Classic two-storey houses with a garage. Projects of houses with a garage

The planning of any house begins with the choice of its location. It is best to place the house so that it gets as much light as possible. Elevations are ideal for this. Since we will talk about a house with a garage, you should take care of a convenient entrance. Let's take a closer look at all the subtleties of the layout.

Two-story house: advantages and disadvantages

A two-story house is well placed on a small plot

Main Benefits two-storey houses :

  • attractive appearance;
  • land area savings for construction;
  • the possibility of building a balcony;
  • savings on foundation construction due to the smaller area;
  • the possibility of dividing the space into separate zones.

To the disadvantages of a two-story house include the following factors:

  • the need for design and construction of stairs;
  • careful calculation and design of ventilation systems;
  • significant expenses for the installation of plumbing and heating systems.

How to plan the first floor

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Usually, on the ground floor of a two-story house there is a public area, that is, premises common use . Also here you can arrange rooms for elderly family members to save them from the difficult climb up the stairs. Follow the link to see what they are. How to build a terrace with your own hands, you can watch the video.

Classic rooms for the first floor:

  • kitchen;
  • dining room;
  • living room;
  • hallway;
  • pantry;
  • bathroom;
  • guest rooms.

By placing these rooms on the ground floor, you will provide free access to them for both owners and guests of the house.


Living space in the garage will make a stylish and fashionable room

When planning, the garage is located under the same roof with the house, or attached to it. As a rule, it has two entrances: from the house and through the central gate.

When planning the position of the garage, you need to pay Special attention convenient departure, both in summer and in winter.


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With a classic layout, the second floor is a family recreation area. The following rooms are located on the second floor:

  • bedrooms;
  • children's rooms;
  • bathroom in the adult bedroom;
  • shared bathroom with bathtub;
  • study;
  • wardrobe.

House on two floors

Do not place children's rooms and bedrooms above the garage. Since exhaust gases and gasoline vapors are harmful to the human body.

To prevent these substances from entering the living quarters, it is necessary to equip the garage with powerful forced-type ventilation.

Avoid on the second floor large corridors. It is enough to plan a small space in front of the stairs, into which all the doors of the located rooms will go.

What to consider when planning

Designing a two-story house with a garage inside, certain rules must be taken into account.:

  1. Conducting communications. Heating and plumbing systems. When planning heating, it is necessary to take into account the costs of it;
  2. The garage should be equipped good system ventilation so that exhaust gases and unpleasant odors do not enter the room located above the garage;
  3. It is worth taking care of high-quality sound insulation;
  4. The garage room is not heated to the same extent as a residential one, therefore floor insulation needs to be considered in the room above the garage;
  5. If it is planned to place a winter garden above the garage, it is worth carrying out work on wall insulation;
  6. Conducting electricity and accommodation lighting fixtures inside the house and in the garage;
  7. Planning the cost of construction and decoration, Always throw 20 percent on unexpected expenses.

What can be arranged above the garage

There will be a wonderful view from the balcony.

Indoors above the garage, you can arrange a winter garden, terrace or living room.

Above the garage you can arrange a winter garden. However, it should be borne in mind that this room requires a large number energy. Therefore, it would be advisable to make floor heating. Finish the walls of the room with good thermal insulation materials. This will significantly reduce heating costs.

Particularly relevant is the placement of a winter garden above the garage, if it is located with south side Houses. Roof over winter garden should be steep so that in winter snow does not accumulate on it, and in summer, the sun does not heat the surface much.

Living room

A two-story house needs to be properly designed

A living room can also be located in the room above the garage. The main thing is that it should not be a nursery or a bedroom. This room can be equipped with a home theater, office, gym or creative workshop.

Each owner country house knows how important it is to have not only a car, but also a territory specially equipped for it, where you can create comfortable conditions for storage and maintenance of the machine. Today, there are several options for placing a garage on the site. The article will consider projects of houses with a garage under one roof: the advantages and disadvantages of such a solution, as well as the features of planning and construction.

Projects of one-story houses with a garage under one roof: advantages and disadvantages

Ventilation device in the cellar and basement of the garage. Metal garage ventilation.

What requirements should the project of a house with a garage for 2 cars meet?

