Jasmine - propagation by cuttings and layering as a way to preserve varietal qualities. indoor jasmine

indoor jasmine grown in greenhouses and indoors in several forms. The plant conquers gardeners - lovers of its extraordinary beauty. It differs from other flowers in the constant bright green color of the leaves and stem, abundant year-round flowering and aroma. To grow indoor jasmine at home, he will need care. The photo shows a bush variety of a plant.

Most varieties of the flower do not shed their leaves for the winter, but some species try to get rid of the lush crown and flowers, resting during the cold season.

Types of indoor jasmine

Care for indoor jasmine flower is carried out depending on the type of plant. The main ones are shown in the photo:

Jasmine delicate flower and he does not tolerate a temperature difference, does not tolerate cold. Gardeners who managed to grow and propagate the plant at home do not stop boasting and admiring it. By providing proper care, maintaining the temperature regime and being able to deftly plant young shoots, gardeners manage to grow not one, but several plants of extraordinary beauty. So, how to care for indoor jasmine?

Complete care for indoor jasmine

Jasmine flower indoor, it will not grow under open sky, under natural disasters and constant fluctuations in air temperature. To grow a plant and achieve its flowering, it is necessary to provide it with proper care. In practice, there are cases when gardeners put a lot of effort into the active growth and flowering of jasmine, and it dies.

The reasons for the wilting of the plant can be different:

  1. Sudden changes in air temperature.
  2. Finding a plant long time under direct sunlight.
  3. Insufficiently moist soil.
  4. Too much moisture in the soil.
  5. Low air humidity.

Lighting criteria for indoor jasmine

The plant was brought from the tropics, so the flower loves bright rooms. When caring for indoor jasmine at home, you should not put the plant on the windowsill under direct sunlight as in the photo.

Under the influence of light, the plant begins to sprout, dissolves a lush deciduous crown and blooms for a long time. When exposed to direct sunlight, jasmine dries and wilts. Reproduction of jasmine is possible on bedside tables near the window. This is the brightest place in the room. Under the influence of artificial light, the plant will not bloom and start up new leaves.

Some varieties of jasmine from late autumn to mid-spring (during the period of reduced solar activity) shed most of their foliage and sleep, gaining strength.

Maintaining the temperature for propagation of indoor jasmine at home

While maintaining the temperature in the room from 21 to 26 degrees Celsius, indoor jasmine at good care at home will grow, bloom as in the photo.

The plant does not tolerate sudden changes in the temperature of the air surrounding it. With readings on a room thermometer below 15 degrees, jasmine can not only become dull in development, but even completely wither. Depending on the type of flower, it tolerates the winter period in different ways.

winter in warm temperature loves jasmine - sambac. During the period of rest from flowers, a temperature of 18 degrees Celsius of the air surrounding it is enough for him. In order for the plant to begin to bloom profusely and for a long time, gardeners prefer to give the plant a temperature shake and hold it for several hours at a thermometer reading of 10 degrees. In this case, the humidity of the air must be very high. Having been in such conditions, the jasmine will bloom in the near future, and will delight the gardener with its appearance for a long time.

How to prune indoor jasmine at home

jasmine is held regularly. The plant tolerates crown formation well. Professional gardeners give the plant the new kind during the period abundant flowering. The main pruning of branches and foliage is carried out in spring time. In this period, the plant (depending on the species) gains strength and begins to grow fruitfully.

By giving the right shape to jasmine, you can achieve intensity in growth and long flowering with an unforgettable aroma. The photo shows the plant after spring pruning.

The branches of the plant are cut in half. This method helps the plant to release more young twigs. Special attention is given to dry branches, leaves and possibly remaining flowers.

How to propagate indoor jasmine

To propagate perennial indoor plant at home, it is necessary to properly cut the cuttings. They are prepared in the warm season, during the rest period of jasmine from flowering.

How to plant jasmine Cut off young branches are planted in small pots filled with a mixture of fertilized soil and sand. The cutting is inserted into a specially prepared soil with a cut cut down to a depth of up to two centimeters.

While maintaining the air temperature in the room at least 20 degrees Celsius, the cuttings will begin to take root in one month. After the small pot is completely filled with the root system of the plant, the jasmine must be transplanted into a larger container. With active growth, the plant requires a transplant once a year. When the jasmine is three years old, it will need to be cared for like an adult flower. The plant can be pruned, cut from cuttings for further propagation and transplanted every two and a half years.

