How to sow balsam with seeds. Video - Balsam: cultivation and care

Sowing seeds and caring for seedlings

To sow seeds, you need to buy ready-made soil or prepare it yourself. It should be loose, moisture-absorbing and have a neutral reaction (pH 6.2 ... 6.5). With acidification of the soil, the seedlings will "lay down".

Before sowing the seeds, the soil must be disinfected. You can apply a solution of potassium permanganate, phytosporin,. Small seedlings of balsam are very sensitive to fungal infections (black leg). The seeds are laid out on the surface of a medium-moist soil mixture and are not sprinkled, they are only pressed to the surface. From above, the crops are covered with glass (film) so that the seeds do not dry out. They quickly sprout, after a week, if the temperature in the room is about 22 ... 24 ° C. At a lower temperature, 18...20°C, seedlings will appear in a few weeks.

After the emergence of seedlings, the temperature in the room should not be below 18 ° C. Otherwise, if there is excess moisture in the soil (overflow), then the roots of the seedlings rot, the cotyledon leaves turn yellow. You can not water the "kids" in the afternoon. It is better to organize watering in the morning so that the soil has time to dry out by night. Balsams do not forgive the drying of the soil.

Illumination is one of necessary conditions in obtaining strong seedlings, especially in the first 2-3 weeks. When shading, the seedlings stretch and grow long internodes.

Seedlings begin to be fed when 2-3 true leaves appear. Fertilizers are better to use nitrogen-potassium ( potassium nitrate), nitrogen-calcium (calcium nitrate) in low concentration. At the beginning of infancy, phosphorus fertilizer can be omitted.

seedling care

compact seedlings - golden mean in the rules for growing balsams. Namely, maintaining moderate soil moisture, temperature content without sharp fluctuations. Watering only after drying the top layer of the earth. You can not carelessly treat watering and allow the soil to dry completely. This leads to yellowing and wilting of seedlings. Such seedlings may not recover.

If the grown hybrids are intended for shady places, then it is undesirable to expose the seedlings to the bright sun.

Transplantation of grown seedlings into pots is carried out after 5-6 weeks.
As seedlings grow, they need additional feeding. Soluble fertilizers with a complete set of nutrition are diluted in small doses and fed with balsams. Seedlings are planted in the garden when the threat of freezing from spring cold snaps and frosts has passed.

Balsam growing from seeds when planting. Charming touchy (namely, under this name we know balsam) is one of the most classic flyers. His gardening career has known both periods of universal admiration and undeserved oblivion. But today to this humble plant again riveted everyone's attention.

Continuous flowering during which pink and crimson, purple and red, simple and double flowers with a small bright eye, as if the stars shine on the thin shoots of the plant, and the attractive simple foliage that adorns the luxurious low bushes are its main distinctive features. As well as ease of reproduction.

What you will learn from this article:

Popular types of balsams

The plant is a shrub with a height of 25 to 50 cm. On its elongated rather large, fleshy leaves, droplets form during growth, which is why the balsam received the second name "Wet Vanka".

At the base of the leaves, large flowers are formed, which can be various shades. In nature, balsam blooms purple and pink flowers. Hybrid garden plants may have single or double flowers in various shades other than blue and yellow.

After the inflorescences are fully opened, spurs form in them. In open ground, flowering begins in late May - mid-June and continues until frost.

In regions with severe winters, balsam is grown exclusively as annual crop. The universal favorite - the touchy Waller, or Waller (Impatiens walleriana) - has now overshadowed other types of balsams.

But other plants are also larger and lush New Guinean balsam hybrids (Impatiens New Guinea); large, upright impatiens balsam (also known as garden balsam - impatiens balsamina); two-meter iron-bearing balsam (Impatiens glandulifera) or graceful Balfour balsam (Impatiens balfourii), which forms meter-long dense bushes, deserve not only widespread but also active cultivation.

After all, large sizes and less lush bloom by no means make other species more difficult to care for.

Whatever type of balsams we are talking about, these are easy-to-breed plants that are easy to grow yourself. And the simplest, most popular and affordable method of breeding charming touchy is, of course, sowing seeds.

Obtaining garden balsam seeds

The easiest way to buy seeds in a specialized store. But if you want to grow balsam from those flowers that are already growing in your garden, you can get seeds from the buds yourself:

1. Seeds ripen in juicy green boxes, this happens by the end of August.

2. They take seeds from unripe flowers, since a well-ripened box can crumble in your hands at the slightest touch, and you will lose the seeds.

3. Boxes are folded in a dry place until fully ripe.

4. To check if the pods are ready to collect the seeds, they just need to be touched lightly - a mature pod will immediately open.

Rules for storing balsam seeds

If it seems to you that the seeds are still not completely dry, you need to dry them so that they do not deteriorate during storage:

  • 1. Arrange the seeds in paper boxes.
  • 2. Place the boxes in a well-ventilated, dry place away from moisture.
  • 3. Stir seeds occasionally to prevent mold.

Seed storage rules:

  • 1. Arrange the dried seeds in paper envelopes or small boxes.
  • 2. Be sure to sign each box or envelope. Indicate the name of the plant, the year and month of collection of seeds.
  • 3. Store the seeds for no longer than 8 years at a temperature of 0 - +10 °C, relative humidity of about 60%.

When to plant balsam seeds

When should balsam seeds be planted? Many scientific sources say the following: balsam seeds for hanging baskets and growing at home must be produced in late March - early April.

Potted balsam is planted in mid-April. For flower beds and greenhouses, it is necessary to plant balsam seeds at the end of April.

Propagation of balsam seeds

Growing strong seedlings from seeds at home is within the power of the most inexperienced novice growers. The best time for sowing - the last month of winter, but you can do it a little later, in March.

Prepare in advance low, about 7 cm in diameter pots for seedlings. soil intended for flowering plants, buy or prepare a mixture for planting at home.

