Hand pump for water from a well - we make a complex unit from improvised means. DIY water pump: how to make a homemade water pump How to make a water pump for a summer residence

In this video tutorial, we'll show you how to make a water pump using a plastic bottle. As you can see, the performance is such that it can be used for household needs.
To make a mechanism with your own hands, you will need a small box with a lid. Can be used for shoe polish. We punch a hole in the middle with a nail and a hammer. With scissors, expand the hole to a size that allows you to insert the shaft from the motor. Using this blank, we measure the circle on a tin plate. Cut out the circle with scissors and paste it inside.

We mark a hole in the middle on a tin circle and pierce it with a nail. We measure a small strip of tin, equal in width to the height of the cap. from the box. We cut the strips that will become the blades.

We make a cut on the workpiece, creating an open segment. We put the blades on the glue. We put a part with a cut segment on the motor shaft and fix the blades with glue.
Now cut off a small piece of the tube from the felt-tip pen with a hacksaw. We make a cutout on it, as shown in the video about the water pump.

Through the adapter we put a plastic tube on the box. We glue the joints, we also glue the previously prepared piece of tube from the felt-tip pen. We put another plastic tube on his nose. Lubricate everything with glue.

We take the container and make a small hole closer to the bottom, suitable for a plastic tube. We connect all the contacts of the engine with a battery or power supply. We fill the container with water and start the do-it-yourself water pump.

Pump from water pipes and wheels

Next, see the pump in action, which is made of water pipes. The mechanism is driven by a lever, forces are transmitted to the wheel. As the wheel rotates, it pulls a rope in a circle with many pistons attached to it, which capture the water and pass it up the pipe.

The mechanism based on plastic water pipes is simple and can be repeated if necessary.

The video shows the principle of operation and the mechanics of the movement of water through this device.

After acquiring a land plot, the summer resident begins to solve the most important problems: you need to start somewhere in order to settle down. The most important thing is to provide yourself with water. Indeed, since life originated in water, without it, all living things cannot exist for a long time. You can bring water from somewhere, but only for personal needs. Irrigation problems cannot be solved by this method. It is good if there is water at least near the site. Any, even a small, body of water will suit: a river or at least a stream. The ideal option is a spring, but this is rarely lucky. All that's left is the pump. By the way, at first, a homemade water pump is suitable. Its use will alleviate the problem.

Such a pump model, which does not require electricity to operate, can be used by craftsmen who are lucky enough to acquire a plot on the bank of a small but very stormy stream.

The hose is laid in the barrel in even coils without creases and kinks. And the whole structure as a whole looks rather unpretentious, but with its help water is regularly supplied to the shore.

To create a pump you will need:

  • a barrel with a diameter of 52 cm, a length of 85 cm and a weight of about 17 kg;
  • hose wound in a barrel, with a diameter of 12mm;
  • outlet (supply) hose 16mm in diameter;

There are also limitations for the immersion environment: the working depth of the flow should not be less than 30 cm, the speed of movement of water (current) - 1.5 m / s. Such a pump provides the rise of water to a height of no more than 25 meters vertically.

Components: 1 - outlet hose, 2 - sleeve coupling, 3 - blades, 4 - polystyrene foam floats, 5 - spiral winding of the hose, 6 - inlet, 7 - bottom of the structure. The barrel stays afloat very well

Details of the use of this pump can be seen in the video.

Option #2 - Homemade Wave Pump

This pump also takes advantage of the nearby river. In a reservoir without a current, such a pump is unlikely to be effective. To make it, you will need:

  • corrugated pipe type "accordion";
  • bracket;
  • 2 bushings with valves;
  • log.

The pipe can be either plastic or brass. Depending on the material of the "accordion", the weight of the log must also be adjusted. A log weighing more than 60 kg will correspond to a brass pipe, and a less heavy load will do for a plastic pipe. As a rule, the weight of the log is selected in a practical way.

