Easy care for garden carnations. Perennial garden carnation: reproduction, cultivation and care (photo)

Growing cloves at home many amateur gardeners are engaged in the same way, for example, as growing gerberas. This flower has been popular since antiquity and is an unpretentious cold-resistant plant. It is resistant not only to low temperatures, but also to droughts. The best option for growing a plant would be fertile soil with good lighting and enough heat. Carnations are grown from seeds that are sown from summer to autumn, as in open ground, and for seedlings. Carnations are one- and two-year-old, as well as perennial. Colors can be very varied. There are many types of carnations. The main ones include Dutch, pinnate, Chinese, garden carnations.

Planting carnation seedlings

To get carnation seedlings, you need to prepare seedling boxes with soil, moisten it and make small depressions - grooves, the distance between which should be about 2 cm. Seeds should not be sown too often. From above they are sprinkled with the same soil. After sowing, the box is covered with glass or placed in a plastic bag. Thereafter seedling box should be placed in a room with a temperature of + 24 ° C. After planting clove seeds periodically you need to monitor and remove condensate from glass or cellophane. Usually the first shoots appear a week after planting. Next, the cover is gradually removed and a backlight is installed above the box. To prevent sudden temperature changes at night, young plants are covered.

Watering plants should be accurate, not plentiful. For greater stability, they can be sprinkled with soil. This is especially true when the seedlings are stretched. It is necessary to plant seedlings after 2-3 true leaves appear. In the future, you need to take care of hardening the seedlings. It is usually planted in open ground in late May - early June. The distance between plants is about 20 cm. This is what concerns planting carnation seeds.

Carnation propagation

Now let's talk about the reproduction of this flower. Reproduction of carnations is possible by cuttings, layering, vegetatively. At the same time, not for all types of carnations, the option of dividing the bush will be suitable. In carnations, the root system consists of a main root, from which many lateral ones grow. There are cases that rooting of lateral shoots occurs. The result is a new plant. If we talk about hybrid and varietal varieties of carnations, then in this case they resort to special propagation using cuttings. Since we are talking about cuttings, it would be worth mentioning the timing. The best period for cuttings is the end of May - the beginning of June.

The process itself propagating carnation cuttings is the following: you need to cut directly under the node. The cutting should be about 10 cm long and contain 3-4 knots. The lower leaves are removed. Next, you need to make an incision to a third of the thickness of the stem. You can use a sharp knife for this. The incision is made along the length of the lower internode. After the operations, the cuttings are placed in a prepared moistened substrate and then in a cool greenhouse. Root formation occurs within 2-3 weeks.

As for propagation by layering, this method is used for carnations that have long vegetative shoots. These carnations include bearded and Turkish. The method also involves cutting the shoot and fixing it to the soil. After that, it should be covered with sand and periodically watered. The main thing is to ensure that the incised section of the stem is constantly in moist soil. When the roots are formed, the growth of shoots from the node located above begins. After that, you can begin to separate the new plant and plant it.

carnation care

At growing cloves at home care consists in the use of dressings throughout the summer, which are used as complex fertilizers. The frequency of top dressing is once every 2-3 weeks. The only thing not to use is fresh manure. As mentioned above, carnations need good lighting. If the plant feels a lack of light, then the foliage becomes small, flowering is scarce. There are varieties of garden carnations that are very sensitive to positive temperatures in winter time. This applies especially to those plants that have reached the flowering stage. This is said to the fact that since autumn, garden carnations need to be covered with spruce branches. It should be removed only after regular frosts have passed.

clove diseases

If we talk about plant diseases, then to a greater extent the death of young carnations is due to the effects of various bacteria and fungi. Wilting of plants usually occurs in areas with excessive moisture, as well as with large doses of nitrogen fertilizers. Let us dwell on some types of clove diseases. Fusarium disease manifests itself in the form of wilting and yellowing of the leaves. It also applies to the main diseases in growing asters. There is also drilling of the stem in the lower part. After some time, Fusarium completely affects the entire plant, including the roots. On the leaves, you can observe the appearance of spores of the fungus, which are expressed in the form of pink pads. Also, this disease can occur due to applying fresh manure when planting a plant.

Another type of disease is phyalophorosis. It is somewhat similar to Fusarium, since the leaves from the bottom begin to turn yellow and fade. Some leaves may turn red. If the stem is cut, then you can see rings or brown dots. Due to rhizoctoniosis, the plant rots the stem at the root collar. As a result, the carnation does not receive any nutrition or moisture. Gradually the leaves dry up. This was only a part of the diseases of carnations. But the main question that many flower growers ask is how to deal with these diseases and what should be the preventive actions?

First of all, when loosening the soil and weeding, you need to be careful not to damage the plant. For preventive purposes, a solution of manganese can be used to disinfect the soil after sprouts appear, or after planting seedlings in open ground. Potassium permanganate is used several times a week. If you notice the first signs of a disease on plants, then you should use a solution in principle of any fungicide, such as Bordeaux mixture, topsin or foundationol. Those plants that are completely affected should be removed.

When rust appears on the nails, powdery mildew and other spots, it is necessary to spray with a solution of foundationazole, euparen. Spray at least 3 times every 10 days. Prevention is the same as for the above diseases. Rust can be controlled by liming the soil. Perhaps this can be the end of this article dedicated to growing cloves at home.

My courtyard

Carnations are beautiful flowers, divided into many types: Chinese, Turkish, garden, indoor, spicy. This flower is quite popular with gardeners for its long flowering, a variety of petal colors, and unpretentiousness. It is not difficult to grow a carnation on your site or in a pot, this plant takes root ideally as a perennial or as an annual, it all depends on the variety.


Lilac carnations on the table

The most famous types and varieties of cloves

Turkish carnation

Turkish carnation

This type of carnation is most often used for horticultural cultivation. The biennial forms a lush bush up to half a meter high. Carnation flowers evenly and densely cover the entire surface of the bush, forming a colored cloud. This is one of the most popular types of this plant. Southern Europe is considered the birthplace of the Turkish carnation, where the flower has perfectly taken root in the wild.

Despite the fact that the Turkish carnation is a perennial, gardeners prefer to renew the plant every two years due to a sharp decrease in flower production. In the first year, the plant forms a lush bush, and in the second it begins to bloom profusely for several months. In the third year, the Turkish carnation practically loses all its decorative qualities.

Turkish carnation

The most popular varieties of Turkish cloves include the following: Red Monarch, Kupferrot, Vice Risen, Mirage.

