How to grow greens on the windowsill in the apartment: the rules for creating a home garden.

Greens can be used both fresh and as seasonings in cooking. But in winter time access to this product is limited. What supermarkets and market vendors offer is unlikely to benefit the body, because in addition to useful elements, such greens contain a lot of chemical additives that are used to accelerate its growth.

With a little effort, you can organize a mini-garden in the apartment, thanks to which a fresh healthy one will be at hand at any time. The most popular in cooking are green onions, lettuce, parsley and dill, which can grow perfectly at home.

in an apartment does not require special skills, it is the most unpretentious vegetable and caring for is not a single pleasure. There are three ways to grow onions in an apartment:
  • placing the onion head in a container of water
  • planting in the substrate
  • landing in the ground

This is the easiest and most affordable way to get fresh green onion feathers, just follow these steps:

  • Select bulbs. You can take those that have already sprouted. But if there are none, then the tail is cut off from the head, leaving about one and a half centimeters.
  • The bulbs are peeled from the separated husk and kept for about an hour in warm water(40 degrees).
  • Pour water at room temperature into a shallow but wide container in such an amount that the bulbs are one-third submerged.
  • Place the heads firmly in the container.
  • Put the container with onions in a warm place and periodically add water and turn clockwise so that the sprouts are friendly.

This is the most commonly used method and has worked well for many years. But some believe that green onions will be more useful if grown in soil or substrate.

These two methods take a little longer and are not much different. The main difference is that the substrate must be constantly immersed in water.

To grow green onions in the ground, you need to prepare the soil and containers with a depth of more than 6 cm. Then you need to proceed in stages:

  • They take onion sets, wash them in warm water, peel off excess husks and cut off the tails.
  • The heads are placed in warm water so that only the roots are immersed and sent to the battery for a day.
  • Onions are planted in the prepared soil, deepening the heads by a third, and the containers are sent to a warm place until the first sprouts appear. After that, rearrange the containers on the windowsill.

After 2-3 weeks, you can cut off full-fledged feathers. At first, it is better to use the extreme ones in order to open access to the central light.

If it is not possible to place several wide containers on the windowsill, then you can grow an onion tree, which will take up little space and diversify the interior.

To do this, you need to prepare a large plastic bottle, soil and onion sets.

Growing features:

  • The top and bottom parts of the bottle are cut off and holes are cut in the side walls.
  • Put the container in the pan and fill it with soil up to the first strip with holes. Plant the onions so that their tails look out through the holes. Thus, fill the bottle to the top and land a few heads on top.
  • Put in a warm room until germination, then move to the window. It is important to periodically unfold the bottle so that each side has enough light and the tree is greened evenly. It also requires regular watering.

Such an onion cactus will save space and add zest to the kitchen. The secret to continuous harvesting lies in the fact that onions are planted at intervals of two weeks. While the first crop is consumed, the second will arrive, and then the third and vice versa.

When growing lettuce at home, care should be taken in advance to provide additional. The right choice of variety will help partially solve this problem. Some varieties do not require a lot of light. You also need to know that if the humidity level is low, then the lettuce leaves are bitter. Therefore, it is important to observe these two conditions when growing lettuce on a windowsill.

The advantage of watercress is that it is grown not only in the ground, but also in chopped rags, as well as on a sieve. It is grown in the ground like this:

  • lay a good layer of drainage on the bottom of the tank and fill it with earth
  • sow seeds, deepening them by half a centimeter and leaving a distance of at least 10 cm between rows
  • water the seeds, cover with foil and send to a dark place until the first shoots appear
  • rearrange the container on the windowsill and ensure regular watering, spraying, fresh air access and enough light

Seedlings will hatch in 2-5 days, and it will be possible to cut the leaves in 2-3 weeks.

A feature of lettuce is its growth rate. Therefore, the soil for planting must be nutritious, and landing capacity choose a wide, but shallow - 9-13 cm. You can buy the soil for planting in a store or cook it yourself by mixing humus, garden soil and sand in a ratio of 2: 2: 1.

Planting and caring for this lettuce should be the same as in the case of planting watercress.

But lettuce leaves are rich in organic iodine, the maximum amount of which it accumulates in open ground. At home, the accumulation of iodine is problematic, so you should feed the plant with a complex microfertilizer based on potassium iodide.

Top dressing is applied 1 or 2 times by spraying the leaves. If you plant lettuce in several containers at intervals of one and a half weeks, you can ensure the continuous production of useful leaves in winter.

Growing parsley for greens at home is possible in two ways: by seed and by planting roots for distillation.

Seminal. This method consists of several steps:

  • Seed preparation. To speed up the emergence of seedlings, the seeds should be wrapped in a cloth and held for half an hour under a stream of warm water, then left in a damp cloth for a day.
  • Provide containers with drainage and fill with prepared soil.
  • Plant the prepared seed material, deepening it by 0.5 cm and sprinkle it a little with earth.
  • Planting is left in a dark place until sprouts appear, periodically watering.
  • Parsley is transferred to a window with access to light and seedlings are thinned out so that there is an interval of 3-4 cm between them.
  • When the greens reach a height of 9-14 cm, it can be cut.

Planting root crops for distillation. The success of this method lies in the correct selection of roots. They should be short and thick - 6 cm long and at least 2 cm thick. They should also have an apical bud of growth and the presence of petioles is welcome.

The optimal temperature for the growth of parsley is 20-22 degrees.

The roots are planted at an angle into moistened ground so that the growth point is 2-3 cm deep. An interval of 3-4 cm should be left between the roots. After planting, the container is left in a cool place and watered periodically. When the first sprouts hatch, the parsley is transferred to a lighted place - a table or a windowsill. Every day, the container is turned so that there is enough light for the entire planting.

For the cultivation of dill in a window sill, you should choose unpretentious and high-yielding varieties. Preference is given to Griboedovsky, which gives an early harvest and is resistant to diseases, Grenadier, Aurora, Far, Aelita and Bushy.

Growing rules:

  • The container for disembarkation should be spacious enough. A layer of drainage is laid out on its bottom and filled with soil, without adding 2 cm to the edge.
  • To speed up the appearance of sprouts, you need to place the seeds in a cloth moistened with water for two days.
  • After that, place them on the surface of the earth, lightly sprinkle with peat and humus and water.
  • Close the container with polyethylene and keep for about seven days in a dark place, maintaining a temperature of 20 degrees.
  • With the advent of friendly shoots, the container is moved to a well-lit place.
  • To prevent stretching of greenery, you should lower the temperature at night and, if necessary, provide additional lighting. The fact that the dill does not have enough light will tell the fading green mass.
  • In order for dill to accumulate enough vitamins, it must be regularly watered and fed.

Growing green onions on a window in a flowerpot or plastic flask is the right and interesting thing to do. Green feathers contain a large number of nutritional vitamins, so necessary during the winter shortage of nutrients. Therefore, for good growth onion shoots, you should know how to properly plant heads for rooting at home on the windowsill.

Features of growing on the windowsill

You can grow green onions on the windowsill almost all year round. It does not matter where the flowerpot with sprouting heads will be located. The main thing is the warmth and moisture of the soil.

Planting green onions on the windowsill in the apartment has many advantages:

  1. You don’t have to buy onions in spontaneous markets, where there is no certainty how long it has lain there in time.
  2. Green feathers will always be fresh and elastic.
  3. Can be grown for sale, providing acquaintances, relatives and friends with fresh green onion feathers.
  4. There are practically no production costs, except for the purchase of seeds of a certain variety or onion heads for planting.

Important! Self-planted and grown onion feathers at home are an environmentally friendly product that is not scary to eat on your own or give to small children.

In addition, onions contain various vitamins (E, some of the B, C, A groups), as well as a list of minerals such as calcium, copper, sodium, phosphorus, potassium, iron, and magnesium. Partially present are carotene, phytoncides and flavonoids.

Thus, planting green onions in containers and sprouting them on the windowsill is a useful and necessary thing to ensure that there will always be fresh vitamins on the table that can strengthen the immune system.

What varieties are suitable for growing on the windowsill

Usually on the windowsill it is customary to grow traditional onions. It germinates quickly and produces an abundance of feathers. Sweet red onion (Yalta onion) is also often grown. Its tops go well on various salads and decorations for second courses.

There are the following types of onions that can be used for rooting and forcing green shoots at home on the windowsill:

  1. Batun;
  2. Sevok;
  3. Leek;
  4. Shallot;
  5. Schnitt.

To grow bulbs on greens, any head at hand will do. But in order to obtain abundant shoots, it is recommended to use those torches that have multi-growth nests. The latter then grow into a large shrub of green feathers.

