo-boo-boo! Gu-gu-gu-oo!" (According to N. Nosov)

Strengthening exercises

Remember the rule desired letter. Check yourself. If you find it difficult, ask your elders for help, contact your teacher or look up the word in the spelling dictionary. When checking, please Special attention to write the highlighted words.

    The woman planted ..dila a grain in a flower ..accurate pot ..k, and the grain immediately gave a river. ..current. But l .. the petals of the flower .. were tightly (c, h) reaped, just like a (not) ra (s, h) bud.

    What a lovely color..current! - said the woman and kissed the red .. gray l..p.. stitches.

    And as soon as she kissed them, inside, in the bud, something (something) clicked, and the color.

    It was (exactly) in (exactly) a tulip, but in the very h..shech?ke on a green pistil flower..tka with..a tiny girl.

(According to G.H. Andersen).

    There were once (then) twenty-five tin (n, nn) ​​s..oldat..kov, r..dny brothers by mother - the old tin (n, nn) ​​oh

    A little boy ..k, to whom they were given ..rill, got ..val s..ldat..kov one of the cards (n, nn) ​​oh and ra (s, h) st. .was on the d..r..vya (n, nn) ​​table.

    All the tin (n, nn) ​​ were exactly the same, except for one, which was with one leg. He was excelled .. the last, and a little tin .. ko (not) enough. But he was just ok .. he became the most deputy .. h .. most efficient of all.

(According to G.H. Andersen).

    ...Suok is beautiful (?) but she played a different role. She was sp..coin. She felt (?) that the role suits (?) Xia.

    There are more difficult things, she thought. “For example, to .. ignite with a .. (n, nn) ​​lamp or do a double .. somersault”. And Suok happened in the c..rk do both.

    ... St.. rkali p.. rockets. She rebuffed them with a pink One might think that this is a small flower..point (?) naya k..rzinka floats along a huge quiet

    She walked past the guards, past the skin (n, n) and iron people, which see .. trills, as a start .. rov (n, nn) ​​s. And from above, along the forest (?) nitsa, Tutti's heir descended towards the doll.

    ... Tutti's heir n .. (for) what in the world (didn't) agree .. would ra (s, s) mess with St.. her doll.

    Suok ra (s, s) told him about ts..rk:

    I have been living in the booth of Uncle Brizak for a very long time. I can dance, ride a horse and spin on a trapeze ... Oh, how I learned tw..des(?) things! She threw up her hands. - For example, I can st..stet the How? Show me! I have a wonderful key ..k, - with these words, the heir Tutti ra (s, h) st. )big white key(?).

(According to Yu. Olesha)

Now ask one of the adults to dictate the text below to you. But first, read the text aloud syllable by syllable, paying special attention to the highlighted words. Try to remember right rule. Write the text or part of it, check it. Pay attention to errors, if any. If you find it difficult to explain, ask your teacher for help.

    On the vintage wall watch the iron smith raised his hammer. Clock clicked, and the blacksmith struck the small copper anvil with his hammer. Masha stood at the window. Nanny Petrovna was dozing on couch and my mother went to the theatre. She danced in the theater but never took I drive with me. The theater was huge stone columns. On its roof soared rearing up cast iron horses. Them restrained man with a wreath on his head. horse hooves hung above area. In recent days before performance mother was very worried. She took out of the chest made from thin glass a small bouquet of flowers. It was given to my mother by Machine's father. He brought this bouquet from some distant land. Mom took glass bouquet, put him to her table and ordered Masha before him don't touch. With black white snow fell from the sky. Outside the window sitting gray-haired crow and looked at Masha. She was waiting for Petrovna to take Masha away wash your face. Then the crow flew through the open window into the room, grabbed the first thing came across on the eyes, and fled leaving wet footprints on the table. Returning, Petrovna and Masha started look for that this time dragged away crow. Most often she dragged sugar, biscuits and sausage. The crow lived in boarded up for the winter stall, where in the summer it was sold ice cream. In the crevices of the stall she hid the pieces frozen sausages, apple peel and silver candy papers. The crow croaked angrily, and policeman on the next corner looked back and listened. One day a crow found a small disheveled sparrow named Pashka. (According to K. Paustovsky)

