How is heating supplied to multi-storey buildings. We deal with heating in the house

Central heating in an apartment building, cottage, private or country house and other buildings, designed for their high-quality heating. This happens with the help of one thermal center, in which heat generators or heat exchangers are located. They can be located both in a building, for example, in a boiler room or heating point, or outside it, for example, in the central heating station, thermal power plant or thermal power plant.

Central heating is divided into water, steam and air. Widespread in last years received and combined heating.

Central heating device of an apartment building

For heating apartment buildings, water central heating is most often used, consisting of the following elements:

  1. Entrance valves that cut off the house from the heating main. With their help, the pipeline is divided into the outer and inner parts. The employees of the thermal service are responsible for the serviceability of the first. Responsibility for the interior lies with the utilities.
  2. Inserts of pipes of hot heat supply on supply and return pipelines. With their help, water is distributed to heated towel rails located in the apartments.
  3. A heating elevator, with the help of which, the water temperature is regulated in the system. This is possible due to the fact that in it hot water is mixed with the already cooled water from the return. The volume of the latter depends on the diameter of the passage opening of the elevator. It can be changed, which allows you to adjust the temperature of the water in.
  4. House valves required for shutting off during an unheated period apartment building from the heating main.
  5. Dumps - valves with the help of which, in case of repair, water is drained from the system.

Attention: Central heating in a multi-storey building provides for the presence inside the building of special spills, which are pipes through which the coolant enters the vertical risers. If you live in an old Soviet five-story building, then in the basement there will be lower spills, from which risers come, connecting to each other in the attic or in the upper part of the building.

But this type of connection has a significant drawback. There is a high probability of freezing of the central heating coolant of an apartment building in winter if the water circulation is stopped. To avoid this, attention should be paid to their high-quality insulation. Air vents are usually located in the upper part of the building to discharge excess air. Quite often they are represented by the Mayevsky crane.

If you live in a nine-story building, then the spill will not be in the basement, but in the attic. This arrangement makes it possible to almost immediately distribute water through the risers when heating is started. There are no problems with air getting into the risers. This is a big advantage of the top spill over the bottom one.

Heating in-house appliances and temperature conditions

The type of batteries installed in the apartments depends on the year the building was built. If it is erected in Soviet era, then one of the following types of radiators will be installed in the apartments:

  1. Steel convectors with metal case, in which there are coils of the DU-20 pipe and connected by a cross section.
  2. Cast iron sectional batteries, which have not only a solid weight, but also a significant heat transfer. Each radiator has up to 150 watts. Their disadvantages include the risk of leaks and unattractive appearance.

The size of radiators or sections in them depends on which floor the apartment is located on and what type of coolant circulation in the house. For example, if it is upper, then the coolant, reaching the first floor, will lose its temperature. This means that in order for the heating of an apartment building to be effective, in an apartment, if it is located on the lower floors, the number of sections should be increased or larger radiators should be installed.

In modern high-rise buildings, usually mounted bimetal radiators. Of course, if the heating system is water. Attention: Such radiators are made of aluminum and have excellent heat dissipation, which is approximately 200 watts per battery. But the cost of such radiators is quite high. But their effectiveness is also high. To a fairly common question - to install bimetallic batteries or not, the owner of the apartment must answer on his own, deciding for himself whether he is ready to "fork out" so that he has warmth.

The temperature regime in the apartments is indicated in the current regulation of SNiP. In the presence of central heating, it is:

  • bathroom - 25 degrees;
  • living rooms and bedroom - 20 degrees;
  • kitchen - 22 degrees;
  • corner rooms - 22 degrees.

The maximum water temperature in the pipes of the heating system is also set. It should not exceed 95 degrees.

Centralized heating of an apartment building allows you to effectively heat the room, but at the same time, the temperature in the apartment is completely dependent on the operation of the boiler room and other external factors. In this, this system is significantly inferior, which is devoid of this drawback.

Central heating in a private house

The presence of central heating in a private house is quite common. It has a lot of advantages. The concept of central heating implies the presence of a coolant generator, the function of which is taken over by the central boiler room.


The connection of heating occurs after the conclusion of an appropriate agreement between the owner of the building and the organization providing this service. There are three options for connecting central heating to a private house:

  • dependent direct-flow circuit;
  • independent circuit;
  • dependent scheme with the installation of an elevator.

Each home heating scheme presented above has its own advantages and disadvantages, which must be taken into account.

