Do you know how to grow a Venus flytrap from seeds? Venus flytrap (Dionaea Muscipula).

Flycatcher (Dionaea) belongs to the Rosyankovye family, native to the regions North America. Its habitat is swampy areas. The flycatcher is a carnivorous plant, difficult to grow at home, but very visually appealing. It is worth paying a little more attention to her, because her help in the fight against insects is invaluable. The only species of this plant is the Venus flytrap.(Dionaea muscipula). Her Latin name comes from her mother - Aphrodite - Dione.


Flycatcher is a perennial flowering plant, which forms a basal rosette of leaves, appearance resemble a pair of eyelashes, 10 cm high and 30 cm wide. A trap of two plates, ending with teeth, which, after closing, prevent the victim from getting out. Inside the traps are painted pink or red. The size of such a trap ranges from 3 to 6 cm. In spring, several white flowers appear on a long and thin stem. Flowering weakens the plant, so it is worth removing the inflorescences.


The flower needs a lot high humidity air and soil, high temperature and lighting with direct sunlight. Otherwise the traps lose correct color and start to rot. The base should consist of acidic peat with coarse sand in a ratio of 2:1. During the growth period of the Venus flytrap, it is necessary to put its pot in a two-centimeter layer of water. For watering a carnivorous plant, soft water is used, preferably distilled or rainwater. The substrate must be kept moist at all times. winter period limit watering to a minimum. Temperature, in summer 20-30 °C, in winter the temperature should not exceed 10 °C (so that the flycatcher goes into a state of rest), but also not fall below 0 °C. Insectivores plants do not need to be fertilized, because their roots are not adapted to absorb fertilizers, but too high concentration of nitrogen in the soil can burn them.

rest period

The rest period of the flycatcher lasts from late autumn (late November) to early spring (early March). During sleep, it is better if the flower had access to light (it can conditionally be in a dark place) and was in a room with a temperature of 5-10 ° C. If you are not able to provide him with such conditions, then you can create them artificially. We water the flower and place it in a plastic bag, and refrigerate for at least 4 weeks. We monitor the condition of the Venus flytrap once a week. Sometimes you can leave the flycatcher in the place where it was all year round if the window temperature is 5-10 °C. The minimum rest period is 4 to 6 weeks, but can be up to 3 months.


Venus flytrap rare propagate from seed because flowering weakens the plant and is often the cause of his death. If you decide on this method, you must have two genetically different flower. The flower must be artificially pollinated with a small brush, as the plant is not self-pollinating. Pollination is repeated 2-3 times over several days. Small, black seeds appear about a month after pollination. A pot with seedlings is placed in a bright, warm, humid place, with a temperature of about 25 ° C. Seeds should germinate in 2-3 weeks. When the plants reach a diameter of about 3 cm, they can be transplanted into separate flower pots.

You can also propagate using leaf or stem cuttings. leaf cuttings, fully developed leaf is placed in peat. They put it in a well-lit place, and make sure that the substrate is constantly wet. If after two weeks the leaf has not dried up, there is a high probability of getting sprouts.

For breeding stem cuttings, cut off the stem, and then, cutting it into pieces 3 cm long, and placed in wet peat, covering the tips of the stem with earth. More likely to grow young sprouts from stem cuttings that have not yet bloomed.

hunting mechanism

Flycatchers lure their victims with the color of their inner trap and sweet slime. Touching two hairs located along the edges of leaf blades guarantees the closing of the trap. After closing the leaf, the plant secretes juice, which breaks down insects well and assimilates the protein substances contained in them as additional nutrition. Digestion of the insect lasts up to several days. The flycatcher does not digest chitin, so pansy remains after the victim. The trap that caught the insect, after opening, loses the ability to close again (hunt) and becomes a leaf.


The Venus flytrap is an extremely difficult plant to care for and keep at home. Therefore, when buying it, you should pay attention Special attention to keep her healthy and safe. It is better to buy large specimens, and before starting cultivation, familiarize yourself with the requirements for home care in detail. After purchase, the plant must be transplanted.

The Venus flytrap is a carnivorous plant native to the wetlands of North and South Carolina. This mysterious plant feeds on spiders and insects that get trapped between two pink leaves. Venus flytrap can be grown indoors as long as it gets enough sun and moisture. To learn how to grow it amazing plant, see step 1.


Part 1

Planting a Venus Flytrap

    Buy a Venus flytrap bulb. The easiest and most common way to start growing a Venus flytrap is to order a bulb (or several bulbs) from a company that specializes in houseplants. You can choose from several plant varieties that differ in shape and color. You may also be lucky enough to find a greenhouse in your area that sells Venus flytrap bulbs.

