Industrial hygiene rules. Occupational hygiene and sanitation for catering workers

A prerequisite for providing consumers with healthy food is compliance by employees of enterprises Catering rules personal hygiene. Failure to comply with these requirements can not only reduce the quality of the food being prepared, but also cause infectious diseases and food poisoning. It is important to follow the rules of personal hygiene not only at work, but also at home. It is also necessary to fulfill them in order to maintain one's own health.

Employees of public catering enterprises are required to keep their bodies clean, take a bath or shower at least once a week, and change underwear and bed linen. In enterprises where there are shower facilities, you should wash daily before work. When washing in the morning, in addition to washing hands up to the elbows, face, ears, it is necessary to brush your teeth.

It is especially necessary to carefully monitor the cleanliness of hands, as they are constantly contaminated from contact with door handles, clothes, etc. During work, it is necessary to wash your hands as they become dirty, as well as after smoking, visiting the restroom.

Dirty hands can transmit the germs of dysentery and typhoid fever (these diseases are called "dirty hands" diseases). In order to avoid such contamination, you need to rinse your hands with a weak solution of bleach (0.2%) each time after washing your hands with soap and water. Nails should be cut short and kept clean; use a brush to clean nails when washing hands. Workers in direct contact with food raw materials, semi-finished products and finished products, to keep nails clean, they do a production manicure.

It is necessary that in the kitchen, harvesting, cold shop there is a washbasin, soap, brush and clean towel; there should also be a weak solution (0.2%) of bleach to disinfect hands after washing (Fig. 15).

Fig.15. Hand disinfection with chlorine water

Of great importance is clean sanitary clothing: gowns, jackets, aprons, etc., which protect products from the possibility of contamination with microbes from workers' personal clothing.

Sanitary clothing should be made of white, easily washable material and systematically disinfected, and after washing, ironed with a hot iron.

Cooks should change their sanitary clothes daily, because if they get dirty, they can serve as a source of contamination of food with microbes, including pathogens of infectious diseases. It is not allowed to use the restroom in sanitary clothing. Persons working in the washing and vegetable shops, where there is a lot of moisture, are given overalls - aprons and sleeves made of oilcloth, rubber shoes, etc.

The head must be covered with scarves or caps so that the hair does not accidentally get into food. It is forbidden to stab sanitary clothes with pins, needles, wear combs, brooches and other jewelry at work, in order to avoid the possibility of them getting into food.

At the end of work, sanitary clothing should be hung in a special closet. Dirty clothes should be stored separately.

When sneezing and coughing, it is necessary to cover your mouth and nose with a clean handkerchief so that splashes of mucus containing microbes separated from the nasopharynx do not fall on food and dishes.

The work of cooks and confectioners in terms of energy costs is classified as III group. It is associated with work in a standing position, with the transfer of weights, with the work of the muscles of the arms and legs, with unfavorable microclimatic conditions (high temperature, high humidity and air pollution) and with work with dangerous mechanisms and devices. In case of improper organization of the labor process at a public catering enterprise, all these factors can have adverse and even harmful effects(industrial hazards) on the working capacity and health of workers.

To improve the working conditions of employees of enterprises, it is necessary to: observe the regime of work and rest, harden and train the body, create conditions for microclimatic comfort in production workshops, maintain proper illumination of workplaces, organize good living conditions in production.

Rational organization of the labor process. The performance of a person during the working day is not constant. It has been proven that it rises at the beginning of the working day, reaches a maximum after an hour and a half of work and stays at this level the longer, the better the work is organized. Then performance declines and peaks again after a well organized lunch break. Fatigue of the body occurs as a result of hard, intense or long-term work, improper organization of the labor process, uncomfortable working posture, poor organization of rest, which leads to a feeling of fatigue and deterioration of well-being. Given the fluctuations in human performance, it is advisable to carry out all labor-intensive processes in the first half of the day and at the beginning of the afternoon. To reduce fatigue during the day, it is necessary to diversify the types of work, which is quite feasible in catering establishments.

