The man is over 300 years old. Which animals have the longest lifespan? flower - plant

Remember, in children's fairy tales, it is very often mentioned that, they say, a certain positive hero, after certain, as a rule, successful deeds, rules, and lived for a long, long time? Surely many of us can remember even a few examples.

But have you ever thought about someone who actually lives 300 years? And are there such creatures in the world at all, or is all this longevity nothing more than another fiction of science fiction writers?

Let's try to understand the situation. In this article, from a scientific point of view, we will follow and justify who lives 300 years on planet Earth and whether this is possible in principle. The reader will get acquainted with several types of living beings and get a brief description of their life activity.

Section 1. General Information

Agree, the theme of immortality has always worried humanity. Perhaps it would be foolish to ask the question "why". Well, of course, the whole point is that this would allow people to have power over all living things. Can you imagine what would happen if we finally acquired the ability to regenerate unhealthy organs and restore lost limbs? To put it mildly, it would be great!

To date, the best scientists on the planet are working on the problem of life extension, but, unfortunately, this remains only within the limits of dreams.

But if for us this kind of possibility is just a fantasy, then for many animals it is in the order of things. Of course, they do not live forever, and just like us, they grow old and die over time, but compared to humans, these are real longevity champions. And some individuals even survived their brothers and were eyewitnesses of many historical events on the planet. It is a pity that we have not learned to understand them properly ... How much valuable information could be obtained!

So which animal living on Earth lives the longest? Are there any record holders? Let's take a look at a few compelling examples.

Section 2. Amazing red sea urchin

These mysterious sea creatures live in the waters of the Pacific Ocean, mainly off the western coast of North America. Red sea urchins prefer quiet places on the almost uninhabited ocean floor and usually live at a depth of at least 90 meters. Their life span is several centuries.

Scientists know that all of them move little, attach to the sea soil and feed mainly only on small organisms, which are swallowed with water and then filtered.

Modern researchers believe that echinoderms of this species are practically immortal and show no signs of aging. By the way, sea urchins and at the age of one hundred years are as prolific as their ten-year-old relatives. They can only die from diseases or predators.

Indeed, a sea urchin is one who lives 300 years, and maybe longer.

Section 3. Have you heard about the tuatara?

This mysterious animal was not properly studied until many years after its discovery. Subsequently, it turned out that such creatures disappeared from the face of the earth many millions of years ago, and the hatteria remained the only species of this order of reptiles.

It is extremely interesting that the internal structure of the organs of the tuatara has a similar physiology with the crocodile, turtle, fish and snake, as well as with the ancient, long-extinct megalosaurs, ichthyosaurs and teleosaurs.

Today, we can say with confidence that tuatara are contemporaries of the dinosaur era and can reach the age of two hundred years.

Section 4. Bowhead whale

The bowhead whale is dark in color and lacks a dorsal fin. The length of this giant mammal can reach 20 meters, and weight - 100 tons.

Unlike other whales that migrate elsewhere to breed, the bowhead whale lives only in arctic and subarctic waters. Unfortunately, these giants have been greatly reduced in our days, and they are certainly in danger.

In one of the articles by a scientist from the University of Alaska, Ned Rozelle, a whale over 210 years old is described. True, it should be noted that the accuracy of the method used to determine the age range was only 16%, which means that there is a huge probability that this animal could be 177-245 years old.

These studies show that the bowhead whale is one of the ancient mammals on the planet, although in the media, as a rule, there is information that turtles live for 300 years among the permanent inhabitants of the water depths, and for all other representatives of the underwater kingdom this is simply impossible . Worth considering...

Section 5 Hanako Koi

The koi carp belongs to the ornamental variety of common carps, which are bred in garden ponds familiar to all of us.

Fish of this species may have a different color, pattern or scale size. The most common colors are white, black, red, yellow, blue or cream.

Interestingly, the age of a carp can be calculated by the number of rings on the scales. By the way, the age of a tree is also determined by the rings located on the trunk. The oldest koi, Hanako, who died in July 1977, lived to be 226 years old.

