DIY flowers for a vase. Tips for making a floor vase with your own hands

Glass and plastic bottles come in a wide variety of shapes and sizes, making them excellent material for making vases. Today Dekorin invites you to learn how to make vases from bottles with your own hands using improvised means. 29 photos with step by step instructions are waiting for you!

DIY plastic bottle vase

Plastic bottles are very flexible. They are easy to cut with scissors or a clerical knife, making the vase of plastic bottle can have absolutely any shape. Here are just a few of the ways you can do it yourself:

  • Cut beautiful patterns on the surface;
  • Wrap with strips of fabric, ribbons, cords;
  • Paint with spray or regular paint;
  • Decorate with branches, coffee beans and other natural materials.

Ideas and step by step instructions for this you will find in the photo below:

Crafts on the table: plastic vases from bottles

Also read:

Do-it-yourself floor vase from plastic bottles

Also read:

How to make a glass bottle vase

Ways to decorate glass bottles for wine, beer and other drinks are no less diverse. Despite the fact that their shape is much more difficult to change (the maximum is to cut off the neck), do-it-yourself vases from glass bottles turn out to be much more elegant and interesting. Vases from tall and narrow glass bottles are often used in "sets", placing 1-3 flowers in each of them.

At the same time, home-made vases from cognac and other low bottles can be decorated with beads, shells and act as an independent decorative element.

Unlike plastic containers, a glass bottle vase is usually stained from the inside. The paint is simply poured into bottles, where it spreads freely along the walls. Thanks to this, vases not only receive new color but also retain the glossy shine of the glass.

An exception is the process of painting with an aerosol. It allows you to evenly apply paint on the surface of the glass, without the formation of smears. Use this option if you want to make your own frosted glass bottle vases or give them an ombre effect.

Using stencils or hand painting skills, you can give a beautiful pattern to a bottle vase.

In addition to painting, you can also:

  1. Wrap a glass bottle with thick thread or twine;
  2. Decorate it with ribbons, lace or fabric;
  3. Apply decoupage.

In the following photos you will see examples of such work.

How to make a vase from a bottle and pieces of fabric: examples with knitwear, lace and felt (the latter can be replaced with felt).

The last 3 photos in this article show bottle vases made with decoupage. As we already wrote in our article, it is recommended to thin the decoupage paper with sandpaper or soak it in water before gluing it to the surface.

Good luck with your creativity!

DIY bottle vases - 29 photos with creative ideas updated: December 26, 2016 by: Margarita Glushko

A vase is not just an object where you can put donated or purchased flowers, it can also be a wonderful interior decoration, and there are many various options its use. Bouquets of fresh or dried flowers, beautiful plant branches can be placed in small table vases. Flat options you can fill it with decorative pebbles, shells, put knitting in them or put candles. Large floor vases, even empty ones, can become a bright and original interior decoration - you just need to choose a model of the right size and made of suitable material. We offer you several lessons on how you can make them yourself or decorate purchased ones.

Lesson #1

You will need:

  • tin or plastic jars from powdered milk, flakes, etc. How high and wide the floor vase will turn out depends on their number and size;
  • palm fiber raffia;
  • glue.

Remove the plastic cover and tear off the label - you won't need them. Using a knife or scissors, cut off the bottom of all but one of the cans - you should end up with cardboard (or tin) cylinders. Put the jars one on top of the other (the jar with the bottom should be located at the very bottom) and use adhesive tape to glue them together from the inside.

If you use light plastic or cardboard cans, then they should be "weighted" so that it does not tip over - to do this, fill the plastic bag with pebbles and put them on the bottom. Wrap our blank from cans.

Now you can put bamboo, reeds or any other ornamental plants in it.

Master class №2

Instead of palm fiber, you can use twine, and instead of cardboard or tin cylinders, choose a vase that you like. Start winding the vase from the bottom, and glue the twine with a hot glue gun.

Lesson #3

The finished vase can also be decorated with branches cut into “washers”. For this you will need:

  • tree branches (diameter from 0.5 cm to 3 cm);
  • saw;
  • sandpaper;
  • a ceramic vase on which you will stick wooden "washers";
  • glue for wood;
  • oil or stain for woodworking.

