The crown of the house: types and methods of replacement. Replacing a crown in a wooden house - all the details from professionals How to replace a crown on a log house

Damage to the supporting elements of a structure made of such material is a serious problem. Partial repair of damaged areas is not a panacea, because it weakens the structure and reduces its service life. The process of completely replacing old parts with new ones is extremely complex, dangerous and expensive to perform. In some cases, work can be slightly simplified and cheaper due to the absence of aggravating factors (the presence of a furnace without its own foundation, the structure is on a slope, and the like). But without fail, the option of dismantling the old building and erecting a new one must be considered to save effort, time and finances.

Causes of damage to supporting elements

In order not to have to replace the lower crown of a wooden house with your own hands, you need to take care of its proper construction and operation:

1. Refusal of the columnar foundation with an earth embankment.

2. High-quality waterproofing of the strip foundation and its timely repair.

3. Excessively low foundation in areas with a lot of precipitation.

4. Monitoring the level of the foundation, troubleshooting due to its shrinkage or extrusion.

5. High-quality ventilation of the underground space, organization of a sufficient number and required sizes of air vents.

6. Refusal of facade panels that cover the walls of the structure.

foundation repair plans
strengthening the crowns of the house with reinforced concrete

scheme for replacing the lower crown of a wooden house with brickwork
replacement of the lower rims of the house (stages 1-4)

Manual, as with their own hands without the use of complex mechanisms.

Partial replacement of the lower crown of a wooden house with your own hands without lifting the structure

Do-it-yourself partial replacement of the lower crown of a wooden house will avoid excessively heavy and complex work. In this way, you can fix problems not only in one part, but also in a larger number. But, it should be warned that the more parts are repaired using this method, the stronger the structure is weakened and the sooner its more serious repairs will be needed.

The work is carried out in the following order:

1. Determine the place on the element that is damaged the most.

2. Using a chisel, remove dried or rotten wood. Work continues until the walls of the excavation touch healthy and undamaged material.

3. On the segment to be processed, we install the edges of the ties, which capture at least three elements located above it.

4. Ties (4 pcs.) Are made of ordinary rails, the thickness of which is 4 cm. We drill holes in them with a diameter of at least 1 cm (no more than 1.5 cm).

5. We make the same through holes in each of the four components at a distance of 35-40 cm from the edges of the opening made (two holes in one part).

6. We install screeds on the outer and inner sides of the wall so that their holes coincide with the holes on the wall. We hammer metal studs into these openings with a hammer, the diameter of which is 1-2 mm larger than their diameter.

7. Using a chainsaw, we make neat cuts along the edges of the recess selected by the chisel. We retreat from these sections by another 20 cm and make cuts for half the thickness of the log. We make cuts across and remove these details. As a result, we get protrusions on the two remaining parts of the log house, which are needed for a tighter connection of the old element with the new one.

8. From the new log house, you need to cut out an insert, the contours of which exactly repeat the outlines of the opening made.

9. We coat the places of future joining with carpentry glue, insert the cut out part into place. We hammer it as tightly as possible with a sledgehammer (through the lining so as not to damage the surface of the part).

10. At a distance of 20 cm from the edges of the new part, we make three through holes. We insert dowels into them and hammer them all the way. The protruding edges of the pins on the inside and outside are cut off.

11. The joint between the new and old element is clogged with moss. The screeds are removed and dowels are also hammered into the holes remaining after them.

Complete replacement of supporting elements with raising the structure

In no case should a complete replacement of the lower crown of a wooden house with your own hands be done alone. It is strongly recommended to invite a specialist who understands this matter to perform such work.

replacement of lower rims in a log house

replacing rotten house crowns (steps 1-11)
lifting a house with 2 jacks

Wood as a building material has many advantages. However, a feature of the tree is that over time it can rot. As a rule, the lower, mortgage crowns in a wooden house are most often affected. This may be due to improper operation of the house, deformation, poor-quality waterproofing. In addition, the lower part of the building experiences the greatest load, and therefore becomes unusable faster. Replacing rotten crowns is a tricky job. However, subject to all the rules, it is quite possible to complete it, but on condition that you have certain building skills.