It is very important to maintain the correct posture during work. This is ensured by the selection of equipment of certain sizes and heights. The worker must stand straight, not slouching. Some operations can be performed by the cook and confectioner sitting on high stools. Properly organized workplace helps to avoid unnecessary movements, and therefore, prevents premature fatigue.

The working capacity of a person largely depends on the degree of training, i.e. on industrial training. An important factor work is an alternation of work and rest, so the lunch break at catering establishments should be used for its intended purpose.

To maintain performance and improve health great importance has a special industrial gymnastics, which should be carried out periodically during the working day, lasting about 5 minutes under the guidance of public instructors. No less important is the systematic physical education and sports in their free time.

All of the above factors contribute rational organization work process and the fight against fatigue. All employees of public catering enterprises should be provided with sufficient sanitary clothing and special footwear to prevent occupational foot diseases.

Prevention of industrial injuries and provision of first aid. Occupational injury is a mechanical or thermal damage to the tissue of the human body at work. The causes of industrial injuries in public catering enterprises are mainly: violation of the rules for the operation of equipment and safety precautions, improper organization of work, fatigue and illness of the employee. To avoid injury, you must:

Familiarize all employees of the enterprise with safety regulations;

Hang posters, instructions, warning signs, and especially dangerous places of work;

Comply with sanitary rules for arranging equipment and provide for free access to it;

Strictly follow the rules for operating the equipment;

Do not litter production facilities with empty containers, inactive devices, etc.;

Observe the rules for wearing sanitary clothing and footwear;

Organize thorough and timely washing of floors in workshops;

Strictly follow the production methods of opening the lid of boilers with boiling food, moving the boilers on the stove, carrying hot baking sheets, piercing and cutting tools.

An employee who has received an industrial injury is immediately provided with first aid in order to avoid possible complications. To provide first aid at the workplace, sanitary posts are created from among specially trained employees and first-aid kits are equipped in which they store individual dressing bags, splints, hemostatic tourniquets, iodine tincture, ammonia etc.

An individual dressing bag consists of a sterile bandage and two cotton-gauze pads, one of which is attached to the free end of the bandage. All of this is hermetically sealed. If necessary, the package is torn open and the contents removed. Taking right hand bandage, and the left - the free end of it, the pads are applied to the wound, touching the hands only outer side(marked with colored threads), and bandage it. Industrial injuries can cause bleeding, which are of three types: capillary, venous and arterial. Capillary bleeding is stopped by neutralizing the wound with iodine tincture and applying a clean gauze bandage. With venous bleeding, a pressure bandage is applied to the wound. Arterial bleeding is distinguished by the spouting of a bright scarlet jet of blood. In these cases, it is necessary to raise the injured limb and squeeze the artery above the wound site with a rubber tourniquet or cloth twist, to which you need to attach a note indicating the time of its application. After providing first aid, the victim must be sent to a medical facility.

When a person is injured electric shock apply artificial respiration. Before this, the victim should be put on his back, his belt, belt, collar, etc. should be unfastened. There are several methods of artificial respiration. The mouth-to-mouth method consists in the fact that the person providing assistance blows air through the mouth directly into the victim's mouth, having previously thrown his head back, clearing his mouth of saliva and covering it with a clean handkerchief. According to the Sylvester method (the victim lies on his back), inhalation is achieved by moving the victim's arms to the sides and up (i.e., above the head), exhalation - by pressing the victim's elbows strongly against the lower half of the chest. According to the Schaefer method (the victim lies on his stomach), the assisting person kneels as if riding on the victim and periodically squeezes the lower part of the chest with his hands (exhale). Inhalation occurs on its own. According to the Howard method (the victim lies on his back), the caregiver rhythmically periodically compresses the lower part of the chest (exhalation), inhalation occurs independently.

Artificial respiration is only effective when the heart is still beating. It must be started as early as possible and carried out in accordance with the rhythm of normal breathing, i.e. 16-18 times per minute.

Burns - tissue damage by high temperature - the most common injury in catering.

In case of burns with boiling water, a hot object or steam small plots of the body, the affected area is quickly cooled with a jet tap water within 5-10 min. The fabric of clothing adhering to the skin is carefully cut with scissors. A sterile dressing or a piece of clean linen is applied to the burned, cooled area.

