Cultivation of the Tibetan lofant. Anise lofant (photo) useful properties planting and care

Agastakhe (lat. Agastache), lofant or polygon - flower herbaceous plant family Lamiaceae. In the garden, they are real stars of vertical planting, their luxurious bushes are comparable to lupins. The latter can be called watercolor, landscape plants, and the lofant brings in the avant-garde trend, settles in the garden on long years. Unfairly, he is credited with low cold resistance. The plant is not so afraid of frost as wetting the soil in combination with the winter cold and needs competent preparation for this season. If you do not want to bother with wintering, you can cultivate it as a flyer.

What is a multicolumn? Simple or branching stems stand straight, reach a height of a maximum of 1.5 m. The leaves resemble nettles in shape and arrangement, only tender to the touch, slightly pubescent, exude a pleasant aroma - they are often added to salads to add spice. The leaves are densely arranged, creating an almost impenetrable green mass.

The inflorescences are spike-shaped, numerous, about 10 cm long, because it is not in vain that the plant is called a polygon. Corollas in the form of narrow oblong tubes.

In nature, most species live in the temperate zone. North America, within the territory of East Asia there is only a wrinkled multi-grate.

Polygon flowering

How the agastache polygon blooms In the photo, the Agastache 'Blue Boa' variety

Lofant flyer, grown seedling way, blooms from May until frost. Perennials will have to be cut in early autumn, and covered to prepare for wintering, then the plantings will live for many years.

Coloring in white, cream, purple, lilac, pink, orange shades. The aroma should be mentioned separately: it is spicy, aniseed with mint, candy and even peppery notes. Lofant is an excellent honey plant and is used in cooking as a spicy aromatic herb.

Useful properties of the lofant

The miraculous power of the lofant is so famous that in most cases it is grown as a medicinal herb. This is not in vain, because it is one of the 50 plants used in traditional Chinese medicine. Taking drugs based on it normalizes metabolism, blood pressure, improves blood circulation, increases male potency, acts as an immunomodulatory and sedative.

The lofant is propagated by seeds, and perennial bushes are also vegetatively propagated.

Growing agastahe lofanta multi-grate from seeds for seedlings at home

Agastache lofanta seeds photo

To cultivate a lofant as an letnik (get flowering in the first season), you will need to grow seedlings.

When and how to plant agastahe seeds for seedlings

  • In the first decade of April, prepare wide containers with a loose nutrient substrate (substrate is ideal for growing seedlings), spread the seeds over the surface, sprinkle with a thin layer of soil and irrigate with warm water from a fine spray.
  • For quick germination, create greenhouse conditions: cover the crops tightly with glass or film, put in warm place under diffused lighting, air daily (shelter can be removed after germination) and spray the soil as necessary.

  • Dive the grown seedlings into separate pots and grow until transplanted into open ground, which is carried out with the establishment of real heat.

If the seedlings are stretched, increase the intensity of lighting (organize additional illumination), and also add soil to the level of the leaves. This will restrain the growth of the plants, prevent the seedlings from curling up, and also encourage the growth of additional roots at the base of the stem.

How to sow agastahe lofant multi-grate seeds in open ground

Agastache seeds are sown in open ground in the spring in the first decade of May. Make grooves about 2 cm deep, spill with warm water, sow the seeds and sprinkle with earth. Thin out thick seedlings with care so as not to harm the rest of the plants. They will develop fairly quickly, but may not bloom in the first year or may have a few flowers by the end of summer.

Vegetative propagation of a polygon

By dividing the bush

Adult overgrown bushes can be propagated by division. This can be done both in spring and autumn. Dig up a bush, divide it into several parts, each of which should contain a powerful part of the rhizome and at least 5 growth points. Dig holes of the appropriate size, plant delenki, systematically water for rooting.

Rooting stem cuttings

cut in the spring stem cuttings and root under glass jar under diffused lighting. Do not forget to raise the shelter for ventilation, water as needed. The accustomed cutting will have growth buds and new shoots.

Place for lofant in the garden

In order for the lofant to fully reveal its beauty, choose a place for it in an open sunny area. In the shade, it develops slowly, blooms poorly, and the content of essential oil components is minimal, from which the smell of fragrant grass is weak. Plant it in warm, even hot locations.

The fertility of the soil does not matter, the multi-grate is able to throw out flowers even on depleted land. The soil must be loose, permeable to air and water, moisture at the roots should not stagnate.

It is advisable to dig the site in the fall, it will not be superfluous to add humus - you should not skimp on your garden. Between individual plants, keep a distance of 20-25 cm. Transplant the seedlings together with an earthen clod so that it starts up faster and grows. It is advisable to mulch plantings with humus or compost.

