What to do if the leaves of an orchid wither. The orchid has sluggish leaves: what to do, what is the reason

An orchid is a very capricious indoor flower that requires strict adherence to the conditions of detention and good care. And if something is wrong with him, he quickly reacts to it and withers. Let's find out why an orchid can wither, and what to do to bring this plant back to life.

All causes of yellowing and wilting of orchid leaves can be divided into four large groups:

  • unsuitable conditions for keeping a flower;
  • not proper care behind the orchid;
  • infection of the plant;
  • damage to the flower by pests.

Let's take a closer look at these reasons, find out how they affect the health of the plant, and find out what to do if the leaves or orchid flowers wither.

Wrong conditions of detention

Being in direct sunlight. (overheating of the roots) Orchid leaves first turn yellow, and then dry if unsuitable conditions are created for it. These include:

  • dry air. IN natural environment orchids grow in tropical forests where it rains every day. Therefore, they are very demanding on moisture. If the air humidity is too low, the leaves begin to wilt. This happens especially often in winter, when the air dries up due to batteries and other heating devices. Humidify the air to save the flower. The simplest and modern way The solution to the problem is the purchase of a humidifier. Also try placing the plant pot on water-soaked rocks or hanging lots of wet laundry around the house.
  • Low air temperature. In the tropics, the temperature stays at +20…+30 o C, and it never drops below +14 o C. At home, it is constantly difficult to maintain such a temperature, but it is necessary for the orchid to retain the green color of the leaves. If it is not possible to raise the air temperature by heating the room, buy a heated rug and place a flower pot on it.
  • lack of lighting. The optimal day length for orchids is 12 hours. If the lighting is poor, or the sun shines less than 12 hours a day, the plant suffers. Its leaves lighten and weaken. The solution to the problem is simple - put the flower pot in a well-lit place. In winter, provide additional lighting. To support photosynthesis in plants, special phytolamps are most suitable. A cheap, but less high-quality analogue can be a fluorescent lamp.
  • Root overheating. If the orchid stands under the direct rays of the sun, its roots overheat and die from the resulting burns. This is facilitated by the transparent walls of the pot. Dead roots do not supply stems and leaves nutrients, so the aerial part of the plant wilts. To save the flower, you need to cut off the burnt roots and transplant the flower. Place the pot in a well-lit place with diffused rather than direct sunlight.
  • Incorrectly selected soil. For orchids, you can not use what we used to call soil. IN soil mixture flowers die. Instead of soil, plant a tropical guest in a mixture of crushed tree bark, sphagnum and small stones.
  • Draft. Orchids do not tolerate cold air currents. If they often stand in a draft, the leaves begin to turn yellow and fall. Move the flower pot away from open windows. Do not keep it near the air conditioner.
  • Location in the kitchen or other place where vegetables and fruits are constantly located. If the flowers of your orchids dry out quickly, and some of the buds do not even have time to open, it may be due to the effect of ethylene gas. It is secreted by some vegetables and fruits. Move the flower away from them to enjoy the beautiful bloom longer.

An orchid can begin to fade even if you provided it with optimal conditions content. This happens with a sharp change in the microclimate. For example, if you bought a flower in a store and brought it home, or borrowed a plant from your neighbors. The difference in lighting, temperature and humidity for such a sensitive flower will be significant. Therefore, he will experience stress. A temporary refusal to transplant, regular watering, air humidification and feeding a green pet will help to get out of it faster.

An orchid can dry out due to improper care. Harmful to her:

  • Rare watering. Since the orchid is a guest from the tropics, it needs frequent and plentiful watering. If the soil is dry most of the time, try to moisten it more often.
  • Frequent watering. Despite the orchid's love of water, its stagnation in a pot is just as harmful to it as its deficiency. If the substrate never dries out, pathogens start up in it, which cause the root system to rot. In this case, the flower must be transplanted, after cutting off the damaged roots.
  • Neglect of loosening the soil. The orchid likes to grow on a loose substrate. If it has become too dense, it needs to be loosened. By neglecting this procedure, you make the plant suffer. After all, its roots need access to fresh air. Solution to the problem: timely loosening of the soil.
  • Excess fertilizer. The orchid is not very demanding on soil fertility. She needs a loose and light substrate, as well as regular moderate top dressing. But if you add too much fertilizer to the soil, the metabolism of the flower is disturbed, which leads to yellowing and wilting of the leaves. BUT mineral fertilizers can cause chemical burns of the roots. It is best to transplant the orchid into a new pot with a new substrate. If you just wait for the amount of chemicals in the pot to decrease to normal on its own, you can wait for the green pet to die.
  • Lack of fertilizer. Lack of nutrients is another reason why an orchid wilts. If you feed a flower too infrequently, it may need nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus and other minerals. feed the flower complex fertilizer designed specifically for orchids.