This version of the pump is suitable for a river and not with the most turbulent current, it is important that it is simple, then the "accordion" will be reduced, and the water will be pumped

Both ends of the pipe are closed with bushings having valves. On the one hand, the pipe is attached to the bracket, on the other - to a log placed in the water. The operation of the device directly depends on the movement of water in the river. It is her oscillatory movements that should make the “accordion” act. The expected effect at a wind speed of 2 m/s and increased pressure up to 4 atmospheres can be approximately 25 thousand liters of water per day.

As you understand, the pump is presented in a simplified version. It can be improved if unwanted torque is eliminated for the log. To do this, we fix it in a horizontal plane by installing an annular limiter on the lift with a bolt. Now the pump will last longer. Another improvement option: soldered tips at the ends of the pipe. The bushings can simply be screwed onto them.

Particular attention should be paid to the preliminary preparation of the log. Do not forget that it will be placed in water. We prepare a mixture of natural drying oil and kerosene at the rate of one to one. We impregnate the log itself with the mixture 3-4 times, and wash down and ends, as the most hygroscopic, six times. The mixture may begin to solidify during operation. When heated in a water bath, it will return fluidity without losing other properties.

Option # 3 - a furnace that creates a pressure difference

The craftsmen, whose idea was embodied in this miracle of engineering, called their brainchild "furnace-pump". They, of course, know better, but at the initial stage of its work, this pump looks like a samovar. However, it really does not heat the water, but creates a difference in pressure, due to which its work is carried out.

For such a pump you need:

  • steel barrel of 200 liters;
  • primus stove or blowtorch;
  • branch pipe with a tap;
  • mesh nozzle for the hose;
  • rubber hose;
  • drill.

A pipe with a tap must be cut into the bottom of the barrel. Close the top of the barrel with a screw plug. A hole is pre-drilled in this plug and a rubber hose is inserted into it. A mesh nozzle is needed in order to close the second end of the hose before it is lowered into the reservoir.

This version of the pump can even be called witty and, most importantly, this “device” will surely work well.

About two liters of water are poured into the barrel. A heating element (primus stove or blowtorch) is placed under the barrel. You can just make a fire under the bottom. The air in the barrel is heated and exits through the hose into the reservoir. This will be noticeable by gurgling. The fire is extinguished, the barrel begins to cool, and due to low internal pressure, water is pumped into it from the reservoir.

On average, it takes at least an hour to fill a barrel. This is subject to a hole diameter in the hose of 14 mm and a distance of 6 meters from the place where the water is to be raised.

Option #4 - Black Grille for Sunny Weather

This product requires special tools. Where, for example, will you get a black grate, in which hollow tubes contain liquefied propane-butane? However, if this part of the problem is solved, the rest does not cause much difficulty. So, there is a grate, and it is connected to a rubber pear (cylinder), which is placed in a can. There are two valves in the lid of this can. One valve lets air into the tank, and through the other air with a pressure of 1 atm exits into the air duct.

It is really better to make the grate black, because black products always heat up more actively under the bright summer sun.

The system works like this. On a sunny day, water the grate with cold water. Propane-butane is cooled, and the pressure of gas vapors decreases. The rubber balloon is compressed, and air enters the can. After the sun dries the grate, the vapors will inflate the pear again, and air under pressure will begin to flow through the valve directly into the pipe. The air lock becomes a kind of piston that pushes water through the shower head onto the grate, after which the cycle repeats.

Of course, we are not interested in the process of watering the grate itself, but in the water that collects under it. Experts say that the pump functions perfectly even in winter. Only this time, frosty air is used as a cooler, and water extracted from underground heats the grate.

Option #5 - Plastic Bottle Blower

If the water is in a barrel or other container, then using a hose for irrigation is problematic in this case. In fact, everything is not so difficult. You can literally construct a home-made pump for pumping water out of improvised materials, which will work on the principle of compensating the liquid level in communicating vessels.