With an extensive burn, the victim is quickly removed from clothing, then wrapped in a clean sheet, laid on a couch, given warm sweet tea to drink and immediately called " ambulance».

In case of extensive burns with a flame, the victim is taken out of the fire zone, the clothes smoldering on him are extinguished and, tearing them off, the patient is wrapped in a clean sheet and an ambulance is called. For small burns with a flame, they do the same as for burns with boiling water or steam.

In case of electric shock burns, the victim must be released from its action, bandaged the burn sites with a sterile bandage or cloth. If necessary, start artificial respiration immediately.

§ 11. Personal hygiene of employees of catering establishments

Compliance with the rules of personal hygiene by employees of public catering establishments is especially important because they are in direct contact with food products in the course of work. Violation of personal hygiene rules can lead to contamination food products. Bacterial contamination is especially dangerous in this respect. Microbes that cause infections, including intestinal infections and food poisoning, can get on products with dirty clothes, hands, hair, from the pharynx, respiratory tract, etc. Therefore, compliance with the rules of personal hygiene by employees food enterprises is an important condition in the prevention of infectious diseases and food poisoning. Compliance with the rules of personal hygiene is importance in the prevention of contamination of food with microbes that can cause contagious diseases and food poisoning. The personal hygiene of workers enhances the culture of customer service and is an important indicator of the overall culture of the catering establishment. The rules of personal hygiene provide for a number of hygienic requirements for the maintenance of the body, hands and oral cavity, for sanitary clothing, for the mode of behavior, for medical examination of catering workers.

Keeping the body clean is an important hygiene requirement. The skin performs a complex function in human life. - participates in the respiratory process and the release of metabolic products. Contaminated by sweat (especially from cooks and confectioners), sebum, desquamated epithelium, dust and microbes, the skin does not function well, worsening a person's well-being. In addition, dirt can cause skin diseases and contamination of processed food. Therefore, all employees of catering establishments, especially cooks, confectioners, need to keep the body clean. It is recommended to take a hygienic shower daily before work using soap and washcloths or wash your hands thoroughly up to the elbow immediately before work.

food poisoning

Food poisoning refers to diseases of an acute and subacute nature arising from the consumption of food containing harmful to the body (or poisonous) substances of microbial or non-microbial origin. From a sick person to a healthy person, as a rule, food poisoning is not transmitted.

Depending on the cause of the disease, food poisoning is divided into two groups: microbial origin and non-microbial origin.

Food poisoning of microbial origin. Three groups can be distinguished:

1. Food poisoning infections caused by microorganisms and multiplying on a food product and entering the body in large quantities salmonella, dysentery bacillus Zone, E. coli pathogenic strains, Proteus, Cl. perfringens, Bac. cereus enterococci, halophilic vibrios.

2. Food intoxication caused by microorganism toxins formed on food products (pathogenic strains of staphylococci that produce enterotoxin, Cl. botulinus).

3. Mycotoxins caused by toxic waste products of some microscopic fungi (ergot, Fusarium, Aspergillus flavus, etc.).

Food salmonellosis. Foodborne salmonellosis is the most severe food poisoning caused by microbes from the Salmonella group. This group includes more than 1300 species of microorganisms. The causative agents of human food salmonellosis are pathogenic for both humans and animals. In animals, they cause inflammatory processes in the intestines (enteritis in cattle, white diarrhea in chickens, etc.). Diseases arise as a result of penetration into the body of the patient a large number microbes. Once in the intestine, microbes cause an inflammatory process in the wall, while a significant part of the microbes die, and when they die, endotoxin is released, which is absorbed through the inflamed mucous membrane and enters the bloodstream. Live microbes also penetrate the blood. The disease is called toxicoinfection because the active principle is a toxin (intoxication), and a living microbe (infection). Endotoxin, getting into the blood, affects the neurovascular centers of the brain.

Food poisoning caused by Proteus and Escherichia coli. Some serological strains of microbes, usually widespread in environment(Escherichia coli, Proteus vulgaris, Morgan's bacillus, para-Escherichia coli), under certain conditions that are still poorly understood, acquire toxic properties. Propagating in abundance on the product, and then getting into the body, they often cause outbreaks of food poisoning.

