Gardenia home jasmine: how to properly care for a houseplant. Gardenia jasmine

gardenia jasmine(ardenia jasminoides) is one of the members of the Rubiaceae family. Flowers are very attractive to gardeners with their aroma and long flowering. Depending on the variety, it may bloom at different times of the year.

Jasmine gardenia got its name due to the approximate smell of a flower to jasmine.
China is considered the homeland, but the flower can be found in India, Taiwan, Japan. In cool climates, gardenia jasmine is grown in greenhouses and winter gardens, also under appropriate conditions, adapts well at home. The bush is very demanding of itself and with a slight turn of the pot during ripening, it can throw off all the buds.

Description: Decorative flowering shrub, in natural environment, reaches a height of 2 m. Prefers shaded, but well-lit areas with an acidic soil composition and good drainage to remove moisture. Prefers heights from 200 to 500 m above sea level.

In room conditions, does not exceed 50-60 cm in height.

The leaves are smooth, plain green or dark green, shiny, lanceolate, pointed at the base, 8-10 cm long. The shoots are smooth.

Single flowers located in the axils of the leaves, but sometimes can be collected in inflorescences of 3-5 flowers, on the tops of young shoots.

It blooms in white or cream color, double flowers. Flowering often takes place from July to October, but it all depends on the variety and conditions of detention.

For long period, gardeners cultivated many varieties, among which the most popular are:

  • Chuck Hayes - up to 2 m high, with double cream flowers. Tolerates low temperatures well. Blooms throughout the summer.
  • Beauty - flowering from summer to mid-autumn. blooms white big flowers, often used in horticulture.
  • Amy - dark green leaves and double flowers 10-12 cm, give a sophisticated look. It can bloom 2 times a year, in winter and from mid-summer.
  • Mystery - height 1.7 - 2 m, large dark green leaves. Flowers reach 14 cm, double. Flowering occurs twice a year.
  • Belmont - A popular variety among gardeners, due to its resistance to low temperatures and sickness. Large ovoid leaves with flowers up to 10 cm and a very pleasant aroma.
  • Radikans - a bush 0.6 - 1 m high and up to 1.5 m wide. The leaves are small, covered with shine. The flowers are double, 3-4 cm. Often used as a bonsai. Blooms from mid-summer to late autumn.
  • Golden Magic - flowering has a different color and is very long.
  • Variegata - Shrub of medium size, up to 1 m high, with variegated leaves And fragrant flowers 6 - 8 cm. Well suited for room conditions in a pot.

Gardenia jasmine - care and maintenance

Location and lighting: Prefers bright diffused light. At lunchtime, it is necessary to shade from direct sunlight, especially if the location is south side. Prefers southwest or southeast windows.

In winter, it needs additional lighting with fluorescent lamps, otherwise flowering will not begin.

In temperate latitudes, summer period, the flower is taken out into the open air in partial shade. Habitat in a warm, southern climate, needs spraying in the morning and evening, as well as shading. At the time of the appearance of the buds, the pot cannot be turned, it is also very sensitive to changes in lighting and can drop all the flowers. On the outdoors, protect from rain and drafts.

Temperature: Optimum temperature during the hot period 21-24 ° C. Starting in autumn, the indicators are slowly reduced to 18-20 ° C. Often the temperature is reduced to 15-18 ° C, which compensates for the lack of light in winter and reduces the depletion of the flower. Jasmine-shaped gardenia, can safely tolerate short-term drops to 10 ° C. High temperatures in winter, leads to bud drop, artificial lighting must be added.

Humidity: Prefers high or moderate humidity. Low humidity helps to reduce flowering, the flowers become dull and small. Humidity can be increased in several ways.

Spray morning and evening, covering the soil and protecting the buds as much as possible. During the flowering period, spraying is often stopped, moisture that has fallen on the petal provokes the appearance of dark spots on the surface. The water used is warm, a few degrees above the habitat.

You can put the pot on a tray with moistened pebbles or moss, but the pot should not touch the liquid.

Soil: For all varieties of gardenia, an acidic or slightly acidic soil is required.

You can buy ready-made mixtures for blooming decorative flowers (azaleas), or make your own. Composition: peat, sand, coniferous and sod land in equal quantities. The substrate must pass water and air well. Over time, acidity decreases. To maintain at the right level, watering is carried out with acidic water.

Watering: Water for irrigation is used warm, separated, or soft. From spring to early autumn, jasmine-shaped gardenia needs abundant watering. Carry out as the top layer dries.

From autumn to early spring, watering is significantly reduced, maintaining upper layer semi-dry 2-3 days, then only carry out the next watering. Water only on top of the pot to achieve a uniform distribution of moisture, do not pour water into the pan. It is better to use settled or soft. It can be boiled, cooled and wait until the sediment settles on the bottom, then drain the top layer. Use water room temperature, or a few degrees higher.

To maintain an acidic environment, add lemon juice (2-3 drops per 1 liter). Gardenia absorbs and assimilates nutrients from the soil only under the condition of an acidic environment. Excessive watering, or a dry earthen ball, is detrimental to the bush.

Transplant: Young plants are transplanted every year in early spring.

Adults are transplanted every few years, as needed, when the roots have wrapped around the entire earthen ball.

Often the flower is not transplanted, but transshipped, with the addition of a fresh, nutritious acidic layer of soil. Sometimes it is enough to change only the top layer.

Pruning: Pruning is necessary as the bush grows, immediately after flowering. Cut off half of the shoot, it is also often used as a cutting for propagation.

Cut off both dried shoots and densely germinated.

In early spring, pinch the shoots, so the splendor of the bush is achieved.

