Bay leaf at home in a pot. Location and light

Let's talk about an evergreen tree, whose homeland is the Mediterranean. Let's talk about the laurel tree. Let's figure out what a shrub is and how to grow a laurel in your area.

The laurel tree can reach a height of about 12 meters. For indoor cultivation, as a rule, noble laurel is used.

Description of home laurel tree

This tree is known all over the world. The ancient Greeks made wreaths from it, which decorated the heads of the winners. Currently Bay leaf is a very popular and versatile seasoning for a wide variety of dishes. Essential oil This shrub is used in the manufacture of perfumes.

Laurel noble in Europe is still very popular, although it became famous there in the 16th century.

Many people quite successfully grow laurel at home, as well as in special greenhouses. If you provide the plant with proper care and create the necessary conditions, then it is quite possible to grow a beautiful tree.

A distinctive feature of the tree are its green, pointed leaves, brown shoots and peculiar smell of leaves. Worth just rubbing sheet plate or tear off a piece, a bright aroma of a familiar spice will appear.

The flowers of the tree are white yellow tint, after the fertilization process, dark-colored fruits are formed.

Bay leaf: growing at home

It is worth saying that the noble laurel is considered completely unpretentious plant, although he does not like it when he is "forgotten" and does not give him due attention. It grows well in the room.

Where to put a tree pot and how to provide proper lighting? . It may well grow in the shade, but this process will be much slower. It is very important to provide the shrub Fresh air, while you should not be afraid of drafts, they will not affect the plant at all. The room in which the laurel grows should be ventilated often.

IN summer period, house tree you can and even need to take it out onto the street or onto the balcony. In the open air, it will develop much better and faster.

As for the temperature, laurel perfectly tolerates any temperature It doesn't matter if it's low or high. It is best to grow a tree in moderate air parameters with a little low temperature. Laurel feels great at an air temperature of 0 degrees Celsius. The plant also tolerates hot summers well. IN winter period it is recommended to maintain in the room where the indoor tree is located, the temperature is about 12 degrees Celsius.

If we talk about watering, then laurel does not welcome high humidity soil, so you should not be zealous with watering. But it is also not necessary to bring the soil to a significant drying. In winter, the tree should be watered moderately, so as not to lead to rotting of the rhizome.

The shrub loves moist air very much., and therefore it must be occasionally sprayed with water from a spray bottle. This manipulation will clean the foliage of the tree from dust. It is recommended to occasionally wash the plant in the shower. Such a procedure will protect the shrub from many pests, such as, for example, spider mites.

Planting a plant

The tree should be planted in mixture:

  • 1 part sand
  • 1 part peat
  • 2 parts of leaf land,
  • 4 parts of sod land.

It is better to take a small pot and, as the plant develops, transplant it into a larger container. You can transplant noble laurel once every three years, since its growth is rather moderate.

An adult laurel is transplanted once every four years, and an annual renewal of the topsoil is necessary.

Reproduction at home

The bay tree propagates by cuttings, seeds and offspring.

For those people who like to experiment, wood provides many possibilities. There are three breeding methods available:

  • roots,
  • seeds,
  • cuttings.

offspring must be separated when transplanting an adult plant and carefully planted in separate containers.

cuttings you need to take with three - four internodes. In order for the tree to take root well, it is necessary to lower it into Kornevin's solution before planting. Next, the cutting is lowered into a container of water and left there until the roots appear. You can plant it immediately in the sand or pour it, while covering it with a transparent container. We must not forget to ventilate the plant. active growth and successful breeding takes place in the spring.

seed method of reproduction It takes patience and some skill. They need to be sown in early spring in light soil, deepening the seeds by 1.5 centimeters. The first shoots will have to wait quite a long time, about two months.

It is important to know that seeds bay tree very quickly lose their germination, so when buying them in a store, you need to carefully look at the date of packaging.

Cuttings take root not in one hundred percent of cases, but to increase this percentage, hormonal preparations can be used that accelerate the process of formation and formation of the root system.