    The heat had been above the ground for a whole month. Adults said that this heat is visible "unarmed" eye.
    Do you see yellow smoke? Uncle Gleb said to five-year-old Tanya. - That's the heat.
    The little tree frog suffered the most from the heat. She lived in the yard, under an elder bush. One day she found a gap under the door in stone cellar, jumped there. And when the young worker Arisha descended into the cellar, the frog hid behind broken floral pot. Frog in the evening made her way to the garden, where in the flowerbed blossomed fragrant tobacco and grew bushy asters. The frog was waiting for people to stop walking, talk, screw lamps, and the house at once will become dark and mysterious.... Bearded Gleb was an experienced fisherman. Every evening he cleaned tablecloth from the table, carefully poured out gilded boxes hooks and started to fix your fishing rods. Tanya not allowed come to the table to some "fly" hook did not stick her finger. Once Gleb caught a frog, which dragged from a can of worms cooked For fishing.
    - This is extraordinary frog, - said Gleb to Tanya. - If she climbs on a branch and starts croaking, it will rain.
    Tanya planted frog in glass grass jar, put there maple twig and put the jar on windowsill. (According to K. Paustovsky).


This book is not a textbook
But I'm not a magician either.
To study well
Need to know pretty well
Everything that is given to you at school,
Dear Masha, Kolya,
Katya, Sasha and Natasha.
This book is our help.
At leisure, after school
Read a funny poem.
If you remember, well, fine.
The main thing is to be clear
So that you can easily, with a smile
Write everything without error.

Class on extracurricular activities

Course "School of Speech Development"

Theme "Fun Grammar"


Develop cognitive interest to mastering the knowledge of the Russian language.

Class form: KVN

Event progress

Teacher: What can be in the world better language! With the help we study sciences and gain knowledge. With the help of language, people can communicate with each other, decide various questions, ask, inspire for exploits, express joy, affection, declare love.

Student 1.

Generous people's legacy

I love our beautiful language

After all, I speak Russian since childhood,

Like a mother, I got used to it.

Student 2.

Life goes ahead of the dictionary.

How many new cases, events, feelings!

Expressing your thoughts in Russian

I learn a lot from my ancestors.

Student 3.

Forever logged in without translation

Russian good words

Into the speech and soul of every nation

On the rights of spiritual kinship.

Student 4.

I have the key to all sciences,

I am familiar with the whole universe -

It's because I own

Russian great language.

Teacher: How much good words said famous people about Russian! Konstantin Georgievich Paustovsky said: “Miracles can be done with the Russian language. There is nothing in life and in our minds that could not be conveyed in Russian: the sound of music, the brilliance of colors, the play of light, the noise and shadow of gardens, the vagueness of sleep, the rumbling of thunderstorms, the whisper of children and the rustle of sea gravel. There are no such sounds, images and thoughts - complex and simple - for which there would be no exact expression in our language.

Writer Alexei Nikolayevich Tolstoy said: “The Russian people created the Russian language - bright as a rainbow after a spring shower, accurate as arrows, melodious and rich, sincere, like a song over a cradle ...”

And the famous poet K. Balmont wrote a poem about the Russian language.

Student 5.

Language, our magnificent language,

River and steppe expanse in it,

In it screams of an eagle and a wolf roar,

Chanting and ringing, and pilgrimage incense.

In it the cooing of a dove in the spring,

Rise of the lark to the sun higher, higher.

Birch Grove. Light through.

Heavenly rain spilled on the roofs.

Teacher. Dear guys, I want you to study your native language with pleasure, because it is so interesting. Let's do it all together an amusing trip by country Grammar. Three commands will help us to do this. One is called Literates, the other is Connoisseurs, the 3rd is Smarties.

The jury will help us evaluate the achievements of the teams.

Our path through the country of Grammar will not be easy. The team that will overcome all obstacles with honor will become the winner. So let's go!

Team View

Team 1 "Literacy"

We are funny guys

And we do not like to be bored.

We will be happy to play with you.

Team 2 "Experts"

We answer together

And here there is no doubt:

Today there will be friendship

The mistress of victories.

Team 3 "Clever"

And let the fight rage on

Stronger competition:

Success is not fate

But only our knowledge.

1 task

Teacher: A famous Russian writer said this about the Russian language.

“Language is the history of the people. Language is the path of civilization and culture... That is why the study and preservation of the Russian language is not an idle occupation from nothing to do, but an urgent necessity. Kuprin

Your task is to choose from a set of letters those that do not repeat and name his last name.

Well done! You have completed this task.

From the smallest units with which we begin the study of our native language - letters, we move on to larger ones - words. A. Shibaev's poem "Words, words, words ..."

Student 6.

Everything has a name given to both the beast and the object.

There are a lot of things around, but there are no nameless ones!

And all that the eye can see

Above us and below us

And everything that we have in our memory is signified by words.

Student 7.

Words are heard here and there

Outdoors and at home:

One has long been familiar to us,

The other one is unfamiliar...

Language is both old and forever new!

