Daylilies in landscape design (45 photos): unpretentious handsome men. Daylilies in the garden: conditions for planting and combining

landscape design household territory- this is an amazing opportunity to make a “paradise place” on the site of your house, in which the air will overflow with smells the most beautiful flowers, and the eye will be able to please their bright compositions. There are many ways of landscaping: you can plant both exotic and rare species of flowers, shrubs, trees, as well as species familiar to your area - it depends on the capabilities and preferences of the owner of the site.

Daylilies in landscape design: types and photos

Daylilies are one of the few perennial flowers that will be an ideal solution for landscaping home gardens due to their attractive appearance and carelessness. Long flowering period decorative leaves, a wide range of colors, shade tolerance and ease of breeding - these are the main advantages of this flower. Daylilies are quite easy to combine with other shrubs and flowers, they will certainly be an adornment of any composition. But before planting a garden, some points need to be taken into account:

Varieties of daylilies

According to the varieties of daylilies described below, you can make a choice of colors for garden landscape design.


This low compact plant up to 65 cm "wakes up" one of the very first. The bush begins its flowering in late spring. Long and narrow leaves slightly tilted to the side. The buds are bright with a yellow-gold coloring with a delicate smell.

brown yellow

It is the most common and popular variety. big plant, over one meter in size with red-orange flowers and voluminous rich green leaves. It tolerates shading well and begins its flowering in the month of July. For a long time, many gardeners have known his terry types Kwanso and Flore Pleno.

yellow daylily

A tall plant, about one meter in size with fragrant inflorescences that begin flowering from July to the end of August. The bush can tolerate highly moist areas and therefore it is planted near home ponds.

Daylily lemon yellow

This is drought tolerant plant blooms profusely in July. The inflorescences of this bush are fragrant with a pleasant smell, and its tall peduncles up to 120 cm rise above all the leaves.

Hemerocallis - the Latin name for daylilies, comes from several words, hemera - which means "day" in translation, and kallos - is translated as "beauty". This means that one flower, in an inflorescence, can bloom for only one day.

Arrangement of daylilies in the garden

When placing daylilies in the garden, you need know some rules:

The combination of daylilies with other flowers

Daylilies with star-shaped or round flowers are best combined with the same inflorescences of other flowers. spherical or pyramidal shape. Also, when choosing daylilies, it is necessary to pay attention to the color of the middle of the inflorescence. It, regardless of the color of other petals, can be green-yellow, yellow, olive green, green, orange.

If the plant has a green middle of the flower, then it fits more easily into different contrasting compositions, since green tint is the main background of the foliage. And if you have daylilies with a yellow center in your garden, then they must be carefully combined with other plants in color. For example, yellow-leaved canvases are excellent for this type of daylily. You can also choose neighboring plants that harmonize not only in color, but also in shape. For example, you can land evening primrose.

Especially carefully it is necessary to choose neighboring plants for daylilies of red shades. They should be planted in places where there are many yellow flowers, as this color drowns out all the brightness and purity of the red color.

You can arrange compositions in which there will be flowers of the same shade, combining daylilies apricot, orange or yellow with buzulniks and gravels of the same shades. And varieties of raspberry, pink and lilac plants will be perfectly combined with monards, geraniums and astilbes. To accent the dominant color, you can add a little contrasting colors. For example, dilute gold or orange with blue, to purple flower plant menocopsis or bluebells, and green-yellow cuff to pink.

Flower beds on which daylilies are combined will look attractive different pattern and one tone. For example, you can combine three different types with the same shape of inflorescences: 2 of them can be purple in two shades, the petals of which are darker on the inside. These species include Pony and Prairie Blue Eyes. And the third type is rich lilac with a rich lilac butterfly eye - Mokan Butterfly.

Combining daylilies with phlox

Active flowering of phloxes, just like daylilies, takes place in the month of July. Due to their similarity in color and different form buds, you can create original compositions . The pattern of daylilies with silvery eyes will be quite beautifully repeated in small phlox flowers.

