What do we know about classroom animation. Class hour for elementary school


1. Psychological attitude.

The man without a smile
This is a kitchen without tiles
This is a sea without a seagull
This is a house without a mistress,
This is a cat without a tail
This is a tail without a cat!
Smile always
And a good day!

Guys! Look at the desk. I think what you are seeing now will certainly make you smile (pictures with cartoon characters).

A song about the cinema "Film, film, film" by A. Zatsepin F. Khitruk Sounds film, film, film... Film, film, film...

The song that opened our class hour will help you learn the topic.

You can watch cartoons there.

Magazines, clips, films.

We go there as a whole class.

There - it's good, there it's just - cool!

Something has not been there for a long time,

Time to visit

What type of art are we talking about?

Of course, you guessed it, today we will talk about cinematography. On August 27, Russia celebrates the Day of Russian Cinema. How do you know what a movie is?

“Cinema” in Greek means “I move”, “I move”. The Lumiere brothers are considered to be the founders of cinema; their first screening took place in December 1895 in Paris, on the Boulevard des Capucines.

But since you guys like to watch cartoons more, we will find out today how you know them and if you know anything about those who took part in their creation.

How do cartoons make you feel when you watch them?

Yes. Cartoons evoke feelings of joy, admiration, sadness, and feelings in us. Learn to do the right thing.

And, probably, there is no such child who would not like to watch cartoons.

I don't know who or how

Invented cartoons,

But without them now

We would not be able to live.

Without funny smeshariki,

Hedgehog with a fox,

Without mischievous monkeys

And an elephant with a tiger cub.

Cheburashka, Shapoklyak,

Wolf and nimble bunny

Winnie the Pooh and Piglet,

Kesha parrot,

Cat Matroskin, dog Barbos,

Piglet Funtik,

Carlson and Miss Bock,

Glorious kind Luntik ...

If someone cartoons

Didn't come up with it first

I would have to invent them.

Most likely!

And how did the first cartoons appear, who invented them. It is believed that the first creator of the cartoon was the biologist Vladislav Starevich, this happened back in 1910, in his educational puppet film, the beetles moved with the help of thin wires attached to their paws. The shooting was very laborious, to shoot a new frame, you had to move the beetles, give them a new position, and then film this scene again. Can you imagine how much time it took to create a three-minute story?!

Cartoons are loved by everyone - both children and adults. Snow White and Bambi, Cheburashka and Little Raccoon, a kitten named Woof, Leopold the cat - are these funny characters familiar to everyone?

They are created by means of animation. What is animation? The name comes from the Latin word for multiplication. A lot of drawings, sequentially conveying individual moments of the movement of the characters, are filmed one after another. When this film is shown at 24 frames per second, the characters come to life and begin to move.

Cartoons are not only cartoons. Their characters can be plasticine, and wooden, and wire, and rope

Guys, which of you saw the cartoons "The Tale of Tsar Saltan", "Humpbacked Horse", "Moydodyr"? These wonderful tapes were filmed at the specially organized animation studio Soyuzmultfilm, which also began its work a very long time ago, in 1936.

Not only do you need to shoot a cartoon, but it also needs to be voiced. The first domestic cartoon with sound - "Mail" - was filmed based on the work of Samuil Marshak in 1930.

When animation was just born, in order to make a ten-minute cartoon, it was necessary to draw ten to twenty thousand pictures. Now animators do their work on the computer, although the old workers claim that the cartoons of the pre-computer era kept the warmth of their hands and the warmth of the soul. And that is why adults and children still love animation so much.

Who makes cartoons for us? (Director, cameraman, screenwriter, actors, artists, composers and poets).

And now I'll ask the guys if they listened carefully to us

Guys, do you know that cartoons are made by a lot of people.

Who are these people?

Cartoons are created by animators.

Each animator has assistants: artists, screenwriters, composers, actors.

Artists create images, draw, sculpt, move puppets.

Screenwriters invent the story of the film

Composers write music for the film.

Actors voice their roles.

How many drawings do you need to make for a cartoon in ten minutes? (Up to twenty thousand drawings).

- Which of the heroes liked to say: “Guys, let's live together!” (Cat Leopold).

- What sports preferred the Wolf from "Well, you wait!" (Running, jumping).

What was the name of the old woman who liked rats? (Shapoklyak).

- How did Cat Matroskin eat sandwiches? (Sausage down).

- What medicine and why did the Doctor prescribe Leopold? (The medicine "Ozverin", so that he could stand up for himself).

- What did the two mice say at the end of each episode to the cat Leopold? (Forgive us, Leopold).

How was the red-haired boy teased? (Red, red, freckled, killed grandfather with a shovel ...).

- What medicines saved Carlson from the most terrible diseases? (Jam, cake, bun).

Complete the poem about the cartoon character:

He is merry like a balalaika,

And his name is ... (Dunno)

In her bag - not a pussy,

In her bag is Lariska,

She loves to be harmful, like a passion,

And her name is ... (Shapoklyak)

He is not cheerful, and not evil,

This wonderful baby.