Agastache care in the open field


Lofant is hardy, but it is better not to torment him with drought. For normal growth and flowering, regular moderate watering will be required, it is impossible to overmoisten the soil. The purpose of irrigation is to compensate for the lack of precipitation, and not to maintain constant humidity.

top dressing

If the leaves will be used for food purposes, harvested as a spice or medicinal raw material, these plants should not be fed. Only decorative lofants should be fertilized to maintain flowering. Enough 2-3 times per season (from June to mid-August) apply a full dose of complex mineral fertilizer at intervals of 3-4 weeks.

Agastah is not able to cope with weeds on its own. Weeding is mandatory procedure care. After rain and watering, it is advisable to loosen the soil. Mulching the site will save you from these duties.

Wintering polygon

In conditions middle lane Russia needs to protect the roots of the plant from getting wet in winter. In order to properly prepare the lofant for wintering, in mid-September, all stems should be cut without regret (even if the bushes are blooming), leaving stumps about 10 cm high. Until the first frost, cover the plantings with dry leaves, and on top with spruce branches.

Diseases and pests

This perennial is resistant to diseases, and the spicy aroma drives away any pests.

plant strikes gray rot when plantings are thickened (keep a gap of at least 20 cm between plants) or from waterlogging of the soil (rainy summer or excessive watering). It is necessary to save fragrant beauties with special fungicides; several treatments may be required. It is also advisable to plant thick bushes at the right time, adjust watering if waterlogging of the soil was your fault.

Agastakhe in landscape design

In large flower beds, lofant bushes will add volume and introduce a new texture. They are used to create landscape colorful plantings, decorate mixborders, discounts, empty areas of the garden, as a modern border accent. They will enliven any boring corner, look good against the background of the lawn, fit any style (prairie, avant-garde, modern and others). Thanks to the aroma of the lofant, the very place is near the recreation areas and terraces - butterflies, bees, bumblebees tirelessly scurry over the flowers.

When grown in a container, these plants will turn into a mobile (portable) decoration, they can be placed in any sunny place.

Suitable partners for the plant are mint,.

Types and varieties of agastahe with photos and names

Multi-grate or wrinkled agastache aka anise agastache Agastache rugosa

A perennial herbaceous plant that successfully overwinters in the open field, subject to proper preparation. A very popular species, inferior to others in decorativeness, but its pale green leaves exude an anise aroma, and the rest of the parts have a licorice aroma. Short pubescent spikelets of purple inflorescences give boldness. Folk name of the species: mexican mint, Korean mint, Tibetan lofant.

  • Honey Bee - blooms luxuriantly from May until frost, but is recommended for growing as an annual;
  • Honey Bee Blue - bushes about 0.7 m high, leaves smell of mint, bluish inflorescence brushes;
  • Blue Spike - inflorescences of a rich blue hue.

Mexican polygon or Mexican lofant Agastache Mexicana

Polygon Mexican variety Agastache mexicana ‘Sangria’ photo

A more popular species, it propagates easily, gives self-seeding, winters well. The height of the plant is 0.7-1 m, the bushes grow rapidly. The leaves are heart-shaped with serrated edges, emerald hue, tender to the touch. Oblong pubescent inflorescences of a pink-purple hue effectively contrast with the greenery. Carlile Carmine - the bred variety is distinguished by long flowering and a carmine shade of corollas.

Lofant pallida Аgastache pallida or barbera lofant Аgastache barberi

Not cultivated, but has become the basis for breeding decorative variety Firebird (fire bird). Bushes no more than 60 cm high. The leaves are small with jagged edges, a grayish tint. Against this background, bright orange flowers flash, which, despite the brightness, look modest.

Mountain multi-grate or mountain lofant Agastache rupestris

Dense bushes with a height of 45-90 cm. The leaves are linear, green-gray in color, and are superior in aroma to the wrinkled polygon. The color of the corollas is yellow-orange. When laying drainage in the holes and dry shelter, it is able to overwinter normally.

More cold-resistant varieties have been developed, in addition, they bloom in the first year:

  • Desert Sunrise - taller bushes;
  • Sunset - bushes half a meter high, inflorescences of a lilac-orange hue with beautiful transitions;
  • Blazing Sunset - enchants with a minty aroma and a warm yellow-orange tone of the corollas.

Varieties of lofant agastakhe multi-grate photo

Agastache variety Agastache - Blue Fortune photo

This plant loves full sun and well-drained soil and does well in containers. The variety is resistant to heat and drought, and due to its aromatic properties attracts bees and butterflies.

Agastache variety Agastache - Tutti Frutti photo

This plant prefers well-drained soil with full sun. It's vertical, thick perennial with fragrant grey-green leaves. Raspberry-red flowers grow on loose spikelets from mid-summer to late autumn. Flower spikes have a long flowering period.

Agastache rupetris grade Agastache rupestris Licorce Mint Hyssop photo

Licorce Mint Hyssop is a perennial that many people enjoy in the garden for its spicy aroma, uniquely colored flowers, and finely textured foliage. Agastache rupestris likes a hot sunny spot in well-drained soil.

