Why is the watch worn on the left hand? Who wears a watch on the right hand? Why is Putin wearing them like that?

Until the middle of the 19th century, only pocket watches were used for everyday wear. These were quite massive products, they were worn in the pocket of a vest or jacket. The first smaller examples with a wrist bracelet appeared in 1898. They looked more like jewelry for women, so they were ignored by the stronger sex.

Men showed interest in wristwatches later only at the beginning of the 20th century, with light hand aviation pioneer Alberto Santos-Dumont. During the flight, using pocket devices proved to be very inconvenient and he ordered a wrist version of the watch to his friend, Louis Cartier.

A little later, this practical accessory was appreciated by army officers and soldiers, and it firmly entered their modern everyday life.

Why were they put on the left hand?

The reasons why, since that time, the watch has been worn on the left hand are quite logical:

  • on the right wrist, any mechanisms interfered in battle and in work, since for most people this hand is more active;
  • on the less active, left, the valuable item was safer;
  • the reed for winding the mechanism is located to the right of the dial;
  • on the left wrist, it is easier to put on and fasten the strap.

Naturally, in extreme conditions battle, it was more convenient to wear a watch not on the right, but on the left hand. After World War I wrist watch entered into secular life. Since then, following the example of the military, they are worn on the left wrist.

Why do some people wear watches on their right wrist?

It's more comfortable for left-handers

Despite the abundance of the arguments listed above, many wear this accessory on their right wrist. The fact is that all of the listed amenities are relevant only for right-handed people. What to do with people with a dominant left hand? Of course, put the watch on the more convenient for them - the right side.

The modern world has finally stopped retraining lefties. Moreover, it turned out that in almost 1/3 of humanity, it is the left hand that is more active. Manufacturers took this into account and began to produce special watches with a crown to the left of the dial. In addition, electronic options have appeared that do not need to be started at all.

Fukuri Teachings

Not only lefties wear this product contrary to tradition. Followers of the Eastern teachings of "Fukuri" believe that there is a special energy point on a person's hand. It is called "Cun" and directly interacts with the heart channel.

The ticking of mechanisms or the impact of the strap create certain vibrations that can disturb the heart rate. Therefore, men are recommended to wear them on the right wrist, since their "Cun" is located on the left, for women - everything is exactly the opposite.

The statement can be taken with skepticism, but criminologists, for example, confirm frequent cases stop the clock at the same time as the death of its owner.

The point of view of psychologists

Psychologists say that the choice of hand for wearing a watch depends on the life position of the owner. Subconsciously, the right side is perceived as "correctness" and forward movement. Left - as a kind of deviation from the direct path (hence the expressions "to the left", "go to the left").

Experts believe that active and purposeful people wear a watch on their right wrist, this symbolizes their focus on the future and the present. Passive and living in regrets about the past prefer left hand. Sometimes psychologists even recommend changing the habitual hand for wearing watches to people who want to change something in their lives.

Thief signs

Since the times of the USSR, there has been an interesting legend that thieves in law had to wear watches exclusively on their right hands. Perhaps this tradition was a kind of gentleman's agreement. This is how they designated “their own” for “pinchers” in order to exclude thefts within the criminal environment. Today, this thieves' sign has completely lost its meaning.

Is it true that Muslims must wear a watch on their right hand?

Rumor has it that Muslims are required to wear watches on right hand. However, interpreters of the Qur'an consider this to be excessive and explain that it makes no difference on which wrist the watch is placed.

Of course, ancient books cannot directly indicate the rules for handling such products, they simply did not exist then. However, Muslim theologians draw an analogy with the ring, which the Prophet periodically put on both his right and left hands. Therefore, people who profess Islam can wear watches in a way that suits them.

What dictates fashion and etiquette?

Even strict Muslim canons are loyal to the issue of choosing a watch hand. And what do the equally strict rules of etiquette say about this? On the one hand, traditional Business Etiquette orders to wear them left wrist both men and women. On the other hand, exceptions are allowed for people of high status.

