Pearl oyster: a plant with a thousand leaves and a beautiful necklace of flowers. Daisies, pearl flowers

Yarrow has been known for a long time, back in the 4th century, our ancestors grew it for the preparation of infusions and decoctions, used it in medicinal purposes. The homeland of this plant is the European part of the continent, from the Urals to Italy. Pearl is one of the most popular varieties of cultivated ornamental yarrow. Today we will tell you about the methods of planting and propagating this particular variety, the conditions for its cultivation in open ground and necessary care behind this beautiful and modest flower. In the photo you can see in detail the structure of the leaves and flowers of the pearl mussel in an enlarged form. Our comments will help you learn more about this plant so that you can plant and grow it yourself in your flower beds.

Characteristic features of the structure of the Pearl

A perennial ornamental plant with medium-sized flowers, with proper care, pleases us with an abundance of inflorescences that bloom in the form of unpolished pearls that cover the entire flower bed in bulk. Take a closer look, in the photo you will see:

Attention! The medicinal properties of yarrow are not fully understood, Scientific research do not confirm its effects on the human body. Be careful with traditional medicine prepared on the basis of the use of pearl mussel.

Popular varieties and hybrids of yarrow

Thanks to the selection work of gardeners and botanists involved in breeding new varieties and hybrids of plants, today there are many varieties of such a plant as yarrow.

  • Pearl is the most popular variety, unpretentious in care, has a high disease resistance. It is characterized by white small (diameter up to 1 cm) flowers growing in the form of a sphere, densely and luxuriantly. The height of the bushes does not exceed 60 centimeters. It reproduces, like all types of common motherwort: by dividing the bush, root offspring, green cuttings or seeds.
  • Cherry Queen - a tall shrub (up to 80 cm), the color of the petals is purple, in the core there is a circle of small petals orange color. Often used in flower arrangements with multi-storey levels.

cherry queen

  • Red velvet - distinguished by an unusually dense inflorescence of blue small flowers, the surface of the hemisphere resembles velveteen material, hence the name of the variety. It prefers sunny, well-lit places, while being resistant to fading in the sun, retains its bright color all summer.
  • A drop of dew is a shrub of small height with scattered flowers (rather large), not collected in a dense basket, like other varieties.
  • Schwellenburg (meadowsweet) - also susceptible to light and sunlight, only in this case it performs excellently, a very undersized bush (up to 20 cm), flowers are bright yellow, sunny.

Advice. When creating a flower arrangement in your flower bed, be sure to consider varietal features yarrow: plant height, characteristic formation of baskets and color of flowers.

The main methods of propagation of yarrow

The pearl oyster is propagated in four ways:

Agrotechnics of cultivation: planting, care, top dressing

pearl unpretentious plant, it does not give gardeners a lot of problems either with planting or with care.

The plant is planted in a lighted place, but slightly shaded places will not critically affect its growth. Culture is able to endure such a situation, most importantly, one should not be zealous with watering, this can lead to rotting of the roots.

Like all plants, the pearl mussel responds well if weeding, loosening the soil, fertilizing and feeding it regularly, then the bushes will be healthy, strong and will give abundant flowering.

The main fertilizer, as a rule, is applied in the spring (organic, potash and phosphorus mineral fertilizers), during the season 2-3 top dressings are carried out during irrigation, and nitrogen-containing agents are added to the main fertilizer components in the fall.

Attention! Yarrows of all varieties have the ability to “extract” sulfur from the soil and enrich neighboring plants with it, this has a beneficial effect on the development of flowers and herbs growing next to them.

Dangerous diseases and pests

We have already mentioned that the pearl mussel is not a problem plant, it almost does not get sick, pests do not pester it, but the proximity to other plantations can provoke both. Plant disease is treated in a cardinal way, that is, by removing infected specimens from the site. But if it’s a pity to remove it, then try using fungicides for fungal diseases, or spraying with solutions that repel harmful insects. The most effective of them are: a solution of ammonia, a decoction of garlic, an infusion of tomato and potato tops.

