Do-it-yourself winter garden on the balcony. Color names and videos

September 27, 2016
You can talk about design canons for a long time, but every day the existing canons become less and less stable. Aesthetics and harmony, balance, colors, materials, brought together in order to get such a long-awaited result are the essence of your knowledge, practice and self-development. My motto is to learn, see, touch something new every day, and I am sure that this is the only way to keep the right course in “high design”.

I want so much that summer does not end ... And it will not end if you organize a winter garden on the balcony. About how to arrange paradise in my apartment, pick up plants and provide them with proper care, I will tell you today.

2 winter garden rules

Rule #1 - sunshine

Plants love sunlight. Yes, you can organize a balcony winter garden in poor lighting conditions, but in this case there are limitations in choice of plants, not everyone will agree to live in semi-darkness.

Rule number 2 - nursery

Purchase balcony pets from a nursery that specializes in growing plants native to your area. Exotic shrubs and palm trees are certainly attractive, but in most cases, their cultivation requires considerable knowledge and a huge amount of fertilizer and top dressing.

Well, well, if you are ready, we can start arranging a balcony garden.

Lighting and temperature

The place for the garden should be as lit as possible. If we are talking about the classic balcony in high-rise building, you will have to significantly expand the windows or dismantle the walls by installing transparent partitions.

If you have several options for location, choose the south side. The eastern and western balconies are less lit, although they will allow you to enjoy the beauty of the sunset.

When arranging, you can capture part of the living room, so, in a bathroom with a balcony, which are often found in private houses, tropical plants will take root perfectly.

Plants need a place for wintering, if the balcony is not insulated, take a separate room for pets, in which the temperature will vary from 14 to 20 ° C, depending on the selected plants and necessary conditions for their cultivation.

Garden style and plant type

The first thing you need to determine is the style of the garden, which will set the direction in choosing plants and accessories.

Indoor gardens are classified on the basis of microclimatic zones, divided into subtropical and tropical. I have a special trepidation for orchards, which exude an invigorating citrus aroma.

Give a window seat to subtropical plants, away from direct sunlight - to tropical ones, and place a mini-reservoir here, which can be assigned a decorative and practical function, used as an air humidifier.

Plants can be grown both in individual pots and bulk tubs for several seedlings. I consider the first option more successful, since you have the opportunity to separate the diseased plant from its neighbors.

Since we are talking about the "immunity" of domestic green pets, remember that the strongest are seedlings grown from seeds that were originally adapted to the conditions of a closed winter garden.

In the photo - a Japanese garden on the balcony

Style Description and instructions for creating
Japanese Our compatriots fell in love with it for its unusual exoticism, simplicity and sophistication. If your eyes fell on Japanese restraint, you can not do without a miniature waterfall, a fountain and a couple of cobblestones.
Tropical This style does not put forward requirements for design, but is extremely demanding on the selection of plants. It can be different varieties of begonias, flowering plants, dracaena, ficus, dieffenbachia.
Minimalism This the best solution for a garden that is to be located in a small area. Choose medium-sized plants in the same color scheme, arrange them asymmetrically in groups.
High tech Organized on the podium in several tiers of simple plants strict form and single color.
Rustic Bright flowering plants, herbs and even potted vegetables are suitable for organizing a garden. Useful vegetable garden can be obtained thanks to a tub with dill, basil, parsley, cucumbers and tomatoes, decorative berry bushes.
Country Of the plants, the planting of ivy, tradescantia, geranium is relevant. Be sure to choose the right size decor: an old chest of drawers, a garden lamp, plaster figures.

Plants: selection criteria

The main purpose of the winter garden is to create a good mood and favorable conditions for life.. The last point requires special scrupulousness in the selection of plants.

So, oleanders and some types of magnolias are poisonous, but devils are so beautiful, tiny primroses can cause eczema or hives, and injections from overseas cacti often end in abscesses.

To purify the air in the apartment, plant conifers, for example, dwarf fir. No less benefit from juniper, cypress, araucaria. Decrease Negative influence electromagnetic radiation possible thanks to a cactus with long needles or tradescantia.

If you often get colds, be sure to plant plants with volatile properties, it can be monstera, aspargus, chlorophytum, thuja, begonia, lemon Tree, geranium.

Chlorophytum absorbs formaldehydes and toxins, so it can safely bear the title of air purifier. Aspargus is able to cope with heavy salts, phenols and formaldehydes, and dracaena cleans the air from benzene, which is released by linoleum.

Aloe, prickly pear or crassula can be placed in the corners of the balcony, which will protect the room from fungus.

The maximum amount of oxygen is produced by sansevier, an adult flower can replace 2-3 plants in terms of its efficiency.

A comfortable level of humidity is supported by ferns, cyclamen and violets; from unexpected guests in the form of flies, moths and mosquitoes, lavender and sage will protect.

If you have heavy smokers in your family, be sure to plant a clivia that cleans the air from cigarette smoke.

Pelargonium, rosemary, lemon balm, mint, dracaena have a calming effect, but lemons invigorate.

Geranium has a specific aroma that not everyone likes, but this plant can rightly be called green Aibolit. If you suffer from high blood pressure, cardiovascular insufficiency, liver and kidney diseases, be sure to take a corner for geraniums.

