Orchid dendrobium - tips for care and cultivation. Home care for a dendrobium nobile orchid

Many beginners start a dendrobium on impulse, subdued by its beautiful flowering. Indeed, this is a very beautiful blooming orchid. On sale, it is less common than the well-known phalaenopsis and is more expensive. According to the conditions of maintenance, these plants also differ somewhat. But here you bought yourself a dendrobium, brought it home. What to do with him next? Let's talk about it.

Most dendrobiums are epiphytic plants, like other orchids. They live on tree trunks, but they feed on their own. Translated from Greek Dendrobium is translated as "growing on a tree." To date, more than 1000 species of dendrobiums have been described. Natural habitat of their growth: Asian countries, New Guinea, India.

These flowers are suitable for keeping in greenhouses and city apartments. Flowering time depends on the species, but mostly occurs in the spring. Inflorescences have a light pleasant aroma. Compared to other types of orchids, this is not such a whimsical plant.

On average, the dendrobium grows up to half a meter in height, but larger specimens are also found. The stem consists of cylindrical pseudobulbs. The leaves are alternate, flower stalks appear from their axils, on which from one to 4 flowers bloom. The color of the petals can be very different. White, lilac, yellow, pink dendrobiums can be one-color, or two-color and even three-color.

Types of Dendrobium with a photo

Each type of dendrobium has something special and needs its own care. That is why we will highlight the most popular of them.

Dendrobium nobile

One of the most decorative species. Dendrobium nobile has fleshy, erect stems with a smooth and shiny surface. In height reaches half a meter or a little more. It begins to bloom in the second year of life with bright fragrant flowers. In hybrid varieties, flowering occurs several times a year.

The flowers are large, up to 10 cm in diameter, most often have a white border. The petals are elongated, with pointed tips. In its homeland in the Himalayas, dendrobium nobile grows on the slopes of the mountains. Flower growers consider him unpretentious in care. The minimum temperature of maintenance in winter is 15-16 degrees.

It needs bright diffused light throughout the year. In winter, this is achieved by using lighting. As a substrate, a mixture of peat, pieces of moss and charcoal. After watering, moisture should linger in the substrate for some time.

On a note! When watering, try not to fall on young bulbs, they are prone to decay..

Transplantation is carried out in the spring when the pot is completely filled with roots. Plants are urgently transplanted only in extreme cases, for example, when the substrate is damaged. Propagated by dividing the old tuber.

The plant is originally from South Asia, currently has many hybrids. There are varieties with white, rich purple and lilac flowers. There are miniature varieties that grow no more than 30 cm in height. Standard specimens can grow up to 1 meter.

The size of the flowers varies greatly depending on the variety and can range in size from 2 to 15 cm. If the plants are provided with suitable conditions, flowering occurs three times a year and lasts for several weeks.

This species needs a 12-hour daylight hours with shading from direct sunlight. High humidity is also required, this is achieved by spraying and using a humidifier. In summer, the flower is watered twice a week, in winter - once every two weeks. These are approximate indicators that directly depend on the air temperature in the room.

The water must be soft room temperature or a little warmer. Likes leaf fertilizer. Planted in a mixture of pine bark and moss with the addition of charcoal in a transparent pot.

Attention! This type is suitable only for special liquid fertilizers for orchids. Top dressing in the form of granules and sticks can burn the roots of the plant.

Not good large view with dimensions of 30-45 cm. In nature, it grows on rocks and tree bark. This species is classified as a group dendrobium due to a large number bulbs. It can simultaneously produce up to 100 peduncles with large quantity yellow flowers. Flowering is accompanied by the appearance of a pleasant smell.

May bloom from February to September. Loves the difference between day and night temperatures. In the warm season, watering is frequent and plentiful, in winter - rare. Prefers a loose, breathable substrate based on pine bark. The concentration of fertilizers for this species should be weak. Repotting every two years.

In culture, it grows miniature, up to a maximum of 20 cm. In our country, it is still a rare and therefore expensive species. Most often, the flowers are white-lilac in color and smell very pleasant. At good care may bloom all year round. Each bulb has 1-2 inflorescences.

This species calmly tolerates even direct sunlight. He is even recommended a few hours a day of bright open sun. The species is not picky about air humidity. A special substrate for orchids with high air and moisture permeability is suitable as a primer. The flower is watered by soaking 2-3 times a week.

The flower is native to Australia. The stems grow up to 30-55 cm. Each peduncle can have up to 7 flowers with a diameter of 3 cm. Flowering lasts a month, spreading vanilla aroma around the room. Most often, King's Dendrobium blooms in spring. The species needs a long dormant period, during which the plant requires minimal care. This phase usually occurs in winter.

When growing, it is desirable to ensure the difference between day and night temperatures and the flow of fresh air. The soil should dry out between waterings. Painlessly tolerates transplantation and division of the bush, the dendrobium is transplanted after flowering.

Very fragrant variety with elongated stems. The leaves are located at the very top. Flowering occurs in spring and early autumn. The flowers are small, but very fragrant. Against the background of snow-white petals, a yellow lip and a red center stand out in contrast. Rest period twice a year - in winter and early summer. It is preferable to grow this species on blocks. The orchid is very fond of the sun's rays and Fresh air.

