A niche in the wall: tips on how to make it yourself and use it in design (80 photos). Niches in plasterboard walls: design options and do-it-yourself creation

We are interested in such a question as a niche in the wall, how to beautifully decorate this element of a modern interior. This issue is especially relevant for owners of small living rooms in city apartments.

Ways to create a niche

Making a niche in the wall is a great alternative to bulky furniture walls, interesting option decoration, which allows, due to the play of shades and colors, to bring dynamism and harmony into the interior. Apart from decorative features, you can use the design to make visual adjustments to the perception of the size of the room. space lovers and bright interiors in the living room can use it to install a modern TV.

Attention ! Plasma panel in the building is a great way to solve several problems at once: hide electric wires; create cozy place for family holidays.

Besides, original design niches in the wall (examples in the photo) will allow you to abandon bulky cabinets. You can make additional shelves in it, place books, frames with photographs on them, decorative vases. To highlight this decorative element, it is desirable to make additional illumination around its entire perimeter. Spotlights installed inside will look great in the interior.

For elongated models, small ceiling lights are suitable.

Advice ! If the design made is intended for mirrors and paintings, then decorative sconces will be required.

Creating a niche with your own hands

The actions associated with modeling a decorative recess in the wall begin with marking the wall. Based on the purpose for which the decor element will be used, determine the height, depth, width. Plates are attached at a small distance, which will become a frame for metal profiles. Next, they proceed to fixing the profiles with special screws around the entire perimeter of the wall.

Attention ! It is important to check the correctness of the geometric lines using a level and a plumb line.

Once the main frame is ready, you can proceed to its sheathing. This will require sheets. construction drywall. For their fastening, self-tapping screws are required. All joints between the sheets are closed with a special reinforcing tape. Then the structure is puttied, after complete drying it must be sanded. At the final stage, a fine finish is performed. You can pick up decorative plaster, paint the structure, glue it with wallpaper, line it with artificial stone or ceramic tiles.

Niche versatility

For those property owners who have a negative attitude towards shelving, chests of drawers, cabinets, we advise you to organize an original niche on one of the walls of the room, replacing it with pieces of furniture.

Advantages of such a solution:

  • real space savings in the room;
  • creating a full-fledged place to store numerous little things;
  • the possibility of placing equipment;
  • saving money on the purchase of expensive furniture

This design, made of drywall, is complemented by wooden or glass shelves, reminiscent of a finished rack.

If you plan to use a niche in the wall in the living room as a decorative element, there is no need to adhere to clear geometric shapes, make a large recess in the wall. Armed with imagination, you can create unusual patterns, complement them with original lighting, paint niche elements in contrasting colors.

With the help of this decorative element, you can emphasize the taste of the owners of the house. Subject to all the nuances of construction, it will visually increase the size of the living room. Due to the plasticity of drywall, you can create not only classic rectangular structures, but also a variety of complex arched options.

The style of the structure being created should correspond to the overall design of the room, then the design will be its original decoration. Otherwise, it will not "fit" into the interior, become a "spot", spoil the overall impression.

With all the outward simplicity of creating these structures, they will require time, mathematical calculations, and creative imagination. When thinking about how to arrange a niche in the wall, it is important to take into account color transitions, lighting, only then the niche will be a functional decoration of the living room.

Making a niche in the kitchen

A drywall niche is a great solution for a kitchen interior. It will not only bring some "zest" to general style, but will also help mask the flaws of the walls. Let's analyze the features of creating a drywall niche in a modern kitchen.

We offer an algorithm for creating a niche in the kitchen on our own.

  1. Project development. On the this stage it is important to consider the size of the kitchen, its layout.
  2. Implementation of markup.
  3. Mounting metal frame, fixing drywall sheets.

Let us dwell in more detail on the stages of creating this element in the kitchen.

The home master does not need a complicated project documentation, but without a drawing it is difficult to count on obtaining the desired result.