We recommend that you use this technique to decorate a tall square vase or a cylindrical vessel - this way the wooden "washers" will be easier to glue, they will stick better and will not remain on the surface empty seats. In addition, sanding wood is easier if it is glued to a flat surface, without bends.

Using a saw, cut a branch (one or more - depending on the size of the vase) into washers about 0.5 cm thick. Their number also depends on the size of the vase. You can use both washers of the same diameter, and different - at your discretion.

Glue the wooden "washers" one by one, applying glue to the wood and then pressing the washer firmly against the vase. Do not be afraid to apply 2-3 mm of glue - it should be evenly distributed over the entire surface to be glued.

After the glue is completely dry, you can start sanding the protruding pieces of wood. Also lightly sand the surface of the washers so that they are smooth, without nicks from the saw. After that, brush off the wood dust and apply stain, varnish or protective oil in 1 layer.

Lesson #4

You will need:

  • birch bark cylinders (their diameter should be slightly larger than the diameter of the vase that you insert inside the planter);
  • yarn;
  • container with warm water;
  • scissors, hot glue gun.

If the cylinders are too wide or tall, we recommend that you unfold them and, after marking with a pencil, cut them to the desired size with scissors.

Now you can roll the birch bark into a cylinder. We recommend that you pre-soak the birch bark in warm water to soften it up. Fold the bark "overlap", overlaying one edge on the other. Apply hot glue, glue the cylinder and tie it with thread or decorative braid. You can also glue a cardboard cylinder, wrap it with birch bark and glue it.

Lesson #5

The effect of "birch bark" can also be achieved with the help of paint and household rubber bands.

You will need:

  • glass vase;
  • household rubber bands;
  • spray paint in three colors (dark brown, light brown and white paint was used in the lesson).

Paint the vase Brown color using two shades - light and dark. After the paint is completely dry, put the rubber bands on it, arranging them the way you like. When doing this, remember that the places covered with rubber bands will remain brown. Now paint the vase White color by spraying the paint evenly. To prevent the brown base from showing through, apply several layers of paint. Leave the vase to dry for about 24 hours, then carefully remove the rubber bands.

Lesson #6

In such a vase, decorated "under the tree" bouquets from autumn leaves and berries.

You will need:

  • glass vase;
  • transparent sealant;
  • spray paint with the effect of frozen glass;
  • white spray paint.

First of all, clean the vase of dust with glass cleaner. Apply sealant to the vase, trying to create a pattern that resembles the texture of wood. Make sure that the sealant adheres tightly to the glass surface.

After the image is ready, leave the vase to dry for 24 hours. After the sealant dries, you can start painting. First, apply one coat of frosted glass effect paint.

Wait for the paint to dry, then apply one or two coats of white paint.

Master class number 7

You will need:

  • a wooden block 2.5 thick and 5 cm wide;
  • glue for wood;
  • nails.

Saw the block into 20 cm long boards (32 boards in total). It's okay if some planks are longer and others shorter.

Fold 8 squares, fastening the bars together with glue. Additionally, you can nail the planks to each other with nails. Fold the squares one on top of the other and fasten them together also with glue and nails. Arrange the squares, slightly shifting them relative to each other.

After the glue dries, cover the workpiece with paint or stain.

Vases made of glass or ceramics, painted and decorated with your own hands, can become great gift, wedding decoration or decor item for your home. Hand painting on glass / ceramics, depending on the desired pattern and technique, can be either complex, requiring skills, or very simple, accessible to beginners.

Master class number 1: Stylish geometry for beginners

To create such a concise and stylish decor do-it-yourself vases do not need to be able to draw - even and neat stripes, zigzags and intersecting lines can be created using masking tape.

You will need: spray paint, acrylic or stained glass paint for glass and ceramics, a brush (a synthetic brush is suitable for acrylic paints, a natural brush is suitable for stained glass), masking tape (better of different widths), as well as nail polish remover or alcohol to degrease the surface, cotton pads and sticks.