Independent system

Quite often, it is used for heating private houses. It is ideal in cases where for some reason it is not possible to increase in the heating system. Most often this happens for constructive reasons. In particular, if a residential building has a heating system consisting of plastic pipes, an independent circuit using a circulation pump will be required. In the house, the system can be filled from the water supply or from the heating plant using a special shut-off valve. But it must have an expansion tank.

dependent schema

Central heating of a country or private house can also be carried out using a dependent scheme. But it needs installation. transition device. This function is performed by an individual heating point, which has elevator unit. The latter is designed to transfer heat energy. Indeed, in the central heating system, the temperature of the coolant is approximately + 150 degrees, while in the house itself, it should not be more than + 90 degrees.

Attention: It is the elevator that is responsible for lowering the temperature. It is worth noting that despite the temperature of +150 degrees, the water in the central system does not boil. This is prevented by high pressure.

The elevator is necessary to transfer heat from the main heating system. It, due to the presence of an injection nozzle, makes the speed of water movement in the home heating system much faster. Due to its presence, the water will be heated due to the ongoing partial mixing with the coolant from the central heating system, the temperature of which is very high. The elevator has a steel body with a mixing chamber inside it. It is also equipped with a nozzle, in the form of a narrowing hole.

Rapid mixing of water in the heating system of the house occurs due to its high speed at the outlet of the nozzle. Its rarefaction occurs behind the jet. Already cooled water from the return heating system enters this rarefied space.

In the presence of an elevator, you can also control the amount of consumed hot water. This is due to the ability to adjust the cross section of the nozzle. Management occurs by overlapping part of the hole with a “needle”, which has the form of a cone with a slight slope on top. It moves with the help of a special mechanism equipped with a control handle brought out to the outside. In proportion to the temperature of heating water, its consumption also changes when passing through the nozzle.

Also, the elevator simultaneously performs the role of a temperature controller, a mixer and a pump. These devices are quiet and reliable. Thanks to them, the dependent water circulation scheme is very popular.

Dependent once-through scheme

The simplest central heating scheme country house, is a dependent direct-flow. This system does not have mixers, expansion tank, mixer and other additional elements. It consists only of pipes and radiators. The system, even at high pressure and temperature, perfectly ensures the safety of the elements. But it also has a significant drawback. The temperature in a private house is completely dependent on the central boiler room.

Attention: plastic pipes, which are now in solid demand, should not be used with a dependent flow scheme.

Experts believe that of the three systems listed above, with the help of which central heating is produced in a cottage or in a private house, the most universal is the dependent one, which has an elevator. This is due to the fact that it does not require the use of a priming pump.

Despite the presence of some disadvantages, it is central heating that is the most common. With its help, you can effectively heat the apartment or private house even in severe frosts.

A significant part of residential and utility rooms is heated centrally, despite the variety of other options. First of all, heating schemes for multi-storey buildings are relevant in the construction of entire microdistricts and small settlements. One boiler house is able to provide heat a large number of objects.

Benefits of Centralized Networks

A distinctive feature of such systems is the location of boiler equipment in a separate building. The coolant is delivered through pipelines that are laid directly along the street to each facility.

Such networks are not arranged with their own hands, since the amount of work being done is very large.

  • Any heating scheme storey building well thought out by specialists, so serious failures rarely occur.
  • The operation of such systems is usually carried out on fuel, the price of which is low.
  • A centralized heating network, as a rule, is serviced by special services, which means that there is no need for performance monitoring.
  • With this option, it is not necessary to place the boiler within the dwelling, which saves space.

As for the minuses, they include the functioning of the system according to a certain schedule and the inability to carry out individual settings temperature regime.

Approximate system structure

Centralized heating in terms of device practically does not differ from autonomous systems. However, the cross section of pipelines in this case is much larger, and the equipment installed in the boiler room is much more complicated.

  • The heating source is large and small boiler houses, as well as special thermal power plants.. In the first case, the coolant acquires a given temperature directly during the combustion of the fuel. In another embodiment, heat is provided by steam. In addition, thermal power plants are capable of generating electricity.
  • With the help of a network of pipelines, the coolant is transported to the facilities. The diameter of the input and output elements usually reaches 1000 mm. As for laying, it can be done both on the ground and underground.
  • Heating equipment provides the ability to transfer heat to rooms. They act as the main instruments. They are installed in heated rooms.

One thermal power plant (CHP) allows you to replace several small boilers, in connection with this, construction costs are reduced.
It also frees up a lot of space.