And it's so beautiful

In the vast sea - the sea of ​​​​words -

Bathe daily!

Task 2 "Who is more?"

Which team will make more words, namely common nouns, from the letters of the word "grammar". A point for each word.

3 task "Anagrams"

Each team is offered 6 words, from which you need to get new words by swapping the letters

1. Vobla………, hair………., fist….., goods…….., dewdrop…….., oil…..

2. Roller…….., waterfall………, clown……, washing……, rocket………, brand….

3. Loyalty………., challenge…….., reeds…….., falcon….., pump……, midges…….

Answers: 1. Vobla-collapse, hair-word, fist-doll, product-decoction, dew-mote, oil-resin.

2. Roller-fork, waterfall-supply, clown-pendant-slope, wash-old man, rocket-carriage, stamp-frame.

3. Loyalty-jealousy, challenge-export, reed-mouse, falcon-ear, pump-pine, midge-chamomile.

Student 8.

This is so, and not otherwise,

You, my friend, do not cross me:

People began to live richer

But speech became poorer.

Oral literature goes out -

Conversational beauty;

Retreating into the unknown

Speeches of Russian miracles.

Student 9.

Hundreds of words native and well-aimed,

Locked up like caged birds

Dozing in thick dictionaries.

You let them out of there

Return to everyday life,

So that speech - a human miracle -

Not missing these days.

4 task "Fairytale letter»

Task: Each child should draw a fabulous letter.

Teacher: Imagine that you are in a fairyland. Letters live here. Draw what they might look like, dream up.

5 task"Proverbs"

Teacher: For a long time no one argues with the statement that the Russian language is the richest in the world. One of its values ​​is a huge number of proverbs and sayings that have come to us from time immemorial and are still being created by oral folk art. They express folk wisdom, and using them in your speech will help make it more vivid, original, interesting. Now I want to invite you to continue the proverbs.

Student 10.

Proverbs are not in vain they say,

You can't live without them!

They are great helpers.

And true friends in life.

Sometimes they guide us

The wise give advice

Sometimes they teach

And save us from trouble.

Task 6 "Make up a story"

Make up a sentence or story in which all words begin with the same letter.

Connoisseurs with letters "k". Literacy with letter "m". smarties with the letter "r"»

How many words you use, how many points you get.

Student 11.

Learn Russian - years in a row,

With soul, with diligence, with mind!

A great reward awaits you

And that reward is in himself.

Summarizing. Presentation of certificates to the winners.

Explanatory note

Knowledge of the native language and love for the language are inextricably linked with love for the motherland. The better we know the language, the deeper and more fully we master it, the more we love it, the richer our inner world becomes, the more sublime and noble our feelings, our actions. Therefore, in the decision challenging tasks Education of students plays an important role in extracurricular work in the language, which consolidates, expands and deepens the knowledge of students.

The optional "Merry Grammar" is designed to arouse students' interest in the phenomena of live speech, to develop the inquisitiveness of the mind and curiosity characteristic of children. The work of the circle is built in such a way as not to duplicate the material of the lessons, but to expand and deepen the knowledge of children, educating them in attention and love for the word. However, classes are linked, if possible, with the material of the Russian language lessons. To this end, grammatical and word games, riddles are selected so as to consolidate and deepen students' knowledge on that grammar topic, which in this moment being studied. Material for classes is selected taking into account its difficulty and preparedness of students. Each lesson serves the practical purposes of developing a culture of speech, mastering the skills of literate writing. The main condition for the successful work of an elective is the saturation of each lesson entertaining material and maximum use of game elements.

All students can participate in the circle, regardless of their academic performance.

The work plan of the circle "Merry Grammar"

Topic of the lesson

the date of the


You must be fluent in Russian! About the greatness of the Russian language and its global significance. Sayings of great people about the Russian language.


Without knowledge of grammar, you will not learn either history or mathematics. What is grammar and why should it be studied.


Red speech is a proverb. About proverbs and sayings in our speech.

Russian folk riddles.

First, az and beeches - then all the sciences. Brief information from the history of the Russian alphabet.

The beauty of Russian speech. Features of some vowels and consonants. Onomatopoeia.

Look - don't break your tongue. Exercises and games with tongue twisters.

How to solve letter puzzles and charades.

Cheerful and crying letter. Some features of the letters F and Y.

How many KOS are there in the world? Problems and games with homonyms.

Do rain and snow "walk"? Polysemy of words. The use of words in a figurative sense.

Brothers Yer and Yer. On the use of ъ and ь in writing. Tasks and games.

Word pulse. Stress in Russian. Exercises and tasks with homographs.

