How to prepare gladioli for storage. Gardening secrets: how to store gladiolus bulbs? Subscribe to the group on FB and stay up to date with the latest news on gardening and horticulture

According to ancient legend, the amazing garden flowers were named after two brave gladiator friends who, instead of fighting each other, plunged their swords into the ground. And graceful flowers grew from them. But a legend is a legend, and there are no trifles in growing magnificent flowers. And on how correctly to dig and save their bulbs in autumn and winter, the preservation of varietal characteristics of plants largely depends.

When to start preparing gladioli for winter

They begin to prepare flowers for winter in the summer, at the height of their flowering. For better ripening of the bulbs, the stems are cut before the seeds ripen. When cutting flowers for bouquets, it is best to leave as many leaves as possible. After that, it takes a maximum of one and a half months for the bulbs to be ready. And it is dangerous not to dig them up, waiting for the leaves to turn yellow. A delay in digging them out often leads to infection of the planting material, which worsens its safety during wintering.
A healthy plant is characterized by the preservation of leaf color a month after the end of flowering (this does not apply only to early varieties of flowers). If at the end of summer the leaves have already turned yellow, then they should be dug up and destroyed.

Early varieties are harvested first, and late varieties are harvested last. The shoots obtained from the germination of children are dug up just before the frost. But all these manipulations are completed before a strong cold snap. And since in different regions it comes in different time, then the reference point the right time maybe just the temperature. So, if at night it steadily drops to below zero, then on a dry sunny day at a positive temperature, planting material is harvested for wintering. In areas with mild winter it takes place in the middle of autumn, and in middle lane a couple of weeks earlier.

Features of caring for gladioli in the fall

In autumn, most varieties of gladioli do not need serious care. All activities boil down to preparing them for wintering and digging up bulbs to fold them for the winter. There are only a few types of winter-hardy plants that can overwinter on the site without digging. First, a few words about them.

In the middle lane, the most unpretentious is the tiled skewer. He is the only one who winters in the garden without insulation. Skewers of Constantinople, sowing and ordinary need autumn shelter for the winter. You can distinguish such varieties from others that need to be dug up for the winter by a short peduncle, thin stems and leaves that are not cut off for the winter. They are covered with a layer of peat and dry leaves, and then another roofing material. In a snowy winter, they perfectly withstand wintering under double shelter.

How to dig and store gladioli (video)

Autumn watering regime

In early autumn, if the weather is warm and sunny, only late flowering varieties of gladioli continue to be watered. On the square meter you need one and a half to two buckets of preheated and settled water, which soaks the soil to a depth of up to a quarter of a meter.

Watering is combined with loosening the top layer of the earth, weeding and hilling flowers. In any case, it stops in the second half of September, when the plants are preparing for wintering.

What fertilizers to use for autumn dressing of gladioli

The plants themselves are fed only once in the fall - at the very beginning of September. This is both feeding and disinfection at the same time. For this purpose, potassium permanganate is used - 5 grams of powder per bucket of water per square meter of flower garden.

In autumn, the preparation of the site is also carried out, intended for the spring planting of flower beds. Having cleared it of weeds and dug it to a depth of two bayonets, they “deoxidize” it with lime or dolomite flour, or add a few buckets of peat and sand. IN sandy soil humus is added instead of sand. Fresh manure, which is the cause of fungal diseases, is not used for these purposes.

In autumn, it is also useful to “feed” the soil with phosphorus and potash fertilizers. Per square meter of a flower garden, it is necessary to add a quarter cup of double or half a cup of ordinary superphosphate and half as much potassium chloride or potassium salt.

Appointment and rules for pruning gladioli in the fall

Gladiolus stems are cut almost completely in autumn, leaving at the base only a small part, no more than a centimeter. This is a necessary precaution as most dangerous enemy thrips flowers with a cold snap move closer to the ground.

With such a short pruning, the risk of infection of the bulbs intended for winter storage is reduced. In addition, it reduces the drying time of the bulbous material.