Asian variety with tender pink flowers. The size of the inflorescences is 5-6 cm. Flowering occurs only 10-14 days, which is a little compared to other species. Flowering time is spring and early summer. Prefers a large difference in daily temperatures, up to 10 degrees. He loves the bright sun, the leaves do not get burnt, but reddish spots appear on them.

In the substrate, the main share should be moss, with small additions of bark and peat. If kept on blocks, daily watering is required. morning time the water should be warm. Does not need frequent transplants. Young shoots are separated when they reach 5 cm.

An orchid with many leaves and an unusual color of flowers. Around the yellow-white lip are purple stripes, and the petals themselves are pale lilac. In nature, the variety lives in Southeast Asia. From the bright sun, the leaves get burned, shading is required. Flowering occurs at the end of winter - the beginning of spring. The plant is watered abundantly, twice a week. In winter, it is desirable to organize additional lighting. Otherwise, the requirements are standard for dendrobiums.

It stands out among other dendrobiums for its size. Its specimens often grow up to 1.5 meters, sometimes even higher. The elongated leaves grow in two rows. On one peduncle there can be up to 15 flowers of medium size. It can bloom throughout the year, in the spring there is a peak of flowering. The flowers stay on the plant for a week and a half, but flowering can be called plentiful.

He loves the difference between day and night temperatures, in summer the maximum daily temperature is about 30 degrees, in winter it is preferable to maintain it at 20 degrees. It suits medium light. During the growth period, watering should be plentiful. In winter, they arrange a little drying between waterings. You can grow both on the block and in the substrate. Transplanted when the roots become crowded in a pot.

The species is characterized by the presence of rare pointed leaves. At home, we rarely meet. Blooms in the spring months, flowering lasts about 3 weeks. This orchid can be classified as a miniature species - it grows up to 25 cm, but at the same time has relatively large 6 cm flowers. During the period of active growth, it needs abundant watering and a lot of light. In the cold season, the substrate is watered less and dried. In general, care requirements are standard for orchids.

How to care for dendrobium at home

An orchid will have a healthy appearance and full flowering only with proper care. The plant is easily ruined by improper watering or insufficient air humidity. It must be remembered that epiphytic plants must have a special content. We will talk about general rules content of dendrobiums.

The most common types of dendrobium require winter time dormant period. Therefore, the temperature of the content in winter and summer will be different. In the summer months, the dendrobium contains at a temperature of 22-28 degrees, in winter the values ​​\u200b\u200bshould be 17-20 degrees with a significant reduction in watering.

On a note! During the dormant period, watering can be replaced by spraying the substrate. Like other orchids, dendrobium requires high humidity air. New hybrid varieties less sensitive to it.

To increase humidity, traditional methods are used:

  • the use of a humidifier;
  • spraying the leaves of the plant;
  • pallets with moistened pebbles or expanded clay, placed on the windowsill.

You need to spray the leaves in the morning and evening hours, when direct sunlight does not fall on the plant. Refracted in water droplets, the sun's rays can cause burns.

In our climate zone in summer, the dendrobium may suffer from an excess of sunlight, and in winter from a lack of light. If the illumination for the dendrobium is insufficient, its shoots are bent, a small amount is laid flower buds. For most species, shading is organized in the summer months, and backlighting is turned on in winter so that daylight hours last at least 12 hours.

For illumination, a fluorescent lamp or a special fitolamp is suitable. In spring and summer, it is better to rearrange the pots with plants to the western or eastern windows, and in the winter to transfer them to the southern windowsill.

During the active growing season, the dendrobium needs abundant watering, on average 2 times a week. Let the potted soil dry out completely between waterings. The drying time depends on the size of the pot and the temperature in the room. Excess moisture from the pan after watering must be removed; the root system of dendrobiums does not tolerate waterlogging. You need to use a soft warm water. During the dormant period, watering should be minimal.

It is best to water the dendrobium by soaking while spilling the soil from above from a watering can. To do this, the pot is placed in a vessel with water for 20-30 minutes, the larger the pot, the longer the soaking time should be. After that, the excess water is drained and the plant is returned to the windowsill. If the room is cool, you need to wet the axils of the leaves with a napkin, otherwise they may rot.

Those who have high-quality water flowing from the tap can water the dendrobium from the shower head for several minutes. This method is good in that it allows you to remove salts from the substrate, harmful impurities and excess fertilizer. But, if the water is chlorinated or it is too hard, it is better not to use it.

How to water a Dendrobium orchid: video

It is better to grow dendrobiums using plastic pots, they can be either transparent or opaque. In a transparent pot, it is possible to track the state of the root system, so they are preferable for beginners. Glass or ceramic vessels can lead to hypothermia of the roots, which is undesirable for a tropical orchid.

In addition, the method of landing in plastic or wooden baskets or on a block is suitable. There should be many drainage holes in the pot, if there is only one, make additional holes with a soldering iron or drill. Do not use spherical pot-bellied pots. The roots of the dendrobium are very fragile; it will be impossible to remove them during transplantation without damage from such a pot.

On a note! It is impossible to plant a dendrobium in a pot without a drainage hole. Its roots need free access to air and cannot stand stagnant water.

Pine bark alone can be used as a substrate for dendrobiums. The rule here is what larger plant and its roots, the larger the pieces of bark should be. Some add sphagnum to it to increase the moisture capacity of the soil, but in this case it must be borne in mind that watering will be required less frequently.

