Flowers without the hassle to give. What flowers are better to plant in the country: tips for choosing and general recommendations

Creation of flower beds suburban area- pleasant and hard work. After all, you should carefully approach the choice of colors. Perennial flowers that bloom all summer are the ideal option and the dream of any grower. After all, such flowers easily endure harsh winters and do not need an annual planting.

You can easily decorate the cottage with flowers. After all, there are a large number of flowers that do not require hassle during planting and care. It is necessary to choose and choose the right plants that will emphasize the originality and seasonal features of the site. The dream is feasible, so you can admire the beauty of flowers from spring to autumn.

Flowers are a decoration for a summer cottage and the pride of a grower. After all, bright colors flowering plants create comfort and harmony. The flower world is striking in its diversity. You need to choose flowers for decorating a summer cottage that will delight with beauty and harmony all season.

What kind of perennial flowers to choose?

Some flower growers prefer annual flowers, as they are unique in their colors. But many choose perennial flowers.

Advantages of perennial flowers for summer cottages:

  1. Do not require approximately 2 years.
  2. Withstands slight frosts.
  3. Amazing .
  4. Do not require additional.
  5. Look great throughout the warm season.
  6. Can be used as a basis for creating flower beds.
  7. Growing perennial flowers is much cheaper, since during transplantation the plant can be divided into several parts for.

In order for the flower garden to please the entire warm season, you need to take care of this in the fall. Autumn is not a time to lose heart, you need to work in the garden so that flowering plants please the eye.

Planting perennial flowers can be of three types:

  1. Bulbs.
  2. Roots.
  3. Seeds.

You can plant whole compositions that will not require a transplant in the coming years.

Rules for planting perennial flowers

  1. Decide on a plan for how it will look.
  2. You need to clearly know what type and growth you plant flowers. Low growing plants should be in the foreground, tall plants in the background.
  3. Remember that border flowers should be placed along the paths and.
  4. Consider the color scheme, flowering time and harmony of each plant.

Perennial flowers planted in autumn

Consider perennial flowers for giving with photos and names so that every gardener can choose the flower that will look perfect in a flower bed.

bloom in spring

- there are 4 species, the most popular are Dutch hybrids. All species bloom in different spring time so plant all varieties.

- the plant begins to bloom in April. There are more than 30 varieties that differ not only in color, but also in shape.

Daffodils - there are a large number of plant varieties, of various colors and shapes. The bulb of the plant winters wonderfully, so in the spring it will be able to please with beautiful and elegant flowers.

Tulips. There are a large number of groups of tulips that differ in color, shape and variety.

Periwinkle is a short flower, reaches a height of 20 centimeters, the flowers are small, blue. Grows great in the shade.

Adonis Amur - undersized plant. It blooms with yellow, red and pink small double flowers.

Perennial flowers for summer cottages that bloom in late spring and all summer

Daylily is a tall flower that has a variety of colors: pink, orange, white, and so on.

Pansies - gentle perennial flower, which fascinates with its original shape and unusual combination of colors.

Peony is one of the spectacular tall flowers that look great not only in the summer cottage, but also in flower bouquet arrangements.

Phlox paniculata is a fragrant, bright, tall flower that pleases the eye with its diversity.

Lily is a delicate and incredibly cute flower. The buds amaze with their beauty. Capricious plant, susceptible to diseases. But if you carefully care for him, the flower will give gorgeous flowers.

Cornflower is an unusual tender plant. There are several species with white, pink, deep purple and purple-lavender flowers.

Astilbe is a perennial tall plant that blooms all summer and pleases bright colors. The flowers of the plant are small, can be pink, white, purple. The plant is resistant to diseases and pests, does not require special care.

Host. The flower has large leaves, which can be of different colors. Flowering stems are long, can reach 125 centimeters.

Bellflower - if you properly care for the flower, then it can bloom until cold weather. The type and color of bells is diverse, so they can be found in almost every flowerbed of a summer cottage.

Choose perennial flowers that bloom all summer so that they are easy to care for. In order to create a flower bed at their summer cottage, which will not be difficult - for this it is enough to plant from 8 to 10 varieties of perennial flowers that bloom in different dates. This method will ensure the continuous flowering of your favorite and most beautiful flowers. You need to clearly define the assortment and you can start.