Replacing the crowns of a wooden house

In the work of replacing a rotten crown, you will need the following materials and tools:

  • wooden boards;
  • sealant (jute or tow);
  • antiseptic for wood;
  • waterproofing material - roofing material;
  • 4 hydraulic jacks;
  • chisel;
  • chainsaw;
  • sledgehammer;
  • axe;
  • electric drill;
  • saw;
  • plane.

There are several ways to change the crown of a wooden house.

It often happens that the crown is partially rotted, that is, only part of it has suffered. In this case, they resort to the simplest method - replacing the rotten area.

In this case, the procedure will look like this:

  1. Pinpoint the rotted area.
  2. Using a chisel, find out how deeply rotted the wood is, clear it from both edges.
  3. Step back 40 cm from each side of the rotten area.
  4. Install ties with a height of 2-3 crowns. Pin to the log house from the outside and from the inside of the board with a thickness of 40 mm. Make holes in the first and last tightening crown. Insert tie rods with a diameter of at least 12 mm through.
  5. Cut out the rotten area with a chainsaw.
  6. Make notches 20 cm wide for a secure fit with the new insert.
  7. A wooden insert is made of the same diameter and length as the dismantled section. Don't forget to back-cut the new insert.
  8. Install the insert in place of the removed segment. To make it firmly in place, use a sledgehammer, placing a bar under it.
  9. In place with notches of 20 cm, drill through holes 3 from 2 sides and drive dowels into them to fasten the old tree and insert.
  10. The gaps must be carefully caulked. To do this, you can use jute or tow.

This method does not require much effort and time, but the integrity of the log is violated.

Repair of crowns at home using a jack

For a high-quality and thorough repair of the lower rims, you will need a jack. It is easier to work with a columnar base. In this case, a base for a jack is made between the pillars (for this you can use a concrete block, a shield of 50x50 boards). Please note that the stove or fireplace must be installed on a separate foundation. But before you raise the house, you need to carefully prepare for work:

The scheme of raising the walls with the help of struts: 1 - washer; 2 - bolt; 3 - compression; 4 - brace; 5 - staples.

  1. Take out the window frames and door frames, take out all the furniture.
  2. The chimney must be separated from the floors and roofs, otherwise there is a risk that it can damage them with its weight.
  3. Separate the floor from the walls. If it is not embedded in the lower crown and does not need to be changed, then you can leave it. Otherwise, the floor must be disassembled, support posts installed under the logs and separated from the crown.
  4. Those crowns that you will not change should be well fastened with boards 40 mm thick. Stepping back 50 cm from the corner of the building, pin them in a vertical position to the log house. Fix the lower edge of the board to the lowest crown of those that will not change. Fasten the top edge to the top crown. Boards are fixed inside and out. Secure the top and bottom edges with through dowels.

After completing all the preparatory activities, you can start lifting the house.

Repair of rotten logs in a house on a columnar foundation

First you need to prepare a place for the jack. It should rest against the top serviceable crown. To do this, in the lower logs that will change, you need to cut a segment for installing a jack. After that, measure the height of the jack with the rod raised and lowered and compare it with the height from the ground to the beam in which the jack will need to rest. Sometimes you have to dig a tunnel to install it. Then a reliable foundation is prepared under the jack. In total, you will need 4 jacks. They should be installed, stepping back from the corner of the building 80-100 cm.

Repair of crowns in a house on a strip base

  1. In the logs that you are going to replace, you need to cut out recesses in order to bring the lever there (they can serve as a log, channel). Inside, the floor must be disassembled.
  2. Jacks are placed outside as close as possible to the foundation of the house.
  3. Insert a lever into the cut recess and place a support under its inner end - a block of concrete.
  4. Lay the edge of the lever from the outside on the jack.
  5. Thanks to the jack, the lever will rise, and with it the building. At this point, place wedges between the foundation and the raised house.
  6. Repair crowns. Please note that using the levers, each side must be lifted in turn.
  7. After repairing the logs, the recess through which the lever was wound up will need to be repaired.

Make sure that the lifting of the house on the jacks occurs evenly.

After completing all the work, do not forget to process the crowns, this will extend the service life and preserve the appearance of the wood. To do this, use a wood preservative and insect repellent. In addition, be sure to take care of high-quality waterproofing of the lower crowns. To do this, lay 3 layers of roofing material treated with bituminous mastic. And only after that the first mortgage crown is laid.