This can be seen in an example where a purple daylily with a silver eye by Elizabeth Anne Hudson is combined with a Lilac Caprice phlox, in the middle of which there is a dark purple ring. And the purple-blue daylilies with bright eyes of Malaysian Monarch will perfectly harmonize with the fade-resistant rich purple phlox Ametist.

Or you can make a combination of the same daylilies and lilac or purple phlox, which have a light middle. You can also create a beautiful combination of white or hot pink phloxes with carmine eyes, for example, Delta, Europe, Alyonushka with daylilies, which have the same color as Pandora Box, Brilliant Circle, Janice Brown.

Single daylily placement design

On the backyard territory or in the garden, you can make plantings from only one plant. In this case methods of contrast and harmony are applied:

  • When planting harmonious compositions, a combination of plantings of delicately colored plant species is used, which have a different shade intensity, but a single color scheme. For example, it can be a combination of apricot, pink and yellow. Moreover, the lightest type is chosen as the dominant one, and taking into account the distance, the intensity increases.
  • When organizing a contrasting flower bed, you should not mix different colors. In this case, daylilies of the same tone are used, organizing large monochrome spots from them. For example, you can combine purple with yellow-gold.

New varieties of daylilies are quite diverse in shape and color. And so that the garden does not look like some kind of patchwork blanket or vinaigrette, you need to be very careful about the choice of plants.

Selection of daylilies by leaves

While the inflorescences of daylilies have not yet begun to bloom or, conversely, have already faded, their leaves also play a role in landscape design garden. The leaves can be rich green with a bluish tint, green-olive and green-yellow. The leaves also vary in size. They can be quite narrow cereal crops or wide, beautifully falling down, or, conversely, directed upwards and only slightly rejected.

They are similar in size, texture or shape to the leaves of geraniums, peonies, delphiniums, bluebells, phlox. If a household plot shady, then foxgloves, hostas, volzhanka, ferns, peltiphyllum, reeds will look great near the leaves of daylilies.

Storing daylilies before planting

When purchasing daylilies in the spring, you need to provide them with proper safety before landing in the ground. If the buds on the roots have not yet "woke up", then you can store the plants in the refrigerator, checking them from time to time. And already awakened flowers are planted in pots, setting them on a windowsill with south side. Plants need to be watered as the soil dries out. There should not be an excess of moisture, otherwise the roots will begin to rot and it will be impossible to save the flowers.

Daylily reproduction

Plants are propagated by seeds or division. In the latter case, it is desirable to do this at the end of summer. This is the easiest time find all points of growth and the flowers will take root.

During division, daylilies must be removed from the ground and cleaned of soil. For less deformation of the root system, it is cut with a sharp blade from above.

In order to quickly propagate the plant, during the division, one kidney and at least one root must be left on each part. If the transplant takes place in the summer, then the leaves must be cut to 4 cm in order to reduce the evaporation of moisture.

Proper planting of daylilies

To make the plants look attractive in the garden, they must be planted correctly:

To date, daylilies are widely used in garden design due to their good growth, unpretentiousness, as well as long and beautiful bloom . There are few cultures that have this a large number of merits.

Phloxes, planting and caring for which are quite simple, attract the attention of gardeners with their unique colors and rapid flowering, plants are problem-free in cultivation, but still require compliance with the technology, both perennial and annual ...

  1. The subtleties of planting phlox
  2. Top dressing for beautiful flowering
  3. How to water phlox and how to mulch
  4. Pruning phlox in autumn
  5. Phlox types - choose the most beautiful

The subtleties of planting phlox

Before you start planting phlox seedlings, pay attention to 3 conditions successful cultivation flowers, without which it will not be possible to achieve chic flowering:

  • phlox planting is carried out in places with sufficient illumination in open flower beds, partial shade is also allowed;
  • the location of the flower garden should be convenient for the owners, with the possibility of irrigation;
  • soil for phloxes must satisfy such qualities as high fertility and friability.