You can limit yourself to a small drawing, which will indicate the dimensions of the kitchen, the location of the heating battery, furniture, electrical switches and sockets. The quality and reliability of the resulting niche directly depends on the correctness of the drawing made. Designers consider installing a TV in it a practical option. In addition to being protected from kitchen dust and dirt, the hostess will be able to watch her favorite movie without being distracted from the cooking process.

Attention ! When drawing up a drawing, consider the thickness metal profile. A niche designed for heavy household appliances will require a thick profile.

If you decide to organize decorative lighting inside the recess, do not choose high-power lamps, as a fire may occur due to overheating.

At the stage of marking, the preliminary drawing is transferred to the wall in which it is planned to create a niche. The markings must be clear, indicating the places of fixation of the metal frame in order to avoid errors. Available in the kitchen uneven wall, you will need a polyurethane foam tape, which will give a snug fit of the profile to the wall.

Installation of the original niche in the kitchen is completely similar to creating it in the living room, no special manipulations are required.


The algorithm is quite simple, it is suitable for any room. With a horizontal orientation of the niche, you can visually expand the width of the kitchen walls. The vertical option will emphasize the height of the kitchen ceiling. If the ceiling in the kitchen is made in two levels, the niche design should also be of complex geometric shape. In the resulting recess, you can place numerous kitchen utensils. Niches suitable for installation washing machines, dishwashers, microwave oven, refrigerator. In addition, it is possible to put a heating battery or a boiler in it. If desired, you can supplement the niche with decorative curtains or doors, thereby hiding it from prying eyes.

Professionals subdivide all niches according to their purpose into decorative and decorative. Functional models involve embedding pieces of equipment and furniture elements in them. Decorative niches are needed to accommodate small vases, souvenirs, photographs. For the living room, designers recommend decorative models, but for the kitchen and children's room it is better to create functional recesses in the wall. An interesting solution for the kitchen would be to combine a drywall niche and a bar counter. When equipping this design with decorative doors, you will get an unusual bar cabinet in your kitchen. Among the latest fashion trends- floor niches made of drywall for a TV or a vase with indoor plants. The advantage of this design is its portability. When adding a floor niche decorative shelves made of metal, wood, glass, you can place small kitchen items on them.

The original design of a niche in the wall is one of the most favorite design techniques. Recently, there has been a tendency to abandon bulky cabinet furniture, but no one has yet canceled functional shelves. A recess in the wall is an additional horizontal plane that acts as a shelf. You can put and put anything in a niche - from the most necessary things to interior decor. About how to aesthetically and practically design a niche space, experts will share their secrets.

Secret beautiful design is unusual and elegant design niches that you immediately pay attention to

Niches were not invented by our contemporaries, they are found by architects during excavations of ancient artifacts of lost civilizations of different times. Before thinking about the design of a niche in the wall, it is better to first understand its purpose.

A niche may well be the centerpiece of a design composition.

The main classification of recesses in the wall:

  1. Decorative.
  2. Functional.
  3. Architectural.
  4. Technical niches.

A convenient place to store firewood if the house has a fireplace or stove

fashion and rational decision for modern premises- a folding bed that hides in a niche and looks like a closet

Some openings in the wall are obtained as a result of an architectural design - otherwise it will not work. Further, the design depends on the functionality of the room in which there is a finished recess. Often it looks like a box near the ventilation shaft, in which you can place shelves for dishes, household appliances, and other useful items.

Recesses in the wall are a great way to hide a secret door, a safe, and everything that should not be in front of strangers. But they do not need decoration, rather they require careful disguise.

It is important that the design of the niche matches the style of the room in which it is located.

In decorative niches, decorated with mirrors, glass and lighting, you can sit with cosmetics. Women have a need for good lighting in the morning, when they put themselves in order, but not always there appropriate place. But this design of a niche in the wall is also suitable for other purposes, if used for illuminated shelves.

False niche - pure decorative reception when they want to complement the interior with a believably painted door or window.

The basic rule is that a niche should fit into the interior of the room, and not overload it.

Tip: Before you decorate a niche in a room, decide on its functionality - what will be in it permanently and temporarily. Souvenirs and handmade, antiques and books, art and modern photos - they all require a different approach to design.