Pearl mussel rarely gets sick

Neighborhood with plants in the flower beds

Mixborders - group plantings from ornamental grasses and flowers. It is in these plantings that landscape designers most often use yarrows. different types. The most popular is the pearl cultivar, which meets all the requirements for composing flower arrangements.

Try to grow this modest flower in your flower bed, it will be a great addition and a magnificent cut of miracle flowers: roses, gladiolus, peonies, will bring a bit of simplicity and grace to the flower greenhouse.

The genus yarrow belongs to the Asteraceae family and includes over a hundred species. The habitat is located mainly in Asia, some of the species are North American. There are disputes among scientists about some species - they belong to the genus Yarrow or Tansy.

Representatives of this genus are perennial herbs, in rare cases semi-shrub plants. The shoot is straight, the foliage is jagged, regular, the flowers form inflorescences-shields, the color of the flowers depends on the species, but mostly pink, yellow or white.

Yarrow species and varieties

About 30 species of the yarrow genus are cultivated. Among them, the most common ornamental plants are:

undersized view, whose shoot grows only up to 10 cm. Its foliage casts a whitish color, well suited for creating thickets of compact curtains in the garden.

- a species whose shoot grows up to half a meter, the foliage is pinnately dissected, the flowers are light yellow in color.

- a tall species, reaching a meter in length. The shoots are powerful, the foliage is bluish, pinnate, large yellow inflorescences.

– also known as sneezing grass. The shoot is powerful, can grow above a meter, the foliage is thin, lanceolate, the flowers are white. popular variety pearl having double flowers.

Or drug - a perennial growing up to 80 cm. The shoots are thin, strongly leafy, the foliage is dissected, the inflorescences are shields of white or pink color. Fairly common varieties Red velvet with red flowers and Terracotta - with orange.

- the height of the stem is about 85 cm, the shoots have a gray tint due to the fact that they are covered with fluff, the foliage is pinnately dissected, the inflorescences are pink or purple.

undersized plant, which is well suited for rock gardens. The stems are covered with fluff, the foliage is pinnate and dissected, the flowers are bright yellow in color. Sometimes you can find a variety Aurea , the bushes of which grow weaker.

Yarrow decorative planting and care

Caring for yarrow is not at all a burdensome task. It often grows wild in difficult conditions and thanks to this, it is also distinguished by unpretentiousness in culture.

The composition of the soil is not fundamental for yarrow. Almost any soil is suitable, including poor, sandy ones, but the best result will be obtained if the substrate is sufficiently nutritious, loose and contains lime, which means it has an alkaline reaction.

Also important is the presence of a drainage layer. As for the yarrow of the ptarmian, loams are suitable for it, since the natural habitat of this species is a swampy area.

For planting, you should choose bright places, in which case the shoots will be strong and they are unlikely to need supports; it is desirable that there are no other plants nearby, since yarrow is an aggressive plant that easily captures territories and survives other crops.

Calendula is also a member of the Asteraceae family and can be grown outdoors for planting and care. The plant has many useful properties, it is also used in the manufacture of medicines. If you want to grow calendula in your garden, then our recommendations for growing and care, which can be found in this article, will help you.

Yarrow watering

Watering is required about once a week when hot weather sets in. If the street is not too hot, but there is no rain, then watering is also required, but less often.

Curtain species can withstand low moisture longer than tall ones.

Yarrow transplant

Once every 4-6 years, the yarrow is transplanted, while dividing the bush. Do it mostly in the spring.

Old individuals are dug up and cut off from them and the strong parts of the rhizome are planted, from which young sprouts come.

Yarrow fertilizer

Yarrow does not need frequent fertilization. It is undesirable to fertilize more than twice a year. Usually one feeding is enough for a full mineral fertilizer spring.

It is better not to resort to organic matter once again - this culture does not accept it well.

