Superphosphate is insoluble in water. Instructions for use of superphosphate fertilizer

In nature, there are no such sources that could make up for the loss of phosphorus in the soil. That is why phosphorus-containing fertilizers are very important for successful agricultural activity. With sufficient phosphorus nutrition, plants develop and deepen into the soil root system. This contributes to better absorption of nutrients, obtaining moisture, which is very important in arid regions.

Phosphorus has a beneficial effect on the growth and productivity of plants, promotes the accumulation of sugars and starch in fruits, increases their frost resistance and safety. Young plants need phosphorus the most, as this element normalizes energy metabolism at the cellular level.

The use of superphosphate to enrich the soil with phosphorus helps experienced summer residents and gardeners to avoid many troubles associated with disruption of plant growth, their flowering and fruiting, frost resistance in the cold season. Also, the element helps to prevent aging, which is very important for gardeners. Depending on the saturation of the soil with this fertilizer, many indicators depend: yield, taste of fruits, their shelf life, plant resistance to various pests and infections.

Superphosphate is a complex agrochemical, which includes the following elements:

  • sulfur;
  • phosphorus;
  • potassium;
  • magnesium;
  • nitrogen.

Fertilizer "Sotka" superphosphate double granular ammoniated, 1 kg

On what soils is superphosphate effective?

Superphosphate can be used on almost all types of soil, suitable for all crops. To increase the beneficial effect of fertilizer on yield, special methods are used to reduce the chemical absorption of the agrochemical by the soil:

  • the use of sparingly soluble in water granular types of superphosphate;
  • local application;
  • spot application of fertilizer;
  • row application of fertilizer;
  • the use of water extract, which increases the absorption of fertilizer by plants.

When do plants need phosphorus?

Phosphorus is absorbed only by the root system of plants. With a lack of this element, plants quickly wither, become brittle, their circulation of nutrients slows down. The main sign of phosphorus deficiency is a change in leaf color in some crops.

For example, if tomatoes do not receive this important element, the color of their leaves becomes blue or purple hue. With a critical lack of phosphorus, the shape of the leaves changes, the reproductive organs do not develop. Yields drop significantly.

Scheme - micronutrient deficiency in a plant

Phosphorus overdose in plants, signs

An excess of phosphorus provokes rapid aging in plants, which is especially pronounced in annual crops. You can also note the following signs, which are very similar to potassium or nitrogen deficiency:

  • the color of the leaves turns yellow;
  • shoots and stems become hard, brittle;
  • phosphorus excess is characterized by necrotic spots on the edges of the leaves;
  • excess phosphorus can cause burns to the root system and plants quickly die;
  • due to sparingly soluble phosphates in plants, the absorption of other elements from the soil is difficult.

Types of superphosphate

Superphosphate granulated - photo

This is a hardly water-soluble substance, which includes calcium sulfate, phosphorus, zinc, magnesium and other minerals.

It does not cake, it is characterized by low hygroscopicity. Superphosphate is an acidic substance, so it is not advisable to use it on significantly acidified soils. Before use, it is desirable to reduce the acidity of the soil with wood ash or lime. Lime is applied to the ground a month before superphosphate is applied. The content of phosphorus in the fertilizer varies within 20%.

Granular superphosphate is a non-flammable and explosion-proof substance, sold by weight or in packages of various weights. The shelf life of the fertilizer is 24 months.

Double superphosphate

This is a cost-effective fertilizer, since it contains a minimum of ballast impurities and the maximum phosphorus content is 46-48%. Outwardly, the fertilizer is similar to simple superphosphate, but it has a high content of phosphorus - almost three times more. The basis of the agrochemical includes monocalcium phosphate monohydrate, which is synthesized industrially, and several compounds including natural phosphate impurities.

Fertilizer "Superphosphate double"

Depending on the manufacturer, double superphosphate is distinguished by good friability, low hygroscopicity and the following indicators:

  • digestibility by plants - from 39 to 50%;
  • the presence of free acid - no more than 7%;
  • water content - no more than 3%.

Application rates of double superphosphate for certain plants. Table


Fertilizer is applied at the time of planting seedlings, under each sprout. The recommended dose is no more than 20 grams. It is not necessary to deepen the top dressing, it is advisable to mix it with the ground, which will cover the roots. The second top dressing should be carried out at the time of flowering of the nightshade, since the plant uses almost the entire volume of the introduced phosphorus to form tomatoes.