  • Mix peat and sand in equal proportions, pour into pots and moisten.
  • Make a light pink solution of manganese and soak the seeds in it for 15 minutes.
  • After draining the rose water, deepen the seeds into the ground by 2 mm and cover the pot with a glass jar.

Balsam seedling care

After the appearance of sprouts (after three weeks), remove the film. If necessary, the seedlings are illuminated, and the earth is poured as the seedlings are pulled out. It is better to water the seedlings in the pan to avoid root rot.

Balsams love moist soils without stagnant water. The plant must be watered regularly and abundantly, otherwise its leaves will begin to curl up into a tube, fade, wither and crumble. Watering is done in the evening hours after sunset.

On rainy days, the plant is not watered. Balsam does not tolerate soil salinity, in particular carbonization, which happens when tap water is used for irrigation.

The characteristic features of this undesirable phenomenon are determined by the formation of a whitish coating on the surface of the soil. In this case, transplanting into fresh soil is indispensable. It is most reasonable to use rain or settled water.

As soon as the seedlings reach 2 cm in height and form 2 true leaves, they start picking into separate cups. To stimulate the formation of lateral shoots, pinch the tops after a week.

For transfer to permanent place young balsams will be ready when they form bushes, and the roots completely braid the ground in a cup.

Diseases and pests of balsam

Balsam is subject to the same diseases as most indoor plants. But he is especially afraid of the spider mite, which appears due to too dry air. Conclusion: humidify the air and carry out a comprehensive treatment of the plant.

Due to excessive moisture in the soil, sciarids can start. In this case, it is better to transplant the plant and more pedantically observe the watering regimen.

fungal disease that affects the leaves and stems of the plant. Brown spots first appear on the leaves, but gradually spread to the stems and the entire bush. The next stage of the disease is the formation of a gray plaque from the spores of the fungus. The result is deplorable - the complete death of the plant.

This disease is not spread by ticks or thrips, but by pathogenic bacteria that enter the flower from contaminated water or soil. The disease can develop due to hypothermia or freezing of the flower, due to drafts, cold water and low room temperature.

Need to create normal temperature, and more often ventilate the room in which the flower is located, but do not expose it to drafts. Keep the air clean, because dust at high humidity is an excellent breeding ground for a variety of bacteria.

Powdery mildew is another disease that affects home-grown balsams, even with good care. With this disease, a white coating appears on the leaves, which can spread to the entire plant. Diseased leaves are removed, healthy parts are sprayed with a solution of soda ash, prepared at the rate of 2 grams of soda per 1 liter of water. In addition, against white plaque help - a copper-soap solution, or bayleton, the solution of which is prepared according to the instructions. If the balsam overcomes powdery mildew, which means that it is necessary to change the care of it - ventilate the room more often, adjust the schedule of watering and fertilizing, ensure correct and sufficient lighting and normal air temperature.

For my birthday, they gave me a wonderful balm. My sister persistently begs for seeds, and I would like to propagate it. Tell me how to grow balsam from seeds?

Balsam or wet Vanka is a beautiful lush bush with dark green foliage. Flower growers fell in love with him thanks to bright bloom. During this period, the plant is covered with many flowers of very different colors, moreover, with proper care, flowering can last all year. Despite the fact that balsam - indoor plant, it can also be planted in the summer in a flower bed.

At home, balsam is easy to grow from seeds. The main thing is to choose (or collect) them correctly and provide all the conditions for the growth of seedlings.

Selection and preparation of seeds

Purchased seeds are used to grow balsams. If you already have an adult flowering plant at home, you can collect the seeds yourself.

When buying seeds in a store, you should pay attention to the following:

  1. Seeds must be of high quality, so you need to purchase them only from trusted suppliers.
  2. To get a houseplant, choose seeds perennial varieties, and annuals are used for planting in open ground.
  3. To preserve varietal characteristics, you should not choose a mixture of seeds; it is better to take each species separately.
  4. Despite the fact that seeds can be stored for more than 6 years, freshly harvested seeds have the highest germination rate.

You can collect seeds from homemade balsam after it has faded. In place of fallen inflorescences, small fruits are formed, and when they ripen - seed boxes.

When collecting seeds, this should be done very carefully. At the slightest wrong movement, the box bursts and the seeds scatter. Because of this, balsam is also called Impatiens.

Before sowing, treat the seeds for 10 minutes in a warm, weak solution of potassium permanganate. Then soak overnight in clean water.

Soil preparation

For successful germination balsam seeds pick up loose nutrient soil. The substrate is purchased in a store or prepared independently by mixing:

  • one piece of sand garden soil and vermiculite:
  • two pieces of peat.

To prevent the "black leg" disease, it is recommended to water the soil with Fitosporin.

Sowing seeds

In a wide, but not deep container (no more than 10 cm), lay out a drainage layer of expanded clay and sprinkle it with soil. With a wet toothpick, hook the seed and lower it into the container, without deepening, but only slightly pressing it to the ground.

Small balsam seeds are also convenient to grow immediately in peat tablets.

Using a spray bottle, spray the sown seeds and cover the container with foil. Put it on a lighted window sill, avoiding direct rays, in a room with a temperature of at least 25 degrees.

Balsam seedling care

After the appearance of sprouts (after three weeks), remove the film. If necessary, the seedlings are illuminated, and the earth is poured as the seedlings are pulled out. It is better to water the seedlings in the pan to avoid root rot.

As soon as the seedlings reach 2 cm in height and form 2 true leaves, they start picking into separate cups. To stimulate the formation of lateral shoots, pinch the tops after a week.

Young balsams will be ready for transplanting to a permanent place when they form bushes, and the roots completely braid the ground in a cup.

Balsam: cultivation and care - video

Charming touchy (namely, under this name we know balsam) is one of the classic flyers. His "gardening career" knew both periods of universal admiration and undeserved oblivion. But today, this modest plant is once again riveted to everyone's attention. Long flowering, during which pink and crimson, purple and red, simple and double flowers with a small bright eye, like stars, shine on the thin shoots of the plant, and attractive simple foliage that adorns luxurious low bushes are its main distinguishing features. As well as ease of reproduction. This article is about the features of growing and propagating balsam.

