How much does a cast iron bath weigh? Cast iron bathtubs: how much it weighs, advantages and characteristics

A cast iron bathtub is a classic piece of plumbing. In Soviet times, these durable and affordable fonts were in almost every home. Today, acrylic and steel bathtubs are gaining more and more popularity, but cast iron products remain in demand. One aspect to consider when purchasing such a piece of plumbing is its weight, which can be significant. Find out in advance how much it weighs cast iron bath, it is important both to ensure its comfortable transportation, and to comply with safety rules during installation.

The main parameters that affect the weight of the cast iron bath:

  • length;
  • width;
  • depth;
  • Wall thickness;
  • metal density.

Typical dimensions of bathtubs:

  • length - from 120 to 200 cm in increments of 10 cm;
  • width - from 70 to 85 cm in increments of 5 cm;
  • depth - 35-60 cm.

It should be noted that earlier products were produced with thicker walls and high metal density. Modern technologies allow to produce fonts with a smaller casting thickness, but their consumer properties are not lost. Finding out the weight of the bath, you need to take into account the year of manufacture. For example, in search of an answer to the question, how much does a 150x70 cast-iron bathtub weigh, made at the time Soviet Union, you can find information that the mass of the product is 105-110 kg. A new font with the same dimensions weighs less.

Consider how much a 170x70 cast iron bath will weigh, as well as products with the same width and a different length:

  • 150x70 - 80-90 kg;
  • 160x70 - 85-95 kg;
  • 170x70 - 95-110 kg;
  • 180x70 - 115-135 kg.

Cast iron bath weight with other parameters:

Weight, kg
Length/width, cm 75 80 85
150 90-100 100-110 110-120
160 95-105 105-115 115-125
170 110-125 125-140 135-145
180 130-150 145-165 160-180

The given standard dimensions of the cast-iron bath are typical for domestic products. Imported plumbing items, as well as products with unusual shapes, may have a different weight. It must be indicated in the data sheet. Foreign baths are usually lighter and less deep.

Note: The weight of a cast-iron bath is especially important to consider if the housing is located in apartment building no freight elevator. In order to deliver a heavy oversized font up the stairs, it will be necessary to use at least four loaders, while they will have to deploy it and lift it above the railing.

Advantages and disadvantages of a cast iron bath

Cast iron bathtubs are characterized by many advantages, including:

  1. Durability. The font can last more than 25 years with proper operation and adequate care, as the alloy is very resistant to deformation and damage.
  2. Noise absorption. Thick cast iron walls absorb the sound of running water and vibration.
  3. Sustainability. Considering how much a standard cast-iron bathtub weighs, it is understandable that it is not easy to accidentally turn it over or budge. It can withstand people weighing over 100 kg. There is no need to install a special podium that prevents bottom deflection, as well as to use additional fasteners.
  4. Heat retention. Sanitary cast iron maintains high water temperature for a long time. The liquid in the bath remains warm enough for 30-40 minutes.
  5. Ease of maintenance. The surface of the bath is covered thin layer enamel that repels dirt. The bathroom is easy to clean. Suitable for almost any detergents. Enamel retains a noble luster for a long time.
  6. Affordable price. Cast iron bathtubs are relatively inexpensive - from 12,000 rubles. But you can find exclusive copies for 350-400 thousand rubles.

Disadvantages of cast iron bathtubs:

  1. Difficulties with transportation, installation and dismantling due to the large weight and large dimensions of the bath.
  2. Limited number of molds due to the peculiarities of cast iron casting technology.
  3. Risk of damage to the enamel of the bath due to impact with a heavy object.
  4. Warming up the metal when water is added to the bath takes a certain time.

A cast-iron bathtub is not a suitable option for old houses with weak ceilings. They may not be able to support the weight of the font, the water filled into it, and the person.

Features of choosing a bath

The main parameters to consider when buying a cast iron bath are the size, as well as the quality of the coating and casting. Let's consider them in detail.

