The better to spray trees. Spraying fruit trees in the spring must be carried out on time

In order to harvest a full-fledged harvest of beautiful and whole fruits in the fall, you need to take care of the trees and shrubs in the spring. It is necessary to process and spray them from various pests and diseases.

You need to spray all fruit trees and shrubs without exception. This procedure is carried out in dry, calm weather at a time when the buds are swollen and the leaves are about to bloom. It is better to spray in the morning or in the evening when there is no sun.

How to process garden trees in spring

On sale now big choice chemical, combined and biological preparations for garden processing. This is the well-known copper sulfate, and Bordeaux liquid, and the Abiga-Peak emulsion, etc. What to spray - you choose. We only note that:

  • Chemical preparations are convenient because they quickly dissolve in water and have convenient packaging. Their decay period is from several days to 3 weeks.
  • Combined preparations help to defeat several types of pests in one spraying. Re-processing is not required.
  • Biological products do not contain any chemicals, they are produced on the basis of various microorganisms and bacteria. There is no harm from them to humans, but re-processing of trees will be required.

Spraying trees and shrubs with copper sulphate

The most common and inexpensive spraying agent is a solution of copper sulfate. But from the fact that its cost is low, its effectiveness does not decrease. Copper sulfate is diluted in the following proportion: 100 g of powder per 10 liters of water. Such a solution helps to get rid of not only pests, but also cytosporosis, brown leaf spot, fruit rot, scab, black cancer, leaf curl, septosporosis, etc.

Against ticks and larvae overwintered in the bark, spraying with colloidal sulfur (at temperatures above 18 degrees) or Neoron helps well.

Against weevils, the installation of hunting belts on the trunks based on the glue "Alt", "Vo-vlip", or " Clean house". From the sucker, leafworm, moth and aphid, apple blossom beetle, it is necessary to spray with Kinmiks, Inta-VIR, Fastak, Karate,

Bordeaux mixture (1%) or Abiga-Peak (0.4%) are used for trees and shrubs with different terms awakening of the kidneys, as well as during the growing season.

Treatment of apple and pear from diseases and pests

In early spring, before the buds swell, 5% iron sulfate is used to combat fungal diseases, mosses and lichens.

During the period of swelling of the kidneys and in the green cone stage (when the buds begin to bloom), apple and pear trees can be treated for scab and leaf spots with Azofos, Strobi or 3% Bordeaux mixture.

When the buds start to open on fruit trees, they can be sprayed against aphids, pear sucker, ticks, leafworms, flower beetles with Bi-58, Binom, Ditox, Lepidocide, 30 plus, Bitoxibacillin, Fufanon, Sumitsin, Alterr.

When the buds turn pink treat fruit trees from scab, leaf spots with Skor or Fundazol. And from the pests of these trees, use Novaktion, Pyrimix or Fufanon - the most effective drugs at this stage.

How can trees be treated after flowering. From the scab, spraying with 1% Bordeaux liquid, as well as Strobi, Fundazol, Skor, Cumulus or Rayok, is suitable. From pests such as apple moth, leafworm, aphids, winter moths, use Decis or Fitoverm products. From the gall mite, Decis or Apollo will help. And from the sawfly, Karbofos, Kemifos, Fufanon or Novaktion will be effective.

For convenience, here is a table of when and how to treat trees from pests and diseases. If you stick to this processing schedule, then your trees in the country will always be healthy, and the fruits are clean from pests.

Processing plums, apricots, cherry plums in spring

Before bud break these garden trees from moss, lichens, fungal infections, we recommend spraying 3% iron vitriol. From scale insects, aphids and mites, use spraying with the preparation "30 plus".

At the beginning of bud break (green cone) from diseases such as clasterosporiasis and monilial burn, spray stone fruit trees with 3% Bordeaux liquid, or a solution of Abiga-Peak. From pests at this stage, the remedy "30 plus" will help.

