What is a consignment store. How to open a thrift store: is it profitable

Organization own business is the dream of many. But as you know, in order to start a business, you need a promising idea. In this article, we will just talk about a profitable way to earn money - a thrift store. Many aspiring entrepreneurs are interested in the question,.

Before opening a thrift store from scratch, let's figure out what a thrift store is and consider all the nuances of this type of business.

The history of the emergence of commission stores

The first commission shops opened in the USSR. These were small premises where used goods were sold. Since then, practically nothing has changed. Until now, the relevance of thrift stores is quite large, because there are always people who want to get rid of unnecessary things and those who are happy to purchase these things at solid discounts.

A big plus of the commission business is that it is relevant even in a crisis, so the profitability of this business is high at any time.

In this article, we will talk about how to open a thrift store without big investments and start a business from scratch.

Thrift store business plan

Before you dive into this type of business, I recommend that you draw up a clear business plan in which you consistently write down all the stages. This is necessary in order to see the tasks and correctly allocate your budget.

How to open a thrift store?

The operation of a thrift store is quite simple. You accept goods: clothes, household appliances, and sell them in your store. The price of a product is set by its owner.

From each sale you receive your percentage, as a rule, this is (10-30%). This is where your benefit lies.

It is also very important to establish the period for which the consignor (the person supplying the goods) places his item for sale in the store. All this must be included in the contract that you sign with the committent. As a rule, the goods are sold in the store for 1-3 months, after that, if the item is not sold, according to the contract, the person takes it back.

In this case, the store takes a certain amount (3-5%) for safety. In any case, your benefit will be, even if the goods are not sold.


This type activities require compulsory registration in the relevant authorities. You can choose the substantive form: sole proprietorship or LLC.

If your activity will consist solely in the sale of goods to individuals, then it is better and more profitable to register as an individual entrepreneur.

If you plan to sell goods in large quantities to both individuals and legal entities, then register as an LLC.

Choice of direction

How to open a consignment clothing store?

Opening a Thrift Clothing Store Business Best Started in big city. There are more customers and there will always be suppliers. A good location and a large assortment of goods will allow you to compete in the market with dignity.

It is very important to correctly position the goods. As for clothing, choose the product carefully, see that it has a presentable appearance was clean and without flaws.

Beautifully hung product is a big plus. Even used items should be neat and beautifully hung on hangers so that each client can choose the item they like for themselves, while not feeling discomfort.

Sample booths. A consignment clothing store should be equipped with several fitting rooms so that customers can try on the outfits they like.

How to open a thrift store for children's goods?

Thrift stores offering children's goods are in great demand. Children grow quickly and there is a need for frequent wardrobe changes, so many people prefer to buy children's goods in a second-hand store.

The supply and demand in this area is quite large, so you will not feel a shortage of suppliers and customers. This is a profitable business that is in demand and can bring you the first profit very quickly.

How to open a consignment store of household appliances?

A store selling used equipment is a fairly promising and profitable business. Today, in times of technological progress, many products quickly become obsolete. People are trying to change the old technology to a more modern one. Therefore, there is an urgent need for the existence of commission shops for the sale of equipment, in which you can sell unnecessary things. And for buyers, this is a big plus, because you can buy the necessary goods at an affordable price.

Premises for rent

To open a store, of course, you need a room. It is best to rent a place in a residential area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe city or in the center. Required area. It all depends on the range and quantity of things. If the product is oversized, such as Appliances or clothing, then you need to choose a large room of approximately 50 square meters. m. If you plan to implement, for example, mobile phones and accessories, you can rent a room with a small area (15–20 sq. m.).

Advertising concept

It is very important to correctly build your advertising concept. About your store should learn as much as possible large quantity of people. To do this, place an advertisement in the newspaper, on the Internet on the city's website. You can also print flyers and distribute them in crowded places, all this will help you get suppliers and buyers soon.


It all depends on the area and volume of goods in your store. If on initial stage you can handle it on your own, then in the future you should think about hired workers.

Recruitment is a responsible business. The seller must be attentive, competent, responsive and favorable to buyers and suppliers. Agree, it’s unpleasant to visit a store where you are constantly rude.

The commission business is quite promising, of course, it will not be possible to start from scratch, there will still be minimal expenses, but they quickly pay off, so this way of earning is considered cost-effective.

Your costs

Premises for rent

The price here will differ depending on the city and location, but you can always find a suitable one. a budget option. Approximate cost per 1 sq. m. - 1000 rubles, that is, a small room in the 20th. sq., will cost you 20 thousand rubles a month.

Trade inventory

If this is a clothing store, then you will need hangers, mannequins, etc., for about all this, 10-20 thousand rubles will be enough for you to start.


Staff salaries are approximately Rs 10,000 per month. Of course, you can save money and perform these duties yourself.

Help of a lawyer

Lawyer services. Forms will be needed to conclude contracts with clients. The approximate cost of one is 1000 rubles.

Thus, having calculated all the costs, the required amount for opening a thrift store will be from 50,000 rubles.