Bath size

The dimensions of the bath should correspond to the size of the bathroom and the needs of family members. First of all, it is necessary to measure the room, determine where the font will stand, and accurately calculate the area available for its placement. Selection Recommendations:

  1. A sitz bath, 70 cm wide and 120 to 140 cm long, is suitable if the bathroom is very small. It is convenient to use it as a shower tray. In addition, in such a container you can bathe children. The main advantage of a sitz bath is freeing up space for other items.
  2. Standard medium-sized fonts (150x70, 160x70) are optimal for most typical apartments. Their filling capacity is 160-175 liters. This volume is sufficient for comfortable procedures for a person of average build.
  3. The increased dimensions (170x70, 170x75) of bathtubs require more free space. They will be comfortable for a person with a large build.
  4. Large bathtubs (more than 180x80) can be installed in spacious rooms with solid ceilings, since the weight of such containers exceeds 150 kg.

In addition to ordinary fonts, cast-iron corner baths are produced, the sizes of which vary from 90 to 200 cm. Their sides can be equal or asymmetrical. At first glance, it seems that such a bath helps save space. But it occupies almost the same area as a rectangular one. The "bonus" is the release of one of the corners of the room.

Bath coating and casting

The quality of the coating and casting directly affects the life of the cast iron bath, as well as the ability to keep it clean. Main nuances:

  1. The surface should be smooth without bumps and depressions. Worth a look outside. Her smoothness speaks of high quality casting.
  2. Conscientious manufacturers cover the outer walls with powder enamel. This is necessary to protect the cast iron from deformation. On the outside there should be no chips, scratches, cracks.
  3. Signs of high-quality enamel are smoothness, gloss, uniform color, thickness from 0.8 to 1.2 mm. Bumps, bulges, roughness, waves are defects, such problem areas quickly corrode.
  4. If there are children and elderly people in the house, it is better that additional coatings with anti-slip and antibacterial effects be applied to the enamel.

Other criteria

Other bath selection criteria:

A solid cast iron bathtub can last for decades. It is inexpensive, retains heat for a long time, absorbs noise and is easy to clean. But, when deciding to buy a font made of this durable material, it is necessary to take into account its large weight, especially if housing is located in an apartment building.

One of the main issues of the upcoming renovation is how much does a cast iron bath weigh, and whether the overlap you have can withstand it. You can put the question in another way - do you like to bask in hot water? If yes, the answer is obvious.

Construction supermarkets and plumbing stores offer both standard and newfangled products. But the main parameter for them was and remains the ability of cast iron to retain heat well.

Of particular importance, the weight of the cast-iron bathtub 150 * 70 Soviet times, has wooden houses old building, where there are no concrete floors. In most of these cases, the bath is replaced with a lighter acrylic or steel bath, especially when it is not possible to replace the supporting logs or re-arrange the floor.

The main advantages of cast iron baths include:

  • High heat capacity- The alloy retains heat well for a long time. The water in the container cools down slowly, for about 30-40 minutes. During this time, you can quite comfortably relax and unwind in hot water.
  • Good sound absorption. The material absorbs the sound of running water.
  • Sustainability. The product is difficult to move or turn over.

For the installation of a cast-iron bathtub, it is not necessary to arrange a special podium, which excludes the bottom from sagging.

If someone living in the house has a mass of more than 130 kg, then he may not be at all worried about the question of how much a cast-iron bath weighs - it will withstand it anyway. And here is the bottom steel bath in this case it will be deformed. Moreover, in the absence of fastening to the wall, it is easy to turn over.

Most retail offers are bathtubs of the usual rectangular shape. Over the past few years, the industry has begun to produce figured products equipped with handles for ease of use and with notches at the bottom for greater user safety.

If you saw two absolutely identical cast-iron bathtubs in the window, but at different prices, this means that one of them is covered with better and more expensive enamel. As you use the coating will have to be updated from time to time, but the product itself will last you a very long time. The lifespan is determined by the manufacturers at 200 years - unless you accidentally drop a hammer or any other heavy object that contributes to the formation of cracks.

Don't forget to buy bathroom feet. If the floor in the room is perfectly flat, you can opt for non-adjustable legs, but if not, you will need twisting to create the greatest stability.

To give the aesthetics of the whole structure, you can buy decorative pads on the legs.