When pushing buds ("white bud") from aphids and ticks, Karate, Fufanon and Novaktion can be used. From diseases, trees at this moment can be sprayed with 1% Bordeaux mixture or diluted with Abiga-Peak and sprayed with it.

At the stage of isolation of the buds, the trees are treated from the sawfly with Fufanon, Novaktion and Fastak.

Spraying cherries and sweet cherries in spring

Early spring, still before swelling of the kidneys, it is advisable to spray the cherry with a 3% solution of ferrous sulfate from diseases and the preparation "30 plus" from pests.

When buds begin to bud, from diseases on stone fruit trees, spraying with 3% Bordeaux mixture or Abiga-Peak solution is used. At the same time, it is advisable to spray the cherries from such a pest as the cherry moth. Effective drugs- Lepidocid, Novaktion, Sumition or Fufanon.

On the stage buds coming out from diseases, it is safe to spray cherries with 1% Bordeaux mixture. From various pests, you can apply Karate, Fufanon.

When isolating the buds, trees are sprayed from the sawfly with Novaktion, Fufanon.

Spray solutions are prepared immediately before use.

This treatment is carried out using a special sprayer or hand pump. The solution should get on the trunk and all branches. If the trees are tall, it is necessary to lengthen the hose so that the solution reaches even the very top. It is necessary to spray so that the solution falls on the surface to be treated in the form of small dew drops. To do this, the tip of the apparatus is kept at a distance of at least 70 cm from the plant.

Spraying trees and shrubs in spring, video

The video discusses the spring treatment of the garden with carbamide (urea).

Interesting on the topic:

How do you treat trees and shrubs in spring? Please share this in the comments. What preparations and means are most effective in the fight against diseases and pests on garden trees and shrubs?

Do you use blue vitriol to spray your garden? What, in your opinion, biological agents will help in protecting the garden from pests and diseases?

Experts recommend protective spraying in the fall. This day should be without rain, dry and frost-free. At a time when trees bloom, bear fruit and ripen, they do not need protection from various small pests. How and what to spray the garden in the fall, you can learn from this article.

Preparing plants for processing

On the winter time insects are looking for a warm place to sit out the cold season there. Such places are fallen leaves, bark and soil. As a result, spraying fruit trees must be carried out in autumn period.

Such an action will help rid the trees of scab, spotting, putrefactive diseases and other misfortunes. Due to the fact that under the bark of plants that are not processed, bacteria multiply much faster, the vegetative process slows down.

After winter, the plants slowly "wake up" and their processing has great importance autumn. Before spraying the trees in the fall, they need to be prepared.

Preparation and processing is carried out in several stages and depends on the age of the seedlings:

  1. If the plants are more than six years old, then first you need to remove the old bark and lichen with a metal brush. This is done so that pathogens of various diseases do not have the opportunity to hide.
  2. As soon as everything was removed from the trees, spraying is carried out. The very last spraying should be done after all the leaves have fallen off. You can also do this after the first frost. First you need to remove all the leaves, branches and weeds that have fallen.

How to process garden trees

How to spray fruit trees in the fall? fruit garden plants solutions of urea, ferrous or copper sulphate are best protected. Each solution is aimed at a specific type of threat.

And therefore, spraying plants can not be carried out with only one preparation. The tool is selected depending on what result is needed. Experts recommend doing this procedure at the end of October.


Fruit trees, such as apple trees, plums, cherries and peaches, are treated and fed with this preparation. After plant treatment get a lot of useful trace elements and iron. Also, after the procedure, oxidative processes improve.

If it is not enough, then the quantity and quality of the crop decreases. Preparing a solution of iron sulphate is easy. It is necessary to mix one kg of dry powder with 15 liters of water.

blue vitriol

If you do not know what trees are sprayed with in the fall, use blue vitriol. This drug, which has a fungicide in its composition, does not allow putrefactive diseases, powdery mildew, scab and spotting to appear.