Repairing the crowns of a wooden house is a rather time-consuming and responsible job.

Therefore, at the slightest doubt, it is advisable to enlist the support of professionals. It is desirable to carry out work in dry weather. Properly executed repair of rotten logs will allow the house to stand for a long time, increasing the strength and reliability of the entire structure.

Many construction organizations, having trained personnel and the necessary equipment, offer services for replacing the lower rims of wooden houses. But if you get acquainted with their approximate prices, it becomes clear that this will result in a “tidy” sum. Based on the calculation for 1 running meter, the dismantling / installation of timber - from 1,600 rubles, logs - from 2,300 (depending on the complexity of the work, the location of the structure and the section of lumber).

It is easy to calculate that the owners of a small wooden house 6 x 6 will have to pay specialists at least 60,000 (including related costs). At the same time, as practice shows, quality is often guaranteed only in words.

If you delve into the meaning of all technological operations, then the conclusion is unequivocal - with the competent organization of work, in most cases it is quite possible to replace the lower crown of a wooden house with your own hands. Let's figure out how to do it right, what options are available and what should be considered.

Diagnose (carefully) the lower crown. Moreover, one should not be limited only to a detailed study of the identified place damaged by rot, mold. Inspection must be carried out around the entire perimeter of a wooden house. Only such a scrupulous approach to business will allow us to determine with maximum accuracy the scope of the work to be done and its complexity. So, draw up a specific plan and correlate it with your own capabilities. In some cases, doing everything with your own hands will not work. Therefore, assistants (how many do you need?) And some technical means will be needed.

How to identify defective places?

It is necessary to tap each element of the lower crown. This can be done with a carpenter's hammer, an ax butt. A deaf sound is a clear sign that the log (beam) needs to be replaced, since inside it is no longer a dense core, but dust. Therefore, it will not last long. A chisel will help you get a clearer idea of ​​the degree of damage to the element of the lower crown. It is enough to make only a partial sample of wood, and everything will become clear.

At the same time, the lumber laid in the next row is inspected, since it is likely that the rot has spread higher.

The foundation of a wooden house should also not be ignored. As a rule, this tape is mainly shallow. Any, even a small crack in it, indicates that the deformation of the base is occurring. Has this process ended or continues, how intensively does it proceed? To get answers to such questions, you need to stick paper strips on the cracks. A re-examination of these places (after some time) will allow us to conclude on the need and timing of foundation repairs. If the defects in it are significant, it makes sense to combine this work with the replacement of the lower crown.

The amount of work to be done depends on the extent of the damage. A good homeowner inspects their home regularly, and identifying damage early makes repairs much easier. If this is not given due attention, then outside help, as a rule, cannot be dispensed with. We will consider all possible options for replacing the lower crown of the log house with our own hands, and the reader will decide for himself what exactly, in relation to local specifics, he needs to do.

The main ways to replace the crowns of the log house

In separate areas

“Spot” (local) repair is the easiest and least expensive way to repair damage in the lower crown. A good owner will definitely not need the services of specialists. Moreover, it is not necessary to have experience in such work - only accuracy and attentiveness are needed.

But one nuance is worth considering. Since it will be necessary to replace a certain part of the lower row of the log house, to make cuts in the lumber, the number of joints of the blanks increases. If measures are not taken to ensure their high-quality compaction, the heat loss of a wooden house will increase.

Technique 1. The areas of wood affected by the fungus, wood-boring insects are cut out.

The main task of the master:

  • perform high-quality cleaning of the bare area;
  • remove all dust from the ends of the beam (log);
  • treat these segments with appropriate preparations (antiseptic + flame retardant);
  • to make exactly the same wooden part according to the dimensions of the resulting opening;
  • put it in place and fix it qualitatively. What - depends on the specifics of the work (staples, nails, fasteners in the form of plates, corners, and so on).

Method 2. It is implemented if the dimensions of the defective element of the lower crown are significant. After removing the damaged wood, brickwork is erected on this site.

This technique does not provide sufficient strength, stability of the entire structure of a wooden house. Therefore, they are practiced only in individual cases, and, as a rule, only for a certain time, when it becomes possible to carry out more serious repairs.