Let's now calculate the income

On average, your profit will be 15% of the goods sold. Thus, if you sell goods in the amount of 10 thousand rubles per day, you will receive 1500-2000 rubles per day.

It is realistic to earn 50 thousand rubles a month and this is the minimum. I think that for a novice businessman this is quite a decent income and you can get it by opening a thrift store in your city.

A thrift store can be a cost-effective venture for a business owner, generating considerable income.

Quality business plan right choice goods and others important points allow you to fully realize the best idea.

How to start opening?

The documents

An entrepreneur who wants to open his own commission store must draw up a certain package of documents:

  • a lease agreement for premises;
  • permission from the city government to obtain the right to trade (patent); permission from the fire department;
  • permits from the sanitary and epidemiological service;
  • standard commission agreement;
  • registration cash register;
  • permission document for the right to place a sign;
  • certificate of registration of a legal entity;
  • garbage collection agreement

First of all, the owner of the future commission store must choose a room for the subsequent activities of the enterprise and conclude an agreement with the landlord. It is best to choose a room for a store with an area of ​​​​60 sq.m., and also preferably with a utility room - 20 sq.m.

Photo: premises for a commission store

Permission to carry out trading activities should be obtained by contacting the city executive committee (department of trade). To obtain permits from the fire service and the sanitary and epidemiological service, a letter is required (addressed to the head) with a request for the provision of such a document, which allows trading commission activities.

The conclusions of the fire and sanitary and epidemiological authorities must be submitted to the tax service for the registration of the enterprise.

Based on the adopted legislation, licensing of commission trade in non-food products is not required. A license is required to obtain the right to sell commission jewelry. Such a document is issued by the State Inspectorate for Assay Supervision. The application is considered within two weeks, the document is issued for a period of 5 years.

Selling cars in a thrift store does not provide for licensing. When trading in commission non-food products, certificates are not required.

A model contract regulates partnerships, so it should be drawn up in advance. It contains clauses on the rights and obligations of the parties - the commission agent (seller) and the committent (owner of the goods). The commission percentage must be specified, most often 30-50%. The commission agent is obliged to sell the goods within 30 days (usually). If it is not sold within this period, the initial price is reduced.

For storage of things from payment to the committent is withheld from 1% to 7%. In turn, the commission agent undertakes to be responsible for the safety of the thing transferred for sale and pay the due amount to the committent.

The unified form of the contract covers the following points:

  • passport data;
  • the amount paid for the goods;
  • profit of the organization (percentage);
  • markdown of goods (sequence of rules);
  • terms of the contract.

The contract, which is signed by both parties, includes details (of the company and the owner of things), price, degree of wear, and existing shortcomings. The terms of calculation and all additional points relating to the product and its sale are also stipulated.
The main points of the agreement:

  • deadlines for the validity of the signed agreement;
  • percent for storage of things;
  • the amount paid to the owner of things;
  • details of the owner of things;
  • interest received by the store as a result of the sale of things.

The purchased cash register is subject to mandatory registration with the appropriate state organization. Often, stores that sell cash registers independently register these devices at the request of customers. The use of cash registers is mandatory regulated by the approval State Register. Registration is made in the tax organization.

If the company is independently engaged in garbage collection, the conclusion of an agreement is not required. But most often such an agreement must be concluded, since commercial enterprise is not engaged in the export of waste products or disposal. Such an agreement is concluded with the relevant organizations, whose responsibility is to remove the garbage.

The absence of at least one document will become an obstacle to the implementation entrepreneurial activity or may result in penalties.

First you need to decide on the place of future trade. After that, you need to get permission from the city administration.


For the legal implementation of trading activities in commission goods, it is necessary to register an enterprise with the tax service. You will also need to make a seal (the cost is approximately 500 rubles), the production time is 3 days. At this point, you should decide on the name of the enterprise. Permits required to be presented to the tax office.

You will also need a contract for the disinfection of the trading floor, the clothes of workers and the sanitization of the items sold.

In order to properly register a company with limited liability in order to operate such a store, it is necessary to study the current resolution on the approval of the Rules for commission trade in non-food products.

You should correctly select the OKVED code that allows the activity of a thrift store. Today, it is more suitable - "Retail sale of used goods in stores" (52.5), including retail sale of used jewelry.

If the future owner of the thrift store registers as individual entrepreneur, he will be able to cooperate exclusively with individuals.

The founder who has chosen the simplified taxation system must apply for the transition to this system. Usually, the submitted application is considered by the tax organization within five days, excluding weekends.

You will definitely need to open a bank account, the amount is not less than 2000 rubles. When registering a limited liability company, the bank account is from 10,000 rubles. When registering several founders, it will be necessary to draw up (and submit to the tax office) a protocol stating what is being created entity.

In addition, you need to make a list of all products that will be offered for sale in the store. The list of all goods must be agreed with the sanitary - epidemiological service. If registration is made in accordance with established rules, you can consider most of the work completed.
The state duty paid as a result of registration of an individual entrepreneur is 800 rubles, when opening a limited liability company - 4000 rubles.