Drawing technique:

  1. Degrease a ceramic or glass vase with a cotton pad and any degreaser;
  2. As soon as the surface dries, we glue the vase with adhesive tape according to the stencil principle, for example, as shown in these photos (scroll to the right).

Tip: very beautiful effect can be achieved by pasting the vase with narrow tape as shown below.

  1. We put the vase on the newspaper and begin to carefully paint over the unglued areas and the bottom, going over the adhesive tape so that the edges of the pattern on the vase are clear. AT this master class spray paint is used, but you can use acrylic or stained glass paints, and also add contours to the drawing.
  2. Now it remains to wait for the paint to dry completely. Drying time for all paints is different, so you need to focus on the manufacturer's instructions. Spray paints dry very quickly and do not require baking, but acrylic and stained glass paints can usually be baked by putting the vase in the oven for 15 minutes at 150 degrees, or letting them dry naturally 2-4 hours.

For your inspiration, we have selected the most beautiful ideas decorating vases with your own hands using adhesive tape. Take a look at the photo below - this simple decor can decorate even the most elegant wedding.

Floor vases are very large, and therefore hand-painting on them is a long and laborious task, but using adhesive tape as a stencil, you can decorate them as quickly as possible.

Be careful when choosing paint colors. Unusual shades, such as gold, silver, copper, pastel, as well as white and black, will immediately turn an ordinary glass or ceramic vase into a designer decor item.

Master class number 2: Dot painting of a vase

For those who are not looking for easy ways and want to decorate a vase with a more complex pattern, we suggest mastering the dot painting technique, which is also called pique or point-to-point.

You will need: alcohol or acetone, cotton pads and sticks for degreasing and correcting the pattern, and for drawing, prepare high-quality contour paints, for example, from Marabu or Decola. Also you can use acrylic paints and a small synthetic brush, Q-tip, or toothpick.

Drawing technique:

  1. First you need to degrease the vase and wait for it to dry.
  2. Dot painters can apply a design to a vase without the help of sketches, masterfully improvising in the process of creation. But it is better for novice decorators to first outline the outlines of the desired pattern.

  • You can transfer the picture to an opaque vase using a soft simple pencil: print or draw a picture in the right size, cut it out, and put it on another sheet of paper “face down”, and then carefully paint over the inside of the leaflet with the pattern with a pencil. Your task is to generously cover the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe picture with a lead. Now you should attach and fix with adhesive tape a piece of paper painted inside out to the vase, and then draw the outlines of the picture with the same pencil (preferably blunt) as shown in the photo on the right. Thus, a barely noticeable sketch will remain on the surface, which will make your work easier;
  • To paint a glass vase, just print or draw an auxiliary sketch by hand, and then glue it on the back.

Tip: when choosing a pattern for transparent vase remember that the patterns or images on its walls will intersect with each other. Therefore, it is better to place the main drawing on one side of the vase, and apply a background, that is, an unobtrusive painting, to the rest of it.

  1. Before you start painting vases, practice putting dots of the same size on paper, maintaining an equal interval, which should be such that the dots are distinguishable, but at the same time form a single unbroken line.

Test all contours - they should not be liquid and thick. Also prepare a needle to clean the tip of the tube and a cotton swab to correct a failed drawing.

If applying a bitmap directly from the tube seems difficult for you or you don’t have contour paints, it doesn’t matter, use acrylic paints. points different size can be set using improvised means - an eraser on a pencil, toothpicks, needles, a cotton swab, a small brush and even its blunt end as shown in the photo.

  1. When the drawing is finished, put the vase in the oven to bake according to the manufacturer's recommendations. As a rule, paints dry completely in 24-72 hours naturally or by baking in the oven for 30 minutes at a temperature of 170 degrees (if you used baked contours). Of course, large floor vases that do not fit in the oven should be dried naturally.

Ideas for decorating a ceramic vase can be gleaned from the following selection of photos.

And here are examples of spot painting on glass.