Agastache variety Agastache - Sonoran Sunset photo

Sonoran Sunset has compact blue-green foliage with upright branching stems and large lavender rose flowers. Blooms earlier and longer than standard types. Sonoran Sunset is fragrant and very drought tolerant.

Agastache variety Agastache - Mandarin Dream photo

The grey-green leaves emit citrus and mint aromas when bruised, and very beautifully adorn the stems crowned with apricot, tubular flowers that appear on tall stems 4,0-0-50 cm. Flowering begins at the end of June, forming a lush carpet of flowers. It cannot be stopped until the first frost ends the party.

Lofant Tibetan (age 3 weeks)

So, in Latin it is called Agastache rugosa, or wrinkled polygon. A plant of the Lamiaceae family, growing in the Far Eastern regions, in China. It has white flowers collected in ears, unlike other varieties of Lofant. Several years ago we brought the seeds of this plant from Altai and now we grow Lofant Tibetan in our garden.

Useful properties of Lofant Tibetan

Lofant Tibetan is one of the main medicinal plants in Chinese folk medicine, has a mass healing properties, and, importantly, can grow in our Ural gardens. In the people, the lofant was called "northern ginseng" and it fully corresponds to this. The aerial part of adult plants is used. The green mass of the Tibetan lofant is rich in vitamins, essential oils, flavonoids, and has a very pleasant aroma.

Due to its unique composition, Tibetan Lofant, when used regularly, normalizes metabolism, gently stimulates a person’s own immune forces, calms the nervous system, and restores sleep. It is actively used to normalize blood pressure, to treat diseases of the digestive system, kidneys and respiratory organs. External use for diseases of the skin, hair gives excellent results. I note that Lofant is not addictive and has no negative side effects. But I think that people who suffer from pollinosis and other types of allergies need to be careful.

How to grow Lofant Tibetan

Video from Alexey Sedykh about how he grows Lofant Tibetan for bees:

Grow Lofant Tibetan on your suburban area very simple. To start . I must say right away that other types of Lofant do not have healing properties, and may be of interest only as aromatic and ornamental plants.

Biohumus fertilizer increases the yield of lofant raw materials

Sowing the seeds of Lofant Tibetan I spend in mid-March in peat tablets of 3-5 seeds per tablet. I cover the containers with tablets with a transparent film. After a few days, shoots appear. It is desirable to provide seedlings good lighting and timely watering. After the appearance of the first pair of true leaves, it is advisable to feed the plant with a weak solution of complex fertilizers, such as Kemira or Fertik. This must be done to provide the seedlings with the necessary nutrition, because it is not enough in a peat tablet, but it contains a sterile environment for seed germination.

Seedlings of Lofant Tibetan at the age of 4 weeks

In mid-April, I transplant seedlings from tablets into 200 gr. cups with soil, after removing the shell from the tablet. Seedlings will be in them until planting in a permanent place. This can be done in the second half of May, when stable warm weather is established. I plant Lofant on ridges according to the 50 * 50 cm scheme, and water it abundantly. Sometimes Lofant seedlings stretch out at home, but it's not scary. When planting in a garden bed next to a bush, it is enough to stick a small peg 20-30 cm long, and carefully tie the young stems of Lofant to it, providing sufficient freedom for the plant. Pretty soon, young plantings will give the first growth. The stems and leaves will become noticeably larger and will look very similar to nettles. After landing in the ground further care consists of regular loosening, watering, top dressing. If necessary, the grown bushes can be slightly spud.

In July, Lofant will begin to bloom, and this process will stretch until the end of August. It is at the end of August that you can cut the main part of Lofant, leaving small, immature plants in the garden. They will be able to stay there until the snow. And you will have the opportunity to tear off fresh Lofant leaves for a cup of tea.

We collect and dry Lofant Tibetan

Cutting stems should be carried out at a height of 10-12 cm from the ground in dry, calm weather. Then I take a few branches in a bunch and tie the bunches together in pairs. In the attic, we strengthen the crossbar, throwing over it, we hang the “parks”. From below, under the bundles of the lofant hung upside down, you can spread a clean film, because. ripened seeds will fall on it. They can also be collected next year use for sowing.

Despite the fact that Lofant Tibetan is a perennial plant, the practice of growing it has shown that the Ural frosts are detrimental to the underground part of plants. Only a few specimens survive, and it takes quite a long time to recover in the spring. While the newly planted young bushes are already growing with might and main. As a result, every year I prepare seedlings of Lofant, and do not rely on last year's plants.

How to choose a place to land?

