At what age does the currant give a big harvest. Increasing the yield of blackcurrant

There are certain factors that should be known and taken into account in order to obtain consistent and high yields of such a healthy and tasty berry as currant. It is important to know agricultural technology and apply it correctly, as well as have appropriate growing conditions. Without good care and a suitable landing site, nothing will work. In the article we will talk about the yield of currants, ways to increase it.

Calculation of currant yield

Currant yield open ground quite unstable. Even with good care, it largely depends on the region of cultivation, on weather and other conditions. Plays a big role correct pruning and formation, since branches of different age and the bushes themselves may have unequal fruiting.

But, of course, the yield directly depends on right choice varieties. At the same time, it is important to imagine what end result should be approximately expected, taking into account the region and the ripening time.

Black currant:

  • Productivity from one bush - from 1 to 3-7 kg;
  • From a weave you can get from 50 to 150 kg;
  • An average of 5 to 10 tons is harvested per hectare. Some varieties with intensive cultivation, for example, Argazinskaya and Pygmey, can produce products from 13 to 30 t/ha;
  • In Russia, on average, it comes out from 0.7-2.0 kg / bush;
  • In the Moscow region - 1-3 kg / bush.

To avoid losses, crops are harvested from crumbling varieties in several stages, as the berries ripen.

  • This species, other things being equal, on average shows approximately the same as blackcurrant, and for some varieties even higher yields - from 3 to 7-8 kg / bush.
  • Experienced summer residents with large-fruited and high-yielding varieties with intensive cultivation, they can receive up to 12-14 kg from one adult plant.
  • from a weave they receive an average of 100-180 kg;
  • per hectare 10-18 tons.

Choice of productive variety

It is preferable to have at least three different varieties currants of the same species, but different term maturation. This contributes to better pollination and increased yield. In addition, the harvest will stretch over time, fresh berries will be at the table all the time, and small parties will be easier to handle.

Redcurrant is productive and easy to care for, brushes with large berries look very decorative.

Varieties of blackcurrant

When choosing, productive, zoned varieties that are resistant to diseases and weather instability are preferred. For northern regions varieties with increased winter hardiness are suitable, for the central ones they are adapted to weather changes, and for the southern ones they withstand drought and heat. Some recommendations for the selection of varieties for temperate climate presented in the table:

Name Maturation Productivity kg/bush Characteristics
The little Prince precocious 5-6 Medium spreading shrub, resistant to frost, heat and disease
pygmy early ripe 3-6 Large-fruited, stable crop, unpretentious
aleander Early 4-5 Resistance to frost and major diseases
curiosity early-fertile 5-7 Resistant to frost, but watering is required in the heat, the bush is semi-spreading
Lazy person Late 1-3 Does not suffer from anthracnose, frost-resistant, large and tasty fruit (2.5 g)
Gulliver Late 3-5 Highly resistant to frost, drought, unpretentious, stable yield
summer resident Early 2-4 Highly resistant to sferoteka, tasty and large berries, bush is low and sprawling
exotic Early 3-5 The bush is straight, the berries are the size of a cherry and larger, it resists powdery mildew well
Ant early-fertile 3-5 Steady-yielding, medium sprawling, medium height, vitamin

Varieties of red, pink and white currants

These species are much easier to care for. They are less likely to be affected by diseases and pests, have drought resistance, have a strong root system. The bushes are compact and retain their productivity with proper care for long years. Data on the choice of varieties are placed in the table:

Name Maturation Productivity kg/bush Characteristics
Varieties of red currant
Jonker Van Tets early ripe 2,5-4,2 The berries are collected in long brushes, pleasant to the taste, the bush is straight, not sprawling
dutch red Late 2,5-5,1 Resistant to major diseases, the berries are sour, the bush is tall,
Natalie mid-season 2,5-4,2 Moderately resistant to adverse factors
Red Lake mid-season 2,5-4,1 Resistant to adverse factors and a number of diseases, large-fruited, tasty berries
white currant
Smolyaninovskaya mid-season 2,5-4,1 Resistant to spotting, berries are transparent, tasty, sour
white fairy mid-season 3-5,1 Resistant to adverse factors, berries are medium-fruited, very good taste, the bush is low
Bayana Late 3-4 Resistant to diseases, medium-sized bush, medium-fruited berries

Choosing a variety of currants for greenhouses

White currant variety "White Fairy" gives stable yields of delicious berries, unpretentious care

In a greenhouse, growing berries has its own characteristics, which will ultimately determine the yield. And first of all, it's a choice. suitable variety, which should ideally have the following data:

  • productivity and compactness;
  • resistance to major diseases, frost, heat and shade;
  • early maturity;
  • precocity, that is, it quickly begins to bear fruit after planting;
  • tasty, preferably large berries;
  • keeping quality and transportability of products when grown for business purposes;
  • unpretentiousness in care.