Plants are "wizards"

Plants have the power to clear geopathic zones. The most powerful energy purifiers are palm, myrtle, ficus. Negative energy is well absorbed by tradescantia, cissus and ivy, in addition, these weaving plants are very unpretentious and grow well. Reflect "attack" evil forces calla lilies, fern and cypress can.

For strengthening family relations violets, geraniums, ficus, begonias, echmea and cacti will be taken. It is worth noting that plants with red flowers are capable of concentrating positive energy.

flowering plants

The eye is especially pleased when the plants in the winter garden bloom. Unfortunately, not many potted wards bloom in winter time.

The most affordable and hardy variety of orchids is phalaenopsis. It reaches a height of 1 meter, can bloom 2-3 times a year. I advise you to place them in a conspicuous place, next to a miniature fountain.

Cyclamen and Schlumberger cactus bloom in December, and saintpaulia - throughout the year. Azaleas, poinsettias, anthuriums and some types of aphelandra will please with color in winter.

As an alternative, plants with brightly colored leaves can be considered. It can be Wilks' Akalifa with reddish-purple foliage, red-green coladium variegated and coleus.

Please to the table

A garden on a balcony can be not only beautiful, but also delicious. Among the flowering potted plants, find a place for a bush of oregano, arugula, curly lettuce, parsley, dill, basil, sage, green onions, spicy room pepper and ornamental strawberries.

A tub or a pot?

Before planting, decide which of the plants will grow in pots, and which will require a deep tub. In my winter garden, I have planted tubs for araucaria, bright-blooming red anthuria, money tree, sansevier and dieffenbachia.

In addition, separate plants that require increased attention and meticulous care. I do not like whimsical flowers, but I could not refuse the pleasure of having gummi eucalyptus and laurel. They need to form a crown, this is also worth remembering when arranging a home greenhouse.

Special care for special plants

A separate category is fast-growing plants, for example, chlorophytum and tradescantia. The latter must often be fed and pinched. Otherwise, it will have a unkempt appearance and small leaves. I recommend putting it in composition with other contrasting varieties.

Be sure to get some curiosity, I chose the phalaenopsis orchid, which is quite unpretentious and will grow in a transparent glass vase.

If the garden on the balcony is adjacent to the bedroom, be sure to plant a lotus and callas. They symbolize family happiness.

Few people know that in nature, orchids grow on trees, so you can safely plant them in pine bark. The only problem with the composition will be the need for watering from below. A fountain must be located near the phalaenopsis.

Outdoor trees can also be grown at home. If you start with a stone, it will take several years before the plant no longer fits on the loggia.

In order not to be excruciatingly painful to destroy an adult green comrade, choose frost-resistant varieties that can be planted outside. Palms include Rhapidophyllum hystrix and Yucca Elata.

I choose

  • Saintpaulia. Usambara violets are categorized exotic plants, very unpretentious and fit perfectly into any of the garden. If you are decorating a winter garden in country style, take a closer look at Helena or Medison varieties with terry edges. For more restrained styles, the laconic monochrome variety Mix is ​​relevant.
    In order for Saintpaulia to please you with abundant and long flowering, provide it with regular watering and a cool place without direct sunlight.

Saintpaulia does not bloom until it fills the entire pot with its root system, so when transplanting, choose a container commensurate with the plant.

When choosing a pot, opt for a plastic container with a wide rim.

  • orchids. The opinion that orchids are capricious is only partly true. There are varieties that do not require much effort to grow. Oncidiums and phalaenopsis bloom in my winter garden. Why these particular varieties? Unlike vandas, they are unpretentious in terms of lighting.
    The orchid pot should contain a substrate of bark and moss. From my many years of experience, I do not recommend using unglazed ceramic pots, very often the roots of the plant grow to the walls. It is better to give preference to smooth glass or plastic.

  • Large sizes. Without them, the garden would not be a garden. If a corner is reserved for a large plant, choose a shade-loving species, for example, monstera, philodendra, ficus, spathiphyllum. Among the sun-loving ones are dracaena, codiaum and cordelina.

If the plant has variegated leaves with veins and spots, it will need a lot of light.

And one more piece of advice: when disembarking large plants immediately purchase a pot with automatic watering. Such foresight will allow you not to think about the fate of green pets in your absence in the future.

  • succulents. This category of plants from dry, hot places, so they do not require frequent watering. This is a great option for forgetful home plant lovers like me. For my garden, I chose brachychitum, pachypodium, adenium and zamiokulkis.

If your garden is decorated in country style, give preference to ripsalis and schlumburgers.

Upside down: equipping a vertical winter garden

If the balcony area is negligible, you can equip a vertical garden, which has become mainstream in design and landscaping.

Let's start with the basics. What is a vertical garden? Many mistakenly believe that plants growing vertically fall under this concept. But after all, a traditional ampelous planter is far from a vertical garden.

To bear the title of vertical, the garden must consist of plants planted in a single system. The latter is mounted on the wall.

What is important when arranging vertical garden? All plants should have similar living conditions. You will not be able to separate one flower and move it to a more lighted/cooler/shaded place.