Reproduction: Jasmine gardenia loses its profusion of flowering and charm over the years, but the plant can always be rejuvenated by cuttings. The shoot is cut after flowering during pruning, or in early spring before the buds begin to appear.

The cutting is first placed in a stimulant (a weak solution of potassium permanganate), then in a mixture of sand and peat in equal proportions. The cut shoot should not be shorter than 10-12 cm. The cutting can also take root in water.

The container is covered with a glass flask (jar) and ventilated regularly. At the same time, soil moisture is constantly maintained, watered abundantly and kept at a temperature of 24 degrees. In a month, roots should appear, to speed up the process, use the lower heating.

After the appearance of the root system, the stalk is transplanted into the ground. Composition: equal amounts of sand, peat, coniferous and sod land. Everything is thoroughly mixed. Previously, expanded clay drainage is laid on the bottom of the pot, in ¼ parts. The pot should have a hole in the bottom.

Top dressing: Feed the plant 2 times a month, starting in spring and ending in August. After transplantation, it is necessary to withstand a month of rest. Fertilizers are used purchased, with an acidic base. Also sprayed once a week, with a weak mineral-based solution. The basis of top dressing is to maintain acidic soil. In winter, fertilize under the condition of yellowing of the leaves, magnesium sulfate, or iron in the form of a spray.

Pests: Gardenia jasmine, like other varieties, are affected by scale insects, aphids, mealybugs, spider mite.

Difficulties in care and their solutions

There is no flowering. common cause is high temperature, low humidity, or lack of light. Start regularly spraying the bush, also place the pot on a pallet with moistened pebbles, or expanded clay. If it is not possible to lower the temperature, extend the daylight hours by using fluorescent lamps.

Falling buds. There are a lot of reasons. The flower is extremely sensitive to sharp fluctuations in the external environment and violation of care standards.

Main reasons:

  • insufficient lighting
  • sudden changes in temperature or lighting
  • drafts
  • turning the pot around its axis, or changing place when buds appear (often found)
  • excessive watering, or drying out of an earthy coma
  • humidity 50% and below, subject to high air temperature

The flower is extremely sensitive at the moment of budding, be careful not to take any quick action to change the habitat or microclimate.

The leaves are starting to turn yellow. The watering regime is violated, or there is not enough top dressing.

  • Often the cause is a slightly acidic substrate. Increase the acidity by adding 2-3 drops of lemon juice per 1 liter to the water for irrigation.
  • One of the reasons: insufficient, or excessive watering. Follow the top layer of the earth, water only after the top layer has dried. Liquid must not remain in the pan.
  • Pests infect plants. Use pest sprays, you can identify them in the section on pests of indoor plants.
  • Sometimes the water itself (hard) will cause the leaves to turn yellow.

Spots on petals. During spraying (moisturizing), moisture got in, or jasmine-shaped gardenia is watered with too cold or hard water.

Gardenia jasmine (jasmine) is a very demanding plant and needs very good care. If you do not provide it with the proper conditions, it can quickly lose its decorative effect. Consider what a gardenia flower is and how to care for it at home.


The jasmine-shaped gardenia flower grows well in bright diffused light, while gardenia should be shaded from direct sunlight. In summer, the plant can be taken out to Fresh air but make sure there is no draft. In winter, it is desirable to provide additional lighting with special lamps. During budding and flowering, the gardenia pot is not rearranged or rotated, because. this can cause the buds to drop.


Gardenia from spring to early autumn is kept at a temperature of 22-24 ° C. In autumn, the temperature is gradually lowered to 18 ° C, and in winter it can be reduced to 16 ° C (but not lower). This contributes to the active laying of gardenia flower buds. Please note that the gardenia soil temperature should be the same as the air temperature, so the plant cannot be placed on a cold windowsill.

Gardenia (Gardenia)

Gardenia does not tolerate hypothermia of the root system.


How often should you water your gardenia?
During the period of active growth, jasmine gardenia should be watered abundantly after 1.5 - 2 cm of the top layer of the substrate has dried. In autumn, watering is reduced to moderate, i.e. watered two to three days after 1.5 - 2 cm of the top layer of the substrate dries. In winter and during the period of laying buds (until the end of March), gardenia should be watered a little less often, avoiding overdrying and waterlogging of the soil. This will allow the gardenia to properly form buds.
Water for irrigation should be soft and warm. Read more about the right water for irrigation here.
In order for the substrate not to leach, you need to water the gardenia with a weak solution 2 times a month. citric acid(4 - 5 citric acid crystals or a few drops of lemon juice per 1 liter of water) with iron vitriol- 0.5 grams per 1 liter of water. You can also use water infused with peat.

Air humidity.

Gardenia flower requires maintaining at home air humidity of 70 - 80%. Gardenia care in low humidity will be very problematic. You can increase the humidity of the air by spraying the plants, but during the period of budding and flowering, this method is not suitable, because when water gets on the buds and gardenia flowers, brown spots appear on them. During this period, it is better to use another way to humidify the air - put a gardenia pot on a wide pallet with wet expanded clay.

The soil.

Land for jasmine gardenia should be loose and nutritious, with an acidic reaction. The substrate for gardenia consists of equal parts of sod and coniferous soil, peat and sand (or perlite). You can use special soil for azaleas.

Top dressing.

Gardenia is fed from March to October, a young plant - 2 times a month, using alternately organic and mineral fertilizers, mature plant– once a week with fertilizer for decorative flowering plants without calcium content. You can use peat-humic fertilizers.