With him is the owner - the boy Robin,

And a friend - ... (Piglet)

For him, walking is a holiday,

And honey has a special scent.

This is a plush prankster

Bear cub ... (Winnie the Pooh)

The world of animation is huge, there are many adults who remain children at heart, making your and our life kinder, more carefree, more joyful. Let's say a big thank you for their work, for the endless pleasure of plunging into the happy world of magic and fantasy every time.

Contest "Guess the cartoon character"

Olya, ours, to the zoo

I went with my brother

look at the monkeys

And Gena...

("crocodile, cartoon "Crocodile Gena")

A shaggy baby elephant was looking for his mother.

He pestered everyone: “Whose child am I?”

The kid had a lot to experience!

The elephant accepted him like a mother.

("Mammoth, cartoon "Mom for a mammoth")

He's not a soft toy

And from a fairy tale an animal.

He worked at the zoo

And lived with a crocodile.

The fur on it is like a shirt.

The name of the beast is...

("Cheburashka, cartoon "Cheburashka and Crocodile Gena")

In Prostokvashino their house,

Four people live.

Which of them have a fine day

Suddenly fell into the water?

("Sharik, cartoon "Uncle Fyodor, a dog and a cat"")

Have you heard about him?

Knows everything and about everything.

"Have you been to Tahiti?" -

Ask him yourself.

Yes, it's a simple puzzle!

What was the parrot's name?

("Kesha, the cartoon "Return of the Prodigal Parrot")

This hero has

There is a friend - Piglet,

He is a gift to the Donkey

Carrying an empty pot

Climbed into the hollow for honey,

I chased bees and flies.

bear name,

Certainly, - ...

("Winnie the Pooh, cartoon "Winnie the Pooh")

He is always like a day of jam,

Celebrates a birthday

Pressing a button on the pants,

To take flight

Will hang under the propeller

And it flies like a helicopter.

He's a guy, "in the prime of his life."

Who is he? Give me an answer.

("Carlson, cartoon "Baby and Carlson")

The turtle is three hundred years old.

She is no longer older.

And she told

The secret that I knew

And which she kept

Pinocchio gave the key:

“Here it is, the golden key.

Open the door to the city of Happiness.

I'll stay here in the pond."

What is the turtle's name?

("Tortilla, cartoon "The Adventures of Pinocchio. The Golden Key")

This cat is the kindest in the world.

He mice in his apartment

Always said what needed to be

Cats and mice live together.

("Cat Leopold, cartoon "Cat Leopold")

Well done! Completed the first task.


1. Heroes from which cartoon sing a song about the island "Chunga-Changa"?


2. A cartoon about a veterinarian?

(""Dr. Aibolit")

3. What did the Hedgehog lose in the fog?


4. What did little Raccoon vomit by the pond?

5. In which cartoon was the growth of the boa constrictor measured?

("38 Parrots")

6. Name the evil of old age. Does her name match the name of the hat?


7. What was the name of the kitten who suggested being afraid together?

("Kitten Woof")

8. What is the name and patronymic of the postman Pechkin?

("Igor Ivanovich)

9. What was the name of the big black cat from the Jungle?


10. Name the boy who went to live in the village.

("Uncle Fedor)

And they did it! Fine!

We pass to the most difficult.

Competition "Know the artist"

You need to find out the artist who either voiced the cartoon character or sang a song for this character.

1. Who voiced Carlson? ("Vasily Livanov)

2. Who spoke for Cheburashka? ("Clara Rumyanova")

3. Who voiced the Waterman and sang a song for him? ("Anatoly Papanov)

4. Did you voice and sing songs for Ivanushka from the cartoon "The Flying Ship"? ("Mikhail Boyarsky)

6. Who voiced the cat Matroskin? ("Oleg Tabakov)

7. Which artist sang for all the characters in the cartoon "The Bremen Town Musicians"? ("Oleg Anofriev

8. Which actress voiced Vovka from the thirtieth kingdom? ("Rina the Green")

9. The artist who spoke for the postman Pechkin? ("Boris Novikov)

10. The artist who voiced Freken Bok? ("Faina Ranevskaya)

How well do you now know not only the cartoons themselves, but also those who took part in the creation of images.

Competition "Name the heroes"

Guess the melody

Most cartoons have musical accompaniment. Let's play the game "Guess the melody".


1 - "I'm lying in the sun" (from the film "The Lion and the Turtle")

2 - “There is nothing better in the world” (from the film “The Bremen Town Musicians”)

3 – "Chunga-Changa" (from the film "Katerok")

4 - "Song of the Cat Leopold" (from the film "Leopold")

5 - "Let them run clumsily ..."

6 - Prostokvashino

1. “Hello, is this a hare? Well, hare, wait a minute!

2. "Looks like it's about to rain!" (Piglet)

3. “Leopold, come out! Come out, you vile coward!" (mice)


5. “There is no one! Well, where are you all? (Masha)

6. "Osolya ...