Add pieces of charcoal to such a substrate to prevent possible decay. Activated charcoal is not suitable for these purposes, as it crumbles when wet. If you have to use purchased soil for orchids to plant dendrobiums, be careful with watering, as peat and moss particles are added to this substrate for moisture capacity.

Due to the fact that the roots of the dendrobium are highly sensitive, the fertilizer for it is diluted by half, even if it is a specialized top dressing for orchids. Those dendrobiums that do not have a pronounced dormant period are fed monthly. complex fertilizer containing potassium and phosphorus. Those varieties that you send for wintering need to be fertilized two to three times a month with nitrogen fertilizer. During the rest period they are not fertilized.

succinic acid for orchids plays the role of a biostimulator. The substance is of organic origin, absolutely non-toxic. "Yantarka" increases resistance to stress, adverse conditions, helps in recovery after a transplant or illness. A solution of succinic acid can be bought at flower shop, where it is sold in the form of a spray, or prepare it yourself by dissolving one tablet of succinic acid in 1 liter of water. The prepared solution retains useful properties for 3 days.

Succinic acid is used to treat all parts of the plant:

  • seeds can be soaked in it,
  • shed at the root
  • spray the leaves.

On a note! Succinic acid is not a substitute for fertilizers, but is considered only an addition to them.

  1. When transplanting to the bottom of the pot, it is recommended to lay a few heavy roots for counterweight.
  2. They lay the bark of a large fraction.
  3. Then the dendrobium is placed in a pot in such a way that there is room for new shoots, that is, pressing the bulb to the edge, root collar do not deepen.
  4. The gaps between the roots begin to gently fall asleep with smaller pieces of bark and shake the pot at the same time so that the soil is compacted.

After planting, the dendrobium is not watered for 4 to 10 days, depending on the size of the root system. This pause in watering is necessary so that the wounds on the roots can heal.

Dendrobium transplant: video

How to prune an orchid

Not everyone knows what to do with the dendrobium flower arrow after flowering. Should I cut it or not? The pseudobulb should be removed if you see it drying out. To do this, use a sharp disinfected knife. If there are green buds on the bulb, leave it on the plant, it may still bloom.

It is necessary to remove the pseudobulb when it becomes completely lifeless, transferring all the accumulated nutrients to the plant. After that, you need to put the pot with the orchid in a cool place and wait for the emergence of new shoots.


What needs to be provided to a beautiful dendrobium for its flowering?

A necessary condition for the flowering of the dendrobium is the correct wintering. The plant is kept in a cool, bright room at a temperature of 12-15 degrees throughout the winter months. In late winter or early spring, the dendrobium blooms. If flowering is delayed, the plant needs to be fed. Then buds will definitely appear on it, and then luxurious fragrant flowers.

If the orchid brought from the store has faded, but the soil is still in good condition, there is no need to disturb the plant with a transplant. If the orchid living in your house has faded, then after flowering, as a rule, the growth of fresh shoots begins. So that the plant is not cramped in the old pot, with the beginning of growth it is transplanted into a new container. Wait until the new bulbs grow 10 cm in height. As we wrote above, if only the top of the pseudobulb bloomed, then the flower arrow is not completely cut off, perhaps sleeping buds will wake up on it.

In terms of flowering, dendrobiums are considered capricious plants. Such a reputation is due to the fact that they need a number of conditions for flowering. Depending on the species, the dendrobium is divided into 6 temperature groups, each of which requires its own growing temperature. Therefore, it is necessary to clarify in specialized literature or on the Internet what content your dendrobium requires and stick to it. Influence flowering and other parameters. Perhaps the orchid does not bloom due to improper watering or insufficient light. Create her the necessary conditions and the buds will definitely appear.

Dendrobiums breed

  • children
  • cuttings
  • dividing the bush


Babies appear at the top of the pseudobulb. You can separate them when they have their own roots. With a root size of 5 cm, a small plant is cut with a knife or unscrewed with movements around the axis. After that, the baby should be air-dried for several days or the cut should be smeared with garden pitch, and then it is planted in a separate pot with a very fine bark.


For propagation by cuttings, pseudobulbs are separated from the mother bush and cut into pieces 10 cm long. Slices are covered with garden pitch. After that, the prepared cuttings are placed in a bag with moss and moistened. Root growth should take place in a warm room with diffused light. The bag must be opened daily for ventilation. The process of root formation takes 2 months, after which the seedlings can be planted in separate bowls.

The division of the bush

The division of the bush is possible in the presence of an adult strong plant, which has at least 6 pseudobulbs. Usually this procedure is combined with a transplant. The mother tuber is divided into several parts so that each of them has at least 2 pseudobulbs or one young sprout and one pseudobulb. Each division must have its own roots. All tools are processed before cutting, the sections are sealed with garden pitch.

Dendrobium diseases can be of viral origin, light rings or oval spots may appear on the leaves of the flower, the color and shape of the flowers change, they become ugly. Some viruses can even prevent buds from opening. It is impossible to cure such plants, they can only be thrown away.

