Electric double-circuit heating boilers - the principle of operation, installation, reviews and approximate prices. Which electric double-circuit boiler for heating is better to choose

There are cases when the building is not brought gas pipeline or when it is impractical to heat with gas. In such cases, double-circuit electric heating boilers because electricity is in all buildings.

In this article, we will consider exactly this type of boilers, its advantages and disadvantages, and also talk about various options applications.

Electric boiler

An electric boiler is a fairly simple device.

Its main elements are:

  • Control block;
  • Heat exchanger containing heating elements.

Compared to other boilers, this type of boiler does not need constant maintenance and cleaning, and does not require additional communications, separate rooms and storage facilities. In large cities with harsh environmental regulations, such heating with electricity is quite profitable.

The benefit is due to the absence of vibrations and noise, gas leaks, as well as low fire hazard.

Advice. To select the power of the boiler, it is best to contact the experts!
Only they can calculate it correctly. You should not count according to the methods that are ubiquitous on the Internet - by the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe building, as they are very inaccurate.

Electric boilers for domestic needs are made in two variations:

  • three-phase execution;
  • single-phase.

Note that if the power is above twelve kilowatts, then it is always three-phase. Appearance you can see the boiler in the photo and video in the gallery of our website.

By type of location electric boilers can be:

  • floor standing. If the boiler power is more than sixty kilowatts, then most often it is floor-mounted. This is explained by its large size;
  • wall. Such boilers are most often installed in cottages and country houses. Such a boiler has small dimensions and it does not require a separate room.

If we talk about the contours of the boiler, then electric boilers are divided into:

  • Dual circuit. They work to heat the coolant for the heating system, as well as hot water supply systems.
  • single circuit. Produce water heating only for heating needs.

The instruction for electric boilers allows them to be used in:

  • apartments;
  • Private houses;
  • Dachas and country houses;
  • offices;
  • industrial premises;
  • Hospitals, schools;
  • Warehouses, greenhouses, farms;
  • Car washes and service stations.

Electric boilers can be used in combined systems:

  • When installing underfloor heating;
  • In solar systems;
  • Together with gas boiler;
  • Together with a coal fired boiler.

Principle of operation

From the method of heating water, all electric boilers are divided into:

  • Electrode. Such boilers heat water by passing alternating current through her. automatically turn off in case of short circuits, coolant leakage and elevated temperature;
  • Film. Double-circuit electric heating boilers are beneficial in their use. They can perform not only heating large rooms, but also heating running water for hot water needs. In addition to their convenience, they are environmentally friendly and safe, because they do not emit harmful substances at work. Double-circuit electric boilers can operate in a fully automatic mode, and they do not require the presence of a person;
  • heating elements. Such boilers perform heating with the help of large heating elements and work on the principle of a conventional boiler. These boilers have a high degree of reliability.

After you have installed an electric boiler, the question arises: “How to make the cost of heating and hot water services cheaper”? To do this, you can install programmers that will bring savings of up to thirty percent without losing comfort in the room and the quality of heating.

You can install such equipment with your own hands, but it is better to use the services of specialists.

Installation itself takes a short time, and it can be installed both as a main boiler and as a backup.


The main advantages of electric boilers include:

  • Easy installation. Compared to the installation of gas boilers, there is no need to supply gas pipes, and this is already half the battle. An electric double-circuit heating boiler will need to be securely installed, connected to the pipes of the heating system, as well as to the electrical wiring;
  • Ecological cleanliness and noiselessness. Such boilers are made from environmentally friendly clean materials that meet all relevant requirements. The noiselessness of the operation of such equipment does not remind of its presence;
  • Chimney installation and additional maintenance is not required. It will not be necessary to drill a hole in the wall for the chimney, since no flue gases are generated during the operation of electric boilers. The chimney needs to be cleaned periodically, in the case of using this equipment, this problem disappears by itself;
  • Ease of operation and complete fire safety. Electric boilers can operate in a fully automatic mode, that is, the constant presence of a person is not required. These boilers are completely safe, as there are no open flames and gas leaks;
  • Small dimensions of boilers. This type of boiler has a light weight and small size, this saves space in the house and does not require a separate room for installation;
  • Affordable price. Electric boilers have a lower price than gas boilers, so the purchase and installation process will cost less.