Plums this drug protects against moniliosis, coccomycosis, clasterosporosis and curly. For pears and apple trees, it provides a protective reaction against monioiosis, scab and phyllosticosis.

If the trees in the garden are not older than six years, then use up to two liters of copper sulfate solution per seedling. If the plant is older, then use up to ten liters.

It is best to spray fruit trees in the garden in the morning or evening. The temperature should be from +5 to +30 degrees, and it is also not desirable that there be wind.

Processing the garden with urea

It is recommended to spray urea on plants in the garden as the first or last step in preparing for winter. The first spraying should be done with a high concentration of the product. Such an action kills all pest larvae.

Saplings in the garden are processed in the fall after half of the leaves have fallen off. To do this, make a solution - 10 liters of water and 500 g of urea. When all the foliage has fallen on the trees, the solution is made more concentrated by 7%.

Need to process trunks, branches and ground. This is an excellent tree protection and fertilizer. Just do not overdo it with the preparation of the solution, if it is too concentrated, then the leaves will get burned and fall off earlier than necessary.

As a result, the supply will decrease useful substances and the frost resistance of fruit trees will decrease.

The nuances of autumn garden processing

Plants in the garden are sprayed using a manual or mechanized apparatus. This device evenly sprays the drug and protects the person from contact with the latter. Regardless of what principle the device has, they all have spray pump.

Mechanical models differ from manual models in terms of ease of use and difference in cost. Mechanical - much more convenient, but more expensive. Processing trees with a manual machine requires periodic pumping.

When there are wounds and cracks on the trees, then in addition to lime, the following means must also be used:

  • cow dung;
  • finely chopped straw.

There is another way to protect trees - garden var . You can make it yourself or buy it in a store. To prepare, you need 100 g of rosin and 200 g of beeswax.

These products must be melted separately, then mixed together and add 100 g of unsalted fat to the mixture. Before filling cracks, garden pitch must be heated.

In the southern regions, trees need to be cut in autumn, and in the northern regions, such an action will lead to the freezing of the plant.

The main part of the work in the garden falls on maintaining the optimal condition of decorative green spaces and cultivated plants. Pest control, disease prevention, increased fertility and other measures to take care of the dacha flora are mandatory in the household work on the site. Trees and shrubs are perhaps the least demanding care, however, regular spraying - necessary condition for their development and beautiful flowering. BUT fruit and berry varieties they will provide the summer resident with natural delicacies, but again, subject to well-prepared spring spraying.

Time and conditions

Many gardeners and summer residents are engaged in tree care along with other work on the site. In other words, when time permits. But to get the highest effect, you should not focus only on a personal schedule. Experienced farmers recommend spring spraying of fruit trees and shrubs after the snow cover has completely melted and warm weather has returned. At the time of processing, the temperature should be at least +5 ° C. In time, two periods can be noted - the beginning of March and the middle of April. Spraying at the very beginning of spring is aimed at destroying microorganisms, when the buds are just starting to grow. In April, the preparations will protect apple, apricot, pear and other trees from insects, bugs and fungal diseases. May spraying is also possible, after flowering.

Technical means

The traditions of domestic dacha management involve the use homemade devices and spray equipment. Converted watering cans, canisters and buckets eliminate the cost of special apparatus. But this way is doubtful from the point of view of efficiency and safety. Since the spraying of fruit trees, shrubs, and cultivated plants requires accuracy and sometimes spot treatment, it is more expedient to use specialized units. Firstly, they are more convenient, and secondly, they do not pose a danger to the user. The main thing is to correlate the requirements for the chemical treatment of a particular garden and vegetation with the parameters of the apparatus.

Battery, gasoline, manual and automatic models allow you to efficiently spray fruit trees and shrubs with a poisonous substance in spring, eliminating the risk of burns or poisoning. Some devices are also equipped with extension cords and other accessories that provide access to hard-to-reach areas.