Jasmine gardenia is transplanted in early spring or after flowering. A young plant is transplanted once a year, an adult - once every 2-3 years, earlier - only in case of emergency. In adult plants, when transplanting, a small part of the root system is cut off to stimulate further growth of green mass. Plant care after transplantation consists in very careful watering, avoiding excessive waterlogging of the soil, but also preventing the earthen clod from drying out. Be sure to support high humidity air. You can put the gardenia in a greenhouse for some time (1 - 2 weeks).


After flowering, pruning of jasmine-shaped gardenia is mandatory. How to prune a gardenia? Gardenia shoots are shortened with sharp disinfected scissors by half or 2/3 of the length. Weak shoots are cut off completely. During the period of active growth of gardenia, it is necessary to pinch (tweezer) the tops of its young shoots, because. this will encourage branching and flower bud formation.


Gardenia flower at home usually propagated by cuttings. Read more about how to propagate gardenia here.


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How to transplant indoor gardenia

Many beginner flower growers are interested in the question of how to transplant gardenia correctly. After all, most often in the store it is sold by the bush. Then you have to plant the plants separately from each other so that they develop normally.

Gardenia must be transplanted after purchase, as it is sold by the bush.

Preparatory activities

So, the plant is bought. It is best to transplant in early spring. But if you need to do this earlier, then you should at least wait 2 weeks until the plant adapts to the new conditions at home. Immediately upon arrival home, it is advisable to arrange a warm shower for the gardenia, washing it with laundry soap, and then rinsing clean water.

Such a simple procedure will not leave a chance to multiply pathogenic microbes that could get on the plant or soil from the street during transportation. Now put the flower in a warm and bright place. Let him stay like this until the transplant.

Gardenia should be repotted in early spring.

Before you start transplanting, you need to water the plant well. It is very important that the soil in the pot is moist. Otherwise, the roots will be severely injured; after transplantation, the flower will often start to hurt. But the earth should not be poured, so that there is no dirt.

You also need to choose the right container. If the gardenia is small, then a plastic cup will do for the first time, and when root system completely fill it, it will be possible to plant a flower in a permanent pot. Before planting, any container must be disinfected with a solution of potassium permanganate.

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Tank and soil preparation

Now is the time to start preparing the substrate. It is best to purchase a special ready-made earthen mixture at a flower shop. But if this is not possible, it is allowed to use universal soil for indoor plants. In such a land, it is recommended to add in small quantities clean fine sand, cut into pieces of dry sphagnum moss and humus. Mix all this composition thoroughly, spraying with water from a spray bottle. So the soil for gardenia will become moderately moist, which is necessary for a successful planting.

Before transplanting, gardenia should be watered abundantly.

Gardenia requires good drainage. It is best to prepare expanded clay pebbles for this purpose, which must be steamed or held in boiling water in advance to kill pathogenic bacteria. The expanded clay layer should reach 2-2.5 cm.

It is recommended to pour a small amount of clean sand on top of the drainage, on top of which lay thin layer sphagnum moss or charcoal. And only then soil for gardenia is gradually poured into the container. After that, it is advisable to shed the entire soil with a very weak solution of manganese. All these activities will create optimal conditions for the development of gardenia. And in the future, the plant will get sick much less often or not at all, since most of the microbes in the earth will die.

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Plant preparation and transplanting

So, the soil for transplantation is ready.

Caring for Gardenia jasmine at home

It's time to proceed directly to the main process. To begin with, the gardenia must be removed along with the earthy clod from the transport pot. If there are several plants in the container, then this must be done very carefully so as not to damage them.

Often the roots are tangled with each other. And it is important not to cut off all the main roots when unraveling. If you can’t untangle anything at all, you can carefully separate the roots with a knife. After that, put each individual plant for an hour in water at room temperature. During this time, the earth will fall off, the roots can then be easily put in order.

Now you need to hold the plants in the growth stimulator. It is recommended to use Kornevin for this. It must be dissolved strictly according to the instructions. active substance in water at room temperature, lower the roots of plants there. The holding time is usually 2 hours. But it is better to follow the instructions on the package with the drug.

When will it pass required time, you can start planting plants in the soil. You need to take a gardenia and carefully place it in a pot of earth, leveling the roots. Gradually add soil, pressing it lightly around the gardenia stem. It is important to ensure that the entire stem of the plant does not enter the ground. Only 0.5-1 cm of the bottom of the stem should be in the substrate. Otherwise, the plant may die if the stem begins to rot.

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Post transplant care

As soon as all gardenias are planted in separate pots, they should immediately be watered with settled water at room temperature. You can also use leftover growth promoter solution. Immediately after transplantation, the leaves may wither, but you should not be afraid of this. This phenomenon is considered normal. Usually within a week favorable conditions the plant returns to normal, the leaves come to life.

Gardenia transplants are stressful. And you need to ensure complete rest for a while and, if possible, minimize watering. It is recommended to do this only as needed, when the earthen clod dries out by 1.5 cm. And to more accurately determine the favorable time for watering, you should loosen the soil in the pot as often as possible.

For the first month, it is better to keep the plant under a plastic bag or a plastic cap if it is a very young seedling. At the same time, you should take care of the access of air. It is necessary to protect the gardenia from drafts and shade if direct sunlight hits. And the ambient air temperature does not need to be lowered below 18-19 ° C.

While the plant will adapt after transplantation, it is recommended to periodically spray it with soft, clean water from a spray bottle. This is especially true for young seedlings in a greenhouse. At the same time, watering can be omitted if the land is sufficiently irrigated from a spray gun.

So, transplanting indoor gardenia is not difficult and even exciting.

