Many-sided begonia: wonderful flowers or beautiful leaves. Why is the begonia not blooming?

Terry begonia is a compact ornamental shrub with beautiful carved leaves, which are green or reddish in color.

Flowers can be of different colors:

  • orange;
  • yellow;
  • pink;
  • red;
  • white.

In their shape, they look like small roses. Due to the presence of a shaggy border on the petals of flowers, giving it tenderness, they are called terry. At home, the plant began to be grown from the 17th century. The begonia flower was named after Michel Begon, who was the French governor of the island of Haiti. And the monk Charles Plumier discovered this type of plant during a trip to the Antilles. There he met the first specimens of this flower, which struck with a variety of colors and shapes.

Begonia will never let you get bored. A variety of colors, shapes, leaves allow you to create original and beautiful compositions at home and garden plot. This beauty has a huge number of species and varieties. Read about begonias, and.

Photo of plants

Here you can see photos of plants and flowers:


Terry begonias, depending on the underground part, are also. They also differ in the aboveground part. Some grow in a vertical bush, while others have long shoots, they are called ampelous. In tuberous begonias, flowers are large in size, which varies from 1.5 to 15-20 cm. Their colors and edges of the petals may vary. Sometimes they exude an odor.

Ampel begonias:

  1. able to hang down;
  2. can braid a lattice or a support;
  3. bloom profusely.

There are types of ampelous begonias, in which the flowers are large 10-15 cm, are also found with small ones - up to 5 cm. The peak of flowering occurs in spring. Some varieties delight with flowering all summer. Mostly flowers of ampelous begonias are pink and white.


For growing with terry begonia tubers planting material must be prepared before the cold sets in. Pulling the tubers out of the ground, they are cleaned and the stems are removed. They are stored in sand or peat in a place where the temperature is plus 8-11 ° C.

Landing is carried out from mid-February to May. The method of growing begonias with the help of seeds is troublesome, therefore it is not widely used. Planting terry begonias on the site, open loggia or in winter garden it is necessary to engage in early or mid-May, the earth should be well warmed up.

A shallow clay pot with drainage holes at the bottom is suitable for growing this plant. Since clay is a porous material, the roots will receive the necessary Fresh air. For ampelous varieties, wide and small pots are considered suitable.

Lighting and location

Begonia will grow well, bloom profusely and brightly in the presence of intense, diffused and soft lighting. When exposed to direct sunlight, the flowers will become faded, and burns will appear on the leaves. Debilitating rays can lead to overheating and death of the plant. The best place in the room for him are considered windows that look to the east and west. Most begonias need additional lighting in winter.

Important! In order for all sides of this flower to get the same amount of light, and also so that the leaves do not become crooked, the pot must be rotated. Terry begonia loves fresh air. In summer, it can be taken out into the street, but rain should not be allowed to fall on it, and the plant should also be hidden from wind and drafts.

Soil Requirements

For planting, it is best to take the land:

  • light;
  • loose;
  • rich in minerals.

You can buy ready-made soil in a special store, and for drainage, add sand to it, or prepare the soil yourself.

To do this, you need to mix:

  1. greenhouse land for indoor plants;
  2. peat;
  3. sifted sand.
  4. There must be a dense drainage layer at the bottom. This will keep the water from stagnating in the pot.

    Outdoor and home care

    To achieve abundant flowering, terry begonias need to be properly looked after. The temperature in the room should be moderate - + 19-23 ° C, in winter time– +18-20 °С. She is not a fan of a hot room where dry air prevails, on the contrary, she needs high humidity. However, it is impossible to spray the plant, because brown spots. Air spraying is the best solution.

    Begonias need to be watered depending on the time of year. In summer, about 2 times a week, and if it is very hot, then every day, it depends on the drying of the earth's surface. However, one must be careful not to allow stagnation of water, which has a detrimental effect on the flower. Starting in autumn, watering should be moderate, and in winter, tuberous varieties stop watering altogether.

    Watering of other species, in which the leaves remain for the winter, is minimized. Tubers go into a dormant period. Their ground part dies off, and the tuber itself needs to be moved to a cool place. It is recommended to take water that has been settled for several days.