The shape and size of niches depend on your courage and creativity.

When a living room is combined with a kitchen, a bar counter is often placed on the border of two squares. It is appropriate to arrange a niche formed nearby as a bar for strong collectible drinks. This in itself looks like a worthy decor for a modern living room.

It has already become clear that any recess in the wall should have not only a decorative, but also a practical function. The design of the niche and the method of its construction depend on this. Multi-level shelves accent wall can also be arranged as niches, sheathed with sheets of drywall. The structure itself needs reliable supports so that the shelves do not collapse with all the contents that have a decent weight. Especially when there is expensive equipment or fragile glassware.

A narrow niche along the entire wall of the bathroom serves as a decorative element and is very convenient for placing everything you need.

Niche space types

All niches are divided depending on their purpose into the following types:

1. Niche library Enough depth for the format of books, several shelves, can be closed with glass doors.
2. Shelf in the deepening of the wall, pier Small dimensions, dimensions depend on the size of the items exhibited in it.
3. Small cabinet in an architectural niche A great way to accommodate seasonal clothes, dresses, suits (shoulder width).
4. Niche exposition It is issued for exhibition copies, the number of shelves - as needed.
5. Isolated place for appliances with a socket A great way to hide wires, protect from running children and animals playing with them.
6. Niche hiding place Deepening of the hidden type, without decor.
7. Replacement of built-in furniture Full-fledged reinforced shelves, designed as a rack
8. decorative niche Interior decoration.
9. False niche Image of a recess (window, door, collapsed wall).
10. Tech niche Grooved recess in a reinforced concrete wall - The best way hide pipes.

Convenient and functional shelves near the bed

What can replace a niche?

Let's consider in detail for what purposes you can use different types recesses in the wall. Volumetric decorative niches often replace cabinet furniture - built-in shelves can be easily adapted for homogeneous items or collectible souvenirs.

In the kitchen, niches can replace cupboards

Actually, a false window is also made in a niche of rooms devoid of natural light. They can accommodate photo wallpapers with an imitation of a beautiful panorama of the city, and the soft light of fluorescent lamps and LED strip will create the illusion of sunlight.

Niche for collections - perfect solution in any room. It may hold rare tomes as part of a legacy library. No less interesting is the opening in the wall of the children's room, filled with an exhibition of Barbie dolls or exact copies of rare cars. Knitted amigurumi toys are a modern needlework trend, they also need a decent exposition niche.

Niche as a place to place collectibles

Some styles do not a large number cabinet furniture. Many people know from Turkish TV series that several centuries ago, niches in the wall were used very widely, for example, for lighting and caches. The same trend has continued today in the interiors, decorated under the Arab East.

Another type of niche is applicable in the interior of a living room in a minimalist style. With the "ascetic" organization of space, replacing cabinets with practical niches has its advantages:

  • significant space savings;
  • the formation of its place for all sorts of little things that should always be at hand (glasses, mobile phone, Charger, wallet, tablet);
  • convenient placement of small equipment and equipment (you can also bring an electric cable here, build in sockets);
  • significant savings on bulky cabinets, a great idea for light built-in furniture that resembles a shelving unit.

The niche space is filled with ordinary and transparent glass shelves. They perfectly transmit light if there is a diode tape, light bulbs or decorative lighting in the opening being made out.

Drawn decorative false niche framed with polyurethane moldings

Making a niche in the bedroom

Sometimes the doorway of the passage room after the redevelopment is not bricked up, but re-registered. Here you can make a small dressing room, and make a doorway in another place. This is a very affordable design of a niche in the wall with your own hands.

In the recess on the accent wall, you can install a large plasma panel, a capacious aquarium or an imitation of a fireplace. Having arranged upholstered furniture with an island so that those sitting were facing this object, it is easy to arrange a guest area without additional costs for interior design.

An interesting solution for bookshelves and TV

In general, there are many great ideas how to adapt a niche, it all depends on the functionality of the room, the needs and lifestyle of the owners.