Do-it-yourself cast-iron bath installation - video

Part 1

Part 2

If you first need to vacate the premises and you know exactly how much the Soviet cast-iron bathtub weighs, call your friends, hire movers and arrange for removal - this is a separate expense item.

Initially, the bath is screwed onto the legs with special bolts to the brackets. At the same time, the product should be turned upside down and lie on a soft substrate - cardboard, old fabric, any polymer base.

The collection of exhaust systems is carried out separately and is first installed on the bathroom in the drain and overflow. Then the bottom slope is adjusted, which is set to the horizontal level. Only after that, weir equipment is connected to the sewer.

A mandatory step is to check the entire system for leaks, including the top drain-overflow. The container must be filled with water completely, the drain plug is removed and all joints and joints are checked.

The bath should be completely adjacent to the wall, if there is free space, it is smeared with sealant.

Someone in the apartment or house still has a cast-iron bathtub. Some users are looking for a cast-iron bath for themselves due to its characteristics. Is a cast iron bath really that good? Few people thought about how much such a bathtub weighs before it had to be dismantled or installed. All these nuances will be discussed in the article.

Should I choose a cast iron bath

The answer to this question can only be obtained if we weigh all the pros and cons of such a product. Some manufacturers are still producing cast iron bathtubs, but in most cases they are design solutions. Steel and acrylic bathtubs, but cast iron are not inferior to them in strength a large number positive qualities. Among them it is worth noting:

  • significant service life;
  • high strength;
  • low thermal conductivity;
  • accumulative features;
  • noise absorption;
  • ease of maintenance.

Some cast iron bathtubs have served their owners for a hundred and more years. At the same time, they require little restoration and are able to serve as much or more. It is quite difficult to damage a cast-iron bathtub. This can be done with an enamel bath, but the design itself is highly durable. Steel and acrylic baths are inferior in strength to cast iron baths. They can be damaged by falling heavy objects. And in this case we are talking not only about paintwork. A cast iron bath takes longer to heat up than a steel bath, but it also holds heat longer. This is due to the density of the metal, as well as its thickness in the cast iron bath.

When filling a steel bath, noise is heard not only in the apartment, but also from neighbors above and below. With regard to the cast-iron bath, this disadvantage does not arise, since it perfectly absorbs sound waves. Cast iron bath is resistant to various chemical substances so it is easy to wash and keep clean. The main disadvantage of this design is its weight, which differs depending on the size. The surface of such a bath is quite slippery, so you need to carefully step into it. The shape of such a bath can also be out of date.

Weight and dimensions

The weight of a cast iron bath depends on its size. The maximum length of a modern product is 2 meters and a person with a large height can fit in it. Maximum Width can reach 85 cm. But with such extreme dimensions they are rarely used, so the width can be chosen from 70 cm and the length from 120 cm. The most popular models are containers with a length of 1.5-1.7 meters. This is enough for a person with a height of up to 1.9 meters.

Note! There is a variant of sitz baths, which are less comfortable, but can be used in limited space.

Sometimes such products are used if there is a need to move the bath to accommodate a washing machine or dryer.

The standard weight of a cast-iron bathtub, which was made in the Soviet Union, is 110 kg. The dimensions of this container are 1.5 × 0.7 m. It is very difficult to carry such a structure. The mass of modern products is somewhat different from this standard. But this does not affect the usability and service life. The wall thickness of modern products is approximately 10 cm, which is sufficient for minimal thermal conductivity. If you need to install a smaller bathroom, it is important to know that the weight will be reduced by 10 kg if one of the sides is shorter. The reverse count is also correct. This means that a bath with dimensions of 1.6 x 0.7 meters will weigh approximately 130 kg.

Note! It is worth saying that an acrylic bath of the same dimensions will weigh four times less.

If a product is purchased from cast iron, the manufacturer of which is a foreign company, then you can count on less weight. This is due to the fact that the wall thickness of such products is less. The depth of the structure is also different, which can be only 35 cm. This should be taken into account if you already have the habit of bathing in a standard bath, because its depth is 10 cm more. The problem may be the delivery of the product to the required floor. This is easier to do in those houses where there is a freight elevator. In the usual case, it will have to be raised along the landings, skirting the railings and other obstacles. It will take the help of several people to achieve the result.

