Pomegranate tree at home. How to grow a pomegranate from a stone at home

In the image and likeness of a pomegranate. It is believed that the crown on the fruit was the inspiration for the creators of the crown. The headdress appeared in the East, where pomegranate fruits grow.

Due to the scarlet color, like rubies, they were considered symbols of power. So they turned the crown of fruits into a crown. Do you want to see the sign of the kings in your home? Learning to grow homemade pomegranate.

Pomegranate from the stone at home

The pomegranate belongs to the genus Derbennikovs of the Myrtaceae family. It includes small shrubs and trees. Pomegranate belongs to the latter. AT natural environment the tree grows in southeastern Europe and Asia.

By climatic conditions culture is satisfied with lands where there are no temperatures below -15 degrees. There grenades reach 6 meters in height. At home, trees usually do not exceed one and a half meters. standard height bushes in pots - 90-100 centimeters.

You can grow a culture from the seed of a fruit bought in the market or in a store. However, they sell large trees. It is better to look into the seed shop and find the name “Dwarf Pomegranate” there, more precisely, its varieties “Carthage” and “Baby”. They are adapted for home keeping, with proper lighting and pruning, they stay within 40 centimeters.

grow up pomegranate at home from the seed of a large, smooth fruit without dents on the peel, mold and rot. Frozen grenades are also not good. Bones in other fruits germinate in 95% of cases.

So, there is no need to select a lot of seeds for planting, 2-3 is enough. The flesh around them should be elastic, scarlet. Green grains are not ready for germination.

Before planting the seeds, the pulp is removed from them, or rather, washed off with a slightly warm running water. After, we take the settled liquid room temperature, adding a couple of drops of a growth stimulator, for example, Epin, to a teaspoon.

In its solution, the seeds are kept for 12 hours. At this time, we are preparing the soil. Suitable flower from the store. If possible, make up the substrate yourself, take peat, river sand and fertile soil, that is, humus.

We mix the components in equal proportions and put them in plastic pots or cups with the addition of drainage at the bottom. The bottom of the containers is perforated for the outflow of water.

We put the seeds in pots for 1-1.5 centimeters, sprinkle with earth and spray abundantly warm water. For the effect of a greenhouse, cover with a film or a cut of a plastic bottle. We need humidity and air temperature of about 25-30 degrees Celsius.

We are waiting for sprouts. When planting in late autumn or early spring, they should appear in a couple of weeks. Seeds planted in the ground at other times hatch from a month to 3.

With the advent of the first leaf, remove the covering material and put the pot on sunny place, not forgetting to periodically moisten the ground with a spray bottle. The soil should not dry out. After the development of the 8th leaf, we transplant the tree into the main pot.

Ceramic is preferred. Enough shallow capacity. Homemade pomegranate seeds has a superficial root system. The substrate from the bottom of the pot remains unclaimed.

Growing pomegranate cuttings

A cutting is a cut branch intended for vegetative propagation. A vegetative distribution is called vegetative, without seeds. Pomegranate cuttings are separated in summer or February.

In winter, completely stiff shoots are taken, and in summer - only half. The latter fit better. However, in the middle of summer the plant is covered with flowers. Many do not regret cutting off beauty.

The buds look like Scarlet roses, sometimes, have an elongated shape close to the funnel. The petals are scarlet, like the fruits of the pomegranate. Some varieties of culture are bred solely for the sake of buds. In general, no one will judge if the cutting is taken from winter plant. A separated branch must have at least 4 internodes.

Maybe it's better to focus on the question, how to plant a pomegranate seed at home. Pomegranate cuttings survive 45% less often. Every second will take root. You can increase the rate by treating the stem cut with a rooting stimulator. We find it in gardening stores.

In the photo shoots homemade pomegranate

The roots of pomegranate cuttings are also given in water. For fidelity, you can make a substrate of sand and, sticking a shoot into it for about 3 buds. We will observe a 45-degree angle with respect to the soil. Upright cuttings rarely take root.

Having planted the stalk, cover the pot with a film and put it in a well-lit place. We keep the temperature at the level of 23-27 degrees. Once a day, remove the film for 20-30 minutes for ventilation.

If the cutting takes root, it will happen faster than in the case of seeds. Usually, the branch seizes with the soil in a week and a half. After another three weeks, rooting is completed.

Evidence of this - new kidneys. We wait for 3-4-ex and shorten the escape by a third. This will lead to branching of the tree, the formation of a lush crown. The formation of 2-3 lateral branches gives a reason to transplant the shoot into the main pot.

Pomegranate cuttings, despite the low survival rate, have advantages. Taking a branch for rooting, we see how strong and healthy it is. Trees from seeds can grow frail. The reason will lie in the parent plant, its fruit, and not the care of the seedling.

In addition, the pomegranate variety is definitely visible on the handle. Seeds, even in packages, sometimes surprise. From the "Dwarf Pomegranate" can grow, for example, ordinary. So believe the labels on the packages and a photo.

homemade pomegranate in pots is almost impossible to find in stores. Rare offers bite in terms of price. Therefore, lovers of indoor plants and contrive, germinating seeds and rooting cuttings.

