Autumn anemone. Crown anemone: germination, planting and care

Anemones are a wonderful decoration for any garden. tender, beautiful flowers- the dream of any grower. Some varieties of this plant require special care, while others are quite unpretentious. Planting flowers in open ground is possible even in autumn.

There are a huge number of species. Some of them bloom in spring, while others, on the contrary, in summer or autumn. Some love the shade, others love the sun. Exist frost-resistant and heat-loving species. Below are some of the most popular types.

crown anemone

the most beautiful anemone. The flowers of this plant are quite large, as well as a variety of shades. But this type of plant is extremely demanding on the environment. Crowned recommend digging for the winter. In this case, the usual cycle is completely lost.

If in nature it begins to bloom in early summer. After flowering, its leaves dry completely. And in the fall it blooms again. Then at spring planting it blooms in mid-summer, and the second bloom occurs along with frost and snow.

Variety De Kaen belongs to the crown type. Blooms in early summer. And in the fall it repeats. Flowers of this variety are distinguished by a huge variety of shades. The bush is lush, grows up to 45-55 centimeters in height.

Gentle - the plant is frost-resistant, unpretentious. Distinguished by its small size. Tender grows in height up to 5-10 centimeters. plant blooms in early spring. The flowers bloom along with the leaves. Flowers are blue, white and pink. Blooms tender 2-3 weeks.

One disadvantage of the plant is poor germination of tubers. Out of ten purchased tubers, only two or even one tuber may germinate.

White or oak - the most tenacious and unpretentious among other species. Blooms in early spring for 3-4 weeks. The height of the bush is 20-25 centimeters, and the flowers are 2-3 centimeters in diameter. Oakwood is most often found with white flowers.

The common anemone blooms in early spring. The flowers are like bells. It does not require special care. From the planted seeds, they will bloom only after two years. But then they will delight for many years and at the same time do not require any care.

Can anemones be grown outdoors?

Flower growers successfully grow anemones in open ground. These flowers easy to care for, but demanding on the soil. Flowers require loose, "breathing" soil so that moisture does not linger in it. In order to make the soil loose, it is enough to mix it with sand.

It is also important to know that they do not grow well in acidic soil.

When is the best time to plant flowers?

Planting time may be in spring or autumn. It all depends on the region and the climate in that region.

In the southern natural areas plants are best planted spring. In the northern regions they are planted autumn and the flowers are doing well. If you plant them in several stages, it can extend flowering from mid-summer to autumn. Planted anemones in winter in spring can please with flowering.

Planting a plant in open ground

In spring, anemones can be planted in the shade, or planted in an open place for sunlight. But in this case, it must be remembered that in the summer the rays of the sun can harm the plant. You also need to choose a place for flowers, which will be well protected from the wind.

Tubers need to be planted to a depth of 3 to 5 centimeters. The distance between the tubers should be at least 9-10 centimeters.

After planting, it is necessary to fertilize the soil with humus or loose peat. In order for them to please with lush flowering, before the flowers bloom, it is important to nourish the plants with complex ones.

Spring ones grow quickly and their it is necessary to seat. This must be done as soon as they bloom.

If they are planted in open ground in autumn, then in early spring they will bloom. It is important to plant anemones before frost. It should be remembered that if winters are famous severe frosts, then it is better to dig up the tubers of the plant.

It is important to remember that if you plant anemones in the fall without drainage, they will get sick due to excess moisture.

Care after landing

It's easy to take care of them. An important point in this task is create proper hydration. An excess of moisture will lead to root rot and subsequent death.

  • If there is not enough moisture for the plant during the formation of buds, this situation can harm growth and flowering.
  • To have enough moisture do not plant a flower in a lowland and it is also important to pay special attention to drainage.
  • After planting, it is recommended to cover the ground with tree leaves or peat.

It is necessary to fertilize during flowering and in the fall. As a top dressing, organic and complex fertilizer. Do not like fresh manure , so it should not be used as a fertilizer.

It is also required to loosen the earth and remove weeds. In addition, you should collect snails and slugs that feed on anemones.

If the plant is sick, it is important to take appropriate measures in time. It is important to remove the sick and prevent nearby anemones from becoming infected. Flower bushes grow. Therefore, it is important transplant and divide bushes of plants that are already 4-5 years old.