And then, after a short period of time, it will begin to delight everyone with its beauty and health.

Gardenia care at home is simple and does not require much effort. Therefore, the flower is also suitable for those who have recently become interested in indoor plants. following certain rules will create ideal conditions for its development and, of course, magnificent flowering.

Soil and pot requirements

First of all, you need to take care of suitable soil and a pot. Gardenia feels great on acidic soils , and on neutral and alkaline it practically does not bloom. Therefore, you can purchase a ready-made soil mixture in specialized stores - for example, for azaleas, which are also demanding in maintaining the acid-base balance they need.

Also, the soil must have the ability to retain moisture. To do this, perlite, sand or sphagnum are added to the gardenia mixture. The latter also has an additional acidifying effect, which also has a beneficial effect on the condition of the plant.

When choosing a pot, you need to pay attention first of all to its volume. It should be slightly larger (1.5–2 cm) than the gardenia root system. As it grows with regular transplants, the capacity for it should be increased.

How to transplant jasmine gardenia (video)

Optimal conditions for a flower

To create for a plant comfortable conditions, it is necessary to monitor the temperature and humidity of the air in the room. It is important to consider that gardenia reacts very negatively to a rearrangement in new room or to a new place, so the placement of the pot needs to be finalized. Otherwise, dropping buds and leaves can be expected.

  • The air temperature in summer should be around 23°C during the day, and about 17°C at night. In winter, cool air is preferable, so the temperature in the room must be maintained within 16 ° C, although the flower can endure a decrease in this indicator by several degrees. Such a cooling is necessary in order to exclude the depletion of the plant during the period when it should be at rest. You can achieve the required indicator with the help of ventilation. Just keep in mind that jasmine gardenia does not tolerate drafts and sudden temperature fluctuations.
  • It is equally important to provide the plant required amount Sveta. Gardenia needs a lot of it, but the rays should be scattered. If they fall on flowers or sheet plates, this will provoke the appearance of ugly burns. Therefore, if necessary, you will need to create artificial shading. It is better to put a pot of jasmine gardenia on a western or southwestern window. On the east and north side she will experience a shortage of coverage even in summer months.
  • Gardenia is a moisture-loving creature. Therefore, it is necessary to provide it with suitable air humidity. This can be done by placing in a pot with drainage holes that is filled with wet expanded clay. In stuffy summer days and in dry air, you can spray the bush from a hand sprayer. It is necessary to ensure that drops of water do not fall on the petals and buds. It is also recommended that the plant periodically arrange a warm shower, after protecting the soil with polyethylene.

Watering and feeding

Proper and timely watering is equally important for the successful development of the plant. In spring and summer, you need to make sure that the soil is constantly moistened - this will prevent the gardenia from drying out. But at the same time, the soil should not be too wet, because this will lead to decay of the root system. Gardenia is watered from above. Reduce watering during the cold winter months, but do not allow the soil to dry out completely.

The health of the flower also depends on the quality of the water used for irrigation. The ideal option would be to use melt and rain water, but this is only appropriate in areas with good ecology. In other cases, you can use settled water without sediment. It would also be useful to pass it through a filter, for example, the popular "jug". To maintain the acidity of the soil, 2-3 drops of lemon juice or oxalic acid can be added per liter of water.

Time regular top dressing gardenia coincides with the active growing season when the plant begins to grow intensively and gain buds. You can use complex mineral fertilizers intended for flowering plants: they include the micro and macro elements necessary to nourish the flower. Flower growers often use products designed for azaleas for this.

Like all representatives of the flora, this plant responds well to moderate applications. organic fertilizers. Will benefit and foliar top dressing mineral compositions by spraying: the substances are perfectly absorbed by the leaf plate. This must be done in accordance with the instructions for use of the drug. In winter, preparations containing magnesium sulfate and iron can be used.

Rules and terms of plant transplantation

Young gardenia is recommended to be transplanted every year in the spring months, since in the first years of its life there is an intensive growth of the root system. More mature specimens are enough to transplant every 3-4 years. For this procedure, the preferred method of transshipment, which is less traumatic for the roots. Need to prepare in advance suitable soil and pot. Transplantation should be carried out at a time when there are no buds and flowers on it.

How jasmine-shaped gardenia breeds (video)

Growing Gardenia jasminoides from seed

Gardenia can be grown from seeds. At the same time, the success of this venture largely depends on their quality. They can be purchased at flower shops or from amateur flower growers. When buying, you should pay attention to their condition: they must be whole, without signs of rot and other diseases.

planting material sown in the ground in the spring, sprinkling it with approximately 4 mm of earth. To create the effect of a greenhouse, the container is covered with polyethylene. It will take moderate, but regular watering and spraying. Having chosen the method of propagation from seeds, it can be expected that after 3-4 weeks sprouts will appear. But such a plant will bloom no earlier than a couple of years later, so you have to be patient.

Reproduction by cuttings

To do this, carefully cut off the apical cutting above the node from an adult plant about 10 cm long. The lower leaves can be removed, leaving about four.

In order for roots to appear, such a blank can be placed in a glass of water, which must be changed every 2 to 3 days. But most flower growers prefer to plant the stalk immediately in the ground from a mixture of peat and sand, having previously treated the cut with a growth stimulator. As with growing gardenia from seeds, you should make a small greenhouse. The preferred temperature for fast rooting is +25°C. Once the cutting has "taken root" and started to produce new leaves, it can be transplanted into a small permanent pot.

