Illegal ways to make money. Ten Surprisingly Profitable Illegal Trades

Tsekhoviki. The birth of the shadow economy. Notes of the underground millionaire Nilov Alexander

Who is who. Underground business in the USSR

I am a meticulous person and if I had not become what I have become, I might have chosen the profession of an accountant. For a writer, such a quality of character, as I think, is rather a disadvantage, but what has grown has grown. That is why I will not (although I really want to) immediately go directly to the history of my father and his acquaintances. Instead, let me remind you of the general picture of the underground business in the USSR. Perhaps it’s worth starting with terminology (no matter how terrible this word may sound).

People who have been doing sales any product of criminal origin, both criminals and law enforcement officers called hucksters. By the way, this word smoothly migrated into modern times, only slightly changing its meaning. Since the beginning of the nineties, hucksters began to be called businessmen of any caliber, those who are engaged in the sale of goods.

guild members in Soviet times called the people who organized the underground production goods. This label was awarded to any illegal manufacturer, regardless of the volume of "left" production. How in our time under the title of "businessman" can be hidden both the owner of three food stalls and the chairman of the board of directors big bank, and in the USSR, the faceless definition of "guild worker" could mean a large schemer, giving out production volumes comparable to the plan of a legal enterprise, on a par with the owner of a sewing workshop with a capacity of three sewing machines. Special mention deserves the fact that the addition "on an especially large scale" to the article "Theft of state property" could have been obtained in any case.

At the top of the pyramid rested sacred cows - shadow workers. The people who covered the underground economic activity while in the walls public institutions different ranks. I don’t think it’s worth specifying separately: the larger the volume of underground production, the higher the rank roofing his officials.

The only difference between this hierarchical ladder and modern realities was the impossibility of combining several hypostases in one person. Now, despite the strict ban on government officials to engage in entrepreneurial activities, every most seedy deputy at least owns a candle factory in middle lane boundless Russia. And many manufacturers of goods are independently engaged in the sale of products. In those days, which are now in question, it was impossible to conceive of such a situation. This taboo was explained very simply. Anyone who was engaged in underground business had access to a very limited range of opportunities, because illegal activities required a completely legal cover. And the simple consideration that a business that is fragmented into smaller pieces is more difficult to trace and liquidate also played a role.

So, by and large, there was only one real difference between the owner of a small sewing workshop and the manufacturer of "left" radio components at the facilities of the state workshop: the volume of goods produced.

As one of the French philosophers said, “the vices of society are mirror reflection virtues of this society. Aptly said. Just as the legal economy in the USSR was subject to the dictatorship of planning, so too, the schemes of illegal production resembled a repeatedly sketched drawing of the same mechanism. Whatever product came out of the underground workshops, the whole process, from the supply of raw materials to the methods of selling the goods, was surprisingly the same.

Analogies can be traced in a broader sense. The role played in socialist realism trade union organizations, in the "mirror" of the shadow economy, a criminal obshchak was performed, in which a certain share of profits was rigorously unfastened. A distorted reflection of party meetings could well be considered constant gangways, on which thieves' authorities often arranged a debriefing for diligent and hardworking guild workers. Well, and so on.

In fact, the guild workers had enrichment schemes - one, two, and counted. And any employee of the OBKhSS knew about it. Another thing is that it turned out to be much more difficult to collect the evidence base. If it comes to that, then the real headache of the OBKhSS was not at all the guild workers, the producers of “leftist” goods on stolen raw materials. The edge of the punishing sword of legality was sharpened for the capture of those plunderers of state property who limited themselves exclusively to the process of theft. As Porthos said: "I fight, just because I fight." That is, they stole precisely in order to steal, overwhelmed by the hoarding syndrome.