Preparing for winter

The climate of the central region of Russia does not allow tubers to remain in the soil. Therefore, it is important to remove them and prepare them for storage before the onset of spring. tubers dig up and dry. The remaining leaves must be removed. Tubers are stored in sand or peat in a dark, cool room.

If we are talking about the southern regions, where winters are warm, anemones can not be dug up. It is only necessary to cover them with foliage, peat or compost.

Should be dug in autumn winter storage only at the moment when the leaves of the plant have dried.


There are two ways to reproduce:

  • Seminal
  • Vegetative


seed method quite complicated. The difficulty lies in the fact that the seeds of the plant must be fresh. Only fresh seeds can sprout. But even the freshness of seeds cannot be guaranteed. successful breeding anemone.

Seeds must be sown in a box, and the box itself must bury in the ground. After the sprouts appear, the box is dug up, and the sprouts are seated in the ground.

You can also pre-soak the seeds so that they swell. Then plant in a pot with prepared soil. Then take the pot outside and bury it in the ground.


The vegetative method of reproduction is considered more effective than seed. To do this, dig a plant in the spring and separate the tubers. It is important that at least one kidney remains on the separated tubers. To make the roots germinate better, you can use any biostimulant.

Only proper care and care will help grow bright anemones. They will decorate the garden with their lovely flowers from spring to late autumn.

Graceful anemones, or simply anemones, whose name is translated as "daughter of the wind", can decorate from early spring to autumn. Only not due to repeated flowering, but because of the variety of forms. The genus Anemone belongs to the buttercup family and consists of 150 species. Anemones grow throughout the Northern Hemisphere, in temperate climates. Their range extends from the Mediterranean to the Arctic.

It is clear that with such a scatter of habitats in vivo at the anemone different types requirements for cultivation and placement differ. Yes, they look a little like each other. For example, a modest graceful forest anemone about 10-15 cm tall is very different from the exquisite one and a half meter Hubei anemone. The most beautiful and capricious is considered to be difficult to grow crowned. She has many cultivars and hybrids, the number of which is growing every year. Of course, the question arises of how anemones behave in winter. After all, the area of ​​\u200b\u200btheir growth is large, and the content in the cold season cannot be the same.

Do I need to dig up anemone in the fall? According to winter hardiness, anemones are divided into those that are able to survive the cold season in open ground, and those that require storage in a room with a positive temperature.

rhizome anemones

In conditions Middle lane Russian rhizomatous anemone is covered with a layer of peat or fallen leaves and left in the soil. In the south, it does not even need to be mulched. In the spring, anemones quickly build up the aerial part, bloom on time, and in the fall they go to rest, without delivering to the owners extra hassle.

Anemones with tuberous rhizomes

This is not how an anemone behaves, equipped with a tuber, which in natural conditions grows in southern Europe. Most species need to be dug up for the winter even in Krasnodar Territory and in Ukraine, with the exception of the Black Sea coast.

Tuberous anemones

Let's take a closer look at the tuber anemones, at least the most beautiful and popular species. We will find out whether it is necessary to dig them out, or can be done in another way.

anemone apennine

The birthplace of this anemone is the deciduous forests of southern Europe, the Balkans. She needs soils rich in humus under the canopy of trees or large shrubs. Flowering occurs in early spring, and light partial shade provides a brighter color of the buds.

Apennine anemone reaches a height of 15 cm, single blue flowers up to 3 cm in diameter are located on strong peduncles. tubers irregular shape withstand frosts up to 23 degrees. Anemone of this species looks especially beautiful in solid plantings, so digging them is not recommended. It is better to cover with a thick layer of mulch, and in regions with a particularly harsh climate, use spunbond and spruce branches.

The Apennine anemone has many garden forms that differ in the color of the flowers and the number of petals.

Caucasian anemone

This anemone, despite the name, is more resistant to cold than the previous one. It grows in the alpine belt of the Caucasus Mountains, slightly below the eternal snows. There is no need to dig an anemone for the winter, it is enough to mulch the soil well.

Outwardly, it looks like an Apennine anemone, but prefers open spaces and poor watering. It grows up to 10-20 cm, blue flowers reach a diameter of 3 cm, with the beginning of summer the aerial part dies off.

Anemone tender

Light-loving and drought-resistant anemone up to 15 cm high can withstand up to 25 degrees below zero. It is not necessary to dig up its tubers, and if planted under the protection of trees or shrubs, you can limit yourself to winter easy shelter.