Diseases and pests of indoor bay tree

Like many others houseplants, laurel can be attacked by insects, affected by fungi and bacteria.

A special drug called "Aktellik" will help fight pests. It effectively infects various pests that attack the laurel.

Very often attacks a tree scab. The appearance of a sticky layer on the foliage and a specific shine will tell about its presence on the plant. Washing the leaves with soapy water and showering with running water. Remaining pests can be removed soft cloth or cotton swab.

Quite often, the laurel tree is affected spider mite. The insect loves dry air very much, so regular spraying of the tree will significantly reduce the chances of the pest spreading. In the event of an attack on the plant, you can use the same soapy shower and insecticides.

When washing the plant in the shower, the soil must be covered with a film so as not to overmoisten it.

As for diseases, this plant suffers from them quite rarely. The main problems are usually associated with improper care. Too much watering leads to rotting of the root system, this is especially true in winter time. Dense soil will cause the leaves to fall and turn yellow.

Do not put a pot of bay tree next to radiators. Too dry and warm air causes foliage to fall and darken.

In winter, the tree is at rest, but if the room is very dry and hot, the leaves will curl and fall off. It is best in such a situation to rearrange the pot with the plant in a cool room, for example, on a loggia. Experienced gardeners - gardeners recommend putting a plastic bag on the plant in order to create additional moisture around it.


In conclusion, it is worth saying that the bay tree is a wonderful plant that anyone can grow in their apartment. It is so unpretentious that even a beginner can handle it. But the owner of such a tree will always be provided with a very fragrant and beloved spice for cooking numerous dishes. Bay leaf will give the food a special aroma and aftertaste.

He looks beautiful in any interior. It has been proven that bay leaves are very effective in purifying the air of germs and harmful impurities.

Plant this beautiful tree at home, grow a homemade bay leaf, and you will definitely be satisfied!

Today we’ll talk about spices, which are probably present in the arsenal of any housewife, and the strong half of humanity, preparing their favorite dumplings, rarely does without it.

We are talking about bay leaf, the cultivation of which at home will be the topic of our conversation today.

About the conditions for growing bay leaves

If you are going to grow a bay leaf at home, first you need to understand what leaves for seasoning gives us noble laurel- an evergreen tree, less often a shrub that grows in the tropical zone of our planet. So, for example, on the territory of Russia, this plant is found in nature only in the Crimea or Krasnodar Territory. In other regions of laurel cultivation in open field not practiced.

Therefore, the conditions for growing bay leaves at home should be truly tropical:

  • temperature not lower than 20 degrees, optimally +25;
  • high air humidity;
  • short daylight hours with bright lighting.

This is achieved by placing plants on the southern windowsills with regular spraying or the use of artificial humidifiers.

Attention! Laurel will also grow well on northern windowsills, only it will be less lush with a rarer crown.

Growing on the windowsill in the summer can be combined with taking plants to the balcony or loggia, and if you have Vacation home or country cottage area, then you can take the plant with you, as they say, into the fresh air. Naturally, when returning from the site in the fall, you should not forget the plant in the country, but you need to take it with you to the winter apartment.

Reproduction of laurel

To get your bay tree, you can go two ways:

  1. Growing bay leaves from seeds.
  2. Growing by rooting cuttings.
  3. Horizontal strips.
  4. Buying ready seedlings.

Let's consider all the methods in more detail.

Seed propagation of bay leaf

Laurel seeds can be obtained in two ways:

  • buy in a specialized store;
  • collect from branches of laurel, sold in the markets as spices.

Sowing seeds in the ground is best in early spring or in autumn, in summer, the embryonic processes in the seeds slow down a little and you can simply not wait for seedlings. Seeds are sown in small seedling containers.

The soil before sowing is moistened and slightly compacted so that the seed lies on a moist and dense bed. After that, it is sprinkled with a layer nutrient soil one centimeter thick and moisturize again. Having covered the container with a suitable lid, put in warm place with a temperature of 25-27 degrees, for example, to a radiator or a hanging kitchen cabinet.