  • Power outages. Sadly, but, alas, such a problem periodically arises, this may be due to the vagaries of nature or the work of electrical services;
  • The high cost of electricity. This is one of the acute problems when using electric boilers. In order to use such a technique, it was beneficial to use all kinds of timers, programmers and other elements that require additional investment;
  • a lack of electrical power . This can be observed in cases where the house wiring or cables leading to the house have small sections, which worsens throughput cables and make it impossible to operate the boiler at maximum load or install an electric boiler in general.


A double-circuit electric heating boiler is a very good option for creating autonomous heat supply at home.

Such equipment can be back-up and installed to work together with a gas boiler, when there are interruptions in gas supplies, an electric boiler will work and vice versa. But in order for the operation of the electric boiler to be economically profitable, it will be necessary to install special devices that will cost extra money, and the installation price will increase as a result.

All designs are made of stainless steel and have compact dimensions.

As you know, 1 kW of current power goes into 1 kW of heating power. For heating larger area you need a boiler with a power of more than 17 kW. Depending on the power, the boilers can be powered from a single-phase or three-phase system. Single-phase boilers are used for heating a private house or cottage up to 100 m 2. A single-phase design assumes power from a conventional 220 V socket. A three-phase boiler is used to heat an area of ​​​​more than 100 m 2, and requires power from a separate 380 V line.

The principle of operation of a two-circuit generator

Like any electric boiler, it works on the principle of converting electricity into heat. Passing through the heated assembly, the liquid, under natural or forced action of the circulating pump, passes through the system.

All control operations are carried out through the control unit. If the temperature drops, the regulator signals and the heating pump is switched on. The same actions occur in the second circuit when hot water is turned on at the tap. In this case, the regulator is affected not by the falling temperature, but by the throughput pressure of the water. Similar typical scheme can be seen in the presented figure, where the red lines show the return, and the blue lines show the return.

When the pressure in the heating system rises, safety valve. Overheating is excluded due to the built-in thermal switch.

Mounting Features

The main thing when installing a double-circuit boiler is to make the heat system safe and uninterrupted. For this you need to provide:

  1. Grounding.
  2. Shutdown protection.
  3. Voltage regulator.

Binding of a double-circuit boiler

When installing a double-circuit electric generator, the main thing is to correctly calculate the circuit (we already talked about this HERE) and perform the piping. Properly performed piping will not create large temperature differences at the inlet and outlet. The liquid, heating up, initially circulates in a small circuit, while the loan, reaching the required temperature, enters the pipes and radiators of a larger circuit. So it is important to provide two circuits in the circuit.

The following elements of the chain are included in the piping: Distribution valve, balancing valve, circulating pump, pressure gauge, radiators, flow filter, pipes, tees, valves (return, air, safety), adapters, fasteners. All this must be calculated according to the scheme and purchased before installation.

Double-circuit heat generators can be mounted according to the following scheme options:

  1. natural circulation.
  2. Forced circulation.
  3. Classic.
  4. With the help of primary and secondary rings.

For example, we present a diagram with forced circulation fluids in the system. The diagram shows the following elements: 1 - temperature controller in the room, 2 - safety unit (manometer, safety valve), 3 - batteries, 4 - electric double-circuit heat generator, 5 - expansion tank (closed), 6 - circulating pump, 7 - valve for filling the system with water, 8 - anti-condensate pump, 9 - return valve, 10 - minimum temperature sensor.

The peculiarity of the installation of a double-circuit generator is that it is necessary to carry out direct and mixing at the same time.

Pros and cons of a dual-circuit generator

The main advantages of electric double-circuit heat distributors include:

  1. Compactness. It makes it possible to install the boiler even in small rooms.
  2. Environmental friendliness. Does not produce harmful emissions and does not absorb oxygen.
  3. There is no need to additionally install a chimney pipe.
  4. Noiselessness. Only the circulating pump makes sounds. Can be installed even in bedrooms.
  5. Fireproof. Since no open fire is used, this the best way for a wooden private house.
  6. Installation and maintenance can be done by yourself.
  7. No additional permits are required to install a hot water column.