Important! Leaves may wither and fall off within the normal range: each leaf has its own lifespan. It is considered normal if the lower leaves of the orchid dry periodically, provided that the rest of the plant looks healthy.

Infectious diseases of orchids

With the systematic flooding of the soil, the orchid is affected by fungal infections. A guest from the tropics most often suffers from the following diseases:

  • Anthracnose. The disease begins with the formation of concave spots on the leaves of the plant. Subsequently, they become yellow or pink. Infected parts of plants must be removed and destroyed, and the cut points should be processed. alcohol solution iodine. If the disease has covered the entire plant, it can be saved by treating it with one of the following drugs: Mikosan, Ritomil or Skor.
  • powdery mildew. Fungi multiply on the leaves of the plant, forming on them white coating with a purple tint. From this it seems that the orchid was sprinkled with flour. Fighting powdery mildew consists in the treatment of the aerial part of the plant with Skorom, colloidal sulfur or Fundazol.
  • Rust. With this disease, small, almost colorless spots appear on the leaves of the orchid. Then they become convex and painted red. The plant seems to have rusted like metal. Rust control consists in removing the affected leaves and treating the flower with a fungicide solution. Suitable for this: Skor, Fundazol, Mikosan.
  • tea mushrooms. Leaves, stems and flowers of orchids are covered with small dark spots. It seems that the plant was sprayed with strong tea. This is a fungal infection, so it is treated with the same fungicides.

Attention! Transplantation is a procedure necessary to save an orchid in many cases. A flower needs it whenever the roots are rotten, sick or overheated. Watch a video on how to properly transplant a diseased orchid.

Pest damage to orchids

Orchids often suffer from the fact that insects or their larvae begin to feed on their juice. The most common pests from the tropics are:

  • Shchitovka. When the temperature is too high, scale insects like to settle on orchids. They hide under dark tubercles (shields) that stick around the stems and leaves of the plant.
  • Mealybug. Female mealybugs form around themselves a substance resembling cotton wool. Cotton plaque can be found on the underside of the leaf, on flowers and peduncles. If the "wool" is lifted, then you can find the females themselves and the eggs they lay.

  • Aphid. Aphids are easily recognizable to the naked eye. These pests graze in herds, sticking to the stems and leaves of the plant.
  • spider mite. Too dry air can cause the appearance on the orchid spider mite. It constructs small cobwebs by which the pest can be recognized.
  • thrips. They usually attack the roots of the plant. From this, the power of the aerial part is disturbed. The leaves begin to turn yellow and dry, a silvery coating forms on them.
  • Nematodes. If you added garden soil to the substrate, then with it you could put nematodes in a pot. These are small roundworms, the length of which does not exceed 2 mm. They gnaw out the roots and can completely destroy the plant, which ceases to receive nutrients from the soil.
  • Woodlice. They rarely appear on orchids. But if they already appeared, then they inflict great harm flower health. Woodlice hide in the ground, and after moistening it, they move to the stems and leaves. Pests gnaw them out, leaving holes.

To destroy the pests that live in the substrate, it is necessary to transplant the orchid. Before transferring the flower to a new pot, carefully inspect the roots: not a single pest should remain in them. For the same purpose, remove the remnants of the old substrate. They may contain eggs and larvae. For transplanting, use a new disinfected soil.

To control pests that live on stems and leaves, you can use a soapy solution. It's the safest, but not the most effective method getting rid of them. Insecticides work best against them (Aktara, Inta-Vir). But they are dangerous for humans and pets, so they need to be used in extreme cases and with great care.

Attention! The rapid wilting of flowers may be due to their successful pollination. If a bee flew into your house and visited the orchid, it may have pollinated the flower. After this, the formation of the fetus begins - the box. In order for the plant to bloom longer, do not allow it to be pollinated by insects.

The basics of proper orchid care

To prevent orchid leaves from drying out, properly care for it. This plant loves

  • Quality lighting. Daylight hours must be at least 12 hours. If you do not have a window facing the sunny side, place a fitolamp next to the orchid. Turn it on when the sun's rays stop falling on the leaves of the plant.
  • Regular watering. Water your orchid generously whenever its substrate becomes dry. Provide good drainage to prevent standing water. Then the transfusion of soil will be excluded.
  • Regular feeding. During the period of active growth and flowering, do not forget to feed the orchid. The recommended frequency is 1 time in 2 weeks. Top dressing is combined with watering. Give preference to mineral or organomineral fertilizers designed specifically for orchids.
  • loose soil. Try to loosen the substrate after each watering. This contributes to soil aeration and prevents stagnation that provokes the development of fungal diseases.
  • Warm and humid air. Optimum temperature air for orchids - about 20 ° C. At night, do not allow the temperature to fall below 15 ° C. And during the day, try not to raise it to 30 ° C and above. If the air is dry, humidify it with improvised means (water containers, wet laundry) or a special air humidifier.