Seeds germinate for a very long time, sometimes it can take several months. All this time, the container with crops must be periodically ventilated and, if necessary, moistened.

The soil for growing laurel does not have to be very fatty and nutritious, but great attention should be paid to its mechanical composition. The best mixture for growing lavrushka is a mixture of the following components:

  • forest sod land;
  • sand;
  • peat.

To add airiness and friability, you can use coconut substrate or soil baking powders that are popular today, such as perlite or vermiculite.

It is very important that the roots receive free access to air, this is one of the conditions successful cultivation this useful plant.

Attention! Laurel does not tolerate waterlogging of the soil, so be sure to put some kind of drainage material on the bottom of the tank.

After the appearance of true leaves, the plants dive into a more spacious dish and take care, like other plants, making timely watering, fertilizing and transplanting.

Bay leaf cuttings

The cutting of a noble laurel is no different from that of a currant or gooseberry. Here's how it's done:

  1. We cut non-lignified green cuttings 6-10 centimeters long. At the same time, we make the lower cut under the kidney oblique, the upper one - a centimeter above the kidney - straight.
  2. We leave two upper leaves on the handle, and we shorten them by half for less evaporation of moisture.
  3. We deepen the cutting into the soil of the pot by 1-2 centimeters.
  4. We cover the pot with a film with holes.
  5. Ventilate regularly.

Rooting will occur in about a month. After that, you can transplant the finished seedling into a permanent container.

Bay leaf cuttings

If you have mature plant, then you can get a new plant by pinning one of the side shoots to the soil. In this case, an additional container with soil is used. The sequence of actions is as follows:

  1. Near a laurel plant growing in a pot, a container filled with nutrient soil is placed nearby.
  2. The young branch is bent so that the lowest point of the bend is placed in a new container to a depth of 10-15 centimeters.
  3. In this place, the branches make an incision about 4-5 centimeters long.
  4. The branch is placed in a pot with soil and pinned. The end of the layer is tied to a vertical support.
  5. Cover the incision site with soil to the top of the container and water.

After some time, depending on the conditions environment, a new sprout will appear from under the ground. After that, the rooted branch can be separated from the mother plant.

Purchased seedlings of laurel

Everything is very simple here. The purchased plant must be transplanted into a large container with its own soil and grown as usual.

Laurel Care

Laurel care is easy. It is necessary to water the bush on time and spray warm water. Twice a year, you can feed the plant with some organic matter.

Advice! Top dressing is best given no earlier than three months after transplantation.

As it grows, it is necessary to transplant the bush into a new large container. At first, this is done every year, after 4-5 years of vegetation, the laurel slows down its growth, and it is transshipped every four years.

Important work is decorative pruning bush. Laurel is very responsive to pruning, and you can shape its crown as you wish.

Attention! Regularly picking off the leaves for spices begins in the fourth year of the laurel vegetation.

At home, diseases rarely appear in a noble laurel, but, nevertheless, they occur. This is due to low temperatures or waterlogging of the soil coma. In any case, you need to consult with experts or read the relevant literature.

Video - how to grow a bay tree at home

Today we learned how to plant a bay leaf and grow it at home. Good luck with your gardening endeavors.

The use of bay leaves in cooking has become a tradition; not a single hot dish can do without it. But not many people know that you can grow bay leaves at home. He will revive home interior and fit into landscape design garden plot.

Laurel noble adapts to any place of residence. Some tricks and rules for caring for a plant make possible cultivation beautiful green shrub even in open ground.

How to care for a plant at home

If you decide to grow laurel at home, you need to find a suitable place for it.

  1. Place the plant on a windowsill or flower stand where there is a lot of light and sun. In the shade, the plant develops more slowly. Leaves should not be exposed to direct sunlight.
  2. Ventilate the room frequently to prevent discoloration and drying of leaf tips.
  3. Water as the soil dries out. The tree needs good drainage in order to root system did not rot from excess moisture. A refreshing shower and spraying will moisten the crown and avoid pest damage.
  4. It is worth maintaining the average temperature in the room, not higher than 25 degrees, in the cold season, the laurel should arrange a winter period at home, when the temperature is 10–14 degrees, and watering is reduced and is carried out 1 time in 2 weeks.