But user reviews also speak of the minuses:

  1. The scale that forms inside the system can quickly disable the boiler.
  2. Use for installation in large rooms is unprofitable.
  3. A separate power supply is required. And these are additional costs.
  4. It is not uncommon to read reviews that the boiler is ineffective for heating a larger area.
  5. If you install it incorrectly and select the power of an inappropriate network line, a short circuit will occur, which will de-energize the entire street.

Despite the negative reviews, a double-circuit electric boiler is one of the best solutions in a private house with no gas supply.

How to choose a model

A light weight, small size and a wide range of models make it possible to choose a boiler for any private house. When choosing, you need to build on the requirements that the boiler must meet for a particular system.

If the use of an electric double-circuit boiler is meant as the main one, then power and efficiency should come first. These indicators are on top of Italian and German heat generators.

If the processor is planned as a backup or additional equipment, then you can purchase an inexpensive boiler. But you should not forget about power anyway. These models include boilers Russian production. Reviews about them as additional equipment are not bad.

For a garden or country house, you can use the most low-power ones, so the power consumption will be minimal.

Electric heating boilers are actively used for heating country cottages And country houses. They have high efficiency, safety and small dimensions, they do a good job of heating residential buildings. But in suburban housing there is another problem - the lack of hot water. The solution to this problem is a double-circuit electric heating boiler - this universal device, which performs the functions of a real mini-boiler room.

Device and principle of operation

Most electric boilers are built according to the heating element scheme. Inside there are heating elements connected to automation units that heat the coolant that transfers heat to the heating system. Power is supplied from single-phase and three-phase electrical networks. Thanks to high efficiency, electric boilers almost completely convert electrical energy into thermal energy - their efficiency reaches 99%.

Double-circuit electric boilers are mini-boilers that provide your home with both heat and hot water.

Classic boilers have minimum dimensions and do not clutter up the space. But they do not solve the problem of lack of hot water - as we remember, centralized hot water supply is available only in cities, in high-rise buildings. Owners of suburban housing have to heat water manually or use electric instantaneous and storage water heaters.

Double-circuit electric heating boilers are no more complicated than their single-circuit counterparts. But they know how to prepare hot water using a separate heat exchanger with heating element. That is, inside we see two heating elements, expansion tank, a safety group (or just a safety valve) and circulation pump. The main heating element supplying the heating circuit is switched on in accordance with the established temperature parameters. As for the heating element for the DHW circuit, it turns on only when the hot water tap is opened.

Other schemes for the internal arrangement of double-circuit heating boilers have not received much distribution due to the imperfect design and many shortcomings. For example, one of these schemes provides for the heating of water in the DHW circuit from the heating circuit.

Electric double-circuit boilers for heating a private house are presented in two types:

  • For wall mounting;
  • For floor mounting.

Floor-mounted models are the most powerful, so they are used to heat large households. But even in this case, they take up a minimum of space, differing in miniature. For small house a small, wall-mounted electric combi boiler is best suited - some ranges include quite powerful wall-mounted models that can heat even large households.

Also on the market there are electric heating double-circuit energy-saving boilers. They are provided with alternative heating elements. For example, there is a whole niche of electrode boilers, for example, Scorpion electric boilers. Being equipped with automation, they provide fast and economical heating of housing. As for induction boilers, they are distinguished by increased safety and a long service life.

An electrode boiler is a more efficient heating agent than boilers with a heating element.

In fact, the savings effect of energy-saving boilers is quite small, and most manufacturers' assurances about efficiency are most often a marketing ploy.

Advantages and disadvantages of a double-circuit electric boiler

Double-circuit electric boilers are very convenient and practical. They relieve the owners of suburban housing from problems with the organization of hot water. What are their other benefits?

  • Small dimensions - electric double-circuit boilers have smaller dimensions than their gas counterparts;
  • Silent operation - they do not hum or make noise, so they can be installed in any room;
  • Ecological cleanliness - electric boilers do not emit harmful compounds and carbon dioxide into the air;
  • Fast installation - less fuss with pipes and other connections;
  • Fire safety - no need to be afraid of gas leaks, fires and possible explosions;
  • Minimal maintenance - most often it comes down to removing dust;
  • Possibility of installation in any place - for example, in the kitchen, in the pantry or in the basement of the house;
  • High efficiency - as already mentioned, this figure reaches up to 99%;
  • Ability to work in networks with a voltage of 220 V and 380 V - depending on the power of the equipment used.