Flower growers with many years of growing experience recommend planting phloxes in partial shade, near sprawling shrubs, so that the flowers are protected in the hot heat. The lack of watering has a detrimental effect on plants, but it is also not worth planting in places where water accumulates in the spring.

Phlox grow best on slopes Alpine rollercoaster where in spring the snow gradually melts and lingers. If willow, spruce, birch or lilac grows on the site, you should not place a flower garden nearby.

It is good to equip a flower bed with phlox from eastern and western sides at home, but not near the northern walls and in the shade of conifers. Flowers will grow, but the splendor and size will be scarce. Thuja western, namely undersized dwarf varieties quite suitable for creating a harmonious flower arrangement.

Properly preparing the soil for planting phlox - this means taking into account the following points:

  • need acidity close to neutral (5.5-7.0 Ph);
  • fertile, loose, moist soil (medium loams are better suited).

The soil for autumn planting must be prepared 3-4 weeks before work, if planting phlox is planned in the spring - preferably everything preparatory work complete in the fall.

Flowers are very responsive to the introduction of rotted cow or horse manure, compost, ash and leafy soil, mineral complexes, and organic fertilizers. Phloxes have a powerful branched root system, which is located at a depth of 25-30 cm, it is necessary to take into account this feature and make the soil fertile not only in the surface layer.

If the earth is heavy, clayey, then coarse-grained sand, compost, humus, fertilizers and lime (200-300 g / sq.m.) must be introduced. The soil needs to be dug up several times to get a homogeneous finely lumpy structure. sandy soil it is better to dilute with clay and sod, also apply organic and mineral fertilizers.

The landing pit for phloxes should be larger than the root system, phosphorus-potassium fertilizers are placed on the bottom when planting in the fall, nitrogen fertilizers in the spring, the roots are straightened and directed down, covered with nutrient soil mixture.

The rhizome must be positioned so that its upper part is hidden under a 3-5 cm layer of earth. The soil is well compacted and phloxes are irrigated, pouring out the required volume of water, depending on the season of planting. If a planting material has a withered appearance, soak in any growth and root formation stimulator (Kornevin, Epin, Heteroauxin, etc.) according to the instructions.

When to plant phlox? In spring, summer and autumn - in any of specified periods landing is carried out on a flower bed, but each term has its pros and cons. Phlox planting in autumn is more extended in time, about 35-40 days are allotted for work, of which flowers can be planted on any day.

Autumn planting, transplantation of phloxes of early, mid-early, medium flowering periods, as well as division, is carried out from the last days of August, and the events end at the end of September. Planted phloxes should have time to get stronger and take root in a new place before the arrival of frost. Late-flowering phloxes are planted from the second half of September and continue until early October, or leave planting for the spring months.

Phlox planting in the spring, as well as division and transplantation, occur only after the snow melts, when the soil dries out a little and it will be possible to work. Depending on the region of cultivation, the timing of planting phlox is different. Yes, in middle lane In Russia, in the Urals and in Siberia, the Leningrad Region, phlox should be planted approximately at the end of April or in the first decade of May.

Top dressing for beautiful flowering

Due to the fact that flowers grow in one place for several years in a row, it is simply necessary to fertilize phloxes if you want to see beautiful, healthy and lush plants. The timing of top dressing is usually divided into several stages:

  • first dressing phlox is carried out after May 10-15 with liquid mullein (1:15, 10 l / m²) or ammonium nitrate (3/4 tbsp per bucket);
  • second fertilization produced in early June, using mullein or chicken manure, and also add superphosphate (1/2 tbsp) and potassium salt (15 g);
  • third dressing usually occurs at the beginning of July. You can apply all the mineral components listed above, and organic fertilizers. The only condition in this period is the need to reduce the dose of nitrogen by 1.5-2 times.