Escherichia coli (E. coli) combines more than 100 species of bacteria that are close to each other in a number of ways. The cause of food poisoning is more often E. coli 0-26, 0-55, 0-124. detection of Escherichia coli on various objects external environment, as well as in water and food products in sanitary practice is regarded as the result of faecal contamination, and E. coli is a sanitary indicator microorganism. 1 Escherichia coli is allowed in 333 ml of water and 3 ml of milk. From some strains of Escherichia coli, medicinal preparations (Piratz colibacilli) are made, which are used to treat putrefactive colitis and chronic dysentery, since some strains of Escherichia coli inhibit the growth of putrefactive microflora in the intestine.

The causative agent of food poisoning is also putrefactive microbe-Proteus (B. proteus vulgaris), which is widely distributed in nature. Proteus can contaminate raw foods and finished goods. Food toxic infections caused by Proteus are usually associated with massive reproduction of Proteus in heat-treated products (meat, fish dishes, liver sausage, mashed potatoes, etc.). optimum temperature for reproduction of the proteus 25-27 o C. During storage perishable products And ready meals in a warm room of a hot shop, proteus can develop up to hundreds of millions of microbial cells per 1 g of product, as a result of which food poisoning can occur. At the same time, the organoleptic properties of the food product do not deteriorate, since Proteus decomposes protein substances not to final substances (indole, skatole, ammonia, hydrogen sulfide), which have bad smell, and to intermediate ones. Only when proteus is combined with other putrefactive microbes does a deep decomposition of the protein occur until a putrefactive odor and unpleasant taste appear.

Clinical manifestation diseases caused by Escherichia coli and Proteus has many common symptoms with salmonellosis, however, the incubation period for these diseases is somewhat shorter, the phenomenon of general intoxication is less pronounced (temperature 37 ° C, there are no cramps in the calf muscles), but enteritis is more pronounced (diarrhea, sharp cramping pain in the abdomen, etc.). the duration of the disease is shorter than with salmonellosis, the disease lasts 1-2 days.

Toxic infections caused by dysenteric and paratyphoid microbial species. There are known outbreaks of toxic infections, the causative agents of which are representatives of the paratyphoid and dysentery groups of microbes: Salmonella paratyphoid B, dysentery Zone. These microbes are known to cause infectious diseases in humans. However, these microbes under certain conditions can multiply on food products, and when such products are consumed quickly, with a short incubation period of several hours, a toxic infection occurs.

With toxic infection with a dysentery bacillus, the Zone is marked by vomiting, diarrhea, and after 2-3 days, colitis syndrome with blood and mucus in the stool joins. It should be borne in mind that during outbreaks of toxic infections of this etiology, contact transmission of diseases is possible in the future, i.e., there may be a continuation of the outbreak in the form of an epidemic "tail", and the place of occurrence of the disease becomes an epidemiological focus. Therefore, during outbreaks of foodborne toxic infections of dysentery and paratyphoid etiology, it is necessary to carry out a full range of anti-epidemic measures recommended for dysentery and paratyphoid.

The source of food contamination is most often bacteria carriers working in a food enterprise. Therefore, the main preventive measure is the regular examination of employees of food enterprises for bacteriocarrier. If a carrier is identified, the worker should be immediately removed from work related to food processing.

Food poisoning

Unlike toxicoinfections, food intoxications (toxicoses) arise from the ingestion of ready-made toxins released by microbes during growth on the food product with food.

Food intoxications include botulism and staphylococcal toxicosis. Some authors believe that in addition to the toxin, a living microbe is also important in botulism, therefore they tend to consider foodborne botulism.

Botulism - an acute illness resulting from the consumption of food containing Clostridium botulinum toxin. Five types of Cl are known. botulinum A, B, C, D, E. They all cause disease with the same clinical picture. However, microbes have different antigenic properties, so treatment against each of them can only be carried out with strictly specific serum. Cl has the most pronounced toxic properties. botulinum type A. Toxin Cl. botulinum is destroyed by boiling within a few minutes, when heated to 80 ° C - after 30 minutes. Botulism microbes themselves are less resistant to heat than toxins. Spores are highly resistant to heat. At 100 o C, the spores are destroyed after 5 hours, at 120 o C - after 10-20 minutes. Spores are even more resistant to low temperatures, they do not die even when

Reproduction Cl. botulinum on food and toxin formation occurs best at 20-25°C.