Yarrow pruning

When flowering ends, the inflorescences should be cut off, so you increase the decorative effect and protect yourself from excessive capture of territories by a plant that easily propagates by self-sowing.

With the onset of cold weather, the shoots are cut to 15 cm in length. Shelter for the winter is required only for young plants, and also if you live in an area with very cold winters. As a shelter, you can use ordinary dry foliage.

The collection of yarrow flowers, which are known for their medicinal properties, is carried out simply during flowering. Inflorescences are cut from the top of the plant and dried. Store dried flowers in cloth or paper envelopes in places where they do not get damp.

Yarrow growing from seeds

The reproduction of yarrow by dividing the rhizome has already been said above. Also, this culture can be propagated seed way and cuttings.

Please note that varietal characteristics of plants are not preserved during seed propagation, this also applies to hybrids from different species. Seeds are simply scattered on the ground and sprinkled a little on top of them with soil.

For planting seedlings, you can take a regular substrate and mix it with coarse grain sand in a ratio of one to one. When 3-4 true leaves appear on the sprouts, they dive, but do it very carefully, since root system very weak in young plants.

With the formation of 4 pairs of leaves on the sprouts, they can be planted in open ground, not forgetting the tenderness of the rhizome. Also, seeds can be sown directly on a flower bed, and besides this, do not forget that yarrow is prone to self-sowing.

Reproduction of yarrow cuttings

Cuttings are carried out in the summer, using green cuttings for this. The material is immersed in water with a preparation to enhance root formation, and soon roots appear, after which it can be transplanted into the ground.

Diseases and pests

Yarrow very rarely gets sick, and pests practically do not touch it at all - it even drives away most of them, since it is a repellant.

In rare cases, damage may occur striped weevil . This insect feeds on the foliage of the plant, and its larvae sharpen the rhizome. At warm temperature multiplies rapidly. If this pest is found, it is advised to resort to chlorophos, and to destroy the larvae - to the pesticide hexachloran.

Yarrow useful properties

Yarrow is widely known for its medicinal properties. It has a disinfecting and anti-inflammatory effect, has positive influence on the gastrointestinal tract- improves the appearance of mucus and reduces the amount of gases, helps with insufficient secretion of the pancreas.

Due to its antibacterial action, this culture helps with burns and wounds. Due to increased blood clotting, it can be used for bleeding and inflammatory processes.

Decoction of yarrow

A decoction of yarrow is also used for diabetes. A tablespoon of herbs is crushed and poured with 200 ml of boiling water, then the leaves with water are brought to a boil and, removed from the stove, left for 30 minutes.

After that, the liquid is separated from the leaves and drunk half a cup three times a day after meals.

Yarrow tincture

Yarrow tincture is made from dried shoots with flowers. Two tablespoons of dry material pour 200 ml of vodka and keep 7 days in the dark and warm.

Next, the infusion is separated from flowers and herbs and used 20 drops three times a day before meals. Usually, yarrow tincture on vodka is used for spasms, angina pectoris, for problems of female gynecology, especially for menstrual irregularities.

The juice of the plant is used for ulcers, skin tuberculosis, and also simply as a remedy that has a positive effect on the body.

Yarrow contraindications

Medicines from yarrow cannot be used during pregnancy, thrombosis; long-term use of yarrow is also not recommended, because as a result of this, rashes form on the skin and headaches and dizziness appear.

No matter how great it seems folk remedy, always consult a doctor first, because self-medication can lead to much worse results than those that were at the beginning of the disease.

Ornamental yarrow is a well-known and widespread perennial herbal plant among gardeners, which belongs to the large Astrov family. It is used not only to decorate the site, but also for medicinal purposes. Therefore, many gardeners are faced with the need to grow and care for it.

Yarrow under natural growing conditions is found in fields, on mountain slopes, in forests and steppes, as well as in meadows. This prevalence is due to its unpretentiousness and ability to adapt to any climatic conditions.

