How to speed up the ripening of tomatoes in a greenhouse: methods and tips. Should I shoot green tomatoes? How to speed up the ripening process of tomatoes

How to speed up the ripening of a tomato in a greenhouse? This question is asked by many people who grow vegetables. Therefore, it is important to know everything possible ways accelerate the growth of tomatoes.

There are some of the most common ways to speed up the ripening of tomatoes, which are presented below.

  1. Properly planted shrub- the main condition for the rapid ripening of tomatoes. There should be a lot of greenery on the bush: this is how tomatoes grow and ripen better. Cut off all sprouts and stepchildren on tomatoes for their rapid growth. The bush will help the fruits ripen faster and better if the top of the central pillar is clamped with a clothespin.
  2. It is better to let them reach another warm and dry place, for example, at your home. And those tomatoes that remain on the branch will be able to pour juices faster and grow faster.
  3. Surprisingly, in such Spartan conditions, tomatoes begin effective growth. A good harvest is guaranteed!
  4. Often, rot appears on tomatoes - this is a disease that is caused by a pathogenic fungus. Having noticed the first signs of the fungus, quickly treat the tomatoes with a salt solution (1 cup of salt is dissolved in 10 ml of water). The saline operation will help cure the tomatoes and speed up their growth and ripening. After processing, the leaves will turn yellow and stop growing, and the processed tomatoes will be covered with a film, this will protect them from late blight. Salt treatment of tomatoes favorably affects their growth and development.
  5. In one of the universities in St. Petersburg, the following method of ripening tomatoes was studied. They took a solution of ethanol (alcohol) 0.5 ml and pierced green tomatoes. After two weeks, all pierced tomatoes were poured with a juicy red or scarlet color. Studies have shown that after adding alcohol to tomatoes, the taste has not changed. The content of vitamins also remained normal. Therefore, it should be said that this method can be safely used for the rapid ripening of tomatoes in a greenhouse.

Pasynkovanie as the main growth stimulator

This is where pinching and clamping will help. Tomatoes branch very well, often intertwined with each other. Frequent weaving of tomatoes forms side shoots(stepchildren).

On additional shoots, a lot of flower tassels ripen, which interfere with the rapid growth of tomatoes. After processing the stepchildren, the bush will calmly spend its strength on the ripening and growth of tomatoes and not waste its strength on unnecessary shoots. All forces and energy will be directed to the ripening of tomatoes.

In some areas of the country where there is no prolonged heat, the processing of stepchildren has led to an increase next harvest. It is possible to do the pinching procedure in one of several ways:

  • form a bush into one stem, cut off unnecessary shoots in the axil of the leaf;
  • put a bush in two stems, cut off all side stepchildren;
  • put the bush in three stems, remove all side shoots and leave only one - the most important stepson, which is located at the very bottom.

Periodic processing of shoots is important for the rapid ripening of tomatoes.

The shoot will not grow back if removed with normal scissors. After removing the shoot on the stem, you get something similar to a stump.

Caring for tomatoes in a greenhouse (video)

There are a few more tips on how to speed up the ripening of tomatoes. Avid gardeners always rejoice at the appearance of the first harvest. Tomatoes often grow various shapes. People are always happy when they see unusual shape fruits, but it turns out there is nothing to rejoice at. Tomatoes with irregular shape should be immediately removed from the bush so that there are no other such ripened tomatoes. Tomatoes that grow low, it is important to point to the sun, remove wilted leaves.

There is another way to quickly ripen tomatoes. It consists in the following: it is necessary to cut the stem 10 cm from the ground. The incision is stabbed with a clothespin, which unwinds parts of the stem on big side. The purpose of this manipulation is that the process of feeding the stem stops, and the tomatoes begin to grow at high speed themselves.

For accelerated growth and the ripening of tomatoes, you need to shut off the supply nutrients into a plant. To achieve this, you can specifically destroy the root. Only need to know what to hurt root system possible only when the tomatoes are reached optimal sizes.

When the fruits on the stem grow, they can be removed from the branch, even if they have not yet completely turned red. If the crop is ripe at the same time, you can not remove the tomatoes from the branch, but completely pull the plant out of the ground with the roots along with the tomatoes hanging on it and hang it on the balcony or on a rope at home. The main thing is that there should be no low temperature and rotting air, otherwise the tomatoes will deteriorate.