    When watering, it is impossible for it to fall on:

  • flowers;
  • leaves;
  • tubers.

It is advised to pour water along the edge of the pot or through the pan. Terry begonia definitely needs to be fed. When it is propagated, it is necessary to use special additives that are applied to the ground. Used for feeding mineral fertilizers. The procedure is carried out 1 time per week.

Terry begonia is transplanted into fresh soil in early spring, tuberous varieties every year, and ampelous varieties once in 2 years. Over time, the flower loses its decorative effect, cuttings will help to update it. If the terry ground part of the begonia is a bush, then it needs to be trimmed regularly. Using this procedure, it is possible to form it appearance resulting in rejuvenation of the plant.

Use a sharp knife for cutting. When a young stem grows up to 10 cm, you need to pinch the top, then they will begin to form side shoots. After they reach 12 cm in length, they also need to be pinned.

Further to come:

  • take care of your appearance;
  • attach desired shape;
  • remove dry stems.

Ampel varieties of begonias are pruned when they need to give a beautiful appearance.

Common diseases and pests

A common disease is gray rot in which mold appears on the leaves. The main reason is the presence of a flower in a cold, damp and poorly ventilated room. Such leaves must be removed, and the begonia is treated with special means.

Another common disease is powdery mildew. It is manifested by the appearance of white plaque on the leaves.

The disease develops due to:

  • high humidity;
  • frequent temperature changes;
  • drafts.

Powdery mildew often affects flowers in the fresh air. Fungicides are used to control.

Sometimes terry begonias are attacked by pests, such as:

  1. spider mite;
  2. leaf and gall nematode.

Reproduction features

Tuberous species reproduce by dividing the tuber, - seeds, those that have a stem - stem cuttings, as well as parts of the leaf and leaf cuttings.

The most unreliable, difficult and long is the method of propagation by seeds. It is used if there is no material for vegetative propagation, or if necessary, get a huge number of plants.

When parts of a sheet are used either leaf cuttings, from which children are then formed, they, like sowing plants, develop for a long time. Features of the maternal specimen are preserved during vegetative propagation.

The stem cuttings of terry begonia have a lot of advantages, due to which this method is the most optimal. This option is the easiest, most reliable and fastest. It can be used for almost all varieties of begonias, while retaining all the characteristics of the variety. A rooted cutting can reach a height of 15 cm. This is already quite strong. young plant which is growing very fast. It can bloom almost immediately, although it depends on the species.

The process of growing terry begonia is considered useful and exciting. This flower removes microbes from the room, has a healing effect on the heart and blood vessels. In addition to the delightful appearance, begonia has positive energy.

Exists. To begin with, there are deciduous-decorative species that are valued for the beauty of their leaves. The color of these plants is simply amazing: red, pink, purple, gray, almost black, various combinations greens, with a contrast fringing, and a fancy pattern. The shape of the leaf is irregular, resembling an inverted drop, a circle with a wavy edge, or Maple Leaf. Stems are fleshy and thick.

In this article we will talk about another variety - flowering begonias. This plant also excelled here: red, yellow, purple, pink and white flowers small size literally strewn with compact bushes.

The natural habitat of these wonderful flowers is South America, Asia and Africa. They belong to the Begonia family and have over 1000 varieties. Named after the governor of Haiti, Michel Begon Sr., who lived in the 17th century, when the begonia genus was discovered.

The duration of flowering depends on several factors:

On a note. The average flowering time of the most common species is from May to October-November.

About what to do if blooming view plants do not bloom, you will learn in .


Begonias have heterosexual flowers: there are female flowers with pistils, and male flowers with stamens. How to tell them apart:

  • On the back of the flower, the female flowers have a bulge - the future seed box, the male flowers have nothing there.
  • Double flowers in the corresponding species can only be male, female double flowers are not. But male flowers, at the same time, can be simple.
  • If you understand what pistils and stamens look like, you can just see them. By the way, some double male flowers can be without stamens at all. It is the modified stamens that make the flower terry.

Interesting fact! Removal of female flowers from their very formation, can significantly increase the flowering period. begonias, as well as enhance its intensity. But only if you don't want the seeds.