Despite the fire safety, there is a risk of short circuits and overloads. In order to prevent possible accidents, electric double-circuit boilers are equipped with numerous sensors that monitor the parameters of the systems.

Unfortunately, double-circuit electric boilers also have certain disadvantages. Here are the most visible cons:

To connect a double-circuit boiler with a power of more than 3 kW, it is necessary to use a separate line with an automatic device and an RCD.

  • To connect powerful equipment, you need a separate electrical line- this is true for boilers with a power of more than 3 kW (a separate line is laid from the house electrical panel);
  • More complex structure and a high price - you have to pay for convenience;
  • High power consumption when operating two circuits at once - here again we see the need for a good line;
  • High heating costs - whatever you say, but electric heating can't be called cheap.

You have to put up with these shortcomings, since in many cases double-circuit electric boilers are almost the only way to heat residential buildings and organization of hot water supply.

How to choose a double-circuit boiler

When choosing a double-circuit electric boiler for a private house, you need to focus on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bhome ownership. Here the calculations are based on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe premises - for every 10 sq. m. 1 kW of thermal power is required. Heat loss must also be taken into account. As for the DHW circuit, here you need to look at its performance - the optimal indicator varies between 10-14 l / min.

Navigate by trademarks more difficult, as there are many strong players in the market. Among them there are not only foreign, but also domestic brands. The latter are cheaper, but some models lose in quality. When buying an imported electric double-circuit boiler, you get reliable equipment at your disposal, but you lose extra money.

If you choose between electrode and heating elements boilers, you should stop at models with heating elements. They are characterized by reliability and unpretentiousness to the characteristics of the coolant.

Features of installation and strapping

Double-circuit connection diagram electric boiler for heating in the apartment and water heating.

There are no special requirements for the installation site of double-circuit electric boilers. It can be a separate room, a niche, a kitchen, a corridor or a basement. Most importantly, ensure natural ventilation device and take care of the absence of excessive moisture. If you chose a floor model, install it on the floor. Owners wall models should provide high-quality wall fasteners.

The connection of the electrical part is carried out through wires of a suitable section - recommendations for the optimal section are prescribed in the passports for the equipment. If the power of the equipment is more than 3 kW, a separate electrical line is laid to it. RCDs (in their absence) are placed as close as possible to the boiler. To provide protection against injury electric shock, the equipment is subject to mandatory grounding.

You can find instructions for creating high-quality grounding on the Internet or in books on electrical engineering. It is forbidden to use heating and water pipes as grounding.

Boiler connection to heating system does not cause any particular difficulties - we connect the pipes, check the tightness of the connections. It is not necessary to install a separate circulation pump, since it most often already exists in the system. The same applies to the expansion tank. If there is no security group, it is desirable to install it. After the installation is completed, the system is filled with coolant and checked.

Given the difficult climate of our country, every resident should take care of installing a heating system in his house. However, what should those citizens do if there is no gas pipeline in their place of residence? Is it possible to use the oven for this?

Such a solution will not be optimal, given that today a simpler option is available to each of us - a double-circuit electric boiler. It is distinguished by the absence of difficulties in maintenance, compactness, as well as the ability to automatically maintain a predetermined thermal regime in the room. These devices are presented in great variety, which allows each consumer to choose the option according to their requirements.

Features of double-circuit boilers

The main function of any heating device consists in heating the coolant and ensuring its entry into the system. This is also true for double-circuit electric boilers. Being similar in this respect to other heating devices, these devices provide more simple design unlike models that run on gas.

Depending on the principle of operation, these plants can be classified into single-circuit and double-circuit ones. The capabilities of the latter allow solving the problem of space heating, as well as acting as a device that provides the house with hot water for household needs.

Features of the electric boiler

When using such devices for heating water, the following can be used:

Double-circuit electric heating boilers are presented the best option for those houses to which hot water is not supplied. This is due to the fact that this device can, in addition to maintaining the optimal thermal regime in the house, also provide the people living in it with hot water in a volume that is enough to meet the needs of the family. Among their advantages are safety at work, the absence of harmful emissions, as well as the ability to work in automatic mode, which is primarily relevant for those owners who are forced to spend a lot of time away from home.