The benefits of organizing space with a niche

It is impossible not to mention a number of other advantages that functionally designed niches provide. But even if they do not have a special purpose, this is a great decorative technique that will modernize any interior.

Functional niches will provide:

  • replacement of overall furniture and unaesthetic shelves;
  • visually expand the wall;
  • will become a design accent for audio and video equipment;
  • help to collect homogeneous items in one place (a great solution for those who scatter things everywhere and cannot find something they need).
  • a closed niche will hide communications.

Arrangement in a niche of a corner for relaxation

Important! An interesting design technique will be not just the decor of parallel niches in the wall of the same format, but some kind of multi-level structure. open storage things are more popular today than placement in bulky cabinet furniture, which creates a feeling of clutter and bad taste.

Niche instead hinged shelves In bathroom

When the recess is structurally and functionally consistent with the interior design, it is also an opportunity to emphasize excellent taste house owners.

How to position a niche

There are not many ways, but there are options:

  • symmetrical;
  • asymmetrically;
  • vertically and horizontally;
  • parallel and symmetrical;
  • in parallel with the shift to the side;
  • 2-3 identical niches "floors" with different or identical content;
  • different sizes, but with the beginning at the same distance from the vertical line of the interior (doors, windows, furniture walls);
  • chaotic arrangement;
  • in the form of a geometric pattern - for a dynamic interior, as in the photo of decorative niches.

Narrow vertical niches visually increase the height of the room

It is also possible to place them on an empty wall or a small free space. You can also vary for openings of the same shape:

  • backlight;
  • outer frames;
  • interior decoration and filling.

A room with a high ceiling will become much more comfortable if you make niches in warm colors upstairs.

Do I need lighting in the recesses of the wall

Good interior design involves the illumination of all areas without dark corners. At the same time, with the help of additional illumination, it is easy to focus on interesting object or arrange a niche in the wall of the hall or living room. Competent lighting design creates an atmosphere, hides layout flaws. For example, when in a long narrow room the wall opposite the window is darkened, especially on the north side of the house, it's like a counter light.

If there is a niche in the wall, it is important to know how to decorate it beautifully with additional source Sveta. Any recess in itself looks darker than the rest of the room, if the rays do not fall into it.

Illuminated niche for storing a small collection of figurines

Important! AT daytime you can do without accentuating with artificial light, in the evening it is simply necessary!

Mirrored niche adds light and warmth to the room

In rooms without windows, a niche with lighting is a must. A corridor, hallway, bathroom or bathroom can be left without general lighting when bright light is not needed, but create some kind of mystical glow from a niche space. This is not only a special design technique, but also a completely functional solution, as in the photo.

Spectacular illumination of white niches against the background of black walls

For functional lighting and decoration of a niche in the wall, the following elements are applicable:

  1. LED Strip Light.
  2. Fluorescent lamps.
  3. Flexible luminous tubes (for advertising, inscriptions and design objects on the wall).
  4. Point diodes.
  5. Small directional light fixtures (such as spotlights and spotlights) with rotating projectors.

Lamps in which you can change the color of the backlight, turn on and go out gradually, and also cast a patterned shadow, have a special charm.

Built-in lighting gives the niche additional volume and serves as a backlight for the general background of the room.

Highlighting draws attention to niche content

Instead of sconces and bedside lamps, backlit niches look good in the bedroom, which can be equipped with economical light sources. Reading in such lighting is not worth it, but it is quite possible to view messages on a tablet, laptop or phone before going to bed.

An important condition is that niche lighting should organically fit into the style of the interior and be in harmony with the main and local lighting. Experts recommend diffused light and universal fluorescent lamps. It is more convenient to read with the "warm" light of economical lamps combined with an incandescent bulb. In the bathroom and other rooms for relaxation, sources of the “cold” spectrum will be appropriate, giving a white, blue, green or purple glow.

Spot lighting looks luxurious in the recess

Diffused lighting softens the niche space and exposes the decor in a favorable light.

Summing up, we recall that this design element can be designed in a practical and aesthetic way. On how to decorate a niche in the wall, design ideas and inspirational examples are carefully selected for our photo gallery.