How to plant and grow on a windowsill - features, conditions and step by step instructions

In order for the plant to grow quickly and be distinguished by bright, green, fresh shoots, it is recommended to know in what conditions it is necessary to keep the container in the apartment on the windowsill in order for the bulb to grow.

Attention! First you need to decide in which container to plant planting material, what should be the features for growing in terms of humidity, lighting. The main thing is how to properly water the plant in an apartment.

What should be the place

In order for onion feathers to be rich green, elastic and healthy, the plant needs a large amount of sunlight. Excellent for the germination of young shoots, southeast or southwest window sills are suitable.

But the main factor successful cultivation green onions at home - the midday sun's rays should not touch the juicy tips of the leaves. Therefore, on bright days, you need to either shade the plant or move it into the shade.

Important! If there is not enough sunlight, it is recommended to additionally turn on special fitolamps above the green onion plantings on the window. The latter will support daytime up to the optimal 12 hours required for the development of young feathers.

The ideal temperature for comfortable growth of green onions at home is +20 C. This is how many degrees it takes for the head to activate its activity and go to release feathers. If it is necessary for the greens to grow, you can increase the temperature to +25 C.

A hotter room negatively affects the condition of the young shoots. In particular, do not place a container with seedlings above hot battery Otherwise, the foliage will quickly turn yellow and wither.

What container to plant

There is no definite choice for planting onions - you can choose any container that you like. The main requirement for choosing containers is a wide neck or hole with which the bulb is placed in the substrate or water.

Green onions at home can be grown in the following flowerpots:

  1. Glass - a significant increase in such a landing cannot be achieved.
  2. Low wide tray - perfect for sowing seeds.
  3. Plastic bottles - it is necessary to cut holes in the walls in which planting material can be placed.
  4. Food containers are the most the best way for planting - small trays where seedlings or seeds are neatly placed.
  5. Special plastic-type containers with the necessary drip tray for collecting excess water are sold in specialized stores.

Video: how to grow onions in winter on a windowsill in a plastic bottle

Note! There should be holes on the bottom for fluid circulation. It is recommended to put a stand under the flowerpot to collect excess water.

In what soil or soil to place

Onion is enough unpretentious plant which does not require specific soil. But if the soil is heavy, there will be no sense in germination. The earth will begin to mold and deteriorate, and the seedlings will rot along with it.

In such soil, due to the lack of useful elements and fertilizers, the bulb will not be able to give good shoots in the apartment.

Attention! If the soil is loose, airy, well permeable to oxygen and moisture, then onion seedlings will quickly gain strength and throw out strong, large green feathers.

Such a soil substrate that meets all the qualities can be made independently or purchased at a specialized store.

For successful cultivation on the windowsill of green onions, you need soil with acidity at a neutral level. To achieve loose and fertile land, you need to add a little loose peat to the garden substrate.

High-quality cultivation is obtained when placed in a flowerpot drainage. It does not allow the liquid to stagnate on the bottom of the flowerpot, thereby oversaturating the earth with moisture. Otherwise, the soil becomes a swampy structure in which no plant can grow. Mineral filler (vermiculite) is ideal for drainage.

The resulting soil substrate should be roasted in the oven so that all pathogenic bacteria and pests die under the influence of high temperatures. After the calcination procedure, the soil should be shed with potassium permanganate or a solution of hydrogen peroxide.

Preparing bulbs for planting

Before planting, carefully prepare the necessary bulbs. They should be without any mechanical damage, crumpled sides and moldy surfaces. For planting, heads with a diameter of 4-4.5 cm are suitable.

Important! The tops of the bulbs are specially cut off. This is necessary in order for the sprouts to germinate comfortably. After that, it is recommended to place the heads in a weak solution of potassium permanganate. The consistency should be a slightly pink tone, warm temperature. If potassium permanganate is not at hand, it can be replaced with wood ash.

After keeping in solution for up to 20 minutes, the heads move into a cool liquid. Before placing the torches in the ground, they should be completely removed from the husk.

Direct landing

For planting green onions on the windowsill, a suitable container is selected. A layer of drainage is poured on the bottom, then filled soil. The earth should be filled with water, then gradually push the onion head into it. The seedling should be placed in such a way that the top, which has previously been cut or with green shoots, remains open for oxygen circulation.

The flowerpot should be placed in the warmest place in the house, exactly for 7 days. After the first green sprouts appear, the container is moved to the windowsill for south side under bright, warm sunlight.

Now the main thing do not let the soil dry out. It is irrigated 1 time in 2 days. This is enough for the bulb to be saturated with moisture and grow green feathers. It will take approximately 14-21 days for the feather to be plucked and eaten.

Video: how to grow green onions on a windowsill

Features of landing in water

One easy way to grow onions on a windowsill is to root seedlings in liquid. To do this, the bulb should be washed in a warm liquid, remove the top husk.

Important! If the bulb is not germinated, then it is recommended to remove the top by 1.5 cm.

If there is greenery that has begun to grow on its own, then further actions are as follows:

  1. Place the bulbs close together so that they remain upright.
  2. Pour liquids of a warm consistency.
  3. You need to pour water so that the liquid covers only 1/3 of the volume of the bulb.
  4. So that the water does not rot and does not stink, it is recommended to add a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide or potassium permanganate.
  5. Dishes with onions are placed in the most illuminated place, the required liquid is added as necessary.

By the way! Such a process of planting and growing will be very interesting for young children.

How to care after planting and before harvest

Watering should be carried out at least once every 48 hours. It is impossible for the surface of the soil to dry out, or in a container with water, the roots do not reach the water. If this happens, the plant will immediately wrinkle and stop growing green mass.

Attention! Do not overdo it with watering. Excessive irrigation provokes rotting of the bulb near the roots, which causes irreparable damage to the growing feathers. In this case, all plantings die from a fungal disease.

In cold weather, it is impossible to irrigate from the tap with running ice water. Irrigation requires boiling, cooling and standing water. Watering is carried out only with a liquid temperature of 30 C.

Usually fertilizers are not used. But if in winter the torch has ceased to produce a large amount of greenery, it can be stimulated by adding wood ash- 5 gr. per 1 liter water. Breeding is recommended in large volume, and top dressing is carried out with a syringe under the root. It is necessary to carefully introduce fertilizers so that they do not fall on green shoots. They can burn the plant.

Planting and harvesting dates

Green onions grown on the windowsill begin to sprout quickly, but do not rejoice and pluck the first green feathers. You should wait for time. You can start harvesting in 14-21 days. It is best to wait exactly 3 weeks and only after that start harvesting.

Important! If the bow managed to expel the arrows, it is not recommended to touch them. The collection of feathers should be carried out from the extreme feathers to the center.

You can get fresh feathers throughout the winter by constantly planting fresh bulbs. Planting young seedlings is carried out 1 time in 2 weeks. Thanks to this, the onion greens come exactly to the appointed time.

Thus, growing onions at home on the window is not only a useful activity, but also a vivid reminder of the spring sun. In order for the feathers to constantly turn green, they should not be plucked immediately after the appearance, but should be kept for 3 weeks. The use of fresh products increases local immunity and has a beneficial effect on the body's susceptibility to various diseases.

Video: growing green onions at home

When snow falls outside the window and fluffy snowdrifts lie, it's so nice to see fresh greens on the table! In addition, in winter, natural vitamins are especially needed by our body. And the first assistant in the fight against colds or flu is green onions. Phytoncides secreted by onions disinfect the room, destroying bacteria, viruses and fungi.

Smart Solutions

His healing properties help to cope with beriberi and spring fatigue, increase immunity and improve digestion. Green onion feathers will not only serve as a bright decoration for dishes, but also have a beneficial effect on the body.

Although you can buy green onions in the supermarket both in winter and summer, they can not be compared with grown on your own windowsill. Firstly, by planting green onions at home, you can pick required amount feathers for cooking, and secondly, you will be sure that the greens were grown without the use of any harmful substances and chemicals.

By planting green onions at home, you can pick up the required number of feathers for cooking at any time

Growing onions at home may seem accessible to any child - stuck an onion in the ground in flower pot and watch the green feathers appear. However, if you decide to take the matter seriously and eventually harvest a rich harvest of not only greens, but also the bulbs themselves, you will need to take into account a number of basic rules and nuances.

Video about growing green onions at home

Instructions on how to grow green onions at home

You can achieve greenery from the bulbs in winter by forcing on a feather, that is, by sprouting the root crops themselves. For this, onions are usually used, which you have grown in your garden or bought in a store. Optimally suitable are multi-germ varieties (Timiryazevsky, Spassky, Strigunovsky, Arzamassky, Pograsky, Soyuz). The bulbs should be approximately the same diameter - about 2 cm, not damaged or diseased.

Place the calibrated bulbs in a container with hot water(+40 degrees) and put on the central heating battery for a day. After soaking, you can remove the layer of brown husk to verify the quality of the selected root crops and remove the damaged layer, if any. Before planting, the top of the bulbs is cut off by one and a half centimeters.