Section 6. Giant tortoise

Long-lived reptiles include giant Seychelles tortoises, which are famous for their longevity. Their life expectancy averages 100-150 years. Of course, they cannot be attributed to those who actually live 300 years, but, according to the research of modern scientists, one of these representatives of the mentioned species was the Advaita tortoise, which surpassed all its relatives and lived for more than 250 years.

Advaita spent the last century of her existence in captivity in the Calcutta Zoo, where she died at a rather advanced age. Even the lack of a natural habitat and limited space did not affect it, which in most cases, as a rule, has a detrimental effect on animals.

Section 7. Goldfish Tishka

Decorative fish that live in aquariums do not differ in particular vitality and longevity, often get sick and die. Usually they please their owners for no more than one year. But one goldfish named Tish became a real record holder for love of life and spent 43 years in the aquarium.

The owners accidentally won a small fish at an auction. With them, she spent her whole life until old age. She got into the Guinness Book of Records as the oldest aquarium fish in the world.

Section 8. Does a Raven Really Live for 300 Years?

In general, I would immediately like to note that such a statement is nothing more than a myth invented by lovers of these birds and connecting many mysteries, legends and secrets with them.

So, let's try to figure it out and look at the problem from a scientific point of view. How long does a raven live? 300 years? 200? Or maybe he is completely immortal?

It has always been believed that these representatives of the genus of birds can live for more than a hundred years. But, speaking about the life span of these birds, you need to decide which crows will be discussed. What is the snag? Let's try to explain. The thing is that there are two species: crows and crows, each of which has its own life expectancy, depending on the habitat and content.

So, crows. In nature, these living beings are subject to various diseases, attacks by enemies and malnutrition. Given that these birds live mainly next to humans, the ecological situation in large cities is also of great importance. What follows from this? Very simple! To the question of what kind of bird lives for 300 years, you can safely answer: definitely not a crow! In captivity, she can live up to 30 years, and in nature - no more than 10-15.

Their Crow cousins ​​are much larger and more beautiful, their jet black plumage glittering and shimmering with green, blue and purple. However, the question "why crows live 300 years", unfortunately, can be classified as rhetorical. Why? The thing is that this longevity, like the stories that these birds have nine human lives, is nothing more than a beautiful legend, not supported by any scientific facts.

And yet, how long do ravens live? In fact, individual individuals in captivity can live up to a maximum of 70 years. And in natural habitats, their life span is even shorter - 30-40 years, on average, birds die at the age of 10-15 years.

Section 9. Immortal inhabitant of the planet Earth

True, isn't it, but the jellyfish Turritopsis nutricula, which lives in tropical and temperate waters, is considered an immortal inhabitant of our planet.

The uniqueness of this creature is that it is able to reverse its life cycle of development - from an adult, it again returns to the initial stage, turning into a small polyp. The secret of the eternal life of the jellyfish lies in the ability of transdifferentiation, which consists in the transformation of cells of one type into another. This phenomenon is still little studied by scientists.

An adult jellyfish, having reached puberty, settles on the seabed, retracts its tentacles and begins to turn into a polyp. The transformation of the cells of the whole body can take place indefinitely, so these creatures are able to live forever. It has been proved that the death of gelatinous organisms of the mentioned species is not associated with old age. Various diseases and predators pose a great danger to them. Thanks to a peculiar gift of rebirth, these jellyfish inhabit almost the entire world's oceans, and they are not threatened with extinction.

Scientists are interested in studying the phenomenon of the immortality of jellyfish. All research is carried out in the laboratory, and experts hope that scientific work will help uncover the secret of eternal life and youth. Well, as they say, wait and see!

One of the oldest women in Italy, Theresia Staffler, died on Monday evening in the mountainous town of Santa Valpurga in the northern Italian region of Trentino-Alto Adige at the age of 112. Staffler was far from the only known centenarian who was over 100 years old.

The duration of human life depends on many factors. This is a genetic predisposition, and the environment, and the mood of a person, his desire to live. Only a small fraction of a percent of the total number of people on Earth live up to a hundred years.