Why gardenia jasmine does not bloom

Some flower growers are wondering why their jasmine gardenia does not bloom. To find the answer to this question, you need to analyze the conditions of its content and find errors. The most basic of them are:

  1. Wrong temperature. It should be 18 - 25°C. Otherwise, it will take a long time to bloom.
  2. Insufficient lighting.
  3. Inadequate nutrition. To set and bloom buds, the plant must receive required list elements. It's time to take advantage mineral supplements.
  4. Low air humidity. You can put the pot in a tray with wet expanded clay or use humidifiers. Regular spraying will also benefit.
  5. Alkaline soil. Gardenia requires acidic soil. You can buy a suitable one in the store and regularly artificially acidify the soil.

Why does gardenia jasmine turn black, fall off or turn yellow leaves

Sometimes, in a previously healthy plant, the leaves begin to turn yellow or blacken, or even crumble. What to do in this case?

Yellowing of the leaves in most cases is the result of improper watering. Gardenia harms both its deficiency and excess. Therefore, it is necessary to revise the volumes and schedule of soil moisture. If everything is in order with watering, then the leaf plates may turn yellow due to a lack of iron, which must be applied using special preparations (for example, Ferovit).

Leaves may turn yellow and fall due to a sharp change in conditions.. For example, when the temperature jumps in the room. Moderate shedding of foliage in old plants is a natural process. You need to worry only when the phenomenon has become massive.

Leaves can turn black when flooded. In this case, the change in color is the result of rotting of the root system. Save the plant proper watering and transplanting into new soil. It will be useful to process the roots from fungi. Also, blackening can be triggered by drafts or pest activity.

Features of caring for gardenia jasmine (video)

Other indoor flower diseases

Gardenia jasmine is a plant with good immunity, not susceptible to the appearance of diseases. Most often, pests deliver trouble - scale insects and spider mites. In order not to miss the moment of infection, you should regularly inspect the flower. If necessary, tear off the affected leaves, and treat the healthy part of the plant with soapy water and special insecticidal agents.

If you properly care for jasmine gardenia, then it will surely please you with a lush appearance and a pleasant aroma. Its content will not cause much trouble, you just need to know the needs of the plant. Gardenia blooms from early July to October.

Jasmine Gardenia stands out from all other flowers with its delicate fragrance, reminiscent of jasmine, as well as a spectacular combination of dazzling white flowers and glossy dark green leaves.

Gardenia is native to China, India and southern territories Africa. IN vivo it can reach up to 2 meters in height.

Gardenia flowers are large in diameter from 7 to 10 centimeters, white color, which by the end of flowering may acquire a beige color.

Since the plant prefers to grow in conditions of heat, sun and high humidity, in our conditions it can only live in greenhouses or living quarters.

This flower is quite capricious and requires very painstaking and careful care, but in return it will thank you with lush and fragrant flowering for several months of the year.

At home, the plant can grow up to 50-180 centimeters, gardenia lives as a houseplant for quite a long time 7-10 years.

Soil and its fertilizer

Gardenia prefers acidic soils.

In flower shops you can buy special soil mixtures for plants that prefer an acidic environment in the soil.

Acid reserves in the soil must be periodically replenished with special fertilizers, since irrigation water can leach their content from the soil. Good for this oak leaf compost or manure, you can add a little sphagnum.

If you don’t have this kind of fertilizer now, you can make your own acidification liquid from citric acid: dissolve a couple of grains in one liter of water.

Citric acid can be replaced with a couple of drops of lemon juice. Or buy ready-made liquid fertilizers in a flower shop.

Feeding should be started a couple of months after transplanting or planting the plant, strictly adhering to the instructions.


If you have purchased a gardenia tree, do not rush to transplant, let it get used to the new environment first.

After a couple of weeks, you can start transplanting. The first transplant is carried out in the transshipment method, simply by moving a clod of earth with roots into a more spacious pot. Be careful not to damage the root system of the plant.

Fill the free space with fresh soil mixture. Adult flowers are transplanted every 3-4 years, it directly depends on the growth rate of the plant.

Transplanting gardenia is not difficult, it can be done in several stages.

  • Remove the plant from the pot, clean the roots of the remaining soil, place it in the biostimulant solution, according to the instructions.
  • At the bottom of the new pot, you need to place a layer of drainage, sprinkle it with a layer of sand, charcoal and then put the gardenia soil.
  • Take carefully divide the gardenia into several shoots, distribute the roots into different containers and sprinkle with soil
  • Feed the flower with the remnants of the biostimulant and send it to a warm place, sheltered from drafts and direct sunlight.
  • Watering after transplanting should be carried out only when the soil dries out a couple of centimeters deep.


Pruning should be done once a year after the complete flowering of gardenia. It is necessary to remove excess and weakened shoots.

Timely pruning gives a decorative effect to the shrub as a whole and contributes to more lush flowering next year.


Water the flower should be through the top layer of soil with soft boiled water at room temperature. 20 minutes after watering, you need to drain the remaining water from the pan.

From mid-spring to early autumn, it is important to keep the soil moist but not damp.

In winter, watering can be reduced, but make sure that the soil in the pot does not dry out. Once a week, water should be acidified for irrigation with citric acid or lemon juice.

Air humidity

Gardenia is a tropical plant that loves high humidity, so it is recommended to put it on a tray with wet expanded clay and water, making sure that excess water does not get on the roots of the plant.

Gardenia is good for spraying, in the warm season you can spray 1-3 times a day.

But it is not necessary to spray the plant itself, but only the air around it, since water drops on the leaves and flowers can greatly spoil its decorative appearance.

You can periodically arrange a warm shower for the plant, while it is important to ensure that water does not get on the flowers themselves either.