Classification of vertical gardens

Vertical gardens are divided into two categories, the first are created on the basis of hydroponics, the second - on the ground. If this is your first time taking up the arrangement of such a structure, I recommend choosing the second option, the plants receive the necessary nutrition when placed in the ground. But for hydroponics, the choice of plants is significantly reduced, leaving only the most unpretentious.

This method involves the complete cleaning of the root system from the soil and placing it in a special substrate of expanded clay and sphagnum moss. Expanded clay is a guarantee of oxygen supply, moss is a humidity regulator. Plant nutrition is provided by watering.

Plant selection

Ideal plants for vertical gardening: aglaonema, scindapsus, monstera.

  • Scindapsus is a climbing vine that climbs up thanks to its aerial roots. Prefers a moderate temperature within 15-18 °C, in winter - not lower than +12 °C.
    Scindapsus does not require a lot of fertilizer. From the beginning of April to October, during the period of active growth, the bushes are fed once every 2-3 weeks with liquid fertilizer.

Interesting fact! Scindapsus has a positive effect on metabolism and creates a comfortable psychological environment in the room.

  • Aglaonema (Aglaonema) - has large oblong-lanceolate leaves sitting on a short stem. For a vertical garden, I recommend paying attention to the varieties Silver King and Red Diamond.
    The plant is quite thermophilic and even in winter it will hardly endure temperatures below +18 ° C. During the period of active growth requires top dressing 2 times a month.

Aglaonema purifies the air, saturating it with air ions, and kills streptococcal infection.

  • Monstera is a long and well-known indoor resident. For a vertical garden, choose Monstera deliciosa. In winter, the temperature should not fall below +12 ° C; in question, partial shade or diffused bright light is preferable.

Beneficial features! Monstera enriches the air in the room with ozone, oxygen and air ions, absorbs formaldehyde emitted by furniture made of laminated chipboard and polystyrene.

  • Spathiphyllum (Spathiphyllum) is a heat-loving plant that feels comfortable at a temperature of 22-23 ° C, does not tolerate drafts very well, and requires frequent spraying.
    Fertilizer is applied 3 times a month in summer and once a month in winter.

Interesting fact! Do you know what people call spathiphyllum? Woman's happiness. He is strongly recommended to be placed in the kindergarten for girls who have not yet married.

  • Dracaena (Dracaena) - for vertical cultivation suitable varieties are Dracaena deremensis, Dracaena marginata, Dracaena sanderiana, Dracaena fgagrans, "Song of India" and "Song of Jamaica".
    Likes a moderate temperature not lower than +12 ° C and diffused bright light. Quite resistant to dry air, but requires frequent spraying. top dressing in the form liquid fertilizer for indoor plants make 1 time in 2 weeks.
  • Anthurium (Anthurium) - Anthurium scherzerianum with bright red flowers is suitable for home cultivation. The difficulty of growing in our latitudes lies in the love of anthurium for the bright sun in winter and shade in summer.
  • Guzmania (Guzmania) - has orange or red inflorescences, is demanding on temperature and will not tolerate it dropping below +25 ° C.

Construction type

You can place the selected flowers in a "carpet" design, panels or modular elements.

  • "Carpet" gardens are created from a textile fabric with many pockets. From personal experience I advise you to use a reliable and practical canvas, for example, polymer felt.
  • Plant panels and paintings are suitable for medium-sized plants. The design is assembled from a metal or polymer mesh and plastic containers. When choosing a mesh, be guided by the size of the panel and the total load of plants and earth.
  • Modular elements are often sold assembled and consist of separate metal / plastic boxes or felt pockets.
  • Wooden bases are classic pallets in which the plants look through the transverse slats.

Summing up

The winter garden on the balcony is an art that captures and does not allow you to stop. First, you just take the flowers to the balcony, then you create compositions and slides out of them, then the idea is born to green the walls.

And that's all ... You are in the power of plants. If you, like me, suffer from a "green" disease, be sure to watch the video in this article.

What grows on your balcony? Let's arrange a flash mob in the comments and choose the most exotic balcony "resident".

September 27, 2016

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Regardless of where you live - in a bustling city or a quiet village, the idea of ​​landscaping balconies and loggias is great for any house or apartment. A small winter garden created with your own hands or a small greenhouse on the balcony will favorably affect not only the atmosphere of the apartment and the mood of the household.

Balcony floriculture invariably arouses admiration among guests and even passers-by on the street. However, to acquire such a flower garden, you need a little information preparation. From our article you will learn how to grow flowers, how to choose the right plants, how to decorate and decorate a balcony room.

Different balconies - different flowers

Decorating a balcony with flowers can be completely different. It all depends on its size, the presence of glazing, temperature and light.

If the balcony is open to rain and wind, then it can be planted only on summer period. Ordinary garden flowers are well suited for these purposes: salvia, nasturtium, marigolds, viola, snapdragons, as well as surfinia, a petunia hybrid that is most resistant to bad weather. Will successfully grow on outdoors zonal or ivy pelargonium, balsams and some types of begonia.