Video: how to make a drywall niche

Increasingly, you can find such an attractive design element as a niche in the wall. Often such a deepening is provided at the stage of designing a dwelling. But if there is no such novelty in the apartment, but you really want it to be, then you can make niches in the wall yourself.

How to use a niche in the wall

The purpose of such recessed zones in a room can be very diverse, it all depends on the flight of fancy. Here are some examples of using niches in the interior:

  • arrange an exhibition of handicrafts or collections;
  • organize in it library;
  • stylize a stand for flowerpots;
  • apply as closed cabinet for clothes or linen;
  • store various gizmos or arrange decor elements;
  • place audio equipment;
  • TV installation;
  • you can make built-in furniture according to individual sketches or photos.

A number of advantages that such a decorative find has make it a very popular element of the interior.

  1. Niches in the wall small apartment- a great way to expand the space. Mirrors, technical communications (batteries, pipes) look great in such a recess.
  2. Functionality.
  3. A beautiful interior decoration that gives the room a more modern look.

Niche decoration. General rules

Modern niches in the wall are not just a cavity, but a special space that harmoniously fits into the stylization of the interior of the room. But still, when making such a recess, it is necessary to follow some general rules, in particular:

  • Decorative niches are best used as a corrective element in rooms that have layout flaws or technical shortcomings that you want to hide.
  • It's important to keep the proportions. If necessary, you can adjust the geometry of the room.
  • The color scheme of the recessed zone should not be darker than the walls of the room. Otherwise, there will be a feeling that there is a hole in this place. The vaults of the cavity can be painted with a tone darker than the main one.
  • When using decorative coatings different textures, you need to monitor their compatibility.
  • You can visually expand the space using mirrors.

A niche in the wall will give a special appeal and personality to any room, which can be clearly seen in the photo.

A niche in the bedroom is an interesting find

A niche in the bedroom can be located near the window, closet, above the bed or anywhere else. The design of such a decor element can be done in the following ways:

  • in the room, a corner without a window is selected, where plasterboard partitions are installed;
  • in a fenced off place (an area of ​​\u200b\u200babout 6 m 2), a bed is installed;
  • the walls are decorated with large mirrors or wallpaper of the original color.

Making a niche in the wall headboard, but not by the window - a great solution for a small bedroom. Design ideas are very diverse. The easiest way is to drown the head of the bed in the wall by 20-40 cm. For this option, it is necessary to provide spotlights.

The recessed area may be slightly wider than the bed in size. This arrangement involves the design of the resulting space under the shelves.

In a modern interior, a fashionable and rational solution is the installation folding bed, which, hiding in a niche, looks like a chic closet.

A niche in the wall of the bedroom can serve as a wardrobe or linen closet. To do this, it is enough to install doors on a simple opening, but you can do without them.

A niche in the interior of the bedroom can also be used for installation TV.

It does not matter where the niche will be located, at the window, door or head of the bed - in any case, it will become a wonderful interior decoration.

Niche - the perfect solution for the bathroom

Making a niche in the wall bathroom– a very justified step. It will solve the problem of cans and bottles with detergents constantly falling into the water. You can place a recessed area in any part: near the door, shower or sink, the main thing is that you feel comfortable.

A niche in the bathroom can be used:

  • for the location of the washing machine;
  • as a shelf for detergents and cosmetics (this solution is the most common);
  • as a cabinet for towels and bathrobes;
  • in a niche with doors, you can hide, for example, a boiler;
  • why not put it there heated towel rail?

A niche in the wall can be vertical or horizontal. Good for short walls horizontal arrangement, visually lengthening the wall in the bathroom. And if the niche lining has horizontal stripes, then this is a double win. Vertical niches are best placed on a long wall. This option will visually increase the height of the ceilings, and decorative lighting will create an atmosphere of romance in the bathroom.

Making a niche in the bathroom is not difficult, and numerous photos and videos on the Internet on this topic make the task easier.