7. "Free the parrots!" (Parrot Kesha)

8. "Who's there?" (Prostokvashino)

"Collect a cartoon hero"

Guys! I will give you envelopes in which there are pictures of cartoon characters cut into pieces. You need to collect a picture, name who is depicted on it,



So our journey into the world of animation has come to an end. You were all great, answered questions well, helped each other. It is evident that you know and love cartoons, you know their characters. Cartoon country is a beautiful country. And who ever visited it, remains there forever. Keep watching cartoons.

We now know that there is a day that is celebrated by all figures of cinema art and we are with you. And today you showed how well you know our native cartoons, which always give you joy, teach you goodness and justice.

Members: 3rd and 4th grade students and class teacher.


  • Summarize the knowledge of students known to domestic cartoons.
  • Expand students' horizons in the field of animation.
  • Develop interest in domestic cartoons.

Equipment: multimedia projector; token cards.


The legendary founder of graphic and volumetric animation, Yuri Merkulov, worked at Soyuzmultfilm. He acted as a director, screenwriter and artist at the same time.

At the turn of the 40-50s, Soyuzmultfilm released the first cartoons by Vyacheslav Kotenochkin, but his most famous films appeared in the 70s. This, of course, is primarily the releases of "Well, wait a minute!" - our "answer to Tom and Jerry", as the famous series about the wolf and the hare was called. Kotenochkin worked a lot both as a director and as an animator.
The Soviet director and animator Yuri Norshtein, the author of the cartoon "Hedgehog in the Fog" (1975), which can be called a cult cartoon without any reservations or irony, influenced the world of animation. 2003 "Hedgehog in the Fog" was recognized as the best cartoon of all time according to a survey of 140 film critics and animators from different countries.

Soyuzmultfilm director Garry Bardin made his best cartoons in the 1980s. So, in the cartoon "Freaks", the wire man builds a wire world. The painting received the Palme d'Or in 1988.

Another big name in the 80s was Alexander Tatarsky, who became the author of plasticine cartoons. His most famous creations are "Plasticine Crow" (1981), "Last Year's Snow Was Falling" (1983), "Wings, Legs and Tails" (1986). He is the author of the famous intro to the program "Good night, kids."

Currently in Russia there are several large animation studios and many small ones. The most famous are the Pilot studio, the Melnitsa studio and the Master-Film film company. One of the best Russian animators of the post-Soviet period can be called Alexander Petrov. He paints with his own fingers. His cartoon "The Old Man and the Sea" based on the work of Ernest Hemingway won an Oscar in 2000.

Bronzite is a recognized master of modern animation - He works in different techniques. He made such well-known cartoons as "Alyosha-Popovich and Tugarin-serpent", "On the edge of the earth", the cartoon "Cat and the Fox" from the cycle "Mountain of Gems".

So, the largest figures of Russian animated cinema are V. A. Starevich, I. P. Ivanov-Vano, A. L. Ptushko, F. S. Khitruk, V. M. Kotenochkin, Yu. B. Norshtein, A. Yu. Khrzhanovsky, A. Petrov, G. Bardin, D. Naumov, R. Kachanov.

Guys, you know that cartoons are made by a lot of people. This is the director and operator. A master who makes puppets. There is an artist - a cartoonist who draws cartoon characters. The actors who voice them. Composers and poets.

We offer you a game program dedicated to domestic cartoons.

II. Game program "In the country" Multi-remote "

For correct answers, participants will receive tokens. The player with the most tokens wins.

Stage 1. Guess the name of the cartoon

(Appendix 1 , slides 1-20)

Stage 2. Blitz Questions

How many drawings do you need to make for a cartoon in ten minutes? (From 16 to 18 thousand drawings)
- Name the cartoon in which the mitten turns into a dog. Why? (Roman Kochanov "Mitten". The girl, the heroine of the film, dreams of a four-legged friend, and in her imagination a cheerful puppy appears instead of a mitten)
- Do you know the actors who speak in the voices of Winnie the Pooh, Carlson, Wolf and Hare from "Well, you wait!", Cat Matroskin? (Evgeny Leonov, Vasily Livanov, Anatoly Papanov and Clara Rumyanova, Oleg Tabakov)
- Which of the heroes liked to say: “Guys, let's live together!” (Cat Leopold).
- Favorite sports of the Wolf from the cartoon "Just you wait!" (Running, jumping).
- What was the name of the original old woman who loved rats? (Shapoklyak).
- How did Cat Matroskin like to eat sandwiches? (Sausage down).
- Where did, according to Matroskin, his uncle work? (At the shoe polish factory).
- What medicine and why did the Doctor prescribe Leopold? (Ozverin, so that he can stand up for himself).
- What did the two mice say at the end of the episode to the cat Leopold? (Forgive us, Leopold).
How was the red-haired boy teased? (Red, red, freckled, killed grandfather with a shovel ...).
- What was the name of Kuzma's brownie's mentor? (Nafanya).
- What "terrible monster" did Little Raccoon see in the lake? (His reflection).
- What is the length of the boa constrictor? (38 parrots and 1 wing).
- What medicines saved Carlson from the most terrible diseases? (Jam, cake, bun).