The birthplace of this anemone is the countries of Asia Minor, the Balkans and the Caucasus. She draws attention to herself blue flowers up to 3.5 cm in diameter. There are garden molds lavender, pink, white or red, there are two-tone varieties.

garden anemone

White, red or pink flowers anemones with a diameter of 5 cm bloom in early spring. A bush with openwork leaves reaches a height of 15-30 cm. These beautiful anemones need to be dug up after the aerial part dies off. It is better not to delay this, because already in the summer you will not find a place where the anemone grew. If you do not get the tubers out of the ground, they will freeze in winter.

Anemone sparkling

Only rare lucky ones can boast that this graceful guest from southern regions Spain and France. This anemone is a natural (natural) hybrid of peacock anemone and garden anemone. Its tubers need to have time to dig out before the aerial part completely dies off in the summer.

There are quite a few plants that require close attention from the owners. Some of them need constant supervision: regular watering, fertilization and preventive treatment from pests. Others need to be especially taken care of during the onset of cold weather - due to insufficiently high frost resistance. So, today we will talk about the second aspect. At the same time, we will clarify whether it is necessary to dig up dahlias for the winter, hyacinths, lilies, gladioli and explain why. Also, let's say, is it worth extracting tulips and anemones, as well as freesia for the winter, or can they be left in the open field. That's what we'll be talking about next. Let's start...

To dig up lilies for the winter or not?

Lilies are rather capricious plants, which, nevertheless, are popular among many gardeners. But proper preparation such crops for winter may differ, it depends on the climate of the area where the garden is located. In the event that it is not characterized by very severe frosts and a sufficient amount of snow falls, then there is no need to dig out lilies. They may well endure the winter in the ground. They only need to be removed from the ground in order to distribute the young bulbs and eliminate the old ones.

Certain varieties of plants are able to tolerate even very very coldy. They are represented by Asian varieties, as well as OT and LA hybrids. Such lilies are also not dug up for the winter.

In the event that lilies of oriental hybrid varieties grow on the site, you can not remove them from the ground, but cover them from frost.

As for the tubular varieties of flowers, they are not at all frost-resistant, which means that lilies of this variety will still have to be removed from the ground for the winter. This should be done in the fall. Store them until spring in the basement.

Is it worth it to dig gladiolus?

These flowers are not at all frost-resistant, which means that gladioli are taken out of the planting sites for the winter. In principle, they can winter in the ground under cover in the southern territories of Russia, but those readers of "Popular about Health" who live in the Middle Lane must definitely remove them. And it is better to dig gladioli before the onset of frost, because the bulbs can suffer when the soil temperature drops below zero degrees.

To get tulips out of the ground for the winter or not?

You do not need to dig up tulips, because the bulbs of these flowers tolerate frost very well. Many summer residents advise covering the plantings with peat and figuring out the fallen snow, while others do not remove any special attention to the plants at all. Tulip bulbs are dug up only once every few years for separation, transplanting to a new place, fertilizing the soil, etc.

However, there are rare and capricious varieties that are not able to lay flower buds at low temperature. Such tulips will have to be dug up. Such crops need to be stored in a dry and sufficiently warm place for winter.

We will dig anemones or we will not?

There are several varieties of anemones that require a different approach to organizing wintering. So, a tender anemone does not leave its place of growth for the winter, as it can easily endure a period of cold weather. However, you should dig up the crown anemone, as it can be severely damaged by excessive soil moisture (in autumn) and frost (in winter). Such a plant should be removed around the end of September - early October, laid out on newspapers to dry, and then cut off the aerial parts. Rhizomes need to be additionally dried in a fairly cool room (about ten to fifteen degrees) for another four weeks. After that, it is advisable to put them in boxes with barely moistened sand or peat and put them in a cool place.

Do we get dahlias for the winter?

Dahlias are completely non-frost-resistant crops. Therefore, many gardeners grow them exclusively as annuals. Others successfully extract the rhizomes of plants from the soil and plant them back in the spring.

Usually, dahlia rhizomes are sent to a fairly cool room for the winter. They do this in early October (with earlier frosts, you need to cover them), cutting the stems ten centimeters from the ground. Planting material must be washed, sent for five to six days in a fairly cool room with high humidity. During this time, corking of the skin of dahlia rhizomes will begin, and they can be folded into bags or parchment, surrounded by peat or vermiculite and stored until spring (at five to seven degrees).

