Treatment of gladiolus bulbs before storage with bison preparation. How to germinate gladiolus bulbs before planting

Gladiolus are exquisite flowers that appeal to many growers, both amateurs and professionals. A large number of varieties of this plant allows you to enjoy the unique flowers quite long time.

Of course, gladioli, like many others, are unusually beautiful flowers, require special attention and care. One of the features successful cultivation gladioli - an annual procedure for autumn digging and spring planting in open ground.

The development and flowering of the plant next year depends on the successful and properly organized wintering of gladiolus bulbs. So, how to prepare gladioli for winter and do it right?

1. Start preparing for winter period stands still during the flowering of gladiolus. It is very important to cut the flower stalks before the seeds form. This is done so that the main bulb and children develop well. As soon as the flowers have faded and begin to fade, cut off the peduncle. Withered flowers will not spoil the look of your flower bed, and gladiolus bulbs will accumulate enough strength that will allow them to winter well.

2. When cutting flowers for a bouquet, try not to cut the gladiolus leaves. Indeed, after flowering is completed, a corm is formed for another 50 days, and the leaves are extremely important for this process. After 50 days from the moment the flowers wither, the gladiolus bulb is fully formed and can be dug up and prepared for wintering. It is not recommended to leave plants in the ground until the foliage turns completely yellow, because a long time in the ground increases the risk of damage to the bulb by pests or diseases. Early varieties are dug first, middle and late - after them, as they fade. Young plants that have not yet bloomed can be left in the ground until frost. It is necessary to completely remove gladioli from open ground before the onset of frost. By the time the night air temperature drops to 0, -2, gladioli should not be in the flower bed. It is recommended to dig bulbs at positive temperatures on a sunny day.

3. In order not to damage the bulb and children when digging, the shovel is driven into the ground away from the plant. Raising an earthen lump with a shovel, pull the gladiolus by the leaves. Then the leaves are cut, leaving only about 2 cm., planting material sorted into separate boxes, signing each grade. Different varieties of gladiolus have bulbs different sizes, so you should not dig all the tubers into one container, and then leave only the largest bulbs in the winter, so you may not recognize the variety you like and throw it away.

4. From the excavated planting material should be sorted out, removing damaged, diseased or too small or very old bulbs. Sick and very damaged bulbs are recommended to be burned outside the site. Healthy, young bulbs are regular, round in shape and the diameter usually does not exceed their height. Old, flat bulbs are best updated - replaced with children. Children for wintering should be left to those whose covering scales are not damaged.

5. Selected, healthy bulbs must be washed in warm water, it is possible with the addition laundry soap and also treated with a disinfectant solution. The solution can be purchased at a specialized store or replaced with a weak solution of potassium permanganate. It is worth noting that with the help of water you can determine the quality of the children. Healthy and formed bulbs of children sink, and defective ones remain afloat.

6. After water procedures planting material must be well dried. The first stage of drying is about 7 days at a temperature of + 28 - 30, then the temperature is reduced to 18-20 for 30 days. If drying is done in room conditions without the possibility of temperature control - the minimum drying period is 60 days.

7. The last step in preparing gladioli for winter storage is to clean the adult bulbs from plant residues; do not remove the covering scales from the children in any case. Spread the prepared planting material in one layer in carton boxes. At the same time, try to make sure that the bulbs do not touch. You can put a few chopped cloves of garlic in a box, sprinkle onions wood ash. Place the boxes in a cool place. Children are stored in a separate paper bag. Ideal Conditions for storage of gladiolus bulbs - air humidity 80% and temperature + 3 - 6 degrees. Once a month, planting material should be checked in order to remove spoiled bulbs in time. If during the winter the bulbs have lost a lot of moisture and dried out, in the spring, before planting, they will need to be soaked in water.

By following these simple seven steps, you can easily prepare gladioli for the cold winter period and enjoy your favorite varieties of these flowers year after year. After all beautiful bloom gladioli is largely dependent on correct processing and storage of bulbs in winter.