However, before applying to the soil planting material worth finding out how to grow pomegranate at home. As they say in relation to people: - "It is not enough to give birth to a child, he still needs to be brought up." To do this, you need to be patient and know some secrets. So, let's find out the nuances of caring for a tropical tree.

Pomegranate care

Bright light is the first thing you need indoor pomegranate. Home care involves growing a tree exclusively on the southern windows. Pomegranate is one of the few plants that love the direct rays of the sun.

From 4,000 to 6,000 lux for a tree is a comfortable environment. In cloudy weather and in winter, pomegranates are illuminated with phytolamps. They should bring daylight hours to 10-12 hours. In this case, the tree will continue to bloom and bear fruit. The lack of light will lead to the dropping of part of the leaves and hibernation.

Although pomegranate seeds germinate at 30 degrees, mature trees prefer temperatures in the range of 20-25 Celsius. They are being held all year round.

There is information that from November to March, the pomegranate has a dormant period, it needs coolness. However, flower growers prove the opposite by posting photos of winter trees in bloom online and noticing that the heat did not affect their health and fruiting.

The watering regime is also the same all year round. Pomegranate loves slightly moist soil. As soon as the soil begins to dry out, it is moistened. If excess water has drained into the pan, it is released.

Stagnation of moisture in the pot stand can lead to rotting of the roots of the tree. It will perish on its own and bear no fruit. Pomegranate berries, by the way, reach almost half a meter in diameter.

This is the champion pomegranate grown in the Chinese province of Sichuan. The width of the fetus was 48.7 centimeters. Standard berries of a tree in diameter do not exceed 18 centimeters.

Pomegranate is watered with settled, soft water at room temperature. At the same time, the plant has no special requests for air humidity. Ideal for apartments with a parched atmosphere due to heating devices.

Pomegranate is favorable to fertilizers. However, top dressing gives strength for the formation of a mass of buds, rapid growth. The tree has no resources left for fruits. If pomegranate is grown for them, it is worth minimizing top dressing.

Waving a hand to get a bountiful harvest, we introduce nitrogen-phosphorus from spring to July. They will help form the ovaries of "roses". From the second half of summer, potassium supplements are needed.

The advantage of pomegranate is not only in its relative unpretentiousness for a tropical plant, but also in its resistance to diseases. Both fungi and insects rarely covet the hero of the article. In this regard, pomegranate is more profitable than other fruit crops grown at home, for example, oranges and lemons.

Pruning and transplanting homemade pomegranate

Pruning pomegranate helps to form a lush crown and limit the height of the tree. It is customary to cut the shoots growing inside the bush. Leaving the branches directed outward, we make the crown sprawling. At the same time, you need to cut the shoots on the kidneys, looking inside the bush. The procedure is well tolerated by the plant in the off-season.

Cutting shoots stimulates branching. Cutting near the kidneys, directed inside the crown, we avoid its thickening. For the viability of shortened branches, we leave at least a couple of leaves on them, preferably 5. In natural form By the way, the branches of the pomegranate are chaotic and curvilinear, as if broken. This picture is attractive for a semi-wild garden, but not at home.

pomegranate pruning carried out in two ways. The first is aimed at forming the appearance of a spreading bush, and the second - a miniature tree. In the latter case, you can work not only with thin branches, but also with powerful shoots, more like trunks. Even in their youth, they are twisted into such bundles. This forms a single, wide trunk with a rounded crown.

Having worked on the basics of composition, you can think about transplanting a pomegranate. It is required by the plant at least 3 years after planting. More than 4 years in the first pot is also better not to keep. By this time, the soil in the flowerpot is depleted, there are almost no resources left for the growth of the tree.

If up to 3 years the plant grows stronger, then after pomegranates it easily tolerates annual transplants. They change both the soil and the pots. If you transplant laziness, you can delay the process for 3 years.

You can’t pull any more, since the pomegranate is from fast-growing crops. During the season, the tree can double in size, as well as its root system. Maybe. It is thanks to the rapid growth of the pomegranate that it is considered the tree of life.

So he was called in Ancient Egypt. The fruit of culture, as a sacred symbol of life, was placed in the sarcophagi of the pharaohs in the hope of giving them a rebirth in another world.

The pomegranate is also called the tree of life in the Karan. According to the scripture, the hero of the article grew up in Paradise. Later, the Prophet Muhammad recommended pomegranate fruits to his students as a drug for envy and hatred. So, the energy of the tree is peaceful.

The ancient Greeks associated culture with Aphrodite, and therefore with love and voluptuousness. Feelings are kindled not only by the color of the fruits, their grains, but also by the drinks in which they are present. Grenadine is made from pomegranate. It is a sweetener syrup, as well as a natural dye. It is added to alcoholic beverages, in particular liqueurs and wines.

According to the teachings of Feng Shui, a pomegranate tree in the house contributes to the accumulation of positive energy, brings family well-being and prosperity. The tree is very decorative and especially beautiful during flowering and fruit set.

Enthusiastic flower growers grow pomegranate trees at home, and not purchased seedlings, but grown independently from seeds. The growing process is not very difficult, so why not try it.

You can buy pomegranate seeds for planting in specialized stores, and since the plant is mainly grown as ornamental plant, then it can also be grown from seeds taken from ordinary fruits from the store.