For this crop, superphosphate is applied to the soil several times. The first time - in the fall, while digging the earth. The recommended dose is 15-30 grams per square meter, depending on the quality of the soil. Also, one should not forget about root dressing during the flowering of buds. The recommended dose is 20 grams per square meter.

Also, in the process of growth and fruiting, you need to periodically inspect the plants, it is possible that the appearance of the leaves will tell you that the borage needs another top dressing with phosphorus-containing fertilizer.

To activate the growth of potatoes, superphosphate is applied to the ground in the following proportions: when planting, it is recommended to use a granular agrochemical of 20 grams per square meter. Fertilizer is applied when tubers are planted. If phosphorus is applied pointwise, under each tuber, then the recommended dose is 3-4 grams.

The agrochemical is applied to the ground in autumn, then used as top dressing during the growing season of plants. The recommended dose is 15-20 grams per square meter of soil.

Superphosphate is applied under the roots during planting and as a top dressing. When planting crops, the substance is mixed with the ground and poured under the roots, the recommended dose is 500-600 grams per seedling. Also, do not forget about feeding trees during or after flowering, the recommended dose of superphosphate is 60 grams per plant.

Video - Why is it important to feed plants for the winter

In this type of fertilizer, the phosphorus content ranges from 17 to 20%. Available in the form of powder or small granules with a gray color of varying intensity. The darker the agrochemical, the more in its composition the liquid phase of the phosphoric acid solution and the more it is subject to caking when adverse conditions storage. Simple superphosphate has a water-soluble formula; many additional substances are included in its composition: sulfur, gypsum, calcium sulfate.

This type of fertilizer is ideal for plants that need sulfur: the cruciferous family, cereals and legumes. Simple superphosphate is recommended for use on sandy and slightly acidic soils. It is quite difficult to dissolve in water, it is distinguished by a long-term absorption formula into the soil, which is why it is difficult to access for some types of crops. Most often used for the main application. When cultivating the land, it is recommended to lay fertilizer at the depth at which the roots of the plants will be. Due to the difficult digestibility by plants, in addition to the main application, the use of fertilizer as a top dressing is required, especially on acidic soils.

It decomposes well with the help of biobacteria, therefore it is often used when laying compost. The recommended dose is 100 grams of powder per 100 kg of organic fertilizer.

Phosphorus is a substance that is rather difficult to dissolve in water. But due to the dissolution in the liquid, the agrochemical quickly reaches the roots and is effectively absorbed by the plants. In order to enrich the plants with the necessary substances in a short time, you can use two methods that make it possible to make a phosphorus-based nutrient aqueous solution.

Method number 1

In cold water, superphosphate can dissolve for weeks, but if you pour the fertilizer with boiling water, phosphorus quickly turns into a dispersed form without losing its beneficial properties. You can prepare a nutrient solution in just a day. After pouring boiling water, the fertilizer should be placed in warm place and at the same time, the mixture must be constantly stirred to encourage the dissolution of the granules. When the top dressing is fully prepared, no particles remain in the liquid, and it itself looks like thick fat milk.

In order not to operate with large volumes of water, it is recommended to prepare a concentrate, which can then be easily diluted in the required proportions. To prepare the concentrate, you need 3 liters of boiling water and 20 tablespoons of granular superphosphate. The crystals are dissolved in water during the day, then used for feeding.

Phosphorus-based nutrition for most plants contains the following substances: in 10 liters cold water dissolve 150 ml of superphosphate concentrate, 20 grams of nitrogen agrochemical and half liter jar ordinary wood ash. Nitrogen in this mixture plays an important role - it helps to better absorb phosphorus.

The use of several types of agrochemicals for feeding at once contributes to the organic growth of plants, proper nutrition. Unlike nitrogenous compounds, phosphorus is absorbed by plants not so quickly and that is why this fertilizer is applied to the ground in increased quantities.

Method number 2

The use of live biobacteria also makes it possible to prepare an aqueous solution based on superphosphate. But this process takes more time than the simple dissolution of the substance in boiling water. Crystallized superphosphate should be mixed with a solution of Fitosporin M and wait for the granules to dissolve.

This process can take a week. Then top dressing should be made from the resulting mixture - 1 tablespoon per 10 liters of water. Fertilizer is used for root top dressing during the growing season of plants.