Bacterial diseases can appear on the dendrobium in the form of spotting and rot, often they are accompanied by fungal infections. The diseased plant is isolated, all affected areas are cut out and the wounds are lubricated with brilliant green or any disinfectant solution. This should be done at the first sign of illness. The plant is kept in quarantine. If there are no new spots, they are returned to their place. Bacterial rot is more dangerous because of its rapid development, it must be dealt with without delay.

fungal diseases make up the largest group, they are partly provoked by unsuitable conditions of detention, under which fungal spores begin to actively develop. These diseases are manifested by the appearance of dark and brown spots, a gun. Treated with fungicides according to the instructions.

Sometimes a painful condition can be triggered by improper care.

The causes of yellowing leaves can be natural. So the dendrobium prepares for the next life cycle after flowering. Following this, the plant begins to grow new shoots and rhizomes. Other factors may affect improper watering, lack of nutrients. If the leaf is not completely yellow, but there are yellow spots on it, this can be caused with sunburn.

The most common pests on dendrobiums: thrips, aphids, spider mites. Their appearance can be triggered by increased dryness of the air. For prevention, treat dendrobium leaves twice a month with soapy water. You can remove pests mechanically by collecting them from the leaves with a damp cotton pad. If the insects nevertheless multiplied, treat with actellik.

  1. If you have a powerful tall plant that is grown in an unstable pot, place it in a planter with a few heavy pebbles on the bottom. You can also grow a dendrobium in a hanging basket, then it will definitely not fall.
  2. As a block, you can use a fragment of a tree fern, carefully attaching orchid roots to it with a fishing line. Do not forget to make a moss-based substrate.
  3. Instead of moss, vermiculite or agroperlite can be added to the substrate for moisture capacity.

Dendrobiums - so different plants that you are sure to find a variety to your liking. You can choose a suitable copy not only in a flower shop, but also order it on the Internet, and discuss all emerging growing problems on various flower grower forums.

Homeland - South and Southeast Asia with tropical rainforests. This is southern part China, Northern India and the Himalayas, Indonesia and Vietnam. They grow on the surface of trees, rocks and earth. The habitat is located in places whose altitude is from 200 to 2000 meters above sea level.

Pseudobulbs are yellow-green in color, their shape is straight and narrow, and their length is from 40 to 90 cm. The leaf blade is lanceolate. The leaf life is one or two years.

Peduncles grow from the upper third of the pseudobulbs, have a short length. There are from one to four flowers on one peduncle. In total, there can be up to seventy flowers on one pseudobulb, their diameter is from 6 to 8 cm.

The Dendrobium nobile orchid has varieties with different flower colors. They can be either pure white or with a significant amount of purple parts.


home care behind the dendrobium orchid includes maintaining the optimum temperature. This plant requires a mixed temperature regime, different in winter and summer. In the summer, 20 to 28ºС during the day and 15 to 20 at night are required. In winter, daytime temperatures should be maintained between 15 and 16 degrees daytime and 8 to 10 at night.

In order for the dendrobium orchid to grow and bloom successfully at home, it is necessary to maintain the night temperature by about four degrees lower than the daytime one.


The dendrobium nobile orchid prefers bright light and is able to tolerate direct sunlight without any problems. In bright sunlight, the leaves and pseudobulb acquire yellow tint. Do not immediately place in the sun only those plants that long time kept in the shade. First, they are gradually accustomed to the changed conditions.

The best for placing dendrobium nobile will be the southern and western windows. If there are options only with placement to the north and east, then additional lighting with special lamps will be required for good growth and flowering.

Substrate for dendrobium orchids

These orchids can be grown in the substrate and without filler. Substrate characteristics must be specific. A combination of moisture capacity with breathability is required. Best to use a mixture of bark coniferous tree, sphagnum (up to 60%), charcoal and humus.

If the dendrobium nobile orchid is grown without a substrate, in blocks, then its root system can dry out quickly. To avoid this, a layer of moss is laid in the block and the roots are covered with it from above.

Dendrobium orchid transplant

Transplantation is also included in the care of the dendrobium orchid, but often it is not required. It is transplanted only when absolutely necessary, for example, the orchid has grown greatly or the substrate has lost its properties. A sign that the pot has become too cramped is the pseudobulb hanging from the edge of the container. For transplanting, it is better to choose the time when the sprouts on the mother plant begin to give their own roots.

Air humidity

In nature, dendrobium nobile grows in places with high humidity: 55-60%. But it is also worth considering that in its natural state, the plant has a bare root system and takes moisture from the air.

Since at home the dendrobium orchid is usually grown in the substrate and its roots are constantly wet, significant air humidity is not so important. Moreover, an excessive amount of moisture can cause rotting of the bases of the pseudobulbs and the roots themselves.

Dendrobium nobile orchid: home care

A significant level of air humidity is required if the temperature rises above 28 degrees. Under these conditions, the absorption of water by the roots slows down, and evaporation from the surface sheet plate increases. The result is wilting. At a humidity level of about 50%, the leaves evaporate water much less.

Containers with moistened fillers or special devices will help to increase the humidity of the air near the plant. Be sure to ventilate the premises so that the stagnation of moist air does not lead to the development of mold.

Watering dendrobium orchids

A very important component, which includes home care for the dendrobium orchid, is watering. Its quantity and frequency strongly depend on the activity of lighting, temperature and humidity level. When the Dendrobium nobile orchid is grown in blocks, i.e. with open roots, it is watered every day, in the morning. Before evening, the roots should dry out.