Theft in the USSR flourished on a catastrophic scale. “Bring every nail from work - you are the master here, not a guest!” And they carried. And grandfather-Vohrovets (a man with a gun), and a foreman from the shop, and the director of the plant, and a barmaid from the dining room. garden houses they were erected from products taken from their native production, and if the level of the position allowed, then brick “huts” were also obtained. In this environment, barter in kind (future barter) mainly flourished. You to me, I to you. Hand washed hand. But it was in the category of nesuns that there were most random people. You don't have to have any outstanding personal qualities to steal from his own office. It was enough to be in right place at the right time - for example, by hook or by crook to get any leadership position, - and it's in the bag. There is no need to think, strain and invent something, a person automatically took his place in the circuit. That is why the carriers practically fell out of the criminal environment in the USSR. Well, perhaps only “on a particularly large scale” ... It was impossible to control everyone else.

So I came to the first question, which, it seems, was not asked by any of those journalists who in our time shake off the dust from the archival files of the guilds. And why, in fact, people who had access to stolen raw materials, did not limit themselves to selling this very raw material left, right, anywhere, as the majority did? If they were driven solely by a passion for profit and enrichment, then why not confine themselves to a worthy place in the circulation of harlots? Why make yourself extra headache in the form of ensuring the further processing of raw materials into a marketable product? Yes, and establish contacts with distributors (also an additional risk). Not to mention close ties with criminal structures and shadow businesses.

What motivated people, if not just a thirst for money? “I won’t tell you for the whole of Odessa, the whole of Odessa is very big…” So, I do not at all pretend to be the spokesman for the general opinion of these mysterious businessmen of the past, but at least I will try to answer this question in the way my father and his “comrades-in-arms” answered it to themselves. Of course, not every person is a guild worker, but every guild worker is a person, so the motives in each case are different, because there are so many people, so many stories. There are (I'm sure) stories about the lust for power, there are (most likely) stories about ideological incompatibility with the existing system, surely someone's story tells about brilliant business abilities, which, if not realized, would mean to sleep or end life in a ditch from the meaninglessness of life. But I can only guess about this. It is more logical to talk about what I know for sure. Here I come to the beginning of my story. Better late than never.

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In this article I would like to touch on such a topic as illegal business ideas. Of course, this is by no means a guide to action, but information about what types of entrepreneurship should not be engaged in any case.

drug trade

The sale of such a potion, in principle, cannot be legal. And it doesn’t matter if we are talking about heavy synthetic products or “harmless” smoking mixtures. At the same time, everything belongs to the illegal drug business: sale, cultivation, manufacture or transportation.

body trade

Even taking into account the fact that prostitution is one of the oldest professions, you should not set it as an example. Interestingly, in many countries found interesting way fight against body trafficking - the legalization of prostitution. This happened in India, Guatemala, Singapore, Bangladesh and even in Italy, Germany, Canada, Latvia and Belgium.

Production of "fake" documents

Unfortunately, a very common "business" in our country. For money they can do anything: a passport, a diploma, a certificate, a certificate. In Russia, several high-profile cases of such illegal business are revealed every year.

Trade in smuggled caviar

According to supervisory services, the illegal circulation of caviar accounts for 90% of all production. Unfortunately, this leads to the fact that, most likely, our grandchildren will know about black or red caviar only from the stories of grandparents or parents.


Now every second walks in haute couture clothes

Today most of mobile phones, DVD discs, clothes, shoes and accessories are fakes. Is it possible to buy a Dolce & Gabbana suit for 30,000 rubles or an iPhone for 10,000? Of course not, but I really want to. Therefore, in our country, 90% of all such products are labeled "Made in China".


Another "drug" of modern humanity

For many people gambling is an important part of their lifestyle. Therefore, as long as there are people who love and want to play (and, interestingly, losing does not stop them), the next underground gaming clubs and casinos will open, in which indecently large sums are spinning.

Human trafficking

Or according to scientific "trafficking" is an illegal business activity in any case. This may include organ harvesting for donation, forced labor or sexual slavery. There are agencies in Russia that recruit people abroad.

We hope that this TOP-7 illegal business ideas attracted your attention for informational purposes only. It should be understood that all of the above ideas are a direct path to prison, because. each such "business" is strictly punishable by law under the Criminal Code.

Today, there are many opportunities for the implementation of a legitimate business with the possibility of obtaining a stable and high income.