According to gerontologists, the life expectancy of a modern person is 40% less than that assigned to him by nature: 100-120 years of active and full life is not the limit for the human body.

According to the classification of the World Health Organization, centenarians include older people who have crossed the 90-year mark.

According to the Guinness Book of Records, the human lifespan limit is 122 years. So much lived Jeanne Louise Calmat, a resident of France, born February 21, 1875 in Arles. A resident of Japan, Shigechio Izumi, who was born in 1865 and died of pneumonia in 1986, lived two years less.

But many scientists and journalists believe that the Guinness Book of Records does not have all the data on centenarians. So, a reporter from the Cairo newspaper Al-Akhbar talks about a man who, according to him, is 195 years old and he perfectly remembers the opening of the Suez Canal.

The Vietnamese census in 1991 also made adjustments to the question of centenarians. A 142-year-old man was found in Kunhol County, Nghetinh Province. In the same place, in Vietnam, they found a long-liver who was born in 1847, survived three of her husbands and has four children who have already exceeded 100 years.

According to unverified data, one of the oldest inhabitants of the planet was a Chinese citizen Li-Chgung-yan, who was born in 1680 and died in 1933 at the age of 253 years. However, these reports are not documented.

One of the oldest inhabitants of Colombia, Javier Pereira, lived to be 169 years old. A special postage stamp was issued in his honour. On the day when Pereira turned 146 years old, representatives of the authorities and senior officials came to congratulate him. They asked for the consent of the hero of the day so that a commemorative stamp with his image was issued in his honor. Pereira agreed, but made a condition: at the bottom in the corner of the stamp should be written: "I drink and smoke."

In the Soviet Union, a postage stamp was also issued in honor of the long-lived Mukhamed Eyvazov (he was then 148 years old). After that, Eyvazov lived for another three years. He died in August 1959.

An interesting case is described by English historians. In 1635, the peasant Thomas Parr came from the provinces to London to appear before King Charles as a miracle of longevity. Parr claimed to have outlived nine kings and was 152 years old. In honor of the centenarian, the king arranged a magnificent feast, after which Thomas Parr died suddenly. It was opened by the famous English doctor William Harvey, who discovered blood circulation. According to Harvey, Parr died of pneumonia, but, as the legends say, the cause of his death was a plentiful meal at the king's table. Parr was buried with honors in Westminster Abbey.

Of the most famous centenarians, the following can also be noted:

Zoltan Petrij (Hungary) - 186 years old.

Peter Zortai (Hungary) - 185 years old (1539-1724).

Cantigern is the founder of the abbey in Glasgow. Known as Saint Mungo. Lived 185 years.

Tense Abzive (Ossetia) - 180 years old.

Khuddie (Albania) - 170 years old. His offspring reached 200 people.

Hanger Nine (Turkey). Lived 169 years. Died in 1964.

Sayyad Abdul Mabud (Pakistan) - 159 years old.

In the developed countries of the world there is a constant struggle for the survival and improvement of the nation, for increasing the life expectancy of each person. The increase in life expectancy in all countries of the world is achieved by reducing child mortality and reducing mortality from cancer and heart disease. Thus, by conquering diseases, mankind seeks to approach the achievement of the upper limit of human life.

Leonard Hayflick, professor of anatomy at the University of California, based on his graphs of human survival for individual countries and different periods, received a theoretical curve with an upper limit of 115 years. At the same time, Hayflick discovered another interesting pattern: it turns out that human life expectancy is proportionally related to the ratio of brain weight to body weight. The larger this ratio, the longer life, and it changed quite dramatically at certain periods during evolution. The last time its strong increase occurred 100 thousand years ago, after which it practically did not change, just as the ratio of brain weight to body weight did not change.

Leonard Hayflick also expressed an original point of view on the aging of the body. According to him, aging occurs after the cessation of growth, and those creatures whose growth does not stop with time (shark, sturgeon, Galapagos tortoise) age very, very slowly.

Various scientists of the world speak about the upper limit of human life in different ways. The famous medieval physician Paracelsus believed that a person can live 600 years. Albrecht von Haller and Christoph Wilhelm Hufeland (scientists of the 18th century) considered the age of 200 years to be the limit of human life. Russian scientists Ilya Mechnikov and Alexander Bogomolets spoke about 160 years.