Subsequent top dressings are carried out depending on the condition of the plants - usually in early August, late-flowering phloxes are fed, excluding nitrogen, only potassium salt (15-20 g) and phosphorus (1/2 tbsp) are added.

In addition to the above recommendations, you can purchase special complex fertilizers and feed according to the instructions on the package. Some summer residents and gardeners quite often use humic fertilizers and preparations to achieve lush flowering phlox.

How to water phlox and how to mulch

Unfortunately, even with the right fertilizer, you won’t get beautiful flowers if you don’t water the phloxes. The culture is very demanding on moisture, so the soil should not be allowed to dry out. The soil should be kept moist throughout the growing season.

The root system of phloxes is close to the soil surface, powerful roots lie at a depth of no more than 20-25 cm, so you have to irrigate the plantings so often. In addition, during the period of growing green mass, the appearance of buds and flowering, plants absorb large quantity water.

If watering phloxes is not enough, you will see that the stems grow thinner and smaller, inflorescences are poorly formed, small flowers appear. How much water do phlox need? There should be enough water so that the entire root layer is well moistened, and the roots of the plant are sufficiently nourished. As a rule, for 1 sq. m. area requires 1.5-2 buckets of water.

After watering, the earth needs to be loosened, but not deep. Many gardeners skillfully use such a wonderful loosening tool as Fokine's flat cutter, which is easy and convenient to work with.

In order to keep moisture in the soil in hot dry summers, phloxes need to be mulched. Straw, hay, mowed grass, peat or humus are taken as mulch. Special attention should be given to plants with a large horse system, especially in which the rhizome sticks out. It is advisable to mulch phloxes for the winter so that the root does not die during severe frosts.

Pruning phlox in autumn

Many novice gardeners are wondering if phlox should be cut for the winter? If a we are talking about a perennial culture, experts recommend preparing phloxes for winter correctly and pruning.

How to cut phlox for the winter? The procedure is carried out in the fall, when flowering ends, from about September 20 to October 31, after the transition of accumulated nutrients from the green part of plants to the rhizome. Work should be completed before the onset of stable cold weather.

For example, in the southern regions and in the Kuban, phlox pruning can be done a little later. Consider the climatic features of the growing region, but be sure to wait until the plant has faded, only then proceed with the surgical intervention.

Pruning phlox for the winter is carried out when it is already cold outside. Many flower growers leave small stumps (10-15 cm), some completely cut off the stem, almost flush with the ground.

The experience of experienced gardeners shows that full pruning reduces the risk of disease and the spread of infections on phlox. After cutting, the soil around is recommended to be treated with fungicidal preparations. A week later, the space is sprinkled wood ash, then mulch with peat chips.

Phlox types - choose the most beautiful

When planning to plant beautiful flowers in the country, it is advisable to decide on the varieties that are most suitable for your garden. Conventionally, all types of phloxes are divided into several groups:

bush tall phloxes, having a height of 90-170 cm, bloom in summer and at the beginning of autumn - Phlox paniculata etc.);

bush medium-sized(0.4-0.7 m) - begin to bloom in spring and the first decade of summer - Phlox pilosa, Phlox ovate;

undersized phloxes(25-40 cm) are creeping, bushy. They begin flowering in the second decade of spring and the first summer month– Phlox divaricata, Phlox stolonifera;

creeping plants(rising) are located no higher than 15 cm from the soil cover and bloom already in the spring months - Phlox subulata, Phlox douglasii.

Now, dear readers, you know that phloxes, planting and caring for which are not difficult, if you wish, you can grow and admire beautiful flowers in spring, all summer and until late autumn.


The daylily is often referred to as the "perfect perennial" for its many positive qualities. bright bloom, a variety of varieties and colors, resistance to drought and heat, undemanding care - all these advantages have made the flower one of the favorite plants of landscape designers and flower growers. But how to grow a daylily? The planting of this culture must be carried out taking into account the rules, without which it will not be possible to obtain a long lush flowering.

