How to make a compost pit out of black bags. We prepare compost in the country: rules and technology for the manufacture of organic fertilizer

IN Western countries Making compost at home has long been commonplace. On sale there are special containers for the most convenient transformation kitchen waste into an excellent organic fertilizer, because gradually it becomes clear to people that throwing a huge amount of organic waste into the wind is an unacceptable waste. Still, about 40% of all household waste is organic, from which you can and should get the most out of it.

Is it possible to do without special equipment when preparing compost? Certainly! Perhaps this is a dirty and time-consuming process? Not at all! We bring to your attention the easiest way to compost kitchen waste in an ordinary city apartment.

The first question that arises for those who want to start making compost at home is always this: what can be composted and what cannot? Therefore, it will not be superfluous to write a list of waste suitable for composting and hang it, for example, on the refrigerator.

  • peel of vegetables and fruits;
  • rotten vegetables and fruits;
  • dried and flying around the leaves of indoor plants;
  • crushed eggshell;
  • husks from pumpkin and sunflower seeds;
  • coffee grounds and sleeping tea (right in bags);
  • stale bread;
  • leftover pasta, rice and other cereal dishes;
  • napkins, used paper towels (it is better to tear them into small pieces beforehand).

Waste unsuitable for compost:

  • leftover meat, meat and fish dishes;
  • bones;
  • faeces of domestic animals;
  • oil left over from deep frying;
  • trimmings and sawdust of treated wood;
  • seeds and bones.

Equipment for making compost at home:

  • plastic bucket;
  • several half liters plastic bottles(the amount depends on the capacity of the bucket);
  • garbage bag;
  • a bottle of EM liquid (Humisol, Baikal EM-1, Urgasa, Tamair, etc.);
  • spray;
  • a package of purchased soil (or land brought from the country house);
  • a large plastic bag (for example, from sugar).

How to get compost at home: instructions

For plastic bottles, you need to cut off the top and bottom to get cylinders of the same height without a bottom. The resulting plastic cylinders are tightly installed on the bottom of the bucket - they will play a role drainage system and keep the waste bag from touching the bottom of the bucket.

At the bottom of the garbage bag, 5-6 holes are made to drain excess liquid, then the bag is placed in a bucket.

Now it's time to clean up! When the bag is about 3 cm full of cleaning products, it is necessary to dilute the EM preparation according to the instructions on the package (usually in the proportion of 5 ml per 0.5 liter of water) and spray the waste layer well with a spray bottle. Then you need to squeeze out the air from the bag, tie the bag itself and put a heavy load on top of it (a five-liter bottle of water is perfect for this purpose).

All excess moisture will drain from the bag to the bottom of the bucket. Approximately once every three days it needs to be drained. However, it is not worth just throwing it out: spent EM liquid in undiluted form is an environmentally friendly cleaning agent. sewer pipes and drains in sinks. It can also be used for washing cat litter instead of powerful chemicals. By diluting the liquid remaining after composting with water in a ratio of 1:10, we get an excellent solution for watering and feeding houseplants.

As kitchen waste accumulates, all the above procedures must be repeated until the garbage bag in the bucket is completely full. After that, it is left in a warm place for a week to ferment. After a week, wet compost is mixed with a small amount of purchased soil or garden soil and transferred to a large plastic bag.

Now the finished compost can be taken out to the balcony, stored there and from time to time pour new portions of the prepared organic fertilizer into it.

By the way, the unpleasant smell of decay in the process of composting kitchen waste does not occur. But the appearance of white mold and a sour smell characteristic of “marinades” is allowed on the surface of the waste.

In the spring, home-made compost from a bag can be used as a component, poured into pots with indoor plants, use for liquid top dressing or just take it to country cottage area where compost will always find a use.

We wish you success and great harvests!

Compost is called organic fertilizers, which are obtained as a result of the decomposition of organic substances under the influence of microorganisms. But it is necessary to fertilize the soil without fail, in accordance with all the norms of the agricultural technician of each plant!

Composting is one of the main organic fertilizers.

A lot of summer residents and gardeners make compost with their own hands. After all, this is a decent saving of money and time, in addition, it is also wonderful opportunity get rid of many nuances in economic activity, considering that there are always enough worries in the garden or in the garden!