Basic classification methods

Any scheme of the heating system of a multi-storey building can belong to one category or another. Classification of centralized systems can be carried out according to several criteria. You can learn more about them by reading the information below.

Depending on the type of coolant

  • Liquid networks are most widely used for heating multi-storey buildings. They allow you to deliver the coolant over long distances without a sharp deterioration in quality characteristics.
  • Steam systems are used much less often, but still occur. They allow you to produce with a smaller diameter. This option is mainly used where water vapor is required.

Based on connection method

  • Independent networks involve heating the coolant in a special heat exchanger.
  • Dependent systems involve providing heat directly through pipeline branches.

More about the device

To heat an apartment building centrally, it must be connected to a thermal route that runs from a CHP or boiler house. For this, inlet valves for thermal units are made in the main pipeline.

Immediately after the locking elements, mud collectors are installed, which are necessary for the precipitation of salts and metal oxides. Thanks to these devices, you can extend the operating period.

Directly in the house circuit, tie-ins for hot water are made. After them, the main unit should be located - the heating elevator.

System wiring

Usually, the heating scheme in an apartment building assumes the presence of one supply pipe with a lower or top filling. It can diverge into a certain number of branches that are sent to the building from the basement or attic.

With the lower wiring, pairs of risers are combined using special jumpers located in the attic or top floor. An air vent must be installed at the top point.

The heating system with top filling implies the installation of an expansion tank with an air vent on the technical floor. The valves serve to cut off each riser from the common network.

The correct slope during the installation of pipelines makes it possible, when opening the air vents, to ensure the discharge of the coolant.

The branch with the top bottling has some features.

  • The temperature of the heating devices decreases with the advancement of the coolant down, so it will be lower on the lower floors. You can compensate for heat losses by installing additional sections of radiators.
  • Starting the system is quite simple, because for normal operation you only need to open special valves, as well as air vents for a certain time.
  • Draining the coolant from the risers is somewhat complicated, since it is necessary to first overlap on the technical floor. Only then does the reset open.

The heating system of multi-storey buildings is adjusted by changing the diameter of the elevator nozzle.
That is, when its size changes, the heating level increases or decreases.

Optimization process

When the coolant is delivered from the source to the heating devices, rather large heat losses occur, so certain measures must be taken to maintain the temperature regime.

In fact, there are only two ways out of this situation.

  • Installing equipment with higher efficiency improves the performance of the system.
  • Additional thermal insulation of pipelines can significantly reduce heat loss.

About the main cons

  1. Any centralized system works according to a certain schedule, so during operation you have to adapt to it. In addition, it is impossible to independently adjust the temperature regime.
  2. The cost of boiler equipment and pipelines is quite high, which means that if the work is carried out poorly, huge amounts of money can be spent.
  3. Work on the installation of centralized heating is very time-consuming, therefore, in the event of an emergency, it will take quite a bit of time to fully or partially restore the system.
  4. Periodic pressure drops in centralized network can reduce the heating efficiency to some extent.

As a conclusion

Above, an instruction was presented that considers the installation of heating systems in high-rise buildings so that apartment owners can assess the scale of the centralized network and its effectiveness. If necessary, a standalone branch can always be created that will support desired temperature in a residential area. More information on this topic can be found by watching a special video.

Initially, the houses of Khrushchev's projects were conceived as temporary, to solve the housing problem. However, to this day, they occupy a fair share of the fund. The main problem of living is the scheme of the Khrushchev heating system and its device. Given the natural wear and tear, it often does not fully perform its functions.

Khrushchev centralized heating scheme

The houses of this project are characterized by a single-pipe scheme, when the distribution of the coolant starts from the upper (5th) floor and ends with the entry of cooled water into the basement. Such heating systems in Khrushchev have one significant drawback - the uneven distribution of heat throughout the apartments.

This is due to the successive passage of the coolant through the floors, i.e. the highest degree of its heating will be on the 5th, 4th, and on the 1st the amount of heat is not enough to heat the room. In addition, the heating scheme of the five-story Khrushchev has the following disadvantages:

  • Poor condition of heating elements. Lime deposits on inner surface pipes and batteries lead to a decrease in diameter, and as a result, a decrease in heat transfer;
  • No battery temperature control system. It is impossible to reduce the flow of coolant with devices, as this will affect the hydraulic pressure in the entire system. The way out is to install a bypass for each radiator.