It's wild perennial, which was cultivated centuries ago, therefore today it finds wide use in landscape design gardens, parks and gardens.

Yarrow, depending on the variety, can reach 70-100 cm in height

There are many different varieties of this culture, but the most common of them are:

  • noble;
  • large-headed;
  • ordinary;
  • ptarmics;
  • ptarmikolistny;
  • tavological;
  • felt;
  • pearl oyster;
  • Keller and others.

All of them differ from each other in plant height, diameter and color of inflorescences. They are distributed throughout our country, and grow in any climatic conditions. One of the most common in Russia and throughout Europe is Ptarmika. This plant has a creeping rhizome, compact stems with a height of about 1 meter, small foliage, as well as hemispherical inflorescences of light pearly color.

Yarrow, depending on the variety, can reach 70-100 cm in height, while it has rich bright green shoots, leaves and trunks. Even before the time of flowering, this plant has a beautiful decorative look, so it can decorate the garden at any time of the year - from spring to autumn.

Video clip about medicinal properties, landing and care

During the flowering period, the bush is covered with flowers up to 3 cm in diameter. They are collected in shields that form large inflorescences. They can reach a diameter of 20 cm. The shades of the plant can be completely different - from delicate light to bright saturated, and when flowering they are associated in a fluffy carpet. At the same time, growing this culture is no more difficult than.

Exist different ways plant growing:

  • seeds;
  • dividing the bush;
  • cuttings.

A multi-colored carpet of small flowers looks very beautiful and unusual.

The most common planting of this plant at home is seeds, because in open garden bushes mainly reproduce by division. For growing in this way, it is better to use planting material several varieties. Such mixtures can be bought at any specialized store or prepared independently by mixing several bags.

A multi-colored carpet of small flowers looks very beautiful and unusual. Yarrow in the form of seeds is inexpensive, while its germination is quite high. This is precisely the reason for the high popularity of this method of growing at home, especially among inexperienced young gardeners.

To obtain the desired result, it is better to start sowing at the end of winter - in February, since growing season plants are quite long. If sowing is carried out much later, then the flowering of yarrow can not wait at all. In this case, it is important to follow all the steps of the step-by-step instructions:

  1. For planting, you must first prepare the soil. A fine-grained substrate combined with river sand. In such soil, yarrow grows well and feels good.
  2. For sowing seeds, you need to use a shallow plastic box because the plant has thin thread-like roots. A deep pot is not suitable for him. Also, unlike growing other herbal plants, for example, it does not need to use drainage.
  3. Seeds have enough small size, so they go deep into the soil by no more than 2 cm. Otherwise, they will not be able to break through and give viable seedlings. Sow them in rows at a distance of 3-4 cm from each other. After that, the soil should be additionally moistened. Watering it from a glass or watering can is not recommended, it is better to do this with a simple spray bottle. Otherwise, water can simply wash away the seeds or deepen them deep inside.
  4. The planting box should be placed in a warm and sufficiently lit place, covered with a transparent plastic wrap.
  5. After 2 weeks, the first shoots will appear. At this time, they require careful care, since the soil should not be strongly moistened and dried out.

For planting, you must first prepare the soil

A transplant is necessary so that the yarrow can grow and develop further

After the plant has given the first leaf, you can start picking seedlings. For transplanting, it is better to use separate small peat pots filled with light nutrient soil or special substrate. When planting seedlings, all manipulations must be carried out very carefully, since the seedlings are very thin and can be easily damaged if they are awkwardly moved.

A transplant is necessary so that the yarrow can grow and develop further. In a common pot, seedlings will interfere with each other, and the roots will intertwine.

Therefore, picking is needed in a timely manner, because in the future, when unraveling the roots, it will be possible to easily damage and deform them, which will affect its further growth.

After transplantation, yarrow needs only moderate watering, which should be done no more than 1-2 times a week. It is also important to place the peat pots in a well-lit area without direct sunlight during the day, as ultraviolet light can cause burns and death of the plant.