Turkish carnation (bearded)

dutch carnation

Dutch carnation

This type of flower is known to everyone, because it is he who is grown in greenhouses and sold in flower shops. The stems of the flowers are long - more than a meter, knotty, the leaves are small, narrow, dark green. Dutch carnation is divided into three subspecies of varieties: tall (for sale), medium and short (for landscaping flower beds). It is from the Dutch carnation that Shabo and Grenadine originated, which are considered to be certain types colors.

Carnation garden (Dutch)

Dutch carnation in the garden

Carnation Shabo

Carnation Shabo

This type of carnation can be either an annual or a biennial, it all depends on the habitat. In the southern regions, this plant most often grows for two years, in regions with temperate climate- one. This is a rather thermophilic species, but it easily tolerates small frosts. The plant does not form a lush basket, the stems of this type of carnation are rather fragile, with a large number of nodes. The leaves are small, dark green. The flowers are terry, with a large number of petals, diameter - up to 7 cm. The color of the flowers is very diverse, it all depends on the variety. Shabo carnations are very fragrant, have a long flowering period, and when cut, they retain freshness in water for a long time.

Carnation Shabo in the garden

The most popular varieties of this species are Jeanne Dionysus, Aurora, Luminette Mixt.

Carnation Grenadine

Carnation Grenadine

This type of two-year-old carnation is characterized by unpretentiousness and frost resistance, which makes it possible to grow flowers even in regions with a temperate climate. The plant is medium-sized - the height of the stem is not more than 45 cm. Carnations form a rather lush bush with a large number of knotty stems. A well-developed basket contains more than 180 stems with flowers. The flowers of this type of carnation are very large, strongly terry, with a large range of colors. In the first year a large basket is formed, the second year is characterized by long and abundant flowering. The frost resistance of the type of carnation allows you to winter in the ground without any consequences for the plant.

Chinese carnation

Chinese carnation

This type of annual plant is characterized by unpretentiousness, good germination and high flowering. The height of the bush does not exceed 40 cm, the stems are knotty, with a large number of narrow leaves. The flowers are slightly double, 6-7 cm in diameter. The petals of the flowers are paired, with teeth along the edge. The color of the flowers is very variable, some varieties are multicolored. Distinctive feature species - burgundy stripes along the petals.

Carpet undersized carnations

Alpine carnation

carnation alpine

The height of the stems is 15-25 cm, the baskets of the bush are very lush, which creates the feeling of a carpet. The flowers are bright red, small, with a purple eye. Perfectly develops and grows on poor soils, not whimsical in care, suitable for the formation of borders and rockeries.

carnation pink alpine

Carnation sandy

Lush bushes form a solid carpet. The height of the stems is 15-20 cm, the flowers are small, up to 2 cm in diameter. The petals are slightly shaggy, most often painted in white or pink. The species is characterized by abundant flowering, unpretentious care.

Carnation sandy

Carnation sandy - lush flowering

deltoid carnation

The bushes form a dense turfy carpet through which the soil is not visible. The height of the stems is 10-15 cm, the flowers are small, double, most often painted in white, pink and purple. Differs in high decorative qualities due to long and abundant flowering. The species is considered self-seeding, since after flowering it forms a large number of seeds with high germination.

Carnation pinnate or Hungarian

Video - History of cloves: variety of species

Cultivation of carnations in household plots

Soil selection and preparation

Carnation is a heat-loving plant that blooms beautifully on sunny places. Flowers can't stand shade excess moisture, which immediately affects the chromaticity.

Where to grow cloves

Plants thrive in neutral soils that are well fertilized. Peat, loamy and sandy lands are also suitable for flowering beauties. On heavy soils, the plant's flowering decreases, therefore, in the place where it is planned to plant a carnation, it is advisable to dilute the earth with sand or peat.

Peat application

If the soil in the area is acidic, it must be deoxidized with dolomite flour.

The use of dolomite flour

Carnation has a positive attitude towards natural and mineral fertilizers and responds with abundant flowering. Before planting seeds or seedlings, it is advisable to add potash fertilizer without chlorine and nitrophoska to the ground. If the soil has been prepared since winter, then it can be fertilized with manure. It is impossible to bring fresh manure in the spring under a carnation, the plants can “burn out”.

The most non-aggressive fertilizers among all types of manure are goat, rabbit and, in part, sheep

Growing seedlings of carnation

clove seeds

Carnation seeds ripen in a box. Carnation breeds different ways: seeds, cuttings, layering. It all depends on the type of plant. Perennials are most often renewed and propagated vegetatively, annuals and biennials are usually sown in open ground or germinated by seedlings.

Step 1. Preparing the soil and seeds

Carnation seedlings are usually sown at the end of winter or at the very beginning of spring. For seed germination, you can use ready soil or make the soil yourself. Soddy soil and peat are needed in equal proportions for the soil. Sand must also be part of the mixture, but in a smaller amount than the rest of the components. Sand before mixing is recommended to be calcined for disinfection.

Growing seedlings of carnation

Prepared seeds

Step 2. Filling the pots with soil

The prepared mixture is scattered in boxes or pots. It is advisable to thoroughly shed the soil with a weak solution of potassium permanganate. Before planting seeds, the ground should be well moistened.

Step 3. Sowing seeds

Seeds are immersed in the soil by 1 cm and covered with sand a little from above. This is necessary for better germination of the material. After planting, the containers should be covered with a film, creating a greenhouse effect. Optimum temperature for seedling germination - 18-20 degrees.

Sowing seeds

Moisturizing crops

Containers with crops are closed with a lid

Step 4. Care of crops

After the appearance of the first sprouts, the hardening process of plants begins. The film must be removed, and the pots with sprouts should be transferred to a room in which the air temperature does not exceed 12-13 degrees. You also need to provide young plants with good lighting, at least 12 hours.

sprouts of carnation

clove sprouts

Watering seedlings depends on the quality of lighting. If the plants are under special lamps, the sprouts can be watered abundantly. If the sprouts manage with daylight, watering should be very moderate, otherwise there is a risk of provoking the development of fungal diseases.

Step 5: Diving the carnation

It is best to dive plants from the box when the sprouts have released 2 leaves. Plants need to be transplanted into the soil of the same composition. It is recommended to plant sprouts after 3 cm, the distance between rows should be at least 5 cm.

two week old seedlings

Diving ground

We take out the sprouts with a clod of earth

Separating the sprouts

We moisten the soil and make holes

Planting and watering seedlings

It's important to know. Experienced flower growers advise planting flowers at the first pick immediately into cassettes, which will allow a strong root system to form. Also, this method makes it easier to transplant plants into open ground and protect seedlings from infection with various diseases.