Touchy, or Balsam, a mixture of varieties. © Mike Sutton

  • Popular types of balsams
  • Collection of seeds and their selection for sowing
  • Conditions for seed germination
  • Dive seedlings and caring for young balsams
  • Seedling hardening
  • Planting a balsam in a permanent place
  • Other breeding methods for balsam

Popular types of balsams

Impatiens, or Balsam (Impatiens) is a genus of flowering plants of the Balsaminaceae family, including about 500 species distributed in the Northern Hemisphere and the tropics.

In regions with severe winters, balsam is grown exclusively as an annual crop. Everyone's Favorite - Waller's touchy, or Wallera (Impatiens walleriana) - today eclipsed other types of balsams. But other plants, larger and more lush, new guinea balsam hybrids(Impatiens New Guinea), a large, upright balsam impatiens (also known as garden balsam- impatiens balsamina), two meters iron balsam(Impatiens glandulifera) or graceful, forming meter thick bushes balsam Balfour(Impatiens balfourii) deserve great attention. After all, large sizes and less lush flowering by no means make other species more difficult to care for.

Whatever kind of balsams we are talking about, these are easy-to-breed plants that are easy to grow. And the simplest, most popular and affordable method of breeding charming touchy, of course, is sowing seeds.

Impatiens glandular, or Balsam glandular (Impatiens glandulifera). © Waldemar Weiss Sharp Impatiens, or Sharp Balsam (Impatiens namchabarwensis). © Rene Stalder Large Impatiens, or Large Balsam (Impatiens grandis). © Nobuhiro Suhara Collection of seeds and their selection for sowing

The plant actively spreads by self-sowing. Balsam seed pods literally explode, open from any touch, the plant generously self-sows. In the absence of control, balsam can easily turn into a weed, but it is very difficult to collect seeds because of this feature. This should be done at the stage of the beginning of the whitening of the boxes, and it is better to tie the fruits in advance with gauze or a piece of transparent cloth to prevent spillage.

Balsam seeds retain their germination for a very long time, up to 8 years. Therefore, when buying seeds, it is not at all necessary to look for the freshest ones. Moreover, if the summer is rainy and it is not possible to collect seeds, you can use stocks of your own seeds from previous years without additional germination test.

Soil and containers for sowing balsam

Balsams are best sown in boxes, large containers or bowls with good drainage holes, or directly on the beds in the greenhouse.

The substrate for balsams should be light, based on peat, but closer to neutral acidity characteristics. Great for plant mixes garden soil with peat, coarse sand in equal parts or ready-made substrates for seedlings, to which you can additionally add 1/5 of the sand.

Some gardeners large species balsam is recommended to be sown in a soilless mixture of peat and sand or peat and perlite (2 to 1). The optimal pH for balsam is from 5.5 to 6.3. Balsam does not like fresh organics, young shoots react especially badly to compost. The texture of the soil should be loose, light, permeable.

Balsam seeds. © Susan Howard

A prerequisite is the disinfection of the substrate before sowing. The disinfection procedure can be carried out with ordinary boiling water, and a weak solution of potassium permanganate, and fungicides. For balsams, the soil is sifted.

Sowing dates and growing strategies

Balsam prefers a fairly late landing. This plant is characterized by a shortened growing season, so crops can be carried out in April-May. To get longer flowering plantings balsam is sown in several waves. For example, to obtain rapidly blooming Wallera impatiens or New Guinea hybrids in May, the first crops can be carried out as early as January.

Impatiens can be grown both by the classical seedling method, and sown to obtain planting material in greenhouses and greenhouses. With the first option, crops can begin to be carried out in March, but in greenhouse conditions, impatiens are sown no earlier than mid-April.

Balsam seed sowing technique

  1. Pour the sifted, loose soil into containers, carefully level and carefully moisten with a spray bottle, avoiding compaction.
  2. Gently scatter the seeds over the surface of the substrate, trying to place them as infrequently as possible. The optimal strategy is to spread the seeds one by one at a distance of at least 2-3, and preferably 4 cm between them.
  3. Since Waller's balsam germinates only when light is available, just lightly dust the seeds with fine sand or sifted soil from above, but do not cover completely. The remaining balsams can be covered with 4-5 mm of sifted soil.
  4. From above, gently moisten the seeds with a spray bottle.
  5. Cover the seeds with clear glass or foil.

Balsam shoots. © Ellen K

Germination in balsams usually takes from 4 to 15 days, seedlings appear unevenly.

Conditions for seed germination

Balsam seeds need light and heat to germinate. Optimum temperature– about 23-25°С. The air temperature should not fall below 20 degrees. Containers with seeds are placed in the brightest, but protected from direct sunlight locations.

Another necessary factor for balsams is high humidity. When the substrate dries out, insufficient air humidity, the seeds may not germinate, but covering without ventilation threatens the spread of fungal diseases. Therefore, the glass or film is lifted literally for a few minutes, but every day.

Growing seedlings of balsam

As soon as the first green shoots appear, the humidity of both soil and air must be reduced by increasing the frequency and duration of ventilation. It is impossible to sharply remove glass or film completely. Plants need to be accustomed, first leaving small ventilation holes or by opening the cover more and more, until after a couple of days they can not be removed at all.

After the glass or film is removed, it is advisable to lower the air temperature in the room to 15-18 degrees or move the plant to an equal but cooler place in terms of lighting. To maintain light soil moisture, use spraying.

Balsam seedling. © Marc HamerDive seedlings and caring for young balsams

It is necessary to dive young seedlings of balsam very early, as soon as the sprouts rise to a height of 1 cm or a little higher, but not earlier than the first pair of full-fledged, and not false, leaves appear. Balsams are best planted in individual containers, which will allow the seedlings to be transferred to the soil without destroying the earthy coma. Special peat pots or cassettes are perfect. Impatiens should be transplanted carefully, trying not to destroy the earthen ball around the still tiny rhizome.