  1. One of the most simple options- take out a few bricks in the partition, revet the surface, make doors and hide, for example, water meters behind them.
  2. Possible during installation bath screen make a small cavity of moisture-resistant drywall. Cleaning products will be stored here or washing powder. You can make doors to hide the contents of a niche behind them.
  3. If a bathroom combined with toilet, then an empty place behind the drain barrel is perfect for decorating the recess.
  4. There is no window in the interior of the personal hygiene room and you can arrange a false plasterboard wall. Its depth, dimensions and number of openings depend on individual preferences.

Advice! A niche in the bathroom wall will look more effective if a variety of lamps serve as an addition to it, which can be clearly seen from the photos posted on the Internet.

You can build a niche in any room and anywhere: at a window, door, on a free wall, etc. In a modern interior, a niche in the kitchen serves not only to create unusual composition, but is a functional architectural detail.

First of all, a niche in the wall on kitchen creates extra space. The main practical application of such an element is its use as a shelf, this can be seen from the photo on the Internet. What exactly will be located on it depends on the size and location. Dimensional niches can be used as a stand for furniture, TV and other items kitchen appliances. Shelves installed in the opening will save on furniture. And you can place on such a device houseplants, dishes, household appliances, decorative objects or paintings.

Recently, niche cuisine has become very popular. Her characteristic feature is that it is not separated by walls on all four sides, but is arranged right in the living room. Such a find is especially relevant for small apartments, as it allows you to save space and visually expand the space.

A niche kitchen is a creative and fashionable solution, as evidenced by photos on the Internet. The advantage of this design is the ability for the chef or hostess to look after the children while in the kitchen, not be distracted from watching TV or chatting with guests. However, this arrangement also has its drawbacks. Firstly, the smells and sounds from the kitchen spread throughout the apartment. Secondly, the living room will lose its attractive appearance if the kitchen is not constantly kept in perfect order.

Advice! Planning a niche in the wall must be compared with the arrangement of furniture.

Making a niche in a residential area is quite within the power of everyone. One has only to want, and a newfangled interior object will delight you and your loved ones.

Creating a niche in the wall allows you to solve the two most important tasks that invariably arise when planning a future interior. Such a recess makes it possible to arrange a versatile and stylish place to accommodate many necessary items(from little things dear to the heart to technology) and to hide the shortcomings of the room as elegantly as possible or successfully beat them. The article will discuss how to make a niche in the wall with your own hands.

There are two ways to equip a decorative niche in the wall: create a recess in the brickwork or resort to the construction of a plasterboard structure. Both methods are not particularly difficult and do not require special skills, if you work well on the project and show patience and diligence in bringing the idea to life.

Niches in a plasterboard wall

  • Drywall is a great material to create the interior of your dreams. The number of levels, shelves, their size or location relative to each other are limited only by the needs of the master and the size of the room.

  • Numerous modern appliances, electronics with a complex "infrastructure" of speakers or speakers, decorative elements look much more advantageous in organized space niches than those placed on ordinary shelves or simply hung on the wall.
  • A similar solution with the use of backlight looks especially interesting. These can be built-in lamps, rotary spots, led strip different colors. Therefore, when developing a future design, it is important to consider such a nuance as lighting.
  • You can use a niche in any room of the house or apartment. If in the living room she is necessary element to place a TV or stereo system, then in the bedroom it is more often used for "beauty".

Niche in the wall for a bed photo

  • In the nursery, it can be a great storage for toys and books, and with the help of lighting and wallpaper, you can turn it into a porthole. alien ship, and to the window facing blooming garden overlooking the castle.
  • For a hallway or kitchen, it may be the only acceptable option for placing lockers or serve as a more logical arrangement of furniture.

Preparing to create a niche from hl

  • Before you make a niche in the wall of drywall, you should have a clear plan of action.
  • It is necessary to take accurate measurements in the room where the construction is planned.
  • Given the dimensions, a project for a future niche is being created. At this stage, it is important to imagine what will fit in it. If we are talking about a TV, then you may need extra bed under the speakers of the stereo system, video player and other similar things. The lighting system also needs to be worked out at this stage.
  • Purchase of materials. Not only GVL will be required. Profile and fasteners are also taken for granted. In the process, you will also need putty, sickle and materials for finishing.