Daylily is an impeccable unpretentious perennial.

The genus Daylilies has about 60 thousand varieties, which are replenished annually with new hybrids. During the flowering period, 2-3 flowers open daily on one peduncle, which dry up in the evening, and new buds appear in their place. There are also night varieties of daylilies that bloom throughout the night. If you like evening walks in the garden, pay attention to these views.

The forms and shades of flowers of daylilies are varied. Usually plants reach 45 cm - 1.25 m in height. Their basal leaves are two-row, in the form of a wide line, pointed at the end, very highly decorative. The total duration of flowering is 1-5 weeks. Depending on the variety, flowering occurs from early spring to late autumn.

Where and how best to plant a daylily?

Plant daylilies in early spring or early autumn, given the climatic features of the area. The plant should be able to take root well before the first frost.

The daylily prefers fertile loams and well-drained soils. Add organic matter to heavy soil, and clay or compost to too light soil. If there is not enough space for planting, you can place the plants in containers.

The area should be sunny or partly shaded. The lighter the bloom, the more sunshine required. If the daylily does not have enough sun, it grows poorly and stops blooming.

Daylily planting:

  • before planting, dip the root of the seedling into a solution of water and mineral fertilizer;
  • remove dried or diseased roots;
  • cut leaves up to 15 cm;
  • dig holes a little larger than the root;
  • at the bottom of the holes we fill the soil mixture from the earth, compost, organic fertilizer, peat and sand;
  • we place the seedling in the hole so that its basal neck is 2-2.5 cm below ground level;
  • sprinkle the roots with the prepared soil mixture, cover with earth, slightly compact;
  • water the soil, and, if necessary, mulch the soil.

We plant seedlings at a distance of 45-65 cm from each other. We leave more space for fast-growing hybrids - up to 80-90 cm.

How to propagate daylily?

Popular breeding methods for daylilies - dividing the bush and transplanting air layers. Planting seeds is used more often in breeding work, as this method is not always suitable for preserving plant varietal characteristics.

When to divide and transplant daylilies?

We use the method of dividing a bush every 5-7 years, when a transplant of an old plant is necessary: ​​with a decrease decorative features and deterioration in the quality of flowering. Permissible time for transplantation is late autumn (1.5 weeks before frost), or early spring (early-mid-April).

How to propagate a daylily by dividing a bush:

  • we dig out a bush, not especially trying to be delicate;

  • we wash the roots, divide into divisions manually or with a knife;

  • sections on the roots are treated with a fungicide;

  • we transplant the delenki to a new place, if necessary, mulch the soil.

  • With proper planting, strong and strong delenki bloom in the first year after being placed in open ground.

How to propagate daylily by air layering

Small cuttings are formed on the stem in the axil of the leaves after flowering. Planting these seedlings is a simple method that allows you to get a full-fledged plant in the shortest possible time.

To do this, we perform the following actions:

  • after the stem dries, we cut off the ripened rosette at a distance of 4 cm from the node;
  • put the layers in water to get a strong root;
  • before planting, cut a leaf bundle up to 8 cm for better development plants;
  • we plant layers in open ground 7 weeks before the onset of frost;
  • we arrange the sprout so that the leaf knot with roots is 1-2 cm below ground level, we mulch the soil;
  • if the transplant is late autumn, we plant the layering in a pot with light soil, sprinkle it with a 1-centimeter layer of sand on top, leave the plant in a bright and warm place.

Layers planted in pots are watered throughout the winter, and in April we begin to harden: we take them out into the street, gradually increasing the residence time young plant on the fresh air. We plant in open ground at the end of May.

Daylilies: basic care

With the advent of spring, remove the layer of mulch, loosen the ground. In the first year after planting, you can not apply fertilizers, and in the future we use complex feeding with a low nitrogen content (in spring), and potassium-phosphorus - in winter.
Abundant watering is necessary for daylilies throughout the season. With insufficient moisture, the leaves turn yellow, lose their attractiveness and decorative effect. We pour water under the very stem, preventing it from falling on the buds.