The injection of water occurs as a result of several translational movements. The valve, which is located under the lid, does not allow water to return to the barrel, which forces it to flow out when its volume increases. A frivolous, at first glance, building is a solid help in country work.

For a hand pump you need:

  • a plastic bottle, in the lid of which there must be a gasket-membrane made of plastic;
  • hose of suitable length;
  • standard tube, the diameter of which corresponds to the size of the neck of the bottle.

How exactly you can assemble such a pump and how it will function, look at the video, where everything is explained in detail.

Option # 6 - a part from a washing machine

The habit of buying new things when there are old analogues is very ruinous. I agree that the old washing machine is no longer able to compete with new models, but its pump can still serve you well. For example, it can be used to pump water from a drainage well.

The washing machine has served its purpose for a long time. It was simply superseded by new models with new features. But her heart - the pump is still able to serve the owner

For the engine of such a pump, a network of 220V is needed. But it is better to use an isolation transformer for its power supply with reliable isolation of the input and output windings. Do not forget about the high-quality grounding of the core or the metal case of the transformer itself. We measure the power of the transformer and the motor.

We use a centrifugal type of pump, so we put a valve at the end of the hose lowered into the water, and fill the system with water. The non-return valve, which is shown disassembled in the photo, can also be removed from the washing machine. And the blue ground cork just fit perfectly so that the extra hole also turned out to be closed. You probably have something similar in your inventory.

Literally from the garbage, as it turned out, you can assemble a completely functional thing that not only works, but does its job well and quickly.

The resulting homemade pump works very well, pumping water from a depth of about 2 meters at a decent speed. It is important to turn it off in time so that air does not enter the system, and it does not have to be filled with water again.

Option #7 - Archimedes and Africa

Everyone remembers the story about the screw invented by Archimedes. With its help, water was supplied even in ancient Syracuse, which did not know electricity. A very ingenious use of the Archimedean screw was invented in Africa. The carousel pump serves both as entertainment for local children and as a fully functional facility that provides water to a small settlement. If you have kids and they have friends who love merry-go-round rides, take this experience to heart.

1 - children's carousel, 2 - pump, 3 - aquifer, 4 - water tank, 5 - water column, 6 - water return pipe in case the tank overflows

As you can see, there are a lot of opportunities for water supply. And electricity in this matter may not participate at all. It turned out that even a schoolboy can make some water pumps with his own hands. It is important that there is a desire, a bright head and skillful hands. And we will give you ideas.

The problem of water supply on the site is particularly acute for owners of private property. If there is at least a small reservoir on the site, then you can make a home-made pump and provide yourself with water without spending large investments on acquiring such a device. Here are some examples of such inventions.

DIY manual water pump

This option can be used to pump water from a well. To make it you will need the following materials:
  • Brake chamber;
  • Wire;
  • Car camera;
  • steel balls;
  • Copper tubes;
  • Epoxy adhesive.
Pump creation algorithm:
  1. Disassemble the brake chamber, plug all the holes in it, except for one located on top. It will house the stock.
  2. Provide exits for valves from the bottom of the chamber.
  3. Drill the inner wall in a copper or brass tube to a diameter that can fit a ball. A wire is welded on top of the tube, which will prevent the ball from falling out of it during pump operation.
  4. Make a check valve. It exactly repeats the previous paragraph, only a spring is installed between the ball and the wire welded at the end of the pipe.
  5. Fix the inlet and check valve in the brake chamber, as well as the holes that were previously made at the bottom.
  6. Cut out a circle from a car wheel, make a hole inside it. To it you need to glue one washer on both sides. The circle will serve as a seal through which you need to pass a threaded pin, secured with nuts.
  7. Attach the manufactured part to the brake chamber and fix with glue.
  8. Install stock. It is threaded into the upper hole and connects all the parts together, completing the assembly of the entire structure.
With its help, you can arrange the pumping of water from the reservoir and to the garden without significant effort. The process of its creation includes the following steps:
  1. Prepare the main injection element. It should be made in the form of an accordion - a hollow cylinder that will change its volume when stretched and compressed, and thereby create the necessary pressure to transfer water from the reservoir.
  2. A car tire of the required diameter can replace the "accordion".
  3. Create a "floating" platform. For this, wooden material is taken, in size it must correspond to the chamber. To increase its buoyancy, you need to glue foam to its bottom or you can replace it with empty plastic bottles, which must be closed with lids. The selected fusible material is attached to the bottom of the chamber with electrical tape or construction tape.
  4. Fix the camera. Its position "afloat" is held by a wooden plank, to which the upper part of the chamber is attached.
  5. Attach the wave pump. To do this, two pillars of any section are driven into the bottom of the reservoir, the upper platform of the pumping device is rigidly attached to them, for the lower platform it is necessary to provide wire loops on them, through which water will move freely.