What to look for when buying

When buying a cast-iron structure, you need to pay attention to several nuances that will be the key to a long service life of the bath. One of the first things to consider is size. It must be suitable for a particular room. At the same time, it is worth making a certain gap, that is, choosing a bath model that will be somewhat smaller than the maximum dimensions that would fit in the planned place. Such a margin will compensate for the unevenness of the walls and corners in the building.

The selected model must be carefully examined from all sides. It is worth paying attention to the color of the enamel and its integrity. If there are yellow spots, then it is better to refuse such a purchase. During transportation, damage may have been caused, which can subsequently cause corrosion of the bath from exposure to moisture. Attention must be paid to the smoothness of the surface. To do this, it is enough to run your hand over it. If there is roughness, then you should look at another model. Roughness can be a sign of the beginning of enamel deterioration or a sign of poor-quality production.

Advice! If the plan is to install the bath not against the wall, but in the middle of the room, then the screens will not be used.

It means that Special attention worth paying attention to the bottom with outside construction so that it is free of rust and has a good surface finish.

For greater safety when using, it is better to pay attention to cast iron products, the bottom of which is not smooth, but has ribs or notches. On such a surface, it is more difficult to slip, which means that the likelihood of injury is also lower. There are options for products with handles that are on the sides. Such a supplement will be very useful for the elderly. There are times when two identical models are sold at different prices. It is worth asking the seller what the catch is. Usually it is as a cover. In this case, it is better not to spare money and purchase a product more expensive, because its service life can be 10 times longer than that of a model with a lower price tag.

For some models of baths, you will need to purchase legs. The classic design is triangular shapes, but they are suitable when the floor surface is even. If this is not the case, then it is better to buy legs that are able to change their level. Usually they are hairpins of a certain length with nickels at the ends. There is also design solutions for bath feet. In this case, they can be of any desired shape. What material is best for a bath is described in the video below.

Notable Manufacturers

One of the foreign manufacturers of bathtubs that is in demand is Roca. The company started its journey in Spain and continues to conquer the global community. The advantage of products from this company is a special approach to the manufacture of the bottom, as well as enamel with titanium additives. It has resistance to various kinds of influences. The French bath manufacturer Jacob Delafon also has a good reputation. Their highlight is the great depth and width. Some products have holes for handles and additional modules, such as hydromassage.

If you want to own products from domestic manufacturer, then you should pay attention to the Novokuznetsk plant "Universal". There are about ten different models of bathtubs in the assortment of the plant. The manufacturer of luxury bathtubs can be considered the Portuguese plant Recor. You can find amazing products in the assortment various forms and design. There are bathtubs with semi-antique finishing. The weight of the structures of this manufacturer is approximately 150 kg. As a budget solution, you can consider bathtubs from the manufacturer Aqualux. Production facilities are located in China. At the same time, the quality of the products is quite high level. Bathtubs are standard sizes with a width of up to 70 cm.

Note! The information leaflets indicate the size of the tub, which is taken at the outer edges. The interior space is somewhat smaller.

Bath Care

To clean the bath, it is advisable to use household chemicals. However, for a longer service life ideal solution there will be the use of cream formulations in which there is no abrasive. Although good enamel is able to withstand mechanical stress, if you overdo it, you can destroy it. protective layer, and the bath will quickly fail. If rusty streaks appear from the mixer, then they must be removed immediately, because over time they can so eat that it will be impossible to do so. Be sure to look at the composition of the cleaning agent. Usually the manufacturer indicates whether it can be used for an enameled bath.


As you can see, the popularity of cast-iron bathtubs is not only not falling, but, on the contrary, is growing. This is especially true design projects houses and baths. Only cast-iron bathtubs can be safely placed not against the wall. Due to its weight, it will remain stable and will not tip over when the user enters or exits it. The overflow hole in cast iron bathtubs can be located both on the narrow and on the wide side. Everything will depend on where the mixer will be located.

A cast iron bathtub is a great choice for relaxing in the bathroom.