What do you think of such illegal business ideas? Perhaps you have heard of any other activities that the law opposes? Let's discuss together what types of business can be classified as illegal.

There is no need to be afraid, we need to act. Of course, at first it is better through friends. But there is nothing terrible here. They make cakes to order from mastic and for good money. Through VK, through OK - groups are created, customers are found. It is always better to do something than to do nothing. There are a lot of such cases when almost homemade cookies began to be sold and this grew into a big deal with due perseverance and perseverance. For example, I personally know one person who, after selling sweets through small shops, eventually, under the pressure of competition from chain stores, came to make his own bakery and make buns, bread, and off you go. Quality is good, prices are reasonable. Not space, of course, but quite enough for his city. And also all by himself - and looked for recipes, and tried, and decided what to produce. Not such a huge amount of money is needed in order to make a small workshop later - these are more myths that everything is so complicated. The main thing in any business is not to give up before failures, and they will definitely be, but simply hit one point over and over again, do not spray, and everything will turn out completely. The quality of store-bought dumplings is frank in the main. I, somehow, on occasion in another city, bought manti and dumplings from a private workshop, much more expensive than store-bought ones, but very high quality and tasty, and if I lived there, I would constantly buy them - because they are cool. And there is a small point with two refrigerated display cases and the seller, and people, buyers - a lot.
The tax office is rarely interested in small things, but if it has already reached large volumes, then everything must be done according to the rules, but then it will have money for it, so there will be no special problems. You need to believe in yourself! 10/11/2017 13:10:27, Anonymous - I wish her only success

I'll add one more thing. While she hangs her ears, hoping that the former's conscience will wake up, he just rides on her ears. And if 3 years pass from the moment of the divorce, then that's it, the train has left, the limitation period will expire and she will not divide the loan debt at least in half with him. Therefore, Nadezhda - straight and quickly with documents to the court for the division of property (debts are also divided in the most beautiful way, as they wrote in previous comments) - it can be done ONLY within 3 years from the moment of divorce. Therefore - no rosy fantasies about negotiations with the former, the court and only the court. And then, when he finds out about the trial, do not fall for any of his promises to resolve everything out of court. Because only a court decision will be a sufficient document for the bank to claim only half of the debt from Nadia. And it will soar in the clouds, you will have to repay the entire amount. Again, there is a bankruptcy procedure - you need to study this possibility, it may come in handy. And there is also debt restructuring (repayment in smaller payments over a longer period of time) at the bank by agreement due to difficult life circumstances. And there is also debt refinancing - that is, taking a loan from another bank at lower interest rates and repaying the loan in this one. Nadezhda needs to act, and not expect unusual decency from ex-husband. What are you speaking about? My ex called me and said that I stole my hair dryer from him (in fact, he defined this obvious act of vandalism and theft with a less cultured word), and it was almost a year after the divorce. And you - about 500 thousand. Yes, he will not pay them himself, does she really not understand? And the decision of the court is the decision of the court and you can’t argue against it, it will share their responsibility, and let him pay his share as he wants - he pays, he doesn’t pay, it will be only his problems. Here! 10/11/2017 13:37:24, Anonymous - I wish her only success

Not so long ago I read in one book an interesting idea that everything in our world is dual: there is only white and black, good and evil, development and regression, etc. Everything else is just "shades", "branches" of these two principles. Whether this is so, I will not undertake to judge, in order not to get confused in the philosophical jungle. However, I started the article in this way because I wanted to remind you that business has two “sides of the coin” - in compliance with the laws, and illegal.

While a respectable legitimate business is looking for new ideas, introducing new technologies, making long-term investments, illegal business has not changed its sources of profit for almost the entire history of the existence of progressive mankind, only adapting to changes in time, and adopting the achievements of legitimate entrepreneurship.

Do not go children to Africa for a walk!

Remember how in the good old Soviet cartoon about Dr. Aibolit, parents told their children these golden words? It is the same here - almost all structures of power warn against engaging in illegal business, but the prospect of receiving huge, relatively easy income outweighs common sense.