After creating such a pump, you need to check its operation. Its principle is as follows: a wave, raising the bottom platform, compresses the improvised chamber, and water flows through the inlet valve into the hose. Everything happens without human supervision and participation. Such a pump can be created from other materials, but they must fit the functions assigned to them.

cheap plastic bottle pump

This version of a home-made device is very popular due to its cheapness and simplicity of design; it is often used in summer cottages. The considered home-made pump is suitable for use when watering the garden, when the water is in a special pedestal, tank or pond. When using it, you do not need to connect to the mains - it is a mobile unit. Its principle of operation is based on the principle of neighboring vessels.

The assembly algorithm for this device is as follows:

  1. Make a hole in the bottle cap. It is necessary to remove the gasket from the cork, which is in it, and make a hole with a diameter of 8 mm in the lid.
  2. Trim the pad. Remove 1 mm along the edge of its diameter and leave only the middle, similar to a petal, 3 mm wide. After that, the gasket is returned again inside the cover.
  3. Create a valve. In the bottle, you need to cut the neck along with the thread on which the cap is screwed. Due to the petal located inside the cover, a working valve is obtained. Water can enter inside, but it does not allow it to flow back.
  4. Install the valve in a plastic tube of suitable diameter. And from the bottle you need to cut off one more part - from the neck to the "shoulders". This plastic element will play the role of a funnel, it also needs to be placed on the tube. As a result, it turns out that the homemade valve will be in this funnel. On the other side of the tube, a flexible hose must be inserted.
After the manufacture of the pumping device, it must be lowered into a reservoir or container with water.

The person makes translational movements and allows the valve to move, while water flows through the hose to the beds. Such a device is convenient to use for pouring water from one tank to another.

Wind pump for pumping water

This device works silently, for its operation it is not necessary to spend money on fuel. It can be used to pump water from a well. A homemade device consists of a wind wheel, an angular gearbox, a drive, a mast and a stabilizer.

Stages of creating a wind pump:
  1. Blade manufacturing . It is necessary to create 12 separate blades from duralumin with a sheet thickness of 1 mm. These blades are attached with rivets to the carrier spokes.
  2. Making knitting needles . They are stainless steel tubes with a diameter of 12 mm. The spokes are inserted into the guide sockets of the hub and clamped with bolts. Nests for knitting needles are milled on a lathe.
  3. Stabilizer manufacturing . It is made of sheet duralumin 0.5 mm thick. To give it rigidity, the device is lightly pressed with wire ties. It is connected to the reducer by means of an aluminum tube with d=32 mm and a wall thickness of 1 mm. An additional 2 support rods must be installed between the motor and the stabilizer.
  4. Performance brake system . This device consists of many components: a drive, a drum, a washer with a shock absorber, a trigger rod and a float gear.
  5. Gear Assembly . Its body is welded from 5 mm steel sheet. The shafts in it are also made of steel, it is better to make them from one workpiece. Gears for the gearbox can be taken from VAZ cars. When installing all the components of this device, the space between the bottom and the gears must be filled with lithol, but before that, dilute it with neutral oil so that it takes on a mushy state.
  6. Making a mast for a windmill . It is made from separate pipes with a diameter of 100 mm, which are interconnected by flanges.
  7. Assembly of the pump box . It is welded from metal sheets up to 2 mm thick. A hand pump is installed inside it, the cylinder diameter of which is selected within 80 mm. So that the pump can pump in a horizontal position, its valves are replaced with rubber spring-loaded counterparts. A hand pump is also installed on top of the welded box.
When using the above-described design of the wind pump unit, it is possible to raise water from a depth of 12 meters. Since the successful operation of the pumps depends on their filling with water, the check valve in the well must work properly, so its condition must be constantly monitored.