Master class number 3: Stained glass painting of a glass vase

Contours can be drawn not only in dot technique - in combination with stained glass paints, hand-painted vases can imitate stained glass.

You will need: degreaser, cotton pads and sticks, contours, stained glass paints, a natural brush, as well as an auxiliary sketch, printed or hand-drawn (if necessary).

Tip: stained glass paints come in different bases. For painting a vase, paints on alcohol or water are suitable. Also keep in mind that non-baking paints need to be fixed with a special varnish for stained glass painting. This option is more suitable for decorating a large floor vase, which will not fit in the oven, in other cases it is better to buy baked paints.

Drawing technique:

  1. Degrease the glass;
  2. Secure the sketch from the inside of the vase;
  3. Starting from the back of the drawing, draw closed contours, adjusting the lines if necessary. Then let the contours dry for about 2 hours. A hair dryer or baking in the oven for 15 minutes (150 degrees) will help speed up the process;

It has long been used to decorate living rooms, hallways and bedrooms. They fit easily into almost every interior and are spectacular decor rooms. A vase can have a strict laconic design or, on the contrary, be decorated with rich stucco and gilding, have different shape and height. On the this moment in the assortment of stores there is a huge number of vases from famous decorators and ordinary trademarks, so choosing the right model is not difficult. But if you want something original with an unusual author's decor, then it is better to make a floor vase with your own hands. So you can realize your own ideas and not waste precious time looking for the desired product in stores.

Making a floor vase with your own hands

The basis for crafts can serve as plastic and glass bottles, newspapers, metal pipes and old unwanted vases. Here, the method of using thick cardboard will be clearly demonstrated. So, to make a vase, you will need the following tools and materials:

  • cardboard tube, thick sheets;
  • a piece of fiberboard;
  • felt-tip pen or pencil;
  • scissors and PVA glue;
  • newspapers;
  • sandpaper;
  • putty.

Do-it-yourself floor vase will be carried out in several stages:

  1. Cut the cardboard tube to the required length and glue it to the fiberboard base.
  2. Make blanks. The shape of your future will depend on the shape of the blanks. Please note that the more details there are, the easier it is to work on the product in the future. The optimal number of blanks is 25-30 pieces.
  3. Glue the cut blanks around the perimeter of the pipe. For attachment, you will need a special hot glue gun with silicone rods (“hot glue”).
  4. Using newspapers and PVA glue, glue the resulting base. Leave the product for a few days by the battery so that the glue has time to dry.
  5. Primer. Dilute the putty with PVA glue and coat the product with the resulting mass. Leave the fake for a day so that the papier-mâché has time to grab. When the surface becomes hard, treat it sandpaper. Continue the procedure until the workpiece is smooth and even.
  6. Decor. The most interesting stage of work. Patterns are molded from keraplast, salt dough or plastic and glued onto the surface of the vase with glue. To make small ornaments, you need to use chopped and folded into strings paper napkins. Wet napkin threads can be twisted into petals, spirals and wavy lines. After all dry decorative elements open the surface with PVA glue diluted with water.
  7. Painting. Apply acrylic lacquer to the entire surface of the vase. You can shade some elements with gilding (it can be sprayed from spray cans).

As a result, you will get a luxurious floor vase, which will be difficult to distinguish from a purchased one. To make its design even more interesting, you can use craquelure, bitumen or special patterns for decoupage. If you want to get an unusual relief surface, then go over the selected area with glue and fill this place with small cereals (millet, peas), decorative beads or beads.

Please note that you cannot pour liquid into such a vase and store fresh flowers. It is better to use artificial plants or tree branches.

Beautiful do-it-yourself floor vases: manufacturing methods

Do not think that a vase can only be made from thick paper. Here you can use boxes, bottles, newspaper tubes, plastic cans. You can decorate the product with threads, wire, shells and even pistachio shells. Looks very fancy and creative!