Such a container retains the heat of the collected water well, has excellent stability due to its large weight. It is about the last parameter that it is worth talking about, paying enough attention. After all, many are interested in the question, but how much does a cast-iron bathtub weigh. This is especially true for the most common sizes: 150x70 and 170x70.

The fact is that for many, the significant weight of these products is a minus. Basically, this attitude is caused by difficulties in delivery and installation. At the time of the Union, a standard 150x70 cast-iron bath weighed approximately 120 kg. Now this indicator has significantly decreased due to the use of new technologies in production. Moreover, some foreign samples can compete with domestic ones, overtaking them in weight by 20 kg (down).

However, it is not worth much to covet such models, since they have one significant drawback for our person - a shallow depth, which is about 35 cm. It is not very convenient to fit in such a container.

The relationship between weight and size

As we found out, the weight is determined by the size of the product. Of course, the wall thickness still plays a role, but the main influence is still the size. Therefore, consider what the approximate weight can be for certain standard sizes of cast-iron bathtubs:

  • 150x70 cm - 80 kg;
  • 160x70 cm - 85 kg;
  • 170x70 cm - 120 kg;
  • 170x80 cm - 140 kg.

Of course, the given parameters are indicative and may differ for each manufacturer, taking into account the manufacturing conditions: the raw materials used, the equipment and technologies used.

Impact on other aspects

If the choice falls on a cast-iron bath, then it is necessary to take into account the load that it will create. And it will develop not only from the weight of the product itself, but also from the water collected in the bowl, as well as from the person who will be in the bathroom.

These data should be taken into account when installing a cast-iron bath on a certain ceiling. So, for concrete floors, the weight of the bath, water and a person does not represent an excessive load (320 kg). Another thing wooden floor which can withstand up to 250 kg. In this case, it will be necessary to side events to reinforce the roof.

The most common format for cast iron bathtubs is a rectangular shape. Unfortunately, the material does not allow making a product, for example, in the shape of a star. However, through the use of original design ideas you can get a custom model. For example, apply curved lines, add chrome handles, change the color and so on. And even if such decisions can affect how much the product weighs, aesthetic pleasure will be provided.

Even the coating, or rather its thickness, affects the weight of the model. In general, this indicator is very important when choosing. The enamel of the product should be uniform, smooth, without "concentrations" of color.

Advantages and disadvantages

Consider also some of the advantages of cast iron baths:

  • strength - due to the large weight of the products, it is ensured reliable protection from vibrations that are not dangerous for humans, but they can change the geometry of the joints, which can lead to the spread of moisture, fungus;
  • a long time of maintaining the temperature of the water allows you to enjoy the water procedure as long as possible;
  • the noise of falling water is not as strong as in the case of steel samples;
  • ease of care - no need special means or manipulation, normal periodic maintenance with a final wipe dry is sufficient;
  • durability - the service life of the product can reach 25 years, even more.

Among the shortcomings, the main one can be distinguished - weight. It necessitates additional costs during transportation and installation, because assistants are needed to move a cast-iron product, especially given its fragility.

In Russia, cast-iron bathtubs appeared under Peter the Great, as one of the benefits of European civilization. Initially, a cast-iron bath was not available to many due to the rather high cost. But in Soviet time, thanks to the industrial scale of cast iron production, this product has become generally available. Reliable and stable design has become an invariable attribute of every Soviet bath.

Advantages and disadvantages of cast iron baths

To indisputable merits these products include:

  1. Stability and durability : such a bath does not require additional fasteners, it will not lose its shape and does not deform.
  2. The water in such a bath will cool much more slowly. than steel, but faster than acrylic.
  3. Sustainability not only the design itself, but also enamel coating. Enamel tolerates treatment with any cleaning agents and looks aesthetically pleasing and attractive.
  4. Cast iron has ability to smooth out loud sounds , so these baths can be called the most silent.
  5. Prices for cast-iron bathtubs are quite low, especially considering the fact that such a bathtub will last for many years.