The probability of fruiting pomegranate grown from seed

A pomegranate grown from seed will bloom at the end of the first year of planting with proper care, and will bear fruit in three years. The first flowers must be removed, this will ensure better flowering and fruiting in the future.
You just need to know and remember that all fruits sold are hybrids bred to produce tasty, large and productive fruits. From hybrid seeds you will not get the same fruits as from which the seeds are taken, they will not repeat taste qualities your parents.

When flowering, the tree has both male and female flowers. Women are determined by the presence of stamens on them. Additional pollination of flowers is not necessary, but for better fruit set with a brush, you can transfer pollen from male flowers to female ones.

Experienced flower growers advise for education during flowering more water pomegranate female flowers with cool water at a temperature of + 18–20 ° C.

Conditions for growing at home

Pomegranate is a shrub that can be formed as a tree at home. He loves bright sunlight, therefore, southern and western windows are suitable for growing, but in order to avoid leaf burns at noon, the tree needs to be shaded.

Watering should be moderate as the top layer of soil in the pot dries out. In the autumn winter period Irrigation should generally be reduced to a minimum.

On the summer months the tree is carried out Fresh air, a balcony or garden, it can even be planted in open ground, and in the fall it can be transplanted into a pot and brought into the house.

Growing temperature should be:

  • in autumn, during the period of fruit ripening - + 14-16 ° C;
  • in winter, during the dormant period - + 10-12 ° C;
  • in spring and summer - + 20-22 ° C, at temperatures above + 25 ° C, pomegranate growth may stop and foliage may fall off. To reduce the temperature, spraying the plant with cool water is used.

Pomegranate is a deciduous plant; in autumn, when the temperature drops, it can shed its foliage and go into a dormant period, and at a temperature of + 15-20 ° C, begin to increase leaf mass.

Landing and care

To plant pomegranate seeds, they must first be prepared.

  1. To obtain seeds, a ripe fruit is taken without dents and signs of disease; it is unacceptable to take seeds from a rotten fruit.
  2. Extract the seeds from the pomegranate, remove the pulp, rinse in cold water and dry well with paper towels.
  3. Leave to dry for a day.

Seeds are planted to a depth of no more than 1 cm in a light, nutritious moist soil. landing tanks cover with polyethylene to maintain humidity and put in a warm, bright place. Germination temperature should be +25°C.

Seed germination is very high 90-100%, but extended over time. Seeds can hatch in 1-2 weeks, or maybe in a month. Your germination harvested seeds kept for half a year. When shoots appear, the film is removed and, as it dries, the soil is moistened.

As the seedlings grow, the strongest ones are left, which then dive into separate pots.

Pomegranate is not capricious in care, therefore special care young plants do not require. After the appearance of the first pair of true leaves, the seedlings are transplanted into deeper containers. Then, for the purpose of shaping, the growing seedling needs to be pinched. The first time over the third pair of leaves, after this procedure, the pomegranate will release two shoots into growth, which, in turn, also need to be pinched over the third pair of leaves. If this is not done, the seedling will grow up with one shoot and it will not have any form.

Further care consists in regular watering as the earth dries up, top dressing twice a month. Since August, fertilizing and watering are reduced, the plant is preparing for a dormant period. In winter, care consists in maintaining the soil in a slightly damp state and the temperature should not be higher than +15. In the spring, at the beginning of bud break, the tree is placed in warm place and increase watering.

Young seedlings are transplanted annually in the spring, plants over three years old are transplanted as they fill with roots. flower pot and the appearance of the tips of the roots in the drainage hole.

For the best growth of the pomegranate crown, it must be grown in cramped pots, because. all the forces the plant spends on growing up, and not filling the pot with roots. Therefore, pots should be narrow and tall with good drainage.

annual spring pruning at the beginning of leaf blooming, it consists in removing shoots growing inside the tree, shortening young shoots by 2-5 pairs of leaves, and be sure to prune on the outer bud to prevent the formation of thickening shoots.

As you can see, growing an exotic at home is not a big deal, but the pleasure of getting a tree out of a small seed with your own efforts, albeit a small one, will be huge. Let the fruits not please you with their size and taste, but watching the flowering and setting of pomegranate fruits will bring joy.

It would not be an exaggeration to say that almost every apartment or house in our country is decorated with indoor flowers. Most often, their range is not particularly diverse, but there are exceptions. How do you like indoor pomegranate, for example?

Basic information

Pomegranate (Punica) feels quite comfortable at home. However, in this case, it is not nutritional properties its fruits, and the ornamental qualities of the plant's flowers. Important! AT room conditions it is still better to grow a dwarf variety of pomegranate (Punicanana). However, many scientists and gardeners believe that the pomegranate houseplant is just a separate form of the parent plant. Judging by the appearance and features of the vegetation process, it is so.

Brief historical background

Oddly enough, but indoor pomegranate is known as houseplant already for a long time. This circumstance is mainly due to the amazing unpretentiousness of this plant. In the subtropics and tropics, it is widely grown in open field, and in our conditions, ordinary pots on windowsills or even indoor greenhouses are preferable. By the way, for the excellent decorative qualities of pomegranate flowers, it has long been awarded an Honorary Diploma of the Royal Horticultural Society of Great Britain.