The floor vase is very original decoration any interior that gives it charm and special beauty. Today you can find a huge number of them in the markets, in fashion stores, where best goods for home decoration. But it's better to create an original DIY floor vase from improvised materials. Here you can give free rein to your imagination and come up with any designs. After all, for sure, somewhere in the closets or in the outbuilding you have plastic containers of paint, coffee idle, or maybe a tower of broken buckets has already lined up. We propose to find them useful application. In this article, we will tell you how to make a vase with your own hands, and present several options for creating floor vases for your home.

So, let's start in order. To start working on any floor vase, you should prepare the base - a container, which we will then decorate. To make it, decide what size your floor vase will be. The best option- use coffee, tea or cereal cans, as well as old shades. They must all be the same size in the amount of 5 pieces. One jar, which will be at the very bottom, must be left in its original form, and the bottom of the remaining 4 must be cut out. This can be done with a knife or regular scissors. After that, start alternately gluing the jars with each other with tape. The result should be a base that looks like a small pipe. You can experiment with it further in this way:

  • Change its shape with cardboard and newspapers: to do this, first find as much newsprint as possible and crumple it, because it is from this material that the volume for the vase will be made. Cardboard is needed to create the frame of the shape you choose.
  • The prepared base for the floor phase must be smeared with gypsum from above so that all its internal contents are well fixed.

Master class number 1: Floor vases for flowers"Forest Fairy"

The name of the collection of vases that we will present below does not sound so accidental. The fact is that the main material that will be used to create them is forest products: cones, acorns, twigs, pieces of wood, dry leaves, and so on. Below are some of the most interesting designs in our opinion:

  1. From wooden "washers". To do this, apply 2-3 mm of super-glue to each “washer” over its entire surface, and then attach it to the base of the vase. After you glue all the elements, sand them and varnish them. You will get a chic product for the living room.
  1. From bamboo. For this decor, the easiest way is to buy a small roll of bamboo wallpaper, which you simply wrap around the base of the vase. It will turn out stylish, cheap and tasteful. Such a vase can decorate the interior of the kitchen or hallway. It will look great home flower.
  1. From branches. Find branches of the same tree of the same size, they should be longer than the base for the floor vase. Tie all the branches with a thread from above and below. Secure each branch with a simple knot, then you will get a strong bundle, with which you will need to wrap the base for the vase. It is only desirable to wrap this base in advance with burlap. After all, there may be gaps between the branches, behind which the base will be visible. To make these gaps look nice, use burlap or any other fabric that you like best.
  1. From bars. In this case, even the base may not be needed. You need to take several bars 5 mm wide and 2.5 thick, saw them into equal parts, so that the length of one plank is about 20 cm. Then you need to fold several squares from them (their number depends on the height of the floor you planned vases). By the way, the boards can be glued special means for wood, and knock down with nails. Each square needs to be folded on top of each other, it can be asymmetrical, so the product will even look more original.

Master class number 2: Floor vases for flowers "Hi-tech"

Today, vases made in this style are very popular. They are made very simply, but they look just gorgeous. We bring to your attention several options for decorating floor vases in the Hi-tech style.

  1. Thread decor. It can be absolutely any yarn. What should be done? Take the base for the vase, grease it with glue and wrap it tightly. There should be no gaps between each layer of threads - this is very important, because if you allow this, you will spoil the whole beauty of the product.

  1. From a rope. The execution technique is the same as when decorating the base with threads. But the view is just amazing. Such a vase can decorate any interior, exotic artificial flowers and potted plants will look great in it.
  1. From palm fiber raffia. The execution system is similar to previous versions.

Master class number 3: Floor vases for flowers "Modern"

This option is for the lazy, or for those who like to paint dishes. It is more similar in technique to the decoupage of ready-made cheap plastic vases without any decorative elements. What decor options can be here:

  1. "Mosaic from a painted plate." We'll have to sacrifice one or two beautiful plates. They need to be broken up so that the pieces are approximately the same size. They will need to be planted with glue on plastic vase, decorating them completely. All cracks between the fragments must be covered with plaster so that there are no sharp edges. Once this is done and the plaster has dried, open your piece with varnish.
  1. "Watercolor". To create such a decor, you need to have drawing skills. If you have the talent of a painter, then creating a masterpiece product will not create any difficulty for you.