If you are a happy owner of six acres, then there is not much to choose from, because most often there is no free land. But I think it’s possible to allocate a small garden bed for 10-20 lofant bushes. My friends, for example, plant a gazebo with Lofant, and this provides them with gentle and beneficial air while relaxing in the gazebo, pleasant evening tea parties, and in combination with shorter bright colors, a very spectacular decorative view of the recreation area in the garden.

I tried to grow Lofant in different parts of your garden, different soils and with varying degrees shading. I can say that it will grow wherever you plant Lofant seedlings. But still, the most comfortable for Lofant were filled with light sandy soils in a sunny location of the site. When planting in the hole, I add a little compost, ash and a pinch of complex mineral fertilizer. I must say that in the shade Lofant grows significantly worse than in sunny or slightly shaded areas. In the shade, Lofant, of course, will also grow, but it will be low and may not even bloom. Under ideal conditions, by the end of August, we have meter-long sprawling plants, abundantly covered with leaves and inflorescences, which bumblebees and bees are incredibly fond of. Lofant is an exceptional honey plant! Just a godsend for beekeepers. And also a godsend for those who care about their health with the help of what nature gives us, using plants grown in their garden. You can make excellent herbal preparations and medicinal teas from garden plants in composition with Tibetan Lofant. Well, isn't it a miracle: to grow your own medicine?
You just need to have the desire, patience and diligence, as well as learn how to correctly compose herbal preparations, taking into account exactly your needs.

Lofant is called an anise, fennel, dill plant because of the strong spicy smell exuded by its long inflorescences. The plant does not belong to the list of pharmacopoeial, but is popular among traditional healers due to its therapeutic properties. The medicinal properties of lofant are based on the action of essential oil: anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, healing. Its components normalize the work of the immune, as well as the cardiovascular system.

Full description of the species

The plant is distributed as a wild plant, and is also cultivated for the extraction of essential oil. It is possible to use a lofant in the form of a spice.

Growth area

The greatest distribution of the lofant is observed in the middle climatic zone. The plant has spread from North America. The wild lofant is found throughout the United States, as well as in adjacent regions of Canada. In Russia, the lofant can be found in the Caucasus and Siberia. Areas of plant cultivation - Astrakhan, Saratov, Moscow region. Lofant is found on the European continent in all countries with a temperate climate: in Ukraine, Poland, Moldova. Distributed in the Crimea.

Dryish soils are ideal for lofant growth. steppe zone, as well as rocky soils of the foothill area. Lofant loves good lighting, grows rapidly under the sun, forming semi-shrub thickets.

Morphological features

The plant belongs to herbaceous perennials, although in appearance it can be confused with a shrub. The fact is that the aerial part of the grass actively branches, and each individual branch of the plant ends with its own inflorescence, forming a three-dimensional likeness of a shrub crown. The plant looks like this.

  • Root. The tap root system of the lofant has a well-developed, fleshy main root, from which numerous additional roots extend, significantly increasing the water absorption area and useful substances from the soil.
  • Stem. The single stem of the lofant branches many times. The surface of the stem is light green in color, most often has four edges. Stems erect, leafy.
  • Leaves. They have decorative value due to their unusual look. The leaves of the lofant are large - they reach a length of 10 cm. The entire leaf plate is green, and in the older leaves it has a bright purple-brown tan. The shape of the leaf plate is broadly lanceolate, with a heart-shaped base. The leaves are attached with long petioles, the placement is opposite. The edge of the sheet plate is serrated.
  • Flowers. Flowering is observed from July to October. Each two-lipped flower in the inflorescence fades within a week after flowering, but is replaced by a new bud, which is why the plant has been in the flowering phase for so long. Big term the development of inflorescences gives rise to the decorative value of the lofant. Spike inflorescences stretch upwards, having impressive volumes. The length of the inflorescence can reach 15 cm, and the diameter is 3 cm. The flowers are purple, pink, blue-pink in color.
  • Fruit. They have an oblong oval shape. These are brown nuts. Many smooth seeds are concentrated inside them.

Under favorable conditions, several crops of raw materials can be harvested from the same thickets per season, since the cut plant grows very quickly. In folk medicine, the healing properties of the Tibetan lofant are also valued. It's worth saying that medicinal properties, as well as the chemical composition of both plants is similar. The main morphological difference between the species is the color of the flowers. In the Tibetan species, they are white.

Procurement of raw materials

For medicinal purposes, only the aerial part of the anise lofant is used - young shoots collected during the budding period or immediately after the start of flowering. The basics of the preparation are as follows.

  • Collection of raw materials. garden shears shoots are cut, retreating 10 cm from the soil. It is desirable that the length of the collected branches does not exceed 20 cm. Re-harvesting the lofant for the winter involves cutting the grass, retreating 20 cm from the soil.
  • Training. The collected branches with inflorescences are sorted for impurities, knitted into small panicles or laid out in one layer on a pallet lined with paper or cotton cloth.
  • Drying. Occurs when hanging raw materials on a thick thread or placing a pallet with grass in a shaded place, with good, preferably cross-ventilation. When using the dryer, observe the temperature regime up to 40 ° C.