Ancient legends say that once this fruit was known under the name "Punic apple". In legends, the pomegranate was a symbol of fidelity in marriage, in Greece it was used as a symbol of fertility, and the Persians honored it as the personification of passionate and passionate love. However, all this is trifles, since the beneficial properties of pomegranate have been known since ancient times.

In general, so useful plant worthy of becoming a decoration of any home or garden. Moreover, it (as we have already said) is distinguished by its rare unpretentiousness, it can grow on brackish and arid soils.

Description of the pomegranate

It should be noted that the original indoor pomegranate was described as early as 1803. Its height in the maximum case does not exceed 120 centimeters, and in the form potted plant it only grows up to 0.9 meters. The leaves are light green, oval in shape, no more than three centimeters in diameter. They differ in short cuttings that have a slightly reddish tint. In spring, the leaves take on a beautiful bronze color, in summer they are light green, and by autumn they turn yellowish.

Note that the most decorative are special, cultivated varieties of indoor pomegranate. From May to September, these plants are strewn with beautiful purple flowers in abundance. They are located in a single order, formed already in the first year of cultivation. Tellingly, their size exceeds that of the leaves - about four centimeters. Please note: only flowers with long pistils can bear fruit. The percentage of those is very low, since the houseplant pomegranate is purely decorative.

Each flower lives for a maximum of three days, but new buds are tied and bloom every day. Gardeners testify that there are no more than three or four ovaries per hundred flowers. The room pomegranate has a special uniqueness for the reason that both buds and already ripening fruits can be on the plant at the same time.

Separately about the fruits

The fruits themselves, by the way, can be painted in the most different colors: from orange to brown-red. Alas, they are far from the taste of the "ordinary" pomegranate, and in diameter they are a maximum of six to seven centimeters. You can taste them from November. The fruiting season ends around January.

Since pomegranates are most often grown at home for their flowers, the fruits are usually removed. This is related to the fact that abundant flowering already severely depletes the plant, so to save decorative properties pomegranate is better to remove the ovaries that have appeared. However, one or two fruits can still be left on one tree.

And it’s worth doing this not so much for culinary purposes, but to get your own seeds. Note, however, that varietal qualities plants can not always indulge in this method of reproduction. And only once every three or four years you can make yourself a gift, leaving all the fruits on the tree. The beauty of a pomegranate that blooms and bears fruit at the same time is simply indescribable.

What varieties are best to use?

On sale, you will probably find only dwarf pomegranate (Punicagranatum). Occasionally, a room grenade "Baby" or "Carthage" comes across on store shelves. The last two varieties are artificially bred, designed specifically for indoor cultivation. Their height rarely exceeds 30 centimeters, while the usual dwarf variety often grows up to one meter.

Lighting Requirements

Despite its general unpretentiousness, the houseplant pomegranate is demanding on the lighting conditions in the house. That is why you can choose any windows in the house for its placement, with the exception of those that face north side. However, on hot and sunny days, it is still necessary to cover the tender leaves of the plant from direct sunlight.

Note that the ideal place for a pomegranate in summer is a loggia, attic or veranda. Important! The plant should be accustomed to "sunbathing" gradually, since with an excessively sharp course of the process, the formation of sunburn on the leaves is not excluded. As soon as the duration of daylight begins to decline, and the nights become colder, this southerner should be immediately brought into the house.

Temperature Range

As you might guess, the pomegranate needs heat, and for the entire period of flowering and fruiting. In general, its normal development is possible at a temperature of about 20 degrees Celsius. Important! If the temperature in the room exceeds 25 degrees, it must be taken out to a cooler and more ventilated room, otherwise the shoots may begin to dry out. In the case when this is not possible, regularly spray the leaves with water at room temperature (settled, of course).

But! For normal fruit ripening, a pomegranate needs a temperature of approximately 16-18 degrees Celsius. From November to March, the plant has a dormant period, during which it is required to maintain temperature regime at 10-12 degrees. By the way, these indoor plants can easily withstand frosts down to minus six degrees Celsius.

Requirements for the composition and other characteristics of the soil

Although we said that in nature pomegranate is extremely unpretentious to soils, at home, to create the most ornamental plant, characteristics soil mixtures should be maintained at the right level. Please note that they must be neutral (pH 7). We would recommend the following features:

Half sod land, ¼ good leaf humus, 12% peat, and 13% sand.
. Half sand, ¼ parts loam and peat (watch the pH!).
. Two parts of clay-soddy soil, one volumetric part of leafy soil, one share of sand and humus each.
. Especially for young plants: humus, sod, sand and leafy soil are taken in equal proportions.

About watering and humidity

As you probably understand yourself, competent watering of any plant is a guarantee not only of its decorative appearance but also survival. In our case, there are following rules glaze:

At rest (we talked about it above), the number of waterings is reduced as much as possible: no more than once every one and a half to two months!
. When houseplants come out of hibernation, you can gradually increase the frequency. Gradually move on to frequent watering, soaking well upper layer soil in a pot. Moisturize it as it dries.
. Please note that during flowering, moisture intake should be limited, since under natural conditions this time coincides with a dry and hot period. But be careful! With a lack of moisture and nutrients you may well be left with nothing, as the plant will simply drop all the buds and ovaries.
. As we have already said, in hot weather and in stuffy rooms, it is necessary to spray pomegranate leaves with settled water.
. As soon as flowering ends, the plant must again be watered abundantly, otherwise abundant flowering in the next year will be in question.
. If you need to grow fruits, then the issue of soil moisture should be approached as carefully and carefully as possible. If you overdo it with water, then the fruits may well crack and even rot.