Remember that almost every plant blooms for about 3 weeks. During this period, 2 or 3 plants can bloom, while creating a non-repeated flowering picture on the flower garden. There are many perennial varieties flowers that are resistant to pests, diseases. Thanks to the photo of perennial flowers, you can understand in advance which flower will be in the flowering process. This will help to correctly and harmoniously compose a flower garden or flower bed.

Giving preference to perennial plants, flower growers determine for a long time appearance of his site. In order not to make a mistake with the selection of crops, it is useful to look into the catalog describing perennial flowers with photos and names.

World ornamental plants incredibly big. But when choosing flowers for their flowerbeds, borders and ridges, beginners often go on about colorful illustrations and do not take into account such important criteria as the timing of flowering and the dimensions of a particular plant. What flowers to plant in the country so that they bloom all summer long, are clearly visible, unpretentious and go well with other "inhabitants" of the site?

Tall garden perennials with photos and names

Flowerbed planning begins with the selection of plants that will occupy the main places in plantings. If you have to break a flower bed with a circular view, "its main characters" will be tall, well-marked flowers. In a flower garden located near a house or a fence, such tall perennials are also irreplaceable.

It is important that the perennial flowers chosen for the garden not only decorate the site with bright colors, but also have decorative foliage, which after flowering will serve as a background for lower plants.

Various varieties of meadowsweet bloom in the first half of summer. Lush brushes, reminiscent of light, pinkish or white clouds, not only gracefully soar above the carved foliage, but also scare away horseflies, midges and mosquitoes, which are especially annoying at this time of the year. The height of the plant reaches one and a half meters, the culture is winter-hardy and even has medicinal properties.

From the end of June or the first decade of July, it's time for luxurious stock roses. Tall, powerful peduncles hold up to 20 large simple or double corollas of all shades from white, yellow to purple.

Stock roses, or as they are called large-flowered mallows, are considered heat-loving plants, so not all regions of Russia will be able to safely survive the winter. However, they can be easily replaced. For example, for the Urals there are perennial flowers blooming all summer, with a photo and a name close to the previous culture.

This is a zebrina mallow with spectacular lilac-purple flowers, decorated with characteristic ornaments of their veins. A non-capricious plant forms a loose herbaceous bush up to 1.5–1.8 meters high with numerous green foliage and erect inflorescences of 10–15 flowers.

Buzulnik is even more winter-hardy and no less decorative, growing and blooming well in the most severe conditions.

Dense upright foxglove inflorescences look incredibly impressive. Cultural varieties amaze with a variety of colors of numerous bell flowers. This perennial garden flower will decorate the site from June to August.

In the middle of summer, the time comes for the flowering of various types and varieties of briar. Lilac, pink, white or reddish caps of its inflorescences will look great in open areas, near water bodies, next to dissected rudbeckia, or golden balls, and the same unpretentious alpine asters.

The latter culture is quite low, but it must be included in the list of perennial flower names for Siberia, the north of Russia, the Urals and other regions where endurance is required from plants (photo above).

On the small area, where the garden is adjacent to garden beds, along the border you can plant Jerusalem artichoke or tuberous sunflower with dense heart-shaped foliage, caps of yellow flowers and stems, sometimes exceeding a height of 2-3 meters.

Perennial flowers for a medium sized garden

The middle zone of a flower garden or flower bed is left by flowering plants with a height of 40 to 80 centimeters. This catalog of perennial flowers for giving with photos and names is incredibly extensive and can include dozens and hundreds of noteworthy cultures for different regions of the country. And in most cases, not only flowers, but also foliage can serve as decoration for flower beds.

For example, already from early spring, light green leaves of the Persian poppy appear from under the snow, pubescent, with a bizarrely dissected edge. And huge corollas of red, orange and even blue colors appear from the first days of summer along with numerous types of garden daisies, aquilegia, multi-colored lupins and luxurious irises.

The perennial kandyk flower, well known by photo and name in Siberia, will also be of interest to flower growers of the middle lane.

A plant blooming in April or early May is an excellent variety for a flower bed with already traditional views crocuses, mouse hyacinth or muscari, also famous for their endurance and excellent survival beyond the Urals.

Under the crowns of trees that have not yet fully blossomed and in the shade of buildings, they feel good. Their flowering occurs in May, and then, until the second half of summer, the garden is decorated with a dense curtain of broad-lanceolate leathery foliage with bright beads of scarlet fruits.

Recently, anemones have become more and more popular, which bloom not very long, but always magnificent and bright.