The design of the considered heating devices provides for two circuits, each of which is independent device. The task of heating falls on the first circuit, and the supply of residents with hot water falls on the second.

The standard version of the electric double-circuit heating boiler provides for in the constructive plan the following components:

  • thermal heaters (usually two);
  • expansion tank;
  • safety valve;
  • air vent;
  • circulation pump;
  • automation system.

The principle of transformation allows electric boilers to effectively perform their task electrical energy into thermal, for which tubular electric heaters (heaters) are used. These elements built into the heat exchanger and provide heating of the coolant. In this case, the function of ensuring its movement is assigned to the pump.

The control unit monitors the operation of the device. If the temperature drops below the optimum, then the regulator will send a signal to activate the heating mode and start the pump, which regulates the level of the working pressure of the coolant. After optimal value is reached, the units of the device start switching off one by one.

Double-circuit electric boilers produced today are often equipped with safety systems. Control over their work is entrusted to the safety valve, which is activated at the moment when the coolant pressure in the system rises above a critical level. In case of overheating of the heating block, such devices have a special thermal switch, which is triggered when the temperature rises above the limit level.

Equipment Features

To understand how they differ from each other certain types heating devices, it makes sense to study a model from one manufacturer. As an example, the following will consider different models from Bosch.

The range includes boilers electric double-circuit. Germany has been holding the status of a country in which heating appliances are produced for many years. High Quality. In addition to high reliability, German installations also have affordable price. For those consumers for whom the price of the device is not so important, it makes sense to give preference to Bosch products. One of his products, model GWR 5/15, can use a single and three-phase power supply for operation. Each of these devices is equipped with an expansion tank, as well as a circulation pump.

Electric heating devices representing the manufacturer in question, have a number of advantages:

Most often, consumers opt for dual-circuit models, and this is no coincidence. The fact is that with their help you can simultaneously solve two problems: heating the house and supplying hot water. However, even against the background of the presence of such advantages, they failed to gain the same popularity as gas equipment.

The reasons that led to this situation are the following:

  • high price of energy;
  • not all sites have the ability to allocate 10 or more kW required for large houses.

For this reason optimal solution From an economic point of view, it seems to be the use of these devices in case of interruptions in the operation of the gas main or in combination with a solid fuel boiler. What makes them different is that they do not have to comply with strict installation regulations, unlike gas equipment. For this reason, it is on their side that superiority is found among all types of heating devices currently available.

The question of cost is sometimes decisive

The price of a double-circuit heating boiler is formed under the influence of several factors, but the brand comes first. The cost of models offered by popular European manufacturers is higher compared to Russian counterparts. For this reason, in order not to make a mistake with the choice of a device, one should also take into account such a significant factor as the price.

Among the available brands, the most famous Vaillant, Protherm, Baxi. The price for these products is about 500-1000 euros. Moreover, against the background of gas models, they are quite affordable. The reason for this difference in price lies in the power of heating boilers, the number of circuits used, as well as other design features.

With a small budget, consumers should consider the most affordable imported models or products offered by a local manufacturer.

It is worth noting that, although the latter are quite cheap, they still have the same workmanship as foreign economy class models.

Many local enterprises in the manufacture of their devices often include elements from foreign manufacturers in them, which allows you to be sure of their reliability. These, for example, include electric double-circuit heating boilers of the RusNit brand, the minimum price for which is 150 euros. Such a low price bar makes these devices affordable for the most economical buyers.

Whose product is better?

If you faced such a task, then you probably tried to find the answer to this question. But it's not all that simple. First of all, you need to proceed from the requirements that the selected device must meet. If you need a heating boiler, which will act as the main source of heating the coolant, then when choosing, you should take into account parameter such as economy.

In this regard, the models offered by manufacturers from Germany and Italy can be considered leaders. In the manufacture of their devices, they use the latest developments, which enables them to reduce electricity costs. If a double-circuit boiler for heating a house will have to perform the functions of a backup device, then cheaper models can also be considered. They can be a good replacement while the main heater is being repaired, or in case of an unexpected breakdown.

However, it is imperative to take into account such a parameter as boiler power. If you calculate it correctly, you can reduce the cost of electricity and at the same time increase the efficiency of its work.

How to choose an electric boiler?