As paradoxical as it may sound, few centenarians die a natural death directly from old age. Almost always, the cause of death is various diseases - cardiovascular, oncological, infectious.

In his “Etudes of Optimism”, Mechnikov pointed out that “in 1902 in Paris, only 85 people died of old age for 1000 deaths between 70 and 74 years old. Most old people died from contagious diseases: pneumonia and consumption, from diseases of the heart, kidneys or cerebral hemorrhage." Even the famous centenarians, the Englishman Thomas Parr (152 years old) and the Turks Zara Agha (156 years old) died not from age, but from diseases (the first from pneumonia, the second from uremic coma caused by prostate disease).

Among centennial centenarians, drunkards are often found. The surgeon Politiman died at the age of 140 (1685-1825); from the age of 25, he used to get drunk every day after finishing his studies. Gascony, a butcher in Trie (Pyrenees), who died in 1767 at the age of 120, got drunk twice a week. The example of one Irish landowner, Brown, who lived to be 120 years old, is striking. He bequeathed to make him a tombstone, stating that "he was always drunk and so terrible in this state that death itself was afraid of him."

But some centenarians loved wine, others coffee. So, for example, the famous Voltaire was very fond of coffee, and when one doctor began to tell him that coffee is a poison, Voltaire replied: "It will soon be 80 years since I have been poisoned by this poison." Coffee drinker Elizabeth Durien lived to be 114 years old.

It is said that smoking shortens life. However, many centenarians smoked. Ross, who received the Longevity Award at 102 (1896), was a heavy smoker.

Scientists have always been interested in the so-called "centers of longevity", isolated areas where people live much longer than in other places and retain vitality and energy until the end of their lives. One of these regions is Abkhazia, where almost 3% of the population is centenarians, whose age exceeds 100 years.

It is estimated that in 2000 there were 70,000 to 80,000 people aged 100 or over in the United States. Centennials represent one of the fastest growing age groups in the US population.

Average life expectancy in Cuba, US neighbors, is one of the highest in the world: 76 years. At the same time, for 11 million of the country's population, there are about 3 thousand people who have crossed the centennial milestone.

Taiwan boasts the number of its centenarians over the age of 100 . According to the Xinhua News Agency as of October 2009, there are 1,223 of them in the state. Among people of respectable age, 853 are women and 370 are men. The oldest of them are a 116-year-old resident of Kaohsiung City and a 113-year-old resident of Lianhua County, Taipei City.

In November 2009, the peasant woman Halima Solmaz, the oldest woman on the planet, who lives in the east of Turkey in the highland province of Diyarbakir, turned 125 years old. In confirmation of this, the representative of the provincial census bureau showed the identity card of the universal hero of the day, in which the date of birth of grandmother Halime is registered - 1884.

On January 11, 2010, at the age of 112, in the mountainous town of Santa Valpurga, in the northern Italian region of Trentino-Alto Adige, one of the oldest women in Italy, Theresia Staffler, died.

Staffler, who was born in 1898, managed to live in the 19th, 20th and 21st centuries. She was ranked 45th in the world list of centenarians.

Teresia will be buried by her two daughters, who are 88 and 85 years old, as well as numerous grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

The material was prepared on the basis of information from RIA Novosti and open sources

Remember, in children's fairy tales, it is very often mentioned that, they say, a certain positive hero, after certain, as a rule, successful deeds, rules, and lived for a long, long time? Surely many of us can remember even a few examples.

But have you ever thought about someone who actually lives 300 years? And are there such creatures in the world at all, or is all this longevity nothing more than another fiction of science fiction writers?

Let's try to understand the situation. In this article, from a scientific point of view, we will follow and justify who lives 300 years on planet Earth and whether this is possible in principle. The reader will get acquainted with several types of living beings and get a brief description of their life activity.