Features of digging up gladiolus bulbs in autumn

Digging up skewer bulbs starts towards the end of September. Only warm and sunny weather is suitable for her. When digging in wet weather, there is a risk of not noticing a large number of small onions. After successful wintering they can compromise the purity of the hybrid gladiolus variety.

For digging bulbs, use a shovel or fork with wide and flat teeth. This is due to the fact that over the summer a lot of young children form around the mother bulb. To capture them all, you need to retreat from the stem in a circle of at least ten centimeters. It is best to pull out dug bulbs by the leaves.

The collected planting material is cleaned from the soil, separating the young bulbs. Damaged and infected specimens are sorted from healthy ones and burned. Leaves after collecting the bulbs are also destroyed.

It is obligatory to sort the bulbs by size and variety. Healthy specimens no more than 4 years old, rounded, in which the height and width are approximately the same, are subject to storage. Flat bulbs should be sorted and replaced with grown children. Of these, the largest specimens are left, which bloom before the small ones.

Care for gladioli after flowering (video)

Preparation and storage of gladioli bulbs in winter

Selected for spring planting bulbs are washed warm water with the addition of laundry soap, disinfect using Maxim, Inta-vir, Hom preparations for this. You can instead soak them for an hour in a pink manganese solution. This is also necessary for their additional rejection, because in a liquid, full-fledged specimens sink, and low-quality specimens remain on the surface.

Then the bulbs are dried for several days at a temperature of thirty degrees and a month - at a temperature ten degrees lower. You can put them in gauze or nylon bags. Drying at room temperature lasts at least two months.

The dried bulb material is folded in one layer in cardboard boxes so that adjacent bulbs do not touch. For better storage garlic cloves are put in boxes or sprinkled with ashes, or powdered dry mint. They are put in a cool place and periodically check their safety.

the best way storage is waxing, when the bulbs are dipped in soft paraffin for a couple of seconds, and then cooled in water. In this form, they do not dry out and are not susceptible to disease.

Suitable conditions for storing flower bulbs and their babies are 80% humidity and a maximum of six degrees temperature. They can also be kept in the following places:

  1. In the basement with constant ventilation, the bags are hung far from fruits and vegetables, which, during wintering, release moisture, leading the bulbs to mold and early awakening.
  2. To the refrigerator each copy wrapped in paper is placed in a box with holes for ventilation or in a paper bag. A couple of times a month you need to check them for moisture. Wet paper is replaced with dry paper, after airing the children before that. Valuable varietal specimens affected by thrips are disinfected for half an hour in Inta-vir solution (1 tablet per bucket of water) and, after drying for a couple of days, are placed in other boxes.
  3. In the trench. This method of storage is possible only in a mild climate, in the absence of close to the surface groundwater. Bookmarking in trenches is carried out before the onset of cold weather. The ditch should be 80 by 70 cm in size. Bulbs folded into boxes are covered with dry sawdust, and sprinkled with dry leaves on top and covered with a film. This protects the bulbous material from rain and snow melt.
  4. On the glazed balcony. In this case, it is necessary to place the planting material in a special container, where there is a thermometer. It is better to put it on a stand or boards, and if necessary, insulate it with a blanket from above.

When to dig up gladioli for the winter (video)

Gladiolus needs permanent care, but in autumn it is specific. Already at the height of summer, the preparation of plants for wintering begins. After flowering, the skewers almost do not water and do not fertilize, and before the cold snap they dig up the bulbs and babies. From the quality of their preparation for storage and creation relevant conditions their wintering depends on the preservation of varietal purity of magnificent garden flowers - decoration of flower beds.

Gladiolus - bright plants, flaunting on postcards and photos, are found in the gardens of almost all flower lovers. None design country house not complete without their landing. To get them bright and abundant flowering, little care during the growing season. Question: gladioli: when to dig and how to store is no less important. The fate of the plant depends on how correctly it will be resolved. There are several rules that allow not only to preserve the gladiolus, but also to ensure its further growth and flowering.