To one degree or another, these qualities correspond to such varieties of blackcurrant as: Dachnitsa, Pygmy, Nina, Venus, Dobrynya, Gulliver, Bagira, Otlichnitsa, Vasilisa the Beautiful. They show good yield results, and under suitable conditions and care, they can even exceed their average outdoor performance by 0.5-1.5 kg.

Ways to increase the yield of blackcurrant

Currant cannot be called an overly capricious culture, it is quite unpretentious, but it responds positively to care and pleases with an increase in productivity. Read also the article: → "". Care should be comprehensive, it includes the following main tasks.

Choosing a site for planting bushes

Those who want to get high yields of vitamin berries should first of all take care of choosing a suitable place on the site. At the same time, it is taken into account that the currant reacts very negatively to salinity, excess chlorine, fertilizers, the presence of detergents in the soil. For this reason, they are not placed close to landings. compost heap and an outdoor washstand.

The berry should be well ventilated and illuminated. The distance in a row is allowed not less than 1.2-1.5 meters. Remember that dense plantings reduce the yield of berries from the bush. For sprawling varieties, it is possible to install portable supports that help keep berries and leaves from dirt.

For planting, large-fruited, hardy varieties with good yields should be selected.

Soil and fertilizer requirements

Medium structure, neutral or slightly acidic are preferred, with normal humidity soil. The most suitable are chernozem loams. Heavy clay soils with stagnant water have a depressing effect on the culture.

Tip #1 If, when planting in each hole, fill in 6-7 kg of humus, 200 g of superphosphate, 1.5 tbsp. ash, then in the subsequent fertilizers can be applied after 2 years.

  • The main portions are added in autumn or spring before loosening. On a bush - 4-5 kg ​​of compost, 20 g of superphosphate and potassium sulfate, which can be replaced with ash (0.5 st.).
  • Desirable regular feeding trace elements (manganese, zinc, boron, copper), which increase the plant's resistance to spotting and other diseases.
  • During the period of active growth of bushes and berries, fertilizing is done with organic solutions or fermented grass, 1.5 buckets in the grooves around the perimeter, which are immediately sprinkled with earth. They can be replaced with solutions complex fertilizers according to instructions.
  • New varieties of intensive growing type deplete the soil very quickly, so they should be fertilized more often.

Watering currant bushes in the heat

The need for moisture especially increases during flowering, growth of shoots, berries and after harvest. If there is no rain at these moments, then watering is mandatory, using 1.5-5 buckets of water per bush, depending on its age and height. Water for irrigation should not be excessively mineralized with various salts, this reduces the yield and size of the berries.

Please note: watering and top dressing are carried out only along the perimeter of the crown, under the roots, making sure not to wet the branches and not provoke fungal diseases.

It is very important to observe the regimen when watering

Weeding, loosening and mulching the soil

Weeds will have to be fought constantly, as they can cause diseases due to high humidity and poor ventilation in the berry. Loosening can be done not after every rain or watering, but only 2 times a year - in early spring and after harvest. Weeding, as well as loosening, is carried out carefully so as not to touch the surface roots of the bush itself.

Tip #2 To preserve moisture and control weeds, it is a good idea to apply bedding of rows with any mulching material. This method will significantly reduce the time for plant care.

Pruning branches to increase yields

Old branches should be removed in time, they begin to bear fruit worse, and the berries become smaller. In some varieties, a decrease in yield is already observed on 4-year-old branches. And with the constant removal of such branches and replacing them with young ones, the bush may not reduce productivity for a long time.

Answers to current questions

Question number 1. When is the best time to harvest ripe currants?

You need to pick berries carefully so as not to crush, it is better in morning time, in cool and dry weather conditions.

Question number 2. Diseases and pests are known to adversely affect crop yields. How to get rid of this dangerous pest like a currant mite?