Surfinia flowers on the balcony

For landscaping a balcony or loggia of this type, you can use annuals (petunia, pelargonium, nasturtium, pansies, asters, chrysanthemums, fuchsia, marigolds, lobelia) or frost-resistant perennial flowers (peonies, dahlias, cannes, geraniums, roses). In addition, they will not only decorate, but also shade the room curly, or in another way, ampelous plants for the balcony (ivy, parthenocissus, Imopeia, sweet pea, ornamental beans).

Dahlias on the balcony

On a note! Annual flowers must be sown and germinated in advance, in February-March, at home, so that by mid-May it would be possible to plant them in a permanent place.

If the balcony room is not insulated or heated, then in addition to the above flowers, bulbous or tuberous flowers can be planted on it. For example, tuberous begonias, ahmenes, gladioli, caladiums, tulips, lilies. In the winter season, they are stored in a dark, cool place, and in the spring they are taken out to the balcony, where they begin to develop and bloom.

Flower arrangement on the balcony

Attention! Frost-resistant plants for a balcony in winter must be carefully insulated and covered. The conditions for their growth on the balcony are different from those in the country. The layer of earth separating the roots from the walls of the flower pot or box is very small and requires additional protection from the cold.

On a glazed loggia, well insulated or heated, you can grow any indoor flowers all year round. If desired, you can even organize a small winter garden on the balcony. In addition to violets, orchids, anthuriums, cacti, small citrus trees, palm trees, roses, ficuses, clerodendrums, and abutilons are grown on closed loggias. A great variety of indoor flowers can be placed on a balcony protected from the wind and the scorching sun.

Winter garden on the loggia photo

When choosing plants for decorating a summer or winter garden on a loggia, it is important to consider which side of the world it faces.

For the northern location of the balcony, or one where shade and coolness prevail, almost all of the above flowers will do in the summer. Diascia, bacopa, calceolaria, dichondra will also bloom well here. Most colors in summer heat shadow is more acceptable.

Lobelia flowers grown on the balcony

For the southern balcony, it is necessary to select drought-resistant flowers. In bright sunlight, purslane, ganatia, doroteanthus, godetia, agetarium, and iberis grow and develop beautifully. love the sun and climbing plants kobeya and morning glory, with their help you can create a shady corner on the loggia by pulling the cords and letting them shoot. Resistant to overdrying of the soil and ordinary marigolds and verbena.

Creation of flower arrangements

When creating a summer or winter garden, you need to take into account that a composition of no more than 3-4 different plants will look more harmonious on the balcony.

In pots and boxes, flowers can be arranged in rows. Well-formed, lush flowers, such as pelargonium, are best planted in one row, not too densely, so that there is room for new shoots.

Pelargonium flowers

Important! When arranging compositions and combining plants on the balcony, it is important to consider from what angle they are supposed to be viewed in the future.

In wider boxes, plants can be planted in two or three rows. In this case, it would be a good idea to place creeping ampelous plants or flowers with small shoots hanging over the edge in the foreground. In the middle, you can plant low bushy specimens (lobelia or salvia). And at inside create a balcony green wall from curly flowers - ivy, decorative beans, sweet peas.

Flowers on the balcony in boxes

With a one-sided view, you can also use this option. Tulips are planted to the back wall of the container or box, and daisies and primrose are added in front of them. In combination with primrose, ivy also looks very good.

As for the color palette, when designing, it is best to limit yourself to a few color combinations. It is optimal if the flowers are selected in a single color range or in 2-3 contrasting shades. For example, marigolds can be planted with yellow nasturtium, and salvia and fuchsia with red pelargonium. As a contrast, you can dilute the composition with blue lobelia.

Good flower combination

On a note! White flowers tend to soften any color combinations and are suitable as a contrast to plants of various colors.

Some flowers are especially beautiful in the same type of planting (purslane, godetia, gazania, dahlias, erica, dimorphotheca, chrysanthemums, asters).

Flowers of the same species, but of different colors, will look great - lilac and pink levkoy, white and pink petunias, blue and red asters, lilac and yellow violas.

How to place flowers

There are many options for how to decorate a balcony using the simplest or most original fixtures for planting flowers. Flowering balconies are designed to amaze the audience not only with the splendor of plants, but also with pretty planting containers.

On the inner wall balcony, you can strengthen small stands or shelves for flowers, for example, in a checkerboard pattern. Shelves can be installed along the perimeter of windows or above them.

Flowers look great in vertical flowerpots or pots, painted, decorated by hand, as well as in forged flower girls.

Flowers on the balcony, the photo shows a variety of species

Flowers located in birdcages and placed in different corners of the loggia or balcony will look very exotic and stylish.

Depending on the architectural features of the building, you can use flower boxes on the balcony to hide its shortcomings or vice versa, to emphasize its merits, because they are placed both on the inside and on the outside.

Flowers on the loggia, photo example of design

Containers for tall flowers should be placed on the floor of the balcony along the fences or in the corners to protect them from the wind. More light-loving and low flowers are placed higher.

The selection of flowers, the creation of bright compositions and design options for a summer or winter garden on the balcony are limited only by your imagination. No need to be afraid to experiment and get new green pets. The main thing is to treat them with care, attention and do not forget to water, and then your garden will thank you with generous and picturesque flowering.