Watering plants in pots should be carried out with the condition of free exit of moisture from the pot. Stagnation of water leads to rotting of the roots. Water is also removed from pallets in a timely manner.

Beneficial is watering in the form soul with water temperature from 30 to 35 degrees. It looks like tropical rains and the orchid grows green mass better and blooms more actively.

Watering is carried out with such a time interval that the substrate has time to dry.

top dressing

When the period of active growth begins, the dendrobium nobile orchid requires top dressing. Fertilizer is applied regularly, every two or three weeks. Use formulations designed specifically for orchids. Other flower fertilizers are designed for ordinary soil, and not for a substrate of bark and moss. Salts settle on the substrate, are not used by the roots and create a poor environment for them. In order for the care of the dendrobium orchid to be effective, root dressings should be alternated with foliar ones. For foliar top dressing, the fertilizer is strongly diluted in water and sprayed upper part orchids.

When growing season is just beginning, the plant needs nitrogen fertilizers. In the second half of the growing season, more phosphorus.

rest period

The dendrobium nobile orchid has a life cycle that alternates periods of activity and rest. In autumn, the illumination decreases and growth slows down. At this time, the plant forms new pseudobulbs.

Beginning with november the temperature of the orchid content is gradually reduced and brought to the standard winter temperature. Watering is also reduced, since moisture evaporates less and there is less need for it. Rest continues for about two or two and a half months and ends when new peduncles appear. If you do not create conditions for a dormant period, then the plant may not bloom.


Dendrobium nobile blooms actively from January to April. The duration of this period depends on the temperature. The lower it is, for example, about 18 degrees, the longer the plant will bloom. Usually the flowering period lasts from eight to twelve weeks.

After flowering

Many people have a question: the dendrobium orchid has faded, what to do next? Flower stalks must be removed. If necessary, the plant is transplanted. After transplantation, it must be kept dry for some time so that the damage on the roots has time to heal. Moist environments are more likely to rot.


At home, the reproduction of the dendrobium orchid is carried out most often vegetatively. For this, the adult bush is divided into parts. Each part should have two or three pseudobulbs.

Another method of reproduction is the formation of lateral processes, the so-called children. They appear anywhere on the pseudobulb: above, below, or in the middle. Children are removed from the main plant after their roots reach a length of about five centimeters. After that, they can be planted in separate containers.

Use for vegetative propagation and old pseudobulbs that no longer have their own leaves. They are cut and placed in a humid environment. It can be a saucer with wet moss or a glass of water. The temperature is maintained at least 20 degrees. The place should be well lit, but without direct sunlight.

Although there are several more ways to propagate this orchid, three of them are mainly used. They are the most simple and accessible even for beginners.

Growth begins to form into a pseudobulb.

Reproduction by children

This is the easiest way. Sooner or later, but instead of a flower, the bulb will give a baby - a rosette. So it can be used to propagate dendrobium. To do this, you need to let her grow a little and form. Then carefully cut it with a sharp blade with a small piece of the mother bulb. Then it remains only to plant it in the substrate and wait for rooting. As a rule, it passes quickly and successfully.

Reproduction of dendrobium by division

This method is more difficult. And not so much because it requires extreme accuracy, but because mother plant should be well developed, with a sufficient number of sprouts. It is believed that there may be only two of them. That is, after separation, one sprout will be obtained on each plant. But this is very risky. With an unsuccessful separation, you can completely be left without an orchid. Therefore, it is desirable that there were more sprouts. And the dendrobium nobile is divided very simply. During a planned transplant, the rhizome (rhizome) is carefully cut into the desired (or possible) number of parts, the sections are treated with an antiseptic ( Activated carbon, ashes, etc.), delenki are planted in separate pots.

Bulb reproduction

This is one of the most unreliable and long methods of dendrobium propagation. But on the other hand, from one cutting you can get several young orchids at once. For reproduction, a young, strong pseudobulb is used, which has not yet bloomed. Then the cutting needs to create greenhouse, moist conditions. Usually, the cut pseudobulb is placed in an oblong container filled with moistened sphagnum moss and placed in a transparent PE bag. Now it remains to place this whole structure in a bright place and wait for the result. Outlets on the bulb do not appear soon. You won't have to wait one month.

Watch a video about dendrobium breeding

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Orchid Dendrobium (Orchidea Dendrobium) belongs to the Orchid family and has more than 2000 varieties of epiphytic (grow on trees) and lithophytic (grow on rocks) perennial herbaceous plants. Breeders have bred many hybrid forms of dendrobium for growing at home, which are very popular among our fans. indoor plants(). I would like to note right away that most of these homemade orchids with beautiful large flowers quite capricious and require very careful care throughout the year and especially during the flowering period. The degree of difficulty in growing dendrobium at home can be compared with such popular houseplants as bushy or mini-tree azalea, fuchsia with bright flowers, jasmine gardenia with chic glossy leaves or moisture-loving home calathea.

But if you really want to grow this luxurious orchid at home, even if you have modest experience in caring for flowering houseplants, then we advise you to pay attention to the very beautiful and not too capricious Dendrobium nobile (lat. Dendrobium nobile, the second popular name is D. noble ). In terms of popularity, this indoor orchid second only to phalaenopsis, home care for which even a novice grower is quite capable of. Photos of different types and varieties of dendrobium nobile with flowers can be found at the end of the article. BUT helpful tips Care instructions, videos, instructions for pest and disease control will help you grow this beautiful orchid at home.