Calendar for applying superphosphate to the soil

AprilThe main application is practiced, in which the fertilizer breaks down into ions and dissolves in the soil. Superphosphate requires deep application.
MaySoil fertilization. Fertilizer is applied to the soil along with the seeds, this method ensures the organic development of the root system of seedlings, a high intensity of absorption of nutrients for growth and development.
June July AugustSuperphosphate is used as a top dressing. Depending on the type (dry or liquid), the agrochemical is applied either superficially or into the soil. The amount of chemical is calculated for each type of plant separately.
SeptemberMain entry. Since phosphorus is introduced into the soil by 10-15 cm, it is not washed out during the winter and is perfectly preserved in the ground.

Note to summer residents

When working with superphosphate, gloves, a respirator or a protective mask should be used, as this substance can irritate the mucous membranes of the nose.

Do not allow the agrochemical to get into the eyes, this is fraught with irritation and inflammation.

Despite the low hygroscopicity of the agrochemical, it must be stored in an airtight container.

Video - The introduction of superphosphate into the soil when planting berry bushes

The use of superphosphate fertilizer saves gardeners from many problems. After all, sometimes even the most zealous gardeners have problems with plants - either the leaves wither, or their shape and color change. This may indicate that there is not enough phosphorus in the soil - an essential substance for the normal growth and development of crops.

Phosphorus is needed to ensure metabolic processes in the plant, its nutrition and energy saturation. The yield directly depends on the degree of saturation of the soil with this chemical element. And superphosphate is made just on the basis of phosphorus and nitrogen. It also includes a complex of trace elements and minerals. So, this fertilizer is incredibly useful and often just necessary for growing cultivated plants.

How to feed with superphosphate?

In order to achieve the best results, it is important to read the instructions for use of superphosphate fertilizer. Depending on the specific plants, you need to select the proportions and method of applying fertilizer. Usually all this is specified on the packaging.

It is also important to remember that fertilizer does not have the same potency in acidic soil, so you need to make allowances for this. And in order to deoxidize the soil and give the fertilizer the opportunity to act in full force, you need to add wood ash or lime mixture to it in the amount of 500 ml of lime or 200 g per square meter of land. And only a month after that you can use superphosphate - before the earth has not yet completed the process of deoxidation.

When you are ready to feed, you just need to pour the granules into the soil. This will provide an excellent growth rate and development of plants that need a lot of sulfur. Among them are potatoes, turnips, flax, radishes, onions.

The use of double superphosphate

The so-called double superphosphate must be applied to the soil in early spring, before planting, or in the fall, as soon as the crop is harvested. This is necessary so that the fertilizer has time to settle into the soil.

Instructions for use of double superphosphate:

  • for uniform application, it is better to use a grain seeder;
  • it is better to apply superphosphate before sowing crops;
  • manual spreading of granules does not have the same effect, since the fertilizer must be closer to the root system of the plants;
  • to improve the effect, you can use double superphosphate along with nitrogen-potassium, potash fertilizers applied in spring and autumn.

Superphosphate application rates: 30-40 g of double superphosphate is applied to seedlings of greens and vegetables per square meter, 600 g per square meter are applied to the soil for tree feeding in autumn, 100 g per square meter of land is applied to seedlings in a greenhouse, in holes 4 g of fertilizer is poured with potatoes.

Why and how to dissolve superphosphate in water?

Sometimes gardeners pre-dissolve superphosphate granules and only then apply it to the ground. This provides accelerated process its penetration to the roots of plants.

To dissolve it in water, it is necessary to achieve a high reaction temperature; for this, the granules are poured with boiling water. There is no need to be afraid that phosphorus will lose its properties - they all remain. But the fertilizer takes an easily digestible form.

In order to prepare the mixture, you need to take a container, stir the granules in the proportion of 20 tablespoons per 3 liters of water, put them in a warm place for a day and mix from time to time. The suspension will look like cow's milk.

The resulting solution is added to water for irrigation at the rate of 150 ml per 10 liters. For the best result, 20 ml of nitrogen fertilizer and 0.5 kg of wood ash are also poured. The resulting fertilizer is very important for spring feeding roots. At the same time, useful substances enter the plants gradually, and their effect persists for several months.