How to plant?

From proper fit depends on the growth and development of the plant. Before starting, it is necessary to prepare all the components of the process: layering, pot, soil, mineral fertilizer, drainage, spatula.

  1. Take a small pot, because the plant develops slowly, and a large container will inhibit growth.
  2. Fill the bottom with drainage (2-3 cm). You can take expanded clay or ordinary foam, which must first be broken into small pieces.
  3. Prepare the earth mixture: sand (1 part), peat soil (1 part), sheet soil (2 parts), turf soil (4 parts) - and fill the pot halfway.
  4. Place a bay leaf in the middle, pour over the mixture and lightly tamp.
  5. Water the plant with the diluted mineral complex.

A plant is transplanted at home into a new pot once every 2.5–3 years due to the slow development of the root system and the upper part.

An adult tree is transplanted 1 time in 4 years or updated upper layer 1 time in 2 years. In the warm season, the plant can be placed in open ground.

Reproduction methods

There are several ways to propagate a noble laurel at home:

  • cuttings;
  • planting seeds;
  • offspring department.

Reproduction requires not only experience and skill, but also patience.

Cutting is one of the most time-consuming methods, for which a large, strong tree is used. To do this, you need to act according to the following algorithm.

  1. Separate carefully, using a clerical knife or blade, branches with 4 internodes.
  2. Dip each of them in a substance for the active growth of the root system (it can be found in any specialized store). Put in a container with water until the roots form. Cuttings can be placed in moist perlite, covered glass jar above. The plant must be periodically ventilated to prevent decay.
  3. After the roots appear, transplant into a ceramic or plastic pot.

Propagation by seeds is the longest process, seedlings can appear 60–65 days after planting.

Sowing should be carried out in early spring, as a soil, you can use a universal mixture for planting. The seeds are placed at a depth of 1.5–2 cm, slightly moistened from above and covered with a glass container, which must be removed periodically to ventilate and moisten the soil.

Opt for fresh seeds that have been recently packaged, because bay leaves tend to lose their germination quality quickly.

Growing a leaf by separating offspring is easy and fast way breeding. When transplanting an adult plant, it is necessary to separate the “children” with roots from it and plant it in a separate small container.

Proper garden care

Average frost resistance allows you to grow a shrub in the open field or in a greenhouse. Bay leaves can freeze at temperatures below 13-15 degrees.

If, nevertheless, you ventured to purchase a plant in a region where the temperature drops below this norm in winter, plant it in a wooden tub or garden pot. This will allow you to transport the laurel to a warmer place.

Conditions to be observed when growing in the garden:

  • select sunny place for landing;
  • neutralize soil acidity;
  • provide moderate watering;
  • timely fertilize the plant.

This plant easily tolerates pruning, therefore it is a favorite shrub. experienced gardeners. In the southern regions, laurel hedges are common, which are given various interesting shapes and adjusted to the design concept.

Bay leaf is an unpretentious plant, it can be grown with pleasure at home, having little experience in floriculture.

By planting shrubs in open ground, you will get a universal decorative element on the personal plot. Simple Rules planting and caring for the plant will allow you to grow an environmentally friendly seasoning for culinary masterpieces at home.

One of the most popular evergreens grown at home is the laurel flower. An additional effect of growing it indoors will be a pleasant aroma, and a bonus - protection from blood-sucking insects! It may be a small bush or miniature tree. In ancient times, bay leaf wreaths were worn on the heads of the victors and famous people. In conditions open air and soil grows up to 12 meters high. This plant is very convenient to grow at home, because it, apart from decorative ornament apartments, and has useful features. No need to run to the store for a bay leaf, you just need to pick it from a tree. In our article, you will learn about caring for a bay tree at home.

Varieties of indoor laurel

This plant has only two types:

  • noble laurel;
  • Canarian laurel.