With partial dismantling of the foundation

This method can not always be implemented. For example, if the base of a wooden house is block (there are also such options), then this technique is not applicable - a reinforced concrete monolith is not disassembled. It also does not require large expenses or professional skills, but the disadvantage, like the first method, is a decrease in the strength of the building. But if in the lower crown of a wooden house not some small section of a log or beam is rotten, but the entire sample needs to be replaced, then this is a good option for prompt repairs.

What to do

  • Excavate part of the foundation along the lumber to be replaced. The task is to provide free access to the rotten part of the lower crown.
  • Remove the fasteners connecting it with the entire structure.
  • Replace the beam (log), securely fix and insulate the joints.

Dismantling the wall of a wooden house

The method is quite complicated, but at the same time one of the most effective. The expediency of this technique is explained by the fact that rot quickly spreads up the log house. And if the log of the lower crown is affected by it, then, as a rule, it is necessary to replace the remaining elements located in the overlying rows. You cannot cope with such work alone, it will require both time and material investments, but the result is worth it.

The strength of the structure largely depends on the quality of the corner joints of a wooden house. When dismantling one wall, these "connections" are destroyed. Therefore, the rest will have to be further strengthened. It is unlikely that you will be able to solve this problem on your own. Therefore, even if all the work is done by one's own hands, one cannot do without the advice of a professional. Otherwise, there is a risk that the log house will simply “spread” along the log, especially if it has been standing for many years.

With the rise of a wooden house with a jack

As a rule, it is this technique that is mainly implemented in the private sector. Despite the fact that this method of replacing the lower crown takes a lot of time, and you can’t do without assistants, there are certain advantages. For example, it becomes possible to check the quality of waterproofing and, if necessary, update it.

Operating procedure:

  • Inspection of building corners. Here it is desirable to invite a specialist to assess the strength of the joints. It is possible that a support frame will have to be brought under a wooden house before lifting it.
  • In places with detected defects, wood is sampled with a saw. The dimensions of the openings are determined based on the convenience of installing jacks and further work. The optimal number of lifts is specified on the spot, taking into account the design features of a wooden house and the length of the damaged section of the lower crown. The main thing here is the synchronism of the actions of all the workers involved in the repair, otherwise the log house will not be skewed with all the consequences.

If the bottom row is replaced completely, along the entire wall of a wooden house, then the extreme details are installed first (from the corners to the nearest jack), and then the rest, intermediate ones.

  • Fitting of all samples, their reliable fastening between themselves and the rest of the structure.
  • Sealing (insulation) of all joints.
  • Lowering the jack rods and removing them from the installation site.
  • Sealing openings with pre-prepared samples (trimming of timber or logs of the appropriate section).

The maintenance-free service life of the restored lower crown largely depends on the correct choice of wood species. Given that this particular part of the house is most susceptible to moisture penetration, it is advisable to purchase a beam (or log) from larch to replace its structural elements, even if other wood was used in the construction of the log house. The peculiarity of this tree is that by absorbing liquid, it only gains strength, and over time becomes strong as a stone.

When choosing wood for replacement, you need to pay attention to the following points: the degree of drying, grade, and also the price. No one will trade at a loss. Too low cost - an occasion for certain reflections. Considering the role of the lower crown in the construction of a wooden house, it is hardly reasonable to save on lumber. If purchased, then from a reliable supplier with an impeccable reputation in the construction market.

It is not worth using such a material, popular in the private sector, as roofing material, for arranging cut-off waterproofing. Whatever manufacturers and advertisers say, even its highest quality variety, the "euro", in such conditions will not last more than 5 - 6 years. And the usual (cheap) modification of 270 rubles / roll will not stand up and will rot 3 times.

The choice of the most acceptable way to replace the lower crown depends not only on the capabilities of the owner and his skills. A number of other factors should also be taken into account, the neglect of which can subsequently significantly complicate the work:

  • the presence of outbuildings that have a common roof with a wooden house. In this case, the possibility of using a jack or lifting the entire structure is in question, and requires careful calculations and a number of preparatory measures;
  • house location. It should be determined whether there is enough free space along its walls, whether it will be convenient to work by implementing a specific technique for replacing the lower crown;
  • features of laying communications routes, type of heating unit. For example, if this is not a boiler, but a brick oven, then lifting the building with a jack or crane is hardly possible. First of all, not because of the total mass of a wooden house, but because of the likelihood of destruction of the masonry and chimney.