The easiest way to get a beautiful front lawn

Of course, you have seen the perfect lawn in the movies, on the alley, and perhaps on the neighbor's lawn. Those who have ever tried to grow a green area in their area will no doubt say that this is a huge job. The lawn requires careful planting, care, fertilization, watering. However, only inexperienced gardeners think so, professionals have long known about the innovative tool - liquid turf AquaGrazz.

In fact, the benefits of this type of fertilizer are many:

  1. This is one of the most wonderful fertilizers, filling the soil with many microelements immediately after being applied to it.
  2. Thanks to its action, saving moisture and creating everything the plants need for loosening, such a fertilizer can be called not only one of the cheapest ways, but also the most practical way to structure the soil.
  3. Scattering the fertilizer over top of the soil creates a wonderful organic mulch that conserves moisture and inhibits growth. weeds on cultivated land in the country.
  4. To prepare organic fertilizer with your own hands means not only to do great benefit and relief to yourself, it also means to invest some effort in development and environmental protection! No fertilizer of any origin is incomparable to that which is made with one's own hand! And if the pit for decay is correctly formed organic components, it can generally become an excellent "place" for the reproduction of bacteria and microorganisms in your own country house!

Organic compost fertilizer for the garden

Compost is made from sawdust and various garbage of organic origin, which is affected by Environment as well as microorganisms and various insects. With the help of it, the soil is fertilized and structured, mulching is performed.

Professional gardeners know how to compost the right way using the fast or slow method, which is also called the hot or cold method of creating fertilizer in the country. In addition, the preparation of organic fertilizer allows you to get rid of such troubles as the removal of a large amount of garbage.

Tree bark, twigs, leaves, stems - everything is folded into one pile or even into a hole. The process of natural decay and processing is provided. It turns out high-quality fertilizer of organic origin. At the same time, it is completely non-toxic and clean, from an environmental point of view. The only thing is that this fertilizer will have to wait for several years. But the result will be absolutely justified! After all, natural, properly prepared fertilizer in the country will be much better, especially since various additives can be used to speed up its transformation, for example, the Baikal decay process accelerator and other similar means.

How to make a compass with your own hands? Quite easy! The main thing that is needed is to build a medium-sized box that meets some rules.


Before talking in more detail about cooking methods (fast, slow / hot, cold), you should know that you must first properly prepare the container.

How to make a compost bin?

It is not difficult to build a special container as a whole. A compost bin is being constructed, its size will be medium, and it will also be made in accordance with certain requirements.

  • First of all, the material is being prepared from which the box itself will be made. For him, you can take any boards, planks that have not previously been in contact with toxic materials, and also so that they are not rotten. If the planks are rotten, they will deteriorate during the process of biological decomposition. If the material was previously in contact with toxic materials, it will simply poison the fertilizer and it will be impossible to return its quality. In order for a compost bin to last for many years, it is best to use untrimmed pine or logs from it. In addition, this action will help save cash, and as a result there will be a high-quality and durable box for fertilizers;
  • The next step is to choose the right place for fertilizer and start construction. Geographically, in principle, it does not matter where exactly the compost will be located all the years - on a flat plot of land or on a hill. But still, it is best if it is located a little higher than the rest of the soil level on the land. This helps to avoid washing away during rains;

  • Next, create the four sides of the container. She will have appearance, resembling a standard vegetable box, but its dimensions will be much larger;
  • When laying layers, it is recommended to use an accelerator after each of them. It can be purchased at a specialized garden store. For example, it can be a nitrogen supplement Baikal;
  • When assembling the box in the side parts, gaps should be left between the slats (according to the same principle as for vegetable box). Such a construction will allow the compost to be “ventilated” so that all processes inside take place correctly;
  • At the place of collection of the "capacity" it is necessary to install supports to which three walls of a box made by one's own hands are attached. The fourth side will be removable for easy delivery of the finished product for fertilization/mulching on the land.

At the bottom of the prepared container, it is best to lay material like old linoleum.

How to make compost the fastest way?

In particular, beginner gardeners are interested in this issue.

It is necessary to install the prepared structure on the ground or in a pit. The main thing is that it is necessary to equip drainage in it, with a layer thickness within ten centimeters. It can be made from straw or hay.

Materials for composting must be laid in layers, each of which is processed by the Baikal nitrogen accelerator (or other similar ones). But do not lay the material too tightly, as this can only harm the fertilizer.