Unlike its compatriot, the Canarian species has large, wide leaves, slightly wrinkled along the edges. But his aroma is somewhat weaker than that of a noble fellow. Several varieties of noble laurel trees are known.

A houseplant, the care of which is quite simple, is in high demand among flower growers. Basic botanical view It has three varieties: narrow-leaved, golden and wrinkled. All of them differ from each other only in the shape and color of the foliage.

Soil for growing laurel trees

Bay leaf seedlings, after we can grow them from seed, will need to be transplanted. When transplanting a seedling into a pot, it is imperative to fill in a good drainage layer of expanded clay. Laurel loves moist soil, but stagnant water should not be allowed, this can lead to the death of the plant. The soil should be light; for laurel, any version of the universal soil found on sale is suitable. On your own, the soil for planting laurel can be prepared from two parts of soddy soil, one part of leafy soil, and half a fine, well-washed river sand. Before planting the seedling, the soil can be heated in an oven at a sufficient temperature to disinfect. Too high a temperature during heating should be avoided so as not to destroy all the beneficial microflora.

Propagation of bay tree cuttings

Before the shoots begin to grow in April, cuttings are cut, about 10 cm long. Then they are rooted in heated leafy soil with the addition of sphagnum moss (1 + 1), covered with a glass jar or plastic bag to maintain moisture. It is desirable to maintain a constant temperature of + 22 ... + 28 ° C. With the advent of leaves, rooted cuttings are transplanted into the same soil mixture just like growing from seed. Transplanted plants are constantly watered, preventing the soil from drying out, and sprayed with cool water.

Reproduction of bay tree seeds

Laurel seeds are large, oval-shaped and up to two centimeters long, with a thin shell that prevents the seeds from drying out and their premature germination.

Laurel seeds do not like drying and can germinate only in the first 3-5 months (and then only when proper storage). Before sowing, the seeds must be freed from the shell and sown in separate pots, or simply on permanent place. Seeds usually germinate from April to August. It also happens that sometimes seeds can germinate in January, but with severe frosts seedlings are likely to die. In the room it is best to keep the plants at a temperature of 10 degrees Celsius, and in the spring it is advisable to take the plant outside. In the first year, feeding seedlings is optional, but from the second year, mineral fertilizers can be used as a supplement in small doses. Laurel will tolerate any soil, except waterlogged. If you grow laurel in your home, you will get beautiful forever green plant, which will delight the eye every day.

Laurel tree care

By itself, the laurel plant is quite unpretentious, loves light and fresh air, and is not afraid of drafts. When caring for a bay tree at home and in the open field, some points must be observed. Let's consider them in more detail.

Watering the bay tree

Laurel loves water very much, the plant needs a constant influx of soft water. In summer, during the dry period, the plant can be watered twice a day, in the morning and in the evening. However, it is necessary to water if the plant has completely absorbed water and to prevent waterlogging. During the dormant period, autumn-winter, watering is reduced, but the soil should not be allowed to dry out. Try to keep temperature regime with the irrigation regime and then the plant will be able to gain strength and grow in the natural cycle.

Air humidity plays a very important role for the laurel. You need to spray the plant daily with soft, filtered water, avoiding moisture on the leaves at the peak of the heat, otherwise the leaves will get burned. In winter, you can replace spraying with wiping the leaves with a damp cloth. You can determine for yourself whether there is enough moisture in the air because the leaves turn yellow.

Bay tree nutrition

It is necessary to feed the bay tree only in the warm spring and summer once a month. For this, it is best to use a liquid or complete mineral fertilizer. In the winter season, the laurel does not need to be fed.

Lighting for growing laurel tree

Laurel is a quite hardy plant; it will be able to grow in moderate light, but it will grow best - and, moreover, actively branch - in bright, mostly diffused, light. It should be protected from excess scorching sunlight

Laurel prefers bright light, but grows very well in the shade. It is advisable to protect the tree from direct sunlight, otherwise it can dry out quickly.

A good place would be a balcony or loggia, slightly darkened with curtains or special reflective paper. It is necessary to regularly ventilate the room, but beware of drafts.