Doing illegal business is very simple (just don't take this as a guide to action!). If you don't register your business, your business is already illegal. In general, in Russia, legally, there is even a guide to ideas for illegal business! Don't believe? It is called the Criminal Code. Open up and almost every article is an idea for an illegal business.

I bring to your attention (purely for informational purposes!) a kind of top 8 types of illegal business that are carried out in our country. And please, don't say that it doesn't exist. In the 20th century, for several years, people were told that: “There is no sex in the USSR,” but the country did not die out. So, it was still...

1. Doubtful high at the cost of life

The illegal drug trade is the most highly profitable type of illegal business. Can you imagine that the global turnover of "drug money" was equal to the budget of the average European state? To be honest, I'm not very good. But, nevertheless, believe me, the way it is. By the way, I have always been surprised that many publications indicate “approximate” figures for income from drug trafficking. Where do they get it from? Drug dealers what - serve tax return? I think that the true profit from this "business" is hard to even imagine!

And one more thing: the illegal circulation of any kind of narcotic drugs, from “harmless” smoking mixtures that have recently literally flooded the country, to “heavy” synthetic drugs, includes both sale and their cultivation, cultivation, manufacture, transportation. All in all, complete list all these acts can be found in the "Handbook", which I wrote about above.

2. There is a body - there is a case

As for the fact that prostitution is one of the most ancient professions, I can argue, but there is no doubt that as a type of illegal business it brings a lot of money to its “owners”. By the way, in many countries the authorities "fight" against the phenomenon of prostitution with somewhat unusual methods - they legalize it. So, for example, things are not only in developing countries: Bangladesh, Guatemala, India, Singapore, Nicaragua, but also in those who consider themselves highly developed: Italy, Germany, Belgium, Latvia, Canada. These lists are far from complete.

The number of women involved in illegal business is simply amazing in its figures. In London, according to some data, every 300th woman sells her body, in Amsterdam - every 35th, in Cambodia - every second woman. I will not publish data on Russia, so as not to shock readers. However, those who are interested can find this information on the net.

3. Without a "paper" you are an insect

Entrepreneurial shadow businessmen have long understood this, and put the production of "fake" documents on stream. You can order anything: passports, international passports, various certificates, diplomas, certificates, etc. Every year, a “wave” of high-profile trials sweeps across Russia related to the leadership of various educational institutions who prefer "easy money" to honest work in the field of education.

Meanwhile, we must not forget that every type of illegal entrepreneurial activity is encouraged by those people who use the services and products of this very business.

4. They cut the forest - the chips fly

Russia is one of the richest countries in the world in terms of forest resources; one fifth of the world's timber reserves are concentrated in the country. That is why from a hundred or two cubic meters of wood, mined by "black loggers" this stock will not decrease. Apparently, many who are engaged in illegal logging think so. And the fact that there are thousands of those who want to "profit" apparently does not think. The profits from this business are not just great, they are huge!

Still, the statement that I once heard back in school is true: "Cut down one tree - plant three."

5. You can't spoil butter with caviar

If most people preferred red and black caviar - "overseas" eggplant, then this type of illegal business would most likely exist. However, sturgeon and salmon caviar is much tastier, so illegal caviar production is very “serious” money. According to the information of the relevant supervisory services, illegal caviar fishing makes up about 90% of all production. Perhaps, at such a pace as now, our grandchildren will know about black and red caviar only from the stories of their parents.

6. Counterfeits and pirates

Look at yourself: what are you wearing? What phone do you use? What movie did you watch online yesterday? I bet that more than half of the things are counterfeit products. Armani suit for 30,000? iPhone for 15,000 rubles? Do not make me laugh! 90% of all "imported" products in our country are "Made in China".

Watched an interesting new comedy downloaded from a torrent tracker? So you have already become a user of pirated Internet products, which means a user of illegal business, which, according to experts, is already approaching the drug market in terms of profitability. Not quite, of course, but still.

7. Our whole life is a game

Excitement, after all, apparently, is one of the integral components human life. The passion for the game is inherent in us by nature itself, and therefore, despite restrictions, prohibitions, etc., people do not stop playing. And since they don’t stop playing, it means that the accounts of the owners of underground casinos, gaming clubs, and other gambling establishments will continue to receive simply indecently large sums pumped from the players’ pockets for a long time to come.