Along with the traditional, well-known by name and photo bulbous flowers in the garden and vegetable garden, there are perennials that are no less spectacular, but at the same time useful. These are perennial types of onions available today to gardening lovers with large inflorescences-caps of purple, pinkish, white or greenish tones.

Equally unpretentious and beautiful are the cultivars of ordinary yarrow, blooming in the first month of summer and practically disappearing under the snow with inflorescences of yellow, white, pink and orange hues.

Hot summer months- the time of flowering of airy gypsophila, rivaling tenderness with such "stars" of the garden as astilbes, who feel best not under the scorching sun, but in shady corners.

From August, colorful caps open over the dark green foliage of phloxes, bright corollas of daylilies, included in the list of names of perennial flowers blooming all summer, as in the photo, for the Northwest. At the same time, the time comes for plants of the aster family.

Inflorescences of doronicum, small-flowered frost-resistant chrysanthemums, and perennial gaillardias rise above bright rosettes of leaves. The bushes of perennial asters bloom with lilac, pink and white colors.

Perennial undersized flowers for the garden with a photo

The foreground of the flower beds is given to low plants, creating the effect of a continuous carpet. If you look at the catalog with photos and names of perennial flowers for summer cottages, this result can be achieved with the help of different types of stonecrops, which preserve the decorativeness and freshness of greenery throughout the summer.

Excellent, bright spots against their background will look like dense cushions of saplings and undersized carnations.

For open spaces in areas with light aerated soil, arabis can be planted. This plant will quickly take its place and in the second year it will delight with pink or white bales of flowers.

The group of low-growing garden perennials includes flowers with the name duchenea. Ornamental strawberries form a beautiful green cover, covered with yellow flowers, on the meta of which red, but, alas, inedible berries later appear.

Decorating the cottage with perennials, you need to take care of their protection from the cold, from which bulbous plants, lilies, clematis and ornamental shrubs suffer more often than others. They should be covered for the winter with a mulch mixture, peat or dry foliage, and then protected with non-woven material.

Perennial flowers to give - video

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A well-groomed and ennobled garden requires regular attention from the gardener. It will take a lot of time and effort to create neat flower beds and flower beds. However, many people come to the countryside in order to take a break from the bustle of the city, and plants are just an attractive addition to the rest.

The article tells how to properly ennoble the garden in the country, which plants are the most unpretentious, requiring a minimum of care. These flowers don't need regular attention, but that doesn't mean they aren't attractive. Among the proposed plants, you can choose exactly those that fit into your idea and are in harmony with your garden plot.

Choosing the type of landscaping

Which garden is easier to care for? Behind the French: clarity of forms, even lawn, not a hint of weeds? Or behind English with its free layout? Logic dictates that an English-style garden - the best way for the lazy. The front garden in the English style implies the naturalness of forms, a minimum of artificiality.

There are a lot of unpretentious flowers for the garden. But, before choosing which plants to plant, you need to decide on the overall design and separate elements that will give the garden coziness. Here are a few components from which you can make a beautiful composition.

A few tips for front garden design and layout:

Option for planning. The main vegetation can be planted right in front of the facade of the house, and the rest of the area can be filled with lawn and shrubs.

hardy garden plants

We list the most non-capricious flowers, ideal for a country garden. They can be conditionally divided into the following categories:

  • bulbous plants;
  • perennials;
  • annuals.

bulbous flowers

Bulbous flowers for the most part are quite unpretentious. Not a single modern kindergarten can do without their participation. Bulbous plants are usually among the first to bloom and are spring blooming garden ornaments.

Snowdrops (scilla) remarkably endure the winter period, prefer shady places. Colors are represented mainly by shades of white, but occasionally lilac and blue are found. You can transplant such flowers directly from the forest, the main thing is to choose a suitable place in the shade, moist soil rich in humus.

iridodicutms- undemanding small flowers, blooming, like snowdrops, in early spring. Planting is carried out from August until the first frost. Iridodiktum loves sunny areas and does not really like wet and heavy soil. Flowers will take root perfectly in a rocky garden, under deciduous trees.

If there is a shady place in the garden where it is empty in spring, plant a hionodox there. Chionodoxa is a plant that blooms in early spring, resembling snowdrops. These flowers even bloom at the same time. Chionodoxa grows absolutely on any soil and is resistant to cold, tolerates the winter period perfectly. From one of its bulbs grow two leaves and several peduncles (up to 10). The result is a carpet strewn with blue small flowers.

botanical, or wild tulips- one of the most unpretentious garden plants for giving. Flowering occurs in the spring and continues the longer, the longer the spring cold lasts. Planting a bulb once, it will not have to be replanted. The flower can be left alone for five years. Wild tulips are distinguished by a variety of flower shapes. One of the most interesting forms: not one flower, but a whole bouquet. Coloring can be very diverse.