We feed

Any indoor flowers need feeding. Pomegranate is no exception. "Feed" it should be at least twice a month. AT spring period any nitrogen fertilizer can be widely used. When the pomegranate blooms, phosphorus top dressing is mandatory, and in autumn period- potassium. However, once (per month) it is quite acceptable to use complex fertilizer. Important! Top dressing should be done only in cloudy weather.

Fertilizers must be applied exclusively to moist soil, but all excess water from flower tray at the same time, it is mandatory to merge. In the autumn period, the frequency of top dressing is gradually reduced, preparing the pomegranate for the dormant period. Most often it occurs in December-January, when they fade last flowers and all the fruits on the plant will fully ripen.

rest period

You can easily find out about its onset, since at this moment the plant begins to shed its leaves. As we said, during this period, the ambient temperature should be maintained within ten degrees Celsius. Important! As for young pomegranates that have not yet reached the age of three, a dormant period is not necessary for them, but the temperature at this time should still be lowered to about 16 degrees Celsius (as when the fruit ripens).

Of course, in a city apartment it is far from always possible to create optimal conditions for “hibernation”. A simple measure will help to sufficiently reduce the temperature: move the pot of pomegranate close to the glass, and then isolate it from the rest of the room with ordinary plastic wrap. It will be enough to keep for three to four weeks. However, the most optimal results can be achieved by pulling the plant into the basement for this time.

Trimming procedure

Around February, the pomegranate is taken out of the cold room and, while the buds have not yet blossomed, they are pruned. The plant tolerates just such a pruning procedure best. Most of all small young branches should be removed. To stimulate branching, it is necessary to cut the branches outside the bud at an acute angle, leaving no more than five internodes on the shoot. Important! When forming a room pomegranate (the photo of which is in the article), never forget to leave within the six skeletal branches that form the basis of the whole plant.

If you get carried away with pruning, you can significantly weaken the tree. By the way, it is precisely for the formation of the tree form of the pomegranate (including bonsai) that all the young shoots in the pot must be mercilessly removed. When forming branches and pruning, you need to be extremely careful, as the shoots are fragile. Extra shoots formed in the current growing season, you can clean in the summer. In this case, it is advisable to seal the wound with garden pitch.

How is the transplant done?

Up to three years, it is necessary to transplant pomegranates annually. After reaching three years, the frequency of the procedure is reduced to once every two to three years. It is best to do this in the spring. The transplant itself is simple, as it is done by conventional transshipment. To do this, take the soil with the mandatory addition of sand. Of course, the presence of drainage in the pot is extremely important.

Despite the developed fibrous system, the grenade does not need an exceptionally wide pot. An increase in capacity should be carried out at the rate of two to three centimeters per transplant, no more. By the way, the flowering of the plant is the more abundant, the closer the roots in the pot (but do not overdo it!). Here's how to care for a potted pomegranate.

Reproduction of pomegranate seeds

We immediately warn you that successful cultivation it is extremely important to buy plants from seeds in specialized stores or from trusted suppliers. However, all flower growers who grow indoor flowers will tell you about this. A pomegranate grown from normal seed material will allow you to enjoy flowering in the first year, and you will be able to taste your own pomegranates in about two to three years.

However, no one forbids trying to grow a tree using seeds from an already ripe fruit. Note that they remain viable for up to six months. You need to choose seeds only from the largest and well-ripened pomegranates. After that, they are cleaned of pulp and dried properly in a warm and dry room. They can be sown in April, to a depth of approximately 0.5 cm. Attention - the pomegranate, the fruit of which appeared on the tree for the first time, is absolutely unsuitable for use for seed purposes, since its seeds may be too weak and will not sprout.

The substrate for this is made from equal parts of sand and peat, after which it is moistened to an average extent. Germination occurs at a temperature of about 25-27 degrees Celsius, the development of seedlings begins quickly. As soon as two or three true leaves appear, the strongest and healthiest-looking seedlings are distributed into pots with a diameter of approximately six centimeters. In order for plants to grow and develop faster, during this period they need heat and moisture. For better bushiness, they need to be pinched. Here's how to get indoor pomegranate from seeds.

Important! If you buy a pomegranate in the market or in a store, deciding to use its seeds for sowing, then keep in mind that you can expect flowering from it in seven years best case. In addition, the size of such a plant will be too large (two or three meters) for an average city apartment. Recall that indoor pomegranate, the cultivation of which does not cause particular difficulties, rarely grows at least up to a meter.

Propagation by cuttings

Cuttings should be taken from mature and well-bearing plants. In summer, you need to take those of them that are half stiff, and in winter (in February), respectively, stiff. You need to cut the branches into pieces with five to six buds. The soil for planting is made from equal parts of sand and peat, landing is carried out at an angle, to a depth of approximately three centimeters. Here's how cuttings are propagated indoor pomegranate.