Sometimes even well-groomed country plants may lose their shape: they wither, and the leaves become blue-violet in color. In this case, it is necessary to use superphosphate fertilizer.

Phosphorus is an essential nutrient for plant life and development. The natural saturation of the soil with this useful substance is only 1%, and there are even fewer connections available with it.

Phosphorus is involved in the energy processes of metabolism, providing nutrition to plant cells, as well as in photosynthesis. Thanks to this, the yield increases, and the plants gain strength for accelerated growth.

Superphosphate fertilizer is produced on the basis of phosphorus-nitrogen compounds, in combination with trace elements and minerals. This composition is saturated with many natural substances necessary for good growth and fruit development.

Universal fertilizer superphosphate helps to increase the yield. The complex of trace elements accelerates the flowering process and general development root system and shoot, and also provides a cure and protection against the occurrence of various diseases.

Types of fertilizer

A complex phosphorus-nitrogen compound has two main types:

  • Simple superphosphate. The concentration of phosphorus in the fertilizer is concentrated at the level of 25%, nitrogen - up to 8%, sulfur - up to 10% and calcium sulfate (gypsum) at the level of 40%. Simple superphosphate is commercially available in two forms: powder and granules.
  • Double superphosphate. It, accordingly, contains twice as much easily digestible phosphorus (45-55%). The nitrogen capacity is 17%, and sulfur - 6%. Double superphosphate is produced, mainly in granules, which are easily soluble in plain water.

Availability different forms This fertilizer allows you to apply it to specific types of plants, different types soil and at various stages of maturation.

How to use superphosphate simple

For achievement high score you need to know the principles of interaction and the necessary proportions for specific plants or horticultural crops. How superphosphate fertilizer is used is indicated on the package or in the enclosed instructions.
A simple and dual composition of a universal, complex phosphorus-nitrogen fertilizer can be used when planting seedlings or seeds in any soil. There are also no restrictions for horticultural crops and tree seedlings.

However, when applying this fertilizer, you need to take into account a small nuance - superphosphate has little effect in acidic soils.

So that the fertilizer does not lose its nutritional properties, it is necessary to deoxidize the soil with a wood or lime mixture (500 ml of lime or 0.2 kg of ash must be calculated per 1 m 2 of soil).

Complete process deoxidation takes a long time. After one month, superphosphate can be applied to the soil. Only after this period, not earlier. The most effective way to apply simple superphosphate is to directly fall asleep in rows or holes dug for planting plants or seedlings. Summer residents recommend planting seedlings immediately after fertilizing.

Simple superphosphate is widely used for fertilizing loose soils, sandy loam, podzolic soils. Plants that use a lot of sulfur (turnips, potatoes, beets, flax, carrots, radishes, bulbs of any plants) have an excellent growth rate and rapid development.

Remember that when working with superphosphate, it is strictly forbidden to create mixtures from ammonium nitrate, chalk, lime, urea.

Superphosphate - independent universal fertilizer, which is obtained from natural minerals (mineralization of animal skeletons and iron ore processing slag). Its effective use is possible only in accordance with the recommendations of specialists.

Instructions for use of superphosphate

Double superphosphate fertilizer is applied to the soil in early spring before planting, or in the fall, after harvest. Phosphorus must have time to get used to the soil. In the interval between the main inputs of fertilizer, it is also recommended to provide for watering the plants about two times.

Fertilizer superphosphate, instructions for use:

  • Uniform application of double superphosphate is best done grain seeder because it has the appearance of granules;
  • The main application of double superphosphate should be carried out before sowing garden crops. Usually this is done under the plow. From the initial application, granular fertilizer is not washed off by irrigation or rain water and does not fall below the sowing layer;
  • The use of manual granule spreading methods is less effective, since this fertilizer must be located closer to the root system of crops;
  • Many summer residents use double superphosphate formulations in combination with nitrogen-potassium and potash fertilizers, which are applied in spring and, accordingly, in autumn.

For seedlings of vegetables and herbs, from 30 g to 40 g per square meter of double superphosphate are introduced into the soil. To feed a garden fruit tree in autumn, up to 600 g of double superphosphate per 1 m2 must be added to the soil. For seedlings and plants in greenhouses and hotbeds, 100 g / 1m 2 is used. 4 g of double superphosphate must be added to the ditch with potatoes. In case of depleted soil, the amount of fertilizer must be increased by 30%.