In the axils of the leaves of a lanceolate dendrobium, alternately located on a straight stem with pseudobulbs, graceful flowers grow from flower buds, reminiscent of handmade crafts, folded by needlewomen from satin ribbons in the form of kanzashi or molded from foamiran, polymer clay, cold porcelain. Depending on the variety, large fragrant flowers of dendrobium nobile can be painted in the most different colors- from dazzling white to dark lilac and even with two or three colors of oval-shaped petals. home orchid dendrobium will be interesting to look at in interior phytodesign against the background of such plants in the form of miniature trees as Benjamin's ficus, Marginata dracaena, palm-shaped yucca, zamiokulkas (Dollar tree) or crassula (Money tree).

Dendrobium nobile, even with proper home care, sometimes "misses" one flowering season. But on next year in spring, this orchid will delight you with large flowers with a pleasant smell, blooming simultaneously on all shoots different ages. No special measures are required to stimulate the flowering of the noble dendrobium, but be sure to follow the recommendations for home care for this plant, which you will find later in this article, throughout the year. Peduncles develop from the upper nodes of old pseudobulbs, which lack leaves. On short inflorescences, several waxy flowers with wide sepals and oval-shaped petals may appear. A velvety rounded lip with a dark purple neck is decorated with a white border around the edge. In a flower arrangement, dendrobium nobile is interestingly combined with European cyclamen, with tuberous begonia, with pelargonium.


Location and lighting.

Dendrobium nobile is a photophilous indoor plant and will feel comfortable on a windowsill from the southwest or on a floor stand from the southeast. If possible, place the orchid on a balcony or loggia in summer period. In the autumn-winter period, when the day becomes shorter, it is advisable to arrange additional lighting with a phyto-lamp. Direct sunlight can cause leaf burns, the color of which begins to take on a light green color, and with a lack of sunlight, the leaves turn yellow. During the flowering period, you can not often rearrange or change the location of the pot, as the buds may begin to fall off immediately after laying.

Temperature regime.

In spring and summer, the optimum temperature for the dendrobium orchid is 19-25 ° C. Constant temperatures above 29°C can lead to stunted growth and normal development of the plant. autumn allowable temperature is 14-20°C in the daytime, and at night it drops to 10°C. Such a difference in temperature regime day and night promotes the laying of flower buds (watering during the dormant period is not required, but the lighting should be long during the day).

Air humidity.

The plant will feel comfortable with a moderate level of humidity in the room (40-50%). Be sure to moisturize dry air during hot periods by spraying and placing an open container of water next to the orchid.


For irrigation, use warm, well-settled water. During the active growing season, during the intensive growth of shoots, it is necessary to water the dendrobium abundantly. But do not allow stagnant water around the root system. The drainage of the substrate must be very good. You can even completely submerge the pot in water for a few minutes, and then remove any dripping water from the pan. Watering stops completely when young vertical leaves appear on the shoots that have stopped growing and resumes only during the laying of flower buds. Do not resume watering (and top dressing) before this period, because instead of beautiful flowers daughter shoots from vegetative buds will appear on the plant.

Earth mix and top dressing.

Since the dendrobium orchid is a plant growing in the wild on trees, the substrate for this house plant must be appropriate. Spruce bark crushed to an average fraction level (about 6-8 mm) with the addition of charcoal and sphagnum is quite suitable. Before planting an orchid, it is necessary to sterilize the substrate.

For top dressing, special fertilizers are used that are most suitable for this type of orchid. Dendrobium nobile begin to be fed during the growing season - starting from the moment the flower buds are laid (in half doses in the first weeks) and ending with the end of the growth of young shoots.


The dendrobium is transplanted only in case of emergency, when the substrate begins to crumble heavily and becomes rotten. This type of orchid is usually transplanted once every three years, into an opaque plastic pot with a diameter a few centimeters wider than the previous one, replacing the substrate with a new one.


Sprouting babies. This method of reproduction can be used during transplantation, when old pseudobulbs are removed. These old shoots can be cut with a sharp knife so that cuttings with 2-3 internodes are obtained. These cuttings are placed on wet moss in a container covered with foil. Lighting should be diffused, temperatures - 22-26 ° C. After a couple of weeks, young shoots should appear in the nodes, which are transplanted into a pot with a substrate prepared from the bark.

The division of the bush. This method can be used no more than once every 4 years during an orchid transplant, if there are at least 6-8 pseudobulbs. To do this, the root must be carefully cleaned of the substrate and cut the bush into pieces with a sharp sterile knife so that, in addition to the root, a sprout and several pseudotubers remain on the division. Be sure to treat all sections of the divisions with garden pitch before planting in new pots.


Orchids are considered one of the most beautiful representatives of the plant kingdom. For a long time, flower growers have learned to grow both ordinary and rare specimens in their apartments, such as, for example, dendrobium (orchid). Home care for these exotic pets has its own characteristics. This family is one of the richest in its species. Its representatives can be seen almost anywhere in the world. It can be rainy tropical forests, and savannahs or steppes, and hot lowlands and cold mountainous areas at an altitude of up to five thousand meters.