When to dig up gladioli for the winter

Each amateur grower determined for himself the time of digging gladioli. It depends on the place where the flower is grown, or rather on climate zone and the onset of cold weather. Therefore, it is difficult to name the exact time of excavation. It is easier to determine the temperature regime. It is recommended to dig up gladioli when autumn weather sets in, but not earlier than 30 days later for late varieties from the end of flowering. During this period, the maturation of planting material occurs. It's not worth the hassle either.

From the moment of cutting the flower stalks, no more than 50 days should pass. Delays in harvesting can lead to damage to the bulbs by pests and diseases. Dig up tubers of plants with green leaves for storage. Some flower growers mistakenly wait for them to turn yellow. This coloration may indicate the presence of a disease. Such planting material cannot be planted. Yellowing of leaves is allowed only in early varieties.

They begin to collect plants for wintering before the onset of frost at an air temperature of +10 to +5. If the flowers are absolutely healthy and the site is not infected with thrips or any diseases, then you can dig up the flowers a little later, when it gets colder and the thermometer drops to +3. You should not delay cleaning too much: a drop in temperature can provoke the development of fungal infections.

If there is a possibility of infection with thrips, gladioli are dug up at a temperature not lower than +8 degrees. With a subsequent cold snap, these pests descend underground and climb under the scales of the bulb, where they successfully winter. The collection of gladioli is carried out in dry weather, then the earth itself crumbles from the tubers and it is not necessary to tear it off, causing damage to the plant. First to dig out of the ground early varieties, then middle, late. Plants for propagation grown from babies are harvested last, but before the onset of frost.

How to properly harvest bulbs

Gladiolus: when to dig and how to store? When collecting gladioli, it is necessary to carefully deepen the shovel at some distance from the plant, so as not to damage the bulb with the children that have grown on it. Therefore, many gardeners dig up planting material with garden pitchforks. When the tool is immersed in the ground, the flower is pulled out by its leaves.

After all the gladioli are dug up, they cut off the upper ground part, leaving no more than 1-2 cm. This measure is necessary to protect the plant from infection with thrips. Then the planting material should be sorted according to the size of the bulbs, varieties and cleaned from the soil. It is then much easier to work with him and, in addition, this approach will help preserve all varieties of gladioli. Bulb sorting does not affect wintering, so many flower growers do not attach importance to this moment.

In adult tubers, it is necessary to cut the roots, otherwise in winter they will evaporate moisture, and remove the mother bulb. Inside its dying scales, thrips and spores of pathogenic infections can hide, which can cause infection of planting material. In young bulbs that were grown from children, you need to cut off the roots, while leaving 1 cm each. Age tubers with a wide bottom are discarded.

When sorting children, the largest ones with intact covering scales are laid for storage: they are preserved and bloom better and faster. After that, all excavated planting material is washed under running water to finally clear it of the soil. Trimmed gladiolus leaves, old, damaged bulbs are removed outside the site and burned.

Preparing for storage

In order for your flower bed to please with bright gladioli, the plants must be properly prepared for wintering. During the dormant period, buds are laid, from which new stems wake up in the spring. In preparation for storage, gladioli are dried and treated for pests. Let's look at how to plant flowers for the winter in order not only to save them, but also to continue breeding this beautiful plant.

Treatment of tubers from diseases and pests

Before laying gladiolus for the winter, plant bulbs must be processed to avoid infection with thrips and viral infections. To do this, the tubers are washed again with warm water or with laundry soap, or lowered into a container with a weak solution of potassium permanganate. At this moment, the quality of the selected material is additionally checked: defective children emerge.

Then the bulbs are processed disinfectant solution with toxicides. For its preparation, drugs such as Inta-vir, Maxim, Hom are used. After that, the tubers are dried first for outdoors, then at home they keep a week at a temperature of +30 and a month at +20°C. The second stage of drying is carried out using gauze bags, where the selected material is placed. If it is not possible to dry the bulbs at a high temperature, then before sending the plant for storage, it “rests” for two months on the windowsill or in any other place.