Psychologists have proven that the greenery of plants soothes and relaxes, sets in a good mood and simply pleases the eye. Happy owners of balconies can afford to enjoy the greenery even in winter by making a winter garden. In this article, you will learn how to bring this idea to life.

Types of landscaping balconies

For landscaping balconies, you can use different ways planting plants, using them both individually and skillfully combining with each other, which will give the winter garden individuality and originality.

Horizontal gardening - as the name suggests, more attention is paid to horizontal lines. Plant pots are placed on the floor around the perimeter of the balcony. You can use low narrow shelves, racks, flower stands and put plants on them in lines. An excellent option would be to install a bar along the entire window or around the entire perimeter. Planters, balcony flower boxes are hung on it and plants are planted there.

Vertical gardening - here the wall should be fully involved. In this case, weaving plants are indispensable. Along the wall, you can use long narrow pots or flowerpots installed directly on the floor, in which vines are planted. You can install high racks with shelves, and put flowers on them. Phytowalls are also used - special modules where flowers are planted in a composition.

Phytowalls are a new fashion trend in indoor landscaping. And it is worth giving preference to it due to its compactness, automatic watering technology and aesthetics. The phytowall is a construction, the most popular dimensions of which are: thickness about 15 cm, height 2 m and length from 1 m. Plants are planted in special pockets with peat without soil. It turns out a solid "green wall".

Mixed gardening - partial use of horizontal and vertical gardening of balconies. This is the use of linearly placed pots, phytowalls and racks in the overall composition. The main condition is the harmony of space.

We create conditions for plant growth

To create a winter garden, you need a glazed warm balcony without drafts, so it is necessary to close all the cracks, insulate concrete fences heat-insulating material and then decorate PVC panels, moisture resistant drywall, etc.

Heating needs to be considered. You can, for example, install an electric heater and decorate it with a drywall screen. If possible, install an air conditioner to control temperature regime balcony.

Attention! For good development, indoor plants require a temperature of 15 to 22 ° C.

The concrete floor also needs to be insulated, especially if you are going to use the balcony as a rest room. To do this, make a heated floor or lay an insulated coating.

Attention! When choosing floor covering take into account the increased humidity of this room, caused by the need to spray the plants.

Air humidity greatly affects the appearance of plants. Due to its excess or deficiency, plants decrease decorative properties leaves. For a good microclimate, install a humidifier on the balcony (set the humidity control to 80%, this will be enough, as this is the average for many types of plants).

An alternative option is to install pallets with expanded clay under the pots. Pour water into the trays, it will evaporate, and the necessary humidity will be created around the plants.

Lighting on the balcony must be considered regardless of whether you have a sunny side or a shady one. In winter, short daylight hours and plants can stretch due to lack of light. Daylight lamps are suitable for lighting the winter garden. Narrow long lamps can be hung along the ceiling, can be mounted on the wall, but not lower than 2/3 of the height of the balcony. On average, 4 fluorescent lamps will be enough for a standard balcony. The main rule for balconies on the shady sides is more artificial light! It's too hot on the sunny sides in summer, so put up blinds or curtains. Use them during hot hours on sunny days.

Design options for a winter garden, equipped on a balcony

It is important to think over the design of the balcony and style your winter garden. Here are some options for stylistic solutions, choose your style or experiment, make your dream of a winter garden a reality.

The classical style is characterized by harmony, nobility and aristocratic taste. Beautiful columns with stucco, artistic parquet, marble, elegant carved chairs, noble expensive materials in decoration will create a classic style of your winter garden.

Use big plants, such as ficuses, palms, in beautiful clay or ceramic flowerpots. Install them in a line in cascades. Hang curtains, they will emphasize the aristocracy classical style. Furniture suitable antique or elegant forged.

High-tech style translated from English " high technology". This interior is similar to industrial premises, where communications are paraded. But they are aesthetically pleasing. This style is distinguished by a lot of space and light.

As practice shows, this is the most successful style for balcony gardening. Choose pots of the correct geometric shape, smooth metal surfaces that resemble an intergalactic ship. Use ventilation pipes as supports.

The Japanese style implies the obligatory use of the four elements of the universe - these are water, stone (wood), earth and air. Here everything should cause peace and nothing should overload the attention. The whole interior sets up reflections and philosophy.

Separate a small area on the floor of the balcony, use decorative pebbles on it. Arrange characteristic plants- bonsai. Use bamboo to decorate the wall. Install a water source - a mini-waterfall.

Country style (or country) - implies a simple quiet country house with a flowery garden. Here, all kinds of wicker products, natural Decoration Materials.

Make a cozy rustic interior on the balcony using wicker furniture and finishing materials that are close in color and texture to natural ones. Pots for flowers can be used clay. Put wicker baskets, and in them flower pots. You can install a decorative fountain - a mill. Choose flowering plants from plants - violets, fuchsia, Kalanchoe.

Wildlife style involves creating a corner similar to natural. It can be Amazonian nature, forest or taiga, or maybe steppe. In this style, many plants and their thickening are welcome. It's like no human has set foot here.