From the moment of awakening, the plant begins to accumulate strength and useful material for upcoming blooms. Buds are laid, reproductive organs are formed.

When it becomes ready for reproduction, first the male and then the female flowers bloom. If pollination occurs, which is done by hand, then the male flowers wither, and in the female, a fruit box with seeds begins to ripen. This is the time of the highest activity of the plant.

At this time, a huge amount is consumed nutrients and micronutrients. A faster metabolism requires more water, sunlight and warmth.

What to do next with wilted buds?

Even during the period of active flowering, all faded buds are removed. Someone neatly cuts, someone twists. So gradually you will remove the entire flower part, and by the end of flowering, the question will disappear by itself. Why do it? During flowering in this way, you save plant energy for more lush flowering. At the end of this period, you also help the plant get rid of unnecessary things in order to prepare for a dormant state. And in the end, withered flowers are not aesthetically pleasing, they spoil the appearance of the begonia, make it sloppy, unkempt.

Reference. If you have pollinated female flowers and formed fruits, then you can get seeds.

For this, the largest and healthiest fruits are left, the rest are cut off. In 20-25 days after the end of flowering, the box ripens. It is opened and the seeds are taken. These seeds can seedling way get new young plants.

Home care after this period

During flowering, the plant required a lot of light, water and nutrition, but the energy-intensive process is over and it is necessary to smoothly transfer the begonia to a dormant state. Gradually, it is necessary to reduce the amount and volume of watering, fertilizing and lighting intensity.

How to deal with it when it has faded depends on the type of root system.

How to store begonia tubers in winter:

Varieties with common roots

Non-tuberous begonias can bloom almost until spring. However, it is better to give the plant a rest. For this you need to change the conditions of the flower from November-December, as soon as active flowering went down:

  • Stop fertilizing.
  • Reduce watering as much as possible, water only when upper layer the soil will be completely dry.
  • Trim the plant, remove all unnecessary shoots completely, cut the main shoots to 12-15 cm. Sprinkle the cut points with coal powder.
  • Spray the air around the flower, or provide normal humidity another way. You can put a tray with water, but the pot should not be in the water. Pebbles can be poured into the pallet, on which the pot will stand.

    Remember! It is absolutely impossible to spray the plant itself!

  • Remove the begonia in a dark corner. bright lighting provokes the continuation of flowering, and future buds-sprouts are laid in conditions of short daylight hours.
  • The temperature during this period should be lowered to 10-15 degrees.

Transplanting evergreen begonias for the winter:

Begonia is a plant species that belongs to the Begonia family. There are a large number of species and subspecies, but conditionally they can be divided into two large groups: decorative and indoor, which in turn are divided into flowering ones (they differ abundant flowering) and decorative leafy (flowers are mediocre, but the foliage has unusual shape and bright saturated color).

Most often, flowering begonias are grown at home, which manifests itself in three forms:

  • evergreen;
  • tuberous, having falling leaves;
  • bushy, requiring time for hibernation.

Home conditions are especially suitable for elatior begonias.

In order for begonia to grow and develop correctly, it is necessary to provide it with competent care:

  • regular, at least twice a week, watering with pre-settled water;
  • natural sunlight exposure. This will provide saturated colors sheets and flowers;
  • natural organic fertilizer, which can help the plant during the flowering period, providing it with the necessary nutrients;
  • temperature regime about 20 degrees.

Note! Even with proper care, problems can occur, such as lack of flowering.

When and how long does begonia bloom

How much begonia blooms depends on its type:

  • flower bed begins to bloom in June and this period can last until September, after which it can be transplanted into home pot and bring it into the room.
  • homemade begonias, in particular Elatior, begin to bloom in autumn and the process continues throughout winter period.

Flowering depends solely on proper care and plant variety.

Begonia has a different flowering, depending on individual characteristics plants.

Why is the begonia not blooming?

Answering the question why begonia does not bloom, it is worth considering the main reasons:

  • improper lighting, which is not enough for the flower to carry out the process of photosynthesis;
  • unsuitable soil ( right soil- slightly acidic, loose and nutritious);
  • incorrect transplant;
  • insufficient amount of fertilizer;
  • too dry indoor air or climatic influences, such as periods of drought;
  • exposure to microorganisms that harm the root system or foliage;
  • insufficient watering (this reason is the most important, because the roots of plants are most susceptible to moisture and its level should always be sufficient).

