How to open a children's room in the mall. Stages of opening a children's playroom

Currently, children's complexes are gaining prevalence. The variety is simply amazing, especially for children who love to frolic so much. Therefore, a step-by-step ready-made business plan for a nursery game room will be relevant in the current popularity.

According to preliminary estimates, to open a children's playroom from scratch, you need to have funds in the amount of 900 thousand rubles.

This amount will include:

  1. Room rental. The area will be 50 square meters. The rent will cost 60 thousand monthly.
  2. Equipping a children's room with attractions - 700 thousand rubles.
  3. Outdoor advertising will cost 30 thousand rubles.
  4. Business registration and contingencies another 70 thousand rubles.

Of this amount, the business owner can allow only 40% of personal funds to be deposited, it is planned to issue a bank loan for the missing amount.


A sample business plan for a children's playroom sets certain goals - the most important aspect is that the children spend an unforgettable vacation separately from their parents while they go about their business. A variety of attractions will not let any child get bored.

On average, the cost of one hour of stay in a room for children will be 150 rubles per hour on weekdays, on weekends the amount will increase slightly and amount to 200 rubles per hour.


We plan to open a children's room in a large entertainment center with the highest traffic. For a game room, an area of ​​\u200b\u200babout 50 square meters is quite sufficient. m. Monthly, the rent will cost 60 thousand rubles. It will be located indoors on the ground floor, next to there is a cafeteria and a hypermarket.


In order to purchase equipment, it is planned to spend the main amount - 700 thousand rubles.

For the full functioning of the selected business, we will acquire:

  • Various balls.
  • Rocking chairs.
  • Curved mirrors.
  • Soft constructor.
  • Plastic houses.
  • Materials for creativity.
  • labyrinths
  • Game module.
  • Massage mats.
  • Tables and chairs.

To work in the game room, according to the business plan, four employees will be required. Their work will be carried out in shifts - two days after two. There will be two employees per shift. Their duties include cleaning the premises, receiving payments. Wage will consist of two parts - a fixed salary and a bonus based on performance.

IN total, each employee will receive 18 thousand rubles.

Taxation system

We will register a sample business plan for a children's playroom on individual entrepreneur- IP. Registration will be carried out at the local tax office. For the taxation system, the ENVR was chosen (it is also called imputed). For a sole trader, this is the most best option. The amount of tax will not be large. It does not depend on the profit of the organization. The monthly amount will be fixed, and paid by the owner of the game room once a quarter. Availability cash register optional, you can use sales receipts.

Online publications offer many ways to enter the entertainment industry. With the help of an expert from the largest B2B player in the entertainment industry in Russia, the manager of the Avira group of companies, Alexei Zagumennov, Business with a Mind magazine tells how to open a game room and achieve its payback in just 6 months.

Today, the entertainment industry is one of the fastest growing industries in the world. The market is growing every year: in 2016 alone, the total production and sales of gaming equipment increased by 43%. Popularity is due to three reasons. Firstly, play equipment customized for each customer. In other words, if you need a labyrinth in the form of a seven-meter boa constrictor that swallowed an elephant in the form of a perpendicularly twisted symbol of Russian cinema, you are guaranteed to get it. Proven manufacturers of gaming and entertainment equipment are ready to fulfill any whim of the client, because if the client orders a non-unique project for himself, he will go bankrupt.

The second reason for the popularity, oddly enough, is the national tension. People began to work more and earn less, they want entertainment because the news and minds are full of negativity, they want quick and inexpensive entertainment for their children and, preferably, with their minimum participation. The game room in the restaurant is the most suitable option here.

Finally, thirdly, “Business on children” is one of the fastest paying off types entrepreneurial activity . Thanks to this, today manufacturers offer a huge number of formats for organizing gaming zones, ranging from a modest " children's corner” in the nearest branch of the bank and ending with a full-fledged amusement park, such as “Veselkino” in the Barnaul shopping center “Galaktika”. And between the crumbs and the giants, there is a countless string of intermediate options, among which there was a place for mobile trampolines, bouncy castles on trailers, ninja quests, record high slides and much more.