Advice! To prevent fungal diseases of the orchid, spray it once a week with Fitosporin solution. This safe remedy with weak antifungal effect. For the treatment of a fungus that has already appeared, it is better to use powerful fungicides.

Carry out proper care of the orchid, and it will stop withering, the stems and leaves will get stronger, flower stalks will appear. A healthy plant will delight you with long flowering and a pleasant aroma, thinned in the morning or evening hours.

For a long time, your pet delighted you with its beauty. And, suddenly, you notice the wilting. Possibly a subsequent fall. Such a nuisance happens with leaves and flowers. What happened? We need to understand in detail.

It is hard to watch when the plant that you groomed withers. Moreover, there are species that differ precisely in their chic foliage. But here they wither, turn yellow, and then fall off. Obviously, your beauty is either sick, or you screwed up with the care. “Debriefing” always begins by identifying factors.

Causes of wilting orchid leaves:

  • Root overheating.

Phalaenopsis are thermophilic. But everything has its own measure. Invalid things: your flower is constantly "under the gun" of the sun's rays. The hot air of the air conditioner is directed to it. The heating battery under the windowsill on which the pot is standing is too hot. Plus low humidity (50% or less).

What's happening?

The trunk, leaves, flowers are very hot. Begins active process evaporation of moisture. So does the soil. It overheats by evaporating water. The result - the root system is cooled. "Cold" roots stop consuming moisture the right amount. This means that the leaves do not receive nutrients. Outcome: flabbiness, yellowness, wilting. Everything happens quickly, in a few hours.

  • Severe root damage

The following troubles occur with the root system: rotting; shrinkage. Why? The first is improper care. The main factors influencing these processes are:

  • High humidity

Orchid is an epiphytic plant. That is, having "bare" roots. With them, it is attached to rocks, trees, caves. Frequent, warm tropical rains plentifully watered root system. And since it is not reinforced with soil, the water drains completely. Warm air dries out the roots. So, until the next rain.

Home conditions do little to keep such a flower with bare roots. This requires more care. Therefore, most varieties grow in the ground. Let's say the pot is chosen incorrectly (inappropriate size), without a sufficient number of holes. Then, with abundant watering, the substrate will always be wet. Disease may occur. When the roots get brown shade, lose elasticity, become lethargic - it means that problems have begun.

How to eliminate?

Everything is simple. Bring your pet's conditions as close to natural as possible. Abundant watering warm water- runoff - drying. Drying is ensured by good air circulation in the room. Do frequent ventilation, excluding drafts.

  • Low humidity

Another extreme of the previous paragraph. If an "experienced" florist tells you to water phalaenopsis strictly on a daily basis, ignore such advice. First: each plant requires individual approach. Influenced by species, origin. Second, meteorological parameters change daily. Like: air temperature, humidity, sunshine, cloudiness. Take a break from that. In dry weather, high temperatures, water more often. When cool or frost sets in, reduce watering. Focus on the condition of the substrate. It should be loose, moist (but not wet!).

  • Wrong feeding

Many people think: the more fertilizer, the better. This is not true. There are top dressings, where different concentrations of minerals. The roots are extremely sensitive to this or that substance. Suddenly, there will be a search of salts, the plant may die. It also takes into account the variety, periods of growth, dormancy, flowering.

  • Soil compaction

Sometimes an orchid is transplanted into new dishes where there is new soil. First, the root system grows, the old pot becomes small. The roots also suffer. Secondly, due to abundant watering, salts, the appearance of mold, fungi, the substrate is destroyed. It becomes more dense. Air circulation deteriorates. The roots feel the lack of oxygen. The result is that they “suffocate” and die.

Roots - circulatory system plants. Therefore, the combination of these factors causes problems, the leaves too.

Leaf wilt treatment methods

  • Overheating: your actions. We create a shadow for the plant (just take it deep into the room). You can not immediately fill it with water or spray! Such actions cause the withering away of parts. Let it cool down completely. Rest will take 2-4 hours. Then water in the usual way.

The water balance is restored up to four days. Regeneration of the affected parts is unlikely to happen instantly. So, be patient.

If such a nuisance has occurred, find a comfortable zone for the flower. Completely deprive sunlight it is forbidden. Give him a table near the window. Or another part of the house. Perhaps the side of the world just does not suit him.

  • Damage to the root system: what to do

When the foliage wilts, overheating plays a role only in 10% of cases. The rest is a violation of the function of the roots. Conventionally, three degrees of injury are considered: mild, moderate, severe, and very severe. Unlike the first three, the last degree means the death of the root system, and hence the plant.