Selection of goods and features of trade

Baby clothes

At present, children's clothing, like other goods, is the most profitable for sale, since it is used in great demand at the population. Children grow out of old clothes, many parents with a budget below the average (or average) do not always consider it necessary to purchase exclusively new things, since this entails large expenses.

Children's products cost more than adult products. Clothes, shoes, toys, strollers always find their customers. Like many years ago, the question "How to open a commission store for children's clothing and goods?" most relevant for those who want to create a profitable business.

branded items

Branded items are always in special demand, so it makes sense to give preference to just such products. The commission can accept for sale not only used items, but also completely new ones that did not suit the former owners.

Among the current products: stylish shoes, fur and Leather Products, sweaters, dresses, skirts, trousers, bijouterie. It is necessary to take measures to preserve the quality of these things, especially if they are of considerable value.


No less relevant are household appliances, which should be accepted from the public on the basis of the attached documentation, including the warranty period. It is necessary to provide for such goods a separate room in which the rules of storage will be observed.

You will also need a vehicle to transport the goods.

As an option - signing a service agreement with a trucking company or having your own truck.

Bulky goods: furniture, cars

A thrift store can be equipped for the sale of exclusively large-sized goods. New high-quality furniture is quite expensive, which does not allow many citizens to purchase it. In this case, the thrift store is a real find.

The owner of the thrift store accepts furniture from the public in good condition. Some people prefer to rent (or sell) beds, tables, sofas, wardrobes to a thrift store before leaving for another city. In this case, the store receives an almost new product of excellent quality.

The premise of the consignment store must be sufficiently large, spacious and meet all established standards. Furniture requires constant care, the use of extremely gentle chemicals for cleaning and updating.

When selling cars, a commission store performs the function of an auto shop and must comply with all GOST standards established for this type of enterprise.

A distinctive feature is the status of a commission store. In this case, the company sells goods transferred from the hands of the owners. That is, it acts as an intermediary, but it can also buy cars from owners.

Car dealers are required to have knowledge of the technical characteristics of their product. This type of business can be quite profitable, as the number of people who want to have their own car is increasing, but often there is not enough money to purchase a new car. Such people are potential customers of the thrift store.

Photo: used car sales

Sale of wedding dresses

Selling wedding dresses and offering rental services is currently a very cost-effective activity that can bring considerable profit to the owner of a thrift store. This approach will attract the attention of not very well-to-do young citizens (or with an average income) who want to marry.

In this case, there will be no problems with the availability of goods, since many girls prefer to sell their outfits after the wedding ceremony. A thrift store can be the best intermediary. If the scope of the enterprise is in demand, the business can soon be expanded. Dresses of various styles and colors should be offered for sale, the larger the number of sizes and models of dresses, the more buyers the store will attract.

Electronics store

Used electronics store good quality, will find its consumers in the second-hand shop due to its lower cost than in conventional stores. Not everyone can purchase new electronics at high prices. But a considerable number of people prefer to hand over quality goods to a thrift store and purchase new samples.

If buyers of electrical goods note the good quality of the purchased products, you can count on regular customers and an expanding circle of consumers.

You are responsible for the quality of the offered goods, so take the trouble to contact the experts for an assessment.

Jewelry thrift store

Quite promising business- sale of jewelry. It is possible on the basis of a thrift store offering for sale Wedding Dresses, set up a dedicated jewelry department.

Usually, many citizens are afraid to buy Jewelry"out of hand". A thrift store can be an excellent partner for both jewelry sellers and buyers, who in this situation will feel most protected from unforeseen circumstances.

But the owner of such a store will have to seriously take care of the presence of protection for such a valuable product. Since in the event of its theft, it will be necessary to give an amount of funds equal to the value of the jewelry to its original owner. In order to protect the object, surveillance cameras, an alarm system are installed, and there must be a security guard on staff.

Jewelry purchased from the public (or accepted for sale under a contract) should first of all receive expert assessment a professional jeweler, so the shop owner should either include or partner with an experienced jeweler.

In some cases, the full purchase of things with subsequent sale is much more profitable than intermediary activities.

Thrift store business plan

Basic costs

The business plan of the future enterprise contains such points as accounting for expenses, monitoring the business of competitors, evaluating the profitability of a particular business as a whole, and the right to exist for this business.

An entrepreneur must take into account all the difficulties associated with the activities of his store, but at the same time understand the prospects, take advantage of the opportunities and benefits.

Costs of opening a thrift store (approximate figures):

  • purchase of a cash register 40 000 rub.;
  • mannequin - 6000 rub. for 1 copy;
  • mirror - 7000 rub. for 1 piece;
  • table - 5000 rub.;
  • computer and office equipment - 50 000 rub.;
  • rack - 5000 rub. for 1 copy;
  • rent of premises with an area of ​​60 sq.m. at a price of 600 rubles per 1 sq.m. - 36 000 rubles;
  • advertising from 3000 rubles and more.

Total initial costs will be approximately - 152,000 rubles.

To this amount should be added repair work(which can be approximately 20 000 rub.) to get the amount required to start. When renting a room with an area of ​​25 sq.m. costs are reduced to 40 000 rub. But you may need to purchase additional items and furniture, which must also be taken into account.