Kolhikum, among the people colchicum, differs from bulbous counterparts in the time of its flowering. The flowering period of colchicum is autumn. Outwardly, it looks like a tulip or crocus. Seedlings are planted in July or August. You need to plant a flower, choosing a sunny place or partial shade. Colchicum can be used both along shrubs, on the lawn, and in flower beds and flower beds. However, one must take into account the fact that colchicum is poisonous.

allium, or decorative bow- flowers similar to multi-colored dandelions that bloom in late spring. Allium has a characteristic smell of onion and a burning taste. The plant is picky, however, like all bulbs, it does not like stagnant water. Some varieties of onions have edible leaves, but there are also poisonous species.

daffodils- unpretentious flowers for a summer residence that do not need to be introduced. Few people involved in floriculture do not know about daffodils. They land in August-September, prefer warm sunny places. Depending on the species, daffodils bloom from April to June. Interesting feature daffodils lies in the fact that rodents do not like the bulbs of this plant. Moreover, it is believed that they repel rodents. Therefore, daffodils are often planted around the perimeter of a flower bed or flower garden.


Perennial plants are the most unpretentious flowers to give. They are good because once you plant such a plant, you will forget about caring for it for several years. We list perennials that require a minimum of care.

perennial aster- a favorite unpretentious flower for flower beds for many gardeners. This perennial plant can bloom at different times. Some varieties bloom in June, others - in early autumn. You can choose varieties in such a way that the aster will delight you with its flowers all summer. In addition, cut asters long time stay fresh.

Doronicum- sunny flowers, similar to daisies. The flowering period of this perennial falls on May - June, the time when the bulbous plants are already fading, and most garden flowers have not yet gained strength. These daisy-like flowers are good in flowerbeds and flower beds, along with plants that can cover the fading heads of doronicums at the end of June. Withering doronicums do not look very attractive.

Gerbera garden not pretentious in care, but still has some whims. Gerberas can be planted all year round They bloom throughout the summer. Gerberas are heat-loving flowers and do not tolerate frost well. It is recommended to plant seedlings on sunny places. Gerberas do not like the bay. The colors are varied: red, orange, yellow, pink and their shades.

Loosestrife will not go unnoticed in your garden. This tall, luxuriantly flowering bush is sure to attract attention. The loosestrife loves wet and swampy soil, looks great on the banks of reservoirs. Easily tolerates short-term flooding. Therefore, if the soil in your garden is prone to flooding, take a closer look at the loosestrife.

An unusual perennial plant is bathing suit which is customary to decorate coastal zones lakes, if any, in the garden. The bathing suit blooms depending on the variety from April to September, most often in May. The plant will look great along shrubs, walls and fences. The main thing is that the soil is sufficiently moistened, and the plant is not constantly in the sun.

perennial cornflowers have a variety of types. For example, mountain cornflower is white, purple, purple. And the large-headed cornflower is distinguished by shaggy big flowers bright yellow. Plants bloom from June to September, depending on the species. In flower beds and in combination with other herbaceous perennials, cornflower looks great.

petty-petal looks like daisies. Blooms from June to September. This flower is perennial, unpretentious. All care for him is to establish props for more high grades, since such bushes tend to fall apart.


Despite the fact that annual plants are grown by seedlings, that is, they require some trouble, there are quite unpretentious species among them.

Viola ( pansies) - a universal flower that will look organically in a flower bed and on a lawn, in a rockery and a container. This is an incredibly beautiful flower in its simplicity, which has many color options. Pansies can bloom from April until frost. You can plant and transplant a plant even flowering, it tolerates a transplant perfectly.

Calendula- famous medicinal plant, which, in addition to its healing properties, has a rather attractive appearance. Calendula flowers have their own unique aroma, which many people like. The plant can be grown in the garden everywhere, and the calendula will also look good on the balcony in a pot. Flowering period: June to frost.

Phacelia - unusual plant with openwork leaves and small beautiful flowers. Phacelia can be planted everywhere in any part of the garden, it will enrich any soil. This is not only an attractive plant, but also an excellent honey plant and green manure.