We remove faded flowers and seeds immediately, this will accelerate the growth of new buds. We also cut off dry dead leaves. At the end of the season, before frost, we cut the leaves at the root and mulch the ground with peat.

Which daylily to plant: the best varieties

When choosing a daylily variety for planting, please note that there are early, medium and late flowering species. Such an assortment will allow us to decorate the site with magnificent and bright colors that bloom from spring to autumn.

Daylily variety Strutter's Ball (Strathers Bol)

Daylily "Strutter's Ball" is a very popular variety of daylily, the flowers of which look like luxurious purple bells 15 cm in size. A bush up to 1 m in height. It blooms closer to mid-July with 15-centimeter flowers. The petals are dark cherry, with a bright yellow stripe that runs from the center of the flower to the tip of the petal. Blooms within 1-1.5 months. It reproduces well. With such a flower, your flower bed will not go unnoticed.

Daylily grade Strawberry Candy (Strawberry sweets)

Variety "Strawberry Candy" refers to the early. Bushes up to 70-75 cm in height, flowers up to 11 cm in diameter, with wide petals corrugated along the edge. The middle of the flower is bright yellow, the tone of the petals closer to the center is rich strawberry, gradually turning into caramel. Blooms for the first time at the end of June, and again at the end of August. Strawberry Candy has received many medals and awards in the United States.

Daylily variety Stella D'Oro (Stella D'Oro)

Flowers of the variety "Stella D'Oro" adorn the garden from May to mid-autumn. The plant is undersized (up to 35-40 cm in height), but, at the same time, it is characterized by abundant long flowering. The flowers are lush, up to 6-6.5 cm in diameter, rounded, yellow-golden hue. The petals are densely planted, with a beautiful ruffled edge. The drooping leaves are highly decorative, light green in color. Daylily "Stella D'Oro" was bred in 1975 by an amateur grower V. Yablonsky.

Daylily grade Siloam Double Classic (Siloam Double Klasik)

Daylily 'Siloam Double Classic', which is known for its sweet fragrance, blooms in early summer with large apricot-pink double flowers, with a diameter of 10-12 cm. The flowering period continues all summer. Bushes 50-70 cm in height. Winner of numerous competitions, the variety was awarded the highest award in the most prestigious for daylilies international competition Stout Medal.

Daylily cultivar Double River Wye (Double River Wai)

The flowers are terry, rich lemon shade. The variety has a long flowering - from late July to early October. Bushes up to 1 m in height, flowers up to 14-15 cm in diameter. Up to 20 flowers are usually formed on 1 peduncle. The leaves are rich green, highly decorative, decorate the site throughout the season. The variety is very popular with landscape designers.

Daylilies go well in a flower bed with hosta, phlox, irises and lilies. Knowing the rules for growing daylilies - planting and easy care, you will receive a flower that will only delight you all season.

To the question I love phlox very much. I plan to make a flower bed out of phloxes. What companions would you recommend for them? Thank you! given by the author chromosomes the best answer is And I have INTERNATIONAL!
Phloxes in many flowerbeds interspersed with other flowers: hostas, lilies, geraniums, mint, roses, chamomile, carnations, calendula, Chernobrivtsy.
I noticed that when a lot different plants on one bed, then insects damage less.
This variety is called "Laura", it blooms for a very long time and the inflorescences are large, one of my favorites.

Answer from Yatiana Harsh[guru]
Phloxes are good on their own, so you can just shade them with decorative leafy plants, such as asparagus or hosta. Since the lower part of tall phloxes can look untidy, ground covers should be planted at the feet, which will also help retain moisture in the soil.
To make a phlox flower bed look elegant, you should carefully consider the selection of varieties in terms of height, color and flowering time.
Although phlox love the sun, but in direct sun during the day they quickly fade, dry, and grow small in the shade. It is best that from noon they are covered by an openwork shadow of bushes and trees.