What to do to make the begonia bloom again

First of all, gardeners have the question of what to do to make the begonia bloom. The answer is simple: change the conditions of care and cultivation.

Begonia not blooming

Very rarely, the age of the plant itself or the illiterate planting of the bush can be the reason for the lack of flowers. In addition, when buying, you should carefully study the variety to which the begonia belongs, because the decorative leafy species, in principle, cannot bloom.

So, how to make a flower bloom - you need to provide the plant with enough moisture, but not too much. Introduce mineral nutrients into the soil - top dressing. Begonia will begin to grow more actively and will soon give flowers. After that, transfer the plant to the windowsill, providing it with enough sunlight. It is worth protecting the begonia from hypothermia, as well as from dryness. Room temperature will be just the way.

Now it’s clear why the begonia does not bloom and what to do about it. But this applies mostly to domestic, ever-flowering plants. But caring for a flower bed is a little different:

  • it should be noted that flowerbed begonia does not tolerate frost well, so planting should begin no earlier than May;
  • it is necessary to protect the plant from drought, while not neglecting exposure to direct sunlight in moderation;
  • need to get rid of the plant a large number moisture, do not place it near Wastewater or descending from the roof of a building.

Often the question arises as to why tuberous begonia does not bloom in a pot. The answer is simple and is proper watering, which is carried out only after the top layer of the soil has dried.

What to do if the begonia does not bloom with double flowers

The double flower is truly beautiful and unique, which is distinctive feature begonias. But it happens that instead of the expected flower, the simplest ones grow. This problem is especially common in tuberous plants. There are several main reasons why this may be due:

  • the tuber has insufficient strength, especially for young plants that bloom for the first time. This is due to an insufficient dormant period of the plant and improper reproduction.
  • lack of strength in the plant itself due to illiterate care.
  • one should not exclude such a sign as an error in production, especially for those seeds that were purchased in a store. Therefore, it is better to purchase the plant itself.

Note! It is worth reviewing the care and waiting for the next flowering period, perhaps the begonia will gain strength and give flowers of the desired properties.

Preventive measures

It is advisable not to bring the problem to treatment, because you can prevent abnormal development by observing simple rules for prevention. The main points of the activities are aimed at pest control, because the main parameters of care have already been presented.

  • rotten and yellow leaves should be regularly removed;
  • perform the spraying procedure by using a spray gun. Water should be clean, preferably separated and at room temperature;
  • if there is a tendency to increase yellow, dry or rotten leaves - start the introduction of dressings rich in vitamins and minerals. Before that, having carefully studied the rules of administration and dosage;
  • if there is a smell of rot or a whitish coating, you need to treat the plant with a weak solution of potassium permanganate;
  • harmful bacteria can cause loss of strength of the stems, to avoid this, it is necessary to periodically treat the begonia with a solution of Bordeaux liquid;
  • prevention viral diseases also carried out with a weak solution of manganese.

Observing preventive measures, the gardener will save himself from questions about why the begonia does not bloom and what to do. Caring for begonias is quite simple and does not take you much time, while flowers of various colors (red, orange, yellow) in combination with emerald greenery will delight throughout the winter period or will be a great addition. landscape design garden.

Huge double flowers attract the eye and fascinate from the first moment of acquaintance

First meeting

Terry begonia belongs to the extensive genus Begonievs, whose homeland is the hot subtropics of Africa, South America and India. Plants of this genus were domesticated in the distant 17th century, since then species and varietal diversity begonias exceeded tens and thousands.

Begonia terry is a compact, neat bush with beautiful carved leaves of reddish or green color and large flowers bright colors - white, red, pink. yellow, orange. This type of begonia received its special beauty and its name thanks to the terry border on the flower petals.

Depending on the root system, tuberous and bush terry begonias are distinguished, and based on the height and nature of the growth of the bush, they can be divided into ampelous and ordinary bushes. Almost all types of begonias form two types of flowers - male and female. The former are highly decorative, while the latter are simple, non-double and small, but it is in their place that a seed box will form over time.