Young seedlings and seedlings of trees and bushes are especially in need of nourishment and fertilizer, since there is no other way to obtain vital substances. Today's market offers a diverse range of nourishing substances, the first place of which is occupied by superphosphate.

Video on the use of superphosphate in the autumn preparation of plants

Double superphosphate allows you to enrich the soil not only necessary quantity phosphorus, but also other nutrients. Due to the constituent components, the yield increases and the immunity of the culture is strengthened. You can buy the drug at a low price in granules or in powder form, so the fertilizer is popular.

Superphosphate fertilizer is a balanced complex of nutrients necessary for the normal development of any crop in the garden or garden. In addition to phosphorus, the composition of the fertilizer includes various other trace elements. Feed them fruit trees, vegetables, berries, flower beds.

Why do plants need a balanced complex of substances? It is needed in order to slow down the aging process, to develop a strong and healthy root system, including tubers, to accelerate the process of fruit formation and ripening.

Differences fertilizer with a double amount of the main component and conventional top dressing are the absence of calcium sulfate impurities and the content of other important elements. Why feed? The dual type of fertilizer has a number of advantages:

  • does not contain unnecessary fasteners;
  • well stimulates plant growth;
  • nitrogen has a beneficial effect on increasing the number of ovaries;
  • sulfur increases strength and immunity;
  • granules do not deteriorate, which is convenient for long-term storage.

The main application of diluted fertilizer occurs in spring and at the end of September. With surface application, it is necessary to dig up the soil. When planting a vegetable crop, simply granules are used, which are laid out in the wells.

Tip: in order for the selected type of composition to bring only benefits, dilute all components strictly according to the instructions. Each vegetable crop at a different stage of development needs certain amounts of one or another microelement.

Exist big variety fertilizers, which include the presented complex. To study the difference between them, a description of the most basic compositions is presented.

Varieties of compositions

There are several types of superphosphate fertilizer, which differ in composition. To replace one type of fertilizer with another, you need to know the composition and quality of the soil and take into account the characteristics of plant development.

The composition of simple superphosphate contains no more than 20% of phosphorus oxide, which is needed for potatoes, carrots, and beets. It was noticed that vegetable crops after the applied fertilizer differed appearance and delicious fruits. The plant developed faster, hurt less, looked more powerful than others and gave a high yield.

The usual composition is best used as an additive to compost, since fertilizers do not dissolve well in water. Vegetable components alternate with product granules in a large container or compost pit. The prepared mixture can be used next year.

The main difference between double superphosphate and a simple composition is the content of active substances, there are much more of them. Double superphosphate is available as small granules gray color which quickly dissolve in liquid. It is recommended to apply it during tillage in April and September.

Traditionally, fertilizer with a granular composition is used. It can be applied dry or used to prepare a liquid solution. Superphosphate granular contains a high percentage of phosphorus. Superphosphate also contains more than 30% calcium sulfate. Well stored and distributed when applied to the ground. It is desirable that the soil is not acidic, otherwise there is a need to add wood ash.

Superphosphate ammoniated includes a large percentage of sulfur and potassium sulfate, has good solubility in water and does not change the acidity of the soil. Superphosphate double ammoniated is a concentrated fertilizer of nitrogen, calcium and phosphorus.

The humated composition is distinguished by an additional component in the form of peat humate (potassium or sodium). The composition contains 20% phosphorus, about 3% are humates. After getting into the soil, it is well absorbed by the plant. The use of this type of fertilizer helps to strengthen the roots and the formation of large fruits. Humate increases disease resistance, yield and reduces the percentage of nitrate.

How to dissolve superphosphate in water

Phosphate fertilizers are difficult to dissolve in water, and there is little benefit in the dry composition. But in liquid form, they quickly penetrate from the soil into the plant. Superphosphate extract is easy to prepare. In the process, the granules are crushed, but not completely decomposed.

During the preparation of the compositions, it should be borne in mind that superphosphate is remarkably combined with potassium preparations. These two components help each other to be better absorbed by the plant.

An extract from superphosphate is made by dissolving the granules with boiling water. The following proportion must be observed: 100 g of granules are required for 1 liter of water. Hot water does not reduce beneficial features fertilizers. On the contrary, it becomes easily digestible and quickly penetrates into the vegetable crop. The solution is moved to a warm room and left to infuse for a day. It needs to be stirred periodically. After that, the solution is filtered so that there is no sediment.