Many owners of household plots or cottages grow gladiolus - a beautiful, but rather demanding flower to care for. At the end of summer, in a home flower garden or in a flower bed, it blooms in variegated and varied shades. A common and easy way to plant this plant is with the help of corms, which must first be germinated. If seeds are used for propagation, then blooming flower bed can only be obtained by the third year. Florists advise using step by step instructions and a video on how to germinate a crop in a typical plot.

Features of planting gladiolus

pledge successful landing of this flower, which is also called a skewer, are three aspects:

  • proper preparation of planting material;
  • timely rooting;
  • attention and care in the process of growth.

In fact, gladioli belong to perennial crops, but Russian winters are too harsh for them. The tuber dies easily, as soon as the ground freezes. Therefore, care for the flowers as for annuals.

Bulbs are dug in September-October after flowering. Then they put it in the basement or cellar.

The average size of a corm is 5-7 cm. It tends to age: after 3-4 years it becomes flat and bulbous. It is easy to replace such planting material with a new one - at the base of each tuber there are children that can be germinated. For this they are:

Gladiolus bulbs are dug up at the end of the season

  • carefully separated from the mother bulb;
  • study for diseases;
  • peeled, while protecting the root tubercle from damage;
  • soak for 1 day in 1% soda solution.

Attention! All manipulations with baby bulbs should be carried out on the eve of planting. Otherwise they will dry out.

If the varietal affiliation of the flower is valuable to you, you can not use the children, but divide the degenerate bulb into parts. Each should have kidneys and a bottom. Rub the cut with crushed charcoal. This procedure is performed just before landing.

Collection and storage of gladiolus corms

When propagating with bulbs, first of all, you need to have a healthy and strong material. If you purchase ready-made tubers, carefully review them for damage or disease. Pay attention to the bottom. If it is small, the bulb is most likely immature.

Sprouted gladiolus bulbs

If you plant young corms from the site, pay attention to key nuances their proper collection and storage:

  1. dig up the tubers early varieties gladiolus is possible only 30-40 days after withering or cutting the stem with flowers. For late varieties, the period is 45-50 days.
  2. Varieties with dark inflorescences are less resistant to cold. Be careful about cleaning them - the bill can go for days.
  3. Choose dry weather for picking tubers. Leave about 1 cm of the stem - it will serve as a defense against some pests. Carefully shake the soil off the bulb.
  4. Wash the tuber from soil residues with water. Then wipe with a solution of potassium permanganate.
  5. Arrange the bulbs on outdoors to dry out. You can do it in small bags.
  6. Bring the bulbs into the room and continue drying in this mode: half a month at + 20 ° C, then a month at + 22 ° C. From time to time, carefully turn the planting material over. High-quality drying is very important, because it does not allow fungal infections to develop.
  7. Take the corms to a dry cellar. Optimum temperature for their winter storage- +2…3°С.

Attention! The storage procedure begins and ends with sorting. Affected or damaged specimens should be discarded or treated: cleaned bad sites and sprinkle with crushed charcoal.

How to germinate a gladiolus bulb

The vernalization procedure is not necessary for a flower, but it will definitely help the gladiolus to better adapt in the ground, grow and bloom faster. IN middle lane and regions with a similar climate, start germination in mid-March:

  • Move the corms from the basement to warm place. At the same time, the sun's rays should not fall on them. This will cause too intensive germination, which on this stage no need.
  • Store planting material in this mode for 1.5-2 months until it is time to plant it.

Planting a gladiolus bulb

  • 2-3 weeks before, peel the bulbs from scales. Do not damage the young shoots that may be under it. Cleaning is required, since many harmful microorganisms live in the scales. In addition, sore spots may open on the bulb.
  • 2-3 days before planting, place the corms on moistened napkins. The procedure stimulates the development of roots.
  • Immediately before planting, treat the corms with Karbofos, which will protect them from pests.

Advice. Instead of chemical treatment, you can use folk remedies. Prepare an infusion: 250-300 g of garlic twisted in a meat grinder per 10 liters of water. Soak gladiolus tubers in this liquid for 2 hours.