In order for the use of garages in subsequent years to be comfortable, even at the planning and construction stage it is necessary to adhere to certain standards, among which the main ones are:

  • the area allocated for one car should not be less than 18 m². This is necessary first of all so that almost any a car. After all, even if today the dimensions of your car are very modest, in a few years everything can change, and this must be taken into account;

With garage for 2 cars

  • the standards provide for the presence of free space as follows: on the right and left of 70 cm, and at least 70 cm more margin for the front and rear of the car;
  • the gate to the garage should be such that the exit does not present any difficulties. Usually standard sizes are 2.5x2 m in width and height, respectively. The garage height standards in a private house also provide that the ceiling of the car box must be at least 2.2 m.

Useful advice! Since the car is made of metal, it is easy to corrode if stored in inappropriate conditions. Therefore, it is desirable to provide high-quality heating and ventilation systems.

Styles and materials for building a house with a garage under one roof: photo examples

When viewing photos of garages in private houses, it should be noted that often this part of the building looks inorganic with its environment. Often the garage looks unnatural in the background fine home, spoiling the perception of the whole picture with its appearance.

Consider what materials can be used for construction, as well as which design styles are most suitable for construction.

  1. Russian estate or, more simply, a house made of timber, with or without a garage. As a rule, such buildings made of wood are popular outside the city and are rarely built within the boundaries of large settlements. Looking through the projects of houses from a bar with a garage, you can see that such a familiar material as wood can be used to implement very unusual, but rather practical ideas.
  2. house in English style distinguished by its simplicity and at the same time sophistication. simple lines and geometric shapes can be supplemented with columns or stucco, which distinguishes the house from the rest. A wide variety of materials can be used for construction. Including can be found with a garage.
  3. Empire style is the most solemn style, in which every feature of the building should create a festive mood. Far from the easiest solution when we are talking about the need to arrange a garage attached to the house. The photos, however, perfectly demonstrate how spectacular the result can be if you approach this issue with due attention.

Useful advice! Among non-standard ideas project can be considered one-story house with attic and garage. The implementation of such an idea will create additional living space even if the garage and upper rooms have to be attached to an existing house.

The best materials for the implementation of house projects with a garage: photo examples

As for the choice of the most suitable building material, it is worth carefully weighing all the advantages and disadvantages of each option. Briefly consider the most popular:

  • wooden houses "breathe" best of all and are highly environmentally friendly. As for the main claims - combustibility and tendency to rot, modern processing compounds have long solved these problems. So the only significant drawback of such a solution is the high cost of the material;
  • foam concrete or aerated concrete blocks- materials with excellent thermal insulation characteristics. Among other advantages, it is worth noting excellent soundproofing properties, incombustibility and quite high rate strength. However, do not forget about the disadvantages, for example, in the case of using a cement-sand mortar for masonry, the presence of cold bridges is ensured, and special glue will cost several times more;

  • Brick remains the undisputed leader for many years. The features of this material include a large weight, which is the reason for the need to lay a reliable foundation. In addition, the cost of a brick cannot be called low, which, nevertheless, is fully justified by its strength, thermal insulation properties as well as long service life.

Projects of houses with a garage and a bathhouse under one roof: combination features

Despite the fact that the implementation of the plan for a one-story house with a garage is in itself not an easy task, many owners do not stop there, additionally creating other buildings - a gazebo, a sauna, a veranda, etc. Often provided for in projects one-story houses with a garage and a terrace with a sauna, which by themselves would take up too much free space on the site.

Country can be designed with maximum convenience, for example, with a built-in bathhouse and a garage

Such a solution has its own difficulties, but at the same time it retains the advantages that are in the case of any combination - saving time, effort, building materials. In addition, there is no need to overcome a serious distance from one object to another.

You can also consider interesting option more rational use available resources. For example, you can heat the garage from the stove, which is located in the bath. Sometimes this option is also used for partial heating of the house. However, in this case, it is important to design this moment so that the heat from the furnace does not disappear, but can be used.

With a garage and a sauna under one roof

Important! This method of heating is best used as an additional one. Moreover, this method is not very effective when it comes to rooms whose area exceeds 100 m².

Looking through photos of one-story houses with a garage, as well as more complex buildings, in which an attic or a bath is provided, it is impossible not to notice that such a solution is not only an opportunity to save money. For many, this is an opportunity to design the most comfortable house in operation, which allows you to conveniently store and maintain the cars in the family.

Projects of two-story houses with a garage should provide for the convenience of placing all rooms, as well as entrances and exits. The presence of the second floor in the design determines the compactness and at the same time the ability to accommodate.