How to prepare a nutritious top dressing? The following recipe is effective and popular. A solution of superphosphate is preliminarily made: 65 g of fertilizer is dissolved in three liters of boiling water. After that, the working composition is prepared. In a bucket of water, you need to dilute all the components: 150 g of the resulting solution, 450 ml of wood ash and 25 g of nitrogen. Nitrogen is added for good and fast absorption of phosphorus.

Use of fertilizer with natural organic components is an efficient and cheap way of plant nutrition. 150 fertilizer granules are poured into a bucket of raw manure, mixed thoroughly and left to infuse for two weeks.

Another method, how to dissolve superphosphate, involves mixing with various biobacterial solutions, such as Fitosporin or Humate. The mixture is poured hot water and leave to infuse for 22-24 hours. Only after this time you can use the solution.

Processing potato beds

Instructions for use assumes the application of fertilizer in early spring and autumn after harvest. AT fertile soil it is enough to add 45 g of superphosphate per 1 sq. meter. For depleted lands, the amount increases to 65 g.

For potatoes, phosphorus is an integral element, therefore, when growing it, the use of superphosphate is mandatory. There are several ways to apply fertilizer. You can fertilize the soil when preparing it in the fall, while it is recommended to prepare a solution of superphosphate (35 g), fresh manure(7 kg) and potassium sulfate (18 g).

For potatoes, a solution is most often prepared for foliar processing and irrigation. It is recommended to add superphosphate to slow down the development of tops and prevent its rapid aging. Simultaneously nutrients penetrate into the tubers, their growth, maturation is accelerated and the amount of starch increases. Potato long time stored, not spoiled. handle vegetable crop best three weeks before harvest.

During the spring digging of land in the garden, it will take 1 sq. meter take 35 g of superphosphate, 18 g of ammonium nitrate and the same amount of potassium sulfate, 450 g of dolomite flour.

Double superphosphate is used for top dressing during planting. 150 g of manure, 45 g of ash and 6 g of superphosphate are distributed into each hole 10 cm deep. Prepared seed material is thrown on top of fertilizers.

Top dressing with superphosphate is also carried out if it was noticed that the leaves have darkened, wither and fall off. For seedlings, you need to take double superphosphate in the amount of 4 g. The drug is dissolved in a liter of water. It is recommended to spray each bush.

Before flowering potatoes with superphosphate, it is useful to carry out foliar spraying. There is nothing complicated about how to make fertilizer. Dilute 2 g of ammonium nitrate and potassium chloride, 20 g of superphosphate and 0.1 g of copper sulfate. Pour all the components with water and leave to infuse for 4 hours. Before spraying, the resulting solution is diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 1. Treatment should be carried out in the evening.

Phosphorus is necessary for plants as an element of nutrition, a participant in energy metabolism. After harvesting, the reserves in the soil are reduced, superphosphate makes up for the deficiency: the instructions for the use of fertilizer provide for several methods of application. This is one of the most effective means increase productivity and improve the quality of vegetables, fruits and berries.

Description and characteristics

Superphosphate is obtained from phosphorites and apatite concentrate. The composition of the fertilizer reflects it chemical formula Ca (H 2 RO 4) 2 ∙ H2 O + CaSO 4 ∙ 2 H 2 O. Assimilated phosphorus in terms of P 2 O 5 ranges from 16 to 20.5%. Depending on the type of raw material, impurities of gypsum CaSO 4 ∙ 2H 2 O of the order of 30–50%, silica, compounds of aluminum, iron, and fluorine are contained.

The fertilizer is produced mainly in the form of light gray or gray rounded granules with a diameter of about 3–5 mm. You can find in specialized stores and powdered phosphate fertilizers. They are very dusty when applied, caked during storage. Compared to powder, granular fertilizer spreads well and does not cake.

Double superphosphate

From the formula Ca (H 2 RO 4) 2 ∙ H 2 O, it can be seen that there is no gypsum in this fertilizer. The concentration of phosphorus in terms of P 2 O 5 is 43–48%. Impurities: calcium sulfate, magnesium, aluminum, iron phosphates.

Double superphosphate - gray granules, unequal size, up to 5 mm in diameter. The fertilizer is concentrated, water-soluble, suitable for open ground and greenhouses, used on all types of soil.