The right hand, decorated with an expensive watch, demonstrates the status of the owner, his right to go beyond the generally accepted framework. Besides, successful people often intuitively choose the right side due to the psychological aspects described above.

For women, etiquette is even more democratic. For ladies, this accessory is, first of all, an ornament. The rules of wearing are dictated solely by the taste of the hostess and the style she creates.

If the watch is a bright detail of the image, it will be on the more active, dominant hand. Here they are quite noticeable and can effectively complement the image. A modest business model is likely to adorn the left wrist.

It is difficult to imagine a person in the 21st century without some kind of electronic gadget, any of them can show the time. Today, the original function of wristwatches is no longer so relevant. They are increasingly being used as fashion decoration to emphasize the individuality of the owner.

And what can more clearly reflect the character than a rebellion against the rules? Therefore, the watch on the right wrist today can even be considered fashion trend. Modern fashion breaks stereotypes and everyone has the opportunity to choose the right option for themselves. And you can listen to psychologists and change the usual rhythm of life by simply changing the watch to the other hand.

Usually, the watch is worn on the hand that is passive - that is, for left-handers it is the right hand, and for right-handers it is the left. Of course, there are no special rules for which hand you need to wear a watch on, but nevertheless, many superstitions and signs are associated with this accessory. Maybe old beliefs and signs will tell you the question about wearing a watch on your hand?

On which hand is the watch worn?

Most often, the watch is worn on the left hand (right-handed). This is due to several factors: firstly, it is believed that it is easier to keep track of time when the accessory is worn on the left hand, and secondly, it is easier to wind the clockwork with the right hand when the watch is on the left hand.

However, there esoteric version why a watch should be worn not on the left, but on the right hand. In China, it was believed that there are three important energy points on the wrist of the left hand, which are responsible for the state of human health. The most important point - Cun - regulates the work of the heart. This point is located exactly where the watch strap is usually located. According to Chinese sages, wearing a watch on the left wrist interferes correct work hearts.

There is another superstition clock related. It is believed that the perception of life depends on which hand the watch is worn on. Esotericists argue that a person's perception depends on which way he looks. Left-hand side associated with the past, the right - with the future. So, when a person looks at his left hand, he lives in the past, considers how much time he has lost, regrets imperfect actions. If a person looks at his right hand, then he lives in the present and looks positively into the future. He becomes punctual, responsible, more active. So if you want to change something in your life, and at the same time wear a watch on your left hand, then you just need to change them, and life will sparkle with new colors.

Which hand to wear the watch on is your choice. The most important thing is that they never remind you of lost time and always tick forward! Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

17.12.2014 09:25

Our ancestors left us a rich heritage, which contains their observations and experience, and folk ...

For many, wristwatches are fashion accessory. From an esoteric point of view, this item is a conductor of time, ...

We always try to keep certain rules. How to stay in society, how to conduct a dialogue correctly and, of course, how to look appropriate for the moment. Therefore, there are hundreds and thousands of norms and standards in fashion and etiquette. How to tie a scarf or tie? What to wear to a formal meeting? How to wear a jacket? All this applies to watches. This accessory has firmly entered our lives and is no longer a traditional indicator of time. Today, a watch is an addition to the image, which can tell almost everything about its owner. What is the right way to wear a watch? On which hand? Are there any rules? And maybe even have interesting signs... We will talk about this with you today.

Watch on the right hand: symbols and signs

Why do people choose different, if I may say so, hands for wearing watches? There is an explanation for all this.

It is generally accepted that the watch on the right hand can wear only left-handers. In fact, everything is different. The fact is that it is with the right hand that we produce large quantity movements. Accordingly, the watch on the right hand will be most noticeable to others. It is logical to assume that in order to somehow stand out from the crowd, you will choose the right hand for your accessory, even if you are right-handed. That is why, most often, young people prefer to wear watches on their right hand, who tend to deviate from generally accepted norms and habitual customs. If you prefer to wear a watch on your right hand, then here you can most likely talk about a philosophical preference rather than a practical side.

According to psychologists the left side is characterized by negative shades, and the right side is positive, the left is the past, the right is the future. And all this can be attributed to wristwatches. If you are a purposeful person, try to move forward without looking back at past mistakes - choose the right hand.