However, the greatest variety of subspecies of this Yatryshnikov family can be observed in the tropics or subtropics of East Asia and South or Central America. It is these areas that are home to most varieties, including such as the dendrobium (orchid). Home care for this beauty, according to many, is almost impossible. But this is not so: its cultivation today is not difficult, moreover, subject to all the required conditions, it pleases its owners with stunning flowers.


These beautiful plants admired in ancient China. Three centuries before the birth of Christ, the Greek Theophrastus gave them the name “orchis” or “testicles”. This is due to the paired thickened root tubers of the European orchis. Later this name was transferred to the whole family as a whole.

In 1731, the very first tropical orchid bloomed in Europe, which was brought from the Bahamas by a missionary. However, it took almost a hundred years before the craze for these exotic plants began.

At the beginning of the nineteenth century in England, orchids began to be used as packaging material for some other tropical flowers. One day, gardener and plant importer William Catley became interested in outlandish parts of them. He put them in a pot and soon grew amazing plant with huge lush flowers. This flower, in honor of the man who discovered the orchid in Europe, was named after him - Cattleya.

After that, many horticultural farms sent real “orchid hunters” to the tropical regions of Asia and America. They discovered and collected many new species of these precious flowers, including the dendrobium orchid. Caring for her, judging by the reviews, only at first seems difficult to many.

For a long time, these exotic plants in Europe were sold at a price inaccessible to ordinary people. The cost of some copies even reached twelve thousand German marks.

And only when gardeners managed to learn more about them, including such a representative as the dendrobium orchid, a photo, the care of which and many features of growing today are already in almost every gardening magazine, the trade in these exotic flowers moved to a more reasonable price level. .


Today, many wild-growing varieties are known, including the dendrobium, an orchid that many consider easy to care for at home, and more than a hundred varieties obtained by crossing so-called hybrids. And today, breeders are discovering new species. In the early eighties of the last century, unknown species of the venus slipper were discovered in China, having large flowers of a very bright color.

Today, all wild-growing representatives, including the dendrobium, the care of which is not difficult, are on the list of plants protected by law. Most of them in the conditions of natural growth are epiphytes. They settle on other plants, live in the crowns of many trees. The reason for choosing such a peculiar place is the fact that orchids receive more light on the crowns than living on shady soils in a tropical forest.


An orchid, home care for which is no longer a problem today, is sold in every flower shop. This beautiful plant fascinates with its appearance, it brings joy and a sense of celebration to your home. Of course, many do not risk buying this exotic inhabitant of the tropics, and their price is somewhat high compared to most indoor plants, but those who have it do not have to regret the time spent on it.

Dendrobium is an orchid, home care for which, despite the existing nuances, even a novice grower can do, belongs to the genus of herbaceous perennials. From Greek, the name of this plant is translated as "living on a tree." This is further evidence that it has an epiphytic mode of existence.

However, there are also such dendrobium flowers, the care of which is somewhat different from the usual ones. These are lithophytes that live on rocks. In nature, both varieties are found in Japan and the Philippines, Australia and China, New Zealand, New Guinea, etc. The species has about one thousand two hundred varieties, which sometimes differ greatly not only in the shape and color of flowers or leaves, but and the timing of flowering, the manner in which the buds are arranged on the stem, and many others.


The existing rich diversity of species does not allow us to talk about general requirements applied to all varieties of Dendrobium orchids. Caring for each takes into account certain whims of the subspecies, and some of its features. But there are some general information, which amateur growers should be aware of when buying this beauty in a flower shop. This circumstance must be taken into account when bringing dendrobium into the house. Care and breeding of any variety is a constant and laborious process. But you should not be afraid.

It’s just that cultivation must be carried out according to all the agrotechnical rules required by experts for such a flower as dendrobium. At the same time, care for all subspecies requires compliance with two strict conditions: the absence of drafts and direct sunlight.


This genus owes its name to the Swedish botanist Olaf Schwartz, who in 1799 combined Greek words"dendron" and "bios" and received "dendrobium" - "living on a tree", thereby emphasizing the epiphytic features of the existence of this orchid.

They are deciduous or evergreen plants with sympodial branching. Their jointed shoots with different lengths can be smooth, ribbed or cylindrical. The leaves of many species are narrow-lanceolate and oblong, sometimes elliptical or ovate. Often they grow along the entire stem length of the stem, and sometimes only on the upper "floor".

In some, they are quite dense, somewhat similar to succulents. There are varieties (such as dendrobium nobile), the care of which requires certain knowledge. This variety is distinguished by the fact that the plant produces erect brushes containing up to three flowers. The pseudobulb carries them along almost the entire carpal length, forming a bright cascade.


This most extensive genus in the orchid family has become widespread today among a large army of indoor floriculture lovers. Most of the beautiful and popular representatives, such as the noble dendrobium, the care of which requires knowledge of some of its features, can grow and bloom well indoors. Of course, a greenhouse for this guest from distant subtropics is just an ideal place for a normal existence, but not everyone has it.

Currently, in industrial cultivation and in the flower trade, such hybrids as bigibbum, phalenosepsis, parisha or dendrobium nobile are best represented - an orchid, the care of which requires the right choice of substrate and the presence of an eastern window. The latter is most common among flower growers.