Step 6. Transplanting carnations into the ground

At the end of April, seedlings should begin to be prepared for transplanting into the ground. Preparation consists in hardening and pinching seedlings. Hardening should be carried out daily, but make sure that the plants are not in a draft. Pinching the growth point is carried out when 5 leaves appear on the shoot. This will allow a lush bush to form.

carnation seedling

Sowing clove seeds in open ground

Seeds are sown in the ground in early May. Frosts not lower than 4 degrees are not terrible for the seeds, rather, on the contrary, hardening will benefit the plants. Bush species carnations are best planted at a distance that corresponds to the height of the shoots: tall - 45-50 cm, medium-sized 30-40 cm, undersized - 20-25 cm. The distance between the rows must be observed in the same way. Carnation seedlings grown on window sills are planted according to exactly the same principle. But the landing time is the end of May, when the probability of night frosts is minimal.

Carnation planted in the ground and mulched with a film

Reproduction of perennial cloves

Perennial types of carnation can be propagated vegetatively, this method helps to preserve species characteristics. mother plant. Since the lateral stems of the carnation are branched and powerful, the bushes are often propagated by cuttings. The procedure is carried out at the end of May. Healthy and powerful cuttings are selected, which are cut to a length of 10 cm, it is desirable that there are several knots on the handle. You need to cut the stalk strictly at an angle. Then you should make a vertical incision on the bottom of the cutting, dividing the shoot into two parts by a third of the length. With this incision, the shoot is stuck into well-moistened soil and slightly compacted. If the procedure is carried out correctly, after a couple of weeks, roots appear on the handle and then shoots.

Propagation of carnations by cuttings

Cultivation of feathery carnations by cuttings

Reproduction by layering is similar to cuttings, but the incised lateral shoot does not immediately separate from the mother bush. The branch is carried out only after the shoot gives the first sprouts.

Reproduction by taps

Reproduction of cloves by dividing the bush

plant care

Features of garden carnation care

carnation pretty unpretentious plant, which does not need constant watering. With proper lighting and the absence of stagnant water in the soil, the plants will delight with friendly flowering all summer.

Features of caring for Turkish cloves

The location of plants in sunny and well-warmed places is also due to the fact that young shoots of carnation are very sensitive to night and day temperature changes in spring time. Temperature fluctuations have a particularly negative effect on young bushes that have not reached the flowering stage.

It's important to know. If the soil in the area is very waterlogged, it is recommended to do drainage before planting: a pillow of sand or gravel that can remove excess moisture from the roots.

Biennial plants that begin to bloom only in the second year of vegetation should be protected from the cold for the winter. To do this, the bushes are covered with spruce branches so that an arch is formed from the needles that protects the shoots.

With timely fertilization, carnations often begin to bloom again in one season. To provoke repeated flowering, you need to cut the stems with wilted buds at a distance of 8-10 cm from the ground. Then the ground at the roots of the bush needs to be loosened, complex fertilizer for flowering plants should be applied and watered well. After 3-4 weeks, the bush releases new shoots, and the carnation continues to bloom until late autumn.

clove fertilizer

Fertilizer should be applied after transplanting seedlings into the soil or emergence of seedlings several times a season. Carnation well perceives all types of fertilizers, the only thing that needs to be excluded is fresh manure.

Growing carnation Shabo - photo

Video - How to grow cloves

Diseases and pests

clove thrips

clove thrips

This pest "specializes" only in carnations, it does not need any other flowers. The results of the activity of this insect are visible to the naked eye: the flowers begin to wither, the petals quickly begin to fall off. This is due to the fact that insects settle in the flower head and begin to suck juices from it. Special pesticides help to get rid of aggressors.

Medvedki, owls

These pests literally gnaw the flowers apart, completely destroying the receptacle. Also stems and leaves of plants suffer from these insects. If you do not take action, then in a week a brood of insects is able to completely lime the flower garden.


Heterosporiosis on carnation

The disease is caused by fungi. Gray spots appear on all organs of the flower, sometimes with a red border. If you do not take action, the spots begin to grow, uniting. This leads to drying and deformation of the plant. The fungus persists on all parts of the plant and pruning the bush will not lead to a cure, only special preparations can help.



This disease is provoked by waterlogging of the soil or excess nitrogen. With rust, pads form on the undersides of the leaves, in which spores of the fungus mature. After maturation, the pustules burst and the spores infect other parts of the plant or fall on neighboring bushes. With the defeat of rust, the plant begins to dry out.

Growing cloves is not overshadowed by almost no problems. The only thing a gardener needs to know is that carnation is a cross-pollinating plant, so flowers of one variety are not recommended to be planted next to flowers of another variety.

The plant is quite unpretentious, but growing it has its drawbacks. Growing Shabo cloves from seeds is a troublesome business. the main problem in a long wait for the result, because the plant will bloom only six months after planting.

The lifespan of Shabo carnation is not limited to one year, however, it does not tolerate winter cold well. You can try to protect the carnation in the open field in winter with a covering material or move it to the greenhouse during the cold weather.

Advice! Usually, Shabo carnations are planted using seeds or cuttings. With the seed method of reproduction, flowers do not retain species characteristics. Growing an exact copy of the mother specimen requires the use of cuttings.

Seeds for growing Shabo cloves can be purchased at specialty stores. Harvesting your seeds is very difficult. This is easy to explain: the seeds simply do not have time to fully ripen, because this requires stable favorable weather conditions for a long time (up to two months). The ripening period is at the end of summer and the beginning of autumn.

If immature seeds are planted, they will disappear altogether or give weak shoots the next year.

You can sow seeds directly in open ground or grow seedlings at home. In the first case, the carnation will bloom only in the second year. seedling method cultivation will make it possible to admire the flowers already in the year of planting.

Advice! Sowing seeds for seedlings should occur in February or the end of January. There is very little sunlight during this period of time, so you will have to take care of additional lighting.

Growing carnation Shabo from seeds

To begin with, the planting material must be prepared: immersed for some time in a bright solution of potassium permanganate. They do it for disinfection. Further, all actions are performed according to the following algorithm:

  • Preparing the soil for planting seeds. You can use ready-made store mix for flowering plants or make it yourself. An example of a soil mixture: half a part of sand, two parts of humus, a part of peat and two parts of soddy land. The prepared soil in which carnations will be grown must be disinfected. To do this, it is watered with potassium permanganate (low concentration) or subjected to preliminary freezing.
  • Choosing a suitable container for seeds. These can be plastic boxes of small depth. In them, the plants will be comfortable until the first transplant, because the roots in this period do not yet have time to grow strongly.
  • The earth must be moistened and small holes for seeds should be made in it.
  • Spread the seeds and sprinkle them with sand (it must first be heated at a high temperature). A substrate for flowers is also suitable, it is also laid out on top with a thin layer (about 3 mm). Seal the cover layer by pressing lightly with your hand.
  • Shabo clove seeds are covered with film or glass and placed in a place where there will be a lot of heat and light.
  • Wait for the first shoots. This will happen in about a week. With their first appearance, the seedlings are transferred to a cool place ( temperature regime- no higher than 15 degrees).
  • Do not remove the film until the last sprout has risen. However, it is necessary to ventilate the seedlings regularly, opening on a short time film once a day.
  • Eliminate temperature fluctuations and drafts, do not overmoisten, take care of good lighting seeds.
  • A month later, the first leaves will appear. Now the plant is ready for the first pick.