This model of a water pump is used in summer cottages when it is necessary to water the garden. As soon as the harvest ends, the operation of the device stops and the water drains. In the next article, you will find out what are.

Do-it-yourself mini pumping device (video)

An interesting approach for performing a manual pump is suggested below in the video clip.

To make this simple device, you need to prepare the following materials:
  • 0.5 liter plastic bottle;
  • A small motor (for example, a node from a DVD drive is taken) with a worm mount located on it;
  • Dispenser (taken from detergents);
  • Plastic card (it can be replaced with a regular disk);
  • Pen or marker;
  • Power Supply.
The progress of the water pump from these improvised materials is as follows:
  1. Cut off the neck of a plastic bottle with any of the available tools. In the video, this is done with a hacksaw for metal.
  2. Make a small hole in the center of the cut cover.
  3. Insert a motor into the cover, and pass its shaft through the hole made, on the other hand, put a worm tip on the shaft. The points of contact between the engine and the cover must be sealed with hot-melt adhesive, which will not only firmly fix the assembly, but also prevent water from entering it.
  4. Make a screw. Cut a 3x1 cm strip from the prepared plastic card. In the middle of the resulting strip, you need to make a U-shaped groove.
  5. Clamp the cut-out strip of plastic with pliers, stepping back from the edge of about 3 mm and heat the plastic with a lighter, when it becomes soft, bend the edge at a right angle. Repeat the same action with the other edge of the homemade screw, only bend it in the opposite direction from the previous edge.
  6. Glue the screw. On the protruding worm, you need to make a small incision, insert a screw into it and glue it with the same hot glue.
  7. Glue the marker and dispenser. The first one needs to be disassembled and at the end with a large diameter, cut it at an angle of about 30 degrees. At this angle, make an incision on the dispenser, then insert the dispenser into it and glue them together.
  8. Prepare the inside of the dispenser. Inside this product, a thread is cut, you can get rid of it with a regular knife.
  9. Tie two knots. In the course of work, a unit with a lid and a dispenser was obtained. It is necessary to bring the cap with the valve into the dispenser and glue them.
  10. Connect a homemade mini pump with a power supply.
Such a pump can be used for a room fountain. And the water pressure coming from it is easy to regulate with a dispenser.

Homemade water pumps are not only an alternative to central water supply, which is used for irrigating crops in cottages and houses, but also as an economical option used in parallel with it. When using such pumps, electricity is not required, and this is a significant savings. In addition, settled water in reservoirs is more useful for vegetables than raised from a well.

A water pump is almost the first necessity in a country household.

A water pump is almost the first necessity in a country household. Manual and mechanized pumps are also used for pumping other types of liquids - fuels, solvents, oils, etc. It is not always possible to purchase an expensive reliable pump, and cheap models break down, as a rule, at the most inopportune moment. We will look at options for creating pumps from improvised material and parts that can be found in every workshop, and their market value is simply negligible compared to a new factory product.

Option number 1. Water pump for overflowing water

The primitive design for pumping water, which can be assembled in 10 minutes, will serve as a handy handy tool for gardening. This is especially convenient when you need to repeatedly draw water from a barrel with buckets. In fact, this is a check valve mounted on a tube with a branch.