After transplanting, yarrow needs only moderate watering.

After the seedlings in peat pots reach 10-12 cm, they need to be transplanted to permanent place cultivation. This is best done in late April or early May. An ideal place would be both a well-lit area and one located in partial shade. To transplant, follow these steps:

  • dig out landing pit with a depth of about 10 cm;
  • when grown in peat pot it is enough to put it in the central part of the hole and bury it with soil, ramming it a little. When using plastic containers, the seedling with soil must be carefully removed from it so as not to damage the root system;
  • after transplanting, seedlings should be watered with clean water.

Care after landing

Yarrow is a fairly unpretentious plant, so it does not require specific care. It does not need frequent feeding and fertilizing, regular watering, weeding and weeding. Only on hot days, the soil around the flower should be additionally moistened, which will avoid its drying out.

It is thanks to its unpretentiousness that it has found distribution in many countries and regions - in Siberia and Far East, Central Asia, Lower Volga, Kazakhstan, different states of the CIS. It can grow on almost any soil, has good shade tolerance, and also grows even on drained dry soil.

But for proper growth comprehensive care should include the following manipulations:

  • you need to water the plant a maximum of once a week in a dry summer, and in a cold climate this should be done even less often;
  • after flowering of the plant, all inflorescences must be removed, which will improve the decorativeness of the plant;
  • for the season, yarrow should be fed no more than 1-2 times;
  • with the onset of cold weather, it is necessary to cut the stems to a height of 10-15 cm, and if the winters in the region are very frosty, then the roots must additionally be covered with dry leaves.

Plot about useful properties garden yarrow

Garden yarrow looks great in compositions with other plants and flowers, so it is often used by landscape designers. To do this, plant them better for groups at a distance of 45-55 cm from each other. It will look good with him, as well as other shrubs and trees.

Yarrow is presented in great variety- pearl, ordinary, Ptarmika, so you can easily pick up for use in landscape design suitable variety. All of them differ from each other in height, size, shade and shape of inflorescences, therefore they have a different decorative function. At the same time, growing and caring for them will not be difficult.

Yarrow ptarmica is considered one of the most common varieties famous plant. This miracle of flora is widely used by the population both for landscape design and for medicinal purposes. Yarrow ptarmica, planting and caring for which we are interested in, belongs to the aster family and is distinguished by the beauty of its buds. In general, the plant has many different species and subspecies, but the principle of caring for all of them is the same.

general information

So, yarrow ptarmica, like other species of this plant, is most often found in the field, mountains, in the forest belt, steppe and meadow zones. Due to the fact that the flower is quite unpretentious, it can grow and multiply in a wide variety of conditions, which is probably why it can be seen on almost every garden plot. In addition to the fact that the plant grows wild in the natural natural environment and it is grown on private plots, yarrow is also used public organizations for decorating recreation areas, parks and squares.


In nature, there are many varieties of a plant such as yarrow:

  • ptarmics;
  • pearl oyster;
  • noble;
  • ordinary;
  • tavogolovy;
  • large-headed;
  • felt and many others.

They differ from each other in height, bud diameter and flower color. Why are we interested in Ptarmic yarrow? Yes, because this variety is the most common in Russia and Europe. It is worth noting that this plant variety has its own subspecies. Height can vary from seventy to eighty centimeters. The leaves are whole, unlike other varieties, and the flowers are collected in baskets. There are subspecies with terry baskets, and there are non-terry ones. The most popular terry variety of yarrow blooms in mid-summer and is called ptarmika yarrow " White pearls". This name appeared due to the great similarity of colors with real pearls.

As for the root system of the flower, it has a creeping type, while the shoots are distinguished by a beautiful bright green color. Regardless of the variety, any yarrow can decorate your site and become a real garden treasure. After all, in addition to being beautiful, he is also considered one of the most useful in folk medicine plants.


Yarrow ptarmica is able to reproduce in several ways:

  • seed method;
  • cuttings;
  • division of the bush.