Whether to extract freesia for the winter?

It's attractive and thermophilic culture therefore, its bulbs must be removed from the soil. You can dig freesia after the leaves turn yellow, without waiting for complete drying. Such planting material should be sorted out and treated with fungicides, as well as insecticides (for the prevention of fungal infections and for the destruction of pests). After the corms must be dried and stored in fairly specific conditions. They should be in a room with a high temperature (twenty-five to thirty degrees) and high humidity.

Do you dig up hyacinths or is it not necessary?

Residents southern territories there is no need to dig up hyacinths for storage in the cold season. They only need to remove the bulbs from time to time to separate the resulting babies. During frosts, the site can only be mulched. But when the garden is located on the territory of the Middle Strip, it is imperative to remove hyacinths for the winter, and even in the fall, after the ground part of the plants turns yellow and completely dries.

Thus, different garden flowers require different care in autumn. So, freesia and dahlias need to be dug up, but tulips for the winter are not. Well, I will not repeat myself, you just read ... Proper wintering- this is one of the main conditions for successful flowering on next year.

How nice it is to see thousands of beautiful people around you. flowering plants that fill the earth. Among them stands out for its bright color - anemone. It's a gentle perennial garden flower. Its name comes from Greek word"anemos" means wind. The people call the flower anemone because of its delicate petals, which react even to a slight breath of wind.

Easy ways to plant anemones

In nature, there are a huge number of varieties of anemones. Some of them require careful maintenance, others are completely unpretentious. The difference is explained by the fact that these plants are tuberous or rhizomatous.

In accordance with the careful observations of flower lovers, anemone rhizomatous planting and care does not require special attention. In addition, such flowers comfortably endure winter.

Before planting graceful garden beauty, you should choose the right place. To protect the delicate petals from the summer heat, it is better to find a slightly shaded area. Here the anemone will receive enough light and heat for full growth.

If it is on an area unprotected from the sun, the petals lose their color and fall to the ground. In a dark place, flowers bloom later and are much smaller.

Since there are many various kinds anemones, requirements for lighting, watering and soil composition vary significantly. But such universal terms suitable for any type:

  • slightly shaded area of ​​the garden;
  • reliable high-quality drainage;
  • loose fertile land.

It is these principles that will help grow unfamiliar plant varieties for novice flower lovers.

For creating suitable soil, you can add a small amount of sand to it. This will loosen it and provide excellent air circulation. In addition, such soil does not retain moisture, which contributes to the prosperity of the plant.

When the planting site is ready, you should choose a method for growing anemones in the open field and caring for them. The simplest is sowing seeds. This method is rarely used because it is not always effective. According to the observations of gardeners, only a small part of the sown seeds germinates. Yes, even if they are fresh. However, such a method exists.

Sow the seeds in small holes. This will help the tender stems rise above the ground and strengthen. The soil should be porous and loose.

If you sow anemone in the fall, then the seedlings will appear in early spring. When planting in spring or summer, the sprouts hatch in a month. During this period, they should be watered wisely so as not to overdo it. The plant may die from waterlogging.

Care and planting anemones in the open field vegetatively widely applied experienced gardeners. For this, rhizomes or tubers are taken. Then they are carefully divided into parts. In each, you must leave 2 or 3 kidneys. Subsequently, they will become the crown of an elegant garden flower.

When the question arises as to when to plant anemones, in the fall or spring, the breeding method should be considered. Just the option of dividing the rhizome is best done in the spring. During this period, the plant is full of energy and easily responds to such a radical procedure.

It is much more difficult to grow these plants using tubers. For this, before landing, they are poured warm water. Being in the liquid, the planting material increases in volume. This has a beneficial effect on the rate of germination of anemone in open ground.

Another option for preparing tubers is to wrap them in cloth or polyethylene for several hours. Then you can start disembarking. It is also important to consider the rules of how to plant anemones in the fall.

The upper part of the tuber is always flat, so it should be placed in the hole with a sharp tip down. A mixture of humus with wood ash, which serves as a starting top dressing. Then planting tubers are laid out at a distance of 10 cm from each other. Sprinkle with earth from above, slightly pressing down.

Watered clean water. Planting anemones in the fall in the ground is carried out to a depth of 3 to 7 cm.

To prevent the tubers from turning over in the hole, they must be fixed. One option is mulching.