After all the procedures, some owners process corms also in a growth stimulator. Prepare it according to the instructions. The planting material is usually kept for 10-12 hours. The tubers are also treated with solutions of trace elements.

Planting and growing a gladiolus is not the easiest process in comparison with the reproduction of other residents of a home flower garden. The procedure begins with the correct collection, winter storage and spring preparation of corms. The key to a beautiful and abundant flowering of the skewer will be genetically and physically healthy planting material.

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All affected by thrips

Thrips on gladioli, gladiolus thrips

After drying, which is carried out in normal apartment conditions for two to three weeks, I pack the bulbs in paper bags or in nylon bags. I keep the baby separately in paper bags. The bulbs should be well dried and the storage room not too damp (the bulbs can be covered by the penicillium mycelium, and the fungus will spread to the entire planting material very quickly). Conversely, if the storage is warm and dry, the bulbs may dry out or germinate prematurely.

You can plant such a baby if it is not affected by fungal and bacterial diseases, which can be seen when examining tubers.

To facilitate plant care, corms and baby are planted in rows along or across the ridge. The location of individual specimens of planting material in a row and the distance between rows may vary depending on the size of the corms, the power of the variety and the tasks set by the grower during cultivation. When placing plants, it must also be taken into account that the greater the distance between plants, the better conditions nutrition and less chance of contracting diseases from a neighboring plant. The smallest distances between large corms in a row are 15 cm, between rows - 20, for a baby - 5 and 15 cm, respectively.

. In this case, it is best to use freshly prepared fertilizer solutions. Experienced gardeners for foliar feeding recommend solutions of trace elements such as molybdic acid ammonium and zinc sulfate. Plants can be treated with such solutions simply from a sprayer. After a few weeks, macronutrient feeding can be repeated, and foliar feeding is best done again at the end of June.​

should be put in boxes

Better to buy

botanical name - skewer

Features of planting gladioli

Gladiolus in their beauty and grace is in no way inferior to roses. A variety of varieties and colors drive crazy lovers of these flowers. Elegant and unique, they look great in a bouquet and amazingly decorate with their blooms. personal plots. Truly royal flowers are easy to grow if you know how to prepare gladioli for planting.

Healing properties of gladiolus

Corms are culled and destroyed. To protect the planting material from infection, before storing, the peeled corms are dipped for 25-30 minutes in a 0.4% solution of karbofos, then they are washed in clean water and dry. Stored in the refrigerator, because at a temperature of 5-7 degrees tripe is no longer dangerous. - This is a small insect 1-1.5 mm in size, oblong, dark brown in color, with fringed wings. Its larvae are yellow-orange. Before storing, I carry out preventive treatment of the bulbs in a sufficiently strong solution of potassium permanganate (5-10 g per 10 liters of water) and foundationol to protect them from a sudden outbreak of disease or pests. Corms can also be rubbed with garlic like a breadcrust. Baby is less demanding on storage conditions than bulbs.

A healthy corm will never wither. If she wrinkled, became hard, then, undoubtedly, she was stricken with some kind of disease. If the corm has been stored at elevated temperatures, it may dry out a little, but remain healthy. Before planting, such corms are soaked for several hours in a warm solution of baking soda (one teaspoon per 1 liter of water). However, it is better to soak the planting material in a solution of trace elements (see Table 2).

The depth of planting depends on the composition of the soil and the size of the corms. Planting material with a diameter of 4-5 cm (the one that gives flower stalks best quality) are planted to a depth of 10-12 cm. On sandy and chernozem soils planting depth can be increased to 15 cm, on clay and swampy - reduced to 7-9 cm. It must be remembered that finely planted corms are more likely to get sick. Therefore, smaller than 7 cm should not be planted. The flower grower will not be mistaken if he plants a corm to a depth equal to three of its diameters: it is obvious that a small one will have to be planted smaller, a large one deeper. Small corms with deep landing may not germinate due to lack of air access. The baby is planted to a depth of 3-5 cm. From the dug out corms, the earth is gently crushed and the stem is cut off. When you cut the stem, leave a small stump about 1 cm long. It is needed so that various pests, such as thrips, do not damage the corms in storage. After cutting the stem, gladioli are washed from the remnants of the earth and treated with a solution of potassium permanganate. Processed gladioli are best dried outdoors, you can build small bags and place the bulbs there for two days. Be sure to loosen the soil, this will provide air access to the root system. Loosening is usually carried out between the rows of the plant deep, and closer to the root no more than 5 cm. With periodic loosening root system flower grows intensively, which improves the development of the flower, which has a very beneficial effect on the growth, duration and flowering of the plant. Loosen the soil after each heavy watering or rain. Plants should be watered in such a way that