You can achieve greenery from bulbs in winter by forcing on a feather

Prepare the soil in the container

To sprout onions at home, you can use any boxes, bowls, containers or pallets with a depth of 7 cm. It is best to prepare two containers so that you can grow green onions in a conveyor way - then you do not have to wait for the next batch of onion feathers to sprout.

As a soil, you can use earth or a substrate: fine expanded clay, fine gravel, sand. The substrate should be pre-washed with a hot concentrated solution of potassium permanganate and running water. Fill the boxes with soil 3-4 cm, if you have chosen a substrate, fill it with water so that it covers the surface by 1 cm. Dip the prepared bulbs into the soil every two centimeters, keeping them upright. It is not necessary to deepen the onion too much, only the roots should be in the water, otherwise the bulbs will rot.

Further green care

Planted bulbs should be watered every other day with warm water.

The container for a week is placed in a warm place where the temperature does not fall below +25 degrees. When feathers 1-2 cm high appear on the bulbs, the box should be moved to the windowsill. Ideal windows that face the southwest, south and southeast. If there is not enough sunlight, you can additionally highlight the containers with fluorescent lamps. Only if there is sufficient lighting, green onion feathers will accumulate useful material and acquire a rich taste.

Planted bulbs should be watered every other day with warm water. Make sure that the water is constantly at a level just below the surface of the substrate, and the soil does not dry out.

The first green feathers should not be cut, otherwise the further growth of greenery will stop. The cut is made three weeks after the planting of the onion, and it is better to cut off the extreme feathers first, since the feather grows from the middle. In order for the greens to grow continuously, the interval between plantings in different boxes should be 10-12 days.

Video about growing green onions

Growing green onions in water

There is another popular way to grow onions at home without using soil. The bulbs are handled as described above and stacked tightly in an upright position on a shallow tray. Water is poured into the pan so that it covers the bulbs by a quarter. As the water level drops, it will need to be topped up again. In two weeks you will have fresh green feathers ready to eat.

The greens do not need additional feeding, since it takes all the useful substances during growth from the bulbs. But to accelerate the growth of feathers, you can add water with wood ash dissolved in it (per 10 l 50 g).

How great it is in summer and winter to always have fresh herbs on hand, for example, an onion feather. After all, it is so often needed for salads and pies, and it is very easy to grow it right on the windowsill. In this article you will find 2 step by step instructions how to grow green onions at home on water or in the ground.

Method 1. How to grow onions for greens in water

It would seem that this method of growing onions at home is so simple and known to everyone that it does not even require instructions. After all, you just need to put the head in the water and wait for the harvest. However, this method has two problems - the rapid decay of the vegetable and the appearance of an unpleasant odor. To minimize these costs and speed up the growth process, we suggest growing onions according to the following improved instructions.

What you will need:

  1. Ordinary bulb from the store. Ideally, it is better to pick up an already sprouted bow with small arrows. However, any medium-sized onion will do, as long as the head is dense and healthy.
  2. A glass or jar with a small neck.
  3. Settled water.
  4. Activated charcoal 1-2 tablets.


Step 1. First of all, you need to prepare the bulb for forcing. To do this, first clean the onion from the top layer of the husk, pierce its root cup with a skewer and cut off the top of the head by 1-1.5 cm as shown in the photo (if the onion is already germinated, then you do not need to cut off the top).

Preparation of onions in distillation on the water

Step 3. After one day, when the roots grow on the onion, you can drain the water from the glass a little so that the water covers only them and does not touch the cup. This simple technique will allow the onion to rot longer and not emit an unpleasant odor.

Step 4. It remains only to wait 2 weeks and during this time periodically change the water. Once the feathers have grown to about 15 cm, it's time to harvest.

sprouted onion

Tips and Tricks:

  • To keep the onion from rotting even longer, add 1-2 tablets of activated charcoal to the water.
  • If you want to grow a lot of onions at home with a minimum of effort, purchase an Onion Happiness hydroponic setup from the store. It works as follows: 20 heads are inserted into the wells, the container is filled with water, then the compressor creates an air-water environment. Due to the fact that the root cups almost do not come into contact with water, the bulbs do not rot, and due to the saturation of the roots with oxygen, they give 2 crops per month with a length of 30-40 cm.
  • It is very convenient to germinate a dozen bulbs in an egg pack on the windowsill at once. In order to build such a “hydroponic installation” with your own hands, you just need to divide the container into two halves, cut holes in the cells of the upper “tier”, and fill the lower “tray” with water and cut off excess tubercles from it. Then fold the two parts on top of each other and put wooden skewers between them, as shown in the photo below.
  • By the same principle, you can grow leeks bought in a store with your own hands on the windowsill. To do this, cut off the white roots from the feathers (pictured below), and then place them in a container of water, only 1 cm deep. Leave the roots for 2 weeks in water, changing it periodically (preferably every day). However, a week after forcing, when young shoots appear, the leek can be transplanted into the ground.

Method 2. How to grow onions for greens in the ground

It is best to grow onions on a feather at home in the ground, and not in water. It's almost as simple, but the bulb will be able to produce at least 2 crops, stand for 1-2 months and still have little to no smell. In addition, if you plant turnips in a pretty pot, then your mini-bed will also decorate your windowsill.

What you will need:

  1. Priming. In winter, you can purchase suitable soil from the store (eg, it can be a mixture for cacti with a high content of sand or just an all-purpose soil), and in summer you can take the soil from the nearest plot of land.
  2. Several small healthy bulbs, preferably not fresh, but lain down for a couple of months and lowered the sprouts. If you wish, you can grow sevok on a feather, but then you will have to wait longer for the feathers, and you won’t be able to use the germinated sevok a second time. Another alternative to onions is leeks. It must first be germinated in water for 7 days (as described in the first instruction) and only then transplanted into the ground.
  3. Container, pot or any other suitable size container.
  4. Settled water for irrigation.


Step 1. From the selected turnips, remove one layer of the top husk, cut off 1-1.5 cm of the tops (if the bulbs are without sprouts), and then soak their root cups for a couple of hours or more in warm water so that they germinate a little. All these tricks will accelerate the growth of feathers.

Step 2. While the bulbs are soaking, we fill the soil with a depth of 4-7 cm into the container.

Step 3. Now we plant bulbs or sets every 2 cm, but without deepening. That is, so that only the root cups of the heads are in contact with the soil. Remember that the less contact the bulb has with the soil, the less likely it is to rot. When you've planted all the onions, water the ground with a little warm water to keep the soil slightly damp without getting the onions wet.

  • To plant sevok on a feather, you need to use loose soil and onions plant a depth of 1-2 cm tightly to each other.
  • To plant a leek, it must also be dug into loose soil to a depth of 2 cm. However, it will take longer to wait for the harvest - about three weeks.

Step 4. You should not immediately place the onion bed on the windowsill: it is better to put it in a dark, cool place for germination for just a few days. If you planted an already lying and sprouted onion, then you can do without this stage.

STEP 5. Well, that's it. Now it remains only to wait a couple of weeks, when the greens grow to 15 cm, and at this time lightly water the garden bed once every 3-4 days. You need to cut off mature feathers in the middle of the bunch and not too close to the bulb, then it will have sprouts that will soon give next harvest.

Tips and Tricks:

  • To save space on the windowsill, you can create a vertical bed with your own hands. To do this, take a 5-liter plastic bottle with a stable bottom, cut off its neck, make several holes in the bottom and cut holes in a checkerboard pattern on the walls with an interval of 3-4 cm (you will get about 4 tiers). Then gradually start filling the bottle with soil.

Planting bulbs in a vertical bed from a bottle

  • As soon as the soil reaches the first tier, place the bulbs in the holes as shown in the photo above, water the soil and repeat the steps to fill the bottle to the very top. Put the bottle on a plate and water the soil every 4 days for 2 weeks.
  • Leek and onion can be grown in the same garden.
  • Another secret: to always have fresh greens in the house, grow onions in 2-3 containers, planting them every 10 days. Then you get a "vitamin conveyor".
  • To speed up the growth process and improve the taste of greens, in the evening and at night the bed on the windowsill can be illuminated with a fluorescent lamp. This advice is especially relevant in winter.
  • Also, for greater juiciness, you can periodically spray feathers, but so that moisture does not fall on the turnips themselves.
  • In summer, make sure that the temperature in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe windowsill where onions grow does not rise above 30 °. Otherwise, the pen will stop growing. To protect the crop from overheating, you can wrap the tray with foil.

Green onions are common and healthy greens on the table. It is especially useful for flu and colds. You can grow green onions at home, even out of season. Special skills are not required, the main thing is to provide the necessary conditions for the bow.