Create an atmosphere of wild Amazonian nature by installing a miniature waterfall on the balcony. Paste a photo wallpaper with an appropriate image or paint the wall yourself. Place plants close to each other so that they create thickets. Try to use different vines and direct them to neighboring plants. To simulate a forest, use numerous trees for the house (thuja, cypress, etc.). Now there are a lot of them for sale. For your "steppe" on the balcony, pick up various cereal plants.

Modern is a style that uses simple forms. Here it is important to emphasize the mobility and functionality of each item. Stucco molding, various carved forms are not typical at all. Welcome the contrast in everything.

Take advantage of the simplicity and conciseness of the Art Nouveau style, using smooth plain surfaces, geometric pots. Play on contrasts in color, texture, size of objects.

Remember! The wall and floor can be the backdrop for the plants, so take the time to decorate them. You can, for example, order and make a background with a 3D effect.

When arranging plants, consider the following rules:

  1. Install all weaving plants along the walls and use trellises for weaving.
  2. It is advisable not to place greenery along the window, as this will impede the passage. If you still want to place some plantings there, be sure to leave the approach to the window so that you can open and close it. Railings can be used with pots mounted or suspended.
  3. If you have conceived a certain composition, then remember about its central part. It should be a dominant (a large, beautiful flower, a mini reservoir, an artificial stone) around which there are less spectacular, but complementary compositional elements.
  4. Make the most of your balcony space. You can install hanging flowerpots with ampelous plants.

Do not forget about spot lighting - it will help to effectively highlight and shade the plants. But do not get carried away, the backlight can be distinguished on average 1-3 composite element. To add a special atmosphere to the garden, use LED lighting.

Sunny side, which plants to choose

Plants for sunny windows are bougainvillea, adenium, cyperus, cacti and succulents, different kinds milkweed. Amaryllis: clivia, hippeastrum, nerina, amaryllis are also photophilous. Pelargoniums, balsams, fuchsias, anthuriums, hibiscus will delight their abundant flowering on the south window. sunny places love hoya, jasmine. From orchids, choose Cattleya, who loves bright light. Unpretentious chlorophytum and sansevieria are also suitable. From large plants of monstera, dieffenbachia, dracaena, palm trees, ficuses. To prevent sunburn, hang a light curtain on the windows or use blinds during the hottest hours.

Shadow side, which plants to choose

Nephrolepis and maidenhair (hair venus), zamiokulkas and unpretentious plants - chlorophytums or sansevieria (mother-in-law's tongue) grow well on the shady sides. ferns too shade-loving plants. Aspidistra can grow even away from a window. Do well on the shady sides leafy begonias, dieffenbachia, alocasia, syngonium. Anthurium and Aeschinanthus will grow, but most likely they will not bloom. Palm trees can also be grown on the shady side, for example, bamboo palm, chamedorea, grows well in the shade. Of the large plants, hibiscus is suitable ( Chinese rose). Shade-loving climbing plants are ivy, hoya and cissus (indoor grapes). If you have artificial lighting on the balcony, then you can try and experiment with more big amount plants. Do not forget about top dressing, they also give a good effect.

Accessories for balcony gardening

To decorate your winter garden, use various additional accessories:

  • all kinds of pots;
  • pots-stands;
  • devices for irrigation, stuck in the ground;
  • signs-pointers;
  • stands for flowers floor and hinged;
  • various supports and fastenings for them;
  • mini-reservoirs, mini-fountains;
  • tables and chairs.

Having arranged a winter garden on the balcony, do not forget that indoor plants are a living organism that requires proper care and constant attention.

cold hardy plants do-it-yourself winter garden on the balcony are used to mask the dullness and wretchedness of the balcony space, which it acquires in winter and in the off-season. Flowers grown in summer fall and lose their foliage, and if additional measures are not taken, the balcony turns into winter storage. flower pots and boxes. However, today there is a sufficient number of ornamental, indoor plants that are quite suitable for winter gardening glazed balcony or loggia.

Therefore, it is worth thinking about such plants with which you will create a winter garden on the balcony with your own hands!
In this article, you will learn the names of the most cold-resistant ornamental plants for a cool balcony.

The transformed glazed balcony will decorate the facade of the building and will serve as a wonderful place for rest for the apartment owner and his household. However, the choice of plants and the way of winter gardening, first of all, depends on the type of balcony space.

Of course, to form a winter garden on the balcony open, where the temperature does not differ from the street, just stupid. A high-quality glazed balcony, even without additional heating, will not allow the air temperature in the created winter garden to fall below +5°C. On such balconies you can successfully grow ornamental coniferous plants, which at this temperature fall into "hibernation", without losing the decorative effect of their crown.

Before purchasing plants for landscaping a balcony, you need to think about airing the apartment. Some cultures do not tolerate drafts, therefore, when growing them, you will have to refuse to ventilate the apartment by opening the balcony glazing. To do this, it is better to open the vents or windows in other rooms.

If in winter period the temperature on the balcony rarely drops below +5°C, and its periodic warming is possible. For landscaping such a balcony, you can purchase chlorophytum(Chlorophytum comosum)

And pelargonium zonal(Pelargonium zonale), colloquially called geranium.