How to save?

  • Take the phalaenopsis by the trunk, gently move it back and forth. Does it sit firmly in the ground? The likely cause is drought. It's OK.
  • Move the pot away from the heat source. Let him rest for one hour.
  • After, place the flower in a container of water. Temperature +30 - +40 degrees. Let it stand for about an hour.
  • Avoid fertilizers or stimulants immediately. Otherwise, the situation will only worsen.
  • Next, give your pet a warm, plentiful shower from top to bottom. Try to bypass flower stalks.
  • Let the water drain completely. Dry the leaves with a natural cloth. Better than cotton.
  • Choose a well-lit place for the orchid, avoiding direct sunlight. The air temperature is moderate, +18 - 25 degrees.
  • Wait 2-3 days, the foliage will recover.

If there is no regeneration, then you started the "resuscitation" late. In this case, atrophy of the leaf tissues occurs. Or the death of part of the roots.

When the substrate with roots moves freely, remove it. Look closely at the root system. What can be seen there?

living roots. Most of the time they are green. different shades. The main thing is elastic, solid, dense. Young roots whitish when dry. Wet - turn green. The old ones are darker.

Rotting roots. They are easy to identify. They are Brown color, soft, slippery. They resemble a hollow tube, when squeezed, moisture flows out.

What to do?

Inspect carefully. Remove the rotten, dried part with a sterile knife. Everything should be removed to healthy tissue. Sprinkle slices with crushed activated, charcoal. Alcohol-based disinfectants will only harm. Since they dry, they can "kill" the green part of the root.

Even if there is only one living root left, the plant may well recover. Plant the root (at least 5-6 cm long) in a small dish with a fresh, moist substrate. When it dries, renew regular watering.

What to do if flowers fade?

What a pity when luxurious buds suddenly fall off. There are reasons for everything. A plant is also a living being.

The factors that cause these processes are almost the same as with wilting, leaf fall. Let's just add something.

A change of residence is not always pleasant. Orchids endure this especially hard. You bought a luxury flowering plant. They brought him home. This is where the trouble began. Just a move plus a new place has such an impact on your beauty. A different climate, different conditions of detention - enough for the flowers to begin to fall.

  • natural aging

Withering, falling, dying - natural process. There is no eternal bloom. Some delight us with beautiful buds for a week or two. Others are several months old. In addition, it is not known how much phalaenopsis bloomed before you purchased it. Perhaps, at the time of purchase, this period was just ending.

  • hypothermia

Orchids are thermophilic. Transporting it in winter is one of the causes of the problem. Even when it's well packaged. At home, the temperature is also below acceptable. It is supposed to be 22 - 32 degrees. Depends on periods. Stick to the rules. Especially humidity. The average rate is 70%. Its deficiency also serves as a factor in the fall of flowers.

  • Draft

Orchids need good air circulation. But the draft is detrimental. It is enough to thoroughly ventilate the room.

  • Location near food

Especially vegetables and fruits. Some of them release ethylene. This gas stimulates the ripening of flowers, even unopened buds. Rapid maturation leads to early wilting. Therefore, remove all products from the flower.

  • Pollination

During warm periods, the pot is taken out to outdoor balcony, "breathe". Small insects pollinate the plant. When everything went well, the fading flower will be replaced by a seed box. If not, then it will disappear.

  • Pests

Particularly conducive to damage mealybug. He loves the juice of the buds. It looks like cotton wool. Leaves a sticky residue behind.

Treatment Methods

The same as when the leaves fall. Overcooling causes the death of the plant. When stressed, provide care that is close to natural conditions.

Check daily for harmful insects. Found - isolate the orchid from others. Completely remove the pest. Treat with insecticide. Take good care of your pet and you'll be fine!

Orchid like any other indoor plant, may get sick or be attacked by pests. In this case, damage can be both minor and very extensive. With a cursory examination, it may simply seem to an inexperienced grower that the orchid has dried up for no apparent reason. Do not immediately throw away such a plant. In most cases, it can be saved.

The orchid withered peduncle

Drying of the peduncle in an orchid is very common. And this is not always a sign of illness. Perhaps the matter is simply inappropriate care or non-compliance with the conditions of detention.

The peduncle of an orchid can dry out in different ways. The most common option is when the flower arrow remains juicy and green, and the buds themselves begin to dry and fall off. This is most often observed in newly acquired plants. This is how they react to stress. In this case, fertilizing can help the flower.

The next option is when not only the orchid buds dry up, but the peduncle itself begins to turn yellow and die. Most probable cause This lies in non-compliance with growing conditions or inadequate care. So an orchid can react to a lack of light, nutrition, flooding, or too high or low temperatures.