Nasturtium- unpretentious climbing annual, preferring growth in places protected from the wind, in sunny areas. Nasturtium looks great along the hedge, in the near-trunk circles of trees. It blooms from June until frost, sowing in the ground is carried out at the end of May.

This is not a complete list of flowers that do not require special care. The list can be expanded and supplemented. Now you know how to create a garden with a minimum of effort and time and what inhabitants will look great in a “lazy” garden.

Flowers in the garden create a special atmosphere: they give a riot of colors, enjoy the aromas, decorate the surrounding space. With their help, you can create a unique and harmonious landscape design.

A matter of choice

A responsible approach to choosing new inhabitants of the garden will allow you to find the desired comfort: visually highlight the corners of relaxation with the help of flower beds, decorate garden paths or decorate the entire territory of the garden with flowers. But, before deciding what to plant in the garden, let's decide on priorities.

The choice is to be made among:

  • the whole gamut of colors, aromas, shapes and sizes;
  • capricious and unpretentious (we choose according to the climate of the region);
  • ripening at different times (early, late flowers);
  • annuals and perennials.

Flavor combination

Fine and strong aromas are exhausted by mattiola bicorne or levkoy (one-year spherical bush with small light purple flowers), white acacia, oriental lilies. The latter should be treated with caution: the aroma of lilies in in large numbers may cause headache. The same can be said about wild rosemary - these fluffy flowers should be planted only on outdoors and no more than one bush.

The fragrant aroma of violets, fragrant mattiola (night flower), phloxes, meadowsweet ( medicinal herb with white or pink small flowers), garden jasmine (or mock orange).

When choosing fragrant flowers for the garden, remember that a strong smell attracts not only butterflies, but also bees and bumblebees. If these insects are not desirable guests, give preference to more subtle aromas.

A pleasant spicy smell is emitted by rosemary (semi-shrub evergreen plant with small purple flowers), lavender, clove.

Gentle sweet fragrance deplete lilacs, roses, hyacinths (“rain flower”, Bismark garden variety), lilies of the valley, sweet pea, mignonette (herbaceous plant with fragrant leaves and flowers).


Subtle aroma are distinguished by:

These garden flowers should be planted along the paths.

Incredible shapes

For a flower garden, you can choose plants various shapes- groundbloods (unpretentious periwinkle), stalked flowers, herbaceous plants, sprawling shrubs. The latter include Korean abelia. As well as flowering shrub rosemary, charming hydrangea. Often in Russian gardens you can find chrysanthemum shrubs (although there are also herbaceous varieties).

Focus on durability

The happy owners of flowers familiar and beloved since childhood want to complement the look of their garden with exotic, nobility ( expensive species flowering plants). But…

Some perennial flowers (showy ranunculus or "Asian ranunculus", exotic tigridia, multi-colored freesia) are not able to survive winter in a harsh climate. Therefore, you have to choose taking into account the characteristics of care.

In our gardens, you can often find cosmos (they can still be found in well-groomed city courtyards and along park alleys), brunner (similar to forget-me-nots), peonies, marigolds, asters, reticulated iris, curly lilies, panicled hydrangea, chrysanthemums, tricolor violets, daisies, cornflowers, petunias, shrub varieties of roses (similar to wild rose). Less commonly, daffodils, terry and hybrid tulips, stock rose (biennial), muscari, yellow crocuses, hyacinths, callas. The popularity of these garden flowers is due to the relative ease of care.

Lily of the valley can be attributed to the most persistent: these flowers are not only hardy, do not require special care, but also grow well, it is possible to allocate a limited, but enough large area. Unpretentious cornflowers, chamomile, cosmos, undersized primrose.

Irises are not too whimsical, they are photophilous, they prefer dry soil. The cultivar " Siberian iris". As well as daffodils, botanical tulips, iridodictiums (cute, undemanding babies) and crocuses, although the latter do not bloom well.

Capricious in storage are the rhizomes of hellebore and anemones (ranunculus family), poppies, speedwells (plantain family), phloxes, some varieties of irises (Siberian and Japanese). Better buy planting material just before the start of the season.


The most capricious flowers are orchids, begonias (but there are also not very whimsical varieties), cannes, noble lotuses, roses. Roses are very popular with us, so gardeners decide to plant them at home, despite all the difficulties of care. When choosing a variety, we advise you to give preference to the most frost-resistant and disease-resistant - hybrid, Bengal, climbing roses, variety "Cordesa" or "Floribunda".