All initial costs will fully justify themselves with correct work thrift store. To do this, you need to clearly present the scale of income and expenses. Typically, cost recovery occurs after a few months of running a thrift store.

It is necessary to take into account the monthly expenses in the process of the store operation:

  • salesperson's salary 10 000 rub. (with a large staff, the amount is greater);
  • rent of premises of 25 sq.m. - 15 000 rub.;
  • additional expenses - 10 000 rub.(approximate amount).

In addition to sellers, the staff should include such specialists as an equipment repairman, an electrician, a plumber (you can also use the services of outsourcing companies).

Total per month minimum flow for the owner of a commission store will be - 35,000 rubles.

If you wish, you can choose the most economical options for equipment for the premises, rent a trading floor of a smaller area and for a lower fee (if possible). Income directly depends on the amount received as a result of the mark-up of the cost of goods.

Project Profitability

The income of the founder of a thrift store is directly dependent on the difference in the price of the items sold. Therefore, the amount of remuneration to citizens who transfer goods for sale should not exceed a certain percentage that is most convenient for the store. Usually it is no less 30% , most often (and more profitable for the enterprise) - 50%.

The term of the contract between the commission agent and the committent is valid for 3 months. A month later, the first markdown is made by a certain percentage, after 2 months the markdown is - 15%. The consignor is charged an amount for the storage of goods, which is - 5-7% .

Cooperation under these conditions is quite convenient and beneficial for the store owner. The more goods sold, the greater the revenue of the thrift store.

It is quite possible to sell items in the amount of 15,000 - 25,000 rubles per day, the consignment store will be able to receive at least 3000-4000 rubles and more. If the monthly income is 80 000 rub.(which is quite realistic), after calculating the amount of expenses (approximately 45 000 rub.) it turns out - 35 000 rub. income, which will gradually increase.

Where to look for suppliers and buyers?

A thrift store differs from a second-hand store in that it accepts goods not from organized suppliers, but from individuals with whom it concludes an agreement. He acts as a link between the seller (the owner of the goods) and the buyer. The store in this case makes a profit from the difference in the cost of products as a result of the margin. Any owner of used items in good condition, in need of funds and wishing to sell their goods, can apply directly to the thrift store.

In order for the store to have a large assortment of goods (which is beneficial for the enterprise), it is necessary to notify as many people as possible about the presence of such a company.

The owner of a thrift store needs to place ads for the acceptance and sale of goods on the most popular sites. Quite relevant advertising is the distribution of booklets with attractive offers.

The opening of a thrift store should be notified to as many potential buyers as possible. To do this, it is desirable to present information both in print publications and on Internet resources. It is best to place an advertising article that will convey to the population the best sides opened a new store.

How to open a commission and make a profit?

Ways of business development: advertising and online store

In order to develop business (thrift store), it is recommended to use the media and other means for advertising promotion of the enterprise. best idea there will be the creation of an online store that will allow the company to master the space of the Internet and convey information about the store to the widest range of consumers, form a group of regular suppliers and buyers.

For this purpose, it is necessary not only to create a website, make it as convenient as possible, but also to promote it. At the same time, this option of cooperation (through an online store) will be the most convenient for buyers, they will be able to choose goods from catalogs without leaving their office or home, which will positively affect the profitability of the business.

But we should not forget about the costs that will take place: hosting support, design and other services.

It is advisable to place announcements regarding the opening of a store with attractive photographs (you can distribute booklets, distribute information on the Internet). It is important to tell the potential buyer all the most positive aspects of cooperation.

The choice of location for the store is also of considerable importance. As practice shows, to a greater extent, buyers are attracted by premises located in convenient places, more often on the ground floors. The store must be opened after a wide range of goods appears in it.

Initially, product prices should not be overstated, and subsequently overestimated to a large extent. And the quality and condition of the goods presented is ideally only excellent. In this case, "word of mouth" will also provide its useful service.

Features of work

The revenue of a thrift store is the percentage received as a result of the mark-up of goods. You can increase the price of a product to a large extent, but first monitor the market similar products so that the cost does not turn out to be excessively overpriced and does not frighten off buyers. In order to determine which things are most profitable to sell, you will need to keep statistics.

It is undesirable to open a store in sparsely populated places, to sell only one particular type of product. Such a narrow focus is unlikely to find reviews in the general public.

It is not necessary to expect big profits at the very beginning of the journey. Typically, an enterprise develops from several months to a year and a half, after which its development can get a significant jump.

If there is no profit within three months, you need to reconsider aspects of your business. Attention will require such moments as competitiveness, the quality of advertising, the number of types of goods, their features, the purchasing power of the population, the needs of buyers.

The thrift store can become profitable business And an interesting activity, but only under the condition proper organization. There will always be those interested in selling stale goods, as well as those wishing to buy the right thing at an acceptable price.


A thrift store differs from the usual one in that it does not sell new goods received from wholesalers, distributors or manufacturers, but used ones that are accepted on commission from the population. The undoubted advantages of such a store include the fact that at the initial stage it does not require large expenses for the purchase of goods, since you can only pay the seller after selling his thing, charging a certain percentage of the transaction amount. In fact, a thrift store is more of an intermediary organization than a trading one.