The flowering period of these plants, as a rule, lasts all summer, although some varieties, such as the ever-flowering double begonia, can continue to bloom in autumn and even winter.

You can grow terry varieties of begonias as in room conditions, and on the balcony, veranda or in the garden. The main thing is to choose the most comfortable place for them that meets all the requirements of agricultural technology.

Rules for caring for begonias

Begonias are not too capricious, although there is such fame about them. If you provide them with the right conditions from the very beginning, the plant will respond with abundant flowering and a minimum of requirements.

It is best to grow terry begonias in clay pots with drainage holes at the bottom. Clay is a porous material that will provide sufficient access to fresh air to the roots of the plant.

For begonias, you need loose, nutrient soil with a slightly acidic reaction (pH 5.5-6.5). A suitable mixture can be made independently. To do this, just mix:

  • 2 parts of leaf land;
  • 1 part river sand;
  • 1 part of humus;
  • 1 part peat.

Sand, humus and peat can be replaced with turf and coniferous soil (1 part each). If you can’t make the soil mixture yourself, you can use the soil from the store. There you can find special mixtures for growing begonias.

Important! At the bottom of the pot, be sure to lay out a dense drainage layer of expanded clay or broken brick.

Light and temperature

For full growth and abundant, bright flowering of begonias, intense lighting is required, but the light should be soft, diffused. Direct sunlight is fraught with the appearance of burns on the leaves and faded flowers. In addition, under direct sun, the plant can overheat and die. In winter, most begonias require additional lighting if they do not go into dormancy.

Optimum temperature for terry begonias it will be 18-23 degrees. A slight cold snap (not lower than 15 degrees) the flower will endure steadfastly, but the temperature increase is very unpleasant for him

It is important to monitor the movement of air in the room - fresh air is very useful for begonias, so you need to ventilate the room more often, and in summer the pots can be taken out to outdoor balcony or veranda. It should be remembered that terry begonias are very sensitive to wind and rain, so you should not allow drafts or put them in places unprotected from the wind.

Watering and humidity

Begonias need high humidity, so spraying is recommended from time to time. But at the same time, water should not be allowed to get on the leaves and flowers, otherwise burns and brown spots will appear on them. It is the air next to the begonia that should be sprayed. Alternatively, you can use humidifiers or place a container filled with water next to the flower.

The mode of watering the plant depends, first of all, on the time of year. In summer, terry begonia needs abundant watering - about 2 times a week, and in extreme heat - as the soil dries up, up to daily watering. But you should be very careful not to provoke stagnant water, which is detrimental to the plant.

By autumn, watering is reduced to moderate, and reduced to a minimum in winter. Tuberous begonias stop watering altogether so that the plant can go into hibernation. At the same time, its aerial part dies off, and the tuber is stored in a cool room. Those types of terry begonias that do not shed their leaves for the winter continue to water moderately until spring.


Terry begonias need to be fed during the period of active growth and flowering - in early spring and in the spring-summer period. After wintering, nitrogen fertilizers are applied, which will help increase the green mass, and during flowering, potash and phosphorus fertilizers are more suitable for flowering plants- they will support and lengthen flowering. Begonias need to be fertilized 1-2 times a month.

Transplant and pruning

From time to time, begonias should be transplanted into new pots - a larger diameter. This will provide new free space for the roots. In addition, the new soil will become a source of new nutrients.

For ampelous terry begonias, it is better to choose wide and low pots, but for bush ones, high ones are suitable, as in the photo

As a rule, terry begonias are transplanted every two years, in early spring. But tuberous species are planted in new soil every year after wintering.

Bush types of terry begonias should be pruned to maintain a neat appearance of the bush and rejuvenate the plant. When the main stem reaches 10 cm in length, it is pinched to stimulate the growth of side shoots. When they grow to 10-12 cm, they are also cut off. In the future, the stems are cut as necessary, removing old and dried branches and maintaining the desired shape of the bush.

Reproduction of begonia

Depending on the type of terry begonia, it can be propagated in several ways:

  • cuttings;
  • seeds;
  • sections of tubers.