Preparing for landing

It is necessary to properly prepare the planting material. For planting, you can use onions grown in the beds or purchased at the store. Of the varieties, it is recommended to use multi-germ: Strigunovsky, Timiryazevsky, Arzamassky, Union, etc. The size of the bulb should be 2-3 cm.

It should be healthy with no signs of rot or damage. When buying, it is recommended to choose medium-sized ones that begin to germinate. Place the selected bulbs in hot water and put on the battery for a day. After that, you can remove the top brown layer and damaged areas.

Cut off the top just before planting. You can choose any containers for planting: wooden boxes, flower pots, cardboard boxes, glass jars. The depth of the container should be about 10 cm. It is imperative to make holes in the container to drain excess water.

You can grow it in several ways: in a container with earth or in jars of water. Planting soil can be purchased from flower shop or cook it yourself. In the store, it is recommended to give preference to a mixture intended for cacti.

To prepare the soil mixture, you need to take the earth from the garden, humus and sand in equal amounts and mix. The substrate should be treated with a solution of potassium permanganate, and then rinsed with clean water.

The soil should be loose with an acidity of 6-7. First, a drainage layer is placed in the container, and then the soil mixture. Planted should be at a distance of 1.5-2 cm from each other. Planting must be done so that half of the bulb is located above the soil surface.

You can grow green onions in water. Cut the bulbs in half and dip for half an hour in a weak solution of potassium permanganate. Then put in the refrigerator for a while. Next, remove the husk and plant in any container with water.

How to plant an onion tree

To save space on the windowsill, gardeners make an “onion tree”. To make it, you will need a bottle, a pallet, soil and an onion. First you need to cut off the neck and bottom of the bottle. Next, cut round holes around the entire perimeter, the size of which will correspond to the bulbs. The bottom of the bottle can not be cut, then you need to make drainage holes.

After that, cover the pallet with earth, and place a container on top and also fill it with earth to the first circle of holes. Then insert the bulbs into them so that the roots are in the ground. Sprinkle planting material with earth. By analogy, landing to the top of the bottle is repeated.

Bulbs should be inserted at a 45 degree angle. At the very top, after planting all the bulbs, you need to make a recess in the form of a funnel for watering green onions. Water the "onion tree" until water accumulates on the pan. Usually the procedure is performed as moisture is absorbed once every 1-2 days.

Growing conditions

Under normal growing conditions, feathers mature in 2-3 weeks. The temperature in the room should be between 18-22 degrees. If the temperature is too high, the feathers will become sluggish. At temperatures above 23 degrees, feathers grow faster.

Video on how to grow green onions at home:

It is important to ensure that containers green onion do not overheat in the sun. Although green onions are light-loving plants, they do not like heat. A container with green onions should be placed in a well-lit room. If necessary, you can use additional sources. Green onions require sufficient lighting.

Only in this case, useful substances will accumulate in it, and the greens will acquire a rich taste. After planting, it is necessary to keep the onion in a cool place for some time, and then, with the appearance of feathers, place it in a bright place. The optimal location for placement on the south, southwest or southeast side of the window. For regular harvesting, planting should be done every 10 days.

Green onion care

When grown in soil, special care is not required. For irrigation use only warm water. Watering should be done every other day. The water should be just below the surface of the substrate. In this case, the soil should not dry out. Excess moisture can cause the roots of the plant to rot.

With the appearance of the first green feathers, it is undesirable to cut them off, as this may stop the further growth of the following feathers. It is necessary to cut off the extreme feathers first, since their growth starts from the middle.

You can cut onion feathers of any size, but it is advisable to trim medium-sized ones. The central feathers should be left intact.

For uniform growth of greens, the container should be periodically turned in different directions. With the water method of germination, it is advisable to put the container in a cool place. Water should be changed in the morning and evening. This is done until the roots grow.

After that, it changes once a day. If this is not done, then the water stagnates and smells unpleasant. With this method of germination, with improper care, root rot is possible. To prevent this, place the bulb in a clean cloth bag.

During watering, water will soak the fabric and, as necessary, rise to the roots. In addition, it is useful to leave the bulbs for several hours without water or periodically dry them with a towel. Green onions do not need fertilizer. To get a good harvest of feathers, the bulbs are watered with a solution of wood ash - 5 g of ash per liter of water.

Improve marketable condition greens can be by spraying with warm water. Water-grown green onions are watery and have a minimal amount of nutrients. To compensate for the lack of vitamins, universal fertilizer is added to the water.

Should buy liquid fertilizers intended for plants in the aquatic environment. Children can be involved in growing green onions. This exciting process will bring a lot of positive emotions to both adults and children.

Helpful Hints

edible greens- a wonderful and very useful food supplement to which we are all accustomed: parsley, dill, basil, cilantro, celery and other herbs give a unique aroma and taste to our usual daily dishes. It turns out that they can be grown on the windowsill all year round, if you know some secrets which I would like to talk about today.

When choosing dishes, it is better to pay attention to plastic containers, wooden boxes often leak. It is possible to use one long container for different types of herbs, however, be aware that some herbs do not mix well with each other, as they require more or less watering.

In a wide bowl with soil, you can plant immediately several types of greenery, but it is better if southern herbs such as marjoram, oregano or thyme, will grow in separate dishes. Parsley, dill, celery quite get along side by side in one pot.

Grass soil should be earth, peat, river sand and sawdust in equal proportions. Expanded clay or stones should be placed at the bottom of the dishes as drainage.

How to grow onions for greens?

Easiest to grow on a windowsill green onion: for it can be used water, not soil. Pour settled water into a jar, place an onion previously scalded with boiling water on top. Make sure only the roots touch the water.

After a short time, the bulb will shoot green arrows which should be trimmed as needed. The arrows will continue to grow until the bulb shriveles. Remember to change the water regularly.

It is not necessary to use ordinary glass jars. Some housewives adapted as containers juice packaging:

Or plastic egg packaging:

Or plastic bottle with cut holes:

Green onions grow well in soil-deep containers. from 7 centimeters and more. Onions love light, so it's best to place containers in a bright south window. If you have dark apartment, you will have to install additional lighting. In poor lighting ready bow will not have a rich taste and will not contain those useful substances that it should have.

Small onion bulbs about 2 centimeters in diameter can be used for forcing on a pen. They can be bought ready-made, or assembled on own site summer. It is good to water the earth in containers, and then lower the bulbs into it at a distance 2 centimeters apart so that half of the bulb is in the ground.

The first onion feathers should appear pretty soon. Should water the earth so that it doesn't dry out. You can start the first cut of the onion in 3 weeks after landing.

Greens at home: how to grow dill and parsley at home?

Dill very unpretentious and easy to grow, however, in order for the herb to be ready for use, it will take about 1.5 months. In order for the harvest to be good, it is necessary to water the grass a lot and provide it good lighting. During the winter you may need additional daylight lamp. It is also a good idea to feed the plants with mineral fertilizers for indoor plants.

Parsley also grows well on the windowsill, but before sowing, the seeds should leave in water for a day. This is necessary so that all the essential oils that interfere with a quick shoot disappear. After that, you need to sow the seeds to a depth of about 0.5 centimeters. Until the first sprouts appear from the ground, leave the dish with the seeds in a dark place.

Plants need to be watered every day. So that the shoots do not interfere with each other's growth, they need to be thinned out. After the first harvest, parsley should be fed with mineral fertilizers.

Homemade greens: how to grow lettuce on the windowsill?

Watercress grows very fast already on the 5th day after sowing shoots can be seen. This plant is very unpretentious and can grow even without soil: on wet sawdust, napkins or cloth. You can already harvest 2-3 weeks after sowing.

Seeds are planted at a depth of about 0.5 centimeters rows, the distance between which is about 10 centimeters, they are immediately watered and placed in a dark place. After the emergence of shoots, you need to put the salad on the windowsill. Salad loves spraying, ventilated area, good watering. You also need to make sure that the soil was loose all the time if lettuce grows in the ground.

How to grow herbs on the windowsill: basil

Basil- a very fragrant herb, which is widely used in mediterranean cuisine. The plant is very thermophilic and photophilous. If you grow basil in winter, it will need additional lighting. This grass is also very fond of moisture, so it needs to be watered every day and only in the morning.

You can sow seeds in pots for ordinary flowers. After seed germination, it is better to feed the plant complex fertilizers. So that the sprouts do not interfere with each other, it is better to plant them. If the basil starts to bloom, remove the peduncle to prolong the life of the plant.

Moon Tips: When growing herbs at home, remember to follow the lunar rhythms. Since we eat leaves, we should definitely sow herbs on the growing moon so that they gain strength and energy goes into the growth of shoots. In order for herbs to sprout quickly, it is better to sow them in days of Fire (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius), as well as in days of Water (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces).