Orchid dry leaves

Sometimes the drying of an orchid begins with yellowing and dying off of the lower leaves. At the same time, attention should be paid to the nature of the process itself. If one or a maximum of two lower leaves turn yellow, while the plant continues to develop and looks absolutely healthy, then there is nothing to worry about. So it gets rid of old and unnecessary leaves.

You should be wary if the process of dying off progresses further, that is, they begin to die off sheet plates located above. Most often, the leaves of an orchid that has undergone a flood or rotted in the region of the root neck dry out in this way.

Signs by which you can determine that the orchid needs resuscitation

In order not to miss the moment when the plant needs your help, you should pay attention to the following signs:

  • Leaves lose turgor and begin to wrinkle.
  • Growth and development stops.
  • The color of the roots changes from light green to brown.

If you find at least one of the signs listed above in your flower, you can’t hesitate. The orchid needs to be revived urgently.

Restoring the root system

So, what to do if you find that the orchid dries up from damage to the root system? It is very easy to distinguish damaged roots from healthy ones. To do this, carefully knock the plant out of the pot and carefully examine the roots. If they have become brown, fibrous and brittle, then they have already died. Normally, they should be elastic and green in appearance.

You can also save an orchid with a complete loss of the root system. Therefore, do not immediately throw out a damaged plant. The process of resuscitation of a damaged root system is as follows:

  1. The remains of the substrate and moss are removed from the roots.
  2. With a sharp knife, all dead and damaged areas are removed. In this case, the knife must be disinfected with alcohol before use.
  3. The places of cuts are cauterized with brilliant green or sprinkled with charcoal powder.
  4. The treated plant is transplanted into a fresh, slightly damp substrate.

Attention! The first few days you can not water a newly planted orchid. To reduce moisture loss, you can lightly spray the leaves several times a day.

In order to prevent damage to the roots in the future, you should know the main causes of this undesirable phenomenon:

  • Poor quality substrate. Moss and bark included in the substrate should not be very rotten. To the touch, they should be strong and dense. If, when squeezed between your fingers, they begin to crumble easily, then it's time to transplant the orchid. In the process of decomposition, the substrate begins to become moldy and rot, becoming a source of various putrefactive and fungal diseases. And also during watering, it begins to absorb too much moisture, which leads to waterlogging.
  • Light mode. Plants suffer especially strongly from the violation of the light regime in the autumn-winter period. At home, during this period, the temperature reaches a maximum due to the included heating, and the illumination is greatly reduced. This combination is very detrimental to orchids. Gradually, their growth and development stops, and the roots begin to rot.
  • Humidity level. Orchids are from the tropics, so they need high humidity air. For them, daily spraying with warm settled water is very useful. But at the same time, it is imperative to ensure that the substrate in the pot dries out between waterings.

What to do with a dried peduncle?

We figured out what to do with damaged roots, but what should we do if the flower arrow of the Phalaenopsis orchid has dried up? A drying peduncle does not always indicate damage to the plant. Most often, the orchid thus prepares for a dormant period. In this case, the arrow dries out gradually, giving nutrients to the plant. At this point, the plant should create relevant conditions, otherwise you can not wait for re-blooming. For this:

  • Reduce the frequency and abundance of watering.
  • Stop using supplements.
  • The plant is placed in a cool, well-lit place.
  • Create a difference between day and night temperatures.

Subject to the conditions listed above, the plant will definitely release one or more flower arrows after rest.

Sometimes the peduncle does not dry out completely, only the buds located on it dry out and fall off. The arrow itself remains completely green at this point. In some cases, it even continues to grow, and one or two flowers appear on its crown. The decorative qualities of such an orchid are significantly reduced. To correct this situation, pruning should be done.

To do this, the second or third bud is counted from the bottom, and in this place the peduncle is cut off. Cutting it to the very root is not recommended, since in this case it can take a lot of time to develop a new one. With partial pruning, dormant buds wake up on the remaining "stump", which quickly start to grow. At this point, the orchid should be watered frequently and abundantly. And it is also recommended to use special top dressing. They should be bred in strict accordance with the attached annotation, an excess of batteries is no less harmful than their deficiency.


From the article above, we learned how to save an orchid that has dried up for one reason or another. It turns out that there is nothing complicated in this. The main thing is to constantly monitor the condition of the plant and prevent violations of the conditions of cultivation and care. After all, as you know, prevention is much easier than later. long time correct the consequences.

Many novice gardeners are often interested in: why do orchids have sluggish leaves and what to do about it? If you do not help the plant in a timely manner, then it may simply die. Problems can be very different and they consist in insufficiently good care, the presence of pests or diseases. Only by understanding the reasons, you can figure out how to help the flower.