    • You can also grow a Venus flytrap from seed, although this method is less popular. Consider: in order for the seed to grow mature plant may take up to 5 years. Order seeds online and plant them in deep pots with peat moss (sphagnum) seed substrate. To create a warm and humid environment, cover the pots plastic bags. As soon as sprouts have appeared, they can be transplanted to a permanent place.
  1. Choose a plant container. A glass container is ideal, as the Venus flytrap needs a lot of moisture. This is especially important if the temperature in your area drops to -10°C or colder in winter, which is too cold for a Venus flytrap.

    • If you live in a climate with cold winters, consider planting the plant in a terrarium. The high walls of the terrarium will retain heat and moisture, allowing the Venus flytrap to grow. Air flow is also important, so you should not plant the plant in a container with a lid. An aquarium or other open-topped glass container will do.
    • If you live in a warm climate with mild winters, both a glass pot and an ordinary clay pot with holes for drainage will work just as well.
  2. Prepare the ground mixture for the Venus flytrap. Usually this plant grows on infertile soil and receives most of the nutrients by eating insects and spiders. So that the soil is similar to the one in which the Venus flytrap grows in vivo, mix 2/3 peat moss and 1/3 sand.

    • If you plant a Venus flytrap in normal potting soil, it will not germinate. There are too many nutrients in ordinary soil.
    • Never add lime or fertilizer to your Venus flytrap soil.
    • If you are planting the plant in a terrarium, fill the bottom with gravel and top with potting mix to ensure good drainage.
  3. Plant the bulb with the roots down. Dig a small hole in the ground and plant the bulb so that its top is flush with the ground. If you are growing a venus flytrap from seed, plant the sprout so that the root is in the ground and the green stem is exposed. After you have planted a venus flytrap, right conditions and nourishment will help it grow and prosper.

    Part 2

    We provide light and water
    1. Keep the ground moist. In nature, the Venus flytrap grows in the Carolina wetlands. It is very important that the soil in the pot or terrarium in which the Venus flytrap grows is always kept moist to mimic the natural environment. At the same time, there should be no standing water in the pot; To prevent the plant from rotting, the pot or terrarium must have good drainage.

      Water with distilled or rain water. Tap water is usually too alkaline or contains too many minerals to water a Venus flytrap. For full-fledged watering, plants are easiest to collect rain water. Set a container outside to collect rainwater and make sure you always have a supply of it. Or you can buy distilled water - usually sold in auto shops.

      Provide the plant with sufficient light. During the warmer months, you can keep the plant outside (as long as the night temperature doesn't get too cold) or put it in sunny place near the window. Constantly, especially summer period Water your Venus flytrap to keep the sun from drying out the soil.

      • If your Venus Flytrap is growing in a glass terrarium, make sure it doesn't get burned in the sun. If your plant seems to be starting to wilt a little, expose it to the sun for only a few hours a day.
      • If you don't want to worry about how long you need to keep the plant in the sun, you can grow it under a fluorescent light. Install it 10-18 cm from the plant. Turn on the lamp so that it provides the plant with a daily allowance of light, and do not forget to turn it off at night.
      • If the Venus Flytrap's leaves aren't pink, it's likely that the plant isn't getting enough sunlight.
    2. Bring a Venus flytrap indoors for the winter. During the winter, the Venus flytrap hibernates. Usually this period lasts from September-October to February-March - the time when it is winter in Carolina. During this period, the plant must be kept at a temperature of +2 to +10 ° C. Compared to the summer months, the plant should receive less sunlight.

    Part 3

    Feeding the Venus Flytrap

      Let the Venus flytrap catch its own food. If you keep a Venus flytrap outdoors, it will catch spiders and insects on its own (unless, of course, your yard is completely sterile). If you see that the leaves are closed, most likely the Venus flytrap has caught someone.

      Feed your Venus flytrap larvae or insects. If you want to feed the Venus flytrap - because it grows indoors or just because you want to watch it eat - you can feed it grubs, insects, or spiders small enough to fit in the leaf trap. Place the food in a leaf trap or just release it into the terrarium. The trap will close when the little hairs on the leaves react to the movement of the insect.

      Watch as the trap opens again. Once a Venus flytrap's trap has snapped shut, it needs at least 12 hours to digest its food. Digestive enzymes dissolve the soft innards of insects, leaving the exoskeleton intact. After 12 hours, the trap will open and the empty exoskeleton will blow away or be washed away.