For example, layers might look like this:

  1. Branches from fruit trees and other fruit-related waste.
  2. Accelerator layer Baikal.
  3. Paper.
  4. Baikal.
  5. Dry leaves.
  6. Baikal.
  7. Mowed grasses are annuals.
  8. Baikal… etc.

In this matter, it is important to make sure that the “dry” layers go alternately with the “wet” (wet). Thanks to this arrangement, excellent air circulation and ventilation of the compost will be ensured.

As accelerators, instead of Baikal, you can use others, as well as rotted manure or just soil from the garden.

To maintain the temperature regime and the correct internal environment, it is important to cover the “storage” with fertilizer with special material. For example, you can use oilcloth, old rags, linoleum or carpet. The main task here is to maintain heat so that the fertilizer is properly created.

Periodically (every 1-2 months) it is necessary to turn over the fertilizer, thus contributing to more thorough ventilation.

During a summer drought, fertilizer can even be watered to maintain the correct humidity in the storage.

If a specific smell is felt from the compost bin, this may mean that the preparation process has gone wrong. In the case of an ammonia smell, it means that there is a large amount of Baikal inside. This situation can be corrected by adding torn paper to the contents. In the case of the smell of rotten eggs, this is a lack of oxygen, which means that the contents must be “stirred up”, sprinkled with straw or shavings to the total amount.

If the compost container is made correctly, the layers are filled evenly using the Baikal accelerator (or others), then high-quality fertilizer will be ready in a few months. To start using it, it is recommended to carefully and evenly take the lower layers first.

Then the upper ones will fall, and new compost from sawdust and other components will press them on top.

Preparation of high-quality fertilizer in a slow way

How to make a compass at home, using grass, branches, and at the same time, so that everything works out right, and the fertilizer is of high quality? This can be done, but it will take longer than the quick way. But the result will be absolutely justified!

The main task in this matter is to prepare the material once, and then it remains only to wait a few years.

To use the cold (i.e. slow) method, the installation of the container can only be in a pit on a hill, in contrast to the hot (fast) method, which can even be implemented in a barrel. The pit should be wide and shallow, literally enough for one spade bayonet. In width, it is necessary to build on the fact that a lot of branches, leaves, logs and other “garbage” for composting can be placed in the opening.

Inside the pit, it is necessary to fill up branches and arrows from trees and other unnecessary, but crushed parts. From above, all this must be covered with soil and forgotten for a long time. Perhaps, in the second or already in the third year, a very high-quality fertilizer will be obtained.

Fertilizer in bags

Bagged composting applicable if available small plot earth. Bags should be sufficiently dense, black. From the site that is being developed, it is necessary to remove upper layer soil and put it in bags. Further, crushed grass and weeds are added, watered with biohumus (or other stimulant), after which the bags are tightly wrapped with tape. They forget about fertilizer in bags for several months, after which an excellent fertilizer for their own is ready. land plot in the country!

Composting material

To save time and money, in order to obtain only high-quality compost, only the following should be “sent” for rotting:

  1. Waste from the kitchen: vegetables, fruits, cereals, tea leaves, coffee grounds.
  2. Wood shavings, sawdust, grass clippings, hay or straw.
  3. Stems and twigs from bushes and trees growing in the garden.
  4. Waste shredder garden plants.
  5. "Animal" manure, which is overripe.
  6. Leaves and other rotted garden waste.
  7. Algae (any).
  8. Any others natural materials: paper, fabric, etc.
  9. Chopped weeds, except for their rhizomes.

What materials should not be used for composting?

This is also an important nuance, since an improperly prepared fertilizer composition can simply deteriorate, and as a result, the gardener will spend a lot of time and effort in vain. Ingredients not recommended for composting:

  1. Any waste of animal origin: bones, droppings, etc.
  2. Quite fresh leaves, weeds that bloom for many years, as well as rhizomes.
  3. Diseased plants.
  4. Fresh manure.
  5. Garden waste containing toxins, poisons, etc.
  6. Any unnecessary garbage: polyethylene, metal, glass, rubber, etc.

How to make mushroom compost

Many gardeners and gardeners are fond of growing the most delicious and useful crops. Many people not only like to eat champignons in their diet, but also grow them. After all, this is, indeed, rightfully a wonderful, healthy and tasty culture! Fertilizer for growing these mushrooms must also be made correctly.