The combination of such factors makes the opening of an entertainment zone attractive for private entrepreneurship. The format will also depend on the amount of investment. You can open a small game room of 30 square meters, you can open an entertainment center of 100 square meters, or you can even launch your own amusement park. According to the ratio of costs and payback periods, the most optimal is an entertainment center with an area of ​​​​100 square meters. Alexey Zagumennov

Where to open an entertainment center

To understand whether a particular place is suitable for placing an entertainment site, you can play the P.U.S.K. game with yourself. The rules are simple. Put a piece of paper on the corner of the table - it will be a symbol of your business in a particular place. Make a fist, ask yourself a question, and if the answer is yes, extend one finger. The questions are simple:

  • Patency?
  • Uniqueness?
  • Neighbours?
  • "Hooks"?

The passability indicator determines how many random passers-by will become customers of the institution that has opened here. You can even do without exact numbers - the main thing to understand is that every day there are people from all over the city.

The issue of uniqueness concerns the site itself. How profitable does the project look compared to competitors? Is there something in it that children - the main contingent of the entertainment center - will not find on other sites? If the uniqueness is close to one hundred percent, with a competent pricing policy, you can not even be afraid to open across the road from a competitor with the same center area.

Properly selected neighbors are a guarantee of regular workload of the project. Do not believe someone who says that an entertainment center should be opened next to a school or kindergarten. Children run to these institutions on schedule and without money for entertainment in their pockets. But a cafe or restaurant is an ideal partner. After all, while the children are having fun, their parents can sit quietly over a cup of coffee. Hairdresser, beauty salon or gym? Ideally! Lingerie shop? Risky but attractive. But a tattoo parlor or a hookah bar, most likely, will annoy parents, which means that they will not leave their children in the entertainment center next door.

"Hooks" are additional services or offers that can stop a child or his parents. Such hooks include, for example, drawing courses, from which you can’t pick up a child without a finished drawing, or attractions for parents. Recently, classic children's play mazes have begun to give way in popularity to the so-called mix projects - entertainment centers where a playground is adjacent to a sports track or a ninja quest for those who are older.

Obviously, one finger cannot lift a piece of paper. Two is almost impossible, three is already possible. How many fingers you straighten, your business will be so successful. Please note that it will be possible to pay back the project in six months only if your piece of paper lies on all four fingers. Alexey Zagumennov

How to fill the entertainment center

A children's entertainment center should be bright, inviting - and suitable for a wide range of ages, including preschool and teens. This requires the manufacturer to make the product unique and individual approach to every client. When choosing equipment, this filter helps to save a lot of time: if the manufacturer already offers ready-made version, which means that it is better not to mess with its "uniqueness".

Play equipment is the main expense for starting a children's entertainment center project. The minimum recommended set here looks like this:

  • game labyrinth for outdoor collective games
  • dry pool for those who like a quieter activity
  • fiberglass slides ( safe material, unlike conventional plastic)
  • soft module constructors
  • frameless furniture with toys for kids

The rest depends on the chosen theme of the entertainment center. For example, the theme of the jungle is suitable for a palm carousel or a tropical volcano-climbing wall, and for the theme pirate ship- pneumatic gun.

I think it would be superfluous to say that you should not trust dealers. The children's entertainment center is an object of close attention of supervisory and regulatory authorities, which means that absolutely all equipment must have the appropriate quality and compliance certificates and passports. Unlike manufacturers, resellers often neglect the accompanying documents. Alexey Zagumennov

How to talk about the entertainment center

Do not believe in the effectiveness of word of mouth. Do not believe in the desire of parents to go with a child from the other side of the city to your entertainment center. Do not believe that, having invested 2 million rubles in advertising on local radio and television, you will skim the cream for the rest of your life. Believe in targeted advertising.

Modern research shows that in the era of an abundance of information, news feeds and the ubiquity of the Internet in smartphones target audience For any project, it is more important to constantly see the brand than to learn something loud about it in a one-time order.

Whom to hire in the entertainment center

One of the most frequently asked questions is about the staff for the children's entertainment center. On the one hand, a novice entrepreneur must include the amount of salaries and taxes in the planned expenses. On the other hand, many positions in the children's entertainment center can be successfully combined.

Who exactly should be hired? The administrator of the hall, responsible for the premises and sale of tickets, and the so-called "nanny" - a junior employee who is constantly among the children and controls the safety in the playing area. Everything else, including the accountant, is optional and depends only on the abilities of the owner of the entertainment center.