What to spray?

Despite the development chemical industry a set of preparations for the treatment of garden vegetation has not fundamentally changed for decades. However, some modifications based on traditional preparations make modern spraying of trees and shrubs in the spring more efficient and safer.

The most common means include the following:

  • copper sulfate;
  • lime milk;
  • insectoacaricide (the so-called drug 30B);
  • soap-ash mixture (urea).

The choice of a specific spraying agent is made on the basis of the effect that is required to be obtained: pest control, disease prevention, increased fertility, etc. You should also consider how safe the drug is in relation to application to a particular type and variety of a tree or shrub.

Spraying with copper sulphate

This is one of the most famous compositions, which professionals also call Despite the popularity of the product, few know how trees are sprayed with copper sulphate to maximize the effect.

Vitriol should be applied before the buds have blossomed, that is, in early spring. A three percent solution has the following recipe: for 10 liters of water, 300 g of vitriol directly and 400 g of a lime base. Regarding the use in the processing of pears and apple trees, the effectiveness of scab control is noted. In cases of plum and cherry, it performs well against clasterosporiasis and coccomycosis. Shrubs also protect with this remedy, for example, blackberries and raspberries can be rid of spotting.

Spraying with milk of lime

This solution will help maintain health, fruitfulness even in late frost conditions. Properly prepared spraying of trees and shrubs in spring milk of lime it will delay flowering for a week, but it will save the kidneys from death. During processing, a thin calcareous layer is formed on the branches, which prevents the eggs, pupae and larvae of pests remaining after wintering from growing and developing. The solution is prepared from water and freshly slaked lime. Optimal combination: 1.5 kg of active mixture per 10 liters.

Spraying with urea

Fairly common on farms experienced summer residents and urea, which is a soap-ash mixture. It is prepared in this way: for 10 liters of water, 1 kg of sifted wood ash. The mixture is boiled, after which it must be cooled, filtered and allowed to stand. But before spraying fruit trees in the spring with a soap-ash mixture, it is necessary to add to it green soap(20 g) and directly urea (30 g).

Spray insecticide

This is a relatively new tool in Russia, which was approved for use in private households in 2013. Summer residents and gardeners know it as a 30B drug. Among its advantages are ecological cleanliness and versatility in the fight against various garden pests. In addition, the strong effect of the insectoacaricide makes it possible to cope with biological problems in old gardens, where plantings have been exposed to nesting insects for years.

With this tool, not only spring spraying is possible fruit and berry trees, but also processing ornamental shrubs. The procedure is performed once a season, usually before bud break. Important to consider temperature regime: as indicated in the instructions, the thermometer should not show less than +4 ° C.

Spraying with diesel fuel and iron sulfate

Also, in some cases, diesel fuel is used and, due to the specificity of the action, they are less common, but in the same neglected gardens they can protect the flora from unwanted animals. The advantages of diesel fuel include a potent effect - covering the branches and crowns with a film, it eliminates any damage by insects and kills the larvae remaining under the bark. But it is important to know how to spray fruit trees and shrubs in the spring with this tool.

The fact is that diesel fuel is an oil product, so the concentration should be as gentle as possible. In addition, with regard to some particularly capricious ornamental varieties its use is not recommended, since the film closes the pores of the plant.

Iron vitriol, in turn, in addition to the protective function, supplies plants with useful trace elements. When spring spraying of fruit trees and shrubs is carried out, it is worth treating the soil with vitriol as well - the iron entering the ground acts as a recharge and promotes the production of chlorophyll.

How is spraying done?

Since the event involves working with chemically hazardous solutions and preparations, a respirator or multilayer goggles and gloves (preferably rubber) should be prepared. Despite special protective equipment, in the course of work, direct contact with the composition used should be avoided.