If the bushes are slightly affected, then they should be sprayed with sulfur in a timely manner, cut off and destroy the damaged buds, cut off and burn the damaged shoots. If the bush is heavily infected, it will have to be completely cut off and burned.

Question number 3. Is it possible to increase the immunity of currants to various diseases?

Yes, plant resistance to diseases and pests can be increased by timely feeding with microelements, as well as potash fertilizers.

Question number 4. Why do the berries become small, fall off, and a dry rim appears along the edge on the lower tier of foliage? How to deal with it?

Most likely, this happened from a lack of potassium in the soil. It is necessary to make foliar top dressing from a solution of potassium sulfate (2 tsp per 1 liter of water).

Question number 5. What varieties of blackcurrant have the largest berries?

Today these are such varieties as Vigorous, Rusalka, Dyagterevskaya, Pygmey, etc. But it should be noted that they are zoned for a certain region, in others climatic conditions berry size may decrease.

Large-fruited varieties of Siberian selection, sometimes reaching the size of a plum, can produce more small berries when grown in other regions

Feedback on folk methods to increase productivity without chemicals

Many years ago, I decided that spraying berries with chemicals from pests and diseases is more expensive for myself, both literally and figuratively. Therefore, I only use folk methods both in improving soil fertility and in the fight against diseases and pests. I must say that the results are quite good.

For fertilizers, I use organic matter - humus, herbal infusions from weeds or compost, which I prepare myself, as well as ash. There is one caveat here - composts with food waste are undesirable for currants. It has been repeatedly observed that plants do not like them. Top dressing is made with an infusion of the same organic matter, dilute 1 part by 8-10 parts of water, and pour half a can of ash onto a bucket of the resulting solution. We feed after flowering 1 bucket under a bush and then after 2 weeks.

For the prevention and control of powdery mildew I use double autumn spraying with infusions of fermented organics (for 1 part of it you need to take 7 parts of water and leave to ferment for 3 days). Such events are held in early and mid-October, and can be repeated in the spring.

Helps fight diseases and pests:

  • onion infusion - 50 g of grated onion insist 6 hours in 5 liters of water, filter and use immediately;
  • infusion of garlic - they are also prepared, but they take 100 g of garlic per 5 liters of water;
  • tobacco infusion - boil 250 g of shag in 5 liters of water for half an hour, leave for 2 days and strain, then add 40 g of grated soap.
  • mustard infusion - 25 g of dry mustard pour 5 liters hot water and insist 2 days, strain and use;
  • soap solution - grate 150 g of laundry soap and dissolve in 5 liters of hot water.

How to avoid mistakes that reduce yield

Mistake #1. The bush gives little harvest if the place for the berry is not chosen correctly or unsuitable varieties are purchased.

If the plant is promising and young, but not older than 3 years, then you can try to move it to another place with relevant conditions. Otherwise, on suitable place will have to plant new, more productive varieties.

Mistake #2. Incorrect pruning can adversely affect yield.

Mistake #3. Too deep loosening damages the roots, the bush begins to hurt, lagging behind in development.

Carefully carry out loosening activities, as the roots of the bushes are shallow.

An old currant is growing: a large bush, and a mug of berries!

And in order to receive big harvest, currants need to be constantly rejuvenated

Majority berry plants do not require very close attention. But there are two kinds among them that need permanent care. These are strawberries and currants.

The first summer residents, as a rule, devote quite a lot of time: they sit down, water, fertilize, mulch the beds, renew the plantation. But currants are most often forgotten for many decades. And then they wonder why the bush gives only a mug of berries, while you can really collect half a bucket from it.

What is most interesting, many gardeners attribute crop failure to an unfavorable summer or harsh winter. In the meantime, care is a problem. In order for blackcurrant to bear fruit well, the bush must be constantly updated!

Cut out old branches

Most currant berries ripen in the center of the shoots. In this zone, the main number of fruiting branches is located, but they do not bear fruit for long, only 2-3 years. And after 6-7 years, the crop completely disappears. That is why the bush must be rejuvenated annually.