For successful crown growth, the tree periodically needs to be turned towards the light source.

Temperature for growing bay tree

Before growing laurel at home, you need to know that the best summer temperature range is from 18 to 20 degrees, and winter - from 10 to 15 degrees.

Lavra is most pleasant to live in the fresh air - on a balcony, in a courtyard or in a country house, including throughout the year - if winter temperatures are kept at + 5-6.

The best temperature at growing season, is a mark of 17-19 degrees.

In the spring, during a warm period, take the plant to fresh air. The bay tree is not afraid of wintering, so it easily tolerates even small frosts. In winter, you can grow on the windows from the cold side.

If you live in an area with a mild climate, laurel can be grown in a garden and used as a hedge.

Laurel pruning

Do tree trimming. Best time- border of summer and autumn. This will encourage the laurel to grow in breadth, not up. Pruning can form a plant and prevent it from growing strongly. Starting from the age of 2, form the trees with garden shears crown in the form of a ball or any other figure.

Diseases and pests of bay tree at home

Laurel species is very resistant to diseases. Very rarely, laurel can be affected by soot fungus. A reddish coating appears on the leaves, which is simply washed off with water. This disease does not affect the development of the plant, but the plant loses decorative look. For treatment, you can use a weak solution of soda and green soap in water - 5 g of each drug per liter of water is enough.

Of the pests that most often settle on domestic plants, laurel can be threatened by scale insects, mealybug and spider mites.

As you can see at proper care at home, you can grow a bay tree.

What is the first thing that comes to your mind when you say "laurel"evergreen shrub Or a popular spicy seasoning? Or maybe a solemn laurel crown, which honored the heroes of antiquity?

Once the ancient Greeks decided that it would be nice to combine the useful with the pleasant and began to grow laurel at home.

In addition to gardening and cooking, its leaves are widely used in traditional medicine, and all virtues of laurel taken together, they become a strong argument to grow it on your windowsill.

Well, isn't it tempting to have a plant in your house, which was awarded in ancient times the most worthy of the worthy, winners of the Olympics, the best poets and musicians?

And, of course, the great ancient rulers adorned their heads with laurel crowns, believing that an evergreen branch would bring them immortality. No wonder the most famous species of this plant is called "noble laurel".

Types of laurel

Laurel noble (Laurus nobilis)- dioecious evergreen shrub or a big tree, reaching 18 m in height with a smooth brown or dark gray bark and a dense pyramidal crown.

Leaves entire, on short petioles, arranged alternately; glabrous, leathery, simple, up to 20 cm long and up to 8 cm wide, lanceolate or oblong, narrowed towards the base and sharp at the apex, glossy on outside and lighter inside out. Have peculiar spicy smell.

Less known Azores laurel (Laurus azorica) decorative, tree up to 15 m tall and camphor laurel (cinnamomum camfora), the leaves of which contain 94% camphor - an aphrodisiac nervous system.

Features of care

IN natural environment habitat laurel without problems endures a variety of whims of nature: rains, winds, snows, droughts. Therefore, at home, he can easily adapt to any, even the most unfavorable conditions.

Location and temperature

On which windowsill to place the laurel is not so important, it will withstand both the scorching midday rays and shading. And yet, if you choose between two extremes, then better for laurel sunbathe in the sun than be bored in the shade.

its dense, strong leaves are not afraid sunburn, they are resistant to drafts and are very fond of fresh air.

The vital activity of the laurel is tuned to the natural cycle subtropical belt, with warm summers and cool winters. In summer, the plant will be satisfied with the usual temperature for this season - from 20 to 27 ° C.

But in the winter season better send a pot of laurel on the loggia - to be in complete peace. The temperature in this case can vary from + 2 to 15 ° С (optimally - + 5 ° С).

Home laurel after wintering need to re-accustom to the sun, gradually exposing him under the rays - at first a little, son-in-law more and more.

Watering and spraying

During the growing season
, spring and summer, bush homemade laurel requires regular and fairly abundant watering. In hot summer days it must be daily.