Some entrepreneurs do an excellent job of playing the role of an entire accounting department, an equipment adjuster, an animator. There was a case when an entrepreneur receiving 300,000 rubles of net profit per month went out to his site in the evenings with a mop and a bucket in his hand - working as a cleaner helped him relax and, of course, save on the salary of an additional employee.

The salary of an employee of a children's entertainment center is the most painful issue for an entrepreneur. The amount depends on the region, and on the city, and on the functionality. At the same time, specialists of different quality can perform the same functions. For example, only teachers can teach in a children's center, and the very fact of teaching will require a license for educational services from the owner of this institution.

The cause of our worldly anxieties is rather our attachments than our inherent needs. Do not look at neighbors and colleagues in the shop, but hire only the staff that will provide you with quality work with children. Alexey Zagumennov

Video case of the opening of the children's center in Barnaul

What is important to pay attention to before starting a project

It is important not to overprice. Today, on weekdays, it is not recommended to set a price of more than 150 rubles for one child. On weekends, the cost of visiting the gaming complex can be 30% higher.

The main source of income for the children's entertainment center is not random passers-by, but birthday people."Children's corporate parties" usually ensure the workload of the gaming complex both on weekends and on weekdays, and the average market cost of such a service is about 1,500 rubles per hour.

Do not be afraid to offer children and their parents something that no one else has offered. Each new children's entertainment center is an important social phenomenon in the life of any region, city, even microdistrict. Do not skip the little things, and six months for payback will become easier for you than saying: “Let's go!”. Alexey Zagumennov

The approximate project budget for the first month is as follows:


As already mentioned, the children's entertainment center is one of the most fast views net income. However, it is important to understand that the entertainment industry is a permanent Las Vegas with its lights, sparkles and daily premieres. Each season, the center needs to be updated with at least new decorations, posters or illustrations on the walls. Every month, the center will have to conduct special marketing promotions, attracting new visitors and maintaining relationships with existing ones. Every day you will need to conquer new heights, and not every entrepreneur is ready to really work. Of course, it is more profitable for someone to open an institution that does not require effort and gives a modest profit with the hope of paying off in ten or twenty years. But if the thirst for activity in you is combined with the desire to create something new, fun and profitable, then the entertainment industry is your way.

Alexander Kaptsov

Reading time: 8 minutes


Opening a children's playroom is a profitable business option. The cost of services is quite acceptable for parents who want to leave the child under the care of a teacher for a short time.

In turn, the kids enjoy the entertainment. Subject to certain conditions, the flow of customers will always be constant. How to organize a children's playroom from scratch, taking into account all the nuances? What to choose the room, location, equipment? How to calculate profit? Let's deal with each question in order.

Where is the best place to organize a playroom for children: location

The profitability of this business directly depends on the level of attendance.

When choosing a place, you must be guided by two criteria:

  1. Large flow of people.
  2. The purpose of visiting a particular destination. As a rule, this is recreation, shopping and entertainment. That is, people with children come somewhere to relax, have fun or buy something.

Thus, a profitable children's playroom can be opened in the following places:

  • In large shopping and entertainment centers.
  • In hypermarkets and cinemas.
  • resorts and boarding houses.
  • IN sports clubs and beauty salons.
  • Close to cafes and restaurants offering fast food.
  • For small towns ideal location in the central part locality or near the park area.

While the parents are busy with their own affairs, the children will enjoy frolicking under the vigilant gaze of the teacher. In this situation, everyone will be satisfied, including.

Basic requirements for the premises and equipment of the children's playroom

Any parent strives to create the most comfortable conditions for your baby. It should at least be light, warm and dry.

Therefore, a number of special requirements are imposed on the room used for children's games:

  1. Good lighting and high ceilings.
  2. Excellent ventilation, but without access to drafts.
  3. It is obligatory to have a bathroom and lockers for shoes, outerwear and bags.
  4. An important nuance is the non-slip floor covering, which excludes injury.
  5. The transparency of the walls and partitions separating the game room from other rooms is desirable. In this case, parents will be able to watch their children.