Section 1. General Information

Agree, the theme of immortality has always worried humanity. Perhaps it would be foolish to ask the question "why". Well, of course, the whole point is that this would allow people to have power over all living things. Can you imagine what would happen if we finally acquired the ability to regenerate unhealthy organs and restore lost limbs? To put it mildly, it would be great!

To date, the best scientists on the planet are working on the problem of life extension, but, unfortunately, this remains only within the limits of dreams.

But if for us this kind of opportunity is just a fantasy, then for many animals it is. Of course, they do not live forever, but just like us, they grow old and die over time, but compared to humans, they are real longevity champions. And some individuals even survived their brothers and were eyewitnesses of many historical events on the planet. It is a pity that we have not learned to understand them properly ... How much valuable information could be obtained!

So which animal living on Earth lives the longest? Are there any record holders? Let's take a look at a few compelling examples.

Section 2. Amazing red sea urchin

These mysterious sea creatures live in the waters of the Pacific Ocean, mainly off the western coast of North America. Red sea urchins prefer quiet places on the almost uninhabited ocean floor and usually live at a depth of at least 90 meters. Their life span is several centuries.

Scientists know that all of them move little, attach to the sea soil and feed mainly only on small organisms, which are swallowed with water and then filtered.

Modern researchers believe that echinoderms of this species are practically immortal and show no signs of aging. By the way, sea urchins and at the age of one hundred years are as prolific as their ten-year-old relatives. They can only die from diseases or predators.

Indeed, a sea urchin is one who lives 300 years, and maybe longer.

Section 3. Have you heard about the tuatara?

This mysterious animal was not properly studied until many years after its discovery. Subsequently, it turned out that such creatures disappeared from the face of the earth many millions of years ago, and the hatteria remained the only species of this order of reptiles.

It is extremely interesting that the internal structure of the organs of the tuatara has a similar physiology with the crocodile, turtle, fish and snake, as well as with the ancient, long-extinct megalosaurs, ichthyosaurs and teleosaurs.

Today, we can say with confidence that tuatara are contemporaries of the dinosaur era and can reach the age of two hundred years.

Section 4. Bowhead whale

The bowhead whale is dark in color and lacks a dorsal fin. The length of this giant mammal can reach 20 meters and weight - 100 tons.

Unlike other whales that migrate to other places to breed, it lives only in arctic and subarctic waters. Unfortunately, these giants have been greatly reduced in our days, and they are certainly in danger.

In one of the articles by a scientist from the University of Alaska, Ned Rozelle, a whale over 210 years old is described. True, it should be noted that the accuracy of the method used to determine the age range was only 16%, which means that there is a huge probability that this animal could be 177-245 years old.

These studies show that the bowhead whale is one of the ancient mammals on the planet, although in the media, as a rule, there is information that turtles live for 300 years among the permanent inhabitants of the water depths, and for all other representatives of the underwater kingdom this is simply impossible . Worth considering...

Section 5 Hanako Koi

The koi carp belongs to the ornamental variety of common carps, which are bred in garden ponds familiar to all of us.

Fish of this species may have a different color, pattern or scale size. The most common colors are white, black, red, yellow, blue or cream.

Interestingly, the age of a carp can be calculated by the number of rings on the scales. By the way, the age of a tree is also determined by the rings located on the trunk. The oldest koi, Hanako, who died in July 1977, lived to be 226 years old.

Section 6. Giant tortoise

Long-lived reptiles include giant Seychelles tortoises, which are famous for their longevity. Their life expectancy averages 100-150 years. Of course, they cannot be attributed to those who actually live 300 years, but, according to the research of modern scientists, one of these representatives of the mentioned species was the Advaita tortoise, which surpassed all its relatives and lived for more than 250 years.

Advaita spent the last century of her existence in captivity in the Calcutta Zoo, where she died at a rather advanced age. Even the lack of a natural habitat and limited space did not affect it, which in most cases, as a rule, has a detrimental effect on animals.

Section 7. Goldfish Tishka

Decorative fish that live in aquariums do not differ in particular vitality and longevity, often get sick and die. Usually they please their owners for no more than one year. But one goldfish named Tish became a real record holder for love of life and spent 43 years in the aquarium.