To solve these problems, it is necessary to carry out modernization - to install modern radiators and pipes. Metal heating devices and pipelines made of polymers have proven themselves best. They have increased heat transfer rates, which contributes to the fastest heating of rooms. However, to create a truly efficient heating system in Khrushchev, it is necessary to replace all floors. If old pipes and radiators are left on the upper ones, then the rate of passage of water in the system will be unsatisfactory as before.

The implementation of such modernization can be carried out not only by the residents, but also by attracting the resources of the housing office. This organization is obliged to carry out planned replacement of pipelines. They also know how the heating system in Khrushchev is arranged - the scheme and location of pipelines for a particular house.

Auxiliary heating in Khrushchev

What to do if, even after the improvement and replacement of elements, the temperature in the apartment is far from ideal. The best option is autonomous heating in Khrushchev. However, this is not always possible - the installation of a gas boiler is not allowed due to low pressure in the line or due to inappropriate chimney channels.

Then start developing alternative ways increase in room temperature. The negative point is that the heating scheme of the five-story Khrushchev house does not provide for the connection of additional radiators. This can lead to a decrease in pressure in the pipes and a significant loss of heat for residents living below. To avoid unpleasant moments, you can perform a number of actions that contribute to energy saving in the apartment.

Insulation of the outer walls of Khrushchev

Recommended for exterior walls thermal insulation layer. It will help reduce heat losses and will not affect the current state of the heating system in Khrushchev. It is also necessary to replace old wooden windows with new ones made of PVC or glued beams. Particular attention should be paid to the thickness of the double-glazed windows. For effective thermal insulation, this parameter must be at least 28 mm.

Warm floor in Khrushchev

This is one of best mechanisms rise in temperature in the apartment. It can be installed not only in the bathroom and kitchen, but also in living quarters. It is best to choose infrared floor heating models, since their installation requires a minimum increase in thickness. floor covering. The Khrushchev heating scheme is not designed to connect a water heated floor. Its installation can lead to improper operation of the entire heating circuit of the house.

Apartment heaters

They can solve the problem with the rate of air heating in the apartment and do not affect the operation of the main heating system of apartments in Khrushchev. Along with traditional oil and converter-type electric heaters, infrared models have become very popular. They increase the temperature not of the air, but of objects, heating their surface. However, the disadvantage of such devices is the increase in financial costs for electricity.

Before connecting the heaters, it is necessary to check the wiring. Often the cross section of the wire is not designed for large loads. The heating scheme for a five-story Khrushchev building is designed only for a water coolant.
Therefore, it is first recommended to replace it, only after that install powerful electrical appliances.

Autonomous heating systems in Khrushchev: choosing a boiler and proper piping

Contrary to popular belief, you can make individual heating in Khrushchev. To do this, it is necessary to select a boiler that meets the standards and provide management company developed project. Previously, she gives the technical conditions on the basis of which an autonomous heating system in Khrushchev is compiled.

What should be taken into account when solving this problem? Consider the main components of autonomous heating in Khrushchev - a boiler, a piping system and radiators.

Heating boiler for Khrushchev

Average area two-room apartment in Khrushchev does not exceed 60 m2. Therefore, the optimal power of a gas boiler should be 7-8 kW. The next condition is the type of burner - it must be closed. Since the installation of the heating system in Khrushchev according to the scheme does not provide for the installation of a boiler, normal air exchange should be ensured for its operation. This is necessary for air intake from the street using a coaxial chimney. In some cases, it is possible to install carbon monoxide exhaust systems into the air ducts of the building. But before that, you need to get the approval of the fire department. Often this is precisely the obstacle to the installation of individual heating in Khrushchev.

Heating pipes and radiators

For laying the highway, it is best to use reinforced pipes from polypropylene. They are characterized simple installation, affordable cost. Their advantages include the possibility hidden installation. It can only be performed in the floor, since strobing of load-bearing walls is prohibited. The scheme of the heating system in Khrushchev is arranged in such a way that the place of installation of radiators is most often located under the windows. When designing an autonomous heating system, it is possible to provide for the installation of additional batteries. Most often they are installed in the bathroom.

Khrushchev heating project and schemes

When developing a Khrushchev heating scheme, all the nuances must be foreseen. In particular, the provision of hot water. Therefore, it is best to purchase double-circuit heating boilers.

The requirements for the scheme are no different from the standard ones.

  • Compliance of the temperature regime and pressure with the operational characteristics of pipes, radiators;
  • Connection to a water supply system for feeding heating;
  • Installation of expansion tank and circulation pump.