8. Trafficking is not the same as traffic

This word, so similar to "traffic" means illegal human trafficking. However, I have never heard anywhere that such a business was legal at all. The main reasons for this phenomenon are: forced labor, sexual exploitation, removal of donor organs. By itself, each of this type is a separate illegal business, but the source, so to speak, the supplier of "raw materials" for this is trafficking.

In Russia, this illegal business is mainly represented by various agencies recruiting people to work abroad, after which they are literally in slavery.

It's no secret that illegal business is thriving in our time. The drug trade alone occupies a huge sector of the black market economy in the aggregate, and its share is 600 billion dollars annually - approximately 70 percent of the income of all criminal organizations in the world. In addition, approximately one and a half trillion dollars of drug profits are laundered through legal businesses every year, which is approximately 5 percent of the Earth's gross domestic product. If five percent doesn't seem like such a big deal, consider that we are talking about money received annually around the world, and this is by no means a drop in the ocean.

Among other branches of the global crime industry, one can find very unusual black markets - some of them seem to be urban legends, others involve the trade in completely legal services, and together they receive incredible amounts of money for the share of each criminal involved. Below are ten of the strangest illegal trades.

10 Primates

Many species of wildlife suffer from poaching and illegal trade, but primates, especially chimpanzees and orangutans, are among the most frequently abducted for a variety of reasons. Not only are they stolen and sold for consumption in some countries (yes, some people do eat them), they are often used in biomedical research as test subjects and are also sold as pets to the entertainment industry. While thousands of primates are legally imported into the United States each year, mostly for research purposes, which is rather reprehensible in itself, about 3,000 more monkeys are stolen, and sometimes acquired legally, even if the means by which they were caught, against the law.

In fact, the United States is one of the few countries where keeping hominids, or great great apes, is legal. Just over 100 great great apes are kept as pets in the US. In Indonesia, exactly where poachers operate, as a punishment for keeping such monkeys, they simply beat their hands, and the animal itself, as a rule, is simply taken away.

This is a big part of the problem - according to a recent UN report, since 2005 more than 22,000 monkeys have been lost, either to poaching or to death in the process. In all this time, as many as 27 poaching-related arrests have been made in Africa and Asia, with less than a quarter of those detained being brought to justice. Not surprisingly, monkey poaching makes up a gigantic share of the illegal wildlife trade, generating over $10 billion each year.

9. Timber

While the legal lumber industry has long sought to reduce the recognized potential environmental damage, the illegal version of the industry has become an incredibly widespread problem. According to statistics, in the United States alone, the amount of lost income from illegal logging is $1 billion annually. In countries such as Brazil and Peru, approximately 80 percent of all timber production is illegal. Economic losses around the world amount to about 10 billion dollars a year, and this is only the monetary consequence of illegal logging.

Clearly, illegal lumbering is not covered by the rules. state supervision aimed at protecting environment and minimizing damage in areas that need protection. Clearcutting is one of the main causes of global climate change and recent studies have shown quite real probability that rainforest wildlife could be on the brink of extinction within the next hundred years from illegal logging and global climate change. But even more disturbing is the fact that the illegal timber industry not only does not slow down, but even tries to compete with other branches of the illegal trade, such as, for example, the drug trade. If you imagine packets of cocaine being transported in the trunks of illegally felled trees, then the picture is correct.

Illegal timber industry accounts for approximately 30 percent of the global timber trade and brings the criminal organizations involved in this business about 10-15 billion dollars annually.

8. Organs

If this sounds a bit far-fetched or like something out of a horror movie, you'll be surprised to know that human organ trafficking is very real - and a huge business.