To make the tomatoes turn red faster, green tomatoes are placed together with red ones. More ripe tomatoes release ethylene, which contributes to the reddening of other tomatoes. If rapid growth is not required, then you can simply put the tomatoes in a box and take out the most reddened of all every day.
Remember that in a dark room, tomatoes ripen more slowly than in the light, but they are evenly colored.

For residents southern regions the problem of ripening tomatoes on the vine does not exist. There is a warm autumn, the cold does not come soon. What about people living in middle lane? How to speed up the ripening of tomatoes?

After all, as is customary to do: when cold August nights come, all green fruits are cut off. Then they wait until they blush on their own. No doubt, so it is possible to save almost the entire crop. But his taste is no longer as alluring as from the bush.

We start racing in the fall. Who will come to the finish line first - ripe red tomatoes or late blight? Let's see what methods accelerated maturation tomatoes offer us various sources.


In order for the tomatoes to begin to ripen faster, various mixtures are used to spray the bushes. All of them burn the foliage and cause it to turn yellow. This allows the roots to enhance the nutrition of the remaining fruits without wasting it on the leaves.

The compositions are completely different, but the principle of their action is the same:

  • For 10 l clean water add 35 drops of alcohol tincture of the most common iodine.
  • 2 matchboxes of urea are dissolved in 5 liters of water.
  • 300 g kitchen table salt dissolved in 6 liters of pure water.
  • Medium pink solution of potassium permanganate.
  • 2 tbsp. l. superphosphate is stirred in a bucket of warm water. Used after two days.

When using any of these solutions, you need to spray the bushes very abundantly. Until the liquid drains from the leaves. After 3 days, the leaves will fall, and after 8 days, all the tomatoes remaining on the bushes will turn brown.

Advice. The method is good if you have a large tomato plantation.


Similar in action to the first method. It is necessary to remove all stepchildren, new ovaries and lower leaves to the first brush. The top of the tomato will also have to be pinched off, leaving 2 sheets. They will allow the underlying brush to receive nutrition.

If too large leaves cover the fruit, then it is better to cut them off too. Thus, the tomatoes will receive more nutrition, and the free rays of the sun will accelerate their ripening.

Advice. Try to turn the brushes with garters or props so that they are as much as possible illuminated by the sun throughout the day.


It has long been noticed that tomatoes that have skin injuries ripen much earlier than their whole counterparts. So why not take this method into service?

We stock up on a thin wooden stick or even an ordinary toothpick. We also need vodka or diluted alcohol for sterilization. Now dip the tip of the toothpick into the antiseptic, about half. And stick in a tomato 2 times. Preferably near the stem.

Again, dip the toothpick into the vodka and poke the next fruit. The wound will wind up, and the tomato itself will ripen much faster. Of course, many tomatoes cannot be processed this way, but at least part of the crop will avoid cold nights.

Advice. Feel free to pierce the tomatoes, this procedure does not affect the taste in any way.


Of course, not the package itself, but its contents. Many people know that if you put at least one red fruit to green fruits, then ripening is accelerated at times. This is ensured not by the presence of red pigment in the ripened tomato, but by the release of ethylene. By the way, apples and banana peels also emit ethylene. This property can be used for your own purposes.

To do this, you need a dense plastic bag. It is put on the largest, but still unripe tomato brush. Put a piece at the bottom of the bag banana peel, half an apple or a small ripe tomato. Next, the package must be tightly tied and left for 3 days. After this time, the bag is completely removed and transferred to another brush.

And tomatoes after such a procedure begin to turn brown already for 5-6 days. And what's stopping you from hanging such tomato boosters on every green brush?

Advice. One bag can be used many times. Only the filling is changed as signs of mold appear on it, or decay.


The method is called that way, because the outflow of phytosynthesis products to the roots is blocked. Most of all nutrients begin to flow to the fruits, which accelerates their ripening. It is done in two ways:

  1. Drag. With a thin wire of any material, the trunk is carefully pulled at a level no higher than 14 cm from the ground surface. They try to pull the stem, but not cut it through.
  2. Notch. The stem is cut with a sharp knife right in the center at a height of 6 cm from the ground. The length of the cut is about 7 cm. A match, a wooden chip, a toothpick are inserted inside.

Preferably, pre-rinse all tools and materials with any antiseptic. Because the procedure is traumatic, pathogenic bacteria can be introduced into the wound. Then the bush will not pour fruit, but will begin to fight the infection. We are not interested in it at all.

starvation ration

From mid-July, tomatoes are abruptly transferred to a starvation diet. They stop watering and giving top dressing in any form. A week later, the plant realizes that there is no one to rely on. And it begins to intensively feed the fruits. After all, one must have time to leave offspring, if starvation is already close.