Stage 3. "Cartoon characters"

He is merry like a balalaika,
And his name is... (Dunno)

In her bag - not a pussy,
In her bag is Lariska,
She loves to be harmful, like a passion,
And her name is ... (Shapoklyak)

A girl appeared in a cup of a flower,
And there was that girl, a little more than a fingernail.
In a nutshell, that girl slept.
And saved a little swallow from the cold. (Thumbelina)

He is not cheerful, and not evil,
This cute weirdo.
With him is the owner - the boy Robin,
And buddy... (Piglet)

For him, walking is a holiday,
And honey has a special scent.
This is a plush prankster
Bear cub ... (Winnie the Pooh)

Who lived in a telephone booth
Did he sing songs, was he friends with Gena?
He has soft ears
I remember you and me. (Cheburashka)

Stage 4. "Songs from cartoons"

Now you will listen to excerpts from the texts of famous children's songs. What cartoons are they in? Who are their authors?

1. We will rush beyond the clouds.
Past the fading stars in the sky.
A star will fall silently towards us.
And chamomile will remain in the palm of your hand. (“Tryam - hello” Music by V. Shainsky, lyrics by S. Kozlov)

2. I go and sing
About everything good.
And your smile
I give to passers-by. (“Summer of the Cat Leopold”. Music by B. Savelyev, lyrics by A. Haig)

3. From a smile, everyone will become warmer.
And the elephant, and even the little snail...
So let it be everywhere on earth, -
Like light bulbs, smiles turn on. (“Little Raccoon”. Music by V. Shainsky, lyrics by M. Plyatskovsky).

4. If there was no winter
In cities and villages.
We would never know
These days are fun. (“Winter in Prostokvashino”. Muz. Krylatova, lyrics by Y. Entin)

5. Strong friendship will not break,
Will not fall apart from rain and blizzards.
A friend in trouble will not leave, he will not ask too much -
This is what it means to be a real, true friend.

(“Timka and Dimka” Muz.B. Savelyev, lyrics by M. Plyatskovsky).

6. Spoon snow interfering,
The night is big.
What are you, stupid, do not sleep?
Your neighbors are sleeping
White bears,
Sleep well, baby. ("Umka". Music. E Krylatova, lyrics by Yu. Yakovlev)

7. I'm lying in the sun,
I look at the sun
I lie and lie
And I look at the sun. (“How the Lion and the Turtle sang a song” music by G. Gladkov, lyrics by S. Kozlov)

III. Summing up the results of the game program. Rewarding

At the end of the event, the song "Smile" from the cartoon "Little Raccoon" is performed.

Classroom script dedicated to the year of cinema in Russia.

Topic: "What cartoons teach!"

Target: the formation of a respectful attitude towards the creators of films, cartoons, the expansion of information about the art of the country: cinematography; instilling love for Russian cinema, in particular cartoons.

Planned learning outcomes:


To form the skills of self-control and self-assessment of performance results;

Positive attitude towards the environment;

Motives of educational activity and personal meaning of teaching;

Interest in cognition, in mastering new ways of cognition;


To acquaint with the history of cinema, the specifics of cinematography;

To instill a love for Russian art: cinematography, in particular, cartoons.

Develop interest and desire to learn more about the professions of cinematography;

To form the activity of artistic taste, the formation of cinema perception skills and the desire for self-education.


- accept and maintain the goals and objectives of the activity, seek and find means to achieve them;

Plan, control and evaluate actions in accordance with the task and the conditions for its implementation;

Perceive and understand the reasons for success / failure in activities and the ability to act constructively even in situations of failure;

Own the logical actions of comparison, analysis, synthesis, generalization, classification;

Take part in pair work, use speech means;

Participate in the definition of a common goal and ways to achieve it;

Be able to agree on the distribution of functions and roles in joint activities.

Expected Result:

During the course, children will be able to:

They will learn to analyze, express their point of view, defend their own opinion, accept someone else's;

Reflect and realize why people need cinema .

The course of the classroom

Say hello to guests.

I wish you productive work at the lesson and pleasant communication. Smile at each other and mentally wish everyone good luck.

Everyone sat down in their places, no one is crowded?

I'll tell you a secret: it will be interesting!
The song performed by Nikolai Karachentsov "Cinema, cinema, cinema" sounds


Guys! So, what do you think: “What are we going to talk about?”

You can watch cartoons there.
Magazines, clips, films.
We go there as a whole class.
There - it's good, there it's just - cool!
Something has not been there for a long time,
Time to visit...
(children's answers)

Correctly! Today our class hour is devoted to cinema and the topic is: “What cartoons teach!” , as 2016 has been declared the Year of Russian Cinema in Russia.

1 slide: (A slide with the name of the class hour appears on the screen).

Slide 2: And here is the decree of the President of the Russian Federation on holding a year of Russian cinema.

Guys, do you like to watch movies?

(children's answers)

I also love cinema very much.

“Cinema” in Greek means “I move”, “I move”.

4 slide: The Lumiere brothers are considered the founders of cinema.