When using jacks in the process of replacing the lower crown, one should focus on mechanisms with a lifting capacity of at least 2.5 tons.

There are a number of other ways, but they are not suitable for do-it-yourself implementation, therefore they are not mentioned in the article. The above methods are quite enough to choose the most suitable for self-replacement of the lower crown. And most importantly - this work is recommended to be done only in warm, dry weather! Otherwise, there will be a lot of problems later. Therefore, when planning the repair of the lower row of a wooden house, one should be guided by the weather forecast.

Technical support for the construction of a wooden house is a prerequisite for extending its service life. One of the most serious problems that necessitates the repair of such buildings is biological damage. It can manifest itself in the form of decay, the development of fungus, and so on. Ultimately, the replacement of crowns in a wooden house is required, otherwise the process will develop and cover the entire supporting structure.

Determination of the method of repair measures

The nature of damage can be different depending on external factors of influence, the time of destruction and the properties of the wood itself. As a rule, under unfavorable conditions, the structure of the crowns begins to rot, after which the processes of development of mold, fungus, insects, etc. start. . Experts conditionally share the following methods of restoring the construction of a log frame:

  • Partial restoration. One crown (or part of it) is replaced if the lesion has not spread to other segments.
  • Full analysis of the salary with the reinstallation of the structure. The method is used in cases where a comprehensive revision of the masonry is required with the possible reconstruction of other elements of the house.
  • Replacing a log with brickwork. This method is used only with partial restoration of several lower logs. Brick replaces the load-bearing belts, but does not form a wall structure as such.
  • Jack method. The technology provides for the possibility of lifting the entire house with the repair of the foundation base.

There is also a professional approach to replacing the crowns of a wooden house. The cost of work in this case is an average of 1-2.5 thousand rubles. for 1 running meter. Specialists will use metal suspensions made specifically for the parameters of the target design. With the help of special equipment, masonry repairs of any complexity are carried out in a short period of time.

Partial Crown Restoration Technology

A kind of spot repair, which justifies itself if there is a small lesion on one log. Work is carried out according to the following instructions:

  • Logs are inspected. With a chisel, it is necessary to perform cleaning in the defect zone, determining the depth of damage.
  • From the affected area, an indent is made on the sides of 50 cm. Next, gripping units are installed, which will make it possible to make a partial replacement of the crowns of a wooden house. With your own hands, this problem can be solved by screwing wooden screeds to a height of up to 3 logs. This is done both from the outside and from the inside.
  • With an electric jigsaw or chainsaw, the damaged area of ​​\u200b\u200bwood is carefully removed.
  • A cut is made at the sampling site. Installation is carried out using the tenon-groove technique using a previously prepared piece of log.
  • The final fixation of the insert is carried out with dowels.

Method for replacing crowns with brickwork

This method can be used if two conditions are met. First, replacement must be planned for solid logs. Secondly, one of the replaced crowns must be the lowest one - joining the foundation with the frame. Segments are removed by knocking out. With a sledgehammer, all damaged logs must be removed from the masonry. Support elements are installed on the formed place from the sides - short metal racks, stone luggage or similar substitutes.

Next, the foundation surface is cleared for the future replacement of the lower crown of a wooden house. With your own hands, you can perform waterproofing by laying a roofing material or a rigid film hydrobarrier. Then, from the central part, in an empty place, bricklaying is carried out on cement mortar. As the gap is filled, the side supports are removed. The seams and joints are filled with the same solution, and after it hardens, it will not be superfluous to apply a sealant to eliminate small gaps.

Preparing your home for jacking up

If a complex replacement of the crowns is planned, then the use of a jack cannot be dispensed with. The complexity of its use lies in the fact that the construction of the house will be skewed in the process of performing work. Therefore, special preparation is required:

  • All furniture, appliances, household utensils and other things with materials are taken out.
  • Openings are freed from frames, sashes, windows and doors.
  • If it is planned to replace the crowns in a wooden house with a log floor system integrated into the frame, then it should be disconnected from the walls.
  • Furnaces, fireplaces and other structures associated with the foundation are disconnected from the structure of the house.