Variety selection

in one layer with the kidneys up, and store at a temperature of 30 degrees. This will speed up the flowering period of the plant by 10-14 days.

Young bulbs of gladioli. Indeed, its stem is a bit like a sword, and the flowers with red splashes are on droplets of scarlet blood. Many people know that gladioli are often subjected to various diseases, and this begins with the bulbs. The quality of the planting material directly affects the decorativeness and flowering of plants. Beginning gardeners should know how to prepare gladioli for planting.

Gladiolus, cultivar ‘Spike’. © Stand My Ground​

Landing can be along the ridge and across. In any case, the previously dug up soil is leveled with a rake. After that, marking the direction of the row, a groove of the required depth or hole is made across or along the ridge at a distance calculated for planting corms or babies. Before planting, it is good to apply nitrophoska 3-4 cm below the bottom of the corm at the rate of 1-2 g for each or other planting fertilizer. During planting, the grooves and holes are watered so that the soil is moist and does not take moisture away from the planting material. As soon as they dry, bring them into the room and water was absorbed to a depth of 40-50 cm

Planting material before processing disinfectant solutions you need to peel off the husk, carefully examine the bulbs, it is better to throw out the sick right away, since the flower will not grow out of them anyway.

Rules for planting gladioli

, whose diameter will be from 2 to 3.5 cm, and the height will not exceed ¼ of the diameter of the bulb. And it is better not to plant large and flat corms, since they have already used their entire resource. Only diseased and weakened sprouts grow from such tubers.

The ancient Romans were sure that if you put on a gladiolus bulb as an amulet, then this will always mean victory in the upcoming duel. It was also assumed that gladiolus bulbs also had medicinal properties. For example, some types of bulbs were used as a milk extractor for women, another kind helped with toothache. In late autumn, the bulbs are dug out of the garden, dried (the roots are not removed!) And hidden in a dark, cool place until spring. It is customary to plant gladioli in our latitudes in mid-April, when the earth warms up a little. In early spring, about 25 days before the appointed time, the bulbs are taken out and prepared for planting.The corms are again pickled in karbofos.

It reproduces most intensively in dry, hot weather and can give up to 7 generations per season. Approximately once a month I inspect the planting material, discard dried and diseased bulbs so that they do not infect healthy ones. AND IN THE PERIOD FROM DECEMBER TO FEBRUARY I TAKE ALL THE BULBS FROM THE STORAGE AND CARRY OUT THERMAL TREATMENT OF THEM IN HOT WATER (20 MIN.) FOLLOWED BY A QUICK IMMERSION IN COLD WATER. THEN I DRY AND CLEAR BACK TO THE STORAGE.​

Secrets of gladiolus care

You can plant in the shell, but the baby will not germinate longer. To speed up germination, it is soaked for a day before planting in a warm 0.2% solution of potassium permanganate or 0.1% baking soda. After planting, the children water the area well and cover with a film until germination.