Long ago the Lumiere brothers
Show the world your masterpiece:
Cinematography is a wonder of the world!
A game of shadows, albeit without color.
A hundred years have passed since then
Cinema has taken over the world!
Ruler of thoughts, emotions, feelings,
Joy mixed with sadness.

5 slide: Film production in Russia
Film production in Russia appeared almost immediately after the invention of cinema (Apparatus) (the first films of the Lumiere brothers appeared on the screen in Paris). Cinematography, as cinema was then called, was very much liked by Tsar Nicholas II, and thanks to the novelty, it quickly spread in Russia.

(Close screen-curtains)

Since then, the film industry has undergone massive changes: from silent to sound, from black and white to color, and cartoons have been created.

We all commotion does not give a respite,
But in the evening the magic screen will flash,
Will drive away things that are too boring,
It's time to step into the world of cinema.

And bind with one invisible thread
People from different countries, continents,
Art to meet the heart will open
With its magic, a film.

All those who work hard to create this miracle,
To whom by calling happiness is given
Live this art anywhere and everywhere,
I want to congratulate you on the year of cinema!

Cinema is a real world that can be beautiful and terrible, funny and sad, good and evil. It is there that history and modernity, fairy tale and reality, hatred and love intersect.

Probably, there are no such people who would not experience any emotions from the movie. The process of watching movies, cartoons is a pleasure, uplifting or, conversely, evokes sad thoughts.

Teacher: Imagine, once people could not even think that cinema would come to every home. Even in the recent past, your grandparents went to the club to watch black and white movies. Can you imagine it now?

Teacher: What movie is now?

Children's answers (good quality, with different special effects, color, 3D).

Teacher: Guys, can you imagine life without TV? And without cinema? Why?

Children's answers (it's boring without cinema, we learn a lot of new things from cinema).

Teacher: Often, together with the heroes of our favorite films, cartoons, we live through difficult moments of their lives, we laugh, cry, rejoice and grieve together with them. Favorite movie characters educate us kind, honest, brave, hardworking. Currently, the choice of films and cartoons to watch is huge.

Guys, what do you think, now only kind and instructive films are shown on TV?

Children's answers.

Today, various pictures are shown on TV screens, both useful, moralizing, kind, and senseless, cruel. Therefore, today, when we are offered such a choice of cinema, we must be especially picky in choosing the films and cartoons we need. Do you agree with me?

But since you guys like to watch cartoons more, we will find out today how you know them and if you know anything about those who took part in their creation.

Alina did a little research about cartoons, let's listen. What do cartoons teach?

Teacher: And now remember your favorite cartoons and what they taught you.

My favorite cartoon is "Masha and the Bear"

"... Misha constantly teaches how to behave ..."

My favorite cartoon "Luntik"

"... Luntik is very kind and sympathetic ..."

"... you can't be as harmful as Pupsen and Vupsen ..."

“... Baba Kapa teaches you to wash dishes carefully so as not to break them ...”

"... Kopatych accustoms to work ..."

My favorite cartoon "Fixies"

"...how does a hair dryer work..."

“... with the help of a gear, an alarm goes off ...”

My favorite cartoon is Smeshariki

“…they teach the rules of the road…”

"... the path for pedestrians is called - the sidewalk ..."

"... you can not play with the ball near the roadway ..."

"... children must not play with matches ..."

“... you should never get into a car with strangers ...”

My favorite cartoon about the cat Leopold

Leopold the cat just wants to live together with everyone, and each episode ends with the phrase: “Guys, let's live together!”

Guys, I'm very happy for you, because you love good, kind, instructive cartoons.

-You are probably tired, let's have a rest. (Physical minute.)


Teacher: Now let's work in groups. The envelopes contain puzzles of cartoon characters. You make a picture and name the cartoon and the hero.

But, you name the cartoon character after you guess the riddle.
Teacher: Guys, do you know the artist who voiced or sang the song of this hero.

1. It is always like a day of jam,
Celebrates a birthday
Pressing a button on the pants,
To take flight
Will hang under the propeller
And it flies like a helicopter.
He's a guy, "in the prime of his life."
Who is he? Give me an answer.
(Carlson, cartoon "Kid and Carlson").

Who voiced Carlson?
(Vasily Livanov) Soviet and Russian film actor, screenwriter, writer, film director, animator. People's Artist of the RSFSR.

2. He is not a soft toy,
And from a fairy tale an animal.
He worked at the zoo
And lived with a crocodile.
The fur on him is like a shirt.
The name of the beast is...
(Cheburashka, cartoon "Cheburashka and Crocodile Gena")

Who spoke for Cheburashka?
(Clara Rumyanova) Soviet and Russian theater, film and radio actress, who had a recognizable characteristic high voice, known primarily for her work in voicing characters in more than 300 Soviet cartoons. Honored Artist of the RSFSR.

3. Became the hero "Well, wait a minute!"
But don't go near him.
He knows a lot about hunting.
Since this is…. Gray wolf.

Who voiced the famous wolf?
(Anatoly Papanov) Famous Soviet theater and film actor, teacher. People's Artist of the USSR. Laureate of the State Prize of the USSR. Member of the Great Patriotic War.