Ways to store bulbs in winter

Gladiolus: when to dig and how best to store? If everything is clear with the first half of the question, then how to decide where to lay the bulbs for the winter so that they do not die? Depending on the grower's place of residence (urban or rural) and the conditions available to him, there are several ways to store gladioli. Let's look at each of them individually:

In the basement or cellar

An ideal option for storing flowers is a dry basement or cellar. For this, the bulbs are allocated a separate place away from vegetables and fruits. This is due to the fact that the latter emit a large amount of moisture, which is detrimental to planting material. In addition, it is necessary to monitor the temperature in the storage, it should be in the range from +5 to +8 degrees, and humidity, which should not exceed 60-80 percent.

How to care for young nodules? Babies need slightly different conditions for wintering. For them, it is recommended to lower the temperature to +3 degrees, and increase the humidity to 90 percent. For storage of gladioli, boxes with a bottom in the form of a grid are used, which ensures uniform ventilation. To further protect the planting material, peeled garlic cloves are placed next to the bulbs.

Containers are placed on racks. If there are no containers with a ventilated bottom, then the flowers are placed in ordinary boxes, in the sand. With such storage, the tubers become overgrown with children over the winter. If there are no boxes, then the bulbs are stored in bags made of nylon tights or nets that need to be tied to shelving to provide ventilation. Even if you managed to create ideal conditions for storage, tubers should be inspected several times a month. Damaged gladiolus flowers must be removed to prevent the death of all planting material.

In the apartment

Not all flower lovers have the opportunity to store planting material in the basement, some have to do it at home or in an apartment. It is more difficult to save the bulbs in this case, they will need special care. To do this, you need to find the coolest place in your home. Then put the flowers in paper bags that are made from newspapers or xerox paper. Sometimes corms are placed in cardboard boxes, sprinkled with sawdust. With this method of storage, it is necessary to ensure that the gladioli do not touch each other.

In both cases, the planting material will decrease in size. Before planting, it should be soaked in a solution with a growth stimulant ("Epin", "Kornevin") for 30 minutes. Store the bulbs in the refrigerator. To do this, put them in any sealed container, placed on the bottom shelf. Before putting the flowers in a container, each corm is wrapped in paper. Remove them from the refrigerator in early March to dry. Then they are sent back, but already to the top shelf. In some cases, gladioli are stored on a cold windowsill or behind a balcony door.

On the balcony

If the climate is not too harsh, gladioli are stored on the balcony in a box. So that the planting material does not die during rare frosts, boxes with bulbs are wrapped with agrospam or an old blanket. The most difficult thing with this storage option is to maintain the required level of humidity, as well as when laying in an apartment. Then the bulbs are stored in a clay shell. To do this, prepare a "talker" of clay and water, which has the consistency of thick sour cream. Each tuber is alternately dipped into it, dried. Then they are placed for storage in sand or boxes.

Editor in Chief " magic garden» Natalia Petrenko will tell you how to grow, plant and care for gladiolus flowers, dig, store the bulbs of these wonderful beauties. She'll show you what to do with the belated flowering plants how to prepare them for home storage so that they continue to please the eye next summer. Beginners will be able to get acquainted with the features of harvesting early, medium, late varieties of gladioli.

Modern varieties of gladiolus, depending on the size of the peduncle, are divided into classes: miniature, small-flowered, medium-flowered, large-flowered and giant. depending from flowering time are divided into groups: from very early, which bloom 70 days after planting, to very late, which bloom occurs more than 100 days from the start of the growing season. Gladiolus reproduces, for the most part, vegetatively - by corms and tuber buds. The corm is renewed annually. But after 5 - 8 years, it degenerates and stops blooming (getting old). hybrid varieties heat-loving, in our zone they cannot remain in the ground in winter, as they freeze out. Therefore, in the fall they must be dug up. In order for the bulbs to ripen well and be large, faded flowers are removed. Since a large amount of nutrients and less nutrition goes to the development of the corms and babies. When cutting flower stalks, it is necessary to leave as many leaves as possible, the number of which also plays a large role in the renewal of corms.