For manufacturing, you will need a tube, a hose and several necks from plastic bottles as an assembly.

Working process:

  1. We take out the gasket from the cork and cut it 2 mm less than the diameter of the cork, leaving the 3 mm segment intact.
  2. We drill a hole 10 mm in the center of the cover.
  3. We install the petal in the lid and screw the cut neck. It will press the remaining segment.
  4. We insert the valve into the stem tube and put on a “skirt” from a cut plastic bottle.
  5. From the opposite end we put on the outlet hose.

This device is actuated by several clicks on the axis of the rod, when the intake part with the valve is immersed in water. Further, the liquid will go by gravity, as long as there is a level difference. Then the water can be raised by immersing the rod in the barrel.

This is the only product with a "negative cost". When creating it, you will not only spend nothing (except time), but also dispose of household waste with benefit.

Do-it-yourself non-return valve. Step by step video for assembly

Option number 2. A simple do-it-yourself hand pump

In this manual, we will give an example of a manual pumping system, which can be taken as a basis for creating a stationary water-lifting post on a well or well.

A - The classic scheme of a manual pump. B - A variant of a homemade pump made of plastic pipes. Device diagram: 1 - inlet pipe; 2 - check valve; 3 - piston; 4 - check valve; 5 - stock; 6 - rod, combined with the outlet pipe; 7 - pump drain

For work we need:

  1. PVC sewer pipe 50 mm with bends, plug and cuffs-seals - 1 m.
  2. Check valve 1/2" - 2 pcs.
  3. Pipe sewer PPR Ø 24 mm.
  4. Rubber, bolt/nut pairs with washers Ø 6–8 mm.
  5. Clamps, shackles, fitting clamps, other plumbing parts*.

* The design of the pump can be individual depending on the availability of spare parts.

Method 1. Draining through the handle

This model is the simplest of the home ones - water rises along the piston rod, which is made of a PPR pipe and pours out from above.


  1. We cut off a pipe Ø 50 mm 650 mm long - this is the basis for the sleeve.
  2. We make the end petal valve. To do this, we drill 8–10 holes Ø 5–6 mm in the plug and cut out a round flap of rubber (3–4 mm) with a diameter of 50 mm. We fix the flap in the center of the plug on a riveting or bolt (a self-tapping screw does not fit!). The reed valve is ready.
  3. We install the plug into the pipe (sleeve) on the sealant through the seals and additionally fix it with self-tapping screws through the pipe wall.


  1. We install a check valve in the PPR pipe (700–800 mm). This can be done in the “hot” way - heat up the end of the pipe and insert a fitting with a valve into it, which must pass water in the direction of the pipe (piston rod). Strengthen the connection with a worm clamp while warm (before cooling).
  2. The piston head can be made from a used 330 ml sealant tube, or rather its nose. To do this, it must be preheated and placed in a sleeve - so the head will take the ideal shape and size. Then it should be cut and installed on the check valve in series using an external threaded coupling or an American union nut.
  3. We insert the piston into the sleeve and make the top plug. It does not have to be tight, just keep the stock straight.
  4. On the free end of the rod (pipe) we install a 90 ° drive. In the future, a hose is put on the squeegee.

Assembling a hand pump on video

Such a pump is very reliable, but not very convenient - the water outlet point is movable, moreover, it is located close to the operator. It can be slightly modified for convenience.

Method 2. Side drain

A 35° elbow must be included in the sleeve. The design is identical to the first option, but we make large holes in the piston rod pipe without violating the structural rigidity, or we use a rod rod. In this case, water will flow into the sleeve and rise by the operator's reverse effort to the spout.

Video pumps with side discharge

The main advantage of the described pumps is the low cost of the finished structure. Repairs are made in a few minutes by replacing (or gluing) "penny" parts.