Answer from chevron[guru]
you can use the classics (photo) but in fact they don’t need companions, it seems to me that they are self-sufficient, two or three varieties are nearby and beauty, for example, white + raspberry + raspberry with a white core

Answer from Panina[guru]
I have two beds with phloxes: the first one is along the path from the gate to the house. Primroses grow between them. In spring, primroses bloom first, and when they fade, phloxes already give good tops and cover primroses from the sun (as you know, primroses are better in the shade). Well, in August, a column of phlox blooms.
The second bed is a team: phloxes, peonies, irises. Peonies bloom first, then irises, and then phloxes. I planted lilies along the edge this year. They bloom between irises and phlox, in July.

Answer from Little Russian[guru]
plant next to them annual dahlias I choose by color. For example, phloxes are white and pink and dahlias are the same, or, conversely, different colors. Phloxes fade, and dahlias will bloom until frost, and phloxes add. support for dahlias.

Answer from Olga![master]
it seems to me that it is necessary to plant around or near those flowers that are lower than them and bloom to phloxes.

Daylilies in landscape design are designed to form bright areas. They do not merge with the general colors. Their purpose is to attract attention with huge beautiful flowers which also have a pleasant aroma. Only large and bright dahlias can compete with them.

The main advantages of daylilies are their beauty and unpretentiousness to growing conditions.

Lily and their features

Representatives of the lily family have an extensive distribution area, but they are mostly concentrated in the tropics and subtropics. In conditions temperate climate they grow mainly in broad-leaved or coniferous-broad-leaved forests. In the mountains, they are part of the alpine meadows, complementing with their magnificence the floral variety concentrated in a narrow strip between the forest and the rocks with glaciers. Despite this prevalence, vivo representatives of the lily family can be found only in the northern hemisphere.

In total, there are 19 genera and 610 species of lilies on the planet. Most of them are grasses, the smaller ones are shrubs and trees. Almost all representatives of this family have a special decorative effect.

Lily flowers are usually large, correct form, although there is also a slight asymmetry when the flower is more developed in one direction. Liliaceae survive well in a variety of, sometimes harsh, conditions, mainly due to the development of the underground part of the plant. The underground shoot has the appearance of a rhizome, bulb and corm. Due to the water and nutrients stored in underground shoots, lilies can wait out dry or cold period, as well as grow and bloom earlier than other plants. The latter property allows them to successfully compete with other species for pollinators and the sun, especially if they grow under the canopy of a deciduous forest.

Liliaceae are convenient, first of all, by the presence of underground shoots. Bulbs and rhizomes in a dormant state can be stored all winter. Planted in the spring, they allow the plant to quickly grow roots and thus avoid a long period of adaptation. For the same reason, lilies are able to quickly develop a strong above-ground shoot and a large flower.

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Liliaceae in garden design

In landscape design, a variety of plants with a wide range of properties are used. However, some of them are of interest only to individual lovers, while others can be found in almost every garden. The last category includes plants of the lily family. They combine catchy beauty and unpretentiousness, their maintenance does not require much labor and material costs.

When forming plots with lilies in the garden, you must adhere to the following rules:

  1. Despite the unpretentiousness of lilies, they should be classified as shade-tolerant, but not shade-loving plants. With complete shading, the lily plant becomes thin, stretches, and lodges. In this case, his flowers are small in size or completely absent. For the full development of lilies, daylight hours are needed at least 6-7 hours.
  2. Colors with different colors require different lighting modes. dark flowers(dark red, dark purple, dark blue, etc.) are best placed in slightly shaded conditions. In bright sun, spots may appear on the surface of the leaves, and the flowers will fade, losing color saturation.
  3. Varieties with light flowers can be planted anywhere, but it is still preferable to place them in the sun, where they can show all their splendor.
  4. Flowering of lilies directly depends on air temperature. Usually the bud opens well at a temperature of +18 ° C. At lower temperatures, winds and cold rains, the buds may not open, so these plants are best placed on well-warmed areas, for example, on insolated slopes.