They will not experience discomfort when the balcony temperature reaches zero values, yucca filamentous(Yucca filamentosa)
And palm tree "Washingtonia"(Washingtonia filifera), capable of withstanding short frosts.

The central place in the winter garden on the balcony can be occupied by various views camellias. Some species ( Camellia sasanqua or Camellia amplexicaulis) are able to survive at -5°C. If the lowest range of winter temperatures is 0°С…+5°С, these conditions can be considered optimal for the winter keeping of some species of camellias. In the photo camellia:

Florists with experience often use a subspecies of rhododendrons for winter gardening of glazed loggias and balconies - azalea(Azalea) carrying long time temperature in +5°С…6°С,

but cyclamens(Cuclamen) are able to bloom at a daytime temperature of 10°C ... 15°C, calmly enduring a night drop to + 6°C ... + 8°C.

In the pre-winter period on the shelves flower shops appear heather(Calluna vulgaris) and various species Erics(Erica). Outwardly, they look like small shrubs, richly decorated with flowers - bells. Their flowering can continue into the winter, and if it stops, the shrubs on the balcony will not lose their decorative effect. In the photo heather handsome:

Low evergreen shrub hebe(Hebe) is still little known among Russian amateur gardeners. Most subspecies of this plant ( Hebe gibbsii, Hebe canterburiensis or Hebe venustula) when grown on a balcony in an ornamental culture, they tolerate temperature drops to -5 ° С ... -6 ° С without any problems. Today it is increasingly used in the landscape design of home gardens and garden plots, and in the winter garden on the balcony you can create ideal conditions for it. In the photo, a hebe bush in a pot:

In February, the glazed room of the balcony can be decorated with pots or pallets with blooming flowers. hyacinths(Hyacinthus orientalis "Carnegie" or "Delft Blue"), primroses(Primula anisodora, Primula denticulata or Primula veris), or proelski, tulips, daffodils. In the photo hyacinths and blueberries:

A wonderful decoration of the winter garden on the balcony with your own hands will be indoor chrysanthemums. But they need a temperature of at least 15 degrees.
There are many other types of decorative and garden plants and flowers suitable for winter gardening of the balcony. When growing them, certain rules must be observed.

It has been noticed that a number of plants that perfectly tolerate wintering outdoors suddenly die when grown indoors on a balcony, where more comfortable conditions growth.

This is due to two reasons - excessive watering and hypothermia of the root system. In winter, the soil under the plants needs only slightly moisturize keeping watering to a minimum.

Supercooling of the root system usually occurs in plants whose homeland is the tropics, where the soil does not freeze to the full depth of the roots. In a balcony culture, a small soil lump can freeze completely in a pot, which will cause hypothermia of the roots and death of plants.

To avoid this, external the surface of the box or flowerpot can be insulated with foam or prevent the balcony temperature from dropping to minus values.

It is also very important to create the climate in the winter garden on the balcony, which would be suitable not only for plants, but also create a beautiful atmosphere. Then you will be happy to bring your guests or friends to your winter garden on the balcony and tell about your hobby.

Landscaping a balcony or loggia, everyone can give scope to imagination and arrange it to your liking, selecting plants of different forms of growth, size, decorative features, flowering time. In this case, you have to take into account the requirements for normal development of plants, as well as how the conditions of your balcony, loggia meet these requirements.

Almost the most an important factor, which determines the range of plants for decorating a balcony, is its orientation.

The vast majority of plants used for landscaping balconies prefers south, southwest and southeast orientations, although many grow well on semi-shaded east and west balconies.

Among the most light-loving plants are sage, snapdragon, levkoi. Only very few species avoid the bright sun. For example, tuberous begonias and fuchsias suffer from it, which grow and bloom better on the northern and eastern balconies. Feel good on the balconies of the northern exposure fragrant tobacco, nasturtium, marigolds.

A semi-shaded position is preferred by almost all indoor plants, taken out in summer to fresh air, with the exception of cacti and other succulents.

An equally significant circumstance that must be taken into account when choosing plants,- the height of the balcony. On the upper floors of multi-storey buildings, plants suffer from drafts and frequent winds.

Gusty wind can damage tall plants, break them. It dries out both the soil and the plants themselves, causing a strong evaporation of moisture from the leaf surface. Ampelous plants with long hanging shoots are especially sensitive to the wind. They do not tolerate drafts and indoor plants taken out into the open air.

Thus, if plants of any size can be grown on the balconies of the lower floors, then above the 5th - 6th, and even more so the 10th floor, their choice is very limited. Painlessly here you can breed only undersized species and forms of plants: ageratum, alyssum, marigolds, daisies, pansies, tuberous begonias, undersized varieties pelargonium, nasturtium.

In principle, you can plant any flowers on the balcony, even and tall specimens. Perennials will require more maintenance as they will need to be properly stored over the winter, and tall plants grown on balconies in pots or containers are much smaller than their counterparts grown in the garden.

And of course, you can and should grow a wide variety of annuals and climbing plants., they will make up the bulk decorating the balcony. And in addition, you can plant perennials, as well as set indoor potted plants(be sure to shade from the sun to avoid burns, since the plants are in the rooms all year round).