The latter method, as it is not difficult to understand, is available only for those terry begonias that are tuberous.

Propagation by cuttings

This method is considered the most simple and common, it is suitable for all types of begonias. Best time for cutting cuttings - the beginning of spring. Cuttings up to 10 cm long are cut from the plant with a sharp knife, the lower leaves are removed and placed either in a container with water or immediately in the ground.

When rooting in water, it is better to keep the cup in a dark place to avoid water blooming or use a darkened container immediately. To speed up the appearance of roots, you can add Kornevin or a similar preparation to the water. As a rule, roots appear within a week. After that, the cutting can be transplanted into the ground and look after the maintenance required humidity soil and air.

If the cutting takes root immediately in the ground, then the roots will appear in about 4-5 weeks. All this time, it is necessary to maintain the soil temperature in the pot that is optimal for root formation - at the level of 20-22 degrees.

Reproduction by seeds

Using seeds to propagate begonias is by far the most hard way. This is due to the very small size of the seeds and their sensitivity to the slightest changes in temperature and soil moisture.

Seeds are sown in January, providing seedlings with additional lighting (+ 4-5 hours to daylight). This will help to get flowering in the year of sowing.

Granular or ordinary seeds are sown on the surface of moistened soil, lightly pressed against it, but do not sprinkle. Then the container with crops is covered with a film, glass or bag to create the effect of a greenhouse. At this time, it is necessary to maintain the temperature at the level of 22-25 degrees and ventilate the crops daily.

The first shoots will appear in 2-3 weeks. Immediately after this, fitolamps should be connected and the film should be gradually removed. How the shoots of ever-flowering terry begonias look like can be seen in this photo:

Begonia seedlings are very thin and weak. Great care must be taken when working with them.

After the seedlings grow up to 3-4 leaves, they swoop down - they are seated in separate pots. Further care does not differ from caring for an adult plant - watering, airing and timely transplanting.

Reproduction by tubers

This method of reproduction is not suitable for all terry begonias, but only for those that belong to the tuberous species. Healthy adult tubers that have 4 to 7 buds are suitable for division.

Important! After division, each tuber segment must have at least 2 buds.

With a sharp knife, the tuber is cut from top to bottom, making sure that the kidneys are distributed evenly between all segments. The sections are then allowed to dry for several hours. Then you can follow this algorithm:

  1. Parts of the tuber are laid out with the bottom side on wet gauze or soil. They are kept warm and in the light until the first roots appear on the convex part.
  2. For prevention, they are treated with a fungicide.
  3. Spread part with roots on moistened soil and sprinkle a little earth around. The top of the tuber remains on the surface of the soil, but 2-3 cm below the edge of the pot.
  4. When the first shoots appear, the tuber is completely covered with soil.

Further care for the new plant is the same as usual.

Diseases and pests

Terry begonia is susceptible to diseases and pest attacks, but this primarily indicates that the growing conditions of the plant are violated:

  • Powdery mildew. The first symptoms are white coating on foliage. The cause of the disease can be frequent temperature changes, drafts and excessive humidity. Most often, plants that are on the street face this disease. deal with powdery mildew treatment with fungicides will help.
  • Gray rot. Symptoms - mold on leaves and stems. Most often it affects plants that are in a damp and cold room, where ventilation is poorly established. All diseased parts are removed, and the plant is treated with special preparations.
  • Spider mite. A sign of the appearance of a tick will be a web that has entangled the leaves and stems of the plant. To get rid of a tick, begonias can be washed with soapy water or treated with an insecticide.
  • Aphid. Ants bring aphids to begonias. You can get rid of it with the help of insecticides containing pyrethrum. However, the treatment should be carried out daily until the complete disappearance of insects.

The unhealthy appearance of a plant can be caused not only by diseases, but also by violations in agricultural technology:

  • with a lack of light leaves turn pale;
  • with insufficient watering and air humidity, the edges of the leaves dry, after which they fall off.

Providing your plant comfortable conditions, can long time enjoy abundant and bright bloom. Terry begonia is one of the most beautiful indoor plants that even a beginner can grow.