Staphylococcal intoxications. Food intoxication of staphylococcal etiology is an acute disease resulting from the consumption of food containing staphylococcal enterotoxin. Staphylococcal intoxications for last years in terms of the number of victims and the frequency of diseases, they occupy a leading place among the entire group of food poisoning.

Pyogenic staphylococcus is able to produce different kinds toxins: dermatonecrotic toxin, hemolytic toxin, lethal toxin and enterotoxin. Only those staphylococci that produce enterotoxin on the food product are dangerous in relation to the occurrence of food intoxication.

Mycotoxins arise from the ingestion of waste products on the food product of microscopic fungi. The most common and studied of these diseases are fusariotoxicoses, in particular sporotrichial toxicoses, i.e. diseases caused by the waste products of a fungus from the genus Fusarium.


Personal hygiene of trade workers

Food retail workers are exposed to a range of harmful factors. These include: work at a low (uncomfortable) temperature, injuries, stress, heavy lifting, increased load on the lower limbs, constant contact with microscopic fungi, bacteria and viruses located on the surface of food products and dust particles, as well as in the aerosol formed when breathing and talking to customers on the trading floor, where there is a certain probability of contact with pathogenic microbes, etc.

Some of these factors can have an adverse effect on the state of the immune, cardiovascular, nervous systems, musculoskeletal system, etc., others - create a risk of infection with pathogenic microorganisms.

At the same time, increased requirements are imposed on the health of persons professionally associated with food products, since under certain conditions they themselves can become sources of unwanted microflora.

To prevent the contamination of food products with pathogenic microorganisms, as well as to improve the health of trade workers and prevent occupational diseases, it is necessary:

Organization hygiene conditions labor;

Strict observance of the sanitary and anti-epidemic regime at the enterprise;

Observance by each employee of the rules of personal hygiene.

The rules of personal hygiene require constant monitoring

for the cleanliness of the body, clothes, dwelling.

Special attention should be given to the condition of the skin. Hands should be washed with soap and water before starting work, before and after going to the toilet, and after every break. Nails should be cut short.

Of great hygienic importance are the care of the oral cavity, the condition of the teeth. In inflammatory processes (stomatitis, tonsillitis, etc.), the risk of excretion of toxigenic staphylococci with droplets of saliva increases.

Before starting work, you must take a shower, and if it is not available, wash your hands thoroughly and change into sanitary clothing. Its purpose is to protect food products, as well as the trade workers themselves, from possible microbial or mechanical contamination. Sanitary clothing should be stored separately from personal clothing. Hair should be neatly tucked under a cap or scarf. It is forbidden to keep foreign objects (cigarettes, money, etc.) in the pockets of sanitary clothing; do not pierce sanitary clothing with pins or needles. During work, it is not recommended to wear jewelry (beads, rings, etc.). Store employees should not smoke and eat in trading and warehouse premises: there are specially designated places for this.

When visiting the toilet, you should take off your sanitary clothes and leave them in the lock (pre-toilet room); you can put it on again only after thoroughly washing your hands with soap and rinsing them with a 0.2% solution of bleach. In sanitary clothes it is not recommended to go outside the enterprise, to ride in transport. Sanitary clothes are changed as they get dirty, but at least every two days. Laundry is done centrally in special laundries.

All persons applying for work in a grocery store are required to undergo a medical examination, laboratory examination and submit a certificate from a medical institution (polyclinic) on admission to work. Without this certificate, persons entering the store should not come into contact with food products.

In the future, trade workers are required to undergo annual fluorography and a quarterly medical examination. Repeated laboratory examinations, as well as preventive vaccinations, are carried out within the time limits established by the local administration.