After diving, it is desirable to lower the air temperature by a few degrees. For balsams, it is necessary to provide moderate, scarce watering, without waterlogging the soil.

Seedling hardening

From the beginning of May, young balsams begin to harden. They need to be taken outside for a day, under open sky and return to normal conditions at night. Hardening for balsams should last at least 2 weeks.

Balsam seedling. © Leanne JPlanting a balsam in a permanent place

Seedlings can be transferred to a permanent place only at the end of May, when late frosts will no longer be terrible. Impatiens cannot stand temperatures even down to 5 degrees Celsius, which imposes significant restrictions on the possibility of early garden decoration with blooming balsams.

The optimal distance when planting is about 25 cm between the bushes (the larger the balsams, the greater the distance should be). Balsams are light-loving, feel better in diffused light and in partial shade (especially when shading at lunchtime), as well as protected, warm, comfortable places of the plant. Balsams reach greater decorative effect on fertile soil, but can bloom on almost any soil.

After planting, the plant will need drought-compensating watering and top dressing. This culture will gratefully respond to spraying.

Pest and disease control

For balsams are much more dangerous not garden pests, a low temperatures. They can not stand lowering night temperatures to 5 degrees Celsius, and any freezing is fatal for them. Of the pests of planting balsams, they are sensitive to aphids, spider mites, whiteflies in the vicinity of diseased plants.

Balsams in a vase. © Glenn KraeckOther balsam propagation methods

Cuttings of plants - excellent Alternative option to increase the number of bushes. Strong young balsams are placed in the shade in May or June so that the shoots stretch out. The branches are cut, rooted in water, sand or substrate under the film and planted in separate containers, slightly grown and used as seedlings.

It is possible to cut balsams literally throughout the year, keeping the bushes as mother plants for the winter or cutting the cuttings in the fall and keeping the rooted branches indoors until spring.

Every flower grower wants the flower bed in front of his house to be the most beautiful. Growing garden balsam from seeds and then planting it in the soil will help make the flower bed elegant and unique.

General information

Balsam garden - a tropical African plant, which in our time is widely distributed throughout the world. In different countries, the cultivation of a flower occurs everywhere, because it blooms for a very long time and does not require scrupulous care.

When boxes with many seeds appear in place of bright buds, you need to take care of a sensitive plant. The slightest touch to it leads to the opening of the box and the spread of seeds throughout the garden.

Balsam garden has more than one hundred species. Among them come across not only annuals, but also perennials.

Growing this small shrub is possible in different conditions:

  • in open ground;
  • in pots on the terrace;
  • on the balcony and on the windowsill.

The flower adapts well and grows quickly. Shoots reach 0.5 m, and long cuttings with green oval leaves extend from them. Balsam produces many buds that are velvety to the touch, which are most often yellow, red or white. Due to the fact that small particles of moisture accumulate on the flowers, the people call the plant Vanka wet.

Reproduction of balsam

Growing strong seedlings from seeds at home is within the power of the most inexperienced novice growers. The best time for sowing is the last month of winter, but you can do it a little later, in March.

Prepare in advance low, about 7 cm in diameter pots for seedlings. Purchase potting soil intended for flowering plants or make a potting mix at home.

  1. Mix peat and sand in equal proportions, pour into pots and moisten.
  2. Make a light pink solution of manganese and soak the seeds in it for 15 minutes.
  3. After draining the rose water, deepen the seeds into the ground by 2 mm and cover the pot with a glass jar.

In order for shoots to sprout from seeds, it is necessary to maintain the temperature in the room at about 20 ° C and systematically water the soil. Do not forget to periodically raise the jar for airing.

Sprouts begin to hatch 2-3 weeks after planting. When 3 leaves form on them, each seedling is transferred to a separate pot and continues to be watered regularly. In a grown plant, pinch the top so that the adult bush turns out to be fluffy.

After the night frosts stop, the seedlings grown from seeds are taken out of the pots along with the soil and the tips of the roots are pinched. Small holes are dug in the open ground, compost is laid there, seedlings are planted, watered and densely covered with earth.

Growing a flower from seeds at home can be done in another way. You will need natural white fabric. Wrap the prepared seeds in it, put it on a wide flat tray, moisten with water and constantly moisten until you notice small sprouts inside the rag. They appear in 4-5 days and can be potted right away.

Many summer residents successfully grow garden balsam by practicing sowing seeds directly into the soil. This should be done in mid-April. On the personal plot break the bed, water it and lay out the seeds at a distance of 25 cm from each other. From above the flower bed is covered with polyethylene. If the outside temperature rises to 24-26°C, the film is removed. Shoots from seeds appear after 3 weeks.

Sometimes growing a plant at home is done by cuttings.

  1. Shoots 7 cm in size are cut off from a shrub that has overwintered on the windowsill.
  2. The lower leaves are torn off and planted in fertile soil.
  3. Water, carefully compact the ground and cover with a plastic transparent glass to create a greenhouse effect.

After a week, the shoot will have roots, and it will fully take root in the soil.

Balsam Care

In order for garden balsam to develop well, the earth must be soft and have low acidity. The ideal option is a soil consisting of the same parts of humus, sod, compost and perlite. Before planting seedlings or seeds, it is desirable to treat it with a fungicide.

Growing a flower will be successful if the garden bed is correctly positioned. Garden balsam loves warmth and light, but does not tolerate the scorching rays of the sun. From them, he begins to dry and wither away. Therefore, seedlings can be planted along the fence or next to small trees. Scattered light will be enough for flowering and growth.

Balsam needs moist soil, but it should not be overfilled with water to avoid falling flowers and rotting roots. In hot weather, watering should be done early in the morning or in the evening 2 times a week. If the soil begins to dry out earlier, then the amount of watering should be increased. Spray the leaves periodically with water. This has a beneficial effect on the plant, and the flower will delight you with a huge number of buds.

Growing balsam includes regular weeding of the beds. Loose earth is enriched with oxygen, which greatly increases the flowering time of the shrub.