Illumination and temperature

Gardenia prefers sunlight, but does not tolerate heat, therefore it is optimal to keep it at a temperature of + 21-24 degrees, during the dormant period the temperature should not fall below +16 degrees, while it is important to maintain the illumination of the flower for at least 12 hours a day.

The flower feels most comfortable on the eastern or western windows



After flowering, cut off a 10-centimeter cutting, leave 3-4 leaves on it, remove everything else

It is better if it is already with a piece of old wood.

To improve rooting, the petiole can be lowered into the solution phytohormone, and then planted in soil for flowering plants or in a soil mixture of peat and sand.

The petiole takes root in a humid environment at a temperature of +25 degrees. Petiole should be protected from drafts and low temperatures, watered in a timely manner. When the root system is formed, the plant can already be transplanted into a permanent pot. Flowering occurs within six months.


You can try to grow a flower from seeds that you can buy in a specialized flower shop, but this is a very laborious and painstaking task.

Seeds should be pre-soaked in water, then planted in acidified and moistened soil, the soil is ideal for roses and azaleas.

The pot for planting should be chosen wide enough, but not deep. The seeds are planted in the soil to a depth of about 5 centimeters, watered with water and create the effect of a greenhouse with polyethylene or a can.

After the appearance of the first leaves, the plant is transplanted into separate pots up to 10 centimeters in diameter. The plant usually blooms in two years.

Difficulties in care


What will tell appearance plants?

  • If unblown buds fall off a plant or spots appear on them, this is a clear sign of improper plant care: either excessive watering and stagnant water in the soil, or vice versa, lack of moisture and severe overdrying of the soil. This can also happen due to any stressful situation for the plant: a sharp change in conditions lighting or temperature, draft or lack of light.
  • Leaf color change from dark green to yellow or black, also signals a plant disease or improper care.
  • Black, falling leaves from brown spots they say that the plant is watered excessively and the root system of the plant is already broken, most likely the roots have already begun to rot. It is necessary to remove the earthen ball with roots, remove the damaged roots and transplant the plant into a new pot with good drainage.
  • yellowed leaves they say that the plant lacks nitrogen and iron.
  • Leaves turn pale and wither- lack of calcium and soil acidity, most likely watering is carried out with hard water, which washes these substances out of the soil. In this case, the plant should be fed with liquid preparations, which include iron. In the future, only soft water should be used for watering and spraying.

Prevention of their appearance is the periodic spraying of the plant. If there are signs of pest damage, then the plant must be carefully washed. soapy water, if necessary, process chemicals from insects.

It is important to remember that gardenia has poisonous juice, so all plant care manipulations should be carried out by protecting the skin of the hands with special gloves.

Despite the capriciousness of the plant and the demanding care, it is worth trying to grow this beauty at home. Your reward will be lush bloom snow-white large flowers and a pleasant aroma in the house.

(Gardenia jasminoides) belongs to the genus Gardenia (Gardenia) family Rubiaceae (Rubiaceae). The stunning aroma of jasmine and the waxy white flowers of gardenia are sure to attract attention and give rise to a desire to acquire this plant. Many varieties of gardenia bloom for several months and all year round the plant is decorated with very elegant evergreen glossy leaves of dark green color.

Jasmine-shaped gardenia has long been grown in China, reliable references to this plant date back to the reign of the Song Dynasty (960-1279).

The species was described in 1761 by John Ellis, shortly after the plant was brought to the gardens of England. The specific name appeared thanks to G. Ehret, who emphasized the similarity of the flower's aroma with jasmine. There is also the name Gardenia Augusta. (Gardenia augusta), but it is considered invalid today.

This species is found naturally in Vietnam, South China, Taiwan, Japan, India, where it can reach a height of two meters. Prefers warm, full sun to light partial shade, acidic, well drained and well irrigated soils rich in organic matter.

Possessing high decorative qualities, gardenia is widely used for growing in countries with a warm climate in gardens, and in cooler climates - in greenhouses and indoor conditions.


Over a long period of cultivation, many varieties have been bred:

  • Beauty- 1.5-2 m tall, large double white flowers appear from early summer to autumn, flowering is plentiful. One of the most popular varieties.

    Chuck Hayes- height 1.5-2 m, flowers are semi-double, fragrant, ivory. Appear in early summer, individual flowers may appear throughout the summer. The grade differs in the increased cold resistance.

    Belmont (Belmont)- densely doubled variety with large rounded leaves. The flowers reach 10 cm, with an amazing aroma. It has good cold resistance. The variety is disease resistant.

    Amy (Aimee)- a variety with the least dark foliage. double flowers up to 12 cm so perfectly shaped that they look artificial. Flowering occurs twice a year.

    Mystery- 1.5-2 m high, with large dark green leaves, very strong and popular variety. The flowers are very large, up to 13 cm, double, flat. Blooms usually twice a year. It tends to grow vertically.

    Radikans (Radicans)- dwarf compact shrub 0.5-1 m tall and up to 1.2 m wide with small shiny leaves. Double flowers about 2.5-5 cm appear later than in many varieties in summer. Ideal variety for bonsai.

    Variegata (Variegata)- variegated variety with medium-sized fragrant flowers (8 cm). small shrub from slow pace growth, well suited for growing in pots. The leaves are rounded, in color there are various color transitions in shape from green to light cream.

    Radican Variegata (Radican Variegata) - dwarf variety with variegated leaves, reaching 1 m in adulthood, very slow growing. Dark green leaves with a cream stripe along the edge. Flowers from 2.5 to 5 cm in diameter appear late, only in summer. Ideal variety for bonsai.

    Golden Magic (Golden Magic) characterized by long flowering and an early transition of the color of the corolla from white to golden yellow.