Persons with acute contagious diseases are not allowed to work with food products: intestinal infections, venereal diseases, active tuberculosis, skin diseases (pustular lesions, ringworm, scabies), as well as contact helminthiases (hymenolepiasis and enterobiasis). In addition, persons who have turned out to be carriers of pathogens of intestinal infections, as well as workers whose family or apartment where they live have acutely contagious diseases (before special anti-epidemic measures) are not allowed to work with food products. Store employees should not hide from the administration information of epidemiological significance (about the presence of burns, cuts, diseases of the skin, respiratory tract, gastrointestinal tract etc.) and requiring measures to prevent food contamination by pathogenic microorganisms.

The results of medical examinations, laboratory tests, information about the transferred infectious diseases, vaccinations are entered in personal medical books. They are kept by the head of the enterprise and are handed out when employees undergo medical examinations. To improve health literacy, staff are required to attend a minimum sanitary course before starting work and then every two years with an exam according to the established program. Exam results are also recorded in medical books.

Students of vocational schools, students of special higher educational institutions and colleges before internships in stores are required to undergo a medical examination and hygiene training according to established order.

The need to exclude contamination food products pathogenic microflora on the part of the trade workers themselves, as well as aesthetic reasons, require compliance with certain rules and regulations. All persons applying for work at commercial enterprises must undergo a medical examination for bacteria, helminths, and tuberculosis. Admission to work is possible only upon presentation of a certificate from a medical institution. The survey is carried out in the direction of the administration of the trade enterprise. In the future, once a quarter, employees associated with the storage, sale of products, sanitation of equipment and inventory must undergo a medical examination. Once a year, a tuberculosis test is carried out.

The administration keeps a personal medical book for each worker, in which all the results of medical examinations are entered and the diseases that have been transferred are noted. The book contains marks on mandatory vaccinations, the delivery of a sanitary minimum.

Workers in contact with goods should monitor the sanitary condition of their hands - wash them as they get dirty, and prevent the occurrence of pustular diseases.

On each commercial enterprise should have a first aid kit. All employees must use sanitary clothing, which is issued by the enterprise. It is made from white, easy-to-wash fabric. You can only use it at work. In sanitary clothing, you can not go outside, go to the toilet. It is necessary to change it as it gets dirty, but at least once every two days.

The source of dangerous microflora can be hair and outerwear. Hair during work should be matched under a scarf, takes. Outerwear must be clean and tidy.

Generally sanitary requirements to grocery stores are regulated by the Regulations on state supervision in the USSR and Sanitary regulations for grocery stores. These rules prohibit store employees from eating and smoking in the workplace. Smoking is also prohibited in the sales area. Smoking increases muscle fatigue, reduces labor efficiency.

Topic: "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the quality of water and soil, air safety"

1.Lighting. Efficient lighting is of great importance to maintain the efficiency of staff and maintain the proper sanitary condition of the store. There are two types of lighting: natural and artificial.

Natural lighting is the most favorable for vision. It depends on many reasons: geographical latitude terrain, season, cloudiness, magnitude window openings, cleanliness of window glass, orientation of windows to cardinal points, etc. Best conditions for work are created in natural light through the side windows and skylights. in storerooms and cold rooms daylight not provided.

Sources of artificial lighting are incandescent and gas-discharge lamps. Incandescent lamps are light sources with temperature radiation - the temperature of the tungsten filament reaches 2900 K. The brightness of the filament is more than 30 times higher than the maximum allowable for the eye, so protective fittings are needed.

To illuminate the trading floors of grocery stores, LB gas-discharge fluorescent lamps are most often used. Their spectral characteristics are close to those of the natural sunlight, and the brightness is many times lower than the brightness of the filament of incandescent lamps and thermal radiation is negligible. Disadvantages of fluorescent lamps - pulsation luminous flux(flicker) corresponding to the frequency alternating current, and ballast noise. flickering light fluorescent lamps can cause visual fatigue and a stroboscopic effect (distortion of the visual perception of a moving object), which often leads to injuries in production conditions. To eliminate the stroboscopic effect, fluorescent lamps are switched on in different phases or circuits with an artificial phase shift are used.

In trading floors and warehouses of shops use common system lighting, in which light is evenly distributed over the entire illuminated surface using diffused light fixtures. In administrative premises and workshops it is allowed combined lighting(general and local).