It got its name from the sword-shaped leaves. in Greek means sword. Pliny in the fourth century, describing military events, reports that gladioli were grown in large quantities for the army. Warriors wore corms in the form of amulets that protected them from injections and wounds in battle. And in traditional medicine gladiolus tubers were used against toothache and gastric diseases. In our time, saponins have been found in the corms of hybrid gladioli, which prevent the growth of a malignant tumor.

Dig up gladioli begin in mid-September- early October, depending on the group of varieties, but no later than mid-October. At the same time, they also focus on weather. Start digging with the onset of stable low temperatures at night -3 - 0ºС. It is advisable to dig in dry and warm weather, when the air temperature is above zero. Early-flowering varieties are harvested first, then medium- and late-flowering varieties. Lastly, young gladioli grown from babies are dug up. Plants are dug up with a shovel, taken with one hand by the stem at the base and carefully pulled out the corm together with the children, and laid out in a flat box or on burlap. With a sharp knife, cut off (in no case break off) the stem at a distance of 5-8 cm from the bulb. Then shake off excess soil, tie up a label and place in prepared paper bags, cloth bags, boxes. It is not necessary to store dug up gladioli, even for a short time, without cutting off the leaves and stem. Since there is an outflow of nutrients from the corms to the stems and leaves. When breathing with leaves, water evaporates, the tubers become soft and lethargic, and dry out during storage. Besides, infectious diseases and pests from the stem and leaves pass to the tubers, which worsens the storage conditions of gladioli. If by the time of digging the tubers (children) are covered with a light brown shell and are easily separated from the corm, then they are considered ripe. Having finished digging one variety and before starting to dig another variety, the remnants of the soil, roots and small children from the burlap are shaken into a bucket, and later everything is taken out to the compost. This will protect against clogging the land on the site and from mixing varieties. When the air temperature is below 0 ºС during the harvesting of gladioli, the dug tubers are immediately brought into a warm room. First dug out corms in good weather 1- Dry in the open air for 2 days. Further, for three weeks they continue to dry in well-ventilated rooms or under awnings. Optimum temperature air when drying gladioli 20 - 35 ºС. Then they are cleaned of excess stems, damaged scales, from the earth, the old bottom ( old corm), transfer to a clean container, and continue drying for another 7-10 days. New corms are stored in scales. Sick plants are thrown away immediately or stored separately. The gladiolus baby is dried separately at a temperature of 18 - 25 ºС, within a month. In order for the bulbs to be better stored, they can be treated with a 30% infusion of garlic (30 g of chopped garlic cloves per 100 g of water). Dip on 1 - 2 seconds. In this case, precautions must be taken: work with rubber gloves or with tweezers so as not to burn your hands. After processing garlic infusion the corms are dried. Dried tubers, together with packaging, are placed in cardboard boxes with holes or in bags and stored in winter period at a temperature of 3-9 ºС and low air humidity. If there is no dry basement, then such conditions in the apartment are not easy to find. Stored on the window sill with north side or hanging from the balcony door.

Before the onset of big frosts, you can store gladioli hanging from the window frame. In old frame and door designs, between window frames or boxes of marshmallows or biscuits with gladiolus corms could be placed between the doors of the balcony. In many houses, such frames and doors are still preserved and can be used. But when frost sets in and between the frames the air temperature drops below +3ºС, the corms should be temporarily moved to a warmer place.

When will the main autumn dacha work and there will be more free time, you can cover the gladioli with paraffin. In a paraffin shell, they are better preserved, do not dry out and do not become moldy. Paraffin is heated in a water bath. Corms are dipped one at a time into melted paraffin, and then laid out on glass to harden the paraffin. But it is more convenient to apply molten paraffin to the corm with a soft brush. Paraffin-coated tubers are stored at room temperature. spreading them out in one layer. To do this, it is better to use shoe boxes or candy boxes. Then boxes with gladioli are placed on top of cabinet furniture. Well-dried and ripened corms do not rot and do not germinate ahead of time.