Dried grass is crushed to make it easier to pack and store. Well-dried raw materials are fragile, have a characteristic spicy smell, as well as a bitter taste.

It is necessary to store the herb in compliance with the rules for essential oil raw materials - a sealed or dense container made of cardboard or glass is used. A dark place with good ventilation is suitable for storage. The shelf life of dried herbs is 1 year.

What are the medicinal properties of lofant

main component chemical composition plants, accounting for 15% of the amount of all compounds, is an essential oil. The main substance - the basis of the specific anise aroma of the plant - methyl chavicol. In general, scientists have isolated about 20 aromatic compounds from the essential oil of anise lofant, which have different pharmacological, physical properties and causing different shades of aroma of the plant.

Depending on the place where the plant grows and the predominance of a certain chemical compound in the essential oil, lofant may have predominant citrus or lemon shades of smell, gently enveloping the main anise aroma. Lofant essential oil is endowed with a variety of beneficial properties.

  • Influence on the central nervous system. Improves the functioning of the central nervous system, activates thought processes. Shows mild sedative properties that do not cause drowsiness. In general, we can say that the lofant helps to concentrate, improve memory.
  • Impact on immunity. Lofant improves the immune response of protective cells, prevents the development of viral and bacterial diseases, and also speeds up recovery from existing infectious diseases. Lofant essential oil is a source of antioxidants that neutralize radicals, which is the reason for the ability of the plant to slow down the aging process of human cells.
  • Influence on the glands. Lofant regulates the work of the endocrine glands, leading to the normalization of the ratio of hormones.
  • Effect on the skin. Lofant essential oil exhibits anti-inflammatory, regenerating, decongestant and anti-exudative effects.

Useful material

In addition to the essential oil, lofant is rich in other specific compounds that have pharmacological activity.

  • Tannin. Interacting with the proteins of the skin and mucous membranes, forms protective film, preventing chemical, mechanical, and bacterial irritation of the damaged epithelium. Tannin, as a tannin in the composition of the lofant, has a bacteriostatic, astringent, anti-exudative and hemostatic effect, which is actively used in the treatment of burns, wounds, scratches, and skin diseases.
  • Oleanic acid. It has antihypertensive properties, due to the ability to eliminate vascular spasms. Shows the ability to reduce the level of cholesterol in the blood, creating the prevention of atherosclerosis. Improves the condition of the vascular walls - normalizes their permeability, increases elasticity. In complex therapy with antibiotics, it enhances their effect.
  • Ursolic acid. Eliminates inflammatory processes in the vascular walls, improves peripheral blood flow, stimulating skin regeneration and hair growth. Has antihypertensive properties. Stimulates the formation of urine, improves the excretion of salt deposits from the body. Stimulates the natural synthesis of collagen in the body.
  • Diosmin. A compound from the group of flavonoids that exhibits anti-varicose activity. Diosmin normalizes the condition of the vascular walls, gently thins the blood, preventing thrombophlebitis. Normalizes arterial, venous, lymphatic outflow, showing the ability to eliminate edema.
  • Glycosides. They have mild laxative, diuretic, irritant properties. Glycosides also have antimicrobial activity.
  • Vitamin C. The most powerful antioxidant in the composition of the lofant, necessary for the body as a prevention of premature aging, as well as for other physiological processes: hematopoiesis, absorption of iron, the functioning of the nervous and immune systems, maintaining the normal state of veins and capillaries. Known hepatoprotective properties of ascorbic acid.
  • bitterness. They have an irritating effect on the cells of the digestive tract. Improve the secretion of digestive juices, normalize the intestinal microflora. Contribute to the rapid recovery of the body during physical exhaustion. Activate appetite.

All chemical compounds that are part of the lofant improve metabolic processes in the human body.

Use for various ailments

The scientific study of the composition and pharmacological value of lofant grass began only in the 21st century, which caused a clear lack of information regarding the healing properties of the plant.

Diseases of the skin and hair

It has been scientifically proven that the composition of lofant essential oil in combination with tannins can be used externally for the treatment of:

  • dermatitis of fungal, bacterial, allergic origin;
  • burns;
  • frostbite;
  • eczematous, psoriatic, seborrheic rashes;
  • alopecia.

Bronchopulmonary diseases

Lofant is able to normalize the work of the ciliated epithelium of the bronchi, to ensure the purification of the lungs from sputum. The plant relieves paroxysmal cough. The beneficial effect of lofant oil on the condition of the respiratory tract allows the plant to be used for the treatment of the following diseases:

  • pneumonia;
  • tuberculosis;
  • asthma;
  • tracheitis;
  • laryngitis;
  • hoarseness.