The vast majority of illegally cut organs are kidneys, since a person needs only one to survive. Some desperate "donors" accept illegal surgery for as little as $5,000, and equally desperate patients pay forty or fifty times more for a kidney - about $200,000 or more. This phenomenon is widespread in the Middle East and Asian countries such as the Philippines, India and Pakistan - they have very rich markets. China actually sells the organs of executed prisoners, and is the only country in the world that does this. Approximately 4,500 prisoners are executed in China every year, and many experts claim that these executions are carried out precisely for the purpose of organ harvesting.

Although many people willingly part with their organs for cash, many others are lured into organ harvesting operations or forced to undergo unnecessary surgeries in which their organs are harvested from them without their knowledge. Recent studies by the World Health Organization have shown that the number of illegal operations is up to 10,000 per year, potentially making this illegal industry a multi-billion dollar black market.

7. Snake skin

The trade in python skins is supposedly very tightly controlled. The number of these animals is constantly decreasing, and the demand for their skins is constantly growing, especially in Europe, where the demand for designer bags and shoes made from python skin has skyrocketed over last years. Even in California, where the sale of python skins and parts has been illegal since the 1970s, snakeskin garments can still be found in some upscale boutiques. Apparently, some merchants are either deliberately ignoring the law or not really aware of it.

Unfortunately, the use of the skins of illegally slaughtered animals makes a lot of money for those involved in this trade, and this flourishing criminal business threatens to outgrow the legal trade in the skins of these animals. While there are regulations to combat the illegal python skin trade, and if they were followed they would be very effective, in most areas where poaching is rampant, these regulations are being ignored. As silly as it may seem, this business largely thrives on people's perception of snakes as not very pleasant creatures. However, they are one of the most important parts of their ecosystems, and now their extermination can lead to their complete extinction.

Believe it or not, the annual turnover of python skins is estimated to be about a billion dollars worldwide, with half or even more than half of this income comes from illegal trade, and criminal organizations win over an increasing part of this income every year.

6. Sperm

This is a very recent phenomenon, however, sales of human sperm over the Internet have skyrocketed in recent years. And while this may seem fairly harmless, and even beneficial for those who are having trouble conceiving, there are serious complications that lawmakers are unable to address properly.

Legitimate sperm donors go through rigorous tests to minimize genetic defects, health problems, and the like. The main problem with individuals who simply sell their sperm directly to buyers is the apparent lack of control, as the vast majority of "donors" are not medically tested and there is no way for recipients to know what they are getting. Not to mention thousands infectious diseases, which are transmitted through human sperm, and this is far from a joke.

While there are some laws governing the sale of sperm or eggs, many of the websites that have emerged in recent years are very difficult to prosecute because they operate undercover. social networks or dating sites that just introduce people to each other and get paid for it. Calculating the global profit of this industry for the year is not at all easy. One pair of British men were able to sell their sperm to 800 women and make over a quarter of a million pounds within a few years by offering this type of service to women.

5. Abalone or abalone

Abalone are edible sea snails known as the "pargo snapper" in Australia and the "reef king" in New Zealand. They are a delicacy in these regions, as well as in Chile, France and several Asian countries. Regulations governing their collection are either negligible or non-existent almost everywhere except South Africa, which is exactly where the problem lies.

Seafood is one of the main divisions of the South African industry and abalone is the most valuable product produced by this industry. In 1995, 615 tons of abalone were harvested in South Africa, but by 2008 the harvest had dropped sharply to 75 tons, and the South African government imposed a ban on abalone fishing that year, fearing complete destruction of their population. The incredible drop in population size in such a short time is due almost entirely to illegal fishing, which in turn has had an impact on the South African economy.

Populations have declined just as much, if not worse, in Northern California and other abalone-producing regions where the illegal trade has flourished. Authorities have begun imposing huge fines of up to $40,000 on illegal shellfish sellers, but because illegal shellfish farming has proven so lucrative, it is almost impossible to stop. Despite the fact that there is no exact data on the amount of profit from illegal trade, it can be said with certainty that the price of red abalone reaches one hundred dollars apiece.

4 Bear Organs

The gallbladder of black bears, and the bile that is extracted from them, is widely used and has been used in Asian medicine for centuries. Bear bile is allegedly a panacea for all diseases, ranging from ophthalmic diseases to cancer and AIDS, and "supposedly" is used here because medical studies have clearly shown that bear bile does not have any medicinal properties. Despite this, the illegal trade in this product continues - and its size is simply amazing.