Avoid watering plants days of Air (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius). If the grass does not require daily watering, choose water days when the moon is in signs of Cancer, Scorpio or Pisces.

Good days for planting herbs at home this summer: June 10-14, June 19-22, July 9-11, July 17-20, August 3-5, August 13-16, 2013

Lucky days for harvesting herbs from the windowsill this summer: June 9-11, June 19-21, July 16-18, August 13-14, 2013

More details about Lunar calendar gardener for June 2013 can be read here.

Not everyone has a dacha, but every family needs fresh parsley, dill, green onion feathers. The solution is simple: growing greens on the balcony or on the windowsill will allow you to have vitamin seasonings all year round. Some housewives tried this method and refused, because the herbs turned out to be tasteless and not fragrant. The reason is improper care: in winter there is little light in the apartment, too dry air and other unfavorable conditions that must be taken into account when growing vegetables at home.

What can be grown at home?

Many spices can grow in a small amount of land, so they can be grown in containers, boxes and pots on the windowsill.

Suitable for growing at home:

  • dill;
  • leaf mustard;
  • parsley;
  • green onions;
  • watercress;
  • celery;
  • basil;
  • leaf salad;
  • coriander.

You can start creating a home garden with green onions. It does not need soil - take a jar with a narrow neck, fill it with water and set the bulb so that its edges rest on the sides of the container, and the roots are immersed in the liquid. You will only need to change the water from time to time and cut green sprouts for food. When the bulb shriveles and becomes soft, shoot growth ends, replace it with a fresh specimen.

It is easier to grow each species in a separate container, so you can choose the right composition of the soil, provide the right conditions and watering. In addition, a large heavy box is difficult to move, turn towards the light, so that the landings are evenly lit. In small pots and containers, you can grow each species and variety separately, take them out on the balcony in good weather, and bring them indoors when there is a threat of frost. For proper hydration, it is necessary that there are drainage holes in the bottom. It is easy to pick up a pallet under a compact container, and excess liquid will not create puddles on the windowsill.

When you have little space or containers, you have to grow different types of greens in one dish. Group plants according to their thermophilicity: dill, watercress, celery and parsley in one container; in the other - thyme, marjoram, basil.

Don't forget to allocate at least one container to the children. Let them decide for themselves what herbs will grow there, sow the seeds with you, take care of their plantings on their own. Such work is within the power of even a first grader. Explain that plants are alive and can die of thirst, and the child will be responsible for their pets.

Garden on the windowsill

You need to start work with the preparation of the necessary equipment and materials. Containers must have drainage holes. To prevent excess moisture from accumulating on the windowsill, place containers on pallets. In winter, the air in apartments is often too dry. Add hydrogel to the soil, it will supply the roots with moisture if you forget to water the plantings on time. Put small pebbles on the pallet and regularly moisten the stones, then the plants will not suffer from dryness at home.

Each culture requires a special approach when planting and growing.

  • Green onions can be grown both in water and in the ground. Take sets or small onions and plant them in the ground 2 cm from one another, buried in the ground at half the height.
  • For a pen, you can plant in boxes perennial onion. Dig it up in your garden, cut off the green feathers, and plant it in a container.
  • Parsley seeds are slow to germinate due to the abundance of essential oils. Soak the seeds for a day in a saucer of water, and then sow. You can plant rhizomes with a good apical bud in the ground, arrange the long roots obliquely.
  • Sow watercress in rows 10 cm apart.
  • Lettuce seeds should be sown in separate recesses so that the distance between plants is about 5 cm. You can sprinkle a few grains in each hole, and then leave the strongest specimens.

At home, vegetables are usually grown, in which the aerial part is eaten. To develop shoots and leaves well, sow herbs during the growing moon. If you need good rhizomes, start sowing when the night light is in its waning phase.

Pour expanded clay at the bottom of the container, then the nutrient mixture. It can be purchased at the store or prepared from the same amount of peat, sawdust and sand. After sowing, sprinkle the seeds with a layer of soil 0.5 cm thick, cover the container with foil and keep in a warm, dark place until germination. To ensure that the green conveyor supplies you with fresh seasonings constantly, make new plantings every 2 weeks.

How to grow greens on the balcony

For those who do not have a dacha, you can grow greens in the summer on open balcony. If you build deep boxes, you can sow other crops: radishes, carrots, cucumbers, tomatoes. In summer, caring for planting in boxes is not much different from cultivating herbs in open ground, the only difference is that the earth dries out quickly, and watering should be more frequent. Frost-resistant species can be sown as soon as warm days come, while basil, rosemary and other southern crops are kept at home on the windowsill and taken out only when the spring frosts are over.

In winter, greens can be grown on glazed and well-insulated loggias. Try to plant unpretentious species that will withstand a short cold snap. Do not forget about lighting, equip the balcony with comfortable fluorescent lamps. If stationary boxes are used for planting, which cannot be brought into the room during severe frosts, keep heaters ready.

Residents southern regions can be grown on glazed loggias and thermophilic crops: basil, rosemary. You need to plant greens only in small containers, which, with an unfavorable weather forecast, are easy to bring into warm room. It is desirable that all bindings be with sashes. Winter in the South is unpredictable, even in January the temperature can rise to +20⁰. On warm, clear days, open the windows to let the plants enjoy the sun and fresh air.

Greenery care at home

AT northern regions in winter, plantings do not have enough light, so often the greens on the windowsill grow tasteless and without aroma. The plants themselves will tell you that it is too dark for them: they will begin to stretch upwards. Install energy-saving lamps and give your pets at least 12 hours of daylight. To take full advantage of the light's brightness, surround the containers with mirrors or foil.

The next problem is tightness. Each bush should have enough space for development. If, when sowing, you poured the seeds too thickly, destroy the extra specimens. When the plants are spacious, they will produce more tasty succulent shoots and leaves. If you notice that buds appear on the plantings, cut off the flower stalks, and the greenery will be more magnificent and tender.

Plants need adequate watering to thrive. In very dry apartments, be sure to add hydrogel to the soil, and cover the soil surface between plants with small pebbles. Water at least every other day, and spray the greens with a spray bottle. If the ground begins to crust, loosen it. Feed your windowsill garden every 2 weeks with a compound fertilizer solution.

Greens for sale

If the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe apartment allows, growing greenery at home on the windowsill can be a good addition to family budget. There are many methods that allow you to organize your business selling herbs. If you wish, you can build racks in several tiers or purchase a hydroponic installation. There are entrepreneurs who have earned start-up capital on parsley and dill. To be able to promote your business, you need commercial skills, and an ordinary housewife can simply sell surplus greens.

It is not necessary to stand in the market, you can get acquainted with the seller of herbs and give the greens for sale. Another option is to offer your products to a small cafe or diner. The owners of small establishments are already tired of imported herbs, which are expensive, look good, but cannot boast of any taste. They will be happy to buy spicy bunches from you, which half an hour ago grew in fertile soil on your windowsill and absorbed the aromas familiar from childhood.

The easiest way is to post a notice on your front door. In an apartment building, the neighbors will instantly buy up all the surplus from you and will be enrolled in the queue for the next harvest. If you are on maternity leave, freelancing, or otherwise do not have a regular income, containers on the windowsill will help replenish the budget.


Fresh herbs at home can be grown all year round. In the summer, a cottage or balcony will provide you with vitamins, and in winter you can grow herbs in a heated greenhouse, on a glazed loggia or right in the room on the windowsill. You will get a double benefit: a crop of juicy leaves, and a natural humidifier for dry air in the apartment.

It is advisable to grow each species in a separate container. If there are few containers, group the plants so that there are herbs in the same box that require the same growing conditions and ripen at the same time. Prepare a pot of new seeds in advance, then fresh herbs will be uninterrupted on the table. Remember that the rhizomes planted for forcing are quickly depleted, after about 2 harvests they will have to be replaced with new ones.

In order for the greens at home to gain taste and aroma, it needs a lot of light. Install energy-saving lamps and reflective screens and make sure that the stems do not stretch. Water and loosen the soil in time, do not forget to feed your pets, and you will never have to stop at the stalls with withered parsley and dill, more like camel thorn.

Home mini-gardens

on window sills are now very popular. O essential rules, which allow growing almost any vegetables in such conditions, we said in the article

"10 secrets of the home garden"

And this time I propose to discuss the best crops for home "beds" - those that do not require special care, but at the same time invariably please the harvest in the shortest possible time. I present my list and look forward to your comments.

1. Green onion

Heads my "hit parade", of course, green onions. Probably, at least once in his life, everyone grew it on the windowsill, even if only in childhood - out of curiosity. This is an ideal plant for the home garden: fast growing, unpretentious, useful.