Vascular pathologies

The benefits of anise lofant for the human body also lie in its ability to normalize the state of blood vessels and improve blood flow, gently regulate pressure. The plant is used for therapy:

  • migraines with VVD;
  • headaches;
  • edema of various localization;
  • violation of the trophism of peripheral tissues;
  • varicose veins;
  • fragility of capillaries;
  • hypertension;
  • diabetes, to prevent complications.

Disorders of the organs of detoxification

In addition, the lofant helps to restore the functioning of the liver and pancreas even after severe intoxication. The plant is used to treat anorexia and other disorders. eating behavior, as well as in the absence of appetite that accompanies serious illness.

Among the indications for the use of the lofant there are also violations of the genitourinary system:

  • cystitis;
  • urethritis;
  • prostatitis;
  • pyelonephritis;
  • potency disorders;
  • male and female infertility of a hormonal nature.

The immunostimulating effect of the lofant is useful for eliminating colds, as well as for accelerating the recovery of the body after illness.

In folk medicine, the plant is used to treat inflammatory diseases of the mucous membrane. oral cavity, otitis, conjunctivitis. Lofant can be used for cosmetic purposes for the face, to improve the condition of the scalp. By activating the peripheral blood flow, the lofant improves and accelerates hair growth. The anti-cancer properties of the plant are relevant for the treatment of skin cancers.

Is this plant safe?

Side effects from the use of the lofant include vasodilatation with a subsequent decrease in pressure, a bronchodilatory effect, as well as a laxative and diuretic effect inherent in the essential oil.

Lofant contraindications include childhood, the period of pregnancy and lactation, as well as epilepsy - due to excess dosages, spasms of smooth and striated muscles may occur.

People who have any manifestations of an allergy to essential oils should be wary of the lofant. If it is necessary to use the herb, it is better to do an allergy test - apply the drug to a sensitive area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin, in the absence of a reaction, the agent can be used, strictly following the recommended dosages.

How to prepare medicines

For the treatment of a lofant at home, you can use the popular recipes below.


Peculiarities. The tool is popular for the treatment of respiratory tract: bronchitis, pneumonia, pulmonary catarrhs, tuberculosis, asthma.

Preparation and application

  1. It is better to brew lofant in an enamel bowl, for which 100 g of chopped grass is poured with a liter of boiling water.
  2. Put the mixture on a slow fire, boil for five minutes.
  3. After removing from heat, add 150 g of sugar to the product, mix well.
  4. After cooling, the broth is filtered, take half a glass once a day.

Wine tincture

Peculiarities. The remedy obtained as a result of infusion well stimulates appetite, digestion, treats inflammatory diseases of the gastric and intestinal mucosa. When used externally, the tincture accelerates wound healing.

Preparation and application

  1. 100 g of crushed dried grass of the plant is poured with a liter of white wine. It is advisable to use a dry variety.
  2. The mixture is placed in a dark, cool place for three weeks, the container with the tincture is shaken daily.
  3. After the specified period, the agent is filtered, taken orally in a teaspoon, three times a day, or used for compresses.


Peculiarities. It is used orally for diseases of the digestive tract, externally used for conjunctivitis, wounds, burns, herpes rashes.

Preparation and application

  1. 20 g of dried chopped grass of the plant is placed in a thermos, poured with a liter of boiling water.
  2. After insisting for 25 minutes, the product is filtered through cheesecloth.
  3. Take orally 100 ml up to three times a day or use to wash the skin.


Peculiarities. It is used internally for the treatment of colds, coughs, to strengthen the body in the field of past diseases.

Preparation and application

  1. One and a half kilograms of sugar are added to a liter of hot broth of lofant.
  2. Put on a slow fire and evaporate the agent until a syrup of moderate viscous consistency is obtained.
  3. Take a tablespoon, up to five times a day.

The use of lofant seeds in folk medicine is not practiced. Moreover, inflorescences that already have fruits are not suitable for harvesting.

Other Benefits of Northern Ginseng

The long flowering of the lofant, as well as its ability to release pollen at any weather conditions makes the plant a productive honey plant. Lofant honey has a light specific aroma and beneficial features inherent in the plant itself.

To obtain honey, you can create large thickets of lofant - the plant adapts perfectly to different conditions, it suits any soil. On the estate, thickets will look exotic, thanks to bright bloom and interesting color of the leaves of the plant. The only harm of the lofant noted by gardeners is its ability to form a kind of lavender thickets that are difficult to remove.

Lofant essential oil is used to create perfumes and fragrances for hygienic and cosmetics. Plant extracts are actively used to enrich hair cosmetics.

In cooking, lofant is added to:

  • fish meals;
  • vegetable casseroles;
  • vegetable salads;
  • baking;
  • fruit salads;
  • compotes;
  • jams;
  • puddings;

According to reviews, light citrus and mint notes of lofant aroma refresh the taste of dishes and have a positive effect on digestion.