The recommended minimum square footage of the room is 30 m² . The capacity of the room (including equipment) is calculated based on how much space the child needs for games. Based on data obtained empirically, this parameter does not exceed two "squares" per child.

It turns out that for a room with a capacity of 15 people, you need a room of 30 m². Much depends on the level of permeability. For example, in the shopping center of a city with a population of one million, the average number of people passing through a weekend is 110 people, for weekdays - 35 people. Undoubtedly, a real businessman will want to independently determine the expected flow of customers. He will certainly go to the shopping center and conduct a survey of customers or sellers. This will help you understand what size room is needed in each specific location.

If everything is more or less clear with the room itself, then we turn to the equipment of the children's room. How to choose it? The main requirement is the safety of everything with which the child plays. This is ensured by high-quality and environmentally friendly material.

The rules for buying equipment come down to a very simple list:

  1. Give preference to well-known manufacturers of children's toys and various equipment.
  2. Purchase only certified products.
  3. Personally check the availability of appropriate certificates for each type of purchased product.

The implementation of the above rules, of course, does not reduce the financial costs for equipping the room to a minimum. However, it provides complete security for small customers and protects the business owner from all sorts of claims from parents in the future.

A few words about the variety of toys and equipment. Some kids prefer active games, others like to sit still. Both of them should be interested in spending time on the site.

The fidget sector is equipped with:

  • Trampoline and labyrinth.
  • A pool filled with balls.
  • Slide and swing.

Another sector is provided for rest and change of activity. Tables are placed there, at which children will draw, sculpt, make an application - create.

The question arises: what should parents do if they have fulfilled their plans, and the child is still busy playing. For them, you need to provide several benches or sofas.

Another nuance is the installation of video surveillance in the game room.

How best to design a children's playroom: interior design ideas

IN children's interior important right choice colors. It is better to abandon monotony, while not overloading the space with abundance. bright colors. This often annoys the kids.

The best option is the neutrality of the background, on which there are bright color accents:

  • Cartoon (book) characters.
  • Eye-catching pictures.
  • Children's art work and so on.

Saturated bright color, as a rule, has the equipment itself. This is quite enough. The main thing is to decorate the room in such a way that the little client wants to stay in it. So, something must attract him. What will it be: a picture of your favorite cartoon character, a bright swing, a table with paints and an album, or something else? A question for connoisseurs of the child's soul. The future entrepreneur will do well to study the tastes of modern children.

What kind of staff is needed for a children's playroom?

To understand what staff will be needed, it is necessary to understand what the employee of the room for children's games is obliged to do. :

  1. Maintain order.
  2. Check the health of the equipment.
  3. Organize children's leisure time - introduce them to the equipment located in the room, sculpt, draw, play and read books with them.
  4. Ensure the safety of babies.
  5. Carry out continuous supervision of young visitors to the site.

In other words, he entertains them and is fully responsible for the safety of children's health. It is better if the employee has the appropriate education. Still, a teacher with experience will quickly orient himself in different situations- will separate the fighters, calm the offended, find suitable entertainment, and so on. Although such work is quite within the reach of pensioners and students.

The main conditions for the selection of personnel:

  • Responsible approach to the performance of duties.
  • Having the ability to communicate with children.
  • Medical permission to work with children, confirmed by a completed medical book.

In fact, the employee of the children's playroom performs the work of a kindergarten teacher, and, if necessary, becomes an animator.

In fact, the staff of children's playrooms consists of 3-4 people: an educator (one per shift), an animator (in most cases invited from outside) and a cleaner.

What documents and permits are required to organize a children's playroom?

The process is standard:

  1. IP is made.
  2. The tax scheme is selected: simplified, patent or unified.
  3. The cash register is registered.

license, permits Rospotrebnadzor and the fire service do not need to be issued. Although, when preparing the premises, it is important to follow the sanitary and fire regulations for children's institutions.

What services does a children's playroom provide: an approximate price list

The main service of the children's playroom is babysitting. The average cost of one hour for weekdays is 100 rubles, for weekends - 170 rubles. The price may vary. For example, in the morning or afternoon hours of working days, when there are few visitors, it is wiser to make discounts.

The game room is a great place for a birthday or other celebration. Customers are happy, the entrepreneur is an additional profit. An hour of work of an animator costs an average of 1,800 rubles. In this case, it is important to take care of free space and additional equipment for competitions.