For meat, fish and gastronomic products, the light transmission of which is subject to increased requirements, mixed lighting (fluorescent lamps and incandescent lamps) is recommended. The minimum illumination at a distance of 0.8 m from the floor should be when using fluorescent lamps: in the trading floors of stores - 300 Lx (for self-service - 400 Lx), in cutting, packaging - 200 Lx. For incandescent lamps, the indicated lighting standards are reduced by two steps according to the SNiP 11-4-79 scale.

Incandescent lamps are used for lighting in pantries and cooled chambers, which create an illumination of 20 Lx.

Emergency lighting should be at least 5% of the general illumination norm.

Luminaires in premises for the storage and sale of food products must have protective shades to protect them from damage and glass from falling on food. window panes must be accessible for cleaning, sanitizing, inspection and repair. To protect against insolation, light openings are equipped protective devices(blinds, cornices, etc.).

2. Heating, ventilation, air condition. Rationing of the industrial microclimate provides for the provision of two levels of the thermal state of a person: optimal and acceptable. At the same time, the severity of labor, as well as the speed of movement and the relative humidity of the air in the room, are taken into account. The optimal temperature values ​​in the working area for persons employed in moderate labor (this category includes trade workers), with a relative humidity of 60-40% and an air speed of 0.1-0.3 m / s in cold period year is 17-20 "C, in warm - 20-30 ° C. However, the hygienic temperature range in industrial premises stores cannot be provided due to the mode of storage of products and the specifics of trade. The estimated air temperature is in °C: in the trading floors of grocery stores, in unloading rooms - 10, in cutting rooms - 10, in pantries for storing bread, groceries, confectionery- 16, in storerooms for gastronomic products, dairy drinks - (+4...-2), etc.

Relative air humidity in trading floors and administrative and amenity premises should be 40-60%, in uncooled storerooms - 60-75%, in refrigerated chambers - up to 90%.

In the cold season, shops must be provided with heating. There are local and central heating systems. Local (stove) heating is currently used in one-story buildings in rural areas. With stove heating, significant daily fluctuations in air temperature cannot be avoided; the room is polluted with ash, fuel, and flue gases.

Hygienic requirements are best met by the central water heating. The advantage of this heating system lies in the possibility of easy regulation and maintenance of a uniform temperature in the room. The surface of radiators heats up to 70-80 °C. Heating devices are installed openly, usually near the outer walls under the windows. The heat transfer coefficient of the device depends on the material from which it is made (cast iron, steel, etc.), wall thickness, its configuration and color. So, terracotta enamel increases the heat transfer of the device, and zinc white, bronze and aluminum paints reduce it. Smooth radiators are easier to sanitize than ribbed ones that collect dust.

Store air can contain undesirable contaminants in the form of gases, particulate matter and liquid droplets. When protein products rot, hydrogen sulfide, methane, and ammonia are released. In the trading floor with a large influx of buyers, the content of carbon dioxide increases. In the air trading and storage facilities there is dust of organic (plant and animal origin) and inorganic (mineral and metallic) nature. In the dispersed state, dust particles adsorb molecules, ions and vapors on their surface, which are then concentrated. Human respiratory tract secretions and soil dust contain a significant number of microorganisms that can contaminate food and pose a danger to others.

Hygienists set the limit allowable concentrations dangerous impurities in the air working area(MPC). For hydrogen sulfide MPC is 10 mg/m3, for ammonia - 20 mg/m3, for grain dust - 4 mg/m3, for flour and wood dust - 6 mg/m3. The maximum level of CO2 content in the room is 0.1%.

Ventilation devices are used to update and purify indoor air. Ventilation can be natural and artificial. Natural air exchange is carried out through the cracks in the window and doorways, vents, transoms, windows, doors. The dimensions of the air vents are standardized - at least "/6 of the window area. To increase the ventilation of the premises, exhaust ducts are arranged with a natural impulse. Artificial ventilation consists in the forced injection of outside air and the removal of contaminated air using mechanical devices (fans, ejectors). Air intake points must be removed from external pollutants (roadway, garbage bins).