Cuttings need to be covered with a cut plastic bottle or jar, water frequently to maintain high humidity air and soil, as it is necessary for rooting. It is highly desirable to treat the cuttings before planting with some kind of humic fertilizer, since this measure dramatically increases the likelihood of successful rooting. After about two or three months, young plants can already be seated in separate pots. The buds may appear as early as the first year, but they should be cut off for the first two seasons, as the plant is not yet fully grown to fully bloom.

In a word, pomegranate is a plant that every lover of flora must have!


Fans of indoor plants are sometimes lost in the next choice of "green neighbor". If you want to grow homemade pomegranate, caring for the plant is very simple and will not cause problems in growing it. Such an exotic plant is completely unpretentious, and it can be grown in an ordinary pot on the windowsill.

Dwarf pomegranate - beauty and well-being in the house

The name of the fruit comes from the Latin granatus, which means grainy. According to historical data, the pomegranate was a symbol of a rich harvest, gave faith and life.

The story says that the fruit came to our countries from Carthage and was called the "Punic apple". In every country, pomegranate is a symbol of something special. In Greece it is fertility, in Persia it is passionate love. And the wife of Zeus holds a pomegranate in her hand as a symbol of marriage. Even in the real world in Greece, during the wedding, flowers and fruits of the tree are thrown under the feet of the bride and groom. And the bride herself during the celebration, instead of a bouquet, can throw a juicy fruit to her bridesmaids.

Mostly at home, they prefer a dwarf or indoor pomegranate, the cultivation of which will be a pleasure. It should be noted that the plant perfectly decorates not only any interior of a room or garden, but also has a lot of useful properties.

The first mention of a dwarf pomegranate falls on 1803. In height, the plant reaches a maximum of 120 cm. Its leaves are light green with a glossy sheen, located on red cuttings. In connection with the change of seasons, pomegranate leaves change their color: in spring the plant acquires bronze tones, in summer - shades of green, in autumn - yellow colors.

The flowering time of the shrub falls on May-September. Pomegranate flowers are large with a diameter of up to 4 cm and purple in color, but most of the fruit does not form. The duration of flowering of one flower is a maximum of 3 days, but every day new buds form on the bush. Only flowers with long columns can ripen into small pomegranates. So, out of a hundred flowers, only 3 form a fruit. You should not worry that the rest of the flowers fall off: this is an individual property of the plant.

The pomegranate fruit itself can be colored as in Orange color, and in brown-red and ripens in winter. But the pomegranate does not have a special, pronounced taste, besides, the fruit itself is very small. Therefore, basically the dwarf tree serves as a decoration of the room. The owners, in order for the plant to give all its strength in color and have a sufficient number of new buds, cut off the ovaries.

Necessary conditions for a home tree

Indoor pomegranate belongs to light-loving plants, so the pot must be placed on any windows, with the exception of the northern ones. But the plant does not accept direct sunlight, especially young growth. In summer, when it is warm and light, it is better to take the tree to the balcony or veranda, and to winter the plant should be brought into the house.

Homemade pomegranate, like any exotic plant, needs warmth, especially during flowering. Therefore, the temperature in the room must be maintained above +20°C. But if the room is very hot, then the leaves may begin to fall off the pomegranate. To prevent this, you can spray the leaves with cool water. During the ripening of the fruit, the pomegranate at home prefers cool rooms with a temperature of + 14 ° C, and during the dormant period it is even lower.

The soil of a homemade pomegranate, in order to ensure flowering and fruiting, must be rich and valuable in various mineral components.

Watering the plant also needs to be approached competently in order to prevent waterlogging or drought of the soil. The most abundant watering of the shrub falls on the period after flowering, so that later the plant will please with its flowers. In winter, home pomegranate practically does not need watering - once every 2 months is enough.

Home pomegranate will not refuse to feed, but no more than twice a month. It is necessary to apply nitrogen fertilizers to moist soil and in spring, phosphorus fertilizers during color, and potassium fertilizers in autumn.

After the fruits of the tree are ripe, it usually sheds leaves, that is, a dormant period begins. To do this, the grenade should create optimal conditions with a temperature of no more than + 12 ° C. It is difficult to maintain such a temperature at home. You can, for example, move the plant pot to the window or put it on the balcony for 3 weeks.

After a dormant period, in February, homemade pomegranate begins to form buds. During this period, it is important to prune dry or unnecessary branches of the plant. Pruning is carried out in such a way that the bud of the shrub looks outward, otherwise, with further growth, the inner bud will thicken the plant. You can form a pomegranate in the form of a tree, while cutting the basal branches. It is important to prevent severe pruning, otherwise the plant will weaken, the number of buds will decrease, and, accordingly, the flowers.

For young plants, transplantation is carried out every year until reaching 3 years. Homemade pomegranate does not require large containers and pots, and, conversely, the closer the root system, the stronger the flowering will be.

How to grow a pomegranate?

Reproduction of homemade pomegranate can be carried out in 2 ways:

  • cuttings;
  • seeds.

Before you grow a pomegranate from seeds at home, you need to purchase seed. You can buy it at the store, or you can take it from a houseplant. Before planting a seed in a container, it is necessary to prepare it. To do this, the largest and ripest fruit is selected and several grains are taken. To get the seed itself, you need to remove the pulp of the grain, rinse in water and wipe dry with a napkin or dry. Seeds should be planted at a distance of about 1 cm from the surface and away from each other. Seed germination time on average reaches 2 weeks. For good germination of the future plant, the pot should be placed in a warm, sunny place and provided with abundant watering.