Another type of additional income is conducting classes (on drawing, modeling, and so on). Here you will also need a separate place. The price of this service is mostly negotiable.

We draw up a business plan for a playroom for children: calculation of costs and payback periods

Business plan for a 35 m² playroom equipped with a labyrinth and other developmental equipment:

1. Costs at the start of 846,000 rubles, of which:

An entertainment center for children as a business: a list of services + how to draw up a business plan for a project + optimal mode operation of the institution + start-up investments and profitability of the entertainment center for children.

If you are a woman, and also a mother, who dreams of starting her own profitable business, then our article is about how to create entertainment centers for children just for you.

A man can also try himself in this business, but the mother of an active child will know better what exactly is needed for the children to be 200% satisfied.

What is an entertainment center for children?

Children from 1 year old can play in such establishments, it is good to spend time here on weekends with the family. School-age children love to walk in such centers after a difficult school day.

The range of services offered by employees of play centers for children depends on their imagination and initial capital.

In addition to the playground itself, it is advisable to open a small cafe where parents can buy food and drinks for their children.

Many parents order children's holidays in entertainment centers. Here you can celebrate a birthday, completion school year, children's graduation, hold a sporting event, etc.

The area for the center is needed much less than for opening an adult entertainment center.

In the first place in this is the equipment for games. The site should have attractions for children of any age, you can install slot machines.

A place for the center must be rented in the city center so that everyone can easily get here. It is good if there is such an institution in a large trading floor. Parents can leave the child for a couple of hours, and do their own thing.

Business plan for a children's entertainment center

Each business must begin with a plan that must be strictly followed, otherwise you can miss important detail and the whole thing is lost.

When you decide to open your own center for children, draw up a business plan, which will indicate the amount of initial capital, and describe all stages of the process. We prepared it brief sample for future entrepreneurs.

No. 1. We rent a room.

When opening a business, as a rule, it is initially necessary to obtain the status of an individual entrepreneur or LLC. In our case, in the first place is the search for premises for an entertainment center.

In order to always have customers, you need to look for sites in the city center or other crowded places in your region.

Walk with a proposal for cooperation in large shopping centers, but it is desirable that your game room was the first and only one there, because with competitors it will be more difficult to get the business on its feet.

As for the quadrature, it all depends on the means at your disposal.

On average, gaming centers have from 30 to 70 m2. The main thing is to fit all the necessary equipment.

If there is another idea in your plans, then you will have to rent a larger room. After all, you will have to fit more tables for vacationers, a counter for waiters and a kitchen.

No. 2. Registration and collection of documents.

Here we will focus on the opening of a children's entertainment center, we will not talk about the documentation related to the cafe and other additional undertakings.

First of all, it is necessary to an individual register yourself as an individual entrepreneur.

To do this, you need to bring the following documents to the tax office:

  1. Photocopy of passport with valid registration.
  2. Application form for obtaining IP.
  3. A receipt confirming the payment of the state duty (its amount and details for the transfer of funds will be indicated by the tax inspector).

After receiving all the documents from the tax service, you will have to order a seal for the organization and open a bank account.

Next instance is the Sanitary and Epidemiological Service (SES). Their representatives must assess the premises according to the standards existing standards and give permission to open the establishment.

In addition, permission must be obtained from fire inspection. To do this, it is necessary to draw up an evacuation plan and install a built-in fire alarm.

All employees of the institution are required to undergo a medical examination, a note on the conclusion of doctors must be in the medical book. Take this item strictly, because your employees will work with children, do not put them at risk.

No. 3. We buy equipment for the children's center.

The most expensive stage is the purchase of equipment for a children's play center.

At a minimum you will need:

Names of equipmentQuantityPrice in rubles
TOTAL:261 600
1. Labyrinth
1 210 000
2. Receptionist
1 14 000
3. Chairs
3 9 000
4. Laptop
1 24 000
5. Dressing room
1 4 600

For the first time, this will be enough. As soon as you see that there are more and more customers, you can buy more inventory. For example, purchase slot machines, a trampoline, a dry pool with balls, etc.

It all depends solely on your imagination and capabilities.