Top dressing and fertilizers

3 weeks after planting the seedlings in the garden, you need to start fertilizing the soil. This is done throughout the growing season.

Fertilizer should be saturated with phosphorus and potassium. Avoid nitrogen-containing compounds. From them, shoots and leaves quickly grow in a flower, but the number of buds is much reduced.

Successful cultivation of balsam at home is guaranteed by Fertika Lux fertilizer. Its fine mineral crystals are great for potted and outdoor flowering plants.

The substance increases the number of flowers on the shrub, makes them brighter and makes them bloom longer. Fertika Lux is available in sachets of 20 and 100 g. According to the instructions, dilute 20 g of the drug in 10 liters of water and water each shrub early in the morning. To feed balsam, it is recommended to reduce the dose by half and use 10 g of the product. This is necessary in order not to burn tender plants.

Can also be applied liquid fertilizer"Merry Flower Girl", designed for begonias and violets. It contains important trace elements:

  • magnesium and calcium;
  • boron and iron;
  • manganese and molybdenum;
  • copper, zinc and cobalt.

They provide complete nutrition to balsam. For root dressing, you need to dilute 2 caps of the product in 10 liters of water and pour it over the plants.

Diseases and pests

Most flower diseases come from abundant watering. Waterlogged soil leads to the formation of gray mold and other fungal infections. From them, the flower quickly fades and loses leaves. If you notice these signs, stop watering the plant. Wait until the soil is completely dry, loosen the soil well and water it with a little water.

Sometimes garden balsam is affected by spider mites. A small insect lives on inside leaves and contributes to the appearance of dry light spots on them.

  1. To get rid of the pest, remove all affected leaves.
  2. Dilute a large spoonful of soap chips in 1 liter of water, soak a cloth in it and wipe the green shoots.

If the spider mite has strongly affected the flowers, treat the flower bed with special preparations. For example, "Akarin", "Lightning" or "Fitoverm".

In open ground, the plant is often attacked by the whitefly. Its larvae accumulate on the leaves and secrete a sticky liquid. A pest at home can be destroyed by Karbofos or Iskra.

Multi-claw mites are microscopic insects. Settling on balsam, they lead to the fact that the leaves on it stop growing, curl up into a tube and harden. A sick flower is treated with "Akarin" or "Lightning".

If the balsam becomes infected with thrips, its leaves are bent, and spots appear on them. It is urgent to remove the deformed leaves and spray the plant with Aktara or Fufanon.

Pest preparations should be applied according to the instructions and processed 2-3 times with an interval of 5 days.

What to do in autumn?

At proper care balsam blooms profusely during the summer and early autumn. When it gets cold outside, in place of the buds, box-like fruits full of seeds appear. They need to be collected, dried and folded into a cloth bag. They will be needed in the spring to grow new seedlings at home.

Balsam growing in the garden - annual plant, so in October it must be removed from the flower bed and carefully loosen the ground.

As you can see, with proper care, growing garden balsam from seeds is not difficult. That is why the plant is widely used in landscape design. It makes a wonderful decor for flower beds and borders.

Balsam can be combined with other colors. The garden bed looks stylish and unusual, where Vanka is wet planted along with violets or begonias.

Balsam is the flower that is grown on window sills, on balconies and in open ground. There are many varieties of annual and perennial plants. Growing balsam is not difficult if you know its habitat conditions. In the article we will talk about growing balsam at home from seeds, we will give recommendations for care.

Varieties of balsam for planting in a flower bed

Balsam is a shrub from 25 to 50 cm in height. Stems erect, fleshy. The leaves are long, oval, rather large. They are green or purple. Balsam is famous for its lush flowering. Flowers form at the base of the leaves. There are different shades, except for blue. In open ground, the plant blooms from mid-May or early June until the first autumn frosts.

More than 400 plant species belong to the balsam family. Among them are rooms and garden varieties. Such varieties are available for growing at home.

New Guinea balsams are grown in pots on the windowsill and in hanging planters, but plants from the Waller group should be grown in baskets or large flowerpots. The bushes are spreading, and root system takes up a lot of space. With good care, balsam at home blooms all year round..

The most common are varieties that bloom pink or red.

Among all varieties, Bruno FT and Firefly deserve special attention. They are incredibly beautiful. Plants of the first grade grow up to 30 cm in height. They bloom profusely even under adverse conditions. Easily tolerate heat, so in the summer they can be grown on outdoors. The flowers are large, up to 6 cm in diameter, purple, pale lilac, red and white color. Bushes "Firefly" are not high, up to 25 cm in height. Conquer gardeners abundant flowering and a palette of colors. The plant blooms in purple, lilac, orange and other colors.

Tip #1 Due to the wide variety of varieties, balsam is used in landscape design for landscaping premises, decorating balconies, terraces, garden plots and flower beds. Balsams are not used in group plantings with flowering plants.

Conditions for growing balsam at home

Before growing a flower, you need to familiarize yourself with its features:

  1. Balsam loves water. He painfully reacts to a lack of moisture.
  2. Prefers small pots.
  3. The flower is susceptible to diseases and pests. Sick shoots and leaves are immediately removed, otherwise the whole bush dies

The flower is sick more often due to improper care for it. favorable conditions for balsam are given in the table.

Unlike indoor views, varietal balsam does not lose its decorative effect in sunny areas. In winter, for long-term flowering, balsam needs additional lighting. It is enough to increase daylight hours by only two hours. Read also the article: → "When and how to plant balsam."

Illuminate flowers with fluorescent lamps

Preparing the soil for planting a flower

The soil for balsam is chosen light, which is not oversaturated with minerals and nitrogen, otherwise the bush will not bloom, and a lot of leaves will grow. The pot is a quarter filled with drainage. If the soil is prepared independently, then such a substrate is suitable:

  • one part of sod land;
  • one part of humus;
  • one part of peat;
  • one part sand.