Superphosphates - simple and double - have similar outward signs, their physical and Chemical properties. These fats are interchangeable, but not in all cases. For cabbage, simple superphosphate is preferred due to the presence of sulfur. Double superphosphate is more economical.

When is it used?

The main condition for the effectiveness of the use of any fertilizers (tuks) is the correct determination of the dosage and method of application. It must be borne in mind that the needs of plants in individual phases of development are different. The content of batteries in different types soils is not the same, it depends on the climate, the previous crop in the crop rotation.

There are few readily available soluble phosphorus compounds in the soil, so phosphates are added. The needs of plants increase during the period of intensive growth and development of shoots, with the formation of buds and the formation of ovaries. In addition to phosphorus (P), cells in these important phases of life need potassium (K), nitrogen (N), magnesium, sulfur, and iron.

Phosphorus is involved in the construction of proteins, enzymes and the energy carrier - adenosine triphosphoric acid (ATP). Plants constantly need these substances. With a deficiency, the ovaries crumble more strongly, the fruits do not ripen. After the introduction of superphosphate, the most rapid and significant increase in yield is given by cereals, vegetables, potatoes and fruit trees.

Signs of a lack of phosphorus in plants are manifested by inhibition of shoot growth, darkening of leaves, abscission of ovaries and poor ripening of the remaining fruits.

The result after the introduction of phosphates:

  • roots develop better;
  • shoots appear faster;
  • abundant flowering is stimulated;
  • plants are simultaneously provided with sulfur;
  • increases immunity to diseases;
  • the taste of fruits, tubers and root crops improves.

With symptoms of a lack of phosphorus, spraying the leaves with a fertilizer solution is used to quickly fill the macronutrient deficiency. The disadvantage of foliar top dressing is the presence of insoluble gypsum in the composition.

Superphosphate is applied to all crops, used on all types of soil. The effect of fertilizer application is higher on loamy and sandy substrates. The result of the introduction of fertilizers on chernozems is less noticeable. The availability of phosphorus is reduced in strongly acidic and acidic soils (pH from 3 to 5). Optimal values The pH of the substrate for most agricultural plants is in the neutral range (pH 5.5 to 7).

Superphosphate decomposes better with the formation of a plant-accessible form with a neutral and slightly alkaline soil reaction (pH from 6.2 to 7.5).

To improve the absorption of phosphorus, it is necessary to neutralize the increased acidity of the substrate. Make lime or ash, respectively, 0.5 or 0.2 kg per 1 m 2. After that, after a month, you can apply mineral fertilizer. Wood and peat ash neutralize acid, serve additional sources phosphorus and potassium.

Superphosphate is used in the fall when cultivating the soil, in the spring when digging. Joint application with manure, humus, litter is practiced, which contributes to better assimilation phosphorus by plants. You can fall asleep tuki directly into the grooves or holes immediately before sowing seeds, planting seedlings. Another way to use is top dressing in spring and summer during flowering and fruiting.

The nutrient enters the roots at temperatures above 15°C, gradually from spring to autumn. During the application season, plants use only one fifth of the phosphorus from the composition of superphosphate. It may take several years to fully assimilate.

How to apply to the soil?

Dosages and methods of application are determined taking into account the characteristics of plants and soil properties. Higher doses are applied under fruit trees and vegetables, medium - under potatoes.

In September or April, during plowing, deep cultivation, and digging of the site, approximately ¾ of the total norm of superphosphate is applied, embedded in the root layer of the soil. This is the main fertilizer. On acidic soils, it is desirable to use it closer to the sowing or planting of seedlings. In summer, it can be used in the form of granules or prepare a solution for foliar feeding (spraying).

Granular phosphorus fertilizers are used for the main and pre-sowing application. Top dressing is carried out in spring and summer in order to provide plants with nutrition during the period of maximum need. Effective method fast delivery of phosphorus - foliar application (spraying the leaves with a fertilizer solution).

Prepare a solution of 20 tbsp. l. fertilizer and 3 l hot water(one tablespoon contains 15 g of granules and 18 g of superphosphate powder). Fertilizer is poured with boiling water and infused for 8-24 hours. Then the liquid is drained from above, it is passed through the filter. Insoluble gypsum remains in the sediment, it can be thrown away.