Feeding rules

For the formation of the root system, gladioli require low positive temperatures (10-15 ° C), active growth of shoots occurs at 20-25 ° C. However, in order for corms to develop well, they must be stored at temperatures of about 3-9 ° C. During this period, the root system is not yet formed, therefore low temperatures cannot delay the development of the plant. 15 days, and the next 30 days at a temperature of 22 degrees. Sometimes they need to be turned over, but carefully so as not to damage the roots.Many gardeners recommend propagating their gladioli. After all, the corm is only suitable for the first 4 years, then it becomes flat and bulbous. This suggests that she has already used all the resources, and in the future she will only give weakened flowers. It is better to replace such an onion with a new one, which was grown from a child. If this is a valuable variety, you can

The site where gladioli are planned to be planted must be prepared in advance. It is best in the fall, when you dig up the site,

When the soil on the street has warmed up to 10 degrees, you can start planting gladioli. As a rule, this is the end of April - the first days of May. If you plant bulbs earlier, you risk getting a delay in the development of the plant and the appearance of various diseases. Experts recommend not planting gladioli in the same place for two years in a row. microclimate and soil Preparing gladioli for planting includes: selecting high-quality planting material, cleaning it from covering dry areas, treating the bulbs with agents to prevent diseases and accelerate the growth of future plants.

Soil loosening

For example, blooming inflorescences. Adults and larvae climb into the buds. From countless punctures, colorless silvery spots form on the petals, which turn brown after rain. Before planting, I again process the bulbs in potassium permanganate, but at a lower concentration (1-3 g per 10 liters of water). You can also use a solution of garlic (300 g per 10 l).

Reproduction of gladioli

It is better to plant the baby and corms on different ridges. Plants from a baby planted separately develop better. Corms can withstand not only low positive temperatures, but also short-term negative ones, but their development is delayed. Large corms die at minus 2 °C. Therefore, landing before winter is possible only in the southern regions with shelter to create a wintering regime similar to the storage regime. A baby with a hard, dense shell is easier to tolerate low temperatures, which can be observed in warm winters in the non-chernozem zone. In such cases, it can withstand temperatures down to minus 4 ° C. With the onset of winter, corms are best stored in basements where the temperature is 2-3 degrees. If you do not dry the corms well, then due to the remaining moisture under the scales of the flower, various fungal diseases. The better you dry now, the better the corms will be for next season.

Storage of gladioli

divide the onion into several parts Apply humus or peat compost Because gladiolus is

  1. everyone is different. A variety that grew well that year and showed beautiful inflorescences may not bloom at all next year.
  2. Before preparing gladioli for planting, inspect the source material. It is no secret that a strong plant grows from a large bulb. But at proper fit and subsequent care, even from small ones, you can grow flowers no worse. It is customary to cut large bulbs in half between the tubercles with sprouts - then they rejuvenate, and the plants grow well. The cut sides are sprinkled with ash.
  3. , The first and second times are sprayed with karbofos (40 g per 10 liters of water) or actellik (20-25 g per 10 liters). Then they are treated with a solution of decis (2.5-3 ml per 10 l). The first treatments are carried out after 7-12 days, and subsequent sprayings after 25-28 days. The flowers look like burnt, especially around the edges. Properly carried out preventive measures will preserve your planting material for planting as much as possible.
  4. Those flower growers who provide conditions on the site that protect the soil from freezing plant gladioli before winter. You need to cut off the inflorescences of gladioli carefully, leaving as many leaves as possible at the cut site, otherwise water may get into the open stem when watering. As a result of this, with the kidneys and always the bottom. Sprinkle the cut with coal dust and plant. Such reproduction will also give you 3-4 bushes from one corm. Seed propagation is also possible. Only in this case, do not expect inflorescences earlier than the third year.
  5. ​, mineral fertilizers. Depending on what kind of soil you have, once every 4 years you can add lime when digging. If in the fall you did not have time to prepare the soil, then in the spring you can make everything necessary fertilizers. Approximate calculation: for 1 m2 - 2-3 buckets of humus.​

Slice of inflorescences

Heat-loving plant When choosing a variety of gladiolus for planting, experts recommend giving preference to children of new varieties. Grown in your garden, they will be more adapted to your soil and to the conditions of a particular microclimate. But, if for the first time you decide to grow this flower in your area, then when choosing a variety, choose viable, disease-resistant and adapted to your microclimate flowers. Before planting, the bulbs are soaked in warm, but not hot water for 30-40 minutes. Then they are dried well and put dry enough in a box in one row. The room where the gladiolus bulbs are kept before planting must be dry, otherwise the plants will germinate prematurely. In 20-24 days, sprouts should appear on the bulbs - future plants. If nothing is visible on any bulb and there are no tubercles, we reject this material.​

​Most Effective​

Heavily damaged buds usually do not open and dry out. The replacement corm also suffers from thrips. It is formed small, weakened and usually dies during storage.