Unlike a commission, a buying store gives people the opportunity to immediately receive money for their goods, placing all the risks associated with the sale on the store. Naturally, it is necessary to buy things 10-20% below the selling price. Many people need money right away, so a store like this is unlikely to run out of stock.

First you need to decide what exactly you intend to buy. The most popular option is to buy small electronic equipment, cell phones, jewelry from the population. The advantage here is that you do not need large sales areas to sell such a product, which means you can save a lot on rent, while a multi-profile thrift store needs enough big sizes for display and storage of goods.

Having chosen the direction of activity and having received everything necessary permissions(you can do this yourself or with the help of lawyers who provide services for registering entrepreneurs), you can start looking for appropriate place for rent. You should not strive to the central shopping malls of the city, as the cost of rent there is very high. It is much more efficient to rent a few square meters in the market or in mall in the sleeping area. Depending on the degree of provinciality of the city, rent will cost about 5-15 thousand rubles a month. You also need to lay the cost of the equipment of the outlet, cash register, shop windows, counters.

At first, you will be able to work behind the counter yourself, so as not to spend money on wages. Of course, in order to correctly evaluate the goods brought to you on a commission, you must have some special knowledge (understand electronics, precious metals, old coins and books).

Useful advice

In order to avoid buying up stolen items, it makes sense to require the seller to provide documents for the goods.

Owning a consignment store is a profitable business that does not require large investments; many can open such a business. True, the principles of successful activity for the owner of a “commission shop” are somewhat different than for the owner of a retail outlet that works with suppliers. But you can learn the secrets of the craft gradually, you just have to do what will allow you to open a thrift store.

You will need

  • - room
  • - IP registration certificate
  • - furniture (table, two chairs, dressing room stand, mirror)
  • - a set of mannequins and hangers
  • - a personal computer with a warehouse accounting program installed
  • - form of contract with the principal, registered seal


Arrange with the owner of an inexpensive, rented area, located on the ground floor of any building. You will need a room within 50-100 square meters. It is to be repaired, although there are no high requirements for the interior of the commission.

Purchase shop equipment, based on the fact that selling second-hand items, expensive accessories are not required at all. You will need some simple furniture, and if we are talking about a thrift store, mannequins and a set of hangers. Also not without personal computer and specialized software for goods.

Take care of the necessary legal formalities. It will be necessary to register as an individual entrepreneur or create a limited liability company. To work with people who donate things, you will need a developed contract, which will need to be certified with a registered seal.

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It is already difficult to imagine our existence without a cell phone. Almost no one can do without it. And at a rapid pace, developing progress will continue to provide profits for stores selling mobile communications for a long time to come.


It is very difficult to enter the cell phone market and take a stable position there. This is due to the fact that large network companies have occupied a large market share. But they are popular in major cities. In small settlements, where chains rarely open their stores, you have every chance of success.

Choose a room. It may not be too large, a sales area of ​​​​20-25 square meters is enough. meters. The premises can be located in the city center, where there is a large flow of people, or in a densely populated residential area. If your store will be located in the center, do not be afraid of the neighborhood of competitors. After all, buyers usually do not make a purchase in the first store they come across, preferring to get acquainted with prices and assortment in several outlets.

After the choice of premises is made, visit all the necessary authorities. The store must be equipped with a fire and burglar alarm. The presence and serviceability of the cash register is checked by the tax authorities, and the consumer protection department will check the correctness of the design of the buyer's corner.

Equip the store with everything you need. For trade cell phones you will need shelving glass doors, a stand for the seller, a table for buyers, where they can take a closer look at the goods.

Take care of staffing. As practice shows, it is better to take male sellers to stores selling cell phones. They tend to be better at technical specifications presented models. And the success of your business will largely depend on this.

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The future owner of the purchase needs to know that from competent organization at the initial stage, the stability of its work in the future depends. The main thing is that buying should operate on strictly legal grounds.

You will need

  • - a copy of the state registration certificate;
  • - copies constituent documents and charter;
  • - registration card;
  • - Copies of documents for the premises.


Contact the tax office and register a legal entity if you are going to open a pawnshop or individual entrepreneur - unless buying up. To register a legal entity, you will need to provide a protocol on the creation of a company, its charter and memorandum of association, and personal documents of the founders. Individual entrepreneurs provide a passport and TIN. Issue KKM in the same place, in the tax service and submit documents to the MCI for registration of the seal. Get statistics codes.

Look for and rent a room for a pawnshop, preferably in a business or historical center cities. However, in megacities, buying located in residential areas may also be profitable. Call the fire department and sanitary supervision to inspect the premises.

Purchase all the equipment necessary for full-fledged work, depending on what things you are going to buy from the population or on the security of what property to give a loan. So, to obtain a permit to work with precious metals, you need a special safe, for parking, etc. Do not forget to equip the place of the receiver with good-quality furniture and office equipment. Install latest version Software necessary for the preparation and accounting of documentation. Do not forget to contact the insurance company in order to conclude a contract. Conclude an agreement with a security company, install an alarm.