To create it, you will need to prepare:

  • 100 kilograms of dry straw;
  • water - an unlimited amount, it is necessary in order to carry out abundant watering of a heap of fertilizer;
  • 100 kilograms of liquid bird droppings;
  • 50 kilograms of mullein;
  • 5 kilograms of gypsum;
  • 3 kilograms of chalk.

This method of preparing fertilizer is not feeding the plant. It is used as an independent soil in which mushrooms are grown - champignons.

Its production takes place according to the traditional "scheme". Lay each of the components in layers, each of them, pouring plenty of water. After that, all this ripens, in the process it is mixed until a crumbly mass is obtained.

Depending on the type of compost, the time for soil maturation may vary. It can be from three months to two years! All this depends on the composition of the pile, under what conditions composting is carried out, what actions occur from certain additives used to irrigate the heap and accelerate the overheating of the fertilizer.

Why do plants thrive in some gardens and barely survive in others? The reason lies in the insufficiently fertile land. Articles about planting or caring for vegetables often talk about adding compost to the soil. As the plant grows, it consumes various nutrients from the soil. nutrients. When harvesting in the fall, part of the nutrients are taken from the soil with the tops of plants, they also contain substances that are in the ground, thereby depleting the soil even more. According to the laws of nature, everything that is taken out of the soil must be returned back there. Otherwise, the land will become poorer and its natural fertility will inevitably decrease. Soil composting solves this problem.

There are hardly any people who do not know the meaning of this word. Compost is an organic fertilizer that is obtained from the decomposition of organic waste, mainly plant origin. These include plant waste (tops of plants, weeds, fallen leaves, mowed grass) and food waste (,), etc. It is not recommended to use waste of animal origin, plastic, glass, metal for composting.

The biochemical reactions that occur during the decomposition of waste occur due to rapidly multiplying microorganisms and. The compost heap is a living bioreactor. The main condition for all reactions occurring there is the presence of heat and moisture. The process of obtaining valuable fertilizer is called composting. After the completion of the composting process, a highly nutritious mixture containing minerals and valuable trace elements is obtained, similar to humus. Ripe compost is a homogeneous crumbly dark brown material.

Basic rules for good compost

Most the right way recycling food and plant waste from your site - this is a compost bin. With it, you can ensure the competent movement of organic waste, and get free fertilizer with a high content of humus and nutrients.

Compost can be made in the form compost heap, in the garden, in bags. Whatever way we decide to make compost, there are certain rules. The technology is pretty much the same everywhere.

A compost heap, or rather a compost bin, is a box, a wooden box where all the waste is stored. Following the rules, you will get a good nutrient mixture in 1.5-2 years. So what do you need to know?

  1. You can form a compost bin not only in summer, but at any time of the year. The exception will be cold days with frosts. For example, right from the beginning of spring, you can compost all organic matter as it forms. In autumn, during this period, there are especially many different wastes (tops of plants, leaf litter, etc.), which can also be composted. Diseased plants should not be used in compost. It is better to burn them, and use only the ashes from them.
  2. When forming a compost heap or bed, the soil under them must be loosened to a depth of about 30 cm. This is necessary in order to create close contact of decaying organic matter with earthworms and other organisms involved in composting.
  3. You need to place the compost bin in partial shade, so that it is not constantly under the sun, otherwise it will dry out.
  4. For rapid decomposition, it is better to grind all the material. This way the whole composting process will go much faster.
  5. For quick decomposition, it is good to add the Baikal-M biological product to the waste.

How to make compost

Any material is used for the walls of the compost bin - boards, bricks, old metal sheets, slate. Remember that the bottom cannot be closed, it must be earthen. There should be slots or openings in the side walls for air circulation. Box dimensions: width - 1.5 m, height no more than 1 m, the length of the box is made depending on the amount of waste. The correct box has 3 compartments:

  • The first compartment stores fresh waste;
  • In the second - last year's ripening;
  • In the 3rd compartment there is compost ready for use.

The composting technology itself is simple. The more diverse the waste that is stacked in layers, the more complete and better the decomposition will go. It is not good to stack only one cut grass, the composting process will not start. Therefore, plant residues that are rich in carbon should be combined with manure or bone meal rich in nitrogen. Therefore, be sure to sprinkle the grass with earth.