      • If a pebble or other indigestible object falls into the trap, it will open after 12 hours and it will fall out.
    1. Do not feed the plant with meat. You might be interested in giving the plant a piece of ham or chicken, but the venus flytrap doesn't have the enzymes it needs to digest animal meat. If you feed the plant anything other than insects and spiders, it can rot and die.

    Part 4

    Growing new plants

      Repot your Venus flytrap in a new pot every few years. Be sure to transplant it into a mixture of sand and peat moss. You can repot the plant at any time, except during the flowering period.

When we think of predators, we immediately imagine a wolf, a lion or a shark. It is unlikely that anyone would come up with a charming Venus flytrap plant. Although it is considered the most popular among the insectivorous representatives of the flora, it would not hurt to get to know it better.

For the first time, the flower was noticed in the 60s of the 18th century and was named Dionea, after the name of the ancient goddess. In Roman mythology, her name was Venus, which is why the flower is also called the Venus flytrap. Meets exotic flower in America, along the eastern coast of the USA. To date, the flower is listed as an endangered plant, therefore it is under the protection of American conservationists. Despite this, the plant is bred in houses and apartments, as a result, it is known in many parts of the globe.

Acquaintance with a charming predator

The Venus flytrap is an insectivorous species. flora, Rosyankovye family. It grows up to 15 cm in height. It has bulbous stems. Snow-white buds are collected in inflorescences that appear on a long flowering shoot.

Since the predator plant grows in natural environment on soil where it is not enough, it needs special feeding. Various insects, slugs and even molluscs make up for the lack of this element.

Kind calling card carnivorous plant venus flytrap are the leaves. It is interesting that on one copy they are different types, but each is very important for the favorable development of the flower. When spring comes, 4 or 7 leaves grow from a short underground stem, which form a pretty rosette. Over time, long shoots with white inflorescences appear on it. During the flowering period, rosettes die off and dense ones grow in their place. sheet plates. They are an excellent support for future traps.

The original "trap" for careless insects is formed at the tips of young rosette leaves. With the approach of summer, they become longer, located vertically to the outlet. The traps themselves consist of two plates, which are framed by sharp spikes. The inside is covered with small hairs that secrete nectar.

The insect flies to a pleasant aroma and becomes delicious treat predatory flower- Venus flytrap. A light touch on the sensitive bristles causes the trap to snap shut instantly. The flaps close and the insect dies over time. Interestingly, within only 30 seconds, the plant determines the type of victim trapped. If it is a dry leaf, branch or water, the doors open, and if it is small animals, it's time to start the meal.

The process of processing insects is delayed up to 5 days. Some are overetched for a whole week or even 10 days. After full saturation of the dioneus - the Venus flytrap - opens its exotic "jaws", waiting for a new victim.

The trap ceases to function if at least 3 digestion processes have occurred in it. Some flycatchers can digest up to 7 insects in a row.

An exotic plant grows in Russia, mainly on window sills in residential buildings, and sometimes found on household plots. Within the main species, plants have some differences:

  • trap colors;
  • direction relative to the outlet (vertically or horizontally);
  • the number of valves (two or three).

Based on these data, original varieties of the flower were bred - the Venus flytrap, the description of which helps to imagine them.

Akai Ryu

This type of dionea is distinguished by red leaf plates and traps. Hue does not change depending on the light. Always stays rich and juicy. On the outside of a pretty trap, a green thin line is visible.

Dentate Trap

This plant grows no more than 10 cm, but has more than a dozen miniature traps. They are located vertically to the sheet outlet. outer side traps are painted in rich green color along which the red line passes. The inside is usually scarlet in color.

Fannel Trap

Originality lies in the fact that on one plant are formed different variants traps. When the "predator" is still young, all elements of the plant are colored green. Only after a few years the traps turn red.


The variety is characterized by traps up to 5 cm in length. They are quickly formed on a predatory plant. The doors are first painted bright color, but over time become dark red.


The flower has juicy green leafy plates. The trap is red on the inside, green on the outside. Outside, a graceful red stripe runs along the miniature spikes. A truly charming breed.


Dionea has horizontal leaves and traps that are bright green. The inner region, in young specimens, is usually pink, but later acquires a reddish tint.


The variety is different unusual view traps. They are slightly elongated and open only on one side. Often they randomly stick together.