Find out which department of the State Assay Supervision Inspectorate your purchase or pawnshop belongs to. Prepare the following documents: - a certified copy of the state registration certificate; - certified copies of the constituent documents and the charter; - a registration card (in 2 copies) filled out in the prescribed form; - USRIP / USRLE and statistics codes; - TIN; - certified copies of documents for the premises. Get a certificate of registration valid for 5 years and a card certified by employees of the state inspectorate.

If you plan to open a pawnshop, contact the Rosfinmonitoring branch. Please note: the person responsible for the internal monitoring of the enterprise (manager or employee), submitting the documents (application and completed registration card certified by a notary), must have an economic or legal education. Within 10 days you will receive a notice of registration with Rosfinmonitoring.

Goods for the store can be obtained from suppliers with deferred payment, but cash register equipment you still have to spend money, and this is not a small amount. To avoid such costs at the initial stage, you can organize trading via the Internet.


Create in one of social networks a thematic group where people are interested in some general direction. If you are planning to sell computer equipment, gather those who want to save on purchases. Do interesting reviews- what is sold where and at what price; talk about what's new. As a result, get a customer base before the store opens. If it is not possible to collect potential customers, it is too early to think about further steps.

Register as an individual entrepreneur to immediately legalize the activity. To do this, contact the tax office, fill out Required documents and pay the state duty, which in 2012 is 800 rubles.

Talk to local shop owners. Let us know that you want to sell their product in your database. You do not come with empty ones, but with a promoted group, so during negotiations you should feel confident. Negotiate a discount that suits you. Take on the sale of goods, from the unit of which you will have at least 1500 rubles. arrived. You can also sell small things, but in a single set, so that the business is interesting from a financial point of view. It only takes one sale a day to start saving money.

Plan to price a little cheaper than local stores, plus free shipping in the city within a day from the date of receipt of payment. People will compare prices by looking at local deals. Who wants to get the goods quickly and not go anywhere, will contact you.

So that people are not afraid to make an advance payment, arrange sales through an online store, where people from your group should be sent. Use Internet services that provide full set services - from the formation of an invoice for payment to the maintenance of statistics. There are companies that give a 2-week or other trial period during which you can use all the features for free. If sales go right away, pay for a fully functional version of the store from the profit. So you can start without significant investments, just consider the cost of telephone, Internet and delivery of goods.

After studying the demand for several months and saving money, find suppliers and open the first retail outlet.


  • Creating an online store in 2019

For many years, trade at any time has been and remains the most important engine of the economy and profitable type commerce. In order to start trading, you do not need to make a lot of effort, you just need to have the necessary launch pad in the form of a kiosk, or just a small point in the market. This type of activity differs from the organization of production, which, on the contrary, requires huge workshops, hiring a large number and consumables.

Starting a Business: Thrift Store

As the guide says, a thrift store is a type that sells used things to the population. Its difference from second-hand stores is that the goods for resale come from individuals who receive their payment after the items received are sold.

Market research conducted in last years show that people are becoming more and more interested in thrift stores. In confirmation of this fact, experts cite statistical data, judging by which the number of such outlets is increasing both in large Russian cities and in the capital.

Such trade was also in the days of the USSR, but at that time scarce goods were sold there, which, although very second-hand, were very much appreciated, because it was possible to get them with great difficulty. And thrift stores solved this problem for Soviet citizen. Although not everyone could buy something there, but only the wealthiest segments of the population of that time. But now everything is completely different - anyone can afford to buy goods in a commission shop, thanks to a wide range that includes essentials (household appliances, clothes, dishes, shoes, furniture), and more than affordable prices.

People are always trying to save money. They want to buy any product at a discount, whether it's a fashionable gadget for half their own, chairs or a sofa for a summer residence, or things from a famous fashion house (albeit from the collection before last). This category of citizens, of which there are many, are potential customers of the thrift store.

And, what is remarkable, it is necessary to fulfill your dreams of opening such a this moment when our country is in recession. According to experts, demand in this segment of retail trade still exceeds supply. And then such stores will become even more in demand.

How do thrift stores work?

Scheme of work of commission stores

The work of outlets of this type is quite transparent and simple. Even those who have never dealt with business will deal with it. The owner of the commission has a goal - to receive a certain amount from the sale for the sale of other people's goods. People who bring goods to these stores for sale are called consignors.

A common pattern that is very common among consignment store owners is to display items in the window for a month or more. If during this time the goods are not sold in any way, then they are returned to the rightful owner.

Some thrift shop owners charge a storage fee that ranges from 3 to 5% of the total value of the item. In the case of the sale of goods, the consignor fills out on a special form, in which it must be recorded that all property rights are transferred to the buyer of the product.

Some subtleties of trading

Thrift store from scratch

The task of the owner of the thrift store, who acts as an intermediary in such a transaction, is to ensure that the parties comply with their obligations. Lawyers advise that in the event of any unforeseen situations, it is necessary to record each of the purchase and sale transactions with the signatures of both parties on paper.