Before starting the spring spraying of fruit trees and shrubs, you need to inspect the branches and trunks. Lichens and moss should not remain on them - removal is done with a metal brush. Next, you need to assess the condition and readiness of the sprayer. The course of work should be planned in advance, comparing the availability of high-growing branches with the capabilities of the device. When everything is ready for processing, you can pour chemical composition to the appropriate compartment.

Spray evenly on the surface of the post, branches and foliage. As noted, tillage may be required, but this is the last resort. In order for the irrigation coverage to be uniform and the solution not to be distributed too thickly, it is necessary to maintain the optimal distance, usually 80 cm. When the work is completed, all elements of the sprayer are thoroughly washed. Wash your face and hands with antibacterial soap and rinse your mouth.

It is difficult to ignore the losses caused by diseases and pests of the apple tree, because not only the quality of the fruit and the quantity of the crop are deteriorating, but also the likelihood of its complete destruction increases, and often even the crop next year. That is why it is so important in the fall for one eradicating spraying, using one of the preparation options (only one, you don’t need to spray all at once!), To treat apple trees and other fruit trees. About when it is optimal to carry out processing in the autumn, what means can be used, in what combinations and doses it is necessary to spray, we will tell in our article.

When to process apple trees in the fall

Autumn eradication of apple trees from diseases and pests is carried out strictly after leaf fall, when the tree has completely passed into a dormant state, its buds have “closed” and become inaccessible to powerful and strong solutions (they will not burn) with which we will spray the tree. At the same time, it is important to be in time before the onset of frost, that is, the temperature should be above 0 degrees (including at night).

Thus, the approximate timing of spraying an apple tree in the fall in the middle lane (Moscow region) is the second half of October - the first half of November.

Note! Autumn spraying of fruit trees is most often carried out at a temperature of +5 degrees, therefore, when choosing products for processing, you should pay attention to their operating temperature, since very often many products work in conditions above +10 degrees.

Video: autumn eradication spraying of fruit trees (apple trees)

How to spray an apple tree and other fruit trees in the fall: rules and recommendations

Before starting the autumn processing of the garden, you should familiarize yourself with the basic rules and recommendations:

By the way! Similarly to an apple tree, you can process other fruit trees, as well as berry bushes. But in this article only diseases of pome crops (apple, pear, quince) are indicated, with which drugs are struggling. However, the essence of the need for spraying does not change from this.

  • Shortly before the procedure remove all plant debris (leaves, twigs) from under the trees. If the tree did not hurt, then they can be thrown on compost heap, but if it hurts, then you need to burn it or bury it very deeply.

Don't forget about security measures. Before spraying, put on a special mask, goggles and rubber gloves. Even better if you have a special bathrobe.

  • Processing should be carried out on a fine day (in dry and calm weather), and it should be sprayed in the morning so that the bark is already dry by evening. If the rain will quickly wash everything away, then spraying will be useless. It is very good if the solution is held on the tree for at least 2-3 days.

Advice! If it rains, and after them they promise a drop in temperature to minus values, then you will have to leave the trees without autumn processing until spring. Unless, if a “window” with a plus and without rain suddenly appears.

  • For example, and very poorly soluble in cold water, so first vitriol should be diluted in warm water(40 degrees), and then dilute to the desired concentration with cold water.

Important! Iron and copper sulphate should be diluted or dissolved only in glass or plastic containers, but not metal ones.

  • Do not forget to filter the solution when pouring into the sprayer (especially if the product is sparingly soluble). As a rule, you should have a special mesh. If there is no such mesh, then you can strain, say, through tights.
  • Autumn spraying of fruit trees should be as thorough as possible, and not only the crown and all branches of the tree are subject to treatment (especially for old trees with cracked bark), but also the soil in the trunk circle. However, do not handle lawn grass, which grows next to the tree (as an option, you can throw a film on the ground under the tree before processing).

Important! This applies to the use of all means for processing apple trees from diseases and pests in the autumn, which will be listed below.