In this case, it is possible to install a water heated floor. For this, the Khrushchev heating scheme provides for the installation of a collector. It will distribute the heat carrier through the floor heating pipelines, the built-in system for mixing hot and cold water flows ( two-way valve) will automatically adjust the temperature.

For a minimum increase in floor thickness, it is recommended to use a decorative coating designed for installation directly on water heating pipes. The package must be labeled accordingly.

In addition to upgrading the autonomous heating installation, a number of actions can be taken, the result of which will lead to a decrease in current operating costs and payment for housing and communal services. Given the specific scheme of the heating system in Khrushchev, the installation of heat meters in the apartment is impractical. This is due to the lack of a central riser, i.e. even for one-room apartment you will have to put at least three counters - in the bathroom, in the kitchen and in the living room.

The total cost of installing one device can range from 25 to 30 thousand rubles. The way out of this situation is to install a common house meter. It will take into account the amount of heat energy consumed for the entire building. Fortunately, the centralized scheme, characteristic of all types of Khrushchev heating, allows this to be done. As an additional function, a mode for adjusting the supply of coolant depending on the outside temperature can be provided.

For the central heating circuit of a five-story Khrushchev building, you can install a balancing riser. It will perform the functions of evenly distributing the coolant over all floors of the house. However, what project is carried out only in agreement with the housing office, since it belongs to the category of changing the principle of supplying hot water.

The lion's share of the modern housing stock big cities falls on multi-story houses built back in the Soviet Union. In those days, the issue of saving heat was not so acute, and heating of residential buildings was carried out through a centralized system. Then it was relevant, but at the moment more and more of our compatriots are thinking about how to refuse heating in an apartment building.

Centralized heating system

No one will argue with the fact that the centralized system of heat supply to apartment buildings, in the form in which it currently exists, to put it mildly, is obsolete.

It is no secret that losses during transportation can reach up to 30% and we have to pay for all this. Refusing central heating in an apartment building is a complicated and troublesome procedure, but first, let's figure out how it works.

Heating a multi-storey building is a complex engineering structure. There is a whole set of drains, distributors, flanges that are tied to the central unit, the so-called elevator unit, through which the heating is regulated in an apartment building.

It makes no sense now to talk in detail about the intricacies of the operation of this system, since professionals are engaged in this and a simple layman simply does not need this, because nothing depends on him here. For clarity, it is better to consider the scheme for supplying heat to an apartment.

bottom filling

As the name implies, the distribution scheme with bottom filling provides for the supply of coolant from the bottom up. Classical heating of a 5-storey building, mounted exactly according to this principle.

As a rule, the supply and return are installed along the perimeter of the building and run in the basement. The supply and return risers, in this case, are a jumper between the highways. This is a closed system that rises to the last floor and descends again to the basement.

Despite the fact that this scheme is considered the simplest, putting it into operation is troublesome for locksmiths. The fact is that at the top of each riser, a device for bleeding air, the so-called Mayevsky crane, is installed. Before each start, you need to release air, otherwise the air lock will block the system and the riser will not be heated.

Important: some residents of the extreme floors are trying to move the air release valve to the attic so as not to encounter housing and communal services workers every season.
This modification can be costly.
The attic is a cold room, and if heating is stopped for an hour in winter, the pipes in the attic will freeze and burst.

A serious disadvantage here is that on one side of the five-story building, where the input passes, the batteries are hot, and on the opposite side they are cool. This is especially felt on the lower floors.

Top filling

The heating device in the nine-story building is made on a completely different principle. The supply line, bypassing the apartments, is immediately taken out to the upper technical floor. An expansion tank, an air release valve and a system of valves that allow you to cut off the entire riser if necessary are based here.

In this case, the heat is more evenly distributed over all the radiators of the apartment, regardless of their location. But another problem emerges here, the heating of the first floor in the nine-story building leaves much to be desired. After all, having passed through all the floors, the coolant comes down already barely warm, you can deal with this only by increasing the number of sections in the radiator.

Important: the problem with freezing water on the technical floor, in this case, is not so acute.
After all, the cross section of the supply line is about 50 mm, plus in the event of an accident, it is possible to completely drain the water from the entire riser in a few seconds, just open the air vent in the attic and the valve in the basement.

Temperature balance

Of course, everyone knows that central heating in an apartment building has its own clearly regulated standards. So in heating season the temperature in the rooms should not fall below +20 ºС, in the bathroom or in the combined bathroom +25 ºС.

In view of the fact that the kitchen in old houses does not have a large quadrature, plus it is naturally heated due to the periodic operation of the stove, the permissible minimum temperature in it is +18 ºС.