As planting material you can use both onion sets (large fraction - samples), and ordinary turnip onions. I have tried both; from a set (or a small turnip), the harvest, of course, is less - the bulb is depleted faster. But the pen - for my taste - is softer and more tender. In addition, a small beam takes up less space when planting. large bulb gives more greenery, her feather is usually larger, and you can get a crop from it longer.

Small bulbs can also be used as planting material. Photo by the author If there are not so many of your turnips to use for forcing, you can specially buy samples in the fall - in supermarkets and specialized country stores they sell it at the end of the season with good discounts. I would not recommend purchasing such planting material for a turnip, but for distillation - just right.

You can plant onions for distillation in small containers with water or a nutrient solution (so that the bulb does not fall into the water in any case, but only touches it) or into the ground. I personally like the second option more: the bulbs on the water often begin to rot, exuding a specific aroma; I have never had such an incident with the ground.

I will certainly add hydrogel soaked in Gumi solution to the soil for planting (this biological product strengthens plants, additionally nourishes them, and increases resistance to diseases). AT room conditions the soil substrate dries out quickly, and the hydrogel prevents the bulbs from suffering from moisture deficiency.

To always be with the harvest, it is best to plant an onion regularly - every 10-14 days. Then by the time the crop is fully harvested from the first "bed", the greens will ripen on the next - and so on until spring.

Box with green onions. Photo by the author For planting, I use small plastic boxes. I pour expanded clay at the bottom (there are no holes for draining excess moisture in the boxes, so drainage is necessary), on top - soil with hydrogel up to about half the box. Having slightly compacted the mixture, I plant the bulbs in it close to each other, without deepening them into the soil. I water a lot and that's it.

Because I usually plant already sprouted bulbs, the harvest does not have to wait long. I don’t carry out any specific procedures (trimming, soaking, and the like), which are often recommended when forcing onions on a feather - I don’t see a special need, and there is always not enough time. But if you, friends, have such experience, and you see the benefits of such processing, be sure to share your opinion in the comments - recommendations from practitioners are always priceless!

  • How to grow delicious onions on the windowsill - secrets and subtleties
  • Garden on the windowsill: we grow onions, garlic and carrots for greens
  • Forcing onions in special boxes: the experience of Yulia Minyaeva
  • Growing green onions in a plastic bottle

2. Watercress

I will say right away: I myself grew this plant only once - I was not impressed with its gastronomic properties. Personally, I liked leafy mustard more - also a very undemanding cruciferous plant. But taste, as you know, is a purely individual thing, and I still take the liberty of recommending watercress as one of best crops for home gardens. Why?

  • First of all, he - like the bow - is exceptionally unpretentious. Those who do not have the opportunity or desire to spend time on the laborious care of the "beds" on the windowsill will certainly appreciate this, I believe.
  • Secondly, it is very early ripening: already 2-3 weeks after the emergence of shoots (and they will not keep you waiting either), young vitamin greens will delight you.
  • Thirdly, nature has endowed watercress with many useful properties: regular consumption of this culture helps to normalize blood pressure, improve digestion and sleep. It was used as a remedy for scurvy, and anemia and beriberi were treated with juice.

Watercress - Harvest in Two Weeks If you have children, try sowing watercress with them - if only for the sake of experiment. This plant is one of those with which it is worth starting an introduction to gardening, because failure is almost impossible!

Watercress successfully grows on window sills even in winter - it is very cold-resistant (temperature from +15 to +18 degrees is considered ideal for it) and is not picky about light. The only thing he needs is regular moistening of the soil and air, since this plant does not like drought. To keep the greens on the table constantly, it is recommended to sow the next portion of watercress every 7-10 days.

3. Lettuce

As a big salad lover, I couldn't ignore it, of course. This culture is a little more demanding than green onions and watercress, but for the sake of juicy greens, it's worth the effort. What should be taken into account?

  • First of all, lettuce at home needs additional illumination - this is a light-loving culture. Lack of lighting will lead to the early formation of peduncles. The problem is partially solved by the choice of varieties. Lollo Rossa and Lollo Bionda (my favorites) did well for me; recommend for home gardens also varieties New Year's, Vitamin, Emerald lace.
  • Secondly, lettuce painfully reacts to drought and heat: the leaves coarsen and become bitter, flower stalks quickly form.
  • Thirdly, lettuce shoots need to be thinned out. It is recommended to do this twice: a week after germination at a distance of 1-2 cm between seedlings, and in the phase of 2-3 true leaves - at a distance of 4-5 cm. If you thicken the crops, the plants will stretch, weaken, and you will most likely harvest you won't see.

Young lettuce plants. Photo by the author From cultivation head forms of lettuce at home, it is better to refuse until enough experience appears: they are more demanding and need more careful care than their leaf counterparts, and growing season they usually take longer. To be honest, I didn’t even try to grow leaf lettuce at home to standard sizes, which he reaches in the garden - tender young leaves were quite enough for me. But, if the place allows, and there are conditions suitable for the salad, it is quite possible to get large rosettes.

4. Parsley

Parsley at home can be obtained in two ways: sowing seeds in the ground and forcing from prepared roots. The second method, although it requires some pre-training is generally easier. Even if you have not prepared planting material since the fall, you can look for high-quality root crops for forcing in the vegetable departments of stores.

For our purposes, unconditionally healthy medium-sized parsley roots (30-60 g in weight) without signs of wilting are suitable. They must definitely retain the apical bud - heavily pruned plants will not give greenery.

Having moistened the soil well in a box or flower pot, we plant root crops, covering their tops with soil. Too long can be cut (the cut is sprinkled with charcoal to avoid rot) or planted obliquely. The latter option is considered even more preferable than the usual fit.

Parsley from seeds at home. Photo by the author If you grow parsley from seeds, you need to take into account two nuances: the plant is photophilous, and its seeds germinate rather slowly. When sowing, the parsley containers were not located very well relative to the light source, and the seedlings immediately began to stretch. And it was possible to speed up the germination thanks to the preliminary soaking of the seeds in the Gumi solution (I will certainly tell you more about this wonderful preparation someday).

Parsley is not afraid of cold weather, so it feels great on the windowsill. The plant also does not impose special requirements on moisture - we water as needed, depending on the conditions in the room. I traditionally apply hydrogel for all such plantings, so I usually don’t have any problems with watering my home garden at all.

Read more about growing this plant at home in the article How to grow parsley on a windowsill.

5. Chives

This crop will require a little preliminary preparation: in order to get a crop all winter, it is necessary to harvest from autumn planting material for distillation. Small bunches of chives are dug up and, having cut off the feather, they are planted in boxes or pots, which are stored in the basement or on the balcony.

In winter, they are brought into a warm room as needed and placed closer to the light. The feather of chives grows quickly; it can be plucked from the bush selectively or cut off completely. I like its flavor - more tender and milder than regular green onions, so (given the ease of growing) I have no hesitation in adding chives to my list of the best crops for the home garden.

As my experience has shown, at home, a crop from one plant can be obtained twice, after which it is depleted, even with good care and top dressings. Therefore, it is reasonable to prepare several containers with planting material in order to grow greens throughout the winter. Well, in early spring, chives are one of the first to sprout in the garden.

Green chives - harvest from the home "bed". Photo by the author It is advisable to take planting material for forcing from those plantings that you intend to thin out or completely remove - the plants used for forcing are no longer restored, and after the final harvest they are removed.

Important nuance: chives are very sensitive to moisture - with a lack of it, the feather coarsens and begins to noticeably bitter, flower stalks quickly form. I set up an experiment: I planted the same delenki in the same containers; one - into ordinary soil, the second - into a mixture of soil with hydrogel. Visible, as they say, with the naked eye, differences in the growth and development of plants confirmed the assumption about the benefits of using the hydrogel in this case as well.

Summing up

Here is the list. I tried to grow radishes at home, and dill, and cilantro; As a child, I planted beans and peas. I drove out the greens of beets and carrots, tried to save the basil transplanted from the garden ... In a word, there were many different experiments, and the listed crops were among my favorites.

Decisive when choosing there were factors such as ease of cultivation and undemanding conditions. I repeat what I have already said more than once: you can grow almost any garden crop at home, but not everyone has the opportunity for this. So best plants for a home garden - those that will not be difficult for anyone to grow.

Let me remind you: Garden on a balcony or windowsill: features home gardening- the topic of the next lesson in our Gardener Academy. The recommendations of Agrofirm Search specialists, with whom we organized this project, will help beginners to quickly master garden wisdom, and experienced gardeners to systematize and deepen their knowledge.

What do you grow on your windowsills? What do you agree with in my story, and what could you argue with, based on own experience? Share your opinion in the comments, tell us about your favorite plants!