To grow a pomegranate at home when propagated by cuttings, shoots should be taken from a fruitful plant with several buds and, after planting, covered with a plastic bottle or glass jar.

If an exotic plant has undergone a disease, there is no need to delay its treatment. When pests appear on the leaves, they must be treated with special chemicals or assemble by hand. dry room and air can provoke the appearance spider mite. To prevent such a disease, the plant must be often sprayed and moistened. Over-watering can also affect pomegranate health, with yellowing leaves being the main sign of overwatering. In such a situation, the plant must be transplanted into dry soil and rotten roots removed.

You should not be afraid of such, as it seemed, excessive care. The main thing is that the process of growing indoor pomegranate brings delight, then the plant will delight the owner with its beauty.

Homemade Pomegranate - Family Health Benefits

Pomegranate is a healthy fruit: for the treatment of diseases, raw materials are obtained from all parts of the plant: from the fruit, peel, flowers, roots.

The value of the fruit lies in the content minerals and organic acids. Pomegranate is rich in various vitamins, carbohydrates, proteins and even fats. Fruit juice has an analgesic, choleretic, antiseptic effect. The fruits of the plant are used for digestive diseases. They normalize blood pressure, take off headache saturate the body with vitamins. Pomegranate peel has found its use as an anthelmintic drug, due to the content of ursolic acid. Doctors recommend the use pomegranate juice for infectious and colds, anemia, with problems with gastrointestinal tract. For indigestion, colitis, the peel of the fruit is used. And pomegranate flowers are brewed like tea, which makes this drink similar to the popular hibiscus.

What is useful pomegranate?

Thus, homemade pomegranate is perfect for those who want to acquire a decorative tree. It will not be difficult for beginner flower growers to grow a pomegranate with juicy and ripe fruits, and take care of dwarf pomegranate even a schoolboy can.

There is hardly a person on Earth who is not familiar with the pomegranate. Its slightly tart taste is very pleasant. The blood-red color of the fruit contains a huge amount of useful substances necessary for human health. For the sake of fruits and a beautiful decorative appearance, the pomegranate tree is grown in open ground and at home. Read about it in the article.

History reference

pomegranate tree It has been known for a long time. Back in Ancient Egypt, when the pharaohs ruled, gardens with these fruits were planted everywhere, which at that time were called Carthaginian apples. They were brought here by the Phoenicians in 825 BC. But when the Romans attacked these places, everything was destroyed except for gardens with trees on which pomegranates grew.

It took a long time before the plant began to occur at the end of the 18th century on the territory of the American continent. This fruit was the main one on the royal table because of the peel, which looks like a crown. Until now, some countries believe that the pomegranate is the progenitor of royal headdresses.

What does a pomegranate tree look like?

It is mainly a deciduous plant. It can reach a height of five meters or grow as a shrub. The leaves are glossy, opposite, elongated and average length- seven centimeters. It blooms for a long time and is very plentiful. This period starts in May and ends in August. The flowers are large, their diameter reaches three centimeters, and the shape resembles bells. A blooming pomegranate tree is strewn with bright red-orange buds. This is an amazing sight! Many gardeners grow a tree only for the sake of the beautiful, they consider it a long-liver. The duration of his life at home is half a century, and in the open field - three hundred years.

fruit characteristic

The fruits have spherical shape, their peel is dense, yellow-red or red-brown. Diameter reaches 5-12 cm, average weight- 600 g. The fruit inside has many chambers filled with a huge number of seeds, there are up to 1400 of them. Around each grain is a juicy pulp, which is the edible shell of the seeds. It accounts for 50% of the total weight of the fetus.

The fruit of the pomegranate tree (see photo below) ripens in extended periods of time. This process begins in September and ends in February, except in the southern hemisphere. Here are other dates: March-May. Pomegranate has a high yield: 60 kg per tree.

The plant is always decorative: when it grows, it blooms and bears fruit. In warm regions, during the ripening period, fruits often crack on the branches. This process is very interesting. The halves of the fruit diverge in different directions, taking a horizontal position, but the grains do not spill out. In regions with a predominance of a temperate climate, it happens that the fruits are removed later than the leaves fall.

Where does the pomegranate tree grow?

The birthplace of this plant is Persia (in the modern world - Iran). The places of distribution of the pomegranate tree in the wild are Central and Asia Minor, north-west India, Transcaucasia, Afghanistan, Iran. In a cultivated form, the territories of pomegranate growth are countries with a tropical and subtropical climate: the Middle East, Italy, Greece, Crimea.

Growing from seeds

The material for planting are the seeds of a large pomegranate. When buying it, you need to carefully examine the skin of the fetus: it should be even, without damage. The grains are taken out of the pulp, washed well and dried. They should have a firm consistency and color to match. Ivory. If the seeds are soft and have a different color, they cannot be used to grow the plant.