Jasmine cuttings do not need to be placed in a glass of water for root development. potted individually small size with fertilized soil is enough.

Jasmine room. Proper care

Jasmine is very beautiful indoor liana from the olive family. If this magnificent plant appears in your home, you will constantly admire its amazing variety of flowers and enjoy their amazingly delicate, wonderful aroma. Jasmine can be included in the list of plants used in aromatherapy.

There are about 300 species of jasmine in the genus, mostly deciduous and evergreen woody vines and shrubs, common in the tropics and subtropics.

For indoor floriculture, several types of this attractive plant are recommended, characteristic feature which are clusters of pale pink buds, which, opening up, reveal snow-white fragrant flowers. When choosing flowers for your home collection, do not forget about the individual perception of smells. Jasmine is a fragrant plant with a pronounced aroma.

IN room conditions Most often, several types of jasmine are grown: polyanthus jasmine, sambac jasmine, medicinal jasmine, large-flowered jasmine.

These are mainly climbing shrubs and lianas with graceful star-shaped flowers of white, pink, yellow, less often red color with a strong aroma. Jasmine blooms from June to September. With good care, they can re-bloom in winter. White jasmine sambac flowers are collected in racemes of several pieces, they have wonderful aromas. There are forms of jasmine with double flowers. The leaves are light green, simple, on short petioles. This jasmine grows in the form of a bush, forms long curly shoots.

Jasmine sambac and jasmine grandiflora flowers in tea-producing countries (India, China, Sri Lanka) are widely used to flavor tea of ​​the highest categories.

Jasmine has always been especially revered in the East. In Eastern cultures, jasmine is considered a symbol of passionate love.

This plant for its seductive aroma was called the "queen of the night." In the people, this plant is also called the "Wreath of the bride."


Indoor jasmine is a light-loving plant, prefers bright sunny rooms, but in summer it should be shaded from the direct midday sun. It is best to place the plant at the western or eastern window, at north window may not have enough light for growth and flowering. It can be kept near the south window; shading is necessary at noon.


From October to mid-February, jasmine must be kept at a relatively low temperature (10-14°C). After wintering, the plant is brought into the room and kept at a temperature of 20-25 ° C. Subject to temperature regime jasmine will please you with a long and massive flowering. The plant does not like drafts. In summer, indoor jasmine is better to take out on Fresh air: in the garden or on the balcony, while it should be protected from direct sunlight, from precipitation and drafts.

Watering and air humidity.

During the period of growth and flowering, jasmine is watered abundantly, after the soil has dried by 3-5 cm.

Jasmine does not tolerate overdrying of an earthy coma, but stagnation of water in the roots should be avoided. Reduce watering in winter

Water for watering jasmine should be tepid at any time of the year and always soft. It is better to use filtered water or boiled water. Periodically I spill acidified water.

in spring and summer periods jasmine must be sprayed frequently, avoiding water on the buds and flowers. In winter, the plant should be kept away from batteries. central heating. To increase the humidity around the plant, the pot should be placed on a pallet with wet gravel or expanded clay.


From March to August, jasmine should be fertilized with a solution mineral fertilizers every 15 days. During the period of budding and until the end of flowering, it is advisable to feed the plant several times with a solution of superphosphate and potassium salt or a solution of cow manure. Suitable fertilizer for flowering houseplants.

Be careful, overfeeding is detrimental to the plant. To be safe, use fertilizer more often, but at a low concentration. The lower the temperature of the content, the less often fertilizing should be carried out.


The plant is very interesting in that it can be grown as a vine, as an ampelous plant or as a bush, as your imagination or mood tells you. Shaping jasmine is very easy.

Its stems are rather thin, long and very elastic, and if desired, with long lashes of these flowers, you can braid a support of any shape.

To get shrub jasmine, it must be cut quite often. In addition, pruning is needed so that the branches are not exposed, and pruning has a good effect on flowering, because. promotes the formation of young lateral shoots on which buds are formed. In the spring, before the start of intensive growth, too long shoots are pruned and weak ones are removed, and at the beginning of summer, pinching is required (removal of buds at the ends of long shoots with at least 5-8 pairs of leaves).

Branches with small, inconspicuous leaves are also completely removed.

In young plants that are cut early, pinch the tops of the shoots, which improves tillering and increases the number of flowers. Jasmine sambac is cut especially often (up to 3-4 times a year).

Large specimens of indoor jasmine need to be supported. If not limited by pruning, jasmine can grow over 3 meters.