Rules for installing jacks

First you need to calculate and mark the installation points of the jacks. Under them, crowns are cut in accordance with the dimensions of the tool. Sometimes digging is performed to install jacks, but even in these cases a rigid bearing support is provided from a concrete block or metal shield. At a minimum, replacing crowns in a wooden house will require the use of 4 jacks. Accordingly, they are placed at the corner nodes of the convergence of the crowns from opposite sides. But it is very important to maintain a technological distance of 1 m from the location of the tool to the immediate corner of the house.

Crown replacement technique

The process of replacing logs using jacks is as follows:

  • Together with the upper crown, the jacks smoothly fall down. The dressing log is removed.
  • To update the upper segments of the lower crown, two logs are removed. To ensure the tightness of the convergence of wood elements, new wood should initially be carefully processed and filed strictly to the size of the insert.
  • The upper segment is placed on jacks, and its upper part is caulked. Machining operations are also performed in the process of replacing the lower rims. Repair of a wooden house with caulk and impregnation on the adjacent surfaces of the crowns will not be possible after the installation of new elements.
  • The jacks are lifted to the stop - the new segment should lie tightly on the upper mating log in the crown system.
  • The jacks are lifted together with the entire structure, after which the previously installed supports are removed.
  • If necessary, the foundation, which has opened from the upper side, is repaired.

Features of replacing crowns in a frame house

In general terms, the replacement technology corresponds to the repair of an ordinary log house, but there are differences. First of all, a special approach to handling the jack is required. Before lifting, both the lower crown and window openings are strengthened with the help of racks. The jack itself is installed in a special recess at the level of the foundation. As a rule, the repair of a wooden house with the replacement of crowns in a frame structure involves updating the lower tier. This is a support bar that performs a load-bearing function. So that it can be replaced without damaging the house, the wall cladding is also initially removed.

  • At the first examination, a comprehensive examination of the house should be carried out with fixation of the slightest signs of biological damage. Small foci can be treated with special protective equipment without installation operations.
  • Work should not be carried out in bad weather, in winter and during driving periods.
  • Particular attention is paid to the selection of new mortgage segments. It is desirable that the crowns be replaced with larch logs. This material, with proper care with treatments, can last up to 50 years.
  • It is important to observe safety precautions, not substituting hands and feet under the raised structure.


Repairing the construction of a log house or a frame house is a responsible event that requires special skills. Knowing the intricacies of the repair process, a small-scale reconstruction can be done independently. However, large-scale events require the participation of professionals. As already mentioned, the cost of replacing the lower rims of a wooden house is 1-2.5 thousand rubles. per running metre. This figure can be increased if additional services are ordered, which are also not worth saving. For example, a professional caulk with embedding and stripping crowns can extend the life of logs by several years. Another thing is that such operations will need to be performed periodically, regardless of the repair of damaged crowns.


Replacing the lower rims of a wooden house



A typical technological map (TTK) was compiled to replace the lower rims of a wooden house.

The TTK is intended to familiarize workers and engineering and technical workers with the rules for the production of work, as well as for the purpose of using it in the development of work production projects, construction organization projects, and other organizational and technological documentation.


The method of repairing the lower crown of a wooden house will depend on the features of the building:

- is there a stove and a chimney;

- the size of the house;

- are there any additional outbuildings that have a common roof with the house;

- the state of the lower rims;

- type of base;

- the presence of free space around the walls of the building.

The most common way to update is with a jack (Fig. 1).

Fig.1. Jack installation scheme

Before starting repairs, it is necessary to assess the degree of destruction of the lower rims. In the case of renovation with your own hands, you need to tap the logs with an ax. A dull sound will indicate a rotten log. To accurately determine the size and depth of the rotten area, a chisel is used to clear the edges of the log (Fig. 2).

Fig.2. Assessment of the degree of destruction of the lower rims

The next step is to assess the possibility of lifting the building on jacks. The main point is the state of bandaging the corners, as they retain the strength and geometry of the log house. If the dressing is rotten, you will have to use a stationary support frame.

Good crowns that cannot be replaced are fastened from the inside of the house and from the outside with special boards about 40 centimeters thick: they are nailed in a vertical position about half a meter from the corner of the building.