I suggest you see how the roles of the Wolf and the Hare are voiced by professional actors Anatoly Papanov and Klara Rumyanova.


4. This hero has
There is a friend - Piglet,
He is a gift to the Donkey
Carrying an empty pot
Climbed into the hollow for honey
The bees chased the flies.
bear name,
Certainly, - ...
(Winnie the Pooh, cartoon "Winnie the Pooh")

5. Very economical cat lives in Prostokvashino likes to walk in a vest so, and who is the hero of the cartoon?

Who voiced the cat Matroskin?
(Oleg Tabakov) Soviet and Russian theater and film actor and director, teacher. People's Artist of the USSR. Laureate of the State Prizes of the USSR and the Russian Federation

6. Lives in Prostokvashino,

He carries out his service there,

The post office is by the river.

The postman in it is an uncle ...

Answer: Pechkin

The artist who spoke for the postman Pechkin?
(Boris Novikov) Soviet theater and film actor. People's Artist of the Russian Federation

It's good that now you know not only the cartoons themselves, but also those who took part in creating the images.

So our class hour dedicated to What? (The Year of Russian Cinema) came to an end. What did you learn new? We now know that there is a day that is celebrated by all figures of cinema art and we are with you.

Guys, today you showed how well you know our native cartoons, which always give you joy, teach you goodness and justice, teach you to help your loved ones, be hardworking, appreciate your loved ones, see the good in everything.

Year of cinema of the native country,
Such films are given to us!
Let masterpieces be created
Actors are given roles.

Cinema in Russia flourishes,
He teaches us and guides us.
Let it never go out
Always happy with new stuff!

Self-esteem. Reflection.

Guys, if anyone understood everything at the classroom hour, it’s interesting - show the flight of a dove with your hands;

If the topic of the class hour is completely incomprehensible to someone, put your hands down.

Class hour in grade 2 Topic: "All about cartoons" Equipment: multimedia projector, presentation. Objectives: Objective: to expand students' understanding of Russian cinema Objectives: Educational:  to acquaint students with the history of the emergence of domestic animation, with the presidential decree;  check, deepen and consolidate students' knowledge about domestic animation, its role in human life and society;  arouse interest in watching domestic cartoons Developing:  expand the vocabulary and horizons of students about Soviet and Russian cartoons, their creators;  create conditions for the disclosure of children's creative abilities;  to promote the development of figurative and logical thinking skills. Educational:  educate patriotism, love for one's small homeland;  to instill love for Russian cinematography, in particular for cartoons;  fostering interest and desire to learn more about art;  instilling skills to work in collaboration;  create a favorable atmosphere conducive to uniting the children's team;  promote the acquisition of acting skills;

 educate an active life position Plan 1. Organizing moment 2. The video clip “Barbariki” sounds Hello. Look at the screen. What do you think we are going to talk about today? (Slide 1) On October 7, 2015, by decree of the President of the Russian Federation, 2016 was declared the Year of Cinema in Russia. What do you think about cartoons? (kind, funny, funny ...) (Slide 2) Our class hour will be called “All About Cartoons” Do you often watch cartoons? When do you prefer to watch cartoons? (morning, afternoon, evening) What cartoons do you like (Russian or foreign)? What is your favorite cartoon character? Parents forbid watching any cartoons? Name 10 domestic cartoons. And now we will check which of you knows cartoons best of all. (crossword puzzle) Childhood is the most wonderful time in a person's life. But what is most connected with it? Of course, cartoons! Generations grow up on them! For children of the 60s, this was an extraordinary event. "Mum! Cartoon!” the kids screamed. And adults were forced to give up everything and, yielding to persistent demands, watch an amazing fairy tale with their children. She wore them

along multi-colored, sparkling waves of funny and sad, instructive and mysterious, mysterious and funny stories ... But, cartoons used to be shown not as often as they are now. We were looking forward to the cartoon. An alternative to cartoons were filmstrips. (Slide 4) In those days, when there were no DVD players yet, and cartoons could only be watched if they were shown on TV (and this was much less common than now), filmstrips were one of the favorite children's amusements. A filmstrip is such a film on which frames of some fairy tale or story are placed sequentially. They shared responsibilities: for example, a child turns the projector wheel, and mother expressively reads a fairy tale! And gives a signal to move to the next frame. Just as you now probably have a whole collection of your favorite films and cartoons on CDs or DVDs, so before you collected entire collections of jars with filmstrips. Unfortunately, in our time filmstrips are a thing of the past. This is not only funny, but also useful, much more useful than watching a cartoon, because you not only look at the pictures, but also read the text to them! It's like a book, only this "book" has more pictures than the usual one. So, filmstrips develop reading skills! But let's talk about cartoons. What do you think cartoon is? How is it done? Animation - what is it? The film studio "Soyuzmultfilm" was established on June 10, 1936. Now it has 80 years behind it, more than one and a half thousand cartoons. video