The beneficial properties of the lofant are so multifaceted that this plant will definitely not be superfluous in any garden or summer cottage. Ease of cultivation, harvesting and harvesting, the possibility of use in cosmetic, medicinal and culinary purposes, as well as aesthetic appearance plants will make a lofant welcome guest in every garden.

Among the many "tamed" by man, none is surrounded by so many rumors, rumors, myths about their own healing properties, as lofant.

Description and useful properties of the lofant

Being overly carried away by stories about miraculous features, many forget that it is also a very beautiful flower, which absolutely everyone is talking about. lofant photo.


Since it is known mainly to specialists, curious cases often occur - having acquired the seeds of a plant, summer residents expect that something resembling a plantain will grow out of them, and they plant them in the most inconspicuous empty place.

And, of course, the next season they are transplanted to the most prominent and honorable, since not something ordinary-looking has grown from the seeds, but real, incomparable beauty.

lofant plant- this is a tall perennial herbaceous, which, under good conditions for itself, can grow from a meter to two in height, while not forgetting to please everyone around with slender "candles" of flowering spikelet inflorescences. Because of such original form structure of flowers, it was assigned to the Agastachys family, that is, multi-grate.

The leaves surrounding the tetrahedral stem look no less decorative than the flowering spikelets. They have an elongated oval shape and a large number of curly notches along the edges. The bush itself usually consists of four solid stems and at least ten peduncles.

Flowering begins in early May and ends in mid-September. Seeds ripen by the end of October. Although, for many who are not familiar with him, lofant- medicinal grass, it also has a very pleasant, delicate summer aroma, cut for a long time in vases, and, in addition to decorative properties and a pleasant smell, it is one of the best honey plants on our planet.

Benefits and contraindications of lofant

ABOUT beneficial properties of the lofant there are a lot of rumors, someone considers it a panacea for literally everything, someone, on the contrary, is convinced of its almost harmfulness. The plant is indeed one of the most powerful natural biostimulants. According to the effect of exposure, it is quite comparable with ginseng.

Lofant, brewed like regular tea, is capable of:

    strengthen the body's immune system;

    get rid of nervous exhaustion and psychosomatic manifestations;

    cope with a breakdown and manifestations of chronic fatigue;

    tone both the intestines and other internal organs.

It is also used in official medicine. The plant is the basis of many medicinal and homeopathic preparations, including formulations for inhalation, intended for the treatment of:

    bronchial asthma;


    bronchitis of all varieties;


    angina of any type;

    disorders of the genitourinary system;

    kidney disease;

    thyroid pathologies;

    hypotension and hypertension;

    intestinal diseases, for example, atony;

    congestion in the bile ducts and in the inflection of the gallbladder itself;

    fungal infections;

    dermatitis, including those that appear "on nerves";


It is also actively used in cosmetology, it is part of many shampoos, emulsions, creams and serums. Of course I found lofant application and in folk medicine, and in home cosmetology.

In order to use the plant, it is not at all necessary to have your own garden, because its healing fees are sold in every pharmacy, both in pure form and in combination. mintlofant”- a very good soothing, lulling evening drink comes out of this collection.

As for contraindications, this is prohibited for those who suffer from cancer, as its components can stimulate growth cancer cells. Other contraindications lofant does not have.

Planting and propagation of the lofant

Typically for the first landing lofant purchased in the form of finished seedlings, or pre-sprout its seeds. The soil is prepared in the fall, carefully digging, choosing all the roots and rubbish, and introducing humus.

In the spring, when the earth completely thaws, as a rule, at the end of April, they dig it up again, and just before planting the bushes, both mineral and organic fertilizers. A ready-made complex for any honey plants is quite suitable.

The distance when planting between bushes or to others should be at least 30-35 cm. As for reproduction, this plant loves to reproduce in all possible ways:

    The division of the bush.

You can divide the parent bush either in early autumn or in spring, before bud formation. as a rule, very large plant and "split" into 3-5 parts. Which immediately sit down in new places.


The cuttings take root in the same way as in berry bushes, that is, immediately in the soil, without prior germination in water. Cuttings can be carried out until mid-summer, otherwise they will not have time to settle down and start up a sufficient number of roots for wintering.


Collected in October lofant seeds sown in containers or peat pots in late March. Unlike many other inhabitants of the garden, a plant grown from seeds blooms in the first season of its life.


Seeds can also be sown directly into the ground. They do this in the middle or at the end of May, when the earth has warmed up enough. The depth should not exceed 1.5 cm. For faster germination, you can cover the landing site with a film.

Such bushes will bloom in the same season, if they have time, as a rule, flowering occurs, it just starts late and lasts, respectively, not very long. But the seeds will begin to ripen only in the second season.

Lofant Care

At growing lofant presents no difficulty.


Does not tolerate both drought and stagnant water. Accordingly, it should be watered as needed.