Balsam loves soil fertilized with humus. Soils do not roll in much, the earth should cover the roots of the flower. Suitable substrates for balsam in the table.

Seeds, unlike cuttings, are grown in landless substrates. A mixture of peat and perlite in a ratio of 2: 1 is suitable. Read also the article: → "Sowing flower seeds for seedlings."

Apply fertilizer for seedlings after the appearance of one true leaf.

Ways to grow balsam at home

Soil preparation for balsam depends on the method of cultivation. The following methods are available:

  1. In peat tablets. This method is suitable for seed propagation of a flower. Seeds are sown on the surface of the tablet, watered and sprinkled thin layer sand or substrate. The surface is covered with a film and the air temperature is maintained at 20-25 ˚С until sprouts appear.
  2. In pots. Ready-made cuttings with roots are planted in pots or an adult plant is transplanted.
  3. in a hydrogel. Waller's balsam seeds are germinated in this way. After the roots appear, the sprouts, together with the hydrogel, are transplanted into prepared containers with soil.

When growing balsam in hanging planters on the street, hydrogel is added to the soil to better retain moisture in the soil. AT summer period it is better to grow balsam on the balcony, because the flower loves ventilated rooms. In winter, if the temperature on the balcony drops below 15 ˚С, the pots are brought into the room.

Balsam is grown for seedlings not at home, but directly in the open field. Seeds are sown in May-June.

How to propagate balsam at home?

Balsam is propagated by seeds and apical cuttings. The second method is more profitable, since the cuttings take root in a month, and the plant blooms in the summer of the same year. It should be noted that flowers planted in spring bloom in July, and those planted in summer - in winter. From seeds, balsam blooms in six months, for example, if you sow seeds in January, then a bush will bloom at the end of May.

Seeds are propagated as follows:

  1. Sow the seeds in the prepared substrate. Watered and covered with foil.
  2. After the emergence of seedlings, the film is slightly opened and the condensate is shaken from the surface of the cover.
  3. Gradually, the seedlings are hardened off.
  4. Two weeks after sowing, when 2-3 true leaves grow, the seedlings dive into separate pots, which are filled with a peat-humus substrate.
  5. Cover the pots plastic wrap until sprouts take root. When growing seedlings, the air temperature is maintained at 21-25 ˚С during the day and 18 ˚С at night. They also dive into plastic cups, but be sure to make holes in the bottom.

Balsam seedlings, if desired, are transplanted into open ground in June. But they don’t leave it in the open field for the winter, as the plant is afraid of frost and will die in winter.

For propagation by cuttings, the strongest apical processes are cut off and placed in water. When the roots appear, the cuttings are planted in separate pots. To get a large bush, two balsam cuttings are planted in one wide pot, you can even have different varieties.

Balsam care at home

For a plant, two parameters are key: sufficient moisture and diffused light. Balsam will grow in the sun, but its decorative effect will decrease.

Care is as follows:

  1. Abundant watering, but without stagnant water on the soil surface. In summer, watering is increased (watered every other day), and in winter it is reduced to two times a week.
  2. In summer, when the temperature rises, the flower is sprayed daily from a spray bottle with warm water.
  3. Feed the flower from spring to autumn once every two weeks. Potash fertilizers are used, because potassium is needed for abundant flowering.
  4. Regularly loosen the soil in a pot, but not deep.

When choosing fertilizers, it should be taken into account that with an excess of nitrogen, the seedlings of the flower are stretched, and with the accumulation of a large amount of potassium in the soil, the leaves curl. In the table, consider fertilizers for balsam.

Fertilizer name Characteristic
Nov-Agro "Potassium Sulphate" Does not contain chlorine, dissolves in water and is suitable for all types of dressings
Etisso "Combi-Sticks" for all indoor and balcony plants Complex fertilizer that contains 11.6% potassium, 7.6% nitrogen and 5% phosphorus. Additional protection against mites and aphids
City of animals "Liquid potassium nitrate" Liquid mineral fertilizer. It does not burn the roots and increases flowering.
Fertika Crystalon "For garden flowers"

16.11.2017 2 373

Growing balsam from seeds at home - technology and rules

Growing balsam from seeds at home is a rather laborious procedure. Each grower must know the rules for collecting seed, how to pinch a plant, sow, why the seedlings stretched out, how does the picking of shoots and the formation of a bush take place? All this you need to know to get a beautiful and healthy flower.

Balsam from seeds - a description of the plant and its variety

Touchy, Caprice, Vanka Wet - these names are well known to everyone, because this is what they call incredibly gentle and beautiful decorative flower balsam. Its popularity has increased not only thanks to the beautiful bright colors, but also a long flowering period, unpretentious care and ease of reproduction. Growing balsam from seeds at home is a great way to own a beautiful ornamental plant without buying one.

Today, about 500 varieties are known. We will name some of the most famous:

  • Variety Wallera - one of the most popular;
  • Balsam hybrids from New Guinea - different large bushes and lush flowering;
  • Garden - a plant of rather large size, upright
  • Iron-bearing - can reach a height of two meters
  • Variety Balfour - grows into graceful bushes no more than a meter high, etc.

Whichever variety you choose, subject to elementary rules to sowing and further care You will not have any problems with the plant.

How to choose seed

The easiest and most effective way to have a flower in your collection is to plant seeds. Note that Vanka Wet refers to self-sowing plants. In place of flowers, boxes with small seeds are formed, which burst as they ripen and open at the slightest touch, from a gust of wind and other reasons. If you do not control this process, balsam can clog the front garden.

New Guinea balsam - pictured

Due to the high sensitivity of the bolls, collect planting material no less problematic. It is recommended to start collecting when the boxes begin to acquire a whitish color. To prevent spillage, it is better to tie the inflorescence with a dense cloth.

You can store impatiens seeds for a long time, several years, and if it is not possible to collect them yourself, purchase them in a store. In this case, the shelf life will not play a special role.

How to plant balsam seeds - preparing the soil

It is important to choose the right containers for seed and high-quality soil. You can choose volumetric containers - plastic or wooden boxes. The main thing is that they have holes for drainage. A good option is sowing directly into the greenhouse.