For greater reliability, treat with decis. This is a contact preparation that will kill thrips when it hits the body of an insect. Dilute according to the instructions and spray.

When and how to plant gladioli?

Gladiolus, cultivar ‘Little Fawn’. © Stand My Ground​

The corm can get sick

With the first stable frosts, gladiolus corms may die. Therefore, it is very important to remove them from the ground in time and ensure storage. At the same time, it is necessary

​All experienced gardeners they will tell you that if gladiolus is not properly cared for and fed on time, then you will not be lucky to see its beautiful flowers in your area.

, then it is better to plant it in places where there is a lot of light. In dark areas, it will grow worse, and you may not see its beautiful flowering at all.

Questions and answers about planting gladioli

Is it possible to plant gladioli before winter?


When sprouts begin to appear on the bulbs, the root system also develops, and then it is already possible to plant planting material in the soil.

Spraying in warm weather in the morning when the dew dries. In cool cloudy weather, thrips do not appear on the surface of the leaves and there will be no benefit from spraying.

In autumn

Is it possible to grow gladioli for the New Year and March 8?

Decis good drug, maybe even Maxim !!​

How to ensure that gladioli do not bloom all at once?

  • This is possible, but for the normal growth of plants in winter time additional lighting is needed, maintaining a certain temperature of air and soil, humidity and good air exchange - ventilation. All this is difficult to provide in a residential area. In specially equipped greenhouses, flowering gladioli are obtained by any time. However, the process of preparing planting material and culture conditions are very complex. For example, to get a cut by March 8, corms are dug early, for cutting by the New Year, the corms of the previous year's crop are stored under certain conditions. Employees of the Main botanical garden in Moscow, a light culture of gladioli was developed. Articles describing their methodology in different time published in the journal Floriculture.​
  • . It is advisable to cut the inflorescences in the morning or after six in the evening. At the same time, it is better to cut off a half-blown bud and then for 10-15 days still enjoy how the buds open one by one.
  • follow certain rules

Is it possible to cut a corm with two sprouts?

The first leaves with already laid inflorescences can be seen on plants at the end of May. It's important here

Is it possible to plant a baby with a cracked shell?

To get a quality result, you need

During the winter, the corms dried out a lot. What should be done with them before landing?

Classified according to flowering time

Before preparing gladioli for planting directly into the ground, prepare the soil. Gladiolus love loose and soft soil. Therefore, it needs to be dug up, shoveling rotten leaves. Selected bulbs are planted at a distance of at least 40 cm from each other.

Bought an interesting one. How to multiply it faster?

N. Ya. Ippolitova

Is it possible to plant a baby in a shell without cleaning it?

When the temperature drops below 10 degrees, adults and larvae go to winter in the soil. They get to the depth of the corm and settle on the bottom. And after harvesting, they end up with it in the place of storage of planting material. The rest hibernate in the soil, under plant debris.

How should gladioli be planted so as not to confuse young and old corms?

A hot shower can be done after digging up gladiolus bulbs in autumn, but not in spring ... now you can spray with Actara's solution or bathe them in this solution ... Maxim will protect against root rot, but not from thrips

There are several ways: For better preservation of gladiolus inflorescences, you can add activated charcoal or aspirin to the water, vinegar or boric acid. The water in the vase needs to be changed daily. It must be boiled or distilled. The stem must be cut slightly, and the flowers that have already faded should be broken off. With proper care, a bouquet of gladioli will stay with you for up to two weeks.

SOS! How to save gladiolus bulbs from thrips before planting?