We advise you to find a reliable manufacturer of playgrounds and work exclusively with him.
Your partner company under the contract will be obliged to deal not only with the manufacture of goods, but also with its installation, assembly, repair, etc.
Be sure to check all equipment supplier documentation. After all, from your goodness playground children's health depends.

Buy a universal module that is suitable for kids different ages from at least 3 to 14 years of age.

If you want to please younger kids, you will have to purchase a separate platform with. It will cost at least 100 thousand rubles.

No. 4. Staff recruitment.

Search for a suitable candidate as an animator(a person who will look after the children, arrange holidays for them, play with them) can still be at the stage of collecting documents for registering an entertainment center.

There must be at least two of them to work out a shift schedule.

Most often, students agree to such work, because for them it is an additional opportunity to earn money for their living.

The salary of an animator is approximately 10 thousand rubles. In addition, it is desirable to charge them interest in the amount of 5 - 10% of the revenue of the entertainment center, this is an additional 10 - 15 thousand. Such a bonus is needed in order for the animators to be financially interested in the arrival of customers.

Most often deals with administrative issues children's entertainment center owner.

Regarding recruitment accountant: rented once a year, so no need to hire full-time employee economic department. If you need financial reporting, you can order a service from an outsourcing company.

You will also need to hire cleaning lady and, if necessary, a security guard. Their salary fluctuates within 10 thousand rubles and does not provide for additional allowances.

How to organize the work of an entertainment center for children?

The operating mode in entertainment centers for children has its own characteristics. Most often, the sites work seven days a week from 9 am to 9 pm.

The stay is charged per half hour or per hour. In 60 minutes you need to pay within 50 - 100 rubles.

The restriction will help unload the fullness of the labyrinth so that there is no strong crush and the guys do not harm themselves.

In addition to the time frame, it is necessary to adhere to the allowable number of children who can stay in the attraction at the same time. This figure should be indicated to you by the manufacturers of the gaming labyrinth.

Try to ensure that there are no sick children on the site. Hang a warning about restrictions at the entrance to the entertainment center.

To attract more customers, come up with discounts and promotions. For example, during a birthday party, a birthday person can play for free. Money will be calculated only from guests. You can reduce the price during those time periods when there are the least number of children on the playground. Usually this is from morning until 3 pm.

Don't forget that this business is seasonal. In summer, children love to play outdoors.

If you have enough investment, you can also open an outdoor entertainment center for children.

Starting investments and profitability of the business of entertainment centers for children

It is important to clarify that the amount to open an entertainment center for children may vary depending on the region, equipment, cost of renting a room, etc.

For one hour of playing in the entertainment center, parents must pay from 100 rubles. If the center gains popularity, then a month you can make a profit in the amount of 150,000 rubles. The payback of the institution is approximately 1-2 years.

Try yourself in this business and open an entertainment center for children— will be interesting to everyone.

Moreover, the risk that all investments will be lost is minimal. Initial capital relatively small, it can be mastered by almost any novice entrepreneur.

Are you planning to open an entertainment center for children?

Then take a look at what such an institution looks like from the inside:

The payback period is also acceptable, and if you approach the matter with all responsibility and love, then the business will only flourish.

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In this material:

Many are interested in how to open a playroom for children, because it is enough interesting view business. The issue of spending a child’s rest is quite acute not only in major cities but also in small towns.

A children's playroom is a well-chosen and equipped room where parents can leave their child to play for a while, and he will be under the close supervision of adults. Such gaming zones are most in demand in large shopping centers. While parents are shopping, children at this very time can have fun under the supervision of adults. This good investment Money, since the demand for such a service will not decrease even during a crisis. At the same time, there will be no need for particularly significant costs for the implementation of such a project.

Benefits of arranging a play area as an idea for doing business

A playroom designed for children is considered quite popular and promising idea for doing business. An entertainment area like this is an economical substitute for a babysitter, so this type of business has a quick payback. To arrange an entertainment zone for a child, you need:

  • carefully consider all the nuances;
  • draw up a business plan;
  • develop an advertising concept and measures to promote the project.

When planning the opening of a playroom, you need to remember the full responsibility for the safety and life of young guests. This type of business is specific, and its organization must be treated very carefully.