For the same purpose, they are trying to make a temporary film shelter over the beds. So the roots will not receive moisture from rain and dew.

Advice. Do not use for cover nonwoven fabric. He perfectly passes water.

tearing off the legs

This cruel name is just a procedure to speed up the ripening of tomatoes. It consists in tearing small roots that continue to nourish the plant.

To do this, gently grasp the stem almost at the level of the soil with both hands. Then gently pull up. As soon as we heard the characteristic clicks of the roots coming off, we stop pulling.

If you are afraid to completely pull out the bush, then just cut off the small roots with a shovel. You just need to stick it as close to the trunk as possible, but do not swing it. Cut off the roots around the perimeter.


The name is one more terrible than the other! And in fact, everything turns out to be ordinary. This method is useful when the forecast promises a sharp cooling or frost, and you have nothing to cover the tomato bushes with. For those who overdid it with tearing off their legs, and nevertheless tore out the bush completely, the method is also suitable.

All you need is to carefully shake off the root system from the ground. At the same time, you should try to keep all unripe brushes intact. Now, together and cheerfully, we are dragging our beautiful “bouquets” to the barn or to the attic. Hang them upside down there.

Everything, the hanging is over. Now it is only necessary to periodically visit our executed and collect the gradually ripening harvest. By the way, in such bouquets, tomatoes ripen 15 days earlier than in the ground.


In every green tomato alcohol is injected through a thin insulin needle with a syringe. 96% alcohol - 0.25 ml. 40° vodka - 0.5 ml. Global scientific research on this topic has not been done. But, according to numerous reviews of amateur gardeners, the method works perfectly. Tomatoes begin to ripen 20 days earlier than usual.

By the way, it is promised that the taste and composition of tomatoes from such a procedure does not change at all. Try it, it's true that Russian vegetables should be treated with Russian vodka.

Nameless chemistry

The modern industry offers several chemicals that help speed up the ripening of tomatoes a month earlier. We will not write their names here, so as not to advertise. If desired, they can be safely bought at any agricultural store or ordered online.

Rave reviews urge you to immediately purchase these drugs and use them in your garden or greenhouse.

Maybe better the old fashioned way, huh? Cut off the green ones and on the windowsill or under the straw in a warm barn. Still, it is not in vain that nature has determined its timing for everything. By the way, tomatoes ripen much faster in the light than in the dark. But without access to sunlight, tomatoes get a uniform color. On the windowsill, the fruits are always spotty. Consider this.

How to speed up the ripening of tomatoes? There are many methods, choose according to your taste and mood. The only wish: when trying the method for the first time, start with a small batch of fruits. Or combine several options at once. Even with a mistake in one, there is a guarantee in another to save the harvest and enjoy the real taste of ripe tomatoes.

Video: how to speed up the ripening of tomatoes

What measures gardeners do not take to get good harvest tomatoes. For example, alcohol is used to accelerate maturation. It really works! Be sure to try!

The drunken tomato method

It consists in using a solution of ethyl alcohol, or ordinary vodka. Many people think that they invented the method among the people, but in fact, scientists were engaged in the development, and for many years.

The latest experiments were carried out in St. Petersburg. Scientists of the Institute of Food Technologies M. Kubli and S. Soldatenkov, based on the experience of their predecessors, who proposed the use of alcohol on vegetable beds back in 1934, proved that such top dressing contributes to faster fruit ripening. And what is important, it happens evenly.

On an industrial scale, the method of "drunk" tomatoes has not received distribution. Such processing takes too much time and effort. But for small household plots, and especially for those who grow tomatoes on window sills or on balconies, this method is indispensable. You can try without a doubt. The result will definitely please.

How it works

The drunken tomato method involves injecting alcohol into the tomato. During scientific research, a solution of ethyl water with a strength of 86-50% was used. The dose of "injection" also depended on the alcohol content. People use mostly vodka to speed things up. In one fruit, right in the middle, 0.5 ml is injected.

When alcohol gets inside the tomato, all vital processes are activated and ripening is accelerated several times. Even if you make an “injection” to a large-fruited tomato, when it is only the size of a nut, it will still reach technical ripeness in 7-10 days. The taste of alcohol is not felt at all. Tomatoes taste the same as without it.

For which varieties and when to use the "drunk" method

It makes no sense to use alcohol to speed up the ripening of tomatoes in a normal summer and under stable weather conditions, unless you really want to taste your own crop as soon as possible. But at the end of August-September, when it is already clear that the ovaries will not reach the required ripeness on their own, as well as when grown in greenhouses and at home, this method is indispensable.