The owners accidentally won a small fish at an auction. With them, she spent her whole life until old age. She got into the Guinness Book of Records as the oldest aquarium fish in the world.

Section 8. Does a Raven Really Live for 300 Years?

In general, I would immediately like to note that such a statement is nothing more than a myth invented by lovers of these birds and connecting many mysteries, legends and secrets with them.

So, let's try to figure it out and look at the problem from a scientific point of view. 300 years? 200? Or maybe he is completely immortal?

It has always been believed that these representatives of the genus of birds can live for more than a hundred years. But, speaking about the life span of these birds, you need to decide which crows will be discussed. What is the snag? Let's try to explain. The thing is that there are two species: crows and crows, each of which has its own life expectancy, depending on the habitat and content.

So, crows. In nature, these living beings are subject to various diseases, attacks by enemies and malnutrition. Given that these birds live mainly next to humans, the ecological situation in large cities is also of great importance. What follows from this? Very simple! To the question of what kind of bird lives for 300 years, you can safely answer: definitely not a crow! In captivity, she can live up to 30 years, and in nature - no more than 10-15.

Their Crow cousins ​​are much larger and more beautiful, their jet black plumage glittering and shimmering with green, blue and purple. However, the question "why crows live 300 years", unfortunately, can be classified as rhetorical. Why? The thing is that this longevity, like the stories that these birds have nine human lives, is nothing more than a beautiful legend, not supported by any scientific facts.

And yet, how long do ravens live? In fact, individual individuals in captivity can live up to a maximum of 70 years. And in natural habitats, their lifespan is even shorter - 30-40 years, on average, birds die at the age of 10-15 years.

Section 9. Immortal inhabitant of the planet Earth

True, isn't it, but the jellyfish Turritopsis nutricula, which lives in tropical and temperate waters, is considered an immortal inhabitant of our planet.

The uniqueness of this creature is that it is able to reverse its life cycle of development - from an adult, it again returns to the initial stage, turning into a small polyp. The secret lies in the ability of transdifferentiation, which consists in the transformation of cells of one type into another. This phenomenon is still little studied by scientists.

An adult jellyfish, having reached puberty, settles on the seabed, retracts its tentacles and begins to turn into a polyp. The transformation of the cells of the whole body can take place indefinitely, so these creatures are able to live forever. It has been proved that the death of gelatinous organisms of the mentioned species is not associated with old age. Various diseases and predators pose a great danger to them. Thanks to a peculiar gift of rebirth, these jellyfish inhabit almost the entire world's oceans, and they are not threatened with extinction.

Scientists are interested in studying the phenomenon of the immortality of jellyfish. All research is carried out in the laboratory, and experts hope that scientific work will help uncover the secret of eternal life and youth. Well, as they say, wait and see!

Test tasks for self-examination

Subject "Logic"

The test includes 100 closed-type tasks (you must select one correct answer) and covers the main topics of the course.

  1. Find the correct definition of logic as a science. Logic is the science of

1. thinking;

2. inferences and evidence;

3. forms of thinking and the truth of judgments;

Forms of rational thinking and logical laws.

  1. Formal logic appeared in

1. Middle Ages;

2. antiquity;

3. New time;

  1. Founder of formal logic

1. Socrates;

2. Plato;

3. Aristotle;

4. Leibniz.

  1. Traditional (formal) logic is also called

1. two-digit;

2. multivalued;

3. symbolic;

4. mathematical.

  1. The forms of sensory cognition are

1. concept; judgment; inference;

2. feeling; perception; performance;

3. perception; performance; concept;

4. feeling; perception; concept.

  1. Extra in the above list is

1. concept;

2. inference;

3. presentation;

4. judgment.

  1. The elementary form of abstract thinking, in which the essential properties, signs of the designated object are fixed, -

1. presentation;

2. concept;

3. judgment;

4. inference.

  1. The form of thought by which one or more judgments (called premises) is concluded (conclusion) -

1. concept;

2. judgment;

3. reasoning;

4. inference.

  1. A form of thinking in which something is affirmed or denied about objects, their properties and relations -

1. concept;

2. judgment;

3. inference;

4. offer.