Gladiolus is a flower belonging to the iris family, the number of varieties of which reaches more than 180 names. The most common in Russian open spaces is a hybrid gladiolus. It has high aesthetic performance, but not all flower growers decide to grow it. The reason lies in the fact that the plant must be dug up every autumn and certain conditions must be created to ensure the safe storage of gladioli in the winter. What is the reason for the need for annual extraction of crops from the soil?

The need to dig up gladiolus for the winter

Delicate corms of gladiolus do not tolerate frost, so they must be dug up and carefully stored in the house.

The need to dig up gladioli for the winter period is explained by the instability of this crop to frost. A critical indicator for a plant is a temperature of up to -3 ° C. Under such conditions, the corms of the flower die, and it is impossible to correct the situation. For this reason, they must be removed and stored until next landing during the spring period.

Digging up a gladiolus is a rather responsible procedure for a grower, since the quality of the planting material will depend on the correctness of the actions.

When to dig

It is not difficult to dig up gladiolus bulbs, it is important not to be late before the onset of frost and the drying of the soil

Gladioli are dug up 35-45 days after the flowering period. This is the second half of September - the first days of October. With this procedure, one should not take too much time, since the culture should not be in cold soil. To make sure that the corms are ripe, they need to be inspected. The presence of root integumentary scales indicates the readiness of the plant for digging. In this case, the process has its own characteristics:

  1. First of all extract large bulbs, then small and finally dig out the kids. This is done with a wide shovel or pitchfork.
  2. Remove gladiolus corms should be in dry sunny weather, because at this time the soil is moderately moist and is easily shaken off the bulbs.
  3. The soil should not be too dry. In this case, it is difficult to extract the babies that retain the ability to sprout for several years. This can lead to mixing varieties.

The work is carried out in a certain sequence: first, early varieties are extracted, then late ones. If brown or black spots are found on the bulbs, then the plant should be dug out of the ground earlier than the recommended time to prevent the development of diseases. The stems are mowed before starting work or cut with secateurs after the procedure.

The level of soil moisture when digging should be moderate.

How to prepare bulbs, tubers and roots for storage at home

Preparation of gladiolus corms includes several stages:

  • Initially, planting material must be washed, then treated to prevent the occurrence of plant diseases. The simplest and most common method is to use a solution of potassium permanganate: 10 g is diluted in a liter of water. The bulbs are placed in this composition for 25-30 minutes, after which they are thoroughly dried. If this condition is not met, planting material may be exposed to wet rot, which spreads rapidly. One affected corm is enough to lose all the others. Also, gladioli can suffer from thrips, a microscopic pest that spreads infectious diseases. Some growers skip the processing step. At the same time, corms can really successfully overwinter, but this only applies to strong and healthy material.

Antiseptic treatment of bulbs will save the plant from mold and pest damage.

  • Drying is recommended for two to three days. The material is left outside daytime, and is removed to the building at night.

Careful drying will allow you to prepare high-quality planting material for the winter.

  • After such preliminary drying, the bulbs are placed in separate trays (preferably laid out in one layer) and left for two months in a ventilated room. For the first two weeks, the material should be stored at temperatures between 25°C and 30°C. After this period, the storage conditions must be changed to 20°C.

At this time, bulbs should be periodically inspected for diseases and the presence of thrips.

Storing corms in proper conditions will allow flower growers to harvest good material for planting in spring

If signs of thrips activity are found, measures should be taken:

  1. You can use a special aerosol product designed to fight insects. The affected material is placed in plastic bags and the drug is injected there, after that it is well tied and left for 30-60 minutes.
  2. There is another way to destroy thrips - heat treatment. The bulbs are dipped for 5 minutes in hot water temperature at +50°С. Then removed and dried thoroughly.
  3. Garlic will help repel pests. It is simply put together with the bulbs in a peeled form. A few teeth are enough. Garlic will not only protect the planting material from thrips, but will also prevent the penetration of infections.
  4. For this purpose, you can also use naphthalene or insecticide.
  5. If the corms are affected by mold, they should be washed with any detergent and sponge. Suitable for household or tar soap. Next, the material is treated with a disinfectant and rotted areas are cut out. Then the corms are dried and placed in a new box for later storage, the previous container cannot be used.