Varieties can be stimulated with alcohol any. Vodka works both on the smallest ones, like Cherry, and on large ones, like Oxheart, etc.

Only the use of such a "drunk" top dressing is allowed only for healthy plants. If the bush is weakened or there are signs of disease or damage on the fruits, such an injection will only aggravate the situation.

Terms of use

Alcohol really speeds up the ripening of tomatoes. But, choosing this method for your landings, be sure to observe following rules so as not to harm the plants:

  1. To feed tomatoes, you can take vodka or alcohol diluted to a strength of 40-45 degrees. Moonshine is not recommended.
  2. You can only use a sterile syringe, the surface of the tomato, where the injection will be made, must also be disinfected.
  3. Be sure to wear sterile gloves while working. If you bring an infection, not only the fetus will die, but also all nearby plantings.
  4. Top dressing with alcohol is carried out once!

In August, the tomato harvest is in full swing. But weather, established during this period in our region, often force gardeners to remove from 30 to 70% of the fruits of this crop unripe in order to avoid damage. However, these figures can be significantly reduced if the summer resident uses some agricultural practices aimed at accelerating the filling and ripening of tomatoes.
First of all, for planting, it is necessary to use early and mid-ripening varieties and hybrids that can give their crop in a shorter growing season than their late counterparts. In addition, the landing site must certainly be open and well warmed up by the sun's rays throughout the day.
In order to redirect nutrients to the filling and ripening of fruits, it is necessary in August to periodically (1 time in 7-10 days) cut off 2-3 lower leaves on each bush. They often have a pale green or yellow color, as they are shaded by the upper younger leaves and do little to no benefit to the plant, but only draw juices from it. In addition, such pruning improves air exchange inside the bush, and better-lit fruits begin to ripen much faster.
For the same purpose in the first decade of August, it is necessary to pinch the growing point of each plant, as well as remove all inflorescences and small newly appeared ovaries, which definitely will not have time to pour and ripen on time.
Also during this period, to accelerate the ripening of tomatoes, you can spray the bushes on the leaves with a solution of iodine. To prepare it for 10 liters of water, you need to take 30-40 drops of iodine and use this amount of solution for irrigation 1.5 running meters beds.
In order to reduce the risk of plant infection with late blight in August, which is caused by cold dews that fall due to the difference in day and night temperatures, it makes sense to install arcs over the bed and put a film on them at night. Under such shelter, the bushes will remain dry, which will favorably affect the quality of the fruit.
In early August, stop watering and fertilizing plants. This will result in more fleshy tomatoes, which with this approach can accumulate enough sugars and turn out to be sweeter and tastier.
If possible, it is desirable to turn all the brushes towards the sun, securing them with spacers, and put slingshots under them to avoid breaking them off under the weight of pouring fruits.
Some summer residents use one simple trick to speed up the ripening of tomatoes - they put a plastic bag on each brush, at the bottom of which a small hole is made to drain condensate. Inside the bag, the temperature is set higher than on outdoors, the concentration of ethylene released by the fruits increases, and this contributes to their faster ripening. In addition, the experience of gardeners indicates that plastic bags protect fruits from late blight.
To accelerate the ripening of tomatoes experienced gardeners at a height of 8-10 cm from the soil surface, a small through longitudinal incision is made in the stem of each plant. Then a wooden chip is inserted into it so as to push the walls of the stem by 1-1.5 cm. In this case, the size of the fruits remains the same, but they quickly acquire the color characteristic of this variety.
For the same purpose, you can gently tear the roots of the plant, pulling it up a little. In this case, due to the deformation of the root system, the supply of moisture and nutrition is reduced, which contributes to faster and more uniform ripening of the crop.
A thin copper wire or synthetic twine helps to limit the access of nutrients and, accordingly, accelerate the ripening of fruits, with several turns of which, at a height of 4-5 cm from the ground, pull the stem of the plant.
Bringing tomatoes in the garden to full ripeness does not make sense, thus reducing their overall yield. To enable the rest of the fruits to ripen as soon as possible, brown unripe tomatoes should be plucked from the bushes 1-2 times a week. Moreover, it is desirable to collect them in the early morning hours so that they do not have time to warm up in the sun. They are laid out for ripening in a dry, ventilated room. It is worth noting that in the light, tomatoes ripen in a shorter time, and in a dark room - more slowly, but more evenly.
To speed up, they can be folded into carton boxes by placing a few red copies next to them. The boxes must be covered and placed in a room with an air temperature of 20-25°C. In a closed warm space, the concentration of ethylene gas released by tomatoes increases significantly, which significantly reduces the ripening period of this vegetable. In addition, it should be borne in mind that under any equal conditions large fruits mature faster than smaller ones.
Kudrina Irina

Tomato is a southern plant that requires a lot of heat and light. Therefore, where the summer is short, its fruits often simply do not have time to ripen, and crop losses can be more than 50%. To avoid this, you can use a number of simple tricks that allow you to harvest earlier than usual.