The main reasons for tying orchid leaves

Some orchids grown at home are losing their decorative look due to wilting leaves. Many provoking factors can lead to such a problem, in particular:

  • not enough good care behind a plant;
  • frostbite and overheating of flower leaves;
  • damage by diseases and pests.

Be sure to determine the reasons that provoked the wilting of the leaves of the plant, and try to eliminate them.

Overheating and frostbite

If the orchid has sluggish leaves, the reason for this may be due to overheating or frostbite of the plant. The flower can be adversely affected environment. As a result of this, the leaves begin to turn yellow, sometimes covered brown spots, and wrinkle in places of burns. Against this background, flowers are also dropped.

A characteristic sign that the problem is in no way related to the disease of the plant is that the upper leaf plates, which have been adversely affected by climatic conditions, most often suffer. When buying a flower, ask the seller how to properly care for the plant.

Insufficient watering

If the leaves of the orchid have become lethargic, then the problem may be due to a lack of moisture. The main mistake when growing this flower is not enough frequent watering, resulting in the plant becoming weak and lethargic.

With poor watering, the shoots begin to turn yellow quickly and require immediate resuscitation methods, so urgent watering is required, and in some cases even transplanting and fertilizing.

Over watering

The orchid has bare roots with which it attaches to trees and rocks. IN natural conditions warm tropical rains water the root system, and since it is not strengthened by soil, the water simply flows off. Warm air dries out the roots, so the plant grows very well.

It is impossible to keep a flower at home with bare roots, as this is a rather laborious process. Therefore, some varieties of orchids grow in the ground. Many flower growers choose the wrong pot, which can be very big size, without appropriate holes to drain excess water. With excessive watering, the soil will always be wet. In this case, an orchid disease may appear. The roots acquire a brownish tint, and the leaves become lethargic, lose their elasticity.

Problems with the root system

If the orchid has sluggish leaves, what should I do? Floriculture identifies several reasons why wilting occurs. Among them, it is necessary to highlight the problems with the roots. This is a fairly thermophilic plant, but the grower needs to know when to stop. It is not necessary to allow the flower to be in direct sunlight all the time. If the room where the orchid is located is too light and warm, then the leaves, trunk and roots will become very hot. As a result, moisture begins to actively evaporate.

From the high temperature, the soil is constantly heated and water evaporates. Therefore, indoor flower the root system is strongly supercooled, it ceases to consume moisture in the required amount. The leaves will not receive all the required nutrients. They become lethargic, turn yellow and begin to fade. The whole process of withering occurs very quickly, in just a few hours.

The root system may begin to dry out and rot. Having determined why the orchid has sluggish leaves, you can choose the most suitable option flower treatment to eliminate the existing problem.

Wrong care

If an orchid has sluggish leaves, what to do about it can be determined only after clarifying the main reason that provoked the deterioration of the plant. Along with ensuring the correct temperature regime and flower care, it is important to choose the right fertilizer. Florists, trying to ensure the best flowering and good conditions content, fertilize incorrectly, so the leaves begin to wither.

Fertilizer should be diluted only according to the instructions that are indicated on the product label, since exceeding the concentration can provoke the formation of root burns. Before applying top dressing, you need to moisten the soil, otherwise the orchid will begin to fade very quickly.

You need to buy fertilizer intended only for orchids, and use it strictly according to the established schedule, because its excess is deposited in the soil and roots.

Problems with an orchid can occur with improperly selected soil components, the absence of periodic transplants. As a result of this, the soil around the root system will form a dense lump. This leads to the fact that there is an excess of moisture or its lack. In addition, in the case of subsidence of the soil, the air permeability of the root system deteriorates significantly, which is bad for the beauty of the leaves.

It is important to periodically transplant the plant into a larger pot, as over time the root system grows and it can be crowded. In addition, the roots are intertwined with each other, which provokes their death. This is dangerous for the leaves, they begin to fade, turn yellow and fall off.

Pests and diseases

Be sure the grower should determine which disease or pests provoked the onset of the disease. Among the most common fungal pathogens are spotting, rot, and anthracosis. Usually, the diseases that provoke these microorganisms appear as a local lesion, and in this area the surface begins to turn yellow or blacken. With a prolonged course of the disease, the leaves begin to wrinkle. If a white coating appears along the lower edge, this means that powdery mildew has occurred.

The reason for the rapid wilting of the leaves may be root rot or vascular mycosis. Often they begin to wrinkle quickly, and this process becomes irreversible. In addition to being affected by fungi, bacteriosis becomes the reason that the leaves become watery and wither. This disease develops rapidly and in just a few days can completely destroy the plant.