Important: all the above data are valid for apartments located in the central part of the building.
For side apartments, where most of the walls are external, the instruction prescribes an increase in temperature above the standard by 2 - 5 ºС.

Problems of individual heating

Refusal of central heating in an apartment building is the cherished dream of many of our compatriots. If in large industrial centers the heating system of residential buildings is still in a decent condition, then on the outskirts of our mighty homeland, things are not so rosy.

Two sides of the problem

Individual refusal of heating in an apartment building, as already mentioned, is a complex and troublesome process. Conventionally, the whole problem can be divided into 2 milestones, this is legal, that is, registration different kind documents and approval by authorities. And technical, which includes the actual purchase and installation of equipment.

Strange as it may sound, the technical stage is much simpler. Now the market offers many options for heating any housing, there are many specialized organizations that are able to quickly and efficiently mount any equipment. In some cases, all this can even be mounted by hand.

Given the level of bureaucracy and the number of officials in our country, legal registration sometimes it turns into a very nervous and costly event. The reason is elementary simple. Going to individual system, you stop paying the service company for heating, and the official who voluntarily takes away a piece of bread from his beloved has not yet been born. Therefore, often the problem is solved only through the courts.

Basic Documentation

Below we provide a list of approvals and documents common to all, but sometimes some additional amendments and requirements are adopted at the local level.

Therefore, before starting your “attack on bureaucracy”, it will not be superfluous to consult a specialized lawyer.

  • Initially, you should obtain a certificate of the availability of technical feasibility for such events. It is the operating company that issues it, and at this stage the greatest difficulties may arise, because it is not easy to refuse an extra payer.
  • Next, technical conditions for the installation of an autonomous system are drawn up. That is, the level of consumption of gas or electricity, the possibility and nature of the connection, and everything connected with this is calculated. Here it is better to hire a specialist.
  • Naturally, without firefighters in any way. Based specifications and justifications, the fire inspector draws up and issues an appropriate act.

  • If a residential heating system is planned natural gas, then you will need to install a coaxial pipe to remove combustion products and supply fresh air to the burner. In addition to the gas service itself, permission for such installation is also signed at the sanitary and epidemiological station.
  • Even if you are a craftsman and can easily equip everything with your own hands, in any case, you will need to hire a company that has an official license to carry out such work. Moreover, you must have certified copies of the licenses themselves.
  • After everything is mounted and ready to go, you should call a representative of the local gas service to connect and seal the system. Here you can also draw up a contract for the service of the unit, without it you will not be given permission to operate.

The practical side of the issue

After obtaining all permits, the first thing you should do is to get rid of all heating devices connected to the central system. AT modern new buildings this is done simply, there apartments are rented with the expectation that the owners themselves must mount the wiring. It is enough to block and seal the input.

With Khrushchev and nine-story buildings, the situation is much more complicated. There risers pass right in the apartment. It is easiest for residents of the last floor to disconnect, the system is cut off from the neighbors from below and looped.

The owners of the middle floors will have to mount powerful thermal insulation on the riser to prove to the authorities that they do not use public heat. The standards here are floating, so everything depends on the will of the official.

A few words about heaters

In this case, heating can be organized in two ways: using convectors and by installing a liquid system with a boiler. Gas or electric convectors are devices of local action. They are attached to the wall and fully heat only one room.

Installing a gas or electric convector for heating a city apartment is only advisable as an addition to the central system. In this case, officials will not interfere much, since they do not lose anything.

If it is planned to completely abandon central heating in an apartment building, then it is more profitable to install a central boiler here.

  • Heating of a residential building with a gas boiler is the most profitable option . In this case, the best option would be to install a wall-mounted double-circuit unit. The power of such boilers reaches 25 kW and they are quite capable of heating an apartment of 100 m².
    In the southern regions or in apartments located in the center of the building, such a boiler is able to cope with a larger quadrature. Plus the second circuit will provide you hot water for household needs.

  • The same can be said about electric boilers.. In terms of power, they are quite comparable with gas equipment. They are also available in single or double sided. The price of such equipment is much lower, but subsequently heating with electricity is a little more expensive.
  • Separately, it is worth mentioning the electrode boilers. The dimensions of these units are perfect for the conditions of a city apartment, the price of equipment is quite affordable, plus, in comparison with other electrical appliances, these boilers are much more economical. The only problem is that they are only for heating, it will not work to heat water for domestic use.

Choosing radiators

As you know, the temperature in the room largely depends on the quality of the selected batteries.