Balsam or Vanka wet - in the photo

The earth should not be dense and heavy, and it is good if peat becomes its main component, which can be mixed with soil from the garden in equal proportions. Peat can be replaced with coarse sand. Also, the bush will like the substrate purchased at the flower shop.

culture does not like organic fertilizers- fresh humus or compost. Therefore, the soil in which the seeds of an ornamental plant are placed must have a loose structure and pass moisture and oxygen well.

Before sowing the material, it is necessary to disinfect the soil in the boxes. Boiling water, a weak solution of potassium permanganate, or commercial fungicidal preparations are suitable for this. In addition, the soil must be sifted.

Sowing technique and balsam picking

The growing season of balsam is quite short, so early sowing is not recommended - the end of April and the beginning of May are perfect. If you want Vanka Wet to bloom before the onset of cold weather, sow the flower in several stages. Start in January, and then in May, varieties like Wallera will be in full bloom. Sowing in containers for seedlings is carried out in several stages:

  1. Sift the soil and pour it into prepared boxes, lightly crush it with your hand and spray it with a spray bottle, while making sure that the earth does not compact;
  2. On top of the moistened soil, carefully and evenly spread the seeds, keeping a distance of 3-4 cm between them;
  3. Sprinkle with soil or loose sand on top, without blocking the access of light. Most varieties germinate only with constant light;
  4. Spray the top layer of soil or sand again from the sprayer;
  5. Cover the box with film, coating or glass.

balsam "strawberry with cream" - in the photo

In order for the bush to germinate, it will take 1-2 weeks. Be prepared for the sprouts to hatch unevenly.

As we have already said, balsam requires light and a suitable temperature (+ 20 ° ... + 25 ° С) to quickly appear on the surface, so put the boxes on those window sills where the sun most often appears. However, keep them out of direct sunlight.

The correct formation of balsam is impossible without maintaining advanced level humidity. If the soil and air are dry, the seeds simply will not germinate, but it is also impossible to cover the boxes tightly - this is fraught with the appearance of fungus and other infections. Air out the containers for a few minutes every day.

It is necessary to ventilate the containers more often after the first shoots appear, but it is not recommended to remove the coating abruptly. Young seedlings should be hardened off, so it will be possible to completely remove the film only after 3-4 days, after which spray regularly to maintain moisture.

Picking is another point that you should pay attention to. This should be done when the plants have reached a height of 1 cm, and the first true leaves have appeared on them.

It is best to seat them in a separate container, where you can place the shoot along with the clod of earth in which its root is located. Follow these simple tips and you will be happy with the result.

Balsam is not in vain very popular among lovers of garden flowers. This beautiful annual plant is native to the subtropics. They are decorated with adjoining lawns, flower beds, balconies and summer cottages. The birthplace of balsam is considered East Asia. From it, the handsome man migrated to America and only in the 16th century ended up in Europe. You can learn more about how to grow balsam, how to care for it, in this article.

Description of balsam

Garden balsam, also known as Balsam Impatiens, got its name for its great sensitivity. One has only to lightly touch the bud, and the seeds immediately crumble - the flower is in a hurry to give a new life.

The plant reaches up to 70 cm in height. Highly thermophilic flower may die at the slightest frost. It has large leaves. irregular shape, slightly pointed with small teeth. Flowers ordinary or with terry, have a wide color scheme- white, purple, red, purple and others. The flowering time of balsam is from June to September or until the first frost.

Balsam garden has several more popular names:

  • "Roly wet" - so named because of the droplets that form on the leaves. They appear on the eve of bad weather. For this plant, it was quite deserved to be called a folk barometer;
  • "Bustle Lizzy" or "Diligent Lisa" - this is the name of the flower for its long flowering;
  • “Beautiful wreath” - this name was given to the balsam for its luxurious appearance.

Unfortunately, breeders are not particularly interested in this species. In nature, there are only three varieties of garden balsam:

  • tall "Camellia Flower";
  • undersized "Baby Bush";
  • undersized "Tom Thumb".

Obtaining garden balsam seeds

The easiest way to buy seeds in a specialized store. But if you want to grow balsam from those flowers that are already growing in your garden, you can get seeds from the buds yourself:

  1. Seeds ripen in juicy green boxes, this happens by the end of August.
  2. They take seeds from unripe flowers, since a well-ripened box can crumble in your hands at the slightest touch, and you will lose the seeds.
  3. Boxes are stacked in a dry room until fully ripe.
  4. To check if the pods are ready to collect seeds, you just need to lightly touch them - a mature pod will immediately open.

Seed storage rules

If it seems to you that the seeds are still not completely dry, you need to dry them so that they do not deteriorate during storage:

  1. Place the seeds in paper boxes.
  2. Store the boxes in a well-ventilated, dry place away from water and moisture.
  3. Stir the seeds occasionally to prevent mold.

Seed storage rules:

  1. Arrange the dried seeds in paper envelopes or small boxes.
  2. Be sure to sign each box or envelope. Indicate the name of the plant, the year and month of collection of seeds.
  3. Store the seeds for no longer than 8 years at a temperature of 0 - +10 ° C, relative humidity of about 60%.

Growing balsam from seeds

Before you grow balsam from seeds, you need to germinate them:

  1. In order for the seeds to take root and beautiful healthy flowers grow from them, it is necessary to carefully prepare slightly acidic soil for seedlings. Suitable soil of two types. The first is humus, compost, sod and perlite in equal parts. The second - 1 part of sand and peat, 2 parts of leafy soil.
  2. The soil must be heated at a high temperature and treated with a fungicide to kill pests and various fungi. It is better to sow the seeds in February. In this case, by the end of April you will have strong seedlings, which will later give early flowering.
  3. Before sowing, dip the seeds in a weak solution of manganese for 10 minutes, then for another 30 minutes in warm water. Moisten the ground, plant the seeds and sprinkle them with a 3 mm layer of sterile sand. In order to maintain constant humidity and temperature not lower than +24 - +26 ° C, boxes with seedlings are packed in plastic bags or covered with foil.
  4. When the first shoots appear, the temperature can be lowered to + 20 ° C and seedlings can be provided with additional lighting. With insufficient light, the sprouts will stretch out strongly and become brittle.
  5. There is another method of germinating seeds - with the help of cloth. To do this, the seeds are wrapped in a wet cloth, which is constantly moistened with water until the sprouts begin to appear. After that, they are planted in prepared soil.