Bears are not only hunted down to remove their gall bladders and other body parts, but illegal "bear farms" are operating in many Asian countries that look as bad as they sound. Bears are kept in small pens, fed irregularly and not allowed to hibernate. Their bile is constantly "milked" surgically, and after a certain period of time they are killed and their gallbladder is taken out.

The most incredible thing is that, despite the fact that this deplorable activity is completely illegal, the sale of its products is quite legal in many markets, including in the United States, in New York. It was recently found that 20% of markets that sell products from Asia openly sell bear bile and gall bladders. The illegal trade in bear body parts generates an incredible $2 billion annually.

3. Caviar

Most of us know two things about caviar: first, it is very expensive, and second, it is fish eggs that rich people love to eat. While the idea of ​​black market caviar seems a bit silly, the trade has its serious consequences- These consequences mainly affect the world population of sturgeon, which has decreased by 90 percent since 1970 due to excessive fishing.

A global ban on wild caviar (as opposed to caviar from farmed sturgeons) imposed in the mid-2000s did not have the desired effect of protecting the population, and may actually have stimulated more black market sales of caviar. In 2006, the Pew Institute for Ocean Science named sturgeon "the world's most endangered wildlife resource."

The sad thing is that sturgeon lived on our planet for 200 million years, outlived the dinosaurs with whom they once shared the planet, but this phenomenon poses a serious threat to their continued existence. Of course, the demand for caviar is not going anywhere, but because of the illegal trade, which generates three-quarters of a billion dollars a year, wild sturgeon may soon disappear.

2 Liquor smuggling

In many Middle Eastern and Eastern European countries where alcohol is still banned or tightly controlled, surrogate markets alcoholic products flourish. Some of the consequences and also some of the remedies adopted by the government to crack down on illegal liquor are enough to dazzle the minds of those of us who are used to having a glass of wine at dinner or a couple of beers with buddies as a matter of course.

In countries like Iran and Iraq, where liquor is illegal, alcohol production is punishable by dozens of lashes along with the standard fines and jail time. Despite this, however, the smuggled liquor market is booming so strongly that smugglers think the game is worth the candle. Moreover, the demand for alcohol in these countries is so high that the Iranian factories that produce alcohol were actually forced by the government to add a substance to it that makes alcohol too bitter, which just proved once again that people who want to get drunk will go to any lengths. risks to do so.

This trend is most horrifyingly reflected in the last two mass deaths caused by smuggled liquor in the Czech Republic (20 killed, dozens poisoned) and India (102 dead). Again, accurate annual profit data is difficult to collect due to poor reporting in these countries. However, in the US state of Virginia, where alcohol is perfectly legal, statistics show that up to $20 million is lost due to whiskey smuggling, and this is just the tip of a huge iceberg.

1. Newborn babies

In terms of global annual profits, human trafficking ranks only second only to the illicit drug trade. Nearly three-quarters of this trafficking is for what one might expect - sex, and most of the rest of the trafficking Slave work However, black market adoptions are also slowly becoming a serious problem. In addition to unlicensed adoption agencies, as you might expect, there have been cases where adoptive parents have simply sold legally adopted children for profit.

These markets are generally unrelated to each other, but are isolated and opportunistic - as is the case in southern Brazil, where a large number of blue-eyed and fair-haired descendants of German immigrants. This area of ​​Brazil is a kind of farm to meet the demand for just such children coming from Western countries. In Russia and other Eastern European countries, black markets for adoption have arisen for the same reason as in Brazil - the demand for white, light-eyed children, but in China there is simply an excess of girls. They turn a blind eye to their adoption, since such a number of girls is not necessary for cultural and political reasons.

These types of black markets, which seem to be well-meaning, also contribute to the enrichment of criminal organizations that are engaged in various illegal activities. And, despite the fact that trafficking in newborn babies is only part of human trafficking, total profit from this trade brings criminal organizations about 32 billion dollars.