Competent care for garden beauty

Who doesn't love a garden adorned with colorful anemones, of which there are more than 20 varieties. Although there are much more of them in nature - about 170 species, garden hybrids require careful care.

Almost all anemones are. But they have different resistance to cold. Given this fact, it is worth considering whether it is necessary to dig up anemones for the winter so that they do not die.

Most often, the life force of the plant is stored in thick rhizomes and tender tubers. It is they who are planting material flowers in early spring or autumn.

Depending on the weather conditions the area in which anemones grow, the time to extract them from the ground is different. Usually suitable months are September or October. Therefore, the gardener independently decides when to dig up and how to store anemones in winter.

After removing the tubers from the soil, they are dried in a shaded area of ​​the garden. Then the above-ground stems are cut off and transferred to a cool room. There they dry for a month. For the winter they are hidden in the cellar, where they are wonderfully preserved.

The specific timing of when to plant anemones depends on the climate and the properties of the plant itself. In the southern part of Russia, plants are planted in open ground from April to early autumn. In cooler areas, weather and air temperature should be taken into account to avoid freezing the plant.

In order for the anemone to take root after landing, it is necessary to provide it with competent care. It includes the following important points:

  1. Careful manual weeding of young shoots.
  2. Regular loosening of the topsoil.
  3. Additional protection against cold winds and frosts.
  4. Moderate watering of the plant.

In addition, young flowers need to be fed. It is better to do this during the flowering period. If the land is fertile, once is enough.

Rhizome anemones can be mulched with humus. The minimum layer is 5 cm.

Tuberous options and hybrid varieties fertilized with minerals and trace elements. This approach increases the flowering period.

Proper care and planting of anemones in the suburbs gives excellent results. The rhizomatous species grow wonderfully in this region, so they should be thinned out regularly. So they get access to light and air.

Some tuberous varieties are dug up for the winter. Those that remain in the ground should be carefully insulated with fallen leaves.

Sometimes gardeners use improvised materials for shelter: coniferous spruce branches or nonwovens. perennial plants should be rejuvenated after 3 or 5 years.

Fascinating Anemone Species

Anemone is a member of the buttercup family. Biologists classify more than 150 of its species. Having considered only some of them, you can immediately fall in love with this charming garden beauty.

Anemone tender grows in the mountainous regions of Europe and Asia Minor. She loves wet fertile soils. It is a tuberous plant. Blooms in May for about 3 weeks with blue or purple buds. Grows up to 20 cm in height. There are also white, blue and pink species gentle beauty.

Luciferous anemone has a creeping rhizome. It grows rapidly, completely covering the ground. Plant height up to 25 cm. It blooms in nature with bright yellow inflorescences in mid-May. Cultivated varieties come with purple leaves and double petals.

Anemone oak grows in almost all forests of Europe. It blooms with white inflorescences up to 4 centimeters in diameter. Sometimes there are pink, lilac or cream shades of petals. In its decorative form, there are more than 30 species.

Due to their attractiveness, these flowers are used for group plantings. They look cute at the foot of bushes or near garden paths.

Any variety of this graceful beauty will bring joy to true flower lovers.

How to grow an anemone - video

Japanese anemone (autumn anemone, sleep-grass, backache, anemone)- spectacular perennial shrub The Ranunculaceae family is native to Japan, China and the USA, with about 150 species. The special charm of anemones is given by large leaves in the form of dissected feathers, rich color and petals of buds, fluttering even with a slight breath of wind. The height of the plant, depending on the variety, varies from 70 to 140 cm, and the flowering period lasts from mid-summer to mid-October, pleasing the eye of the grower, and allowing you to use the anemone in picturesque mixborders and flower beds with roses, gladioli, geraniums, hosta and hydrangea.

  • "Prinz Heinrich" - tall shrub with large basal beautiful leaves. In one inflorescence collected 15 flowers of bright red color. Flowering of this variety begins in late summer or early autumn.
  • "September Charm" - a plant up to 130 cm high with large trifoliate serrated leaves. graceful flowers color pink 8 cm in diameter bloom and delight with their beauty from August to September.
  • Whirl Wind - unpretentious variety with decorative basal leaves of a gear form. Plant height from 80 to 100 cm, white flowers with light yellow stamens, collected in inflorescences of 15 pieces. Flowering lasts from August to September.
  • "Konigin Charlotte" is a 1 m high perennial with three-lobed leaves. The flowers are double, 8 cm in diameter, light pink.
  • "Pamina" - an early flowering variety (July-August) with large double cup-shaped flowers of dark pink, almost burgundy color. Plants are quite compact (up to 90 cm) and are great for small gardens.
  • "Profusion" is a plant with semi-double flowers, a dark purple-red color rare for autumn anemones. Reaches a height of 90-120 cm, blooms from August to October.
  • 'Honorine Jobert' is a shrub with white flowers that are pinkish on the underside. The flowers consist of 6-9 sepals, the plant reaches a height of 90-120 cm. It blooms from August to October.