Oleg Elizarov

provide timely nutrition


follow the landing rules:
Large bulbs are planted at a depth of 15-20 cm. If the depth is less, then as it grows, the stem of the gladiolus may bend down, and the plant may die prematurely. In addition, the smaller the planting material is planted, the more children are formed around the bulb. Children then grow up in a separate place, because on next year they will grow flowering plants.​

, candidate of agricultural sciences

Be careful, if it’s definitely thrips, then (((if not far from the money, you’ll either have to plant it along the fence from the street, or throw it out, put it in the soil, you’ll fight longer ... I’m sorry for you ... they sell anything, and we we trust...​

Dilute in a 5 liter container (for example, from under water) an ampoule of the drug: Tanrek, Fufanon, Aktelik + Maxim, Vitaros, or some other fungicide. Before planting, soak the bulbs in the solution for 1-2 hours and plant. All thrips and fungi will be killed. I do this myself now after suffering from thrips a couple of years ago.

plant at the same time corms of varieties with different terms flowering;

Table 2 shows the doses of microfertilizers recommended by T. G. Tamberg for preparing a solution for soaking tubers before planting. Processing time - 4 hours.​

Dark-colored varieties are always harvested first, as they are the first to lose their natural immunity to various diseases.

Nikolai Tsuprunov

Gladiolus, which can further change both the size of the flowers and the whole plant as a whole. It should be remembered that top dressing is best done in dry, stable, sunny weather. If you fertilize and suddenly it rains, it will wash away all your hard work and you will have to re-fertilize.​

I was looking for this information for myself, since my gladioli are also damaged by thrips.

Thrips is a small 1.5-2 mm winged insect of dark brown color.
Thrips larvae are transparent white at first, then light yellow. Both adult insects and larvae pierce the tissues of gladioli, sucking the juice from the leaves, stems, and corms.
The female lays over 20 eggs. In warm weather above 10 °, the development of one generation occurs in 15-20 days. During the season, 5-6 generations of the pest can develop, and in a hot dry summer up to 9 generations.
When the gladiolus is affected by this pest, whitish spots appear on the leaves, then the leaves dry out.

During the appearance of buds, thrips penetrates inside and affects the flowers, which, as it were, discolor, and small holes are clearly visible along the edges of the petals after rain. Flowers heavily affected by the pest may not open at all.

When the temperature drops to 10 degrees, thrips passes to the lower part of the plants, and then under the scales of the corms. During storage, it sucks out corm tissues, crusty brown spots form on them, which causes the corms to dry out.

If during storage of gladioli the temperature is maintained below 10 °, thrips is not easy to detect with the naked eye of the pest, since under such conditions it is not active. But as soon as the temperature rises, thrips begin to multiply rapidly and can destroy all the corms.

Thrips dies at a temperature of -3 °, does not hibernate in the soil. With a decrease in temperature, it moves under the integumentary scales of corms.

In addition to gladioli, thrips also affects other plants - it especially loves asters, as well as plants of the cruciferous family.

Thrips is common and dangerous enemy gladiolus, so the fight against it must be carried out comprehensively, using all available means.

Before planting, corms can be treated in hot water 50 °, immersed for 5 minutes, or in 0.2% (20 g per 10 l of water) actellik solution.
In the 4-5 leaf phase, when the first peduncles appear and the buds are colored, spray with one of the following preparations: Decis, Inta-Vir, Karate, Fitoverm, Actellik, or Confidor.
The interval between sprayings is 20 days. It is better to alternate the preparations so that the thrips do not have time to adapt to them.
The last time we spray from thrips is 1-2 weeks before digging.
It can also be treated with plant compounds - infusions of tobacco, yarrow, celandine.

We try to carry out early harvesting of corms, until the thrips had time to move to the lower part of the stem and to the corm.
After harvesting the gladioli, the corms must be treated with Decis.
Dilute 2 ampoules of the drug in 10 liters of water, the temperature of which is not lower than 15 ° and process for 40 minutes. It is necessary to ensure that the temperature of the solution does not fall below 15 °, otherwise the treatment may be ineffective.

After drying the corms, it is desirable to store the planting material at a temperature not exceeding 10 ° to prevent damage by thrips.
If there are no such conditions, then we carefully monitor the condition of the corms during long-term storage and timely we carry out treatments against this worst pest.