Among the popular garden flowers in Russia and exotic ones, there are both capricious and unpretentious varieties. In local shops you will be prompted which ones will grow in your area.

Experienced gardeners call a win-win option for beauty and endurance: astilba, autumn anemone, gelenium, geranium, catnip, sage, doronicum, cornflowers, evening primrose, brilliant rudbeckia and oriental poppy.

Varieties for different regions

Popular or rare - whatever flowers you are looking for in your garden, choose varieties that can survive in your area. For example, for planting cannes, which are rare in our garden, you can take their special variety Amerika.

AT middle lane In Russia, you can find rosemary, Gertrude hyacinth or Marie, a variety of blue hyacinths common in Russian gardens, anemone hybrids, veronica, peonies, bazulnik, monarda, cornflowers, astilba, periwinkle, lilies of the valley, adonis.

In harsh conditions (in the Urals), varieties of garden flowers called "Siberian" grow well - these are winter-hardy and not whimsical varieties. Frost-resistant (up to - 32 degrees) variety of tall wild rosemary - Elite. Or Fondant hyacinth. As well as the corresponding varieties of asters, lilies, astilbe, anemone, rudbeckia, primrose. Even panicled hydrangea and Siberian phlox have taken root in the Urals and Siberia.

In the warm regions of Russia, you can safely grow the most whimsical flowers (petunias, roses and orchids).

Calculate in order!

Imagine the flowers that can often be found in the gardens of Russians. In what order do they ripen? Do they replace each other, do they complement each other? You can plant flowers in different parts of the garden, so that from mid-spring and all summer, luxurious and cute bouquets bloom in it in turn or in pairs:

  • April - April Reign rosemary (early flowering, light pink);
  • end of April (in central Russia), May - lilies of the valley,
  • end of May-mid-June - irises;
  • June - peonies;
  • July - cornflowers and calendula;
  • end of July-beginning of August - lilies;
  • by September 1 - a special, often eponymous variety of asters ("Alpine" blooms in late March or early April).

This splendor lacks only annuals that bloom all summer or even until mid-autumn, for example, petunias. Or the charming hydrangea shrub that blooms from mid-summer to late autumn.

And you can create several flower beds in which various plants will harmoniously bloom - from mid-spring to mid-autumn, replacing each other and as if playing a beautiful floral symphony. To create such a miracle, you need to think through a lot:

  • pick up varieties of garden flowers that are different in growth, shape and size, mark on a schematic plan suitable places for them;
  • for a change, take several shades (so that they do not bloom at the same time different types white flowers, blue or red);
  • pick up such varieties of garden flowers so that they do not bloom at the same time, but all three seasons of the year bloom in turn (or maybe four, if coniferous and evergreen plants are added to the flowers). First, early-flowering perennials (crocuses, primroses, anemones, etc.), then annuals and late flowers and shrubs.

Annuals or perennials?

When creating a flower garden in the garden, many will prefer to choose perennials. And this is reasonable: we will plant once and every year we will enjoy our favorite flowers. But annuals also have their advantages, which should not be abandoned.

First, some annual flowers, ending their life cycle in the year of planting, they give seeds that germinate by themselves the next year (aster, calendula).

Secondly, biennial flowers that grow the next year after planting are annuals - Carpathian bellflower, "Stock-Rose", violet "Vitrokka", garden daisies.

And, finally, many varieties of annuals are able to bloom all summer until the very frost.

Annuals popular in our gardens are asters, marigolds, cornflowers, tricolor bindweed, Turkish or Chinese carnation, cultural dahlia, sweet pea, calendula, Carpathian bell, chamomile, levkoy (mattiola), thinnest lobelia or "Erinus", gray poppy or " Samoseyka ", mimilus hybrid, monarda, daisies, petunia, sunflower, white or fragrant mignonette, yarrow, Vitrocca violet, pansies, Drummond phloxes, chrysanthemum of different varieties, elegant or narrow-leaved zinnia. There is plenty to choose from for decorating your garden!

The list of perennial flowers for the garden is also impressive: hyacinth, carnation and minuartia from the same family, skullcap (a beautiful labial plant), nasturtium, cosmos, peonies, irises (can grow in one place up to 7 years), garden daisies (it is worth planting after 5 years), daisies, etc.