Cultivation and care

Gardenia jasmine is considered a difficult culture for home growing and requires a number of conditions for good growth.

Illumination. Gardenia prefers bright light, but it must be protected from the direct midday summer sun, otherwise the leaves may burn. Optimal windows are south-west or west-facing. In winter, the plant should be provided with the maximum possible bright light.

Temperature. It is optimal to maintain daytime summer temperatures within + 21 + 24 ° C, nightly + 15 + 18 ° C. In winter, coolness is desirable, about +16, although a decrease in temperature to +10 ° C is acceptable. Cooler conditions will prevent the plant from depleting with a lack of light in winter . Reducing the temperature to the desired limits can be achieved with the help of ventilation, but drafts and sudden changes in temperature, which can cause flower buds to fall off, must be avoided.

Air humidity. Gardenias grow best in conditions of high and uniform humidity. Place the pot on a tray of damp expanded clay, sealing off the drainage holes. In hot weather, it will be useful to spray the plant often, but not on the flowers, because. they may leave ugly stains. Gardenia loves to have a warm shower regularly (protecting the soil from getting wet).

Irrigation and water quality.
In spring and summer, keep the soil moist, but not wet. This is achieved by regular and moderate watering as the top layer dries. Watering should always be carried out from above, this ensures uniform soil moisture and salts move from top to bottom, to the feeding roots. In winter, when the plant is not growing, reduce watering by not allowing the soil to dry out between waterings. Watering with soft water and always warm, room temperature is recommended. In areas with good ecology, it can be watered with rain or melt water; in industrial regions, drinking boiled water is preferable. The water is boiled for several minutes, allowed to cool completely and only the upper half is carefully drained, without capturing the sediment that has fallen to the bottom. It will be useful to acidify the water with lemon juice every 3-5 waterings, just add 1-3 drops per 1 liter of water. This measure will facilitate the absorption of nutrients from the soil, since many nutrients are absorbed by the gardenia only in acidic conditions. Over-watering or drying out of the soil causes serious damage to the roots.

Priming. Gardenia needs acidic mixtures, only then can it absorb nutrients and fully develop. Use special mixtures for acid-loving plants - gardenias or azaleas (rhododendrons). Maintaining the desired acidity of the soil with hard irrigation water will help its regular acidification. Gardenias are suitable for soils that dry out quickly, but have the ability to retain water. This quality is achieved by adding sand, perlite and sphagnum to the finished mixture, which simultaneously acidifies the soil.

Transfer. Young plants are transplanted every year in the spring, if necessary, if the plant has managed to braid the whole lump with roots. Transplantation is carried out only by careful transshipment into a slightly larger pot with the addition of special soil for gardenias. Mature plants are transplanted every few years. The soil in which the Dutch plant is sold is suitable for gardenia according to all requirements, so there is no need to replace it, the transplant is also done by careful transshipment.

Top dressing. Top dressing should be started 1-2 months after the next transplant and only during the spring-summer period. But freshly bought Dutch plants are best left unfertilized for the entire first growing season, as the plants are well seasoned with a long-acting fertilizer, so top dressing immediately after purchase can lead to overfeeding. For top dressing, it is better to use acidic complex fertilizers for azaleas with trace elements. Gardenia responds well to foliar top dressing (by spraying once a week with a weak solution of mineral complex fertilizers with microelements), especially when soil acidity is disturbed. In winter, fertilizing with magnesium (magnesium sulfate) and iron (Ferovit, Iron Chelate) is permissible in the form of spraying or watering in case of chlorosis (yellowing) of the leaves. For good absorption of nutrients from the soil, it is necessary to maintain its desired acidity using soft or acidified irrigation water.

Pruning. Pruning to maintain a compact form should be carried out immediately after flowering, if necessary. Usually in the first year after the purchase of an imported plant, pruning is not required, the plant perfectly retains its compact shape.

Wintering in an apartment can cause a lot of problems. With a lack of light, the plant is quickly depleted. Therefore, it is necessary to find a cool place for it (+ 10 + 16 ° C) in the brightest possible light, to illuminate fluorescent lamps to create a 12-hour daylight hours. The soil should be kept slightly moist, avoiding drying out or excessive dampness.

Bloom at different varieties gardenia can occur in different time, optimal conditions are formed when the night temperature is maintained at about +16 o C degrees. During flowering, the flower turns from white to yellow-cream, spreading the sweet aroma of jasmine.

Pests. Can be affected by aphids, mealybugs, spider mites, scale insects.

About pest control - in the article Pests of indoor plants and measures to combat them.

Growing problems

Yellowing leaves can be caused by root damage due to improper watering. Both waterlogging and excessive drying of the soil cause serious root diseases, which affects the condition of the leaves, they can turn yellow and become covered with brown spots. If the irrigation regime is observed, then possible cause yellowing of the leaves may be a lack of iron from watering with hard water, in this case, gardenia should be fed with iron chelate (Ferovit). Such top dressing should be carried out until the plant is completely healed according to the instructions.

Falling buds can be observed due to strong temperature fluctuations, improper (excessive or insufficient) watering. It can also be caused by a lack of light, low air humidity, cold drafts or other violations in care, even just moving the plant to another place. Choose a place where sudden changes in temperature, drafts are excluded and arrange watering, avoiding drying out and waterlogging of the substrate. Gardenia is very sensitive to any violation of conditions at the time of budding.

Buds do not form. The reason may be too hot nights, with temperatures above +18 ° C, or low humidity. It is necessary to increase the humidity of the air (by regular spraying, placing on a pallet with wet claydite) and reduce the air temperature.