  • Ideally, if during spraying you create a whole cloud of solution, similar to fog.
  • If you are near fruit trees conifers grow, then the processing must be done very carefully, trying not to fall on them, even more so if the garden has been sick and you are using a strong solution that can scorch evergreens.

Note! If you processed an apple tree in the fall, this does not mean that you don’t need it - it’s still necessary. Autumn eradication spraying is actually similar to early spring garden treatment (the very first).

How to spray an apple tree and other fruit trees in the fall from diseases and pests

To prevent diseases and insect invasion, in the autumn processing of trees it is very important in the mind, that is, in the right combination and dose, and also, depending on the condition of the trees, use the protection agent of your choice for apple trees and other fruit and berry crops.

By the way! All the products that will be presented below are of contact action, which means they are washed off by rain and do not accumulate, that is, they cannot harm either people or plants, especially in autumn, when the trees are already “hibernating”.

Urea (Carbamide)

Urea is a very powerful tool for autumn processing of apple trees and other fruit trees in your garden.

At high concentrations, this fertilizer (under these conditions It's not a nitrogen supplement actually burns out all fungal and viral infections, as well as effectively fights many pests who decided to spend the winter in the trees. Thus, carbamide plays a role at the same time and fungicide, and insecticide. In other words, spraying an apple tree with urea in the fall is an excellent prevention of spotting, powdery mildew, and even.

What concentration of urea solution is needed to process apple trees and other fruit trees in the garden?

Dose first of all depends on whether your trees were sick this year and how severe the infestation was:

Important! The concentration does not depend on the age of the tree.

  • if the trees did not hurt (the garden was “clean”) - 200-300 grams per 10 liters of water;
  • if the trees were sick - 500-700 grams per 10 liters of water.

Note! Indeed, urea (carbamide) is a nitrogen fertilizer, which in the autumn period can provoke the growth of shoots, but due to the fact that the treatment is carried out shortly before the first frost, urea will not cause any effect other than “eradicating” (fungicidal and insecticidal).


Another excellent broad-spectrum preparation for autumn processing fruit trees. For example, for an apple tree will greatly help in the prevention and protection against such fungal diseases and infections, how , powdery mildew, various rots, including black cancer. It will help get rid of mosses and lichens (in theory, after processing they will die and fall off the bark themselves).

Iron sulfate supposedly also works against harmful insects that overwinter in the bark.

But! Many experienced gardeners believe that it is useless to fight against pests during the eradication spraying in autumn, because. they themselves died, and they laid all the eggs long ago, and their larvae pupated and hid.

Naturally, the expense of the funds again depends on the state of your trees this season - whether they were sick and how strong the infection was. So the dosage is as follows:

  • if the trees did not hurt or practically did not hurt - again, 200-300 grams per 10 liters of water;
  • if the trees were sick - 400-500 grams per 10 liters of water.

Important! You can apply urea and iron sulfate at the same time by preparing a kind of tank mix. That is, for example, in 10 liters of water dissolve 200 grams of urea and 200 grams of iron sulfate. Urea will certainly work against the larvae of harmful insects.

Video: autumn processing of apple trees and other fruit trees and shrubs

By the way! More about the use of iron sulphate in horticulture read

blue vitriol

In general, the spectrum of action (specifically for processing an apple tree) is similar to iron sulphate, except that you cannot definitely defeat mosses and lichens with the help of such spraying.

By the way! Iron and copper sulfate are often used as a disinfectant (antiseptic) for wounds that remain after.

The consumption of copper sulfate for the preparation of a working solution for autumn spraying:

  • if the trees did not hurt or practically did not hurt - 100 grams per 10 liters of water;
  • if the trees were sick - 300 grams per 10 liters of water.

Advice! Do not mix iron and copper sulfate (or). Better in autumn treat with iron sulfate (optionally with urea), and in the spring with copper sulfate (Bordeaux mixture).