You can grow plants at home both from a pragmatic point of view and as a hobby. Arugula, basil, dill and other plants are sun-loving. In this article, we will analyze the important nuances that should be considered when growing them at home on the windowsill.

How to plant greenery at home

Sun-loving plants grow quite well on windows, but you should follow a number of simple rules for caring for them.

1. On the sunny side of the windows, place pots or containers. If you take plastic boxes, then the moisture will not evaporate well. And for such cases, drainage is necessary. A couple of centimeters of drainage will be enough.

2. Fertilizer for almost all sun-loving, and especially for vitamin-rich greens, nutritious, with all the necessary minerals. In order not to additionally feed the plant during its growth, you can take ready-made soil and even choose it according to the type of plant in special gardening stores.

3. Since sun-loving plants give a lot of leaves in the form of a crown, then when using the sowing method, you will have to plant seedlings in additional pots in the future. It is convenient to sow in peat pots.

4. In the winter season, it is important to have fluorescent lamp, which is used to illuminate plants, the light from it is needed in order to extend daylight hours. But it is not worth heating the leaves with an infrared lamp, this can lead to burns of their surface or drying of the soil.

It is desirable to change the direction of lighting sometimes, this helps the plants to develop their leaves on the stem correctly.

5. Light-loving plants are also moisture-loving. Sometimes, in addition to watering, it is worth irrigating the leaves, creating, as it were, an imitation of rain. Ordinary greens need this more than plants with a wide leaf.

Growing basil on a windowsill

The most popular plant for salads and grown on windows is basil. An important advantage of it is that it is easily propagated by cuttings. If you put it in water, roots appear from the leaf in a couple of weeks. After that, basil can be grown in pots. If the seeds are sown at a temperature of 28 ° C, seedlings appear in a week.

Exist different kinds basil, but for windows it is better to choose undersized varieties.

Growing arugula on a windowsill

Delicious green arugula, like basil, is a light-loving plant and emerges from seeds fairly quickly. But the earth for it should be selected alkaline. In addition, the plant loves moisture, but you should not water it heavily and irrigate it, unlike basil.

The growing temperature is much lower than the first greens - 18°C.

It is very important to choose an early variety, otherwise you will have to wait a long time for the leaves to appear. But arugula, like basil, also quickly grows to seedling level in a couple of weeks.

Growing lettuce on a windowsill

There are various leafy lettuces that, according to the same principle, are convenient to grow on windows. Important to choose early varieties plants.

And with sufficient humidity, as well as abundant watering, they produce fresh, crisp, large leaves. But if the air temperature is hot for them, then they will begin to fade and form an arrow.

All salads are photophilous, so you need to extend their daylight hours on cloudy days and monitor the air temperature so that they retain their freshness. It is necessary to irrigate the salad every day.

Growing dill on a windowsill

Dill is a photophilous plant and loves irrigation, but for example, you should not additionally consecrate it with a lamp, as it will quickly give lush greenery and will not tend to form an arrow. In addition, the appearance of an early arrow depends on the variety.

For growing dill at home, it is better to choose varieties of bushy dill. And if you plant it in the spring, then abundant watering is necessary, more than in winter. At the same time, it is better for dill to create a temperature of 18 ° C and not highlight, so it will retain its green color. But if you highlight the lamp, then the air temperature should be increased. But this must be done in such a way that the plant is comfortable and retains its fresh appearance.

With fertilized soil, fertilizing dill is not necessary. Dill is sown with seeds, after wetting them in a solution of potassium permanganate.

Growing on a windowsill will become great solution for lovers of fresh herbs. A mini garden does not require much time and effort from you, and you get a lot of benefits. In addition, it can decorate your kitchen or loggia by applying simple ideas for a "garden".

Have a good harvest! 😉

What do you grow on your windowsill at home? 🙂

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In Russian cuisine, greens most often mean dill, cockerel, and green onions. That is, these are those green herbs that are spices.

Despite the seeming ease of cultivation, these plants have their own characteristics, which we will discuss below.

Growing greens. Selection of planting material, seeds

Parsley. Biennial plant. Has two types: root(root cone-shaped, thickened) and sheet(root thin, curved). Each species has its own varieties. Possesses the increased frost resistance (takes out to - 10 °C). The crop can be harvested from early spring to late autumn. The necessary conditions for this are very simple. Landing is recommended to be carried out at a certain frequency, for example, every three weeks. To do this, in the prepared beds we make grooves 1-2 cm deep at a distance of 15 cm from each other. The first sprouts should appear from 9 to 15 days. Parsley is not covered for the winter. The basics of care are quite simple: exercise watering greenery in the evening, thin out when 1-2 leaves of the plant appear (the first time you need to leave a distance of 3 cm, after a couple of weeks we increase the distance to 10 cm), remove weeds and loosen the soil. As for top dressing, if you have fertilized the soil, you do not need to take any additional action. And if something bothered you, then during the growing season, parsley can be fed with nitrogen fertilizers.

Parsley varieties, in fact, are not so many. You can easily choose seeds for growing greens according to your taste and desire. The most popular: Sugar, Leafy, Ordinary, Curly.

Dill. annual herbaceous plant. The necessary conditions for growing this herb are similar to those for parsley. Seeds can germinate already at -4°C. That is, already in April, you can start planting seeds in open ground. If frosts are expected, then the seedlings must be covered with protective material. The greens of plants planted in autumn can be cut two weeks earlier. Dill loves sunlight and constant watering, i.e. wet soil. So that this plant does not turn into an ordinary weed, select a separate bed for it. Also, the features of care include thinning seedlings that have reached about 6 cm in height. The final distance from each other should be approximately 20 cm.

Dill varieties differ little from each other in taste and aroma. The main difference in terms of maturation:

Early ripe (Gribovsky, Far, Aurora);

Mid-season Lesnogorodsky, Bushy, Abundantly deciduous);

Late ripening (Alligator, Kibray, Dill).

green onion. Biennial and perennial herbaceous plant of the bulbous family. Unpretentious to climatic conditions and is easy to care for. Different varieties greens are grown in approximately the same way with the same necessary conditions. For planting, take a bulb of medium or small size. A large onion will take up a lot of space and it will take longer for the feather to come out. Onions can be planted in open ground in autumn before frost, or in early spring. The place should be chosen sunny and dry. Watering should be carried out regularly, preventing the soil from drying out. Before planting, it is recommended to soak the bulbs in warm water for a day and cut off the top from them. It is believed that thanks to these simple actions, the forcing of onions to greens will happen faster and the yield will increase. Most often, onions are planted so-called. in a strip method, in which the bulbs are placed at a distance of 2-5 cm from each other between rows located approximately at a distance of 10-20 cm.

Onion scheme for planting

But the bridge method can also be used, in which the bulbs are stacked close to each other (10 kg of onion per 1 m²). If planting takes place in winter, then it is recommended to pour humus or manure on top in a small layer, and in the spring to remove and install a film frame on the bed. From October to April, it is recommended to grow onions for greenery in a greenhouse, and from February to May - in a greenhouse. As a top dressing, conventional mineral, organic or mixed fertilizers are recommended. None chemicals when forcing onions on greens can not be used. The feather is harvested when it reaches a height of 24-42 cm.

The most famous types of onions are: batun, schnit, slime, shallots.

There are also general tips and rules applicable to all types and varieties of greens:

1) Beds for planting greenery are best prepared in the fall. Apply at the same time organic (for example, manure) and mineral fertilizers. In the spring, complex fertilizers containing potassium, phosphorus, nitrogen, superphosphate are additionally applied, carbamide (urea) or ammonium nitrate can be added. It is recommended to sow in moist soil in grooves 2 cm deep, do not sprinkle heavily with earth.

2) It is believed that autumn planting dill gives a much better harvest than spring. The plant will be more resistant and less prone to diseases.

3) For seeds, there is one general rule: before sowing, place them in a 1% manganese solution and leave for 12 hours. This is necessary for disinfection and feeding with the necessary trace elements for growth. The percentage of germination will be much higher than that of dry seeds.

4) When choosing seeds, pay attention to the expiration date and the manufacturer.

Growing greens in a greenhouse

If you want to grow greenery all year round, then you cannot do without a greenhouse. The necessary conditions that must be met are:

1) Earth. The typical composition of soil for greenhouses includes: different types of peat, ordinary garden soil, composts of various compositions, wood waste in the form of bark, sawdust, fallen leaves, river sand and clay, manure (except pig), bird droppings, straw. The thickness of the soil cover is 25-30 cm. Planting can be carried out at any time in the usual ways intended for this crop.

2) Lighting. Additional lighting will prolong the feeling of daylight and give the plants extra energy.

3) Watering. It is ideal to install a drip irrigation system in a greenhouse.

4) Warmly. The optimum temperature in the greenhouse should be + 18ºС.