Ancient Chinese philosophy also speaks in favor of wearing a watch on the right hand.. According to her theory, on the left wrist, just in the place where the watch strap should be, there are energy points. Including the point that responds to the work of the heart. If you wear a watch on your left hand, you can involuntarily put pressure on this point, which can even lead to cardiac arrest (again, this is all ancient Chinese philosophy). That is why, in China, it is recommended to wear watches on the right hand.

Why should you wear a watch on your right hand?

There is another rather interesting version,The fact is that in this way you can protect the accessory from theft - in criminal circles, a watch on the right hand is a sign of "one's own", and pickpockets do not steal from their own.

Do you agree that this watch will look perfect on the right hand? ;-)

There is no specific etiquette in the field of wearing wristwatches. There are rules recognized in the business environment, even if you wear a watch on your right hand. This applies to the size and design of the watch (they should not distract your interlocutor from the conversation).

connected with the clock a large number of accept and believe. Probably the most common is that you can’t give a watch for a wedding, you can’t give a watch for a birthday either. Although, according to psychics, the donor needs to be given a coin in return in order to nullify all the negative aspects. But the watches that you inherited are the most powerful talisman attract good luck and protection. Such watches store all the energy of your ancestors and protect you from the evil eye and damage.

Clock on the left hand: etiquette and meaning

If you trace the history of wristwatches, then we will see that they received the greatest popularity at the beginning of the twentieth century. At that time, this accessory most often adorned the wrists of officers. And since the majority were right-handed, the watch was worn on the left hand so as not to damage an expensive thing. Over time, watch production was established, and even models for left-handers went on sale, but the habit developed over a hundred years remained. Agree, because it is much more convenient to bring the mechanism and fasten the strap with your right hand.


Due to the fact that more than 80% of the inhabitants of our planet are right-handed, it is customary to wear watches on the left hand. And the point here is largely due to practicality. Indeed, in this way, we, first of all, get the opportunity to protect the accessory from unexpected damage, because we do most of the work with our right hand.

As for etiquette, then in a business environment, the watch should be on the left hand, whether it be a man or a woman. The choice of this side will indicate the elegance and education of a business person. It is also worth paying attention that the watch does not look out much from under the shirt cuff, is not very defiant (so that the interlocutor is not distracted) and matches the business style.

Why do people choose their left hand to wear wristwatches:

It's just convenient, because putting a watch on your left hand and helping yourself with your right hand is much more practical.

The watch can be wound without even removing it from your hand.

On the left hand, the watch is the least susceptible to damage and any other influences. After all, according to one sign, a damaged watch promises problems to its owner, therefore, you should treat your wristwatch as carefully as possible.

According to the esoteric version, wrist watches for the left hand are chosen by those who cannot accept their past, constantly experiencing events that can no longer be changed.

The watch on the left hand indicates that its owner is a creative person.

Recently, several articles have come across at once with fabrications about what the clock on the right hand means.

Mankind wears a watch on his hand not so long ago. Massively from a pocket on the stomach for men and pendants for women, watches migrated to the hand in the first quarter of the last century. And wearing them on the left hand was motivated by the fact that most people are right-handed and the watch worn on the left hand is easiest for them to wind with their right hand. But many wind up the watch before they put it on their hand. There are models in which the crown is not on the right, but on top. BUT recent years twenty, if not more, people do not wind their watches at all, but only change the battery once every couple of years. So neither a stable tradition nor objective reasons to wear the watch only on the left hand no. At the same time, there are well-established stereotypes about “right and left”. Everything on the right is considered positive, good. "Just cause". The guest of honor is seated on the right hand. And everything on the left comes with a minus sign. "Left money". "Walks to the left." And therefore, it is customary for psychologists to believe that a person who wears a watch on his left hand is negatively charged and looks into the past. But the man with the clock on his right hand is positive and looks to the future. This is in short. I also liked the idea that a man with a watch on his right hand is open. Since greeting people stretch out their right hand. And the clock in modern world do not just show the time, but also indicate the status of their owner, they can tell about hobbies and preferences. And putting them on the right hand, a person, greeting, demonstrates all this. And the one who has a watch on his left hand, on the contrary, hides information about himself when meeting. Well, there is another version of Putin. In one of the interviews, he said that he wears a watch on his right hand because on his left, the crown rubs his hand.