Bordeaux mixture

Thus, spraying the apple tree with Bordeaux liquid (similar to copper sulfate) helps in the prevention and control of other blotches, as well as powdery mildew, various rots, including .

You can buy ready-made Bordeaux mixture either. For example, for a 3% solution, you will need to take 300 grams of copper sulfate and 400-450 grams of lime. Copper sulfate is dissolved in 5 liters warm water, then lime is dissolved in a separate bucket (in 5 liters). Then, in a thin stream, constantly stirring, the vitriol is poured into the lime solution.

The required concentration of the solution of Bordeaux liquid when processing the apple tree in autumn:

  • if the trees did not get sick - 1% (100 grams of copper sulfate and 100-150 grams of lime per 10 liters);
  • there was an infection - 3% (300 grams of copper sulfate and 400-450 grams of lime per 10 liters).

Important! Do not be afraid if, after processing with Bordeaux liquid, your garden has become blue color. It's simple: the solution has a bluish color due to the presence of copper, and keeps on the branches thanks to lime. Sometimes such spraying is called "blue".

Video: spraying fruit trees in the fall - scheme and means

What else can you spray trees in the fall

It's worth understanding! There is no point in treating with the preparations that you used in spring and summer, because. they are designed for foliage treatment, and the autumn eradicating spraying is carried out precisely after all the foliage has fallen.

Some summer residents process their apple trees and other fruit trees in more sophisticated ways, for example, by making a tank mix based on "Quick"(for diseases) and Karbofos(from pests), they are perfectly compatible).

If it seems to you that Karbofos is too “powerful” a remedy, then it can be replaced with "Bison"(from pests), while it is better to carry out 2 separate treatments with each preparation (without mixing into one mixture).

Video: autumn processing of the garden (apple trees and other fruit trees) from diseases and pests for the winter with the help of "Skor" and "Karbofos" (or "Zubr")

In order to properly and safely for you and your garden, in one eradicating spraying, treat apple trees and other fruit trees from diseases and pests in the autumn, it is necessary to optimal timing, in the appropriate combination and the correct dose, use one of the effective drugs you have chosen.

Note! In autumn, only one eradicating spraying is carried out. It is not necessary to treat the tree with all the preparations at once and several times. That is, for example, it is enough to process only with urea and either (as a rule, experienced gardeners choose one of them). But in subsequent years, try to change the drug.

In contact with

If the trees are not given due attention, even with excellent seedlings and varieties from orchard can hardly wait good harvest. One of the most important care activities is spraying fruit trees in the spring.

Timely and well-executed procedure:

  • help build reliable protection from the mass of dangerous plant diseases;
  • prevent pest infestations;
  • will create a reserve for future flowering and harvest.

One of major events, opening a new summer season, is aimed at the destruction of pests still hidden from the eyes of the gardener. Many of the worst enemies of fruit trees overwinter and develop inside the bark, in the surface layer of soil under the trees, and even inside the buds.

At what time in the spring will the treatment of fruit trees from pests bring the greatest benefit? To prevent the mass appearance of an army of insects, the first battle with it is carried out when average daily temperature will overcome the barrier of +5 °C, and the main snow cover will disappear. Exact dates it is impossible to name, because much depends on the climatic features of the region and the conditions of a particular year.

Spring processing of fruit trees before bud opening

In most areas middle lane preparation for spraying should begin from mid-March.

What is this preparation? Before proceeding with the spring processing of fruit trees from pests:

  • plants are inspected for damaged and dead shoots, cracks and wounds on the bark, grinding of branches and other problems;
  • carry out the detected dry shoots;
  • they clean the trunks and skeletal branches from lichens and exfoliated bark damaged during the winter;
  • under trees and shrubs, they clean up last year's foliage and other debris in order to exclude the reproduction of soil pests and not only treat pests of fruit trees in the spring, but also clean the trunk circles under the plantations.