The most popular way is considered the first, using seeds. First, it is the most cheap option, and secondly, this method is available for use even by a novice gardener. When you already have an adult yarrow on your site, you can propagate it both by cuttings and dividing the bush, but at the very beginning we advise you to use the seed option.


Planting yarrow ptarmik should begin at the end winter period. In this case, you can speed up the flowering period. Otherwise, you will not be able to see flowers on the site soon. For a positive outcome of the whole process, it is recommended to follow a simple instruction:

  1. Prepare the soil before planting. A mixture of fine-grained substrate and river sand is ideal.
  2. Take a small box or other container, pour soil inside. Note that given plant does not require the organization of the drainage layer.
  3. Place the seeds at a depth of about two centimeters, but no deeper. Otherwise, they will not be able to germinate, and the process will fail. Sow the seeds in rows, leaving a gap between them of about three to four centimeters.
  4. Moisten the soil with a sprayer. Do not use any other watering option as this may deepen the seed or flush it out.
  5. Place the seed container in a place where it will be warm and light, but avoid direct hits. sunlight.
  6. Cover the box with a film or oilcloth that allows light to pass through, thus creating a greenhouse effect.
  7. After a two-week wait, you will notice the first sprouts, after which they need more careful care. The soil will need to be regularly moistened.


So, after sowing the seeds, enough time has passed, and you have a lot of new sprouts in the box, ready to pick. This must be done, because otherwise the plants will interfere with each other's development due to lack of space. It is necessary to transplant sprouts as soon as you notice the first leaf on the stem. To do this, use peat pots. In such pots, the yarrow should grow until it is about eleven centimeters high. All this time, the sprouts should be moderately watered and kept away from direct sunlight to avoid burns.

The plant can be transplanted to a permanent place of growth in mid-spring. At this time, the soil has already warmed up and can accept new plants. For landing you need:

  • make a hole about ten centimeters deep;
  • if you used peat pot, then you just need to put it in the center of the hole and dig it in, if another container was used, then the plant must be removed from it and placed in the ground;
  • water the landing site.


Due to the fact that the plant does not differ in a capricious character, caring for it will not cause any special problems. The most important requirement for care is the destruction of the weed in the place where the yarrow grows. In addition, you need to follow a few simple tips:

  • weekly watering the flower, while monitoring the condition of the soil, during the dry period it will be enough once a week, and in places with a cold climate you need to water even less often;
  • after the plant has faded, you need to remove the buds, as this contributes to the development of the decorative properties of the flower;
  • with the advent of winter, it is necessary to prune the branches so that their length becomes no more than fifteen centimeters; if your region has severe winters, then the plant needs to be covered with dry foliage for this period.

As you can see, there is no difficulty in planting and caring for this beautiful plant no, but it can bring a lot of benefits. Especially if you study all its medicinal properties.

Most gardeners, although they have heard of healing properties yarrow, yet they do not recognize it as a horticultural crop, seeing in it only wild grass. Nevertheless, decorative properties some species of this plant are not inferior to its medicinal qualities.

Yarrow in the garden is used mainly for mixborders, group plantings, and also looks very nice in the cut. For the formation of winter bouquets, yarrow meadowsweet is most suitable.

There are a great many types of yarrow, both natural and bred. So, among them there are also tall plants growing more than a meter in height, and very small compact bushes.

Tall plants are best used for single landings, undersized for the formation of rock gardens.

And due to its unpretentiousness to growing conditions, yarrow can be planted around group plantings, where other flowers cannot take root.

Low-growing species are also ideal for lawn or lawn decoration on sunny area garden, because these brightly colored babies are extremely resistant to trampling.

And one of the main advantages of all types of yarrow is decorative throughout the season and extremely long flowering.

However, this flower also has disadvantages. Any yarrow is prone to weed self-sowing, and therefore, pretty soon, it will try to win back the impressive territory of your site for its descendants. In order for your garden not to become exclusively "yarrow", you should carefully monitor and remove old inflorescences in a timely manner.