To improve the development and growth of carnations, they must be transplanted. They tolerate this procedure quite easily. How to do it right?

  • For transplanting, take a large box or small separate containers.
  • The ground will fit the same as when landing. It must be kept moist before transplanting.
  • Saplings are carefully rolled over, without sprinkling the ground from the roots. The soil around the roots must be compacted.
  • Individual individuals are planted in a box in increments of 5 cm.

The second picking is carried out at the time of the appearance of three pairs of leaves. Now they pick up voluminous and spacious pots so that there is enough space for the development of the root system. After this picking, the plant will be transplanted for the third time already in open ground. The whole procedure is no different from the first pick.

Advice! After the second pick, pinch the top of the plants. Then the carnation will start up additional processes on the side, it will become more magnificent and beautiful.

Planting carnation Shabo in open ground

They plant in April or May, when the cold weather passes. At first, it is better to protect seedlings from accidental night frosts by covering them with a film at night.

Select a good place: it should be light, protected from the wind.

The soil for carnations is suitable moist, not acidic and not alkaline. To increase the fertility of the soil, apply fertilizer in the autumn (rotted manure).

The interval between planted plants should be about 30 cm. Transplanted by transshipment. The roots are close to the surface.

It is important to monitor the soil moisture during this period in order for the plant to successfully take root in a new place.

Advice! Do not plant Shabo carnations near roads with active traffic. Polluted air will negatively affect the condition of plants.

Rules for the care of cloves Shabo

When caring for seedlings, it is important to follow the rules:

  1. Maintain the light regime (if necessary, increase daylight hours artificially) and temperature norms(the room should be cool, no more than 15 degrees).
  2. Try not to overwater the seedlings so that the roots do not rot.
  3. Seedlings must be hardened, but do it gradually, the lowest possible temperature is 12 degrees.

  1. Avoid stagnant water, for this water moderately.
  2. It is necessary to feed the cloves. In the initial stage, the cultivation of flowers requires the application of nitrogen fertilizers. Use potash and phosphate fertilizers during the flowering period. You can buy ready-made nutrient mixture for flowers in the store. Feed regularly (every two weeks) with a small amount.
  3. Strengthen the bushes with flowers with pegs, the stem of the Shabo carnation is tender and weak.
  4. Do not forget to loosen the soil near the bush.
  5. To give a well-groomed appearance to the Shabo carnation bushes, it is advisable to pinch the shoots growing from the side.

How to protect yourself from diseases

If the carnation is sick, the diseased bush must be destroyed. In this case, the entire flower bed must be processed blue vitriol(water solution).

Do not plant carnations next to tulips. These flowers easily transmit various diseases to each other.

Do not plant carnations in the same place for more than two years.

Do not let moisture stagnate, it serves good source reproduction of harmful bacteria.

How to propagate by cuttings

For reproduction in this way, proceed as follows:

  • In autumn, the best individuals are dug up and transferred to the house.
  • After flowering, the stems must be shortened to preserve the plant.
  • In early spring, cuttings are made. To do this, take the middle of the stem.
  • The cut must be treated with a root growth stimulator.
  • Landing at home is carried out in moist sand.
  • The stalk is covered with glass or film.
  • Air regularly and water as needed.

Wait for the appearance of roots in the third week. A bush is formed from the cutting, which can be transplanted to permanent place.

If you are patient and careful in handling carnation seedlings, you can wait for its generous flowering. Don't let the length of the wait scare you.

Grown carnation Shabo will become a universal decoration of any solemn occasion: whether it is a holiday or mourning. Bouquets of carnations retain their beauty for a long time. Proper care will help keep long flowering, which can continue in your home with the onset of cold weather.


Garden carnation blooms very beautifully, and it's worth it to take on a rather complicated, lengthy and laborious process - growing a bush from seeds. We have compiled little guide to help every lover of this plant.

Seed preparation and planting

In order to properly organize the cultivation of garden carnations using seeds, you first need to properly prepare yourself planting material. It is long enough and step by step process, which should begin in the autumn. So, collect a portion of the seeds that are left after the flowering of the carnation, and hide it in a shady and dry place. Landing is recommended around the second decade of January. First prepare the soil. For these purposes, mix the soil with humus in equal parts, then add peat (about ¼ parts) and a little sand.

garden clove seeds

Now you can start landing. The required amount of clove seeds must be soaked for several hours in a solution of potassium permanganate for disinfection and additional stimulation of growth. Planting is simple - place them in pre-prepared furrows, deepening into the ground by about 3-4 mm. In this case, it is advisable to fill the rows of seeds not with soil, but with pre-calcined sand. The optimum temperature regime is about + 15–16 degrees. Properly organized cultivation will give the first shoots in 8-12 days. After that, the temperature should be slightly increased, up to + 23 ... + 25 degrees. It is recommended to wrap boxes with seedlings with a layer of plastic film to create the so-called greenhouse effect.

Growing strong seedlings

To get good results, keep clove seedlings from exposure to low temperatures, drafts and other adverse factors. Acclimatize the plants gradually by airing them daily. To do this, once a day, remove the protective layer from the seedlings. polyethylene film and leave for 5-7 minutes. Watering at this stage of care should be given special attention. Moisten seedlings regularly and very carefully. In this matter, it is important to maintain a balance, since overdried soil inhibits the growth of the plant and weakens it, and overly moist soil can cause the root system to rot and the seedlings to die.

When all shoots appear, the protective film is removed from the box and it is exposed to a window, preferably located on the sunny side. For normal, full development, seedlings may need additional lighting. If carnations are grown at home, an ordinary electric lamp can be used for these purposes, turning it on for 3-5 hours a day.