Option number 3. Spiral hydraulic piston

Behind this formidable name lies an ingenious device for supplying water from a river over a short distance. This device is based on a carousel with blades - similar to the wheel of a water mill. The carousel is driven by the river flow.

The pump in this case is a spiral made of a flexible pipe Ø 50–75 mm, fixed with clamps to the wheel. In the intake part (closer to the outer contour), a ladle from a pipe of a larger diameter (150 mm) is attached to it.

The main assembly is a pipe reducer through which water will flow into the pipeline. It can be taken from factory equipment or a cesspool pump. The gearbox is located along the axis of the wheel and is rigidly fixed to a fixed base.

The maximum height of water rise will be equal to the length of the pipe (from the intake), which is completely immersed in water during operation. That is, this is the distance in plan from the point of immersion to the point of exit, which the water intake bucket passes. At the moment of immersion, a closed system with air sections is formed in the pipeline, and water passes through the pipe to the center of the spiral.

Of course, such a pump is not suitable for everyone - after all, the river acts as an activator. But for watering in the summer, this is a great option. The cost of such a device is difficult to predict - the availability of improvised material is of great importance.

Video how the scroll pump works

Option number 4. Pump from the compressor (airlift - airlift)

If the farm already has a compressor, do not rush to purchase an additional pump. You can assemble a simple water lift literally from two pipes.

The first pipe is used to supply water. For household needs, Ø 30 mm will be enough. The second is needed to supply air from the compressor. Diameter 10–20 mm.

The efficiency of the airlift pump directly depends on the compressor power, immersion depth and delivery height. It cannot exceed 70% due to the design features. The efficiency will be equal to the immersion depth divided by the sum of the immersion depth and the ascent height (the entire water path). In most cases, the optimal compressor power is set empirically.

Visual video of the pump from the compressor

Water supply has long been the number one task for the survival of entire cities. Today, saving energy and natural resources comes to the fore - they are becoming less and more expensive. Therefore, a partial return to the original technologies without electricity and gasoline is a natural phenomenon. Perhaps in the future this will be the key to a healthy and harmonious life on our planet.

Supplying water from a well or any body of water is not a particularly difficult task for the owner. However, it has become the subject of attention of “homemade” people who are wondering how to make a water pump with their own hands, seeking to apply original solutions that allow them to provide their household with moisture using a homemade water pump. Moreover, it is considered a special chic to solve the issue of creating structures that perform the task without energy consumption, using the laws of physics and natural phenomena.

Use of wave energy

This method is applicable if the site overlooks the shore of a reservoir. For the pump, you will need a log and a pair of stakes, a piece of corrugated plastic pipe and two valves.

A log with a length of 2.5 - 3.0 meters is equipped with wire loops with a diameter of 6 mm at the ends. From below, a piece of corrugated pipe is attached to it, pre-equipped with valves on plugged end holes. When the wave lifts the log, the pipe lengthens and water is sucked in through the bottom inlet. As the log is lowered, the tube compresses, squeezing fluid through the top outlet valve. The process is repeated with the cycle of wave oscillations. Such a device is capable of lifting water to a height of 25 meters. A feature of the manufacture is the need for careful processing of the float with a protective coating from soaking wood in water. The easiest way is to use the traditional method of impregnation with drying oil. To increase efficiency, it must be applied in a hot state, repeating the operation 3-4 times.

Use of solar energy

Such a water pump is the easiest to make, since only a hose is needed for its manufacture, it is best to use a 2-inch plastic one. It needs to be spread out in rings over the surface, or it can be hung on a wire between two pillars. A check valve must be installed at the connection point. The hardest part is filling the hose with water. After that, the water in it will begin to heat up and rise up. From the overflow point, where the hose with a slight slope goes to the water collector (storage tank), it is necessary to protect it with a reflective coating, for example, with aluminum foil. When the heated water provokes movement through the hose, a reduced pressure will be created in it in the area of ​​​​the check valve, it will open, and the liquid from the source will begin to flow into the hose, where it will also begin to heat up. The device is capable of lifting water from wells or wells from a depth of up to 8 meters.