Do-it-yourself niches in a drywall wall

It is more logical to give a description of the technology for creating a niche on the simple example: notch for TV. It is clear that it will be placed on the wall opposite the one where there is a sofa or armchairs.

According to the created sketch, markings are made on the wall. It corresponds to the dimensions of the "plasma", there are marks about the exit of the cable, wires to the speakers, etc. All these communications are started in advance.

Stages of work

  • It is important to imagine that a niche is a three-dimensional element that, in addition to height, width, also has depth. With this in mind, blanks are cut. First of all, a frame for drywall sheets is assembled. Vertical and horizontal guides are set according to the level. From them, "depth" is increasing. And then the final crate is “drawn” by the profile, which is sheathed with GVL.
  • Plasterboard sheathing. Sheets cut to size are applied to their places and fixed to the profile with a screwdriver and metal screws. It is important at the same time to ensure that the hats of the hardware are well recessed into the drywall. So sequentially, piece by piece, the niche is assembled.
  • Ground application. You can't do without a primer. As in all other finishing works, it significantly increases the adhesion of materials. The procedure is performed twice, with a break for complete drying of each layer of the composition.
  • Putty. You will have to putty a lot. And we are talking not only about the surface of the sheets, but also about the numerous corners of the structure. The use of a sickle and special corners is a prerequisite. As a result, the design will turn out with clearly drawn lines in all planes. The reinforcing mesh and corners are fastened to a layer of base putty, and after complete drying and stripping sandpaper, you can apply a layer of topcoat.

Such thoroughness in work will be rewarded, especially when building a niche for painting.

However, the final finish can be:

  • and wallpapering;
  • and decoration with decorative panels;
  • sheathing with laminated chipboard;
  • decoration with any decor, such as stucco;
  • mounting mirrors.

The latter option will help create a feeling of additional space or an original "failure" in the design.

Niche in a brick wall. Purpose and features of the choice of surface

  • Niches in brick walls are often made not entirely with decorative intent, which does not negate this possibility as a whole.
  • Often the need for its creation is justified by the small dimensions of the premises. Only a dozen centimeters are missing for furniture or household appliances to fall into place. And sometimes it is necessary to hide heating radiators in the recess.

Before you take on a hammer drill and provide your neighbors with a few noisy hours, you should know this:

  • a niche in a brick wall is built to a depth of no more than 15 cm (this is half a brick);
  • the notch must be strengthened from above with a jumper;
  • it is important to be sure that the wall to be "upgraded" is a thick load-bearing structure. For apartment buildings the standard of its thickness is 40 cm. This is the surface in which it is located Entrance door, a wall running along the building and outdoor bases. It is better not to touch the latter, since they perform an important constructive function, and in addition to violating the integrity of a residential building, thermal insulation can also be damaged. Such interventions are considered illegal. In view of the foregoing, there is only one target left for “improvements” - this is the wall in the center of the apartment. Usually it is located along the corridor;

Another fundamental point: regardless of the described standards for the location of walls in apartments residential buildings, before carrying out work, it is imperative to check with the plans of the builders.

How to make a niche in a brick wall

After all issues have been resolved with the wall defined for the niche, you can start chiseling a recess for the lintel. this work it is most easily done with a puncher, but in its absence, a hammer and chisel can be used.

  • We carry out calculations. A niche in a brick wall has height restrictions. This parameter depends on the width of the notch. In order to calculate everything, it is enough to imagine right triangle. Its right angle is located at the top, and the legs are based on the upper corners of the beam, which will serve as a reinforcement for the opening. The triangle with its vertex should not reach the overlap. If you reduce the width, then it will proportionally increase and maximize allowable height niches. It is important to imagine that the support beam is wider than the future recess, so the groove for it is approximately 300 mm larger than the width of the opening.
  • Further by any convenient way on the wall the outline of the future niche is being created.
  • In the place where it is supposed to place the beam, you need to beat off a layer of plaster. After that, the height adjustment is carried out. The top selected row must necessarily consist of bricks that face the apartment with a long side. If the planned line runs along a brick located across, then the calculations should be revised taking into account the downward shift of the line of the line. The future niche will decrease in height, but the masonry technology will not be violated. If a we are talking about a recess in the wall, for example, under a wardrobe, then such a loss in size is not critical, but furniture factories easily produce products for any size.