For foliar top dressing, add 150 ml of working solution to 10 liters of water. Plants are sprayed with this liquid 2 times during the growing season.

Instructions for use

The average consumption rates for continuous application are 40–50 g of simple or 15–20 g of double superphosphate per 1 m 2. Scattered fertilizer should be embedded in the soil when digging. If the site was abandoned or never cultivated, then simple superphosphate is added 60–70 g / m 2, double - 25–30 g / m 2. A good effect is achieved by combining the main fertilizer with local addition to holes, rows in May during sowing. For feeding sufficient 1 tsp. phosphate per 1 m 2.

In the garden

Simple superphosphate is added to the pits when planting potatoes, fertilizer is mixed with the soil. Under one bush, 3-4 g are applied, which is less than half a teaspoon. You can use this fertilizer to feed potatoes for growing season. In total, 15–20 g of fat will be required per 1 m 2 of the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe site.

Under the seedlings of vegetables, close up next to the grooves when sowing radishes, carrots, beets. The norm is 20–30 g / m 2. When planting seedlings of tomatoes and other vegetables in open ground it is recommended to add 1 tsp to each well. fertilizer mixed with compost and wood ash. Double superphosphate take half as much. Plant roots should not come into contact with the granules.

In greenhouses for vegetables, 40–50 g of simple superphosphate per 1 m 2 is used as the main fertilizer for digging. The double norm is 10–20 g per 1 m 2 of the plot. Fertilizer should be spread evenly and harrowed.

A solution for feeding vegetables is prepared from 20–30 g of fat and 10 liters of hot water. After cooling, water the ground under the plants. On poor or acidic soils, fertilizer doses should be increased by 20-30%.

In the garden

Under seedlings fruit trees 0.4–0.6 kg of superphosphate is added to each planting hole and mixed with the ground. Top dressing in the spring and after flowering consists in scattering and embedding 10–15 g of fertilizer per 1 m 2 of the near-stem circle into the soil around the trunk. In autumn, 0.5–0.6 kg of double superphosphate is applied under fruit-bearing trees.

Raspberries are fertilized during planting: 80–100 g per bush. Superphosphate is mixed with soil in landing pit. Under gooseberries and currants, 25–30 g of fertilizer is applied per 1 m 2 of area.

For flowers

When sowing flowers and planting seedlings ornamental shrubs add 2–3 g of double superphosphate per 1 m 2 of soil. Or prepare a solution of 20–30 g of fertilizer and 10 liters of hot water. After cooling, water the plants. Indoor flowers are watered once a month with a solution of 12 g of superphosphate and the same amount of potassium salt in 10 liters of water.

For foliar feeding of roses, a solution of superphosphate and potassium monophosphate is used. The first component is taken 25 g, the second - 10 g, water - 10 liters. Leaves are sprayed with this liquid.

Landing coniferous shrubs and trees, 60–70 g of superphosphate are added to each hole and mixed with the soil. The lawn needs 50–70 g of phosphorus fertilizer per 1 m 2 of the “green carpet” in autumn.

Buying fertilizer

Granular superphosphate is a valuable source of phosphorus for plants. This fertilizer is widely available in specialized stores, garden centers and nurseries.

Product names, manufacturers and approximate prices in rubles per 1 kg:

  • Superphosphate, granulated. "Promkhim" - 47.50.
  • Fertilizer Superphosphate double. "Sotka" - 99.
  • Double superphosphate. "Fasco" - 104.
  • Superphosphate "Fasco" -76.

There are types of this fertilizer with the addition of ammonium, humic acids, magnesium, boron, molybdenum.

Storage rules

Granular superphosphate - simple and double - is less demanding on the conditions of detention, compared with saltpeters. Each type of fertilizer is stored separately, not in residential, but in utility rooms.

The granules are left in their original packaging or poured into a dry container made of durable stainless material. Phosphorus fertilizer has a slight hygroscopicity, i.e., it absorbs little moisture from the air. Do not mix superphosphate with urea, ammonium, sodium and calcium nitrate, lime to avoid the formation of lumps.


Phosphorus is one of the three essential elements plant nutrition. With a sufficient amount of easily digestible phosphates in the soil, plants bloom in a timely manner and give a full harvest. Superphosphate does not accumulate like nitrates, its excess does not harm the quality of the fruit, however, the recommended application rates should be followed.