Where to look

In April-May, flower bulbs and seedlings appear not only in Vse dlya Sada specialized stores and garden centers, but also in hypermarkets. You can calmly take a closer look at the future inhabitants of the garden in the relevant online stores. You can read right here detailed specifications plants, learn the features of care and the procedure for growing.

Worth to visit local markets: friendly grandmothers with goods of "own production" have disappeared in not all cities of Russia.


If the cultivated varieties of flowers popular in Russia are already growing in your garden, we also recommend planting unpretentious perennials (hyacinth, hyacinths, minuartia, skullcap, nasturtium, daisies, daffodils, tulips, muscari, yellow crocuses, chrysanthemums, hyacinths, calla lilies) and annuals (bindweed , dahlia, sweet pea, mattiola, poppy, mimilus, monarda, mignonette, pansies, phlox, chrysanthemum, zinnia). Or capricious but noble cannes, orchids, lotuses and, of course, roses. If you wish, you can even grow such a southern miracle as begonias.

Choose flowers for the garden according to their intended purpose. Of the shrubs that decorate the perimeter of the garden, give preference to chrysanthemums, petunias, hydrangeas, rosemary, Korean abelia. For a lingering fragrance, choose fragrant flowering herbs (meadowsweet). For a unique flower garden from a huge variety of varieties, you can pick up undersized, stalked plants with large flowers and even shrubs. From the early flowering ones, we recommend crocuses, anemones and primrose. Of the long-playing - hydrangea.

Now you know what to look for in order to decide which flowers to plant in the garden. Make your choice and bring to life your bold ideas for decorating your favorite cottage.

Flowers and plants are beautiful creatures, which fill any garden with juicy joyful colors, indescribable harmony and comfort. And their diversity surprises the imagination: more than 300 thousand annuals and perennials!

Yes, inveterate gardeners have plenty to choose from. And now we offer you to look at just some of the perennial undemanding species.

Varieties of perennials that do not require care

We call undemanding flowers and plants that have been growing in one place for years, resistant to frost and requiring almost no care. All conditions for them are in the right place, successful "neighbors" and periodic watering.

Unpretentious perennial flowers that bloom all summer can be grown from seeds and get your own seedlings, or you can buy a rhizome of an already adult plant in a container and plant it in the ground.

Important! If you prefer the first option, then in no case do not sow perennial seeds directly into the ground. They are suitable exclusively seedling method. In open ground, there is a high probability that they will not sprout.

Let's already get to know these versatile creatures that we hope will help you turn your garden into paradise!

perennial flowers

Name Description
Lupine Due to its adaptability to life in any conditions, it is often called a weed. Lupine seeds germinate even in cracks between. However, it has many colors (variegated lupins are especially magnificent) and very decorative carved leaves.

Lupine can be planted both in separate sections "solo", and in combination with other plants. The shape of its inflorescences will perfectly complement the structure of any flower bed. To grow seedlings, you need to plant seeds early.

Well, if you immediately plant the rhizome of a perennial, then flowering will be in the same year. Absolutely any soil is suitable for lupine. True, the instruction prescribes to plant it in sunny places.

Phloxes These unpretentious perennial garden flowers are indispensable in the design of the site! A sea of ​​varieties of phloxes with flowers of different shades. There are even “chameleons” that change their color depending on the lighting from bright crimson to lilac. Phloxes behave similarly to weeds - they take root without problems and grow profusely, sometimes crowding out their “neighbors”. They grow well in both full sun and partial shade (partial shade is preferable).

By the way! Phloxes can delight with their beauty up to 8 years without any care. But over time, their flowers become smaller, so top dressing in the form of any fertilizers or organic matter will periodically come in handy. It is also recommended to water them abundantly sometimes - then the inflorescences will be large, and the stem will not be exposed.

To prolong the life of phlox, once every 6 years, the rhizomes must be dug up with your own hands, chopped and transferred to new places. It is better to plant these perennials in early spring.

Rudbeckia and echinacea Rudbeckia and echinacea will give structure to any flower garden and successfully decorate the background, in harmony with the rest of the "inhabitants" of your flower bed.

It is best to grow your seedlings by sowing seeds in pots at the end of February. These flowers have no problems with germination, so you will certainly get quality seedlings, which will successfully take root in one place.

The type of soil doesn't matter. You can plant rudbeckia and echinacea in spring or summer. At first, water them abundantly and carefully weed the weeds.

Periodic top dressing with organic matter and mineral fertilizers will not be superfluous. These are such simple manipulations, and next early spring the flowers will already delight with their positivity!