Seed sowing technology

How to grow a pomegranate tree? You need to plant a seed. To do this, a pot, preferably clay, is filled with a substrate, which includes earth, sand and peat. It is important that the soil is loose. Expanded clay, fine gravel or other material is poured into the bottom of the pot as drainage. We should not forget that excess moisture has a detrimental effect on the root system of the pomegranate tree. The seed planting technology is as follows:

  • On the surface of the soil in a pot, you need to make small indentations.
  • Place seeds in them: one grain in each well.
  • Sprinkle the holes with earth, but on different levels without deepening the seeds into the ground more than a centimeter. There should be a distance of about two to three centimeters between the grains. If it is not maintained, then due to the density of planting, the seeds will not germinate well.
  • Water the seedlings.
  • Cover crops with foil.

How to grow seedlings?

If the planting technology is followed, and the seeds were healthy and mature, the first shoots will appear in half a month. When they grow up a little and become stronger, the polyethylene with which the plantings were covered can be removed. All sprouts in a pot must be carefully examined, the weakest removed, put the plants in a place illuminated by the sun and do not forget about watering.

When leaves appear, pomegranate seedlings are transplanted into separate containers with new soil. You can cook it yourself. To do this, mix humus, leaf turf, sand, peat in a ratio of 1: 1: 0.5: 0.5. If planting is carried out in winter, additional lighting is used, since seedlings may stop growing due to lack of light.

The time of emergence of seedlings does not matter. If this happened in winter, they will remain in pots until they get stronger. With the onset of spring, they are planted in a place allotted in the garden. If the seeds sprouted in the first month of summer, they are left in a pot and grown at home for another year. Already grown bushes will be planted in open ground.

Growing pomegranate from cuttings

Through the cuttings, all the genetic material is transferred to the new plant. Therefore, growing a pomegranate tree in this way is the most common option. To obtain good planting material, the middle of a two-year-old branch 15 cm long with buds is selected. After that, the cutting is placed in a stimulating solution for several days, and then in a small pot with soil, the composition of which is the same as for sowing seeds.

A month later, roots form at the cutting, it is transplanted into another container, the dimensions of which are slightly larger. When the height of the tree reaches 50 cm, it is planted in open ground to a permanent place of growth or transplanted into a pot. big size for further cultivation in room.

Planting a pomegranate in open ground

According to experts, this is best done in the fall, in the second and third months of the season. Although landing is carried out in the spring. The pomegranate comes from a warm climate, so it prefers a lot of light. If the plant is deficient in it, the fruits may not ripen.

cultivation exotic fruit begins with its planting in the ground. To do this, you need to dig landing pit, the bottom of which is first covered with the top layer of soil, and then with rotted manure mixed with the ground. Pour a bucket of fertilizer into each hole. In temperate climatic latitudes, seedlings are planted in seat with a southerly slope. This is necessary for the convenience of shelter for the winter.

pomegranate pruning

By following the rules of caring for a tree, you can achieve high fruiting. Pomegranate blooms profusely, but not all flowers produce ovaries. Pruning should be done so that the crown grows less, since the tree can reach a height of six meters, growing in open ground. In order for a plant to form a low-standard form, you need to follow the following recommendations:

  • The first time to trim the pomegranate during its transplant.
  • If there are damaged and infected branches, remove them.
  • Leave three branches in a circle, get rid of all emerging shoots.
  • Shorten the branches planted the day before by 1/3 of their entire length.
  • In subsequent years, during pruning, you need to pinch unnecessary shoots.
  • On the recommendation of experts, pruning should be carried out when sprouts appear no more than five centimeters long.

pomegranate in the house

Decorate exotic plant Every gardener dreams of owning a home. And if it is a pomegranate tree (the photo is presented for viewing) - even more so. But you should always remember that its fruits grown at home are not edible. The plant in this case will be decorative. Pomegranate is bred by cuttings and grains. Growing a tree from seeds requires a lot of labor and a lot of time. The fruits of your efforts will not appear soon. At home, cuttings are most often used for planting, which are easy to prepare on their own. Some gardeners buy ready-made seedlings for planting.

home pomegranate care

This plant is maintenance-free when grown indoors. However, there are certain rules to be followed:

  • The optimum summer indoor temperature is 25 ° C, and winter - 15.
  • In the spring, when the return frosts end, the pomegranate pot should be taken out into the fresh air, onto a balcony or loggia.
  • This plant prefers overhead watering, rather than under the root. The soil should never remain dry, so watering is frequent and plentiful in summer, and as needed in winter.
  • Despite the fact that the fruits of an indoor tree are decorative, I want them to be. To do this, the plant needs to be fed at intervals of once every half a month.
  • The pomegranate tree, like all others, has a dormant period. At this time, the plant sheds leaves. To prevent this from happening, it is enough to move the tree to a more warm room. But you should know that the suspension of the rest period of the plant slows down its growth.

Pruning homemade pomegranate

At home cultivation pomegranate tree, the top layer of soil is renewed annually, and the plant is pruned. To form a stable crown, young sprouts pinch off the top when they grow to a height of 60 cm. Usually, during pruning, a low tree is formed, in which there are up to five skeletal branches. This process is carried out until the buds open. How to prune a pomegranate tree? To do this, you need to get rid of all weak, sick, damaged branches and sprouts that prevent the fruits from growing. This contributes to the thinning of the crown. Once every five years, old branches are completely cut out.