All of these measures are aimed at reducing the risk of spreading infections from dead parts of plants to healthy ones. Therefore, after filing and cleaning all wound surfaces and cuts on shrubs and in spring, using a 1-3% solution of the substance in water. And only then is the incorporation of garden pitch carried out.

How to spray fruit trees in spring?

The choice of drugs for pest and disease control today is so wide that when visiting a store it is difficult to navigate in colored packages. What means are suitable for spraying fruit trees in spring?

The most popular tool among gardeners in Russia can be recognized. Copper sulfate is a fungicide that successfully combats such common diseases of fruit trees and berry bushes like powdery mildew and scab. It can be used in any weather throughout the year.

To make the processing of fruit trees in spring with copper sulphate more effective, they are prepared on its basis. To do this, vitriol is mixed in equal proportions with slaked lime.

The resulting blue liquid not only has the properties of a fungicide, it:

  • fights bacterial infections;
  • helps to deal with certain types insects.

Spring spraying of fruit trees with iron sulphate is also aimed at combating plant diseases, but at the same time it is used as foliar fertilizing with an iron preparation. As in the case of copper sulfate, two treatments of the garden with iron sulphate are required to achieve a lasting effect.

In early spring, diesel fuel is effectively used to treat trees from pests wintering under the bark. Forming a thin film that does not allow air to pass through, it is deposited on the surface of the bark and does not allow insects to breathe. Usually the effect comes in a few hours. The larvae and eggs deposited in the kidneys and under the bark die without developing into an adult insect.

Spraying fruit trees in spring before and after flowering

The second stage of the attack on diseases and pests is carried out when the plants are preparing to bloom, the buds have already opened, and also at the stage of the appearance of the ovary. At this time, the main emphasis is on the extermination of pests, as well as consolidating the results of the fight against diseases and infections.

How to spray fruit trees in spring in order to harvest a full-fledged healthy crop in summer? Garden processing is carried out in two stages:

  • when colored buds are just emerging on the trees;
  • when most of the petals fly around, and the first signs of the ovary become visible on the branches.

At this stage, complex insecticides are used in combination with fungicidal agents. In addition, it is worth paying attention to the foliar treatment of trees or urea. chemical drug copes with several tasks at the same time:

  • fights most diseases of apple, pear and stone fruits, including all kinds of rot;
  • destroys pests at the stage of eggs and pupae;
  • is a nitrogen supplement that simulates the growth of green mass.

In large gardens located far beyond the boundaries of residential properties spring processing fruit trees from pests is carried out using the drug DNOC, which simultaneously acts against ticks, insects and pathogens.

The drug is toxic, so when using it, serious safety measures are needed. The treatment is carried out in very early spring or autumn, when the plants do not show signs of active growth.

Recently popular drugs of biological origin are good for disease prevention. If the tree is already sick or damaged by pests, such remedies, although they are safer for the plants themselves and humans, will not help much, or may not cope with the problem at all.

How is fruit trees sprayed in spring?

How to spray garden plantings? How much solution may be required to irrigate a particular tree?

Referring to the instructions supplied with the chemical protection plants, there are always the proportions of dilution of the drug, as well as the approximate consumption of liquid per meter of area. But how to be guided by these figures, when the spraying of fruit trees in spring is carried out not only on the ground, but primarily on the crown?

That is why it is extremely important to prepare a high-quality sprayer before the beginning of spring, which allows using a directed jet to moisten the most inaccessible areas of the tree. Usually, good device allows you to save chemicals, avoiding unnecessary losses and providing a powerful fine jet. A video about spraying fruit trees in the spring will help you master the technique of competent selection of drugs and irrigation of plants. Processing can be considered completed when the crown of a tree or shrub is wetted from all sides, the trunk and root area of ​​the soil are processed, where insects can hide and fungal spores hibernate.

Spraying fruit trees in early spring - video