And yet, make sure that the substrate in the pot has time to dry out a little: after all, the most common cause serious illnesses and even death of this plant is waterlogging and stagnant water on the ground.

For winter time the watering regimen should be different: 1 - a maximum of 2 times a week. Use only soft, settled water with a temperature of up to +20 degrees.

All types of laurel are very fond of spraying and high humidity. In the summer, do not be lazy to arrange a shower bush twice a day, in the morning and in the evening. You can solve the problem differently - put the pot in a tray with moistened pebbles or put a container of water next to it.

Landing, soil, transplant

Laurel planting carried out in the spring. First of all, at the bottom of the pot you need to lay good layer drainage, then fill the soil. You can use a substrate that is sold in stores, or you can cook it yourself. Soil composition:

  • leaf ground - 1 part;
  • sod land - 1 part;
  • humus - 1 part;
  • sand - 2 parts.

Until the laurel reaches the age of five it is transplanted every year, and then this procedure is done once every 2-3 years. When transplanting, be sure to use fertilizer.

Ideal top dressing for laurels - "Cactus".

Take a slightly alkaline or neutral substrate for transplantation. The plant will take better if you do not take dishes "for growth".

Prepare new pot slightly larger in diameter (2.2.5 cm) and as much deeper. If your laurel is an adult and grows in a tub, take a new one 5 cm more.

Watch the video below for a master class on transplanting laurel at home:

Reproduction of laurel

Propagate laurel mainly by seeds, less often by cuttings. In spring, seeds are sown in pots, boxes or bowls filled with a mixture of 2 parts of leafy earth and turf and one part of sand.

The soil should not be cold (from 18 ° C). In the phase of the first two leaves, the seedlings must be dived into another container at a distance of 2 cm from each other.

When they are properly and get stronger, you can start transplant every seedling in separate dishes 7 cm in diameter. Here you will need a different composition of the soil:

  • 4 pieces of turf;
  • 2 parts of leaf land;
  • one part sand;
  • one piece of peat.

young seedlings you need to constantly water, spray, keep at a cool temperature (up to 10-12 ° C) and in a well-lit place.

Shoots for propagation by cuttings are cut in mid-spring or early summer.

Choose non-lignified, with 2-3 internodes, up to 8 cm long. Lower leaves need to be removed, and then planted in a box at a distance of at least 10 cm from each other.

The soil mixture should be of 2 layers: 3-4 cm of turf on the bottom, and 2-3 cm of sand on top. Cuttings should grow at a temperature of 16-20 ° C, in a bright room.

Rooting will happen about a month later, then the seedlings are determined in a permanent dish - 7-centimeter pots. The soil can be taken the same as when planting seedlings.

Diseases and pests

Most often, homemade laurel bushes strike, greenhouse or leaf thrips, laurel psyllid, .

If the attack of insects has just begun, and there are not very many of them yet, you can use mechanical methods control (in other words, collect pests by hand).

AND spider mite this way of fighting is unimportant, they will have to be hit immediately with chemicals - for example, "". If the moment is missed, then use the appropriate pesticides against other insects, without forgetting about safety.

Laurel is quite resistant to diseases. If troubles happen to him, then only the plants provoked by the owners themselves due to excessive watering.

leaf spot- dangerous, just is the result of stagnation of water on the surface of the soil due to excessive waterlogging.

Here it is, laurel - a noble plant of heroes and monarchs. In your homeland, in the Mediterranean, as well as in Abkhazia and Western Georgia, laurel grows on limestone forest slopes.

Grown as ornamental plant in the Crimea, Krasnodar Territory and Azerbaijan.

Leaves and fruits of laureldrupes- collected in winter. They contain a lot of useful elements: essential and fatty oils with triglycerides - lemon balm, lauric acid, hydrocarbons, resins and phytosterols.

From fruits (they are called "beans") get bean oil for the treatment of paralysis, rheumatism, tumors, heart diseases and as a sedative.

use in the form of infusions and decoctions. And, of course, what kind of soup without lavrushka!

Grow in your kitchen and pinch off the leaves - but only when necessary!