Growing cloves at home

As for the picking of plants, the opinions of flower growers may differ on this issue. Someone claims that the carnation needs at least three transplants, others insist on two. Pay attention to the number of seedlings that appeared at the first shoots. If there are too many of them and they shade the plants, then a pick should be made, thinning the planting furrows so that a distance of approximately 4-5 cm remains between the plants. Otherwise, do not rush to transplant and wait until the seedlings acquire a few real leaves. Experienced gardeners argue that picking promotes the activation of growth processes and provides plants with optimal access to the nutrients contained in the soil. IN next time garden carnation is transplanted when more than 4-5 leaves appear on it.

After the second pick, it is recommended to start hardening the plant in order to accustom it to the effects of adverse external factors. For these purposes, gradually lower the temperature in the room, up to + 12 ... +15 degrees. In May, boxes with plants should begin to be taken out into the fresh air in order to gradually prepare the seedlings for the upcoming transplant. The hardening procedure during this care will make the carnation stronger, more resistant to low temperatures and less susceptible to most characteristic diseases.

Planting young plants in the ground

The best time to move carnation seedlings to open soil is considered to be the end of May - the first decade of June. Garden carnation is an extremely tender and light-loving plant. Therefore, landing is appropriate only in an area open to sunlight, but protected from drafts and strong winds. The soil for growing this beauty has been prepared since the fall by adding compost, nitrogen and organic fertilizers. Right before planting, the soil must be thoroughly dug up and loosened by 3-4 mm.

Moving flower seedlings to open soil

It should also be emphasized that the carnation belongs to plants with an extremely high degree of drought resistance, so it simply does not tolerate stagnant water. Consider this feature when choosing a seat.

The distance between seedlings should be about 25–30 cm apart. In this case, the substrate accumulated on the rhizome must be preserved. When planting, the plant is not recommended to be buried too deeply into the ground, since in this case it takes root much worse. At the end of the procedure, lightly mulch the soil with sand or sawdust.

Features of garden carnation care

Further care of the carnation will not require special efforts from the gardener. However, there are still certain subtleties in care. In order to provide the carnation with the maximum access of oxygen and improve microcirculation processes, the soil around the bushes must be regularly loosened and dug up a little. It is best to do this after watering or rainfall, allowing the soil to dry out a little.

When it comes to moisture, then you should be extremely careful. Excessive and intense watering can destroy the plant, causing its root system to rot. To prevent this from happening, moisturize the cloves as needed, but no more than once every 2 weeks. In addition, make sure that the liquid does not get on the buds and carnation flowers. This has an extremely negative effect on the condition of the plant and can cause the development of characteristic diseases and pathological conditions.

After the flower stalks appear, you will need to take care of the stability of the carnation. The fact is that this plant is characterized by long and intense flowering, until the onset of the first frost. And so that the bushes do not break off, you will need to tie them to pegs specially driven in near each plant.

Garter plants with peduncles

Of course, do not forget about weeding, regularly clearing the site of weeds. It is especially important to observe this rule at two stages of the life of a carnation: during the acclimatization of seedlings after planting in open ground, as well as during the formation of buds and the phase active flowering requiring a large amount of strength and nutrients.

Such diligent cultivation will be rewarded with a lush but often shapeless bush, so the owner, among other things, will have to take care of the appearance of the carnation thickets. To keep them looking well-groomed, you will need to periodically remove side shoots pinching. In addition, already faded flower stalks should be carefully trimmed, shortening them by about half. Such manipulation contributes to the active development and growth of the bush, increases its vitality, ensures its more active and intense flowering in the new season.

If you want the plant to please you with abundant flowering for as long as possible, you can additionally feed it during seasonal care. The first top dressing should be carried out 10-14 days after planting the seedlings in the soil. Carnation needs especially intensive nutrition during the formation of buds. The third top dressing can be made 2-3 weeks after the start of flowering.

What overshadows the cultivation of beautiful flowers?

Carnation is quite susceptible to fungal pathologies, even with proper care. The disease manifests itself by the presence of specific spots, drying of leaf plates, wilting of stems and breaking off of buds. In diseases with a viral nature, the growth and development of the plant is significantly slowed down, its deformation is observed, and the carnation practically ceases to bloom. To combat such ailments, leaves, shoots and stems with signs of disease should be removed, and then burned outside the garden.

After that, the bushes are treated with preparations with a high copper content. Also, spraying with infusions of onion peel, tobacco or garlic gives a good effect. To reduce the risk of developing pathologies of a viral or fungal nature, it is necessary to monitor and control the level of soil moisture. Moderate watering, which prevents the processes of decay, will serve as the best preventive measure in such a situation.

It is also necessary to monitor the cleanliness of the site, timely remove old shrunken branches, as well as shoots with traces of damage. Concerning garden pests, then the carnation is often attacked by bears and earwigs. You can get rid of them with the help of drugs such as Grizzly, Medvetoks, Bankol, Phenaksin plus, Iskra, Inta-vir.

All types of cloves are very easy to propagate by cuttings. This is also within the power of beginner flower growers. When buying my first bush of perennial cloves, I asked the girl how best to plant it, whole or can be divided. She laughingly said that she would make thirty out of this one, but it’s better for me to plant without dividing. I did just that, but now I calmly cut myself. Carnation can be propagated as needed throughout the growing season. I always root my favorite varieties for the winter in order to be safe from loss during a too frosty, wet or snowless winter.

The advantage of cuttings over propagation by seeds:

  • carnations retain all the characteristics of the mother plant;
  • you can immediately get a large amount of good planting material;
  • flowering occurs in the current year, and with seed propagation only in the second year;

If you root the cuttings in early spring, carnation, with favorable conditions and proper care, will bloom at the end of summer.

I root the cuttings in two ways: directly in the garden and in containers, in order to bring them into the house for the winter for reinsurance.

Rooting in open ground

I root in the garden from spring to the end of July, during which time they will have time to take root and take root in a new place.

  • I dig a small area in a shady corner of the garden with the addition river sand to improve soil drainage.
  • I grind the soil, compact it a little and water it with water, so that it is not too wet, but there is enough moisture.
  • I break out cuttings from a carnation bush. If the carnation is not high, you can break them out with a heel; if the shoots have several internodes, I cut the stems and divide them into cuttings with two nodes (bulges) each. I choose shoots that are not blooming, if there is a bud on it, the shoot will take root, only the bud needs to be removed.
  • I make the lower cut 0.5 cm under the knot.
  • I cut off the lower leaves so that they do not rot in the ground.
  • I either leave the top ones whole if they are small or cut them in half to reduce the evaporation of moisture.
  • I plant the cuttings in a prepared place, deepening the lower node by 1 cm.
  • From above I make an impromptu greenhouse, covering the area with polyethylene and sprinkling it with earth from the sides. You can press it with something heavy, such as sticks, so that it does not blow away with the wind.
  • Moisture in such a cutting is usually enough for a long time, until the roots appear. If the summer is hot, you can look inside a couple of times and water if necessary.
  • After about three weeks, young shoots form on the cuttings, they are still weak, but this indicates that the root system has begun to form.
  • If the weather is favorable, it is raining or cloudy, it is better to remove the film. In this case, you need to make sure that the soil does not dry out, otherwise the plants will die, since the roots are still very weak.