The layers in the heap must alternate.

  • Shrub branches, hay, tree bark are laid at the bottom;
  • 1st layer - a layer of food and plant waste about 15 cm thick;
  • 2nd layer - manure, bone meal with a layer of about 5 cm;
  • Lime is sprinkled on top or, and then a 2 cm layer of earth.

In this sequence, lay out all the waste until they run out. The very last layer is earth, hay, straw or leaves. They protect against drying out.

An important point - the water from the box must be removed, and the air must circulate. Otherwise, the contents of the box will not decompose, but rot.

How to prepare a compost bed

It is better to make a compost bed in the fall, using wooden boxes for this. Their size depends on preferences and the amount of waste. A bed filled with waste will turn out neat. The advantage of this method lies in the fact that next year a wooden box can be moved to another place and there again make a new bed.

The principle of filling the beds is the same as in the compost bin (compost heap). Branches, tops of plants are laid at the bottom, then various plant wastes are laid in layers. Since the decomposition process requires moisture and heat, the bed is covered from above with a film or oilcloth, preferably black. It is necessary to make holes in the film in which you will plant, for example, zucchini or pumpkin in the spring. If the film is transparent, then cover it with boards or old slate for the winter. And in summer the soil will be covered with plant leaves.

By autumn, a loose homogeneous material of dark brown color and with the smell of forest land is obtained in the garden.

Making compost in bags

How many fallen leaves disappear in autumn? But it will make an excellent nutrient mixture for the garden. Making compost in bags is quite simple.

Autumn fallen leaves are preferable for leaf humus, because raw foliage undergoes a decomposition process faster. So, armed with a rake, we collect fallen leaves from under the trees. For the most part harvested leaves and other winter crops. In the spring, all this will be collected and sent to the compost heap.

There are so many leaves every year that you can make compost in bags. We put the rest of the collected foliage in large bags for household waste. We tie the bags tightly so that moisture does not evaporate from them. Remember that for better decomposition air is needed. Therefore, we pierce the bags filled with foliage with a pitchfork 2-3 times. IN plastic bags created comfortable conditions for processing bacteria. If it got into the bags green grass, then this is good, fungal bacteria will speed up the process. Also, to accelerate decomposition, the Baikal-M preparation can be added to the bags.

Bags of leaves are removed for storage and winter freezing. This, too, will only benefit. Some pests and some pathogens die. And in the spring, this mass can be sent to compost heaps or added to the garden. Or be patient when, in six months or a year, the foliage will turn into humus.

Compost in barrels

Another way to make compost in barrels. Here you can add all the weeded weeds from the garden. As a result, after reheating, you get a nutrient mixture - humus, which can be used to fertilize the beds.

Compost is commonly referred to as organic fertilizers. They are obtained after the composition of herbs and other components decomposes due to the vital activity of microorganisms. Today you will learn how to make compost in bags correctly, how to make an excellent fertilizer slowly or quickly, what components should be included in a quality top dressing, and which ones should not be there.

This question is often asked by beginner gardeners who do not yet have sufficient practical experience. The structure is best placed on the ground or in a prepared pit. Good drainage is needed, created from hay or straw. Laying layers of compost is interspersed with processing by the Baikal accelerator, which contains a sufficient amount of nitrogen. You can use another drug with similar properties. In the case of dense laying of layers, the quality of the fertilizer can be damaged. For example, layers may consist of branches taken from fruit trees and other fruit waste. Dry leaves, paper, mowed annual herbs are also suitable. It is important not to forget to alternate layers of material with accelerator treatment. Only in this case it is possible to achieve normal air ventilation and obtain high-quality compost at the output.

To get the right one temperature regime, you should cover the structure with oilcloth, a piece of linoleum, unnecessary rags. Be sure to turn the composition once a month. If there are summer dry days, in order to maintain normal humidity it is required to water fertilizer from a hose. The smell is also important. If it is ammonia, then you overdid the amount of accelerator. Adding shredded paper will help.

When it feels bad smell rotten eggs, the problem is lack of oxygen. The solution is to add shavings or straw to the composition. Normally, compost made fast way can be used after 2 months.

Video “How to cook”

From the video you will learn how to prepare high-quality compost.