When pruning, 2-3 new shoots are left. All older than 5 years are cut flush with the ground. With this formation, there will always be up to 10-15 branches in the currant bush different ages.
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Currant can be called without exaggeration one of the most popular garden and berry crops. Black, red or white varieties are sure to be found on every suburban area. In addition to excellent taste and high content useful substances in berries, currants are highly valued for their longevity and undemanding care. Some gardeners consider the culture so unpretentious that they stop paying attention to it and leave everything "at the mercy of nature."

In such situations, one should not be surprised at the decrease in yield from year to year, the decrease in the size of berries and the deterioration of their consumer qualities. Without care, even the most elite and resistant varieties degenerate before reaching their full potential. Currant does not require special agrotechnical efforts, but in order to obtain stable yields, you need to follow several rules, which we will discuss in the article. So:

Rule 1. Pruning

The most time-consuming and crucial moment is the correct pruning. Currant bushes grow and thicken rather quickly, so they need to be shaped by annually removing old, basal, diseased and broken branches.

Pruning of damaged and basal shoots is carried out in early spring in order to reduce the density of the shrub and direct its forces to the return of the crop. Cleaning plants from dry and diseased branches should be carried out regularly (when they appear), and old shoots should be removed after fruiting, in late July - early August or in autumn, when the sap flow in them slows down and all the leaves fall off.

The main principle of pruning is to leave only strong and healthy shoots of different ages on the bushes and provide them with good lighting and ventilation, removing all unnecessary.

When forming bushes of black and red / white currants, there are certain differences associated with the difference in the characteristics of their growth.

Blackcurrant pruning

In blackcurrant, shoot formation and branching occur more intensively, therefore it has to be cut more often and more radically. Immediately after planting, experts advise cutting the tops of all branches so that only 2-4 well-developed buds remain on them.

In autumn, on young bushes (up to 4-5 years old), 3-4 of the strongest and strongest shoots that have grown during the season are left, and the same number from previous years, which gave an increase of at least 20 cm. They should be shortened to improve subsequent branching, and the rest cut the branches under the root (up to a height of no more than 2 cm).

To prevent the risk of diseases, sections must be treated with garden pitch.

With annual formation in 4-5 years, a developed powerful bush should be obtained, consisting of 15-18 branches of different ages. Subsequently, it is necessary to carry out sanitary scraps, and in the fall, remove aged shoots (more than 5-6 years old), replacing them with the appropriate number of first years.

Pruning red and white currants

These varieties are distinguished by less active formation of shoots and, accordingly, a longer period of their productivity, reaching 7-8 years. Pruning of young plants is carried out only sanitary - in order to improve and clean the bushes from damaged, diseased or too densely growing branches that obscure and interfere with each other.

On adult shrubs 6-8 years old, when the number of branches of different ages becomes more than 10-12 pieces, it is necessary to cut out aging shoots at the root, on which there is a decrease in fruiting. The rejuvenation of the bushes stimulates the young shoots, gives the plant the strength to form an abundant crop of large berries.

On bushes growing without pruning, the yield and size of berries decrease every year, in addition, they are much more susceptible to various crop diseases.

Rule 2. Top dressing

Currants can develop well and bear fruit in one place for many years. But we must not forget that the soil is depleted over time and plants are deficient. nutrients, which directly affects the yield.

The issues of additional nutrition are especially important for currants during flowering and the formation of ovaries (nitrogen fertilizers), as well as after fruiting (phosphorus-potassium fertilizers), so that the bushes can prepare well for wintering. For this, complex mineral and / or organic fertilizers. Here are a few simple recipes from experienced gardeners who respond well to currants:

  • potato peelings in the form of a decoction or raw, dug into the ground along the perimeter of the bushes;
  • wood ash, which is applied under the bushes and copes well with the increased acidity of the soil;
  • fermented infusions of herbs and grain residues.
If there are signs of bacterial or fungal diseases on the bushes, then it is better to fertilize with mineral fertilizers.

“Long-acting” organics - rotted manure or chicken manure, compost, humus are recommended to be applied in the fall once every 2-3 years, 4-6 kg for each bush. All useful elements of the plant will begin to assimilate in the spring, during the period of active vegetation and the resulting supply of nutrients will last them for a long time.

Rule 3. Watering

The fact that a shrub can do without watering is a big misconception, especially with regard to black currants. The lack of moisture in the soil inhibits the growth of shoots, reduces the number of ovaries and the filling of berries, which directly affects the potential yield.