Creating a cartoon is a very time-consuming process. In order for the character to make a simple movement, you need to draw about a hundred drawings. And for a ten-minute cartoon, they need to make about 15 thousand! But we will now find out how the cartoon is created. Guys, where do you think it all starts? (with script writing) The script card appears. What is a script, guys? (a work with a detailed description of the action and replicas, intended to create a film or television film, performance, performance). Well, okay, the script is written, we read it, and what's next? Is the cartoon ready? (no, we need heroes, there must be a plot). A story card appears, heroes. There is a plot, there are characters, so the cartoon is ready? (no) Drawn characters of the future cartoon come to life under their hands. Reviving a character is not easy. The artist creates the image of the hero from a variety of drawings. In order for the character to simply move or blink, you need to make several dozen drawings. So who is it? Card artists The drawings are drawn, so everything is ready. (No) What's next? (you need to connect the pictures). Editors are working on it. Card editors Is the cartoon ready now? (no, why?) Children's assumptions. What is the difference between the characters on the screen and the characters in the script? (characters must talk). That's right guys. Cartoons are also interesting in the speech of the characters. Sound engineers are working on this. Card sound engineers Here are how many people work on creating a cartoon, you yourself saw this, and all are led by one person - a director, a creative worker, an artistic director of a television production. Director card (video on how cartoons are created) Do you think cartoons are good or bad for children? Which cartoons are harmful and which are beneficial? Which cartoons sow good, and which ones cause evil?

There is a lot of cruelty in foreign cartoons. What cartoons do adults buy more often for their children? Most purchases are foreign novelties. For many children, Russian cartoons are not so interesting to watch, after the action-packed and colorful foreign ones. All children choose cartoons according to the principle of colorfulness and interest, fashion in the classroom or kindergarten. But many Russian cartoons were created on the basis of fairy tales. Soviet cartoons are inherently interesting in plot and make you think. And how is the situation with foreign cartoons? Almost half of foreign cartoons are built according to the old, proven principle: plot, climax, denouement. Crime investigation punishment. Comparison of domestic and foreign cartoons What does watching foreign films lead to??? In all cartoons, there are invariably monsters and mutating people. They are shot at, blown up, killed, they fly in cars, planes and spaceships that are incomprehensible to my brain. Calling these tales good is not even a stretch. Education with cartoons Kind cartoons are of great educational value. They will teach the baby to be friends and sympathize, to help comrades and protect the weak, to be generous and magnanimous, to love parents and grandparents, they will show the way out of many difficult situations, and relieve children's fears. In them, a small viewer will find one more confirmation that evil will be punished, and good will always triumph. What are the technologies?  Hand-drawn animation  Cameraless animation  Glass painting  Computer animation

 Plasticine animation  Powder animation  Silhouette animation SUMMARY: Finishing our conversation about cartoons, let's decide how to benefit from watching cartoons? (Children's statements) In this regard, I offer the following recommendations for choosing cartoons: Cartoons should: 1. Teach you to love animals. Cartoon characters are often animals. 2. Learn to be friends. 3. Help to study the world around. 4. Teaches you to fulfill your duties. Therefore, heroes should show by example how to perform certain actions. 5. Refuse to watch animated series. The cartoon should have a plot, preferably based on the interaction of the team. 6. Watch cartoons no more than 2 hours a week. 7. Retell the content of the cartoon to mom and dad. 8. Read works based on cartoons (for example, I read V. Nosov “Dunno and his friends”, watched a cartoon based on the story)

Interactive game Cartoons. Making puzzles (pictures from cartoons)

Class hour "What we did not know about animation"


1 Form the following educational universal actions:


    Extract information from the given text.

    Show metasubject connection on the example of animation and informatics


    To teach how to set tasks in a training session, find ways to solve them, evaluate your activities

3. Communicative:

    Learn to cooperate in a group, make the right decision


    Generate interest in creating a cartoon by yourself through ICT

    To form a respectful attitude towards the profession of an actor

Organizing time

3 minutes

Acquaintance Answer yes or no

Are you guys brave? YES

Dexterous, skillful? YES

Are you very lazy? NO

And now arrogant?

So you are happy? YES

May joy, kindness, mutual understanding reign in our lesson today.

    Knowledge update.

10 minutes.

Use of ICT

Favorite cartoons

3. We draw up an action plan and solve the tasks of the lesson.

10 minutes

You are smart, inquisitive, inquisitive. Try to guess the riddle.

1. He is merry like a balalaika,

And his name is ... (Dunno)

2. For him, walking is a holiday,

And honey has a special scent.

This is a plush prankster

Bear cub ... (Winnie the Pooh)

3. Who lived in a telephone booth

Did he sing songs, was he friends with Gena?

He has soft ears

I remember you and me. (Cheburashka)

Where do these heroes live?

Guess what the lesson will be about?

This butterfly will lead us there. Spring is coming. Everyone will wake up: birds, butterflies and other various insects. And today this magical butterfly invites us to the country


So what do we know?

1. Names of cartoons.


3. Songs from cartoons.

(with guitar)

5. Famous sayings (Well, wait a minute, Come out, Leopold, vile coward! Guys, let's live together!

(For each correct answer - they get a "Cartoon - candy."