Seedling picking:

  1. When the seedlings start up the first small leaves, you can start picking. To do this, you need to prepare a separate cup or small pot for each sprout. Fill them with the same soil in which the seeds were planted.
  2. Be sure to make a few small holes in the bottom of the dish through which excess moisture will escape. Make small holes in the ground.
  3. Carefully remove each seedling from the common box and transplant them into prepared glasses.
  4. After picking, sprinkle the seedlings with water from a spray bottle. Further moisten the seedlings as needed if the ground is dry. When 6-8 leaves appear on the seedlings, pinch the top, then the balsam bush will be more lush, and the roots stronger.

Growing balsam cuttings

Not everyone has the patience and time to grow balsam from seeds, but there is no way to buy a lot of ready-made seedlings. In such cases, you can buy one flower in a pot and cut it. Cuttings can be carried out both in winter and in autumn. In order for garden balsam, grown by cuttings, to give a lush flowering, the following must be considered:

  1. You will need shoots 5-6 cm long, on which there are at least 3 leaves.
  2. To get started, put the flower pot in a dark place. When the branches are stretched, cut them with a sharp knife or blade and place them in glasses of water to root. Make sure that the leaves do not end up in the water, otherwise they will begin to rot.
  3. After 7-10 days, the cuttings will take root and be ready for transplanting into the ground. Maintain the room temperature at least 20-22°C and provide good lighting. Do not overdo it with watering the earth so that the roots of the seedlings do not rot.

Transplanting balsam in open ground

Unlike most fastidious plants, balsam is not whimsical and does not make growing difficult. In order to grow a bush, the gardener does not need special efforts. When choosing a landing site, keep in mind that:

  1. Garden balsam feels good with any neighbors. He is patient with begonia, fuchsia, vervain and is not at all against the neighborhood with ageratum.
  2. Best balsam grows on the eastern and western sides.
  3. The main conditions for growing balsam are the absence of stagnant moisture, constant dampness, drafts and frequent cold weather.
  4. Balsam prefers to grow in loose nutrient soil with reliable expanded clay drainage.
  5. The plant does not like heat and acidic soil. Under these conditions, it ceases to bloom, its leaves fall off and the flower fades.
  6. When you decide on a place for planting balsam, do not forget to fertilize the soil well with humus.

seedling preparation

By the beginning of May, the seedlings will be ready for planting in the ground. But not always weather conditions allow you to do this before June. In order for the flowers to reliably take root in a new place and bloom beautifully, the seedlings need to be prepared a little:

  1. Start lowering the temperature in the room where the seedlings lived.
  2. Gradually accustom the seedlings to outdoor conditions - take out the cups with flowers on the balcony or on the street, if possible. Start with 10 minutes, increasing the time every day by another 10 minutes.

Planting seedlings in flower beds

The soil is already ready, the seedlings too, you can start planting flowers:

  1. Well moisten the ground in which the seedlings grew 2-3 hours before transplanting.
  2. Make depressions in the ground at a distance of no closer than 25-30 cm from each other.
  3. Fertilize each recess with humus and add a little water.
  4. Carefully, so as not to damage the roots, remove the seedlings from the ground and transplant them into the soil recess.
  5. Pack the soil around each flower and mulch it to protect the soil from overheating and retain moisture.

What kind of balsam grown from seeds will turn out, you can see in the photo.

Garden balsam care

Balsam is very unpretentious, and it is not difficult to care for him. But still there are some recommendations for caring for this beautiful flower:

  1. The most important thing is to water the plants on time. From a lack of moisture for 2-3 days, the leaves immediately begin to fade, roll up into a tube, then completely wither and crumble. In no case do not water the flowers during the day when the sun is at its zenith. Do this in the evening, after sunset. And, of course, if it's raining plants do not require additional watering.
  2. Be sure to remove dried flowers from the stems, then your flowers will grow more actively and longer.
  3. Feed the flowers with fertilizer every 15 days, then they will delight you with a riot of color for a long time. Use as a feed complex fertilizer potassium with nitrogen.

Diseases and pests of balsam

Like any other plant, garden balsam is susceptible to some diseases:

  1. Cucumber mosaic - damaged flowers stop growing, leaves become wavy, covered with yellow spots and holes. Damaged leaves must be cut off. As a preventive measure, an active fight against aphids, which carries the virus, is used.
  2. Ring mosaic - the leaves seem to become stiff, crack and become stained in the form of ring fingerprints. The flower gradually fades and eventually dies. Affected leaves must be removed.
  3. Bronzing of leaves - slows down the growth of leaves and causes them to deform, after which they wrinkle and fall off. Plants affected by the virus are removed.
  4. Viral mosaic - the leaves become covered with yellow spots and acquire a wavy shape. For prevention, plants are treated with an agent against aphids and thrips, which spread this virus.
  5. spider mite- the tick weaves its web on the lower part of the leaves, which it gradually eats. For prevention, the plants are treated with soap, and the affected leaves are removed.

As you can see, growing and caring for balsam is not such a difficult process. The most important thing to consider is that balsam is not picky at all, but it does not tolerate frost and direct sunlight. When growing a flower from seeds and cuttings, it is necessary to withstand the temperature and light conditions, regularly moisten the seedlings. After planting plants in the ground, one should not forget about the timely watering and fertilization of balsam, as well as prevent diseases. If you follow all the recommendations, garden balsam will thank you beautiful flowering throughout the summer.

Growing garden balsam. Video