Any yarrow in the garden will look advantageous against the background of colossus-shaped plants (looseberry, Vicha buzulnik, liatris), as well as in combination with plants that have silvery foliage (gray-haired veronica, narrow-leaved lavender, various). Species with yellow inflorescences will perfectly complement the flower beds and flower beds with flowers of blue shades.

In order for the yarrow to decorate your garden, you need to choose the variety that suits you.

The most popular, perhaps, one of the varieties of Ptarmik's yarrow is "Pearl". Yarrow "Pearl" is a low bush, about sixty centimeters in height, decorated with terry flower baskets white color. The baskets are very small, no more than a centimeter in diameter, but there are so many of them that from afar the bush resembles a fluffy cloud.

Beyond charming appearance, yarrow pearl is also extremely unpretentious. It can grow both in a well-lit area and in a shady place. In addition, it is completely undemanding to the soil.

The flowering period of pearl mussel lasts from June to October. This species will look equally good in single and group plantings.

Another, no less popular variety of common yarrow is "Cerise Queen", translated into Russian yarrow "cherry queen".

Quite a tall bush, reaching eighty centimeters in height. Small inflorescences are painted in a rich cherry, a truly royal shade. Ideal plant for rabatok, mixborders and Mauritanian lawns.

Pairs well with blues and purple hues, looks good against the background of silvery foliage in combination with white flowers. The plant is also good for cutting.

One of the last varieties bred is the yarrow "Red Velvet" ("Red Velvet").

This yarrow is not like any of its many counterparts. Volumetric double flowers of deep red color really resemble dense velveteen.

Reed flowers can be white or light pink. This species is more capricious, prefers sunny well-lit areas.

The undoubted advantage is the color fastness to sunlight. Throughout the flowering period, it remains bright and does not fade. Feels most comfortable on calcareous soils. This yarrow is most suitable for rockeries and mixed plantings.

No less attractive is another terry yarrow, although not so bright, - the yarrow of the ptarmik "Dew Drop". This variety is a compact low bush, no more than twelve centimeters in diameter. The inflorescences are large, lush, terry white, but not collected in a basket. Flowering period from early summer to mid-autumn. This species will retain its decorative effect throughout the flowering season and will be a wonderful decoration for any corner of your garden.

A bright accent of your rock garden can be meadowsweet yarrow "Schwellenburg" ("Schwellenburg"). A bush no more than twenty centimeters high, tiny, like the town after which it was named. The flowers are small, sunny yellow. It is especially undemanding to the soil; it can only show itself in all its glory in well-lit areas.

All types of yarrow have an absolutely amazing quality to receive sulfur from the soil and distribute it among the plants adjacent to it. And therefore, whatever flower arrangement did not complement your yarrow, his neighbors in the flower bed will feel great.

Yarrow Care

Almost all of the listed types of yarrow are extremely undemanding to growing conditions. Of course, in sunny well-lit areas, he will feel much better, but still allocate for all his green pets sunny places it is simply impossible, and the yarrow will not experience serious discomfort even in partial shade. Easily adaptable to different soils, but prefers calcareous, well-moistened.

It is desirable to make various top dressings and fertilizers, but not required. In dry and hot weather, the plant needs regular abundant watering. Four years after planting, the yarrow can already be seated.

Yarrow propagates by seeds, cuttings and division. The easiest way to divide a bush. This procedure can be carried out every two years. The best time is autumn and spring.

In the summer, you can try propagation by cuttings. To do this, carefully separate a small part from the bush, place it in the soil and water it.

Seed propagation is much more complicated, and therefore is used much less frequently. It is best to sow yarrow at home, and plant ready-grown flowers in a flower bed. If you sow yarrow immediately in a flower garden, then young shoots can be easily confused with weeds. In autumn, the bush must be cut, leaving no more than ten centimeters.

How to cut chrysanthemum