Plants are an excellent material for decorating balconies, moreover, grown by seedlings, they bloom quite early (asters - blooms at the end of June, lobelia - blooms at the beginning of June, marigolds (tagetes) - blooms in May, etc.). It is for beginners "balcony gardeners" that it is recommended to use an assortment of only annuals.

Start, as it is better to sow some flowers in advance for seedlings and get already large specimens by the time they are planted in a permanent place. This category includes lobelia, petunia and its various hybrids.

The seeds of these flowers are very small and the seedlings are also miniature; the period from germination to the beginning of flowering is quite long, so it would be more rational to plant these plants for seedlings already in late February - early March. You will have time to take care of such tender seedlings, since in May this very time will be catastrophically short: you will have to plant and care for other flowers.

You can also plant in early March, do not be afraid that they will stretch out from a lack of light. Place pots with seedlings in the brightest place, preferably on a sunny windowsill (experiments have shown that the seedlings of asters located on a sunny windowsill were much larger than the same seedlings standing on the northern windowsill), do not thicken the plantings much, as necessary, pluck the plants when 3 - 4 real leaves.

Decide what flowers you want to place on the balcony. If you want a balcony entwined with climbers, feel free to buy seeds of morning glory, kobe, fire beans, climbing nasturtium; focus on curly ones, but also buy some ampelous ones to fill the voids on the balcony.

If you do not need "green walls" of curly, choose ampelous flowers and other types (carpet, etc.). One nasturtium has a wide variety of varieties - ampelous (form a chic bush), curly (reach a height of up to 3 meters), carpet (form a beautiful flowering carpet). It is already possible to decorate a balcony with one type of plant, only with its different varieties (for example, nasturtium, petunia, etc.).

When choosing flower seeds, be guided by the location of the balcony; if it is on the north side, do not buy flowers that grow well only in the sun. Carefully read the annotations on the bags of seeds. The height of plants on balconies is always smaller, so don't worry if the height on the bag is 90 cm or more, the plants will grow up to a maximum of 50 cm, and then if in a large pot. As a rule, the volume of land does not affect flowering, with proper care plants give many peduncles and bloom profusely, and the size of a flower is sometimes not inferior to a garden flower. The main thing here is proper and timely care.

You will also need to draw rough plan your balcony from above. On this plan, roughly draw your future landings. For example, in the background there are pots with morning glory, on the sides of the balcony there are fire beans, between pots with climbing ones - terry chrysanthemum and petunia, in hanging baskets - ampelous nasturtium and lobelia. On the railing of the balcony, in boxes of nasturtium, ageratum, saplings and marigolds. In general, fantasize and you will succeed.
After making a rough plan, go buy seeds, in the process of choosing, you may find some other unplanned plant that is worth planting on your balcony.

Experienced flower growers can make compositions on the balcony only from flowers having a strong aroma (marigold, allspice, sweet peas, nasturtium, etc.), or from different colors, but having one color scheme. There are many options for decorating a balcony, the main thing is to try to learn more about certain plants and the conditions for their cultivation.

Can be reached the right combination and skillful arrangement of plants different forms of growth, height and color. When placing plants, first of all, you need to ensure that they do not obscure or block each other.

With their long, flexible stems planted close to the wall or on the sides, at the dividing wall of a loggia or balcony, they can form a beautiful green frame for brightly flowering letniki, housed in hanging boxes along the balcony railing. Most appropriate place for large tub plants - also at the corners of the balcony. Tall perennials - dahlias, gladiolus, cannes are rarely grown on the balcony, but if they are, then it is better to place them near the wall, where there is less danger of damage and where they will not suffer from the wind as much.

In order for the balcony to look elegant throughout the season, you need to choose plants different terms flowering. In late April - May, it can be decorated with early spring flowering bulbs - crocuses, hyacinths, tulips, daffodils, as well as primroses, daisies, pansies, forget-me-nots.

After flowering, they should be replaced with summer-flowering plants, which include the vast majority of balcony summers. These are petunias, levkoy, snapdragons, sage, alyssum, sweet peas, marigolds, tuberous begonias and many others. Marigolds, nasturtiums, pelargoniums bloom almost until frost. And when the flowering of flower-ornamental plants fades away, the foliage of woody vines - girlish and Amur grapes, wood pliers and others - blooms with bright gold and crimson colors.

When choosing plants, one should not strive for a wide variety of colors. It is enough to use plants of one - two, maximum - three colors.

Excessive variegation in a small balcony space is perceived poorly. Balcony railings look much more beautiful, decorated with one type of plant with a single color of flowers or two colors that are in harmony with each other or opposite colors, for example, only orange nasturtium or red zonal pelargonium, or pink ivy pelargonium, as well as some tuberous begonias of different colors.

Red and white zonal pelargonium, hot pink and white petunia, pink and blue asters look beautiful. Two-row plantings in one box are very decorative. In this case, it is necessary to take into account both the color and the height of the plants. On the outside of the box, facing the street, ampelous plants with falling shoots or undersized compact forms are planted, on the inside - higher bush forms.

So, ampelous white petunia or white alissum are perfectly combined with higher red zonal pelargonium, and blue lobelia, ageratum or purple ampelous petunia seem even brighter against the background of orange marigolds or yellow calceolaria.