Rules for caring for an unusual plant

To successfully grow a charming predator at home, you should create for her favorable conditions. To do this, select appropriate place. Undoubtedly the best option because the plant needs sunlight at least 5 hours a day. If it is not enough, additional lighting should be arranged. Some flower lovers grow "predator" in terrariums to create suitable humidity. In this case, it is required.

The window should face east or west. Otherwise, the plant may get sick.

At proper care at home, the venus flytrap takes root perfectly on the balcony in the summer. In this case, the temperature must be controlled. In summer, it can reach a maximum of 30 degrees Celsius, in winter - only up to 7 °C. If the plant is indoors, it should be regularly ventilated, but without drafts. The flycatcher does not like sudden movements and extreme situations.

It is better to water Dionea with rain water (you can use distilled water). Natural liquid is collected in plastic dishes, defended, and then used for irrigation. The soil in the plant's pot should always be moist. With its lack of traps can die.

The best option to replenish the amount of moisture in the pot is to place it in a container of water. The flower will absorb required amount moisture for vigorous growth.

Interestingly, the plant does not need additional fertilizing with fertilizers. Because she gets important elements eating various insects. For the whole growing season it is enough to feed the plant with two or three live flies, mosquitoes or small spiders. The Venus flytrap shown in the photo feels great after such a meal.

To grow Dionea at home, you must follow simple recommendations. When spring comes, the plant blooms with lush white inflorescences. They need to carry out pollination by hand, doing it carefully, but carefully. A month later, miniature boxes with planting material. 90 days after pollination, flowers can be planted in pots.

If you know how to grow a Venus flytrap from seeds, an exotic "predator" will appear in the house to the delight of the household. They should be sown in warm soil consisting of sand and sphagnum moss. Containers are placed in a special greenhouse. For 20 days, it is advisable to ensure that the soil does not dry out. If the seeds of the Venus flytrap are planted densely, the seedlings will have to be planted. 2-3 plants are placed in each individual pot. There they develop for about 3 years until fully mature.

In order for Dionea to please the household for a long time, she needs a regular rest period of about 3 months. A sleeping plant does not look very attractive. Some even think that it is dying. Wintering of the Venus flytrap begins with the cessation of plant growth. Leaves darken, acquiring Brown color and dry out over time. They should be cut off.

Usually winter dormancy lasts from late autumn (November) to the end of February. All this time, the plant is moderately watered, preventing the substrate from drying out. It also needs daylight, albeit in less quantity. The temperature in the room where the flycatcher hibernates should be no higher than 8 degrees. When winter ends and the days get longer, the plant comes to life. Tender shoots appear that will grow only at the end of spring. And the charming will settle in the house again carnivorous plant- Venus flytrap.

Preparing a flycatcher for winter - video

Predatory plants can be called a real miracle of nature. Beautiful petals and an insect-attractive aroma fascinate not only a potential victim, but also people watching this process, and the way they patiently wait for their prey is worthy of imitation by many mammals.

Many now sighed sadly, because not everyone is destined to see this with their own eyes in the wild, but do not be discouraged. There is an exit! Read how to grow a Venus flytrap from seeds at home, get down to business and very soon on your windowsill in flower pot will live its own predator, very scary for insects, but completely harmless to humans.

Some general information

This plant has been known to mankind for a long time. The study of the amazing beauty and mode of existence of the insect hunter was carried out back in the 18th century. There are several names for the predatory flower. One, for attractiveness and refinement, was given to him in honor of the mother of the beautiful Aphrodite, Dionea. The second was appropriated by botanists, and in Latin it means “fly trap”, and the third, most common and used consists of the first and second - the Venus flytrap (Dionea is better known to world history in the Roman version, like Venus).

Having found out that the flower may well exist at home, they began to grow it precisely to decorate window sills, because boasting of such a miracle is a real pleasure for a true gardener. And don't forget about the benefits. No fumigator or sticky tape can so effectively get rid of the annoying itch of mosquitoes and flies that spoil our lives every summer.

Description of the beautiful predator

The Venus flytrap looks rather unusual, but very attractive. In nature, its height is 20 cm, at home - half as much. On the surface of the stem is almost invisible, it seems that the leaves grow directly from the ground. They can be conditionally divided into two parts. While the upper one is hunting, the lower one takes care of the nutrition of the plant and its sufficient consumption of sunlight.

The hunting part looks like movable flaps with denticles and bristles. Bright red or brown leaves are covered with glands that secrete mucus that attracts and then dissolves insects. The predator blooms around May - June. Seeds are obtained from flowers.