Currants must be watered at least 3 times during the season:

  • in late May - early June, that is, during the period of active growth, flowering and ovary formation;
  • in late June - early July, when the process of filling and ripening of berries is underway;
  • in late summer - early autumn, to provide the plants with the necessary supply of moisture for a successful wintering and support the bookmark flower buds- the basis of the next season's harvest.
Excessive watering of currants is also not good. It provokes the development of fungal diseases and rotting of the roots, and during the fruiting period it leads to cracking and spoilage of the berries.

To reduce the evaporation of moisture from the soil and curb the growth of weeds, trunk circles under the bushes are recommended to be covered with straw, sawdust, mowed grass, peat or other organic mulch with a layer of at least 10-15 cm thick. Before mulching, the ground must be cleared of weeds, carefully loosened so as not to damage the shallow roots of the plant, and watered abundantly.

Rule 4. Treatment for diseases and pests

Absolutely resistant varieties does not exist, therefore, prevention, and even more so the treatment of plants, must be carried out regularly and in a timely manner.

At the stage of the appearance of flower buds, it is desirable to treat the bushes with insecticides in order to protect the future crop from pests (aphids, spider mite, gall midges, etc.). There are many drugs today, when using them, it is important to follow the dosages and precautions indicated by the manufacturers. Spraying with a 1-3% solution of Bordeaux liquid is advised to be carried out on early stages vegetation of plants, as well as when minor lesions appear on them. This tool helps to prevent the occurrence of fungal diseases or to avoid the spread of infection. Heavily damaged leaves and shoots of currants should be cut and burned immediately.

How to get rid of ants on currants

Currants often suffer from aphids. As a rule, aphids do not come to plants on their own. She is to blame for her appearance. garden ants. The fact is that ants are very fond of the sweet "milk" that aphids secrete. Therefore, they act like shepherds: they “settle” the aphids in the bushes and literally “graze” it, protecting it from enemies (for example, ladybugs). Often spraying currants from aphids with insecticides is unsafe, and ineffective: if there are ants in the garden, they will monitor the “livestock” and populate the bushes with new aphid colonies to replace the dead.

There are ants in every area, and no one has yet been able to completely exterminate them. But they can be scared away from currants. Good for this garlic infusion : peel the head of garlic, chop the cloves (can be squeezed through a press) and pour 1 liter warm water. After 2-3 hours, the infusion is filtered, and then the bushes and the soil under them are sprayed. You can also lay the remaining thick around the currant trunks. Ants leave such bushes, and aphids die on them. It is clear that the processing should be carried out long before the ripening of the berries, because the smell is quite persistent.

Take care of your currant, and it will delight you excellent harvests long years!

Related videos

You can learn about the secrets of fertility and the experience of caring for currants from the following videos:

Worked for several years as a television program editor with leading producers ornamental plants in Ukraine. At the dacha, of all types of agricultural work, she prefers harvesting, but for this she is ready to regularly weed, chop, stepchild, water, tie up, thin out, etc. I am convinced that the most delicious vegetables and fruits - hand-grown!

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Both humus and compost are rightfully the basis organic farming. Their presence in the soil significantly increases the yield and improves taste qualities vegetables and fruits. By properties and appearance they are very similar, but they should not be confused. Humus - rotted manure or bird droppings. Compost - rotted organic residues of various origins (spoiled food from the kitchen, tops, weeds, thin twigs). Humus is considered a better fertilizer, compost is more accessible.

It is necessary to collect medicinal flowers and inflorescences at the very beginning of the flowering period, when the content of nutrients in them is as high as possible. The flowers are supposed to be torn by hand, breaking off the rough pedicels. Dry the collected flowers and herbs, scattering thin layer, in a cool room at natural temperature without direct sunlight.

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Oklahoma farmer Carl Burns developed an unusual variety of colorful corn called Rainbow Corn. Grains on each cob - different colors and shades: brown, pink, purple, blue, green, etc. This result was achieved through many years of selection of the most colored regular varieties and their crosses.

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Compost - rotted organic residues of various origins. How to do? Everything is put in a pile, a pit or a large box: kitchen leftovers, tops of garden crops, weeds mowed before flowering, thin twigs. All this is interbedded with phosphorite flour, sometimes straw, earth or peat. (Some summer residents add special composting accelerators.) Cover with foil. In the process of overheating, the pile is periodically stirred or pierced for inflow fresh air. Usually compost "ripens" for 2 years, but with modern additives can be ready in one summer season.