The number, material and configuration of sections, while directly dependent on the amount of heat generated and, of course, fuel economy.

  • Steel radiators are now extremely rare. These designs have more disadvantages than advantages. With a fairly mediocre heat transfer, they are highly susceptible to corrosive processes and will not last long. Only the low price speaks in their defense.
  • Relatively recently appeared aluminum batteries enjoy well-deserved popularity. They are lightweight, durable and have unique heat dissipation characteristics. For a stand-alone system, they are ideal, but in a centralized urban system, aluminum may not withstand water hammer.
  • Bimetallic batteries were just being developed for urban systems with high pressure. An aluminum coating is made on the steel frame, thanks to which they are in no way inferior the best samples in this area.
  • Naturally, they are deservedly considered classics. Concerning specifications, then cast iron, except for a solid mass, for heating systems fits perfectly. Some do not like such batteries for their rough appearance, but modern cast iron radiators look no worse, and sometimes even better than fashionable aluminum counterparts.

The video shows the intricacies of selection and installation.


According to experts, central heating in an apartment building will sooner or later disappear, giving way to small boiler rooms and personal heating systems. But so far, in most regions, it copes with the tasks assigned to it.

Constructive varieties of multi-storey heating systems residential buildings arose as a result of the gradual development construction technologies, increasing the number of storeys and the desire of developers to get the best performance at the lowest cost of construction.

Most residents are usually not interested in the device and principles of operation of the central heating of an apartment building. This issue may become relevant only in the event of a decrease in the level of comfort in the premises and the need for adjustment or when carrying out repairs with the replacement of pipelines and batteries.

General classification

Heating systems in large urban buildings can be classified according to the type of heat source and the piping scheme used to connect the heating appliances. Heat supply to apartments can come from:

  • centralized urban heating networks;
  • an autonomous boiler house serving only one building;
  • individual boilers installed in each individual apartment.

To distribute heat to individual rooms, the heating scheme of an apartment building may provide for the following general house piping schemes:

  • single-pipe;
  • two-pipe;
  • collector or beam.

Each of these schemes and their advantages and disadvantages will be discussed in more detail below.

The heat carrier used for heat supply

Hot water is used as a heat carrier circulating through pipelines and radiators. In central heating networks and autonomous boiler houses, it is treated in a special way to remove dissolved oxygen, hardness salts and insoluble impurities. This makes it possible to reduce the corrosive effect on metal pipes, to avoid scale deposits and the formation of silt blockages.

Prepared water is more expensive than ordinary tap water, and therefore its discharge to repair the heating system of an apartment building and its subsequent filling in order to start it can only take place with the permission and under the control of the heat supply or operating organization. Unauthorized draining of the coolant from the heating entails administrative punishment in the form of a fine.

In individual apartment heating, such preparation is not provided due to the small amount of circulating water and the guarantee that there is no leakage.

Supply from city networks

We have inherited district heating for multi-storey residential buildings as a legacy of planned management from the time of the existence of the Soviet Union. Today, this method of providing the housing stock with thermal energy is still the most common.

The main advantage of central heating is that residents of houses do not have to deal with issues related to the operation and repair of equipment and pipelines. The annual launch and necessary overhaul of networks is the responsibility of the city heat supply organization. With centralized and autonomous heating individual elements can be repaired or redone only in agreement with the heat supply organization.

As disadvantages of such engineering systems consider large heat losses in distribution networks, the dependence of the population on the quality of work of the heat supply organization and the impossibility of providing individual comfort conditions.

The design supply temperature in urban networks can be in the range of 90-115˚C, and existing equipment safety regulations prohibit heating accessible hot surfaces above 60˚C to prevent possible burns.

Therefore, a special elevator assembly was installed at the pipe entry into the building. It mixes the hot coolant from the supply with chilled water from the return, returning from the consumer, changing the temperature to an acceptable one. Calculation of elements, maintenance of elements and change of the control nozzle of the elevator is carried out only by employees of the heat supply organization.

Autonomous boiler room for one building

Heat sources serving only one city house have been built in the last two decades. Boilers are installed in special room on the roof, in an annex or in a separate building near the residential building. The level of automation of such a boiler house does not require the constant presence of maintenance personnel and can provide central dispatch control over the operation of the equipment.

The absence of large distribution networks eliminates the use of superheated water, which reduces heat losses and increases the level of comfort. The coolant is supplied to the apartments through the main risers located at each entrance or immediately through the pipes of the upper wiring if the boiler room is installed on the roof.