From an ordinary carnation bush, you can get from twenty to forty cuttings.

I transplant rooted plants a month and a half after the roots appear. If you started cuttings in May, then by September some carnations may give buds.

If rooting was carried out late, for example in August, then it is better not to transplant the cuttings. For the winter, they need to be well mulched, covered with dry foliage or cut annuals. Land in a permanent place in the spring, after the onset of consistently warm weather.

Cuttings in a container

I root some varieties of carnations in containers. These are new varieties that you don’t want to lose and capricious varieties (I have some) that do not winter well in the soil and every spring I fight for their life.

  • I make up the soil for rooting from equal parts of peat and river sand, you can take it ready-made (for example, for seedlings) and add sand or perlite to it for looseness.
  • I cut cuttings with two knots, as well as when rooting in the soil. At the apical shoots I leave two to four leaves, depending on the size.
  • I deepen the cuttings by one centimeter. I water it and cover the stalk with a film, trying so that the tips of the cuttings do not touch it. Condensation forms under the film and, in contact with it, the cutting may rot.
  • Rooting temperature 20-25*C.
  • It is not necessary to water such a cutting. A month later, after removing the film, you will find that each cutting has grown, which means that roots have begun to form. Now all care consists in regular slight moistening and loosening of the soil.
  • After a month and a half, young cloves can be transplanted into separate cups, choosing them according to the size of the root system. Usually the diameter of the pot is 10-12 cm.

Important! Having transplanted into pots, the clove should be cut, leaving 2-3 knots. After pruning, it will grow into a lush bush.

Many gardeners like to grow beautiful carnation flowers on their plots. Their exquisite and bright beauty catches the eye, carnations are a real decoration of the flower bed. But it is also an unpretentious and not very capricious flower. Garden carnation care is pleasant and uncomplicated. It is enough to know the main principles of growing a flower beauty.

How to grow a flower

This plant loves sunny areas. Best place than flower beds well lit sunlight and protected from the winds, you can’t think of carnations for growing.

Perennial carnation in the garden grows well on light soil with neutral acidity, saturated with humus and sand. The soil for it should pass water and not be waterlogged.

The plant is planted at a temperature of +15 ° C. Carnation seeds are sown in a substrate of humus, sand, sod land in equal parts and lightly sprinkled. A very important question for a gardener is how to properly plant a carnation. The soil must be moist. Covered to keep heat and moisture in. After germination, it is no longer necessary to cover the crop.
When the leaves appear, they pick in separate containers and top dressing. Growing seedlings of carnations are planted on a flower bed, maintaining a distance of 20 cm, the soil is mulched. Planting a garden carnation in compliance with agricultural technology and further care help to grow magnificent flowers.

carnation care

Flowers in the flower beds during growth require some attention. A few simple rules provide the most favorable conditions for cloves:

  • weed removal;
  • pinching a flower;
  • frequent watering;
  • soil loosening;
  • plant nutrition;
  • garter.

Carnation does not like neighborhood weeds and herbs, the flower must be freed from them. The abundance of weeds around the flower slows down or completely inhibits its growth. Weeding - required element caring for a fragile beauty.

garden care perennial carnation also consists in pinching the top of the flower, which gives an impetus rapid flowering. The plant begins to bush and give side shoots. Pinching is carried out above the upper leaf node, with a stem height of 15 cm. How do you pinch a carnation? Do it with your fingers. A month later, the pinching is repeated.

We must not forget about moisturizing and nourishing the soil where they are planted. perennials. Street carnation needs care associated with moderate watering, after which the soil must be loosened.

Waterlogging of the soil near the clove bushes should not be allowed, this can lead to rotting of the roots.

Organic and especially mineral fertilizers are applied to the soil, this contributes to good development stems and vigorous flowering. It is important to feed the plant complex fertilizers when the buds appear.

If the stems of the carnation grow very tall, the plant is tied up. It must be in an upright position, otherwise, under the weight of the flowers, the stems will begin to break. The stems are tied to the supports with twine or nylon thread. This must be done very carefully and not tight.

When carnation flowers fade, they should be cut off immediately. This encourages new blooms.

Garden carnations need to be prepared for winter. Frost should not harm her. To do this, cut withered flower above the soil. Be sure to mulch the soil around the plant. This will help the roots get a supply of nutrients. Some gardeners in regions with cold winters dig up flower bushes, transplant them into boxes, containers or in and bring them into the house for the winter. In this case, the carnation will safely overwinter.

Flower beds bloom all summer, if you remember these simple rules on how to grow a perennial carnation.

How do cloves reproduce

There are several ways to reproduce this perennial flower:

  • layering;
  • cuttings;
  • dividing the bush.

Layers appear with the help of moist earth and a cut in the stem. Long side shoots are cut from below, fixed, sprinkled with soil and watered. Soon roots appear, a green sprout sprouts. It is separated from the carnation bush and planted in the ground.

Sometimes layering is obtained from a lush bush with side branches, sprinkled with earth. At the same time water regularly. After some time, the branches take root. Then they are transplanted separately.

It is very popular with gardeners to propagate all kinds of carnations by cuttings. Usually this is done in early June. At the carnation bush, long side shoots with at least four leaves are selected. The shoots are freed from the leaves, several cuts are made between the nodes on the stem. It is useful to dip the sections in a growth stimulator. The cuttings are planted in half-cooked fertile soil and humus the substrate, adding some sand there. The planted cuttings are covered with a transparent material to make a kind of greenhouse. They take root in three weeks, sprout.
Full flowering of a new clove bush can be expected in a year.

In early spring, carnations can be propagated by dividing the bush. The plant is completely dug up and the root is divided into several separate bushes. Each of them must have a healthy and developed root, a large lateral shoot. The resulting young bushes are planted in the ground. Take care of as an adult plant. Flowering will begin next year.

clove diseases

Caring for and caring for garden carnations includes mandatory disease prevention and getting rid of plant pests.

Unfortunately, carnation, like other flowers, is prone to some diseases:

  • fungus;
  • gray rot;
  • rust;
  • rhizoctoniosis;
  • fusarium.