The appearance of the plant changes depending on the season. With the onset of cold weather, the leaves die off, and it seems that the flower has died. Those who wish to grow a Venus flytrap at home need to know that this is just a wintering place. As soon as the first rays appear spring sun, the predator will come to life again. Full life cycle positive conditions is up to 20 years.

How the Venus Flytrap hunts

The bright traps of the Venus flytrap attract insects with color and smell. A potential victim sits on a piece of paper and the trap slams shut. Surprisingly, this plant, possessing some kind of intellect unexplored by mankind, does not always close, but only when it is really needed.

If a mote, a grain of sand, etc., falls on the fragrant slices of the trap, they will not slam shut. Having received a victim in its nets, the Venus flytrap can process it, depending on the size, from a day to two or more weeks, and when it opens the wings again, there will be no trace of the insect. Another manifestation of the "mind" of the plant is that one trap is designed to process 2-4 insects (again, depending on the type and size), then it dies off, and while a new trap grows, the flower rests from eating and thus saved from gluttony.

Before you grow a Venus flytrap, you should carefully study all the care information, because if the plant cannot catch on its own right amount insects, he will have to buy them or breed them himself.

Conditions for the long life of the Venus flytrap

It was already mentioned above that Dionea has a lifespan of about 20 years, but perhaps such a long existence is only subject to certain requirements for cultivation and care, therefore, those who want to grow a Venus flytrap from seeds at home should take care of studying such rules.

First of all, this refers to the organization of the place of residence. In addition to sunlight and the absence of drafts, Dionea needs moisture, and it is not always possible to achieve it only with abundant watering, because, in principle, water in the soil is not particularly needed, the main thing is the greenhouse effect. If possible, you need to plant it in an aquarium, or create something like a greenhouse yourself.

The Venus flytrap lives best on windows located on the east side. It is here that she can get enough light and heat. Dionea should be watered with either rainwater or distilled water. The ground should be moist, but not wet. With excessive humidity, the bulb will start to hurt, namely, the health of the whole plant depends on it.

It is desirable that the flower hunt on its own, but if this is not possible, you will have to feed it. To do this, you can not use dead insects, they must be put in a trap only alive. Feeding should be done approximately once every two weeks.

Another important condition- The Venus flytrap independently provides itself with all the necessary nutrients and does not need additional feeding. Often, the owners of Dionea make the same mistake. At the time when the plant begins to prepare for wintering, they begin
carefully fertilize it, mistakenly believing that the wilting of the leaves speaks of Dionea's need for this. In fact, this is what destroys the plant.

Therefore, once again we draw the attention of all readers: before you grow a Venus flytrap, study its needs and make sure that you can provide them. During hibernation, which lasts from 2 to 5 months (together with preparatory stage), Dionea does not need heat and moisture. She needs a temperature of +6 - 8 degrees and really needs rest, therefore, as soon as the first signs of preparing the plant for cold weather appear, you need to leave it alone.

How to grow a venus flytrap

The predator reproduces by dividing bulbs, leaves and seeds, which can be obtained from rosettes formed near mother plant or collect from flowers. The first two options are possible if Dionea already lives in the house, so the question is more problematic: “how to grow a Venus flytrap from seeds at home?”.

Seeds can be pre-treated in a weak solution of potassium permanganate to protect against possible pests. Dionea rarely suffers from them, but if, nevertheless, the plant is attacked by a tick or mealy worms, it is unlikely that it will be possible to save it.

After potassium permanganate ( keep enough for 2-3 hours), the seeds are dried on paper napkin, and then transferred to cheesecloth soaked in a solution of a glass of water and 3 drops of fungicide. Gauze is folded, carefully placed in a plastic bag and placed in the refrigerator for 1.5 months. Make sure that the gauze does not dry out, and at this time begin to prepare the soil.

Perlite ( the result of volcanic activity, very similar in appearance to crushed foam balls. Appreciated by lovers of indoor plants for the ability to retain moisture well, create the most favorable conditions for the development of the root system) is immersed in distilled water and left for a week. Then it is mixed with high-moor peat (1: 1), laid out in a pot, watered with purified water and left for a day.

Venus flytrap (Drosera Drosera or Dionaea muscipula) is perhaps one of the most interesting predator plants found in wildlife. It is noteworthy medicinal plant that feeds on insects using a kind of trap mechanism formed by the edges of the leaves. IN natural conditions venus flytrap grows on swampy soils, poor in nitrogen. Therefore, the caught insects serve as a constant source of nitrogen for the plant, which is necessary for the biochemical process of protein synthesis. The second feature of the sundew is the ability to move quickly, which is rare in plants. The trap leaves, when stimulated by sensitive spike hairs, close almost instantly. The duration of the "digestion" of the caught insect is approximately 10-12 days, after which the trap opens again, preparing to catch new prey. On average, for the entire life of the trap, three insects fall into it.