Young plants are transplanted every year, and adults every 2-3 years. Transplantation is usually done in the spring. Pots take 5 - 7 cm more than the previous one (it quickly grows roots).

soil under indoor flower jasmine should be composed of deciduous, clay-turfy earth and sand in equal proportions. For old plants, clay-turf land is taken in 2 parts. Good drainage is required.


All types of jasmine are propagated by cuttings and layering. Cuttings take root best during the period of active growth of the plant. Cuttings 10-15 cm long, with 2-3 internodes are taken from the upper part of matured shoots. You can root cuttings both in water and in sand or in a mixture of sand and leafy soil in a ratio of 1: 1. The most favorable temperature is +20 degrees C. Roots usually form in 1-1.5 months. The use of phytohormones improves the rooting process.

After rooting, young plants are planted in small pots with light soil (leaf earth - 3 parts, sand 1 - part). Until the plants get stronger, they must be protected from direct sunlight, sprayed and watered in time, preventing the earthen clod from drying out. planting jasmine on permanent place possible when new young shoots appear.

How many ampelous plants with long stems, jasmine can be propagated by layering. The shoot selected for rooting is pressed with a bracket or pin in a separate pot with soil, without cutting it off from the mother plant. On the shoot, in a place that is pressed, a small incision is made. mother plant and cuttings are regularly watered. After young shoots appear on the layer, the layer is separated from the mother plant.

Pests: aphids, scale insects, red spider mite, rarely thrips.

Possible difficulties:

Yellowing of the leaves - overflowing or overfeeding.

Green leaf blanching - underfilling

The tips of the leaves dry - underfilling

Fall of unopened buds - overflow

Unripe buds open - overflow

Flowers darken - too hot

Does not bloom all year - lack of light / fertilizer, flood

Stunting - lack of light/fertilizer

Branches get too long - pinch (cut) regularly to form a shrub or let them grow freely for support.

Leaves too small - lack of fertilizer, too much light

White bloom on the stems is a sign that you are keeping the plant in too humid conditions, move it to a well-ventilated bright place and let it dry.

Medicinal properties of jasmine.

Jasmine essential oil is obtained from the flowers of the plant by extraction. This oil is produced in Egypt, Morocco, France, Spain, Italy. It has a specific sweetish aroma that dominates even when mixed with other oils. Jasmine oil is part of the most expensive French perfumes, as well as in the "sensual" composition of essential oils, which is used in an intimate setting.

Jasmine also has medicinal properties. Everyone knows jasmine tea, especially so popular in England. Dried jasmine petals (flowers are harvested during flowering and dried in the shade) are useful to add to tea during spring beriberi.

Jasmine essential oil has a strengthening effect on the psyche, relieves feelings of anxiety and anxiety. It can be used in an aroma lamp or in baths, and can also be added to beauty products.

Jasmine oil in an aromatic lamp helps with insomnia. It also works effectively in obesity, when there is a painful fear of getting fat.

Jasmine is a powerful antidepressant. When the mood is depressed, it is useful to take a bath by adding 3 drops of jasmine oil, 8 drops of lavender and 4 drops of ylang-ylang to the water.

inhale essential oils jasmine for apathy and lethargy. And Japanese physiologists have found that the aroma of jasmine invigorates more than coffee.

If poured into aroma lamp 1 drop of jasmine oil and 2 drops of rose (adding water), the smell of this mixture will create a feeling of harmony. In addition, it helps with respiratory diseases.

In addition, jasmine oil has a relaxing and analgesic effect. For muscle pain and painful tension, hot baths or compresses are recommended, as well as rubbing with jasmine, chamomile, lavender, and juniper oils.

Jasmine oil is also used for medicinal cosmetic purposes.

With weathered rough skin of the hands, the following remedy is recommended. Fill the bottle up to half with jasmine petals, rose petals and linden flowers, taken in equal amounts. Fill the bottle to the top with corn oil and leave for 30 days. Then lubricate the skin of the hands with this oil.

Jasmine tea.

You can brew your own jasmine tea. To do this, open flowers are collected and poured hot water for 15-30 min. The extract is added to tea or consumed in its pure form.

Indoor jasmine is a plant of incredible beauty, on which, with the onset of spring, small buds of white or pale pink bloom. This flower is known not only to flower growers. Almost everyone at least once in their life drank jasmine tea, which has the aroma of plant buds. However, jasmine is a rather finicky plant that requires certain conditions of maintenance, pruning and transplanting. We will describe in detail all the intricacies of caring for a jasmine bush in our article.

