How to make a certificate of conformity. Certificate for own products

In the event that your company is a manufacturer of certain products or sells domestically produced goods, then sooner or later the question of product certification arises. own production. First of all, it is necessary to determine which certificates are required to be issued in accordance with the requirements of the law. Here is an example of the most popular certificates in Russia:

So, in order to determine which of the certificates needs to be issued for products of our own production, we need to familiarize ourselves with the lists of goods subject to mandatory certification, declaration of conformity, list of adopted technical regulations Customs Union and a list of products subject to state registration.
To begin with, we check whether the products are listed in the “List of goods subject to mandatory certification in the GOST R system”. You can check this by the name or by the assigned OKP code of the product. If the product of interest is in the nomenclature, then it is necessary.

If the position you are interested in is not in this list, then you need to check the list of products subject to declaration of conformity in the GOST R system. By analogy, we also act with the list of goods subject to state registration. We open section No. 2 and check the table "List of products subject to state registration."

If the products of interest are not reflected in the nomenclatures, then it is possible that they fall under the technical regulations of the Customs Union. You can find the list of adopted regulations of the Customs Union by clicking on the link below.

And so, you have determined which of the documents you need to issue. Next, an application for certification or declaration of conformity is filled out and sent to the certification center. Constituent and TU (technical conditions) are attached to the application. The body's specialists determine the cost of work and agree with the customer. After payment of the invoice, certification tests are carried out, one or another certificate is issued.

It is important to note that for domestic goods, a certificate of conformity, a declaration of conformity or a state registration certificate is issued on the basis of certain normative documents. These are GOST and TU (technical specifications). If the goods are manufactured in accordance with GOST, then the GOST number is simply reflected in the application. If the product is manufactured according to Specifications, then a copy of this document must be sent to the certification body.

Certification schemes for domestic products. The procedure for obtaining certificates for products of own production

If you are a manufacturer, then it is best to obtain a certificate or declaration for the serial production of products of your own production. That is, the certificate is issued for 1, 2 or 3 years. The company can sell manufactured goods during the period of validity of the received certificate.

If your company is a distributor, or simply placed an order for a third-party production, then in this case you can also receive required document. The certificate / declaration indicates your company as the recipient and holder of this document. Previously, permits could specify two legal entities registered in the Russian Federation (applicant and manufacturer), but unfortunately now there is no such possibility. Therefore, you need to specify only the company of the manufacturer of the product.

This article deals with the issue of certification of products that are made at home. First of all, it is necessary to consider key points the manufacture of such products. This mainly applies to homemade pastries, jams. How to get a certificate for homemade cakes or jams?

The question of whether it is possible to issue a certificate for products home production interested in so many people who dream of selling their own goods in the territory Russian Federation and even abroad.

It should be clarified that a product produced only for home use, is not subject to mandatory certification. But homemade items made for sale may be subject to verification for compliance with certain requirements, for example, the rules for the premises in which the product was produced.

Legislative requirements for the manufacture of goods

Being engaged in the release of any product for sale on the territory of the Russian Federation, it is imperative to comply with all accepted rules for product safety, production facility standards and production processes. It is practically impossible to achieve such conditions in your home that will comply with the rules of the law.

In the manufacture of products intended for sale, it is necessary to comply with the conditions for the production premises within the framework of sanitary control for design industrial enterprises, as well as taking into account fire safety standards.

Fundamental documentation that establishes the main requirements for the part industrial premises, are the federal laws of the Russian Federation, namely the "Technical Regulations on Fire Safety Requirements" and the Federal Law "On the Sanitary and Epidemiological Welfare of the Population".

Clear instructions for the production of products are prescribed in specialized technical standards depending on the type of goods. The best way to understand this is with an example Food Industry. AT technical regulations Customs Union except general requirements to production food products, contains specific rules for the manufacture of certain food groups, such as milk, semi-finished meat products etc. There are indicated required characteristics premises, rules for storage of finished goods and disposal of industrial waste.

List of necessary measures for the release of products for sale

For the manufacture of goods and its further sale, certain conditions must be met:

The presence of an established flow technological processes, which eliminates the intersection of raw materials and finished goods, as well as clean and dirty inventory;

Minimizing air and environmental pollution;

Ensuring protection against getting into the production of rodents and insects;

Maintenance of equipment and provision of cleaning, disinfection and deratization of the premises;

Availability of sufficient space for all operations of the technological process;

Ensuring protective measures against ingress of dirt particles and mold formation into manufactured products;

Ensuring the safety of materials and raw materials.