Over the past few years, in the apartments of Russians, such species as the dendrobium of King, D. Lindley or the dendrobium of the star class have become more common.


Growing seasons, recommended temperatures, top dressings, and need for a dormant period vary greatly from species to species. This is due to the variety of climatic conditions in the places of natural growth of each specific type. Some dendrobiums grow in the tropics, where there is an abundance during the warm season. heavy rains, and in subsequent seasons, a lower temperature and drought are established. Other species came to us from those regions where the same temperature is always kept. And precisely because of this variety of existing natural conditions every culture needs individual approach. Care after flowering requires the closest attention. Dendrobium during this period requires a transplant, as well as other measures, as it is weakened and exhausted.

The soil

For planting dendrobium orchids, the care of which requires certain knowledge, experts usually use the usual epiphytic substrate. Small plants can be kept, for example, on a piece of pine bark or in pieces of coal, or in a mixture made from these two components with the addition of stumps of branches, sphagnum, or fern roots.

During the growth period, dendrobiums are watered more often, and in hot and dry weather - several times a day. To reduce the supply of moisture, you can add a little chopped moss or pieces of coconut bark to the substrate. In this case, the particle sizes are selected taking into account the conditions of the plant. For example, in a warm and humid room, coarse substrates are used.


All types of dendrobium are photophilous. They prefer bright, diffused light. In the hot summer season, plants must be shaded, avoiding places where they can be exposed to direct sunlight, leading to burns. This type of orchid needs maximum lighting only from the end of August and all autumn, when new shoots begin to ripen in it. During the winter months, it is desirable to provide the plant with additional illumination for up to four to six hours during the day.

Temperature regime

Different types of dendrobiums vary greatly in their requirements. And, in particular, this concerns the temperature conditions for their normal growth. If the plant breeder does not know for sure the name of the pet, then he is advised to carefully monitor the condition of the orchid in order to understand what conditions are best for it. In this case, you can follow the general rules.

In general, during their growth period, almost all dendrobiums prefer fairly high temperatures. During the day, this figure can range from twenty to twenty-five, and at night - from eighteen to twenty degrees. After the growth period is over, this plant needs to be provided with relatively cool conditions. The night temperature in the room should not rise above fifteen degrees.

Some varieties, for example, dendrobium nobile, the care of which is somewhat different from the rest, for abundant flowering need a cooler environment.


During the growth period, these orchids need to be watered abundantly, but at the same time, water should not be allowed to stagnate in the pot. The substrate must be completely dry. During the dormant period, they just need moderate watering. This is especially true for varieties that leave leaves. For species that shed them completely, dry content is recommended.

Water for irrigation should be soft, room temperature or even a few degrees more. During the active growing season, the dendrobium should be fed with a liquid complex fertilizer specially designed for orchids. The procedure should be carried out twice a month, no more.


These members of the Yatryshnikov family prefer a high water content in indoor air. Humidity in the room should be between forty and sixty percent. Therefore, in the warm seasons, they need to be sprayed daily, however, while preventing water from entering the leaf axils. In winter, humidity can be increased by placing the pot on a pallet of expanded clay so that the bottom does not get wet.


All orchids, including the dendrobium phalaenopsis, the care of which also categorically denies the presence of drafts, are hard to tolerate transplantation, so it should be done only if necessary: ​​when the pot plant becomes too small. The best time for this is the end of February or the beginning of March. At this time, orchids are preparing for active growth. When transplanting, you need to ensure good drainage.


Each type of dendrobium has its own time for blooming buds. As a rule, the flowering period lasts approximately eight to twelve weeks. The differences in day and night temperatures, the gap between which should be at least seven degrees, have a good effect on the preparation of the plant for this crucial stage.

To achieve flowering, some growers go to the following tricks: they do not water their orchid until a new sprout appears on it. But as soon as it stretches up to two or three centimeters, putting down its own roots, they begin to supply moisture again. And they do this until the new growth catches up with the old bulbs. At this time, watering is reduced to a complete cessation. At the same time, they lower the temperature to twelve degrees. This is not difficult, since the dendrobium, which is not very difficult to care for at home, blooms in winter. Watering is restored only after the opening of the buds that have appeared.

Care after flowering

This period in the life of the plant is very important. When it fades, watering gradually stops. Many orchids, including the dendrobium nobile, whose care after flowering consists in the immediate removal of the peduncle and the transfer of the pot to a cooler place, fall into a state of rest, in order to then again prepare for the blooming of the buds. The difference between winters in Russian latitudes and tropical ones often leads to the fact that on the dark windowsills of our apartments, the dendrobium, falling into hibernation, simply stops growing and freezes. This, of course, is not fatal, but this still should not be allowed.

In the winter months, when it dawns late and darkens early, which is unusual for a dendrobium, you can use a phytolamp and artificially illuminate the plant with it. The reason is that in vivo there is no dormant period for this type of orchid. The plant is always in active phases: either it takes root, then leaves or flower stalks. If the orchid still fell asleep, then it is better not to touch it and let it sleep: stop watering it and remove it away from the heat source. Actually, this is the care for her after flowering.

Dendrobium, home care for which must be carried out taking into account the characteristics of this flower, propagates in two types: dividing the bush and cuttings. In the first and second cases, the procedure is performed only after flowering.