Jasmine - home care

Any plant requires attention and certain conditions for growing. So when growing indoor jasmine at home, you must follow some care rules. These include:

How to properly prune jasmine?

In early spring, so that the bush begins to grow intensively, it is recommended to cut it. After pruning, additional side branches will begin to form, on which fragrant flowers will soon appear and bloom. The bush will turn out lush and beautiful.

The pruning procedure is carried out in early or mid-March. All shoots on the bush are shortened by 40-60% of the length. Poorly developed, damaged, elongated and dry shoots are removed completely.

To young plant it bushed and developed better, it is recommended to pinch its shoots every month from spring to autumn. The branches should remain 50-60 cm long.

Please note that the pruning time for indoor jasmine depends on its type:

  1. Sambac requires pruning 2 or 3 times a year. His shoots are cut off quite a bit.
  2. Powerfully growing shrubs, the branches of which grow more than a meter in length during the season, are pruned both after flowering and before the start of active growth.
  3. Jasmine blooming in winter are pruned at the beginning growing season autumn.

Indoor jasmine - reproduction

The jasmine bush can be propagated by layering and cuttings. The simplest and convenient way is reproduction by layering. But cuttings are more productive, but they require certain knowledge and experience.

Propagation of jasmine by layering

This method of propagation of jasmine can be used in spring and summer. For its implementation it is necessary:

  1. Make a small incision on the last shoot.
  2. Dig the shoot in the place of the incision into the hole and cover it with earth.
  3. The place where the branch is buried should be watered regularly.
  4. In autumn or spring, when young shoots go, the cuttings are separated from the bush and planted in a separate pot.

Propagation of jasmine cuttings

After pruning the bush, the remaining cuttings can not be thrown away, but used to propagate jasmine. In summer, young green shoots can be used for cuttings.

Cutting process:

  1. At a powerful mature shoot, the top is cut off with two internodes. The lower cut is made at an acute angle. The length of the handle should be from 10 to 14 cm.
  2. Prepared cuttings are planted in a container with wet sand or a mixture of peat and sand (1: 1). They are dug in to a depth of 1.5-2 cm. The container is closed from above with glass or polyethylene. Petioles can first be simply put in water, and when they give roots, they can be planted in nutrient soil.
  3. Cuttings should be aired and sprayed every day. Roots most often appear after about a month. Young plants are planted in separate containers with a diameter of 3-5 cm. The soil for them should consist of peat or leaf soil and sand (3: 1). You can use soil mixture from the store.
  4. Plants are exposed to a well-lit place without direct sunlight. The soil must be kept moist at all times. For this, daily spraying will be enough.
  5. When the roots grow and it will be seen that they have braided the entire substrate, the young bush is transplanted into a pot with a diameter of 8-10 cm.

Jasmine propagated by cuttings up to the age of three or four is transplanted every year into a new pot slightly larger than the previous one.

Pests and diseases of jasmine

The flower can be affected by aphids, house tick, leaf weevil. All these pests feed on the sap of the plant, which begins to wither and shed its leaves, ceases to bloom. If you do not identify pests in time and do not get rid of them, then the plant may die. Therefore, the leaves should be regularly inspected:

  • the aphid is quite large and is located on the tops of the shoots;
  • spider mites can be recognized by the presence of cobwebs and small dots between the leaves or on their reverse side;
  • weevils live in the soil, and their caterpillar-like larvae feed on the juice of the leaves.

Pests should be controlled with special insecticidal preparations, which are used according to the instructions attached to them.

Why jasmine does not bloom or care errors

If the flowering of the bush is poor or you did not wait for it at all, then you should reconsider the content of jasmine and its care.

Common causes of lack of flowering:

  • the room temperature is too low or, conversely, too high;
  • jasmine does not have enough lighting for flowering;
  • direct sunlight falls on the bush, as a result of which its leaves get burned, and the buds dry up and fall off;
  • the earth lump dries up all the time and the plant lacks moisture for the growth and development of buds;
  • in excess in water, and hence in the soil there is lime;
  • the flower has not been fed for a long time, so it lacks nutrients for flowering;
  • the neck of the trunk when planting the plant was deepened by more than 3 cm;
  • the bush is infested with pests or sick.

Having reviewed the care and corrected the mistakes, you will definitely wait until the buds bloom on the jasmine bush. However, it is not recommended to put a pot of jasmine in the bedroom. The scent of its flowers can give you a headache. It's best if beautiful flower will decorate the kitchen or living room.