Anemone prefers light, fertile, loose and well-drained soil with a pH value of 7.2-7.7. This Japanese anemone thrives in a draught-free location with a low ground water, so do not plant it in the lowlands and near drains. Anemone is difficult to accept sunbathing throughout the day, so for a plentiful and lush flowering you will have to shade it a bit.


Spill anemone seedling with settled water room temperature so that after 20-30 minutes you can easily get it out of the pot. Select appropriate place for anemone, given that:

  • Forest varieties prefer shade, and a place in north side garden or under the crowns of trees, so that the flower does not suffer from excess sunlight.
  • Varieties of anemones that are accustomed to a temperate climate are planted on the east side of the garden.
  • In the southern part of the garden, it is better to plant heat-loving flower varieties.

With soil mixture not everything is simple either, because some anemones prefer alkaline soil - owners of sites with clay soil will have to loosen it. To do this, use ash or dolomite flour at the rate of 450-550 g/sq.m. "Design" the soil mixture yourself, taking soddy soil, coarse sand and expanded clay in a ratio of 2: 2: 1: 0.5, or use the ready-to-use PETER PEAT "Garden Earth" primer of the HOBBY line. But there are varieties of anemones that grow well only in neutral or slightly acidic soil - for them, PETER PEAT "For coniferous plants" of the HOBBY line mixed with PETER PEAT of the VITA line and coarse sand (4: 1: 1) is well suited. If chosen homemade version soil mixtures, add ash (300 g/sq.m.), neutralized PETER PEAT AGRO line peat (300 g/sq.m.) and complex mineral fertilizer PETER PEAT "NPK 15-15-15" line MINERAL.

At the end of April - beginning of May, dig a hole 45 cm deep and Ø40 cm deep on the site, put a drainage layer of fine gravel or gravel 15 cm thick on the bottom. Remove the seedling from the pot, lower it into the hole to upper layer basal coma coincided with the ground level ( root collar should be above the ground) and cover with soil without tamping it down. Spill with water, wait until the soil sags and sprinkle again on the sides, trying not to disturb the root ball. The anemone grows quite quickly, so the distance between neighboring plants should not be less than 20-25 cm. Try to avoid planting under mature trees - the anemone will receive an excess of moisture, a lack of light and will not bloom. Mulch your plantations with dry sawdust or peat neutralized by PETER PEAT of the AGRO line to a radius of 0.4 m for a thickness of 3-4 cm.


The main care for the anemone is to protect against weeds, loosening and soil under the bushes of the plant or humus.


Anemone loves moisture, but does not tolerate waterlogging: water it 2 times a week, 8 liters per bush, so that the earth is moist to a depth of 5-6 cm. In hot weather and during the flowering period, increase watering.


It is necessary to loosen the soil around the anemone bush carefully, because. its fragile root system lies superficially. Therefore, the weeds are not weeded out, but pulled out by hand.

top dressing

Top dressing 1 (before planting in the ground), options:

  • aqueous solution of mullein (1:10);
  • 2-year compost (4 kg/sq.m.);

Top dressing 2 (during flowering and every 2 weeks), options:

  • liquid humic fertilizer PETER PEAT "Live force: for flower crops" (see dosage on the package);
  • aqueous solution of bird droppings.

Top dressing 3 (autumn, before winter), options:

  • 8-10 g of nitrogen + 15-20 g of phosphorus + 10-15 g of potash fertilizer;
  • complex mineral fertilizer PETER PEAT "NPK 15-15-15" of the MINERAL line.


After the end of flowering, shorten the anemone stems to the ground, without touching the basal leaves - they are cut only in the spring, before the start of the new season.