Boilers in apartments

This option for heating an apartment in an apartment building has been used relatively recently in modern new buildings and residential buildings after reconstruction. Autonomous apartment structures provide the most high level comfort in the apartment. The owners decide temperature chart operation of the boiler regardless of third-party heat supply organizations. Such a system starts and turns off only when necessary, avoiding unnecessary consumption of energy resources.

Among the disadvantages of individual heating can be called the need to ensure Maintenance and repair of installed equipment and dependence on stable electricity in the network. Many residents are faced with the necessary choice of a company for professional service and the development of additional protection.

Types of in-house distribution systems

For the quantitative distribution of the coolant inside the MKD, pipes are used, through which water moves:

  • from the bottom up from the basement or underground;
  • from above from the attic or upper floor;
  • along the main riser of the entrance with the subsequent connection of each apartment.

The adopted method of distribution affects the uniformity of the operation of the heaters and the level of accessibility for regulation and the implementation of ongoing repairs.

Bottom heat supply

The central heating system with the lower distribution of the coolant usually works in apartment buildings up to six floors high, while they can be structurally one-pipe or two-pipe.

Schemes with single pipe supply

In this case, heating water is supplied through one vertical riser with successive passage through all installed radiators. On the last floor, the pipe passes horizontally into the next room and again falls vertically. The risers themselves are connected to an organized wiring of distribution decks in the basement of the building, running along the outer wall.

The advantage of such a design lies in minimum flow required for pipe installation. Therefore, such thermal schemes were widely used in Soviet design development when design organizations received bonuses for saving materials. However, the main disadvantage single pipe system is the uneven distribution of heat between consumers. The first battery of water is the hottest, and the last one will not be heated enough.

To change the situation, an improved Leningradka scheme was developed. It provides for the presence of a closing jumper between the two pipes for connecting the heater, which allows you to adjust the flow. In this case, part of the hot coolant passes by the radiator, and the heat distribution is more correct. However, as practice has shown, many enterprising residents began to install taps on these lintels and close them, which again led to the previous situation.

Two-pipe system

By the name of this scheme, it can be understood that the supply in the risers is carried out through one pipeline, and the chilled water is discharged through another. The heat in this case is supplied more evenly, since the supply temperature is the same on all batteries. However, the installation of a second riser almost doubles the consumption of pipes for installation, compared with single-pipe circulation. That is why in Soviet times two-pipe wiring has not received widespread use.

Operational practice has shown that the use of two pipes is not ideal and does not completely solve the problem of proper heat distribution. The hydraulic distribution of flows gives the first hike of water to the devices a clear advantage and launches more coolant into them. As a result, the lower floors are heated more efficiently, while the upper ones are worse. Performing forced adjustment does not give any effect in practice. After a while, the tenants will independently return everything to its original state.

Top heat supply

It is used in houses with a height of more than seven floors. In each entrance, the coolant is supplied upwards to the attic or the last floor through the main riser large diameter. After that, it is diverted to single-pipe risers through distribution pipes and goes down with the successive passage of each heater.

For high-rise buildings over 12 floors, the entire structure can be divided into two or three separate blocks vertically and a separate distribution of water flows for each of them. In this case, the building design often provides for the presence of a special technical floor or distribution wiring is carried out inside the apartments. In the basement or technical underground, all risers are again connected to one return pipeline.

The advantages and disadvantages of such systems are fully consistent with the traditional one-pipe systems described above, with an even greater difference in the quality of heating between the upper and lower floors. Quite often, the residents of the first floors are forced to live in the cold.

Separate connection for each apartment

The principle of operation of heat supply schemes with individual heat distribution provides for the installation of a supply and return pipeline of large diameter, passing through the entrance or located in a technical niche. All apartments are connected to this main riser separately. At the pipe inlet, a meter can be installed to organize the accounting of consumed energy, and control valves to organize the necessary temperature conditions in the premises.

The heat carrier inside the apartment can be distributed according to a horizontal one-pipe, two-pipe or beam scheme. The last version of water heating provides for a separate connection of each heating radiator to the distribution manifold. This allows not only to ensure uniform distribution of heat, but also to supply each radiator required amount hot water, maintaining a minimum coolant temperature.

Apartment beam or collector circuits are by far the most efficient and reliable in operation and maintenance. The presence of a heat meter allows residents to independently control their expenses for heating the apartment. However, high capital costs for installation are not yet satisfactory for most companies and significantly limit the widespread use of beam distribution systems in residential construction.