Preparation of fertilizer in a slow way

In the case of choosing a slow method of creating fertilizer, the preparation of the material is carried out only once, after which it is necessary to wait about 2 years. This method is also called cold. You will need to install a container in a pit located on some hill. Its depth is made the size of a spade bayonet. The compost pit must be wide enough.
Such that a large number of logs, foliage, branches can freely fit in it. All components must be crushed. Then they are placed in a pit and fall asleep. The scheme of the compost heap is as follows - at the bottom of the box is the ripened compost, then the ripening one is located, the covering layer completes the construction. The box is advised to put in the far corner of the garden. Well, if there will be penumbra.

Fertilizer in bags

When you don't have a large area at your disposal personal plot on which to place compost pit, storage of fertilizer in bags will help. They must be black and tight.
The top layer of earth should be removed from the developed site. It, together with weeds and grass, is placed in prepared bags, biohumus must also be poured there. Instead of this drug, it is permissible to use any similar stimulant. When all actions are completed, the bags must be rewound with tape. When, after a few months, they are opened, you can count on getting high-quality compost.

Cooking material

Self-preparation of compost does not take much time and makes it possible to save personal funds.

What can be in compost? It's waste from your kitchen, like cereal crops, fruits and vegetables, even tea leaves or thick, taken from drunk coffee. It is also recommended to use rotted manure of animal origin.

As well as stems and branches from crops growing in your garden, foliage and other rotted waste from the site, any kind of algae, waste that a special garden crop chopper leaves behind. Pre-shredded weeds are also suitable. Can't just use them root system. Compost also often contains materials of natural origin - paper or fabric.

Composting plant waste from the land is one of the ways to get cheap fertilizer that restores the soil well after growing vegetables, berries and fruits.

The method makes it possible to periodically renew the soil, simultaneously feeding the plants with nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus and other essential microelements. But the main value of compost lies in the presence of humic acids, which restore soil fertility, preventing it from drying out.

Methods for composting plant residues

Summer residents have come up with many ways to ripen compost - in a pit, a wooden pile, a net. All these methods differ in the variety of microorganisms that process waste.

Bacteria that do not need oxygen will multiply in a sealed container, while others need air in in large numbers to decompose vegetation faster and more efficiently.

Video: Compost in bags - how and why

Methods differ in terms of labor costs. Anaerobic composting does not require human intervention. With the air method, it will be necessary to turn the layers over every 2 weeks so that they do not stick together. If at the same time the raw materials are crushed, then the area of ​​interaction with bacteria will increase, and the fertilizer will be ready in the shortest possible time.

Compost is a safe fertilizer, it can be applied to the soil annually. There is one caveat: fertilizer prepared anaerobically is much more concentrated. To bring it under young seedlings, it is necessary to mix humus with the soil, otherwise the plant roots will suffer from excess nutrients.

Compost in bags - the principle of raw material preparation

In the practice of amateur gardeners, one interesting method is used by which you can make compost in garbage bags with your own hands. They can be moved from place to place, which is convenient in a small area.

In addition, bags standing on the ground destroy weeds by blocking the sun's rays from them. In this way, you can free up the bed for new plantings without special costs labor.

To speed up the process of making compost in garbage bags, you can use various preparations to decompose organic matter. If you use the anaerobic method, then you need microorganisms that will work in hermetically sealed bags. These can be bought in stores. household chemicals. They are designed to clean the septic tanks of the autonomous sewerage of a private house or cottage.

Some gardeners, when composting, make holes in the bags to create air movement inside. It's not very suitable way aerobic composting, as it will be difficult to create good ventilation.

In that case, it's better to do wooden box with slots and install it in the garden. With the help of a pitchfork, the shoveling process will be faster and more convenient.

How to choose bags

Depending on the amount of waste and weeds growing in the garden, the volume of the bag is selected accordingly. It can be either 120 liters or 250 liters. space must be left for taping to create an airtight environment.

Anaerobic bacteria die under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, so the material must be black in color, which does not let them through.

Otherwise, rotting processes will begin inside, and the compost will be spoiled. Light-colored bags will do if they are not transparent, but white. These are used by builders for garbage disposal after repair. They are strong and do not stretch. It will be difficult to break this one.