Regarding whether it is necessary to clean the bulb and remove the integumentary scales, the following can be noted. With insufficient drying, this layer turns into a beneficial environment for the appearance of rot and mold, as well as the reproduction of thrips. But on the other hand, such a cover prevents drying out. For this reason, many experienced gardeners agree that it is not worth cleaning the corms of gladioli. And special means will help protect the material from diseases and pests in the winter.

Before storage, the tubers are sorted into varieties and placed in cloth bags. Other material should not be used for this purpose, since gladioli need a constant supply of air. In order not to confuse the varieties, their names must be written on the labels and put into the appropriate bags.

It is recommended to remove the part of the stem that remains as a result of pruning after digging. This advice is not a must, but will help prevent thrips. This peculiar stump is a suitable place for the insect to stay. But it should be taken into account that after trimming the hemp, the growth bud remains open and is more prone to drying out. root system also needs to be removed.

Careful storage of bulbs in conditions of correct humidity and temperature is the key to a successful wintering of the plant.

In order for gladioli to successfully overwinter, it is necessary to take into account certain features of the corm storage process:

  1. The best option is the overexposure of the material to cardboard boxes or wooden boxes. They must be done ventilation holes. If possible, containers with a mesh bottom should be used.
  2. It is desirable to wrap each bulb with a piece of newspaper.
  3. The temperature required for storage of gladiolus planting material is +4°C ... +7°C, and the humidity level should be in the range of 65-80%.

Consider the list suitable places for storing gladiolus bulbs in winter:

  • The best option is ventilated basements and cellars. However, keep in mind that vegetables and fruits cannot be stored together with gladioli. They are a source of a significant amount of moisture, which creates favorable conditions for the occurrence of mold on corms.
  • Not everyone has the opportunity to place gladioli in cellars or basements. In this situation, you need to look for a suitable area in the apartment. It should be a cool place, such as a glassed-in loggia.

If in winter time the temperature drops well below zero, the corms should be placed in an insulated box with a thermometer. He is placed on thermal insulation material, as a rule, these are boards. If the frost is severe, then the box is covered with a blanket.

  • In the absence of a glazed loggia, gladioli can be placed directly in the apartment. But keep in mind that the temperature level in the room should not exceed 20 ° C. In this case, the corms are not wrapped in newspaper fragments. Place them so that they are at some distance from each other. This arrangement will ensure the rapid evaporation of the released moisture. The box is covered with paper, ash is poured to the bottom, charcoal or river sand.

Such storage has a certain drawback - by spring, the bulbs lose part of their volume. Therefore, before planting, they must be placed in a growth stimulator.

  • Refrigerator can be used as storage space. The advantage of using it is a stable level of humidity and temperature. Also, corms can be monitored continuously. Storage in the refrigerator allows you to adjust temperature regime. If roots appear, a container with planting material moved to the top shelf.

All bulbs are wrapped in newspaper or a napkin, put in a pre-punched plastic bag, and then placed in the refrigerator above the vegetable section. You should not put it in the lower compartment, it is closed with glass, which interferes with air circulation. It is recommended to check the corms after two weeks. If dampness is detected, the material must be dried and wrapped in a napkin.

How to prepare for landing

Before planting in the spring, the bulbs are cleaned and again subjected to antiseptic treatment.

Gladiolus planted before May 10. A month before, they are peeled and placed on cardboard paper for germination. It is not necessary to process corms. The cleaning procedure can be replaced by soaking in a 1% soda solution or in a 0.5% potassium permanganate solution, where the planting material is placed for 12 hours. This treatment allows you to increase the intensity of germination of gladioli. Before planting, the bulbs are also placed in a solution of potassium permanganate for 1-2 hours.

Important! When cleaning, care should be taken not to damage the growth bud.

As you can see, despite some features of gladiolus care, it is not difficult to grow it. This does not require extensive experience in floriculture or any special skills. You just need to carefully familiarize yourself with some of the rules for handling planting material, the observance of which will help protect the crop during storage from pests and diseases.