Plant treatment methods

Many are interested in: what to do if the orchid leaves become lethargic and begin to deteriorate? It is imperative to determine the cause of this problem, because the applied treatment measures largely depend on this. In case of overheating, you need to create partial shade for the plant or simply take the flower deep into the room. It is impossible to immediately carry out watering or spraying - such events will provoke the death of part of the roots. It is necessary to let the flower cool completely for several hours, only after that water it in the usual way.

Cause of deterioration appearance plants can be damaged by the root system, which is why it is necessary to recognize the presence of a problem in a timely manner, as this can lead to the complete death of the roots. It is necessary to carefully examine the roots, remove the damaged part with a sterile knife to healthy tissues. Fill the slices with activated charcoal. After that, plant the flower in a container with moist soil. When it dries, you can resume the usual watering.

If, due to hypothermia, orchid leaves become sluggish, what to do is a question that interests many home plant owners. In this case, it is necessary to provide the flower with care close to natural conditions.

How to revive a fading plant

Very often, inexperienced flower growers are faced with such a problem as sluggish leaves. Orchid resuscitation in this case begins with a thorough diagnosis, because it is necessary to treat not only the symptoms of the disorder, but also the cause of the problem. Initially, you need to carefully examine the sheet, if it has green color, which smoothly transitions from light to dark, then this is considered the norm.

If spots of brown and yellow color, this means that the plant gradually fades. Spots can be located on the sides or in the center of the sheet. If the leaf has completely changed its color, then it will no longer be restored.

However, leaf color is not the only sign of disturbance. The structure of its surface also changes if it lacks moisture or the plant is sick. These are the main reasons why orchids have wilted leaves. What to do with this, you need to decide individually, based on the complexity of the problem.

Orchid phalaenopsis - very gentle and at the same time capricious exotic flower, the cultivation of which requires patience, special attention and reverent care. Quite often, due to illiterate care, the plant simply withers, but it can still be saved if the necessary measures are taken quickly.

Often, orchids growing at home lose their decorative effect and healthy appearance due to withered leaves. Why this happens, and how to reanimate an orchid - read on.

The main reasons for the wilting of orchids

This tropical plant there is a natural process of wilting of the leaves, as well as due to improper and untimely care. If the flower has wilted 2-3 leaves from the bottom - this is normal. Such wilting begins precisely with the lower leaves. They are not recommended to be torn off, you need to wait until they fall off on their own. During this time, they will give the plants all the nutrients.

Phalaenopsis orchids, on which all the leaves are sluggish, are clearly sick. Over time, the foliage on such flowers will turn yellow and fall off. The reason for this phenomenon may be nothing more than improper care. Such instances need urgent resuscitation.

There are several reasons why Phalaenopsis orchids wither leaves:

Wrong temperature setting.

Lack or excess of moisture.

Wrong feeds.

Unsuitable soil.

Illiterate transplant.

Increased air temperature

Root death

Flowers that are in a room with a high air temperature wither over time. Their leaves and root system quickly dehydrate. At the same time, the soil is heated, as a result of which moisture evaporates faster, and the roots become supercooled. In this state, the root system is not able to absorb moisture. In plants, the leaves very quickly become lethargic and lose their decorative effect.

An overheated phalaenopsis orchid is recommended to be removed to a cooler place for several hours. It is strictly forbidden to water and spray such a flower. This can cause the roots to die and the leaves to turn yellow. After the flower has cooled, it can be watered. Of course, it would be naive to hope that the orchid will immediately depart after watering. This will take at least 3-4 days until the water balance is restored. The plant may not be able to endure the second such overheating. Therefore, after what happened, it must be put in partial shade.

Watering phalaenopsis orchids should be systematic


Improper watering, first of all, will affect the root system, and subsequently on the leaves, which will wither and turn yellow. This flower needs to provide conditions close to tropical. Indeed, in their natural environment, orchids grow in an area where warm rains often pass. Despite such an abundance of moisture, the root system of flowers does not rot, due to good air ventilation. At home, this flower should be watered only after it dries out. upper layer soil. Irregular watering can lead to root rot and flower death.

The lack of moisture is also dangerous for this tropical plant, as well as its excess. There is no specific regime for watering Phalaenopsis orchids.

The reason for the next watering will be dry soil. The number of waterings and the interval between them depends on the conditions in which the plant grows. This is influenced by the level of humidity in the room, its temperature, lighting and the size of the pot. An important role in this will be played by the type of substrate used when planting the flower. It is worth considering the fact that the earth in large pots will dry out much longer than in a smaller container. To prevent root rot, orchids are planted in small and narrow pots. Rare and poor watering of a flower can cause the root system to dry out and the plant to die.

top dressing

Overwatering orchids

The general condition of orchids can be affected by the concentration of fertilizers. These flowers are very fond of top dressing, but it is very important to choose the right concentration.