If you buy black ones, which are sold in rolls in supermarkets, then you need to check them first for strength. On the packaging they usually write what is the density of polyethylene. We need the most durable ones, since hydrogen sulfide is released during the anaerobic cooking process.

This is an aggressive caustic substance that can corrode any material. They won't last two years. Compost bags should not be stretched, as they may tear when moved to another place, and most of the compost will have to be shifted. Under the influence of air and light, microorganisms will die, everything will have to start over, which means that the ripening time will increase.

Components tab

How to make compost in garbage bags? As well as in a pile or a pit. First you need to prepare the raw materials. This point is very important, since the speed and quality of the finished product will depend on the ratio of the components.

The components in the bag should be of two types: nitrogen and carbon. Nitrogen includes:

  • green grass from the lawn or weeds with a root;
  • fresh fruit and vegetable waste;
  • manure;
  • green tops from the garden, not affected by the fungus.

Carbon ingredients include:

  • fallen leaves;
  • sawdust;
  • lignified shoots;
  • bark and chips;
  • coniferous litter;
  • paper or cardboard.

For each layer of nitrogen components, 2–3 layers of carbon components must be added. If you violate this proportion and lay only greens, then the result will be fetid silage. If only carbon, then the maturation process will take much longer.

If you set a goal to get rid of weeds on the site, then they need to be dug up with the roots. One such procedure is enough to clear the land for several years. Use a pitchfork to dig up the weeds so that all the roots get into the compost. A shovel is not suitable, as it cuts off deep roots and the next year they grow again, but much thicker and more magnificent.

The most common weeds are gout and bindweed. Snot has a very powerful deep root system that takes nutrients from cultivated plants, so the earth must be loosened to the full depth of the pitchfork, and then manually collect the remains of rhizomes.

After all the weeds are collected in heaps, you can start laying the compost in garbage bags. It is better to immediately put them in the place where they will be permanently, so as not to transfer them manually.

The first layer should be carbon. Dry leaves create a cushion into which liquid waste from the green mass will be absorbed. For anaerobic composting, the layers are compacted well to remove more air.

If you use the air method, then you do not need to tamp the garbage bags. Moreover, it is necessary to make several holes on all sides so that oxygen gets inside for the respiration of aerobic microorganisms.

Use of biodestructors

Without accelerators, quick fertilizer cannot be prepared. To make humus from grass in bags, you need to pour it with a solution of bacteria. Additional grinding of components will help.

The principle of operation of biodestructors is that they enter the bag in large quantities rather than multiply at a natural rate. Concentrated liquids contain several types of microorganisms at once, which are responsible for the breakdown of certain components - nitrogen, carbon, hydrogen sulfide.

Baikal EM-1

Biofertilizer Baikal EM-1 contains sour-milk and yeast fungi, as well as bacteria that process nitrogen. Baikal is more suitable for aerobic composting.

Compost in garbage bags from Baikal EM-1 will be ready after 2 - 3 months. Provided that the components were laid in a crushed state and each layer was spilled with a solution. In order for the bacteria to start working, holes must be made in the bags. The smaller they are, the more they should be.

Dr. Robik

Dr. Robik is an American-made drug based on anaerobic bacteria. If in the country or in a private house there is autonomous sewerage, then the same solution is used for cleaning drains and for preparing quick fertilizer in garbage bags.

It is available as a powder or liquid concentrate. To get compost in 3 months, when laying in garbage bags, each layer must be poured or spilled with a preparation.

In the Dr. Robik series there are preparations that are directly used for waste composting. This is tool number 209. 60 g of the substance is intended for volume 1.5 - 2 cubic meters. That is, one package is enough for 3 - 4 bags.

For your information: in the series there are very powerful biological agents that cope with old deposits in cesspools, and also split detergents in single chamber septic tanks.

After applying such preparations, for example, number 709 or 809, the contents of the sump can be used as fertilizer for the land. Not in stock chemical substances and pathogenic microorganisms, so they are safe for plants.

Compost care

Anaerobic compost management is not required. The only thing that can be advised to novice gardeners is to remove the bags for the winter in a warmer room - a barn or pantry.

If you want to make compost quickly, you sometimes need to loosen the contents of the bags. If there are holes in them, then you can turn the mixture manually. This is done daily, if the deadlines are running out. If not, then once every 3 weeks.