Fire safety standards for the production of products depend on the type of production premises and are regulated by Chapter 8 federal law No. 123 and GOST 12.1.004-91 “SSBT. Fire safety. General requirements".

After the production of products, some types of goods, according to the rules of the law, must go through mandatory procedures compliance checks. These include: certification, declaration, state registration, as well as examination of the safety of goods.

From the foregoing, we can draw the main conclusion - obtaining a certificate for home-made products is simply impossible, since the law prohibits the manufacture of goods for sale at home.

However, for home-made products, for example on the food products - jam, pastries etc., for registration of the TR CU declaration for example, we do not need to provide a workshop for inspection (in this case, a home) and we can draw up a declaration of conformity with TR TS for 1 day.

How to get a product certificate? Contact the certification and declaration center

The question is often asked “how to get a certificate for products”? On the one hand, the answer to it is simple - “contact a certification and declaration authority”, and on the other hand, not everything is as clear as it seems at first glance. Let's try to answer such a difficult question logically, from the point of view of knowledge of multiple circumstances related to the field of certification (conformity assessment of products).

The main aspects that the applicant must know, in which he must understand, at least at a conceptual level, are as follows:

  • Know the product codes for which a permit is required to confirm conformity. This is the OKP code (according to All-Russian classifier products) and TN VED CU code (code according to the Commodity Nomenclature foreign economic activity Customs Union).
  • Mandatory or voluntary certificate does the applicant want to apply?
  • In which certification system is it required to obtain a mandatory certificate or declaration of conformity for products? (Only obligatory certification systems of the Russian Federation are about 20 units).

How to get a product certificate?

The first step for issuing a certificate of conformity or a declaration of conformity is to establish a certification system, where the confirmation procedure is to be carried out. Regardless of whether the goods subject to certification come from abroad, or Russian goods will be implemented for the first time on the territory of the Russian Federation, it is required to issue mandatory permits in cases where it is specified in one of the following regulatory documents, and accordingly, you should contact a specific certification system:

  • Decision of the CCC No. 299 dated May 28, 2010 - system sanitary supervision the Customs Union (there is an appeal to the central office or territorial structures of Rospotrebnadzor - this is in Russia);
  • CCC Decision No. 620 dated April 7, 2011 - the system of mandatory certification of the Customs Union with the issuance of unified declarations and certificates of conformity to the Customs Union (there is an appeal to certification bodies accredited by Rosstandart, but included in the unified State Register Customs Union);
  • Technical regulations of the Customs Union - a system of mandatory certification of the Customs Union with the issuance of unified declarations and certificates of conformity of the Customs Union (appeal takes place to the certification bodies authorized to conduct this conformity assessment). At the moment, only one TR CU is in force, but five more regulatory documents will come into force by the end of the year;
  • Technical regulations of the Russian Federation - a system of mandatory certification within the framework of GOST R (appeal takes place to certification bodies that have the name of the required regulation in the Accreditation Certificate. As a rule, they are accredited by Rosstandart or other federal structures of the Russian Federation);
  • Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 982 dated 01.12.2009 - the system of mandatory certification of GOST R (appeal takes place to a certification body accredited by Rosstandart in the required area of ​​product conformity assessment). This Decree, in accordance with the requirement Russian legislation subject to annual revision of the lists. Last changes entered into force on May 28, 2012. This circumstance should be taken into account when determining how to obtain a product certificate.

In addition to this list, there are valid lists that relate to medical equipment and medicines for people and animals, animal products or plant origin, products containing harmful (ozone-depleting, alcoholic, narcotic and other) substances, as well as other objects that are also subject to certificates in accordance with Russian legislation.

Certification and declaration center

There are certification bodies in each conformity assessment system, given fact is certified by the presence of the Accreditation Certificate in the central body of the certification system. Exist testing laboratories, which must also have a supporting accreditation document indicating, among other things, the subject area of ​​the permitted tests. Without interactions with these participants of conformity assessment, it is impossible to issue a certificate for products.

But avoid different kind organizational issues with this procedure, it is recommended by contacting the certification center and declaring. Many certification systems also have such structured institutions.