To grow parsley in a greenhouse, use sprouted seeds. To do this, the planting material is kept for several days on gauze folded in half at room temperature until the first sprouts appear. Plant the prepared seeds in the ground with an interval of 5 cm and then water well. Thin out the resulting seedlings. After the first cut of the crop, you can fertilize the soil with a solution of mullein. Further care will be to support optimal temperature(+12ºС -+18ºС), humidity (75%), lighting and weed removal. You can harvest 30-40 days after planting.

Diagram of a greenhouse for growing parsley

For planting dill in a greenhouse, you should choose bush-type varieties. Soak them in water for 2 days first. Dill is not picky about the soil, but it is better to fertilize it with humus, and fertilize it every two months. It is also necessary to take into account that the thickness of the soil layer should be 50 cm, since the roots of the plant are long. Needs constant watering and an additional source of light. Special care requirements are the thinning of plant seedlings. You can harvest dill in 20-30 days.

Planting green onions in a heated greenhouse can be done at any time of the year. To do this, cut off the tops of the bulbs (don't worry if the cut is too wide, as the resulting feathers grow, this cut will be smoothed out). The soil must be well fertilized organic compounds. good harvest It turns out when onions are planted in boxes filled with peat, humus or compost. When caring for the cultivation of greenery, the following conditions must be observed: regularly water and feed, ensure the temperature is not higher than + 19 ° C. Additional lighting is also needed, and the lamps should be located vertically, which will avoid wringing the pen. Harvest can be harvested after 30 days.

home growing greens

The simplest and cheapest green vegetable garden is the garden at home. In terms of crop volume and assortment, it is, of course, difficult to compare with the usual one, but it is quite comfortable to have live juicy greens at any time. We are used to the fact that you can grow green onions on the windowsill, but few people know that other greens - parsley, dill, etc. - can also be excellently grown. The greens grown on the windowsill are in no way inferior in quality to those that grow on the garden bed.

This issue also has its own secrets and necessary conditions:

1) Right choice seed: it must be early maturing varieties resistant to adverse conditions;

2) Pre-sowing preparation seeds and soil. Believe that selecting and soaking seeds is not a waste of time, but a condition for the success of your garden.

As for the soil, here you have two options:

Buy the finished mixture in the store (which is more convenient and easier);

Cook on your own. Ingredients: humus, garden soddy soil and complex mineral fertilizers (1 tbsp per bucket of mixture). The bottom layer of the pot or boxes should be covered with expanded clay or small pebbles. To get a green feather, plant the bulbs in a container that is one third filled with soil. Also, some lower them into the pan, adding water from time to time so that it covers the roots.

Advice: if you are reusing the soil for planting, remove a little of the top layer and add fresh soil with biohumus.

3) Proper technology and care. There are several factors here:

Drainage. Do not forget to put expanded clay or small pebbles on the bottom of your pots or boxes. This will prevent water from stagnating and avoid root death and mold formation.

Do not bury the seeds in the soil, the sowing depth should be no more than 2 cm.

Temperature regime. Place a thermometer on the windowsill (or anywhere else where your garden is located) and control the required temperature. The room must be - 18-28°C heat.

Avoid too bright sun and drafts.

Top dressing and fertilizers. No matter how hard you try, but ensure climatic conditions the same as in nature, we will not be able to our plants. Therefore, here they will come to our rescue various kinds of additives. Organic fertilizers such as manure will have to be abandoned. They are not suitable for a balcony or window sill.

4) Lighting. It is better to put plants on the windowsill located in the southeast. If this is not possible, then additional lighting will come to the rescue. Its deficiency can be detrimental to the cultivation of greens.

5) Watering should be carried out as the plant dries. In summer it will be carried out more often and more abundantly, in winter less often. Use water at room temperature so as not to kill the plants.

Greenery on the windowsill

Growing greens for sale

This idea belongs to the category of promising and cost-effective. It does not require large financial investments, the demand for herbs is stable, the yield is high, the growing period is short, and the payback is attractive. But there is still a fly in the ointment here. This is a sales market. This is your main task. Selling to resellers for a penny - it makes no sense. We need to look for serious clients. You can offer your services to cafes, restaurants, shops, but here you will be required to provide documents. The opening of individual entrepreneurship is also associated with certain troubles and costs. Another option is to stand on the market yourself. In any case, you must take into account all costs. If you sell the surplus, then do not count on special cash income. You can earn only on large volumes of production. And if your plans are to grow greens for sale, then be sure to consider the cost of heating and lighting the greenhouse, which you cannot do without. Now this is a very large cost item. It is also necessary to take into account the costs of renting land (when it is implemented), building a greenhouse, transportation costs, hired labor (when used). If the above points do not scare you, and you are ready to establish contacts in the sales market, then the "green" business will pay off your hopes.

For example, consider the leader of this business - green onions. The yield per cut can be 1.5 kg per m². The ripening period is 30 days. The average annual retail price of a kilogram of greens is approximately 300 rubles per kg. The purchase price of bulbs for sowing will be approximately 10-20 rubles per kg. At the same time, we still do not take into account that boxes with onions can be placed on racks, on top of each other, and there are still such varieties of onions that give higher yields. Based on the above figures, everyone can calculate the cost and estimated profitability of this type of business for himself. Already established businessmen talk about 100% profit, and in some cases even more.

The necessary conditions for growing greens for business practically do not differ from the basic ones. Planting can be carried out all year round in a conveyor way to obtain a continuous harvest. Watering should be timely so that the soil does not dry out. And in this you will be greatly assisted by a drip irrigation system, which you can do yourself. It is also necessary to carry out fertilizing plants more carefully, since the plant can get sick, can be infected with pests, the soil is depleted over time. All this requires the use of special complex fertilizers. Care is the same as for these types of plants. Features are only in the collection and transportation of plants. After all, it is necessary to provide long-term storage products, their transportation and, of course, their presentation for sale without loss of quality and appearance.

Growing greens in winter

You can grow greens in winter not only in a greenhouse, it can also be done at home. And these two methods have the same number of pros and cons. In the greenhouse, green onions, parsley and dill are profitable to grow except for sale. Because the costs associated with lighting and heating are pretty high. But at home, a completely small home garden can delight you all winter. And this will significantly affect your finances, since the prices for greenery are not pleasing to the eye. Concerning palatability, then in winter frosts it is not easy to get spicy fragrant greens, but it will still be different from frozen.

For winter planting fit special varieties resistant to adverse conditions. The soil for growing green onions should contain organic fertilizers, for parsley and dill, ordinary soil is enough. The growth period is 30 days. Parsley is resistant to cold, dill requires enough light. Water and fertilize plants as needed. Care is similar for this type of plant. Avoid cold and frozen windows and window sills, and be sure to heat the greenhouse.

Care, feeding

As with any other crops, when growing greenery, it must be looked after, creating all the necessary conditions. Weeding, thinning seedlings, loosening the soil, applying top dressing should be carried out regularly. Be careful with any kind of top dressing. After all, you do not need meter-long parsley and dill with a finger-thick stem. But top dressing in caring for plants will also perform its role perfectly: it will not only nourish the soil with all the necessary macronutrients, but also protect plants from all kinds of diseases.


  • organic- which include natural ingredients. These include: manure, peat, bird droppings, composts, sawdust, bone meal. They are used dry or diluted, for example, for irrigation. If you have not fertilized the soil in the fall, then you can use the following top dressing: half a bucket of humus per 1 sq. m of sown area. Instead of humus, you can take mullein, diluted with water in a ratio of 1:10. Mineral fertilizers, which are:

Simple, which include one element (nitrogen, phosphorus);

Complex, which consist of two or more components.

Methods and rules of application you can easily find on the packages. An approximate ratio would be 1 tbsp. l. for 10 liters of water.

Every time after you cut the parsley leaves, feed it (about 2 times per season). To do this, feed a piece of land with ammonium nitrate in the amount of 20-30 g per m².

  • Other, which include bacterial, bioadditives, etc..

Growing greens. Major pests and how to deal with them

Every summer season, we encounter pests in the garden and try hard to fight them.

Parsley is susceptible to the following diseases and pests: rust, white rot, carrot psyllid, carrot fly, melon aphid, white spot.

Dill can be overcome by omnivorous pests (larvae of the May beetle, caterpillars of nibbling scoops, a bear, etc.) or aerial parts (spider mites, leafhoppers, aphids, bedbugs, etc.).

Green onions constantly fight aphids, onion flies, thrips, stem worm.

Control measures are generally accepted for these species. These can be pesticides (aktarin, actellik, karbofos, medvetoks, etc.) or folk remedies (onion infusion, aloe solution, etc.). It is better to take preventive measures.

Enjoy the green beds, as they create the atmosphere of their own green world, pleasing to the eye and warming the soul.