Like any product, a cast-iron bath has certain shortcomings :

  1. To warm up a cast-iron bath, you will need a certain time .
  2. Exist chance of damage to the enamel coating when heavy objects are accidentally dropped.
  3. Certain Difficulties in transportation and installation due to the fact that the cast-iron bath weighs quite a lot.
  4. Cast iron baths do not please with a variety of shapes . Due to the complex casting process, it is difficult to give such products, for example, the contour of the human body, which is so fashionable today.

How much does a cast iron bath weigh?

The weight of a cast-iron bath is directly dependent on the size of the product. The length of a standard cast-iron bath does not exceed 180 cm, and the width is 85 cm. Therefore, when answering the question of how much a cast-iron bath weighs, it is worth clarifying the desired size. Due to the fact that the most popular bath sizes are 150x70 cm and 170x70 cm, the most popular questions are: how much does a cast-iron bathtub 150x70 weigh and how much does a cast-iron bathtub 170x70 weigh. The weight of the first option varies from 80 to 90 kg, respectively, the weight of the bathtub of the second running option will be from 95 to 110 kg.

Bathtub weight max. standard size 180x85 cm will be from 160 to 180 kg. The relationship between the weight of the cast-iron bath and the dimensions of the product is presented below:

Characteristics of cast iron bathtubs according to overall dimensions

  1. If the bathroom is small or has custom design you can buy the product small size. The weight of such a cast-iron bath will range from 77 to 84 kg, and the occupancy will be about 148-155 liters. Small bathtubs are usually 70 cm wide and 120, 130 and 140 cm long. These bathtubs are suitable for bathing small children.

  1. For small people an excellent option would be the size of 150x70, the weight of such a cast-iron bath will be about 90 kg, the occupancy is 162-169 liters.
  2. Medium option - 160x70 more comfortable, weighs about 100 kg, capacity 170-175 liters.
  3. Larger sizes 170x70 and 170x75 cm assume the presence of a fairly spacious bathroom, such dimensions are quite convenient and roomy and will be comfortable for people of large build.
  4. In large rooms you can install cast-iron baths in sizes: 180x70, 180x85, 185x80, 185x85 cm. How much does such a cast-iron bath weigh? Approximately 160 kg depending on the model. Such a cast-iron font, if desired, can accommodate two.
  5. There are cast-iron bathtubs ranging in size from 200x85 cm and even more. Such goods are rarely on sale, are made according to individual orders clients.

There are two more parameters for measuring the dimensions of cast iron baths: depth and outline (line) bathroom.

The depth of a standard product does not exceed 40 cm. And the outer line of the bath includes about 10 cm of product thickness, so effective area baths will be smaller. All these parameters must be taken into account when buying a product, taking into account your own capabilities and needs.

The main parameters when choosing a cast iron bath

If the size and shape are no longer in doubt, then it is important to consider the following points:


Good quality enamel coating - guarantee long term service and excellent appearance of a bathtub throughout all term of use. The thickness of the enamel coating should be at least 0.8 mm, the ideal option would be from 1 to 1.2 mm.

In addition, on the inside of the coating there should be no cracks, chips, irregularities, the surface should be absolutely smooth and have a uniform color.

Would be a great addition anti-corrosion coating.

Surface and shape

A quality bath correct form no folds, uneven edges or corners.

For added convenience and safety, there is an anti-slip coating, special handles and armrests, which is especially convenient for the elderly and people with disabilities.


Modern technologies make it possible to realize any color scheme, at the request of the client. But classic white will always be a win-win option in any interior.

Modern cast iron products are represented by models with built-in hydromassage.

Popular models and prices of cast iron bathtubs

Russian manufacturers:

The above products are guaranteed for 1 year.

  • Sauson Model , country of origin France, size 150x70, will cost 27,011 rubles.
Models, made in Spain , additionally equipped with an anti-slip coating:
  • Model Continental , size 170x70, cost 24724 ros.rub.
  • Malibu model , size 150x75, cost 24698 rubles, has armrests and special handles.

Despite the limited form, thanks to the classic appearance, such a product will harmoniously look in any interior. A cast-iron bathtub is a product that has enjoyed well-deserved popularity for decades and has established itself as a reliable and time-tested product.