If the leaves wither, turn yellow and fall off, and the roots change their green color to red, black or yellow, this is a sure sign that the plant is overfed. In this situation, the poisoning began from the roots and manifested itself on the ground part of the plant.

Resuscitation of orchids in this case is carried out according to the following scheme:

dried up orchid

Slightly damaged specimens are carefully removed from the flowerpot, washed under warm water and the affected leaves and roots are removed.

Place cuts sprinkled with cinnamon.

The treated plants are planted in a new substrate and placed in a shady place.

For irrigation, use distilled and tap water in equal parts. You need to water the flowers so that water does not get on the peduncle.

Plants are provided good lighting without direct sunlight. The first three months, the flowers do not fertilize.

Phalaenopsis orchids that have received an excess of nutrients can always be saved if they have several live buds. In the future, they will give the growth of new branches, roots, and the plant can fully recover.

Substrate quality


In a fresh substrate, the roots and the ground part of the plant receive the necessary amount of oxygen. Over time, air permeability deteriorates as the substrate becomes denser. All this is reflected in the general condition of the phalaenopsis orchid. To prevent this, you need to periodically change the substrate. The rapid drying of the soil coma is another reason for wilting leaves in orchids. All this happens for a reason wrong composition substrate. Its main component should be pine bark, which has increased moisture and breathability, which is very necessary for the plant. Pine bark should be chopped into pieces about 1-2 cm in size.

Diseases and pests

They most often cause wilting and leaf fall in Phalaenopsis orchids. Click beetle larvae can settle in the soil for planting a flower. This is very dangerous pest, which feeds on young orchid roots. Because of this, the plant loses the necessary moisture and begins to wither. Resuscitation of such specimens is based on washing the roots in water. room temperature, replacing the old substrate with a new one and further transplanting.

All of the above causes of leaf wilt in Phalaenopsis orchids do not happen so often.

Illiterate transplant

lack of roots

Damage to the root system is one of the main factors causing the wilting of these tropical flowers. Most often, orchid roots suffer from improper watering and lighting, i.e., illiterate care. The condition of the roots is determined by rocking the flower from side to side. An orchid sitting tightly in the substrate indicates that it needs more moisture. Its root system is dehydrated and needs resuscitation.

Such a plant must be rearranged from the windowsill in partial shade for an hour, then lowered into the water for the same time. This will be quite enough for the flower to receive as much moisture as it needs. During this period, the plant should not be fertilized or stimulants added, as this can cause burns at the roots. Then there is a shower procedure. The peduncle must be protected from water ingress. After the water drains from the leaves and stem, after about 15-20 minutes, the plant is gently wiped with a napkin, removing any remaining moisture in the axils and core of the main stem. Then it is put in a well-lit place with a temperature in the range of 17-24 degrees. After about a few days, the flower will restore its foliage and come to life.


It often happens that everything was done correctly, but to no avail. This suggests that the resuscitation of the Phalaenopsis orchid was started too late. Such a plant, unfortunately, is simply impossible to restore.

In the event that the flower is weak when loosening, it means that it must be immediately removed from the pot and its roots examined. Slimy, soft and watery brown roots indicate tissue rotting. Healthy roots are always dense, firm and slightly brownish in color. Shrunken roots have a light green color, and when lowered into water, they become green.

In one case or another, when examining the root system, all damaged parts should be removed. Places of cuts are recommended to be treated with powder activated carbon or an alcohol-free antiseptic. It is forbidden to use brilliant green or iodine, they contain alcohol. The use of such substances can lead to the loss of the plant. A flower with at least one root 4-5 cm long can still be saved. It is cut, planted in a prepared or purchased substrate for orchids and placed in a well-lit place where there are no drafts. Planting is done in a small and narrow plastic pot.

Further care behind the plant consists in regular watering as the top layer of the substrate dries out. If the plant is completely left without roots, then the flower is resuscitated without a root system.

Reasons for the drying of the peduncle

orchid roots

Another reason flower growers begin to worry about their tropical pet is the drying out of the peduncle. This phenomenon occurs in two cases:

After flowering, which is quite natural and should not be cause for concern.

Illiterate care - improper watering and lighting, lack of nutrients in the substrate and frequent drafts.

It is recommended to cut off the dried peduncle completely, leaving a small stump about 10 mm high. Then the plant is taken out of the flowerpot, washed under warm water. All damaged and rotten roots must be removed. Cut places are treated with cinnamon powder. After the plant dries out, it is planted in a new substrate of pine bark and sphagnum moss. The flower needs to be provided with good lighting with protection from sunlight. Watering the phalaenopsis orchid after transplantation is carried out as the earthen clod dries out. Over time, the plant will get stronger and release a new peduncle.