Perhaps the most unpretentious garden flowers familiar to everyone! They are just one of those about which one can say “grow on their own.” The real name is dissected rudbeckia, which is popularly considered a weed. Rudbeckia may well become a decoration of the garden, only an eye and an eye is needed behind it, so that it does not fill the entire area with itself.

sedum These unpretentious garden perennial flowers begin to bloom in late August and bloom until the first winter frosts. Loves sandy soil and sunbeams.

Sage Sage blooms from June to late summer. It is undemanding to the ground. Due to its low growth (30-50 cm), it can be planted even in miniature flower beds.

Iris A very elegant flower, suitable not only for flower beds, but also for decorating recreation areas, small ponds, mono-flowers. Iris is quite diverse in size and color. For example, there are small bulbous flowers that are indispensable for alpine slides. Some varieties of iris prefer humidity and partial shade, others prefer open sunny areas. Well, in general, they are undemanding, they only need sufficient watering and periodic sprinkling of rhizomes with earth. This flower propagates by simple division of the root, which is desirable to do in early spring.

astilba Garden unpretentious flowers, blooming luxuriantly even in a large shade. So different varieties astilbes are used as decorations for the most secluded places in the garden. The only thing they need is moist soil. Flowering begins around July and lasts 10 weeks.

Helenium It dazzles for a very long time and plentifully! If you choose the right varieties, then you can contemplate the flowering of gelenium from the beginning of June until the end of October.

Not only flowers, but also such green ones will help to ennoble the site. undemanding plants for the garden, like a fern, budra, tenacious, pachysandra, cuff, girlish grapes, kirkazon or clematis, shade-loving vines and others. They grow quickly and hassle-free.

Creating a flower paradise or design ideas

To get a truly paradise, it is not enough just to plant perennials. An important nuance is their correct landing and well-composed composition.

Here are some interesting ideas:

  1. "Flowering Carpet"- a rainbow lawn strewn with small wildflowers! It is only necessary to plant low varieties of perennials and annuals in the allotted place. It can be chamomile, clover, cornflowers, poppies, gelenium, sage, daisies, etc.

  1. "Live" arches and gazebos. If you have similar designs on your site, then why not make them more colorful? Gracefully curly and unpretentious garden plants will do the trick!

These include:

  • Clematis or clematis. A charming handsome man and a seducer of eyes! In beauty, it can easily compete with overseas curiosities. His large flowers of various colors fall from a height of two meters like a waterfall. Luxurious flowering for several weeks - this is a must see!

  • girlish grapes. Vertical gardening with this weaving plant looks very impressive. In autumn, its leaves turn into a charming raspberry-blackberry color. Pleasing to the eye and decorative fruits of grapes. Plus, it has a special "creep" and can cling to any surface.

Attention! Girlish grapes give a large annual increase (somewhere up to 3.5 meters). This nuance should be taken into account when choosing a place for its landing.

  • Tree-like kampsis is a liana incomparable in terms of vitality, endurance and unpretentiousness! She does not care about heat, showers, pests and diseases. It blooms non-stop from June to September. Kampsis will decorate a gazebo, fence, arch, entrance group or canopy. The intricate shape of its flowers is the mood of the East.

The only negative is that the vine grows by leaps and bounds. But this is not a reason to refuse such a miracle! You can just plant it in a narrow squeezed place where there will be nowhere to grow further.

  • Climbing roses. Luxurious flowering and captivating aroma make them real "queens" of the garden! What could be more pleasant than a cup of tea in the early morning in a pink fragrance? Probably the best way to start a new day.

  • From one-year-olds - decorative beans, peas and morning glory. Having planted them once, you will definitely want to see these mischievous vines in your garden next year. With their vigorous weaving upwards, they diversify a boring column, tree trunk, gate or fence.

  1. Flowerbeds, mixborders, rabatki, alpine slides . In order for these flower beds to be full of flowers for as long as possible, gardeners recommend combining perennials with annuals. The first will become the basis, the background. And the latter will help from year to year bring fresh notes to the flower beds.


In conclusion, we say that for a stable full-fledged flowering of undemanding garden plants, you need to give them maximum attention right away, so that later you can relax and contemplate the beauty. It would be nice to pre-fertilize the soil and prepare the seedlings for planting, taking into account the characteristics of each species.

The result of the work will not be long in coming. If you decide to ennoble your garden, then be sure to watch the video in this article. We wish you amazing blooming creations!