The real pride of the grower is the regularly blooming home jasmine. It is unusually beautiful, exudes a pleasant sweetish aroma, attracts attention. correct form crowns and neat oval leaves with a pointed tip, arranged in pairs. Indoor jasmine care at home requires minimal care, if you focus on the main rules of cultivation. A beginner grower first needs to decide on a variety, then study the basic requirements and properties of the plant in order to protect himself from disappointment in the future.

Indoor jasmine (Jasminum) is a highly ornamental evergreen liana plant from the Olive family. It is grown in cold regions exclusively as an indoor crop. Habitual habitat - tropics and subtropics. The decorative value of the creeper lies in the graceful simple flowers white, cream, yellowish and pinkish shades. A flower in a room can grow both freely and on a support. It all depends on the method of pruning and the characteristics of the variety.

Description of species that are successfully grown indoors:

What does exotic need for active growth?

All types of indoor jasmine have special requirements for cultivation, but for systematic care, the plant rewards with an amazing aroma and violent flowering. home flower diffused lighting is required. Under direct sunlight, the buds will not have time to open and bloom; with a lack of sun, the plant will be weak. The optimal place for placement in the apartment is the western or eastern window. You can put a flowerpot on the south window, but be sure to provide shading. On the north side the plant will experience a lack of light.

Knowing how to care for jasmine, you can not worry about flowering. In order for amazing flowers to appear annually, it is necessary to give the plant the opportunity to feel the change of seasons. The optimum summer temperature in the room should be between +18 to +25 ° C degrees. In winter, it is reduced to +10 or +15 ° C by placing a decorative resident on an insulated balcony or on the floor near balcony door. By changing the regimen, the plant will rest and prepare for active spring flowering.

Watering is a regular procedure. Jasmine needs in large numbers moisture. Each subsequent watering is carried out as the top layer of soil in the pot dries out. Water should be warm and soft, it is desirable to defend it for 1-2 days. With a high lime content, it is acidified by adding a couple of drops of citric or acetic acid to 1 liter of water. In winter, the amount of fluid introduced is reduced by 2 times.

Fertilizers for flowering plants make every 7-10 days. Top dressing is carried out from the beginning of spring, when the flower wakes up, and until autumn.

Rules for pruning and rooting cuttings

Jasmine is pruned at the beginning of each spring to actively build up green mass. Pruning allows you to make the bush more branchy. Buds will appear on new shoots this year.

Pruning rules:

After shearing, there are usually many cuttings left, some of them can be selected for rooting. Select blanks 10-15 cm long in the upper part of mature branches. Each cutting should have 2-3 internodes. Rooting successfully takes place in water and substrate (sand with leaf soil 1: 1). Favorable temperature for root formation + 20 °C. New leaves begin to appear after 1-1.5 months.

When and how to transplant?

A young flower must be transplanted annually, adult plants are moved to a new pot every 2-3 years. The container should be 2-3 cm wider than the previous one. The soil for transplantation is prepared from clay-deciduous, deciduous soil and sand, taken in equal proportions. It is not forbidden to add a little peat. For adult specimens, an increase in clay-deciduous land to 2 parts is required.

The optimal time to change the pot is the end of flowering. When transplanting root collar leave at soil level, otherwise the plant will hurt. The bush cannot be immediately exposed to the direct rays of the sun, it is sent to a shady place for a week. After moving, watering and spraying with soft water will help to adapt faster. Some vines will need support. The stem is carefully wrapped around the structure and tied with twine.

Video with the rules of cultivation.

Why doesn't jasmine bloom?

Given the increased requirements for the conditions of detention, the reasons for the lack of flowering should be sought in improperly organized care:

  • lack of light;
  • direct sunlight on the plant;
  • lack of moisture, the soil dries up;
  • excess water, too hard water;
  • too hot or too cold in the room where the jasmine stands;
  • slightly acidic soil reaction - if the substrate is prepared incorrectly, the jasmine will not bloom;
  • lack of nutrients;
  • fungal disease or pest.

To help jasmine bloom, it is enough to determine the cause in time and return to normal conditions. If the decorative vine has undergone a disease or attack by pests, the help of insecticides and fungicides will be required.

The tropical handsome jasmine in the room is a reason for pride, especially if it blooms luxuriantly and for a long time. Since the recruit is sensitive to changing conditions, the appearance of buds is a long-awaited event. All the efforts of the grower will pay off when he feels a delicate jasmine scent in the apartment.