Let's sum up the stage 1 stage of the lesson

How much do we know and what do we not know?

(We sketch out a plan for discovering new knowledge.)

How to find answers to these questions?

Guys! I have a crow in my hands. This is also a cartoon character. Well, a crow, she and a crow's net. I gave her a serious job. Bring us the missing information, and she lost everything and mixed it up.

Maybe you will understand and find answers to our questions.

Let's split into groups:

(The teacher gives out envelopes, they contain mixed information)

A melody sounds.

The children solve riddles.

In the land of cartoons.

About cartoons.

Testing their knowledge

Participate in the auction, earn "Toons"

Stick a sheet of stickers on the control sheet

Make a plan for discovering new knowledge:

Animation history:

    When and where was the first cartoon made?

    The most famous animation studios.

    Professions in the studio.

    Birthday Animation.

Can you make your own cartoon?

What professions are there in multimania?

Children sort envelopes into groups, make up answers to questions.

Stick to sheets.

Information answers to questions:

2. In 1936, a studio was organized

Soyuzmultfilm. The first director of the Soyuzmultfilm studio was Alexander Ptushko.

3.P director, screenwriter, director, operator, A master who makes puppets. There is an animator. The actors who voice them. Composers and poets.

Can I create a cartoon myself?: What you need for this:

goanimatore/ com

Crow offers to watch the movie "How to make a cartoon"

Guys, can we create a cartoon right now?

But we can hold an acting competition and a casting for the role of a cartoon character. I have a portrait of a future hero. He needs to say one sentence: "Every journey starts with the first step." This phrase is from the Cheshire Cat from Alice in Wonderland.

2nd self-assessment with APPLAUSE

Answer what knowledge is needed.

No, because…

Those who wish come out, a casting is held,

for participation they receive cartoon emoticons

Inclusion in the knowledge system

1. Are cartoons good or bad for children?

Children voice their positions.


What should cartoons teach?

What did we learn guys in today's lesson.

And who got the most "cartoons"?

Learn to love animals, learn to be friends, be kind and fair.

Guys answers.

The world of multimania is amazing and attractive. And perhaps some of you will connect your life with cartoons so that every day it gives a miracle: everything - for adults and children.

Of course, the conversation must end with frames from the cartoon.

Watch footage of "Let's Live Together"

Equipment: computer, projector, "cartoons", gifts - magnets with cartoon characters, crow. Envelopes with information, sheets, glue - a pencil, a portrait of a cartoon character for casting

ANALYSIS of conversations with students.

Scheme for analyzing a training session based on the results of the Federal State Educational Standard

Teacher: Smirnova L.T.

Grade: Grade 5

Subject:__ What we didn't know about animation

The following tasks were solved during the lesson:

    Summarized the knowledge of students on famous domestic cartoons.

We expanded the horizons of students in the field of animation: they got acquainted with history, professions, learned: how to create a cartoon.

There was an interest in creating a cartoon by the students themselves.

Conversation form: Playing with ICT

System-activity approach.

Technology: gaming activity.

The lesson is divided into 2 parts:

    What do we know about cartoons?

    What we don't know...

The following results are shown:

    Regulatory: they themselves formulated the topic of the lesson, they themselves determined what they wanted to know, they themselves tried to find answers. Self rated

    cognitive : they extracted information from the sheets mixed up by the crow, systematized it according to the plan, voiced the answers. We learned: what are the professions at the film studio.

We watched "How to create a cartoon", made a decision - it is necessary

know a lot and register on the site goanimatore/com

    Communicative : worked in a group in a coordinated, organized manner, conveyed the information found to others.

    Personal: took part in the casting, tried themselves for the role of an actor.

During the lesson, a problematic type of question was posed:

Are cartoons good or bad for kids?

They took an active part in the discussion. We have developed a common opinion.

What can be done better next time?


    Names of cartoons.


    Songs from cartoons

    Famous cartoon sayings

    The most popular TV channels that show cartoons.

Information of answers to questions: Insert into the table.

1. The first films in Russia that could be called "animated" were created by director Vladislav Starevich. Since childhood, he was fond of entomology and photography, and on the basis of both of his interests, the first cartoons appeared. Starevich's first cartoon was about insects and was not at all like what we are used to seeing. It was removed for educational purposes. So in 1910 the first puppet cartoon appeared.

2. In 1936, the Soyuzmultfilm studio was organized. The first director of the Soyuzmultfilm studio was Alexander Ptushko.

Walt Disney Studios. DreamWorks Studio. Mill.

3. Director, screenwriter, director, operator, Master who makes puppets. There is an animator. The actors who voice them. Composers and poets.

4. Another big name in the 80s was Alexander Tatarsky, who became the author of plasticine cartoons. His most famous creations are "Plasticine Crow" (1981), "Last Year's Snow Was Falling" (1983), "Wings, Legs and Tails" (1986). He is the author of the famous intro to the program "Good night, kids."

1. When and where was the first cartoon created

2. The most famous animation studios.

3. Professions in the studio.

    cartoon birthday