To do this, the owner of a sales outlet selling used items should make sure that the contract forms are prepared in the required quantity. And in order to draw them up correctly, you need to resort to the services of a qualified lawyer, but the costs of such a specialist will more than pay off in the future, and will also save you from possible risks during the sale.

How to choose the specialization of the outlet?

Consignment store specialization

The success of the future business depends on the choice of specialization. The most famous formats that exist today:

  • A shop that sells used clothes. This, perhaps. the most popular segment of commission trading today. The goods can be women's, men's or children's clothing, and even shoes.
  • Trade points for the sale of equipment. For sale, you can take used gadgets, used TVs, computers, and any household appliances - from a toaster to a washing machine. Such products are those that people use every day. They break down very often, and most citizens simply do not have enough money to purchase new things in household appliances hypermarkets. The disadvantage of this type of commission is that in some cases it may be necessary vehicle for the transportation of bulky goods, because not all people have finances for pickup.
  • A shop that sells jewelry. The circle of visitors to such outlets is often quite limited. After all, not everyone can afford exquisite vintage furniture, dishes, paintings, rare books, and jewelry.
  • Shop with branded items. Usually in such places they sell those products that were not in use, but did not suit their former owners for some reason, or not quite new things from well-known brands.
  • Furniture shop. The product appears here for a banal reason. Sometimes, when moving to another place (for example, to another city), it is much more profitable to hand over good quality, even if recently purchased, furniture to a thrift store than to pay for its transportation.
  • Car shop. This business is the most costly in terms of the fact that the owner will have to rent quite large retail space adjacent to the commission shop in order to organize an exhibition and sale of cars.
  • A Thousand Little Things format outlet. It combines several types of directions at once, which include books, dishes, children's products, clothing, furniture. small size(chairs, tables, etc.). This diverse method is the most effective for opening such a business.
  • Shop of goods for children. Principals rent out children's clothes, toys, and household items for sale. Sometimes the owners of such shops accept cribs, high chairs, as well as other furniture.

Choice of location and premises

Before you open a thrift store, you should take care of choosing the premises for it. First you need to think carefully in which of the districts of the city such a point will be located. When considering a place for trade, it is worth remembering that in the center it always costs more than in areas located far from it.

Another factor to consider is the analysis of which part of the city the the target audience commission, ready to buy goods handed over for sale. When choosing it, you need to focus on the fact that the main contingent visiting this kind of shops will be young mothers who are on maternity leave, pensioners, or students.

Sales will be higher in residential areas that are densely populated, but in respectable areas it may not be at all. Thrift stores are usually located near schools, kindergartens, grocery stores, and bus or tram stops. As for the shops selling jewelry, they, unlike all other formats, must be placed closer to the center, since the customers are more impressive there.

As for the area of ​​the rented premises, it usually ranges from 15 or more square meters. m. It all depends on what will be the specifics of the products sold. The largest rental areas require the opening of shops selling used cars and furniture. In this case, you will need from 150 sq. m. Warehouses in such stores are usually not kept. All in-stock items are displayed on the showcase floor. Although a small storage room will undoubtedly be needed.

How to register a business?

Before you start trading, you need to do the following:

  • Come to the tax office and register or. The first option is necessary when interaction is planned not only with, but also with legal entities (for example, with manufacturers selling illiquid goods). The basic system that applies to this type of business is the most beneficial.
  • Clause 52.5 must be indicated as the main code. It means the retail sale of used goods in a store.
  • Come to, and register.
  • Visit the local administration, and take documents authorizing trading activities.
  • The next point on the way to opening your outlet will be a visit to two instances - Rospotrebnadzor and Gospozhnadzor.
  • The final stage will be the conclusion of the hiring of the premises.

Where to start selling?

First you need to choose a room that should be proportionate to the needs of the owner of the future store. If it is very large, and there are very few goods in the windows, such use of space is irrational. In addition, it will be uncomfortable for buyers who come to the commission shop to be there.

by the most the best choice will be renting a store that used to sell manufactured goods. This will help reduce repair costs as well as the costs associated with purchasing a piece of equipment.

Particular attention should be paid to commission advertising. To do this, you can print a batch of bright flyers with attractive text that promises a good discount to everyone who visits the store. In business development, you can also use world wide web. To do this, you need to invest some part of the funds in the creation of an online store, or a business card site. The costs will be very small, and the undertakings will pay off with interest.

An important rule for the formation of the price of things that were in use: do not overestimate the cost of them by more than 50%. It is unlikely that anyone will buy such a product, because in this case it will be easier for the buyer to purchase the product in a store where they sell new things. In general, it is better to set minimum prices, but the quality of the goods sold should be at its best. This will help word of mouth to notify everyone about such a shop faster.

The success of any business depends on many factors, but it is always unpredictable and difficult. In order for the thrift store to make a profit, you should carefully calculate all the risks, and then the start will be successful!