Before starting the ascent, it is necessary to decide which antiseptic agent will be used to treat the new lower crown.


Preparatory activities

A log house must be carefully prepared for lifting, namely:

Fig.3. Preparing to lift the house

Move furniture and household appliances out of the house. In general, the house must be vacated as much as possible;

- remove the sashes and frames from the windows, remove the doors and door frames. This will facilitate the construction and protect windows / doors from damage and possible distortion (Fig. 3).

Disconnect the wooden floor from the walls. In doing so, it is necessary to take into account:

- the floor embedded above the mortgage crown, which is not planned to be changed, can not be removed;

- logs embedded in the mortgage crown must be disassembled, support posts installed under the logs, and then separated from the lower crown.

The fireplace or stove in the house is usually installed on a separate foundation. If this norm is not observed, then raising the house without damaging the thermal equipment is impossible.

Separate the chimney of the stove/fireplace from the roof and floors.

Intact crowns of the house must be fixed and fastened. Boards with a thickness of 40 cm are nailed vertically along the perimeter of the building, the fastening step is 50 cm. The boards are nailed both from the outside and from the inside of the house. The lower end of the board is fixed to the lower remaining crown, and the upper end, respectively, to the upper crown. This measure will save the house from deformation during the lifting process.

The procedure for lifting the log house: columnar and strip foundation

Raising a house on a columnar foundation:

1. Mark the locations of the jacks and cut out sections in the lower crowns. Niches must correspond to the dimensions of the lifting device.

2. Measure the height of the raised/recessed ram jack and compare this value with the distance from the log to the ground.

3. If necessary, make a dig to accommodate the jack.

4. Arrange a support for the installation of a jack. A concrete block or a shield made of boards will serve as a platform (Fig. 4).

5. Place the jack by placing a metal plate between the jack head and the bottom log.

Fig.4. Arrangement of a support for the installation of a jack

To raise the house, you will need at least 4 jacks. They are installed in two on opposite sides of the house - they choose the wide sides of the building. The distance to the corner of the house is about 1 m.

Raising a log house on a strip foundation:

1. In the damaged crowns, cut out niches for the lever (block, jack or log). The lever must freely enter the underground of the house, so the floor must be disassembled in advance.

Place jacks outside the building near the foundation.

Insert a lever into a niche, and place a support under its inner end - a stack of boards or a concrete block.

Place the outer edge of the lever on the jack (Fig. 5).

Raise the lever with a jack. When the house begins to rise, it is necessary to lay wedges on the foundation.

Fig.5. Log lifting:

1 - the lower log of the crown; 2 - lever support; 3 - wooden wedges; 4 - the top log of the crown; 5 - lever (channel); 6 - strip foundation; 7 - jack

By using the lever-jack combination, the sides of the house can be lifted one by one. In addition, after replacing the crowns, it is necessary to seal the gap through which the lever was driven.

Algorithm for replacing the crown of a wooden house

The next step is the direct replacement of the crowns. Any crown consists of the lower and upper logs connected at the corners. Jacks are installed with emphasis on the upper logs, and the lower ones can be easily removed. In their place, it is necessary to put temporary supports supporting the upper crown.

Further progress of work:

1. Gently lower the jacks together with the top crown. Remove the dressing log.

2. Prepare two logs to replace the upper elements of the lower crown. The tree must be carefully processed and precisely filed so that the fit is tight.

3. Place the top log on jacks and cover with caulking material on top.

4. Raise the jack to the stop - the new log should be firmly pressed against the counter top log.

5. Raise the jack along with the house and remove temporary supports from other walls.

6. Replace the lower strapping log in the same order as the upper one (Fig. 6).

Fig.6. Replacing the lower strapping logs

7. Repair the foundation, improve its waterproofing and lower the house.


4.1. For waterproofing the foundation, it is not recommended to choose roofing material. Its service life in conditions of high humidity is up to 4 years. It is advisable to purchase "euroroofing material" - the material is a little more expensive, but much stronger.

4.2. The lower crowns before laying should be treated with chemicals that prevent decay processes.

4.3. On the roof of the house, metal canopies should be installed to reduce the ingress of snow / rain on the walls of the house.