About other, collectible types of gardenias, read on the page .

Indoor flowers have long been an important tool that can give a home a unique look. And jasmine-shaped gardenia is one of those beauties that can decorate any apartment, unless, of course, the owner manages to create suitable conditions for this tropical plant. This is not easy to do, but in return it will thank you with large snow-white flowers with a delicate jasmine scent.

Distinctive features

Gardenia jasminoides (gardenia jasminoides) is an evergreen shrub from the Rubiaceae family. Its homeland is the tropics and subtropics.: South Africa, Japan, China, in connection with which it is quite demanding. In the wild, it is able to grow up to 180 cm in height, but at home it does not always reach such solid dimensions.

You can recognize gardenia by its dark green and glossy shiny leaves and luxurious white flowers, as if made of wax. However, even if at some point they are able to seem fake, then all doubts on this score are dispelled, it is worth catching their delicate scent, reminiscent of the aroma of jasmine. Thanks to these qualities, it is not the easiest plant to maintain and has become so popular among flower growers.

Features of care

So, a representative of gardenia jasminoides appeared in the house. How to take care of such a capricious guest at home? The solution to this problem will not be easy, since the plant is extremely merciless towards the owner. Gardenia reacts very sharply to mistakes in care, and therefore it is desirable to start it in the house for people who already have experience in floriculture.

Choice of soil and fertilizer

Novice flower growers who do not know how to care for jasmine gardenia should first of all pay attention to the special requirements of the plant to the ground. It prefers acidic, loose and well-retaining soil. Special soil mixtures for azaleas and other acid-loving plants are suitable, but if for some reason it is impossible to purchase them, then a suitable soil can be made independently by combining the following components in equal proportions:

  • soil from under coniferous trees;
  • leaf and sod land;
  • riding peat;
  • sand.

Do not forget about the drainage, which is made of expanded clay. Before use, it must be boiled to remove excess salts.

Fertilize the plant in the summer, preferably twice a month. He is suitable for complex fertilizers intended for azaleas or other ornamental flowering plants. During the dormant period, you need to reduce top dressing to a minimum or completely abandon it.

Watering and humidity

For watering gardenia, it is necessary to use only settled, filtered or melted water at room temperature. In spring and summer, water more abundantly, maintaining soil moisture, but at the same time avoiding the accumulation of water in the pan. In winter, the amount of watering should be limited to approximately 1 time in 2-3 days.

As already mentioned, gardenia loves acidified soil, so it is important to periodically water the flower with water to which a little citric acid or juice is added: approximately 2 grams or 2-3 drops per liter. In addition, such a solution will make the gardenia bloom better. But you can’t use it all the time: approximately every fifth watering should be acidified.

Being tropical plant, this flower loves moisture, so it must be sprayed often, while trying not to get directly on the flowers and buds - they may leave ugly spots. To avoid excessive waterlogging of the soil, it is advisable to cover the soil with a film before arranging the “soul”. You can also wipe the leaves with a damp cloth.

Temperature and light conditions

Gardenia is very sensitive to temperature regime and his constancy. Therefore, in the summer daytime it is necessary to maintain a temperature of about 21-24 degrees, and at night - 15-18 degrees. In winter, the indicators decrease slightly: 16 degrees will be enough for the flower to make it easier to endure the lack of light.

This flower is also demanding on lighting: it should be bright, but at the same time diffused, in order to avoid leaf burns. In this regard, it is better to place the gardenia near the western or southwestern windows. In winter when natural light not enough, you need to take care of additional lamps.

Subtleties of transplant

Immediately after purchase, gardenia is better not to transplant, and give her a few days, and preferably 2-3 weeks at all, to get used to the new conditions. It is undesirable to transplant it during flowering, because then all the petals and buds will crumble.

However, it will still be necessary to do this soon, since the soil used in flower shops is not very suitable for this capricious plant. About an hour before the proposed transplant, the gardenia should be watered with warm water, and then carefully transferred to a new pot along with a clod of earth. The voids in the pot are filled with soil suitable for the plant.

Young gardenias, if actively growing, can be transplanted about once a year, preferably in the spring before the flowering period begins. Older plants do not require such frequent "relocation" - it is enough to transplant them once every 3-4 years.

Hand in hand with transplantation goes gardenia pruning, but they are carried out in different dates. It is recommended to prune the plant once a year, after it has completely faded - that is, in the fall. Cut healthy branches can be used as cuttings if you want to propagate the flower.

Reproduction at home

There are two main ways to propagate gardenia: cuttings and seeds. Both methods are quite laborious, but at the same time they allow you to get a plant that is already adapted to home conditions, unlike many purchased flowers grown in greenhouses.

With the help of cuttings

Most often, this plant is propagated using woody cuttings. It is necessary to cut them off after the gardenia has faded, while a few leaves and, preferably, a “heel”, that is, a piece of wood, should remain on the branch. The further sequence of actions includes the following steps:

seed method

In addition to the cuttings method, it is possible to grow jasmine gardenia from seeds, but this is somewhat more complicated. Very fresh seeds are needed for planting, expired ones may not sprout. Ideally, you should sow freshly harvested, but this is not always possible..

If everything went well, then the first shoots will appear in about a month.

Gardenia diseases

At home, caring for jasmine gardenia includes not only providing for all the needs of the plant, but also tracking signs of malaise. They are not always obvious but often gardenia signals quite clearly that something is wrong with it:

It is very important to pay attention in time and track the onset of the illness of your green pet. So you can avoid a long and difficult struggle with problems, or even prevent the death of the plant.