The difference between a single-circuit and a double-circuit boiler lies in such characteristics as power and the ability to act as a "flow" for a long time. Therefore, in order not to be mistaken with the choice of an electric double-circuit heating boiler, you need rely on the following parameters:

  • it should be a model of a well-known manufacturer, which has a wide network of dealer and service centers;
  • power must be sufficient so that the device can solve the tasks. Moreover, it must be equipped with at least 3 heating elements. Before heading to the store, you should find out the heat loss in your home. It is best if this work is done by a specialist or you can use special online calculators;
  • the model should provide for a multi-level security system. When heated, the temperature should not rise above 90 C, in case of overheating, a protective mechanism should work, a dry run is required, etc.;
  • even before buying a boiler, resolve the issue with additional equipment, which means heat accumulator, stabilizer. With these devices, it is possible to practically eliminate the defrosting of the heating system and avoid overhaul which requires a lot of expenses.

Keep in mind that it is advisable to install floor models in a dedicated utility room unlike wall-mounted devices, which have no restrictions in this regard.

Price for some models

Today, most users speak positively about a small group of devices represented by brands such as Evan, RusNit, Kospel, OSO, Combi, Proterm.

The price of electric boilers to a large extent depends on the brand. If you take products well-known manufacturers, then they are twice as expensive as their Russian competitors.

A double-circuit boiler is a reasonable solution, since with its help you can provide the house not only with heat, but also with hot water. However, before making a final decision, it does not hurt to read reviews about the model you are interested in and find out the opinion of experts.

Indeed, this is an excellent option, especially if there is no centralized gas main nearby. Recently, double-circuit models have been in great demand, capable of not only becoming the main source of heat, but also providing hot water.

If you need a system with an electric double-circuit boiler for heating and water supply, a 2-circuit unit must match the features electrical network, as well as the quadrature of the heated room. Traditional models powered by electricity consist of the following elements:

  • thermal heaters;
  • expansion tank;
  • safety valve;
  • air vent;
  • automated control functions;
  • circulation pump.

Regardless of the method of heating on electricity, the price of a double-circuit electric boiler for heating and water supply primarily depends on the policy of the manufacturer.

Double-circuit electric boilers 220v

To ensure uninterrupted heating, buying an electric double-circuit boiler in Moscow and St. Petersburg is quite rational decision. This is due to the fact that such equipment does not require constant maintenance, service and is very easy to install even in small apartment. Progressive double-circuit electric boilers are equipped with special safety elements that are activated when the pressure of the heat carrier in the heating system is exceeded. Overheating of the heating block will not allow a special switch that reacts to elevated level temperature.

Heating energy-saving double-circuit electric boiler for an apartment - a great alternative gas equipment which makes no emissions into the atmosphere.

Electric double-circuit boilers for heating and water supply

We have an impressive range of electric boilers, so you can easily find a 220v double-circuit electric boiler, induction-type energy-saving heating units, electrode equipment, and so on.

To the main advantages of this type heating equipment include:

  • the convenience of use;
  • simple and easy-to-learn control panel;
  • trouble-free operation, during which you do not have to monitor gas pressure, carry out constant cleaning or change filters;
  • quick installation that does not require special accompanying documentation allowing installation;
  • multifunctional and thoughtful automated functions that easily adapt to the necessary conditions;
  • environmental friendliness and fire safety.

Heating energy-saving electric double-circuit boilers

If you are looking for an energy-saving model with a single-phase 220v connection, a double-circuit electric boiler for heating and water supply in St. Petersburg or Moscow will be the best option.

What should you pay attention to first of all when choosing a particular model?

  1. manufacturer, its reputation, availability of service centers and dealer network;
  2. required power, taking into account the quadrature and heat loss of the heated room;
  3. the presence of a safety system that protects against overheating, interruption of water supply, and so on;
  4. the ability to connect programmers, heat accumulators and other additional equipment, which can significantly increase the efficiency of the boiler, as well as the durability of its operation.

When buying a 220v double-circuit electric heating boiler in the Tekhnodom online store, you can get a discount on the delivery and installation of this equipment. If you live in Moscow or St. Petersburg, visit the representative offices of the Tekhnodom company, where you will independently familiarize yourself with the equipment. For advice, call the indicated numbers or order a call back.