Reproduction by seeds

Anemone seed germination is low, only 5-20%. the embryo in its seeds is small and poorly developed. As a result, the plant develops slowly, and only for 2-3 years you can admire its flowering. The technique of growing anemones from seeds is slightly confused, and the main thing in it is to sow only fresh seeds collected immediately after flowering:

  • in landing capacity with the primer PETER PEAT "For seedlings" of the HOBBY line and the addition of a quarter of the volume of sand, deepen the seeds by 0.3-0.5 cm, sprinkle with soil on top, pour settled water at room temperature with a spray bottle and cover with an opaque film.
  • As soon as the seeds swell, send the container to the refrigerator with a temperature of + 2-4 ° C for 3 months.
  • Pour a little more soil on top (2-3 cm) and send the container with the film outside: sprinkle it with sawdust or straw and, when the snow falls, make a slide out of it over the container.
  • In mid-April, hardened and germinated sprouts can be planted in open ground, in case of return frosts, keeping covering material at hand.

But in order to save yourself from all these troubles, it is better to plant the seeds in the fall in boxes with loose soil and immediately bury them in the yard, covering them with cut sawdust or branches. During the winter, they will undergo natural freezing, and in the spring you will dig them up and plant them.

Propagation by cuttings

In March, dig up an adult anemone bush, cut off at the root neck and use water to free the roots from the ground. Cut cuttings 5-6 cm long and immerse them for 6 hours in a root formation stimulator, for example, Epin or PETER PEAT liquid humic fertilizer. Then place the cuttings in pots 12x25 cm, filled with a peat-soil mixture with the addition of loam and sand, or simply with PETER PEAT "For seedlings" soil of the HOBBY line (the cuttings are buried to their full length so that their tops are on the surface of the soil). When planting the cuttings, the soil should be slightly compacted, and sprinkled with sand on top to a thickness of 0.5-0.8 cm. Place the pots in a greenhouse, cover with opaque glass / film and rarely water, preventing the roots from rotting. As soon as stalks with leaves appear, remove the film, and increase watering - just at this time adventitious roots are formed. Once a week, feed young plantings with liquid humic fertilizer PETER PEAT "Living Force: Healthy Seedlings" and once a quarter - complex mineral fertilizer PETER PEAT "NPK 15-15-15" of the MINERAL line. The following year, the anemone can be planted in open ground.

Reproduction by division of roots

In early April, carefully dig out an adult anemone bush (4-5 years old), separate the roots and cut them into pieces of 5 cm with a mandatory bud (preferably 2-3) on each. Deepen them horizontally by 5-7 cm in open ground, with the kidneys up. Water and care like an adult bush, and in 2-3 years you will be able to admire a new anemone bush.

Reproduction by tubers

Some varieties of anemones have a tuberous root system, and their reproduction has a number of features:

  • After the end of flowering in the fall, cut off the leaves and stems of the plants “under the stump”, dig up the tubers and place them in pots. Pots should be stored until spring in a room with a temperature of + 2-4 ° C, and before planting in the spring, a month in advance - in a warmer room with a temperature of + 12 ° C.
  • About 2 weeks before planting in open ground, put anemone tubers in shallow plates filled with water and a root growth stimulator - liquid humic fertilizer PETER PEAT "Living Force: For Soaking Seeds", and wrap them with gauze so that the entire volume of the tuber is saturated with this feeding for 6 hours.
  • Next, you need to place the tubers in a planting container with a soil mixture consisting of earth, peat and sand (2: 1: 1), cover it with transparent glass and maintain moderate soil moisture. After 10-12 days, the tubers will release new roots and small seedlings.
  • Prepare the soil in open ground (see the "Planting" subsection) and plant the tubers in pre-dug holes. Water your plants generously.
  • In the first week after planting, the anemone should be in partial shade, because. the sun burns the young leaves.

Shelter for the winter

For the winter in early November, mulch the anemone with a layer of dry foliage or peat neutralized by PETER PEAT of the AGRO line 10 cm thick, and additionally cover the plant with spruce branches or branches on top of it deciduous trees. This is especially needed hybrid varieties of anemones.

Some gardeners dig up anemones along with rhizomes and store them in a dark, cool, not damp room in a large container with appropriate soil, after cutting off the leaves and basal stems. True, it must be borne in mind that the anemone does not tolerate transplantation, especially adult plants, and in this case, most likely, it will be delayed with flowering.

Diseases and pests

In the fight against fungi, the addition of a small amount helps sea ​​salt or sea sand into the soil where anemones are grown .