  • At this stage, you need create a recess for the beam. Its dimensions: 150 mm in height, and the depth is equal to half a brick. Strabu is cleaned of splinters and dust.
  • You will need two boards for formwork and reinforcement with a cross section of 10 mm (5 rods are cut along the length of the recess). It is preferable to take cement grade M 500, crushed stone and sand will also be required. One of the boards is nailed (150 mm) to the wall (in the seam between the bricks). She should half close the done shtraba. You can set a spacer between the board and the adjacent wall, if any. One part of sand and cement and two parts of crushed stone go to the solution. The mixture is first thoroughly mixed in dry form, then a little water is added. The consistency of the solution should be thick and resemble a viscous mass. A trowel is applied and leveled with about a centimeter layer of the mixture. Reinforcement is laid out on it. Next, the mixture is carefully laid out and compacted. The second board is nailed in such a way that a small hole remains for filling with mortar. The last portions of the mixture should be very thick so as not to fall out of this gap.
  • Remove formwork it is possible in a couple of days, but the concrete will finally harden after 7 days. It is recommended to wait another week, and then you can proceed to the next stage of work. As mentioned above, the niche will be narrower than the beams by about 1.5 cm on each side. After markup, you can start creating it. To make it look neater, you can use a grinder with a stone nozzle. It can cut vertical contours. And then neatly row by row you can knock down the layer brickwork. The direction of work is from top to bottom.
  • The resulting niche can be sand and paint, you can leave it as it is if you plan to occupy it with furniture.

Wall niche design

  • The resulting recess may not necessarily carry a functional load. Moreover, the design options for a niche in the wall are as diverse as it allows. modern market building materials.
  • As you can see in the photo, it may well accommodate a sofa, then it plays the role of an element that divides a large room into a recreation area and, for example, a dining room.
  • Niche made in decorative purposes, can advantageously beat the space. In large rooms, high narrow openings look somewhat mysterious and visually stretch the room. It can be used as a single solution, or such “artistic recesses” can be placed along the entire wall. In any case, a certain resemblance to a museum is achieved, where a work of art is put on display in showcases.

Niche in the wall photo

  • What exactly to present to the eyes of the guests at home? Here, designers do not limit the flight of fancy. If it's not about household appliances, then most often these are figurines, vases, small sculptural compositions. The niche in the recess of the wall is universal in that if it is large enough, then with the right lighting it will accommodate anything, even an art gallery. And to increase the space, designers often put a mirror in it. The only thing you need to pay attention to when filling the openings is the total weight of the items, and everything else is a matter of taste and personal preference.
  • If brick walls impose certain restrictions on the form, then, with regard to GVL structures, you can not stop the creative flight of thought. Drywall involves the creation of any intricately curved shapes, not only during installation multilevel ceilings or arches but also niches as well. They fit very well into modern interiors, adding psychedelic notes to them, and in themselves are an art object. Therefore, a niche made in the shape of a wave does not need to be overloaded with additional decorative elements.

  • Sometimes even at the stage of designing a house or before overhaul the owners equip closed niches in the wall. These are small cavities that can be decorated as various doors and serve as additional element decor, or are covered with paintings and serve as small hiding places.

And finally, when choosing between gypsum fiber boards and chipping, one should be guided solely by the principle of personal convenience when creating and complying with building requirements. Not everyone wants to "eat" centimeters of space drywall constructions, but creating a recess by knocking out brickwork is not always legally allowed. Drywall sheets will create interesting solutions that go beyond the usual geometrically clear forms. Regarding ease of use, GVL is undoubtedly a “cleaner” material than brick dust. But in any case, the niche will decorate any interior and transform the familiar space.