The fungus heterosporiosis affects cloves with an excess of moisture and nitrogenous fertilizers in the soil. appear on the leaves of the plant brown spots with reddish rims. The plant begins to dry out and dies. In this case, the affected plants are burned, the soil is treated with Bordeaux liquid. To prevent this disease, the bushes are treated with Nitrafen or other similar drugs twice a season.

Gray rot - botrytis appears on flowers during prolonged rains, cooling, in the absence of sunlight. Sometimes the disease is provoked by a large excessive density of planted plants. They are covered with a gray smoky coating. Such flowers are to be destroyed. Prevention: avoid excessive moisture and spraying with fungicides.

Treatment with fungicidal preparations should not be carried out on sunny days when strong wind. Optimal conditions for this - dry and cloudy weather.

Rust is also caused by fungus. In this case, the stems, leaves are affected, they turn yellow and dry out. The disease provokes a lack of potassium in the soil and an excess of nitrogen, excessive waterlogging. Affected plants are removed, sprayed with fungicides, for example, Bordeaux mixture. Prevention consists in moderate watering, weeding of weeds - carriers of pathogens.

Rhizoctonia causes rotting of the root system of the carnation at the root collar. The plant stops receiving nutrients. Its leaves turn yellow, wither, the roots are affected by rot. To save plants, a universal and effective fungicide is suitable - the drug "Maxim". For prevention, constant loosening of the soil and moderate watering are necessary.

Fusarium wilt - staining of the stem in a reddish color, yellowing leaves, rotting of the roots. As a result, the flowers stop blooming, the plant dies. The cause of the manifestation of the disease can be too much humidity, acidic soil and hot weather. It is impossible to cure such plants, they are dug up and burned. Protect carnations from this scourge with mulching and moderate watering.

Garden beauty pests

Sometimes it is difficult to avoid an attack on a carnation flower by such pests:

  • caterpillars;
  • thrips.

Thrips infect the carnation, leaving whitish spots on the plant. The plant withers and dies. Such bushes are destroyed, and the soil is disinfected, and they are treated several times.

Good care a magnificent flower- a garden carnation will allow you to admire its beauty until autumn.

How to grow a carnation - video

Carnation bearded ( Dianthus barbatus) - herbaceous plant clove family.

stems: non-flowering, creeping on the ground.

Peduncles: straight, strong, knotty, 20-60 cm high.

Leaves: sessile, lanceolate, opposite. Depending on the variety, they can be light green, dark green or reddish.

Flower color: white, cream, pink, red, burgundy, motley, often with an eye and a border. Velvety flowers, exuding a light aroma, consist of 5 petals, the size of an individual flower is 1.5-2.5 cm. Simple or double flowers collected in apical dense thyroid inflorescences with a diameter of 8-12 cm.

Bloom: begins in late May-early June and lasts 1-1.5 months.

Fetus: cylindrical box. Seeds remain viable for 3-5 years.

Where is the best place to plant barbatus?

Barbatus prefers light, non-acidic soils rich in nutrients. Differs in cold resistance and frost resistance.

Requires good drainage, does not tolerate stagnant water.

Unlike other types of carnation, it is undemanding to light, it can bloom in partial shade, but in shading, flowering is less plentiful.

The plant is perennial, in culture it is bred as a biennial - in the first year it forms a rosette of leaves, in the second - flowers.

Turkish clove propagation methods

Turkish carnation is propagated by seeds, green cuttings, layering, dividing the bush.

seed way

Seeds are sown at the end of May, seedlings appear in two weeks. In early August, the developed rosettes are transplanted to a permanent place at a distance of 20-30 cm.

It is possible to sow the seeds immediately in July in a permanent place, thin out the seedlings, and cover young plants for the winter with spruce branches.

Our advice:

When breeding seed way in double varieties, some plants are non-double, and undersized varieties give part of the tall plants.

Reproduction by green cuttings

Therefore, especially valuable varieties of Turkish cloves are best propagated by green cuttings.

They are cut in June, rooted in the garden, periodically spraying.

The cuttings take root after 3 weeks, and in the fall they can be transplanted to a permanent place.

How to propagate by layering?

It is even easier to propagate barbatus by layering. In late July-early August, creeping stems are sprinkled with earth (shallow cuts can be made on the stem for better rooting).

The top of the stem is tied to a peg to keep it upright. After 5 weeks, rooted layers are cut off from the mother plant and planted in place.

Our advice:

In order for this carnation to develop as a perennial, you need to sprinkle with nutrient soil all young shoots that have long bare stems.

With this method of reproduction, carnations can live and bloom well in one place for up to 10 years.

Ease of maintenance

In order for the carnation to bloom profusely and for a long time, the soil is fertilized with rotted manure or compost. Fresh manure can be applied in autumn.

Turkish carnation is responsive to fertilizing with mineral fertilizers.

Lack of nitrogen causes yellowing of the leaves and stunting. With a deficiency of potassium, the stems become fragile, flexible, the leaves die off. With a lack of phosphorus, seed ripening slows down.

decorative use

Barbatus is planted in flowerbeds, in flowerbeds, used as a border plant. This carnation looks good in separate bright groups on the lawn and in containers.

Low-growing varieties add charm to rocky gardens.

Variety of varieties and species

At the bearded carnation ( Dianthus barbatus) many different varieties in color and height. The most famous:

  • Schneeball - bushes up to 40 cm tall, double flowers, white, with a jagged edge, inflorescences up to 11 cm in diameter;
  • Diadem - bushes up to 45 cm tall, dark crimson flowers with a large white eye, inflorescences up to 10 cm in diameter;
  • Heimatland - 45-50 cm high, shoots and leaves are dark green with a red tint, flowers up to 2 cm in diameter, dark red with a pronounced eye, inflorescences up to 12 cm in diameter;
  • Kupferrot - 45-50 cm high, copper-red flowers with a jagged edge, inflorescences 9-10 cm in diameter.

Old varieties are also popular:

  • Mazurka - with white non-double flowers with a pinkish ring;
  • Fiery heart - with bright red flowers;
  • Midjet - dwarf variety with dark red flowers;
  • Coal - with black-raspberry-violet flowers with white stamens.

Of the novelties of foreign selection, it is worth noting the English variety mixtures Wee Willy, Rondo, Roundabout, they are distinguished by dwarf growth (15-20 cm).

Tall, up to 60 cm, the Holland variety type is notable for its two-color flowers with rings or colored edges. Dutch breeders also bred Turkish cloves series Noverna, which blooms in the first year, it can be grown as an annual.