For the rapid ripening of fruits, it is necessary, first of all, to properly form tomato bushes. The more stepsons and branches on the bush, the more energy is spent on their growth and development. If you want to get ripe tomatoes in a shorter time, you need to grow bushes in one trunk, ruthlessly removing all emerging stepchildren.

Helps accelerate the ripening of tomatoes and pinching off the tops when the growing point is removed. This is usually recommended to be done on the central stem and not earlier than over the third flowering brush. When performing this technique, it is necessary to ensure that at least 2-3 leaves remain above the last brush, which will ensure the growth and filling of the set fruits.

It helps to accelerate the ripening and removal of unripe, but already browned and beginning to sing fruits. They can be successfully ripened somewhere in a dry and warm place. The green tomatoes remaining on the branches will pour faster, and will soon reach the stage of so-called "technical" ripeness.

To speed up ripening, stop all feeding and watering, starting from the second half of July. Tomatoes caught on a meager ration ripen faster than those that grow on fertile soil.

You can also speed up the ripening of tomatoes by tearing the roots. In this way, the nutrition of the bush is also limited. But, applying this method, we must remember that it can drastically reduce the yield.

Spraying with saline is used at the first signs of late blight disease. It allows you to save the fruits, accelerating their ripening. Approximately 100 g of ordinary table salt is taken per liter of water and diseased specimens are treated with the resulting solution. From such a procedure, all the leaves on them will turn yellow, the growth of the bushes will stop, and all the power of the plants will be directed to the ripening of already formed fruits. BUT thin film salt deposited on the fruits will protect them from damage.

For the same purpose, spraying with superphosphate is also used, after preliminary insisting it in warm water- One tablespoon is enough for a glass. After holding for a couple of days, the infusion is poured into a bucket of water and tomato leaves are processed. After which they darken, and ripening accelerates.

There are more exotic ways to speed up the ripening of tomatoes. One of them is putting on green tomatoes plastic bag. It is based on the fact that tomatoes turn red much faster if an already ripe fruit that emits ethylene gas is placed next to them. A small but already ripe tomato is placed in a bag, which is put on directly on a tomato brush growing on a branch and tied. Keep it in this form is not long - three days. Then the package is removed. In 80% of cases, green tomatoes turn brown in two or three days.

You can simply put on green tomato brushes multi-layered polyethylene "cases" with a cut at the bottom - so that the accumulated moisture drains. In such "clothing" the fruits can continue to grow and ripen even after the first frost.

It has long been noted that significant difference in the rate of ripening is observed in fruits with certain mechanical damage. If you specifically pierce the fruit in several places with a clean wooden stick, then it will ripen much faster than its healthy neighbors.

Accelerates the ripening of tomatoes and the longitudinal splitting of the stem near the root collar. The stem is cut with a knife and a special spacer is inserted into the resulting through slot - wooden stick about 4-5 mm thick.

Some experts suggest giving green tomatoes injections of ethanol, or simply vodka. This does not affect the taste or the content of vitamins, but such fruits ripen much faster. This method of accelerating ripening was tested at the St. Petersburg University of Food Technologies. Tomatoes that had reached normal sizes for their variety were injected with 0.5 ml of ordinary forty-degree vodka. After twelve days, most of the processed tomatoes were already orange or brown in color. And after a week, almost all the fruits were ripe. At the same time, it was noted that the industrial application of this method is unlikely to be appropriate, but it may well be used in private households.

There are also special chemicals, spraying with which, you can significantly accelerate the ripening of tomato fruits. But how these substances, getting into vegetables, will act on a person, no one has seriously enough investigated. Amateur vegetable growers who used this spraying noted that ripening really happens faster, but the taste of tomatoes becomes like a salad.

In any case, each gardener must choose a way to accelerate the ripening of tomatoes on his own - depending on local conditions, and the result that he wants to get.