Insect WHO or WHAT? On the meaning and characteristics of nouns. Games and tasks about nouns.

Everything grows from the root. Talk about ancestors modern words. Interesting cases of alternation of sounds in the roots of words. Games with single-root words.

How words are born. On the ways of word formation in the Russian language. Solving charades and puzzles.

If you know the parts of a word, you will write them sensibly. Difficult cases analysis of words by composition. Tasks for spelling prefixes.

Vowels and consonants, disagree with us. On the spelling of unstressed vowels and unpronounceable consonants in the root.

Why do we say so? Acquaintance with Russian phraseology.

Final event "Merry Grammar"

Summing up the results of the elective course. Planning for the next year.

Russian language teacher Gulnara Bayazitova

Considered Agreed Approved

at a meeting of the Ministry of Defense at the NMS Order No.

Protocol No. Protocol No. dated "___" _____2011

dated "___" _____2011 "___" _______2011 Head teacher


Goals and objectives:

    Expansion and deepening of knowledge in the Russian language.

    Education of attention and love for the word.

    The development of curiosity.

Main forms of work:

    individual and group work;

    independent work;

    differentiated tasks;

    game lessons.

Expected results:

    improving the quality of academic performance;

    ability to work with reference literature;

    the desire to study Russian grammar in depth.


1. Ivanova V.A. Interestingly about the Russian language.

2. Grigoryan L.T. My tongue is my friend.

3. Shansky N.M. In the world of words.

4. Granik G.G. Spelling Secrets.

5. Shansky N.M. Linguistic detectives.

6. Mikhnevich A.E. Stories about the Russian language.

7. Podgaetskaya I.M. Raising students' interest in learning the Russian language.

Extracurricular activities in elementary school. Abstract of the lesson on the circle "Merry Grammar".

Sergeeva Anna Vladimirovna, educator of the extended day group, MBOU Sukromlenskaya secondary school named after M.N. Vinogradova, Sukromlya village, Torzhoksky district, Tver region.
This development may be of interest to organizers of extracurricular activities, teachers additional education, teachers elementary school, educators of after-school groups and is intended for students in grade 2.
Target: develop interest in their native language.
- Increasing the interest of primary school students in reading fiction, the source of literacy.
- Expanding the scope of knowledge in the field of grammar.
- Formation of skills of analysis and generalization in working with text.
1 task. Listen carefully, I want to hear from you answers to my riddles.
1. This book is not simple; letters are studied from it. (ABC).
2. She has letters to letters in a row.
Literate without shyness tells the news. (Newspaper).
3. Guess what the article can be divided into? (Chapter).
4. There is a fellow in the apartment
- Mathematician and sage.
Constantly, all year round
He keeps an accurate account of the days. (Calendar).
5. I know everything, I teach everyone,
But I'm always silent
To befriend me
Need to learn to read. (Book).
2nd task: Name words consisting of 1 syllable (house, juice, onion, cat, shock, current);
from 2 syllables (lamp, porridge, soap, cat, window, carpet);
of 3 syllables (pencil, piggy bank, shop window, chicken, trolleybus, passenger). (For each correct answer, a chip).
3. task. Now everyone stand in a circle. I will ask questions, and those to whom I will throw the ball will answer.
1. What is the name of several sentences related in meaning? (Text).
2. What do offers consist of? (From words).
3. What separates one sentence from another? (punctuation marks).
4. What sign is placed at the end of a sentence if it contains a question? (Question mark).
5. What sign is placed at the end of the incentive sentence? (Exclamation point).
6. What is the name of the sentence, which reports something or someone. (Narrative).
7. What does it mean oral speech? (This is when we speak and hear).
Leading: Now let's sit down at the tables, work in notebooks.
4. Task: Find the sentence that contains the error.
1) The sun was shining brightly.
2) How quiet in the autumn forest!
3) Who wears a house on himself!
5. Task: Set up punctuation marks.
1) How beautiful it is in the autumn forest
2) Where cranberries grow
3) colorful butterflies flew to the field
6. Task: Set up punctuation marks. How many sentences are in the text?
A squirrel lives on the top of a pine tree; it likes to gnaw nuts and cones on the grass around the trunk, shells usually lie and cleaning in autumn, mushroom caps are often visible on the branches; these are squirrel winter stocks.
(A squirrel lives on the top of a pine tree. She loves to gnaw nuts and cones. Shells and peelings usually lie on the grass around the trunk. In autumn, mushroom caps are often visible on the branches. These are squirrel winter stocks.) (5 sentences). Guys, list what we did? What is oral speech and written speech? What is text? What was difficult for you?