Usually, only those bushes that are not planned to be used as medicinal raw materials are fertilized. If decorative and honey-bearing are in the first place, then top dressing should be applied three times per season - mineral complexes for flowering garden plants are quite suitable, and in the fall, before wintering and after seed ripening, organic matter is introduced. You can use both ready-made complex fertilizers, or just add either compost or humus.


The plant itself does not suppress the growth of weeds, so you will have to weed as the weeds grow. As for the choice of location, the plant feels good in any light and ventilation, and also does not need shelter on winter time. Many experienced flower growers cut off the shoots of the bush in the fall, leaving about half the growth, but this is not necessary at all.

Types and varieties of lofant

In total, there are 11 species of this in the world, but not all are popular in gardens. Florists prefer to grow:

    Lofant Tibetan

Another name, known, for example, in the Far East, is Korean mint, although the plant has nothing to do with mint.

This is a low grass bush, 1-1.2 meters high and 0.7 to 0.9 meters wide, that is, almost square. The length of the leaves reaches 10 cm, and the length of the flowering spikelets is 20-25 cm. The colors of the drop-down are white, purple, violet and pink.

The plant is incredibly beautiful and also very useful, while it is not demanding at all. However, when growing in a garden, you need to consider that there are contraindications - lofant tibetan very intensely attracts not only bees and all other insects, but also animals, both wild and quite domestic.

Even if there is no forest with animals nearby, it is not worth planting a plant in the center of the flower garden, because at any moment in this flower garden you can find a neighbor's dog lying on his back, or frolicking field mice.

    Lofant Anise

It grows up to one and a half meters, blooms all season. bright lilac, pink, bluish-lilac. Loves very much mineral fertilizers, has a bright persistent aroma of anise, filling the air in the whole garden in calm weather.

The richest variety of all in terms of content essential oils- in the ground part of the bush, its share is up to 16%. The oil contains from 75 to 80 percent of methylchavicol, which is still only in anise, however, in a smaller amount.

    Lofant Mexican

Favorite of all gardeners. Miniature, grows only up to 70-80 cm. It blooms with bright red or pale pink ears, reaching half the total length of the shoot.

Unlike its larger counterparts, this variety tolerates drought well, is completely indifferent to fertilizers, grows well and blooms for years even on the most meager soils.

Susceptible to formation, it is quite possible to get a round flowering ball from it, although this will take some effort. As a honey plant, it is significantly inferior to other species, unattractive for insects.

This allows it to be used in house gardening, porch gardening and grown on a balcony, where it also feels great. Possesses everyone useful features characterizing the data.

Diseases and pests of the lofant

TO lofant properties includes his own "iron" health. The plant is not damaged by pests and does not get sick.The only exception may be stagnant water or a long drought, however, the bush patiently resists and waits. bad conditions, therefore, there is no talk of death from drying out or decay of the roots.Moreover, planted in different places garden, repels pests and infectious diseases and from their neighbors, healing the entire site.

In general, the flower is universal. It is beautiful, like an element of a flowering landscape, useful for a person and a garden, as for the cost, then lofant buy in season, in the form of seedlings, it is possible for 30-40 rubles, and the seeds will cost much less, their cost does not exceed 15 rubles.

Lofants are also called mint and multi-grate, but I'm already used to lofants. Although I often call them in Latin Agastache (Agastache), but Latin is for internal use. And if it becomes necessary to tell someone: "No, this is not a catnip, but ...", then - a lofant.

I really like lofants for their wild-natural look; I love these plants.
However, the variety of the Golden Jubilee lofant is conditionally wild due to the rare golden color of the leaves, which look great in a flower garden against the background of other plants with green leaves.

And, of course, the smell of lofants fascinates me!
I really love fragrant ones.

It doesn't matter to me what the lofants smell like - anise, camphor, mint or pine needles.
I don't use lofants like medicinal plants and for, but just smell them very much. Approach the lofants, run your hand over their fragrant twigs and enjoy the fragrance...

Lofant cultivation

For the early summer flowering of the lofant, seeds are sown on seedlings in early spring.

Heat-loving lofants are drought-resistant, love the hot sun and prefer open space in the garden.
This plant is suitable for poor, well-drained soils. Lofant does not grow well on heavy and waterlogged soils.

Unfortunately, many species of lofant are not hardy enough; they successfully overwinter only in mild winters. Therefore, lofants are often grown as annuals or make a reliable dry shelter for the winter.
Experts advise cutting the stems of lofants almost to the ground at the very beginning of autumn (until mid-September). In this case, the root buds wake up in the plants, which overwinter well.

Young lofants of some species strongly resemble. For example, I once weeded out quite a lot of seedlings of the nettle-leaved lofant in the spring from the place of last year's sowing, until I realized: why does it smell so good? He has such a "weedy" look in his youth.

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