Tina Simkovic
© Magazine "Ogorodnik"
Photo: depositphotos.com

The genus of carnation today has more than 300 species, and some of them are quite suitable for indoor cultivation. good decision for pot breeding, several compact hybrid species have become, and total number varieties today is several hundred. This modest and unpretentious flower has always attracted the attention of gardeners, it is no coincidence that its Latin name Dianthus can be translated as "divine".

Carnation came to Europe from Northern China, it also grows in Japan and Primorsky Krai. Since the plant is unpretentious, several types of cloves have received the most wide use in European countries. Different varieties can be very different from each other, so you can choose a flower to your liking.

The following varieties have become the most popular for pot breeding:

  • Chinese carnation. This is a very beautiful plant with a wonderful variety of shades of petals. They can be red, pink, white, two-tone. Petals have a corrugated edge, which gives them a special charm. The stem is creeping, the plant is classified as an annual.
  • . This species differs from others in that its buds are collected in thyroid inflorescences, the diameter of which can be up to 12 cm. The flowers also have a corrugated edge, they can be either double or simple. This species attracts flower growers with a variety of colors: the buds can be white, pink, lilac, often they are decorated with a border. One of the features of this species is undemanding to light.
  • Carnation hybrid - one of the most beautiful and favorite species of flower growers. This annual plant no more than 20 cm high. During the entire flowering, it is completely covered with bright large buds.
  • Carnation grenadine is a variety of carnation garden, specially bred for cultivation in room conditions. It is distinguished by large terry buds with a corrugated edge of the petals.

All these species are very often combined into one - indoor carnation, as they have approximately the same requirements for growing and take up little space.

All are characterized by a pleasant aroma and long flowering, but, unfortunately, all these plants are only annuals.

In all types of room cloves, there are several characteristic features: they are photophilous plants and require a long daylight hours. At the same time, it is important to observe the correct temperature regime: the carnation does not tolerate strong heat well, the ideal temperature for it is 13-15 degrees.

Lack of light or, conversely, too hot sun rays lead to growth retardation, and the plant will bloom much worse.

Other mandatory rules when growing carnations on a windowsill:

  1. Plant, earth in a pot should never dry out completely. At the same time, moisture should not stagnate in the soil, so you need to take care of the drainage layer. For irrigation, it is better to choose soft settled water, it should not be cold. Carnation is very fond of evening spraying, especially after a hot day.
  2. For cloves, it is recommended to select neutral soils. Ideal proportion: leafy soil, peat and soddy soil in a ratio of 1:1:2. Carnation is afraid of microorganisms, so the soil must first be shed with antiseptic solutions.
  3. Feeding is necessary for lush flowering therefore, for cloves, complex mineral fertilizers are bred and the soil is sprayed. The amount of fertilizer should not be excessive, 1 spraying of the soil every 10 days is enough. Fertilizers begin to be applied to the soil after the first month from the moment of transplantation.

To make the bush lush, young shoots need to be pinched, forming a crown.

The plant does not suffer from this procedure, as it quickly produces lateral shoots. In general, the rules If you do not forget to water it and provide it with enough light, there is no doubt that it will soon bloom and will please the owner for a very long time with magnificent buds with a delicate pleasant aroma.

At home, cloves are easiest to propagate by seeds, and if you experiment with crossing several varieties, you can achieve interesting color combinations buds. Sowing is carried out in early spring, in March-April, and carnation seeds usually have very good germination. Seed material should not be stored for a long time: seeds obtained from last year's plant sprout best.

Growing tricks:

  • Seeds do not need to be pre-soaked, it is enough to place them in a container with soil to a depth of 2-3 mm and moisten with plenty of water.
  • The containers must be placed in a bright place, the first shoots may appear after a week.
  • When the seedlings germinate, and they have at least 5 true leaves, you can begin to form the future bush. To do this, pinch the top, the same will need to be done with the side shoots.
  • Proper pinching will form beautiful crown and achieve abundant flowering.

Carnations begin to bloom about 3-4 months after planting. So the bushes planted in spring will delight you with flowering all summer. Seeds can also be planted before winter, but in this case, the carnation will bloom only next year.

For two year olds and perennial species other methods of reproduction are also used: this is the transplantation of cuttings.

In any case, it is important not to go too deep young plant into the soil. Plantings need to be watered in a timely manner, sand is often added to the composition of the soil so that moisture does not stagnate and does not lead to rotting of the roots.

However, there are still a few common problems that you need to know about before landing. Although the plant is not too demanding on conditions, it is afraid of pests.

Carnation pests:

  • Carnations are affected by a spider mite - in this case, the reverse side of the leaves will be covered with a white bloom, and the plant will bloom much worse.
  • Aphids, powdery mildew and other common pests also pose a threat.

Carnations need to be protected from threats: if any plant on the windowsill is affected, it is better to immediately remove the pot of cloves to another place. If signs of disease appear, the leaves are washed with soapy water. In this case, you need to make sure that the soap does not get on the roots - this can only damage the plant. The foam is left on the leaves for several hours (but not overnight), and then washed off.

You can also use folk remedies: from spider mite you can successfully fight with the help of infusion of tansy and yarrow.

If these measures do not work, it is better to purchase special fungicides in a phytopharmacy. One of the effective means is Actellik - this drug kills most pests, but is toxic, so it is used only in extreme cases. Other effective remedy- Fitoverm, it is safer, but you still need to carefully follow the instructions.

Often carnations get sick if poor quality soil is used. Bought in a store, and even more so collected in the garden, the earth must be spilled with a weak solution of potassium permanganate to kill microorganisms.

Since this plant has long been grown indoors, you can use a few tricks worked out by gardeners:

  • When growing biennial and perennial varieties the plant needs to be updated from the petiole each time. The old carnation blooms much worse, and the petiole after transplantation will again produce large buds.
  • If the cuttings were planted at the end of summer, flowering can be achieved even in winter. To do this, you need to organize a long daylight hours: when the sun sets, the plant is additionally illuminated with a special lamp.
  • When the bud begins to fade, it is advisable to immediately remove it from the bush. the same should be done with side flowers if there are too many of them. and the plant may not have enough strength to fully bloom.
  • In summer, it is advisable to ventilate the room with carnations more often. She needs fresh air and does not like too high temperatures.

With proper care, indoor carnations can be turned into an excellent decoration.

She will find a place on the balcony or on the loggia, she can be easily placed on the windowsill, as the bushes do not take up extra space. You can plant several plants with different color buds in one container, organizing a mini-flower bed on the windowsill.

A modest and at the same time very beautiful flower will cheer you up and will delight all family members for a very long time. Indoor carnation is the easiest way to diversify your home interior.

More information can be found in the video.