Project and layout of a two-story house with a garage

The project of a two-story house, when combined with a garage, has the following advantages:

  1. All living quarters and a garage are placed under one roof.
  2. The ability to save land without taking up much space on personal plots.
  3. Ensuring heating of the garage with communications at home.
  4. The ability to get into the garage without going outside.

Layout of all floors of a private house with a garage

In the second option, the layout of a two-story house with a garage provides for a family with small children. Designing on the first floor makes it possible for them to move safely around the perimeter of the first floor, where everything you need is available.

The plans provide access from the house to the garage. In the first option - from the common corridor, in the second - from the utility room. Such a design makes it possible to enter the garage at any time without disturbing the home.

Suitable materials

Projects of two-story houses with a garage are now carried out taking into account the use of any building material. Some firms prefer to design houses with a garage made of aerated concrete or foam concrete. These building materials have many advantages.

Perhaps the most significant are the following: the walls of such houses do not absorb harmful car exhausts, they have heat-insulating, vapor-permeable properties.

This makes it possible, in turn, to save on heating and living rooms, and garage space.
But among the numerous design firms, there are also agencies that advocate the construction of houses, including. Why so much attention is paid to these residential buildings?

Firstly, given type construction involves the design of glued or galvanized timber.

Plan of a two-story house with a garage

Although those wishing to build houses from these expensive materials few, but they are there. Few projects pay off.

Secondly, there are many opportunities to build cheaper houses - from profiled timber. Why are they good?

Walls made of profiled timber have such important advantages in the case of a neighborhood with a garage room, such as sound insulation, high level fire safety, ecology. Therefore, projects and plans for the construction of a house with a garage made of timber are worthy of the attention of owners who are planning to build their own housing.

Under one roof or separately

It may include the design of a built-in, attached garage, as well as on a basement elevation. The first two options benefit from the fact that entering the car room is not an obstacle either in summer or in winter.

Project of a two-story house with an attached garage

If the garage is located, a smooth descent should be set in advance. Otherwise, the car will simply not enter the gate in winter icy conditions. But on the other hand, a garage room on a basement or built-in looks much more aesthetically pleasing. Usually the roof covers both the living quarters and the garage. This allows you to save on building materials when installing a roof.

The attached garage is convenient in that its location can be planned after there is already a ready-made project for a two-story house. The neighborhood of living quarters with a garage has such a disadvantage as the distribution of vehicle fuel emissions in a residential area.

In this case, there is no need to fence additional complex forced ventilation. The garage can be attached on the side of the house where there are no bedrooms, near the boiler room and other utility rooms. Departure from it can be done from the end or in any other convenient place.

Basement arrangement

Options for houses with a garage and a basement can be different. Acceptable if the basement is heated. Then you can arrange a workshop or a billiard room in it.

Take into account the laying of communications where the basement is equipped. Then no need to pull the plumbing and extend heating system.
There are a couple more nuances:

  1. Choosing a solid foundation
  2. Extraction equipment in basement.

The most suitable is the layout, which provides that the place for the basement is reserved under the garage. It is so easy to provide an underground room with both heat and plumbing. Some customers want to have a basement under the entire two-story building, including space under the garage. In this case, it is advisable to install a monolithic reinforced concrete foundation, to reinforce the walls of the residential building itself. This ensures the reliability of above-ground construction.

A variant of the project and layout of two floors of a cottage with a garage

In some cases, it is proposed to lay out a garage in the basement or part of it. Underground garage placement has its advantages. Such a project is most appropriate when there is little land.

Installing an attic above the basement or even breaking a flower garden in front of the front door, above the place where, helps to use a small area to good use.

Many developers are wondering which house project would be best for them: an attic or a two-story house project with a garage. This choice is very responsible, because not only the cost of building a house depends on the decision, but also the layout of the first and second levels, the design of the building and the convenience of living in it.

The difference between an attic house and a two-story house

A house with two tiers is considered multi-storey, and there is no difference whether the second tier is presented in the form of an attic or an entire floor.

There are many criteria for comparing houses with an attic and houses with a full second floor. So, choosing the first option, developers should understand that interior spaces attics have a broken shape. This makes it possible to create original ideas design decoration. Subject to the planning of the main premises on the first level of the building, the attic is an unfrequented space. At the same time, it differs from the attic in that it is still a living space.

If the attic is a tier, the height of the walls of which varies under the roof slopes, then the floor along the entire perimeter has the same wall height.

Two-level houses with a garage are most often built for the following reasons:

  • The house needs a spacious one, but the building plot is small;
  • The construction of bunk buildings is regulated by local regulations and spelled out in permits for construction;
  • Desire to see beauty landscape design from the windows of the upper floors.