The Venus flytrap is widely cultivated in ornamental horticulture, nevertheless remaining quite exotic plant. In indoor floriculture, sundew is somewhat less common, since the normal growth and development of the plant is hampered by insufficient air humidity in an ordinary room and high temperatures in winter.

Venus flytrap - care and cultivation

Caring for a Venus flytrap at home is to constantly maintain required humidity air and temperature, timely watering, as well as periodic feeding with pre-caught insects. Conditions of detention:

1. Air humidity. It is best to keep a pot with a Venus flytrap in an aquarium or terrarium without a lid, on the bottom of which a layer of fine expanded clay is poured. Expanded clay needs to be moistened from time to time. Why such a content of sundew is most preferable at room conditions:

Evaporation from drying expanded clay allows you to create optimal humidity around the plant of the order of 50-90%.

The transparent walls of the aquarium retain the humidity of the air, while not delaying the sunlight.

The lack of an aquarium lid facilitates access fresh air and potential prey to the plant.

2. Watering. The plant should be watered with boiled, distilled or well-settled water in an open container. room temperature. The frequency of watering depends on room conditions, but the soil in the pot should not be allowed to dry out even during the winter dormancy. The soil must always be kept slightly moist.

3. Lighting. The plant prefers bright sunlight, but in hot weather summer months Venus flytrap is better to shade a little from direct sunlight. Lack of sunlight can be identified by the absence of a reddish tint of trap leaves, too thin elongated stems and leaves. You can keep a Venus flytrap under fluorescent or special phytolamps with a pink glow spectrum.

4. Air temperature. During active life, the plant requires an air temperature of +22 ... + 27 ° C, in the hot season sundew can withstand temperatures up to + 35 ° C. During winter dormancy, the air temperature must be reduced to 0...+10°C.

5. top dressing. Venus flytrap does not need organic-mineral fertilizers, like others houseplants. You need to feed it with live insects that do not have a hard chitinous shell (flies, spiders, bees, wasps). For sundew, 2-3 insects are enough to maintain normal life (one insect in each trap) no more than 1 time in 2 weeks. During the winter rest, the plant is not fed.

6. Transfer. Transplantation into fresh soil of an adult plant is carried out once every 2 years in the spring.

Growing a Venus Flytrap

There are several ways to grow a Venus flytrap - cuttings, bulbs or seeds.

The soil for the plant needs loose, water and breathable, poor nutrients. It is best to make the soil from a mixture of sphagnum moss, coconut peat and quartz sand (or perlite) in equal proportions. The container for planting should not be very large and have drainage holes to drain excess water during irrigation.

Growing from cuttings.

Plant a healthy cutting without a trap with the bottom white color at an angle into moistened peat and place in a greenhouse with 100% humidity and bright lighting. In a month, the first sprouts will appear, and after 2-3 months, young sprouts with roots can be planted.

Growing from a bulb.

When planting the bulb in the ground, the stem of the bulb (growing point) that begins to grow should be above its surface. The soil with the planted plant must be moistened, put the pot in a greenhouse, and place the greenhouse in a well-lit sunny place. In a greenhouse with high humidity air, the bulb will quickly take root and start growing.

How to grow a Venus flytrap from seed?

Before planting, soak the seeds for several days in a solution of the biostimulant "Epin" ("Zircon") or a solution of topaz (2 drops per 250 ml of distilled water) or carry out a stratification procedure. Then the seeds are planted in peat (better - peat + perlite equally) and placed in a greenhouse with high humidity and bright lighting up to 14-17 hours a day. To plant means to pour the seeds onto the earthen surface, then lightly sprinkle with soil and cover with a transparent lid. Temperature 25-27 C. Seeds germinate in about 14 days to 6 weeks. When 2 leaves appear, air the seedlings by simply removing the lid. 1-2 months after the appearance of sprouts, the seedlings are picked (seated) in individual pots filled with soil for predatory adult plants. When traps appear, start feeding your plant. Let me remind you that the Venus flytrap feeds on flies. Catch one fly mechanically once every 10 days and place in the center of the trap, pricking it with a needle for this. Such top dressing will accelerate the development of the plant.