I never saw my wife's grandfather. We met with his wife when he had already died. But according to numerous stories, a strong, stocky person appears to me quite clearly. Direct in speeches and judgments and consistent in the implementation of their plans. He worked all his life as a forester in the Belarusian forests. True, with a break of several years, when he was a partisan in the same forests. And in those same years he got a trophy, a German accordion. Beautiful, with mother-of-pearl inserts and solid like everything German. Grandfather himself played the accordion well, but he had a dream that someday he would give this accordion to his grandson. And granddaughters were born, but the dream needs to be realized. And the accordion was given as a gift to my then future wife. The wife still idolizes her grandfather, and even in childhood he was generally an indisputable authority for her. And so, without hesitation, the wife went to a music school, to learn to play the accordion. She has a hearing, she had a desire, an accordion too. And she was quite successful in this matter. I myself am not a big connoisseur of this musical instrument. But I present it a little. So with the right hand they play large keys, like those on the piano. But the left hand needs to be slipped under the belt, bent and pressed on a whole bunch of small buttons. And the wristwatch on the left hand greatly interferes with the process of playing the accordion. And if you put the watch on the right, then everything is fine. Then the wife grew up and came to the conclusion that the accordion is not the most feminine musical instrument. It has been gathering dust in the attic for years. And then it was presented to a familiar child who really wanted to learn how to play it. As far as I know, he learned, now he plays. But the habit of wearing a watch on the right hand of his wife remained.

And now I see a psychologist who, looking at the clock on my wife’s right hand, will begin to draw conclusions about a positive charge, a look into the future, openness, and further down the list. But in fact, the reason is in the German, who decided that with his accordion it would be more fun for him to conquer distant, snowy Russia. Although I got a very positive and positive wife. What if the reason for this is that she has been wearing watches since childhood? right hand. And it turns out that I also owe that German ...

The time is now most valuable resource In human life. It is about him that we worry no less than about our own wallet or folder with securities. It is time that a person tries to use with the maximum benefit for himself. BUT The best way To use time correctly is to be able to keep track of it. That is why mankind invented the clock.

Wrist watches came into use in the eighteenth century, replacing pocket watches and becoming popular among officers. At that time there were no such questions: “Who wears a watch on his right hand? And who is on the left? Watches were used as it was convenient for the person himself. However, it was believed that it was more convenient to wear a watch on an inactive hand, so that they were subjected to less physical impact.

But in the Soviet Union, left-handers were persecuted and retrained to use the right hand from childhood. And the clock was put into production only for the right-hander. The difference was in the winding mechanism, which was located on the right side. And this meant that it was simply inconvenient to start the watch with the left hand.

However, nowadays left-handers are no longer retrained, and watches are already being produced without this mechanism, using more simple ways watch accuracy control. Therefore, now that the watch can be worn on either side, psychologists around the world are trying to figure out who wears the watch on the right hand.

Watch on the right hand

It is believed that the clock is located on the right side of people who are more prone to positive thinking and innovative outlook. These people are hasty in their conclusions, swift and impulsive. Often these are also creative people: writers, poets, artists. Despite the fact that many of them are right-handed, they still wear their watch on the right side. Usually, this is due to the fact that their left, creative hemisphere is more active, so it is more convenient for them to look at the right side. Also, socially significant people, for the most part, wear watches on their right hand. Perhaps this is also due to the fact that a person who looks to the right side is more likely to get rid of heavy and negative thoughts, putting his own mind in order.

However, despite what psychologists say, only the one that is comfortable for the person himself will be the correct wearing. Therefore, it is worth trying to wear a watch on different hands, listen to the sensations and choose what is more important: the psychological aspect or practical use.

Why is the watch worn on the left hand?