When compiling a business plan for organizing a game room, you need to consider the following aspects:

  • choice of idea;
  • calculation of project profitability;
  • analysis of competitors and demand for the service provided;
  • organizational matters;
  • development of advertising and promotion of the project;
  • business payback.

A well-thought-out business plan will help solve almost all organizational issues and determine the feasibility of arranging an entertainment place for children.

How to register an entertainment zone

Before organizing own business, you must first draw up a business plan, as well as register your business in a strictly defined manner. First you need to choose the material and legal form of activity.

It is possible to register as a private entrepreneur, or as legal entity. You need to select the required codes for OKVED, and then register with various organizations, in particular, in the pension fund.

When all documents are prepared, it is necessary to draw up a lease agreement, taking into account the fact that the premises must fully meet all the requirements of Rospotrebnadzor and the fire safety service.

It is worth considering the fact that all employees of the children's entertainment area must have the appropriate health books. In addition, it is important to obtain permission to carry out the arrangement of the premises from the sanitary and epidemiological service.

Features of renting a room for arranging an entertainment area

Before organizing the activities of the children's entertainment area, you need to choose the most suitable premises. It is best to organize this kind of business in fairly crowded places. Well suited for this purpose:

  • shopping centers;
  • cinemas;
  • restaurants.

The entertainment zone located in mall. If it is available, parents will not need to look after the child when shopping.

When choosing a room, you need to take into account the size of the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe entertainment zone, as well as your financial capabilities. The minimum area of ​​a room intended for children should be at least 30 square meters. m. Then it can accommodate up to 20 children at the same time.

If you need to open a gaming area with special machines and attractions, then you need to select a room whose area will be at least 200 square meters.

Particular attention should be paid to the selection of equipment intended for arranging the entertainment area. Such costs will be the most significant, but you do not need to save on equipment, as it must be reliable. Be sure to purchase only high-quality toys, as they will not provoke the occurrence allergic manifestations in children.

As equipment intended for the entertainment area, you can purchase:

  • labyrinth;
  • inflatable trampolines;
  • Stuffed Toys;
  • dolls, constructors, cars;
  • slot machines, consoles;
  • board games, drawing sets;
  • tables, chairs, sofas;
  • lockers.

This environment guarantees comfortable activities for employees and excellent rest for children and parents.

It should also be taken into account that in the entertainment area you need to take off your shoes or put on shoes. change of shoes Therefore, it is additionally necessary to equip special lockers to ensure the safety of things.

Organization of the activities of the children's play area

When organizing children's activities play area, you need to select competent, proven employees who must have a specialized education.

They must be able to quickly find contact with children.

Employees of the children's entertainment zone must certainly have a special medical sanitary book, and undergo periodic examinations.

For a comfortable stay and organization of children's recreation in the entertainment area, it is imperative to introduce general rules behavior in the children's room.

Children's entertainment areas usually have a convenient opening hours for visitors. They start their activity from 8-9 am and end at about 21 pm. A particularly large influx of visitors falls on holidays and weekends, so they work at this time as well.

The time of visiting the center is limited, and the owner has the right to determine how long the child can stay in the institution. It is worth remembering that if a parent wants to leave a sick child in the entertainment area, then there is every reason to refuse such a visitor, since there are certain risks of infecting other children.

On weekdays, in particular morning time, the influx of visitors will be much less, so you can temporarily attract guests by organizing various promotions and discounts. Thus, it is possible to get the desired profit by loading the premises for the whole day.

Advertising is considered a very important issue in organizing a children's play area. Attract additional clients A colorful sign will help. If the entertainment area is located in a shopping center, then you need to place bright colorful signs, as well as posters indicating its location, so that visitors can quickly find it.

Arranging a children's play area as a business is a very profitable area of ​​\u200b\u200bactivity that can bring significant permanent income with moderate capital investment.

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it doesn't matter Auto Bijouterie and accessories Hotels Children's franchises Home-based business Online stores IT and Internet Cafes and restaurants Inexpensive franchises Shoes Training and education Clothing Recreation and entertainment Catering Gifts Production Miscellaneous Retail Sports, health and beauty Construction Household goods Health goods Business services (b2b) Public services Financial services

Investments: Investments 1,000,000 - 3,000,000 ₽

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