In trading floors with an area of ​​150 m 2, natural ventilation. In trading floors larger area Ventilation with mechanical stimulation is equipped in such a way that the exhaust volume is fully compensated by the inflow. In refrigerated chambers for vegetables, fruits, berries, herbs and fermented foods, an independent mechanical supply ventilation, not connected to other store ventilation systems. The air exchange rate should be four volumes per day, and in the cutting areas, the extract should prevail over the inflow (four to three volumes per hour).

In warm climatic zones large stores are equipped with air conditioning systems that maintain its cleanliness, a certain temperature, speed and humidity.

The ventilation system of stores located in buildings for other purposes must be isolated from the ventilation system of these buildings.

3. Water supply. Hygiene requirements to the water supply of stores are defined by GOST. The composition and properties of water should ensure its epidemic safety, harmlessness of the chemical composition, as well as favorable organoleptic properties.

The organoleptic properties of drinking water are normalized in two directions: physical properties(smell, taste, color, transparency) and according to the content of influencing them chemical substances(chlorides, sulfates of iron, copper, zinc, aluminum).

One of the most important hygienic indicators of water is hardness. Hard water is not suitable for cooking, it forms scale on the walls of dishes and in hot water pipes. In humans, hard water causes irritation and painful dryness of the skin.

Water hardness is measured in milligram equivalents of soluble calcium and magnesium salts in 1 liter of water; it is partially removed by boiling. According to GOST 2874-73 "Drinking water", the hardness of drinking water should be no more than 7 mg-eq / l.

There are diseases associated with chemical composition water. GOST provides indicators of the permissible content of toxic substances in it: fluorine, iodine, beryllium, lead, molybdenum, arsenic, uranium, radium-226, nitrates, etc.

Of these trace elements, fluorine and iodine are of particular importance. With excessive intake of fluorine, the disease fluorosis occurs, a lack of fluorine in drinking water leads to dental caries. Taking into account the amount of water used for drinking, the permissible content of fluorine in it is from 0.7 to 1.5 mg / ml; if necessary, carry out fluoridation of tap water to the norm.

In the absence or insufficient content of iodine in water, soil and food, a thyroid disease may occur - endemic goiter. Iodization is used to prevent this disease. table salt, nutritional supplements containing iodine.

An excess amount of nitrates in water is associated with the use of nitrogen fertilizers, as well as the processes of decomposition of protein substances. Permissible content nitrates in water - up to 10 mg / l for nitrogen.

Groceries, as a rule, are supplied with domestic and drinking water from a centralized water supply system. In its absence, the device is allowed local system water supply in coordination with the center of sanitary and epidemiological supervision. Source (artesian well, mine well) must ensure the supply of the shop with potable water.

Sewerage. Sewerage is a network of underground pipes through which household and industrial wastewater, as well as human physiological excretions, are discharged outside the settlement. General sanitary requirements for the sewer system: strength of pipes and equipment, impermeability of joints, clogging prevention. All sanitary appliances are made of extra durable, so-called sanitary faience. Toilets are equipped with water seals that block access to the premises of gases from the sewer network.

Grocery stores must be equipped with internal sewerage; in built-in stores, it must be isolated from the general sewer system of the building. The sewer network should be removed from food storage areas. The internal equipment of the toilets is disinfected daily with a 3-5% clarified bleach solution. Unauthorized persons are not allowed to use the toilets intended for store employees.

In non-sewer settlements allowed device (according to standard project) yard toilets with a concrete pit at a distance of at least 25 m from the store. To remove gases, an exhaust ventilation duct is constructed. A waterproof area of ​​asphalt or concrete is arranged around the cesspool to protect against fly larvae. Cesspool must be tightly closed at the top; the contents are taken out as they accumulate no more than 2/3 of the volume.

To collect household Wastewater equip a separate concrete pit connected to the store by a closed drain with a water seal. Dense production waste and garbage are collected in waste bins located on concreted areas at a distance of at least 25 from the building. The size of the site should exceed the size of the garbage bin by 1.5 m on all sides. Garbage bins should be emptied when 2/3 of their volume is filled. The most hygienic replaceable containers.