  1. Find the concept:

1. I speak.

Smart man.

3. This table is wooden.

4. Are you sick?

  1. Find the concept:

1. 1st year student of Moscow State Pedagogical University.

2. I am a student of Moscow State Pedagogical University.

3. This student is studying at Moscow State Pedagogical University.

4. There are excellent students in our group.

  1. Any concept is expressed in the form

1. a simple offer;

2. complex sentence;

3. words or phrases;

4. connected text.

  1. Every concept has

1. size;

2. volume;

Size 3;

4. figure.

  1. The content of the concept is

1. the totality of all objects that it covers;

2. significant attributes of the object that it expresses;

3. the judgment in which it can be used;

4. the word or phrase in which it is expressed.

  1. The scope of the concept is

1. set of objects, covered by this concept;

2. the most important features of the object that it denotes;

3. the totality of all words or phrases that can express it;

4. all reasoning in which it is used.

  1. The single concept is

1. Serpent Gorynych.

2. Student of Moscow State Pedagogical University.

3. Desert.


  1. General concept is not

1. dry water.

2. Moskvich.

3. Engine.

4. Deep lake.

  1. Empty (zero) is the following concept

1. Eiffel Tower.

2. Gymnast.

3. Football team.

A man who lived 300 years.

1. the scope of the concept of "student" is greater the scope of the concept of "student";

2. the scope of the concept "student" is less than the scope of the concept "student";

3. The scope of the concept "student" is equal to the scope of the concept "student".

  1. Based on the law of the inverse relationship between the volume and content of concepts, choose the correct judgment:
  1. The larger term is called

1. specific;

2. generic;

4. wide.

  1. Find the right option restrictions concepts:

1. Moscow is the capital of Russia;

2. Moscow is a city;

3. capital - the capital of Russia;

4. Moscow - a district of Moscow.

  1. Find the right option generalizations concepts:

1. flower - plant;

2. flower - stem;

3. flower - a bouquet of flowers;

4. flower - tulip.

  1. A possible result of the limitation for the concept " pencil' will be a concept

1. human product;

2. stationery;

3. wooden object;

4. layer mango pencil.

  1. The limit of the logical chain of restriction of any concept will always be some

1. zero concept;

2. single concept;

3. specific concept;

4. generic concept.

  1. Incompatible concepts can not be in a relationship

1. submission;

2. subordination;

3. opposites;

4. contradictions.

  1. Concepts " Paris" and " capital of France» are in relation

1. equivalence;

2. submission;

3. intersections;

4. subordination.

  1. Concepts " Muscovite" and " student» are in relation

1. equivalence;

2. submission;

3. intersections;

4. subordination.

  1. Concepts " Birch" and " wood» are in relation

1. equivalence;

2. submission;

3. intersections;

4. subordination.

  1. Concepts " friend" and " enemy» are in relation

1. intersections;

2. subordination;

3. contradictions;

4.prot and opposites.

  1. Concepts " underground" and " tram» are in relation

1. submission;

2. with subordination;

3. contradictions;

4. opposites.

  1. Concepts " even number" and " odd number» are in relation

1. incomparability;

2. subordination;

3. pro contradictions;

4. opposites.

  1. This scheme corresponds to the following group of concepts:

1. Boy. Girls a. Schoolboy.

2. Student. Athlete. Teacher.

3. Doctor. Father. Businessman.

4. University. Moscow university. MGPU.

34. This scheme does not match the following group of concepts:

1. Fish. Predator. Shark.

2. Plant. Wood. Pine.

3. Higher educational institution. Moscow educational institution. MGPU.

4. Russian writer. Famous person. Leo Nikolaevich Tolstoy.

35. The relationship between the concepts " wolf" them east» is expressed by the following scheme

36. Definition An island is a piece of land surrounded on all sides by water.

1. correct;

2. wrong (too wide);

4. wrong (contains a circle).

37. Definition "Existentialism is a philosophical direction of the 20th century, which deals with various existential questions and problems"

1. correct;

2. wrong (too wide);

3. wrong (too narrow);