Recently, among lovers of the use of lilies in garden design Krasodnev (or daylily) became popular. This plant is relatively small sizes belonging to the subfamily daylilies.

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Daylilies in the garden

Krasodnevs grow in the Far East in the zone of broad-leaved and coniferous-broad-leaved forests.

In undisturbed forests, they bloom on the edges, clearings, southern slopes with sparse stands. If the forest is destroyed by cuttings, fires, grazing, trampling, then you can find areas of meadows completely covered with blooming red days, other lilies, cereals, undersized sagebrush, wintergreen and various forest and meadow herbs.

This ecological mobility makes it possible to classify it as a predominantly forest species, but capable of forming meadow communities as well. However, if fires, hayfields and grazing continue on the site of the destroyed forest, then the beautiful day will not exist in such conditions and will disappear.

The conclusion follows from this: the beauty day must be attributed to the edge species, that is, to the species associated with the forest, but living on its edge or in “windows” (small clearings formed as a result of the death of one or more trees).

When placing a beautiful day in the garden, this dual nature must be taken into account. He needs the sun, but not the sun. It is best to accommodate this guest with Far East where part of the day it will be illuminated by the bright sun, and at other times it will be slightly shaded by a tree, shrub, and other taller grasses. Krasodnev is good for decorating clearings between trees, forming a flower strip along bushes, etc.

The undoubted advantage of this plant is its unpretentiousness. At home, it is able to exist in the range from -40 ° to + 40 ° C. However, it must winter in loose soil and under cover of snow. It is detrimental to strong winds in frost and hard soil. Droughts are no less destructive in hard soil with a small amount of organic matter.

When planting daylilies, their requirements for environmental parameters should be taken into account. If the garden is in temperate climate zone, then you need, first of all, to take care of the soil. A garden bed for daylilies is best prepared as follows:

  1. It is necessary to dig a trench with a depth of 30 to 50 cm. All the excavated soil must be folded side by side (it will still be needed).
  2. Lay a layer of dry or freshly harvested grass on the bottom of the trench. Grass can be replaced with leaves, straw, and even sawdust. The latter is undesirable, but acceptable. Sawdust decomposes longer than other organic matter, but the role of soil baking powder is performed well.
  3. Lay cow dung or humus on a layer of plant residues. If the manure is fresh, it must be mixed with the soil and only then laid. Fresh manure contains too much ammonia, which will negatively affect the roots of the plant if they pass through pieces of clean manure.
  4. Apply some complex mineral fertilizers.
  5. Cover the trench with the previously excavated soil.

If desired, you can form a bed or make a plot planted with a beautiful day, part of the lawn, a clearing between the trees. In any case, this plant will flourish for a long time on such soil. Organics in the lower layers will allow you to maintain optimal humidity in summer, and temperature in winter. This effect of stable conditions can be enhanced by a layer of fallen leaves or dry grass on the soil between daylily specimens. This way you will be able to create natural conditions in which this species feels best.

Krasodnev firmly enters the culture. Its popularity has led to different varieties and hybrids. This, of course, is good, since an increase in the variety of forms leads to wide choice. However hybrid variety- this is a deviation from the usual natural adaptation to environmental conditions. Most often, hybrids are more capricious and non-viable. The wild daybird does not need special wintering conditions even in severe winters. The main condition for it is a warm and long summer. However, all deviations from the natural state of the species require special care, including the provision of conditions for wintering.

Best of all, the beauty day is suitable for creating a "wild" landscape, where everything grows as if by itself. This controlled savagery has its own charm. good partners daylilies can become irises, especially dark shades, cereals that form drooping panicles, daisies, emphasizing the charm of spontaneous processes.