The difference between the certification center and declaration from the certification body is that the center can combine several accredited certification bodies related to the same conformity assessment system or to different ones. Or the bodies included in the center may have supporting documents for the execution of documents related to various subject areas.

Many certification and declaration centers include, in addition to certification bodies, also testing laboratories in those areas for compliance with which procedures for issuing permits in certification bodies are carried out.

Such a structure of this type institutions provides applicants with the benefits of having a one-stop-shop service. By submitting an application to the center, the applicant transfers the right to manage the procedure and his actions, including to the specialists of the center. That allows significant savings cash, not have a headache, and also significantly reduce the time for processing documents. Qualification of employees will allow finding the most optimal schemes and procedures.

How to get a product certificate? Contact the certification center that best meets your criteria for the comfort and optimality of the procedure, taking into account the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation and the Customs Union.

Certification is a procedure ordered by the state bodies of the Russian Federation. Registration of a certificate of conformity in various organizations providing such a service, of course, has nuances, including the difference in financial and time costs. Additional knowledge of the peculiarities of this procedure in Russia is required; this allows to achieve savings in money and time spent by trading companies.

Different procedures have been developed for the certification of domestic and imported products. In this article, we consider how to obtain a certificate of conformity for the products of foreign suppliers. Insofar as we are talking on trade interaction with representatives of other states, the certification rules include knowledge of not only business, civil, entrepreneurial law, but also the customs legislation of the Russian Federation, which is constantly changing. Briefly, you can describe the receipt of the certificate as follows.

Conclusion of a contract with foreign partners

At this stage, after studying the market situation and searching for foreign partners, the entrepreneur purchases the necessary products for subsequent import and concludes a contract with a foreign partner. Any contract has a number and date of its conclusion.

Obtaining a certificate of conformity

The next step is customs clearance of goods and filling customs declaration. This document contains information about the concluded contract. After that, you can get a certificate of conformity for the imported goods. Before January 1, 2010 mandatory requirement there was a hygienic conclusion, since 2010 such documents are not required. At the same time, in order to comply sanitary norms and safety standards in the Russian Federation instead of hygiene requirements state registration is currently underway (for cosmetic products, batches household chemicals, some other product groups). Registration of most consumer goods does not require a registration certificate.
The range of goods for which a certificate of conformity is required is contained in a specially developed section of our website. A separate group building materials, the permits for which include a fire certificate.
The completed document contains basic information about the product:
A) product name (article, trade mark);
B) name and information about the manufacturer of the product;
C) the name and information about the recipient company of the products;
D) number and date of the concluded contract.
Having completed the receipt of the certificate, they carry out the final procedure for customs clearance and collection of documents for accompanying a consignment of goods. After that, the implementation phase begins.

Features of certification

The standard procedure, which has the ultimate goal of obtaining a certificate, may have some nuances.

Firstly, a contract with a foreign partner can be concluded not for one, but for several deliveries. In this case, the certificate of conformity is valid for all completed deliveries. In other circumstances, when concluding a contract for one supply, all subsequent customs procedures will require new documentation, since it must contain information about the new contract and the date of its conclusion.

The first option is preferable, since for subsequent deliveries you only need to provide supplementary agreement to the current contract.

Secondly, with a rapid change in technology in production, the product range is rapidly updated, new modifications of the same product appear. In order not to draw up documents when the article is changed or a new one appears trademark(they must be indicated in the certificate or an annex to it) it is necessary to indicate in the issued certificate the maximum number of options for brands and articles. Thus, it is possible to avoid re-issuance of documents for the same group of goods of new modifications.

Registration of documentation for a foreign manufacturer of goods

One more pretty profitable option working with a foreign partner means obtaining documentation not for the product itself, but for its manufacturer. In such documentation, there is no indication of the number and date of the contract; when filling out the “manufacturer” and “recipient” items, the manufacturer of the imported goods is indicated. The document does not contain information about the domestic recipient, so there may be several recipients, or they may replace each other.

Permission government agencies obtaining a quality certificate for a foreign manufacturer implies that a notarized copy will be sufficient for all recipients of its goods during customs clearance. Making a notarized copy will cost less than issuing a new certificate.

Validity of certificates

If the certificate of conformity is based on a contract with a foreign partner, then its validity period is 1 year. In the case when a certificate of conformity for a foreign manufacturer is received, its validity period is from one to three years.

The legislation of the Russian Federation allows obtaining certificates of conformity for single batches of foreign products.