Blackcurrant is the most commonly found berry bush on the garden plots. But it is not always possible to get good harvest large berries. The yield of blackcurrant depends on a combination of factors:

  • compliance with the optimal water regime;
  • work on the formation and renewal of the bush;
  • timely feeding;
  • a set of pest and disease control measures.

Let's take a closer look at these and other factors for increasing productivity.

Black currant blossom

Blackcurrant blooms from the second half of May. Sometimes flowering is abundant, but does not bring the expected result due to shedding of the ovaries. This can happen both due to sudden frosts and due to insufficient pollination.

The first problem can be solved by the presence on the site of several varieties of currants that bloom in different time. In addition, self-pollination of several varieties leads to higher yields and the growth of larger berries. Do I need to remind you that the varieties you have chosen need to be bought only in nurseries or from trusted sellers.

As for the actual pollination, here you can try to attract insects that will carry pollen and contribute to pollination. For this purpose, during flowering, blackcurrant bushes are sprayed with a solution of honey: 1 tablespoon per 1 liter of water.

You also need to use all the ways to attract pollinating insects to your garden, plant helper plants next to the currant bushes. For example, Kotovnik (Nepeta), or Catnip, blooms from May almost all summer, bees visit it very well, it is believed that Kotovnik repels aphids. Lungwort narrow-leaved, Daffodils, Tulips, Irises, Ground primrose, Hionodoxa bloom early.

Protection of currants from recurrent frosts

It is not every year that spring is warm, sometimes it suddenly becomes colder and the temperature approaches minus.

In this case, it is necessary to protect the currant bushes - in the evening cover with foil, paper, burlap, matting, mulch the root zone with hay or straw. In the morning, after 9-10 hours, be sure to remove the shelters so that the plants do not rot.

The correct arrangement of the bushes

Another factor that can affect the yield of blackcurrant is the location of the bushes on the site. When planting bushes too close, less than 1 meter apart, they will shade each other, in addition, closely planted bushes are more difficult to care for, worse movement air in the crown of bushes and higher incidence.

Currant not only delicious berry but also very useful. Moreover, both berries and leaves are used. Who doesn't love tea with currant leaves? But how to properly care for this berry in order to get a rich currant crop in the fall? Experienced gardeners note that currants are enough unpretentious plant that does not require special care. It is enough to follow a few mandatory points for the care of currants, so that it always pleases you with a bountiful harvest.

Spring "haircut"

In the spring, immediately after the snow melts, it is necessary to cut the bushes. A kind of haircut takes place in three stages. First of all, all branches older than four years are removed. There is no room for pity in this case. The main crop is given by three-year-old branches. Therefore, feel free to cut off all the old branches. After that, the shoots of the last year should be removed, leaving only the largest ones. Five will be enough. At the very last turn, you need to cut the branches by about a third. All these simple manipulations will help the currant bush to accumulate enough strength for a good harvest.

Hot "shower"

The next step in caring for currants is scalding the bushes. hot water. With this simple procedure, insect larvae are washed out of the bark. Such a shower helps in pest control.

Pest control

Currant is extremely sensitive to various harmful insects. Therefore, the processing of the bushes is necessary. For these purposes, for modern market There are many tools out there that do the job just fine. The problem is that during the period of setting berries and harvesting, use chemicals it is forbidden. But long breaks in the processing of currants from pests are extremely dangerous. You can start a plant and lose not only the crop, but the bush itself. It will help you to avoid such troubles. people's councils. For processing currant bushes, you can use various means: black pepper, tobacco, smoke or urea solution.

The plant needs to be fed

The first bait of currants occurs during the swelling of the kidneys. The earth around the bush must be carefully dug up and fertilized. The second time, exactly the same procedure takes place during the period of tying berries. And the last time the currant bushes are fertilized in the fall. Fertilizer for these purposes is chosen from the phosphate class. Also, humus is perfect as a top dressing.

Do not forget about watering the plant. This rule only applies in dry summers when there is little rain. In such cases, currant bushes are abundantly watered every ten days. If summer rains are not uncommon, currants do not require separate watering.

By following these simple rules, you will keep currant bushes healthy and strong. And such a currant will surely please you large quantity delicious berries.