If at least one of the listed reasons suits the developer, then he needs to decide how it is worth making the second tier of the future house with a garage.

Design of two-story houses with a garage

Developers who consider the house with an acute pitched roof th, covered ceramic tiles, decorated with lucarnes, can safely choose projects attic houses. It is these cottages that will be beautiful and comfortable for them to stay. Attic houses are popular among customers who choose them as summer cottages.

Projects of two-story houses with a garage (photos, diagrams, videos, sketches, drawings are posted on the site) look more modern and urban. Thanks to modern architectural techniques two-storey houses spared from the stereotype of the "cube" and are characterized by at least attractive design than attic houses. So, project plans for two-story houses with a garage have a complex, rather interesting shape of the structure.

When choosing between two options for houses, it is necessary to take into account such points as the layout of the upper tiers and the features of the site.

Layout of projects of two-story houses with a garage: distribution of area between tiers

  • Premises that include the functions of the day part of the house (living room, kitchen, bathrooms, etc.) are located on the ground floor.
  • Bedrooms are located on the upper compact tier.

Effective area attic floor less than the area of ​​the first floor. If developers want the floors to have the same area, then they need to choose projects two-storey cottages with a garage.

If we talk about the nature of the premises of the upper tier of the attic and two-story houses, then the rooms of the attic floor have different height walls. For this reason, it requires the use of special design techniques, more imagination, as well as more funds. In order for the attic rooms to be cozy and comfortable for living, it is necessary individual approach even in the choice of furniture. Attic houses allow creative individuals to express their inner world and enjoy the unusual atmosphere created by sloping walls.

Clients with more conservative views who prefer high ceilings and smooth walls, it is worth buying projects of two-story houses with a garage.

Choosing a project depending on the size of the plot

Estimating the number necessary premises and their area, they must be compared with the parameters of the site. It is not worth building up half of the plot with a house, because there will be no room for a garden.

For a plot of compact size, a two-story house plan with a garage is suitable, on the second floor of which the maximum number of rooms is located. In this case, the area required for the construction of a new house will decrease. If the parameters of the land allotment are limited, but the developer dreams of a beautiful pitched roof, then you should pay attention to the projects of small attic houses.

Attic houses or plans for two-story houses with a garage: expert opinion

Before choosing a project mansard house or two-story, it is desirable to compare the costs of their turnkey implementation, taking into account the design stage. So the estimate of the attic house can be reduced due to the lightweight foundation.

If you want to reconstruct your old house, the developer needs to pre-order the calculation of the bearing capacity of the foundation under the house. Only then can you choose a suitable architectural project. In many cases, calculations show that the foundation can only withstand the load from the attic floor. But the installation of walls, their decoration and additional insulation are quite large expense items. Therefore, the choice of the attic floor may not be so cheap.

It is not entirely correct to compare the price per square meter of a two-story and attic house. The main indicator in Everyday life is the usable area of ​​a private house, which in two-story house much bigger. Whereas big square attic remains unused.

According to the calculations of experts, savings due to the implementation of the attic is possible. But the cost of square meter usable area attic, the height of which is not less than 2 meters, will increase significantly. If the developer chooses the layout of two-story houses with a garage, then in addition he will receive an attic, which can also be decorated and used.

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How sad the streets look from cramped city apartments. And especially if you compare them with the green lawns that the owners contemplate. country houses. If you are tired of the gray city streets and want to live a full life, then our company can develop a country house plan for you. The project of a two-story house with a garage will be the most profitable investment money.

The presence of a garage is a condition of comfort

The project of a one-story house requires a plot bigger size than needed for two-story building. The garage can be made built-in, or separate from the house. It is quite possible to make it two-story, if you choose not a free-standing, but a built-in garage, then you will cut some costs. Most of the projects provide for several entrances to the garage: through the house and across the street. Also, the garage can be used not according to intended purpose, and make a workshop or boiler room out of it. Thanks to this, you can free up several rooms in the house for more important purposes.

When developing projects for two-story houses with a garage, we try to make everything as comfortable and rational as possible. After reviewing the catalog of our company "Projects of cottages", you will definitely pick up something to your taste. According to the developed projects of two-story houses with a garage, you do not need to worry about anything, because they are equipped with the most necessary things for a comfortable life. If you already want to enjoy the beautiful scenery and breathe clean air then hurry up and contact us.