Write your question in the form below

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    To answer

  • Beneficial or not?
  • Cooperation scheme
  • Golden Rules for Success
  • Financial plan
  • Paperwork

Consignment store - up-to-date in difficult times economic conditions business. Opening it will allow you to earn on supply and demand, while the business plan is as simple as possible and accessible in terms of financial implementation. In this article, we provided readers with Lady Business websites step by step instructions about how to open a thrift store from scratch.

Beneficial or not?

Marketing and social studies show that more than 50% of citizens consider buying things or equipment in a thrift store rational use funds. This is especially true for the clothing and electronics market. Why not take advantage of this opportunity to earn money and open your own business?

And it's not about the total impoverishment of citizens, it's just that the economic crisis teaches people to be rational, to use the budget wisely. This can be seen in the example of children's things. Why buy a new walker or stroller for a few months when you can go to a thrift store and save 60 to 30% on just that purchase. So things can change many owners before they are completely worn out.

Cooperation scheme

The classic commission scheme looks like this:

  • a person brings things for sale, their value is established;
  • the conditions for the sale of goods are negotiated - the term and percentage for storage in case the sale does not take place.

The weighted average remuneration of a thrift store is 10-30%. Immediately after the opening, it is worth using the lower percentage range to attract partners, to create an extensive assortment. It is necessary to form a consumer audience. Big choice in this case, the best advertising, it launches a passive mechanism for attracting customers - word of mouth.

In addition, you can buy worn-out items for next to nothing and wholesale parties sell to enterprises as cleaning rags. This material is in great demand in the industry.

Attention! A thrift store and Second Hand are different types of activities in terms of the concept of trade. In the first case, work is carried out with specific people, in the second, wholesale purchases of things are carried out at specialized bases. About, how to open a secondhand shop, read in our separate article!

Golden Rules for Success

To make a business successful, you must follow its golden rules. In the case of opening a thrift store, these are:

  1. Items must be free from damage or wear.
  2. Goods must have a presentable appearance, this is especially true for household appliances and clothing.
  3. The store should be divided into departments for the convenience of customers finding the desired category of goods. If these are things, each department must be equipped with at least one locker room.
  4. Only the best should be on display in order to interest passers-by. This is also facilitated by a catchy sign. It should be noted that a significant part of the visitors immediately after the opening will be passers-by and it is very unreasonable to lose the opportunity to attract their attention.
  5. The premises of the store must be clean, with cosmetic repairs.
  6. You should not chase profit through high commissions, you need to do it on a stream of customers, a large assortment. Greed in this case is fatal.

All this is designed to create an entourage of elite accessibility, which will surely attract visitors. If there is no skill and knowledge in the field of the correct placement of goods on display cases and hangers, a merchandiser should be involved - a specialist in this matter. Compliance with the above rules will allow you to open a thrift store programmed for success and high profitability.

Financial plan

Step-by-step instructions for starting investments are as follows:

  • Room rental 20-50 m2. With a weighted average cost of 1m2 - 1000 rubles. It is desirable that it be equipped with security and fire alarm to cut costs.
  • Cosmetic repairs, if necessary, 20,000-30,000 rubles. It must be done before opening a business.
  • Purchase of hangers, fitting rooms, shop windows up to 40,000 rubles.
  • Cash register - 15,000-40,000.
  • Furniture: sales counter, chairs, household appliances, including LCD panel and acoustic system up to 70,000 rubles. The last 2 positions are necessary to create interactivity - imitation of live communication. It attracts people.
  • Advertising campaign on the Internet, on local media, external sites (billboards, city lights) - up to 200,000 rubles.

Taking into account the creation of a rental deposit for up to 6 months, it will take 485,000-730,000 rubles to open a commission from scratch. There is no need to purchase goods and create working capital.

May be of interest: Promising Ideas for starting a business in %am_current_year%

Running costs will also not be great:

  1. Employee wages. Officially, this is the established living wage plus a percentage of sales. This will create interest and reduce tax deductions.
  2. Payment for the services of an accountant. rational decision This is where outsourcing comes into play.
  3. Payment of utility bills, internet.
  4. Payment and maintenance of fire and security alarms.

Approximately for all this you need to spend up to 50,000 rubles a month. In the absence of risks of damage to goods (meaning food) and guaranteed profit (percentage for placing goods), opening a thrift store is a profitable undertaking.

At the same time, the business will pay off in 18 months or 1.5 years. Profitability is in the range of 5-10%. This is an excellent indicator. Considering the minimum running costs and no need to purchase goods.

Download a thrift store business plan you can with our partners. The quality of calculations is guaranteed!


How to start a business? You need to decide right away organizational form property:

  • IP - individual entrepreneur. About, how to open a sole proprietorship read our article.
  • LLC is a legal entity that can cooperate with large commercial structures without any problems. This form of ownership is relevant if you plan to keep a staff of more than 6 people and expand.

In both cases, you can choose the simplified tax system - a simplified taxation system:

  • 15% of net profit;
  • 6% of the operating turnover.

The documents required for registration of a business, their list and samples are posted on the website of the tax office. The main thing here is not to forget to file an application for choosing a taxation system in a timely manner.

To open a commission store, it is important to choose the right OKVED code - 47.7 “Services for retail other goods in specialized stores.