More complex designs to make a pump with your own hands are wind devices. They involve the use of more or less complex kinematics. However, original solutions with flexible drives, forms of wind catchers and other mechanisms are also possible here. Wind power units can be equipped with a piston pump or a diaphragm pump for pumping water.

Manual transfer devices

Such units are most often used to lift water from Abyssinian wells or wells. Its main advantage lies in the possibility of using it autonomously, without the use of electricity. Do-it-yourself pump can be made in this way:

1. Foundation. The bearing part on which the entire structure is attached, which is a do-it-yourself hand pump for a well.

Fig.1. Base for installing a hand pump

The best for the manufacture of this part is a plastic material - textolite or fiberglass with a thickness of about 20 mm.

2. Flange. Transition piece that connects the casing to the base. The connection on the thread of the feed pipe and the flange is mandatory to prevent water from leaking back into the well.

Fig.2. bottom flange

The part is installed on the upper casing pipe along the thread and the body is attached to the part through the base with M6 screws in the amount of at least 8 pieces. Material - stainless steel or textolite.

Designed to block the opening of the feed pipe.

Fig.3. bottom valve

The counterweight rod protects the valve from tipping over during operation, the seal is sponge rubber 5-6 mm thick, the body is a steel sheet 4-5 mm thick.

4. Limiter. Designed to prevent the valve from moving away from the axis of the installation and its positioning during operation.

Fig.4. Stop - valve travel limiter

Racks - stainless steel bar with a diameter of 4 mm (electrode cleaned from coating), ring sheet 2 mm stainless steel.

5. Body. It contains all the working bodies of the pump, which provide pumping of water and its discharge.

Fig.5. Pump housing

The material for manufacturing is a plastic pipe with a wall of 10 mm or stainless steel with a wall of at least 8 mm. The holes in the lower part are designed for assembly with the base and bottom flange with 8 M6 screws. In the upper part, you need to make a hole with a diameter of about 50 mm for a drain outlet.

6. Piston with valve. Serves for pumping water from the supply pipe to the upper part of the body, to the drain hole, using a petal valve.

Fig.6. Piston assembly

The piston diameter is 2 mm smaller than the internal size of the body tube, so sealing material must be wound up at the recess. It may be FUM tape, but we recommend using ordinary nylon thread, soaking it with oil. You can use sunflower, but it is better to use food vaseline.

You can attach a lever made of a strip of 20 x 4 mm to the part of the earring on the piston, with which you can already pump out the water. More often, a lever is used, mounted on the piston through a bracket attached to the body.

How it works

Applying force to the lever in the upward direction, you need to give it movement. In this case, a negative pressure is created in the released cavity, which raises the check valve and draws water from the casing into the body.

When pressure equalizes, the check valve lowers and closes the opening to the casing. When the piston moves down, an increased pressure is created in the cavity, which opens the petal valve, as a result of which water passes into the upper cavity to the drain hole. Through it, it is poured into a container prepared in advance. The result is a simple pump - a homemade rocking chair for water, in which you have invested your work and ingenuity.

Fig.7. Pump Assembly Diagram

Thus, using scrap materials, you can make a manual water pump with your own hands.

There are many other designs on how to make a hand pump, quite reliable and simple.

Fig.8. Scheme of a device for pumping a membrane type

An example of such a device is an elementary water pump, shown in Fig. 8, equipped with an electric drive. The working body in such a device is a membrane. Pumping is provided by two valves. Such a mini pump is often used for aeration in an aquarium, but this principle can be used to make an electric pump for pumping liquid. In the same way, you can arrange a hand pump for water.


The options proposed in the text are not an exact study of the design, but make it possible to evaluate the principles of construction of such products. What happens next depends on your own ingenuity and the materials and products available.
