The road and its elements in the city scheme. The road and its components

Once upon a time, there were no roads familiar to us. From one settlement to another, people moved along forest and field paths. But gradually the roads became more and more and they took on an increasingly well-groomed appearance. The Romans in Europe, the Incas in America, paved the roads with stone and rubble, laid a hard surface.

Roads in cities began to be improved. In Russian cities, wood was used for their construction, in European cities - cobblestones and rubble.

Gradually, the roads became the way we used to see them.

road- this is an artificial structure specially adapted for the movement of vehicles and pedestrians. Roads passing through cities can be called differently: street, avenue, lane, line. All of them are composed of three constituent parts- roadway, sidewalk, curb (curb). If carriageway share green spaces, the road is called the boulevard.

roadway- This is the part of the road intended for traffic. And it is called so because cars, buses, trolleybuses, trams and other vehicles drive along it.

The carriageway is for vehicles only. Pedestrians are not allowed to walk on it.

The sidewalk is intended for pedestrians. This word is French, and in translation it means "road for pedestrians". In cities, sidewalks are usually covered with asphalt.

Sidewalks are slightly raised carriageway roads. This is done so that any pedestrian can clearly define the boundary between the carriageway and the sidewalk. This border is marked with special stones that form a curb. On those streets where there are especially many pedestrians and cars, sidewalks are separated from the carriageway not by a curb, but by metal fences.

Pedestrians should only walk on sidewalks.

What are the roads

Did you know that roads are very different, depending on how the movement of cars is organized along them?

If cars drive down the street in only one direction, then such traffic is called one-way. It cannot be said that there are a lot of such streets, but they exist. And you should know how to act on the street with one way traffic.

On most streets, cars go one way or the other. This movement of vehicles is called
bilateral. To prevent cars from colliding and interfering with each other, such streets are divided by a solid white line (one or two). This line divides the carriageway of the road and is needed so that some cars go in one direction, while others go in the opposite direction.

Another feature of roads is the direction in which traffic moves along them. In our country, traffic on the roads -
right-sided. This means that all cars in Russia are moving forward along right side roadway.

Right-hand traffic is also accepted in countries such as the USA, France, China and Germany.

In some countries (for example, in the UK, Australia, India), a different traffic on the roads is adopted -
left hand. This means that all cars in these countries drive forward on the left side of the roadway.

Depending on what kind of traffic in the country - right-hand or left-hand - they design and public transport. In those countries where the traffic is right-handed, the doors in buses, trams, trolleybuses, fixed-route taxis for entering and exiting passengers are always on the right.

The topic "Elements of streets and roads" is studied in the course of life safety, we included it in the section "Our safety", which is given 12 hours according to the program, including the course of traffic rules. The lesson is closely related to the previous topics, traffic signals were repeated in the lesson, some concepts and rules in the form of a crossword puzzle, a test.

This lesson refers to the type of lessons of repetition of the material covered and is a continuation of the topics studied in the course of life safety in grades 1-2.

My activities were aimed at organizing the following goals:

1. Education: consolidation and improvement of students' knowledge of the rules traffic, safe behavior on the roads; familiarization with the elements of streets and roads: the carriageway, sidewalk, roadside, ditch.

2. Development: formation of the ability to analyze the traffic situation, to justify one's opinion; continue developing computer skills.

3. Parenting: formation of a culture of behavior on the street, road; ability to work in a team, fostering a sense of mutual assistance.

We have studied this topic in combined form, combining the teacher's story with group, independent work of students on cards, on tests in computer version.

The use of computer technology in the lessons just made it possible, in my opinion, to make the lesson unconventional, bright, rich.

The main direction in this lesson was to consolidate the rules for crossing streets and roads. Introduce such new concepts as "prorebric", "ditch".

To achieve this goal, a combination was used in the lesson. different methods: conversation, report, individual and group (pair) work, use entertaining material(crosswords, riddle), game moment.

The students worked actively, participated in all types of work, the material was accessible and understood. This was confirmed by my computer testing. Independent work students was organized taking into account the abilities and capabilities of students. Differentiated Approach was carried out in the performance of many tasks in the lesson ( group work, tests, cards).



LESSON TOPIC: "Elements of streets and roads."


1. Education: consolidation and improvement of students' knowledge of the rules of the road, safe behavior on the roads; familiarization with the elements of streets and roads: the carriageway, sidewalk, roadside, ditch.

  1. Development: formation of the ability to analyze the traffic situation, to justify one's opinion; continue developing computer skills.

3. Parenting: formation of a culture of behavior on the street, road; ability to work in a team, fostering a sense of mutual assistance.


  1. ABC of road science. 1st grade, Kazan, "Rut", 1999
  2. ABC of road science. Grade 2, Kazan, Elodea, 1998
  3. Albums for students for classes on traffic rules, M .: publishing house "AST", 1997.
  4. R.P. Babin. Fascinating road trip 1-4 classes. Tutorial. M.: "AST-LTD", 1997.

5. Toolkit"Road safety", Kazan, 2007

EQUIPMENT: LCD projector, laptop - 3, presentation of 15 slides on the topic of the lesson, test (in a computer version) on the topic "Rules of conduct on the roads", traffic light drawing, envelopes with assignments for individual work and group work, red, yellow, green circles; recording of the children's song "Good Road" (for physical education), CD " Methodical materials to classes on traffic rules in elementary school,


I. Organizational moment.

- Good day to all! Look around, at your jobs. Is everything in place, are there any extra items?

II. Presentation of the topic and objectives of the lesson.

Today we have an unusual lesson. The theme of our lesson is "Elements of streets and roads." It is unusual in that today we will use computers and a projector in order to better understand the traffic rules. In this lesson, we will remember and repeat the basic elements of streets and roads, the rules of safe behavior on them. SLIDE 1.

And to help us in all this will be the main assistant of any pedestrian on the road. You will find out who we are talking about by guessing the crossword puzzle. SLIDE 2

III. Repetition of the material covered. Updating of basic knowledge.

2. Solving a crossword puzzle. (reading questions by children)

"Guess the crossword" (SLIDE 2)

  1. The one who is being transported in a bus, trolleybus, tram or car.
  2. What is the name of the driver.
  3. A person who drives a vehicle.
  1. A vehicle made by a good fairy from a pumpkin, on which Cinderella arrived at the ball.
  1. One who walks along the road.

two or three wheels vehicle, whose driver you can become.

Answers: 1. Passenger

2. Chauffeur

3. Driver

4. Carriage

5. Pedestrian

6. Bicycle

3. Game "Collect the word"

But look and the Crossword keeps a secret. Make a word from the selected letters and you will find out who came to our lesson.


So who came to our lesson? (Traffic lights)(a picture of a traffic light is posted).

2. Work on the "letter".

Guys, Traffic Light brought us a letter, let's read it. SLIDE 4

“Before you cross the road, find... a place to cross. Stop at... the sidewalk, listen! Look carefully first... and then... if there are any cars. That's how you learn to cross..."

What unusual thing did you notice in the letter? Yes, we need to insert the right words.

(Children read the letter and insert words instead of dots, words for reference: safe, edge, left, right, road)

Now let's repeat the meaning of traffic lights.

4. Repetition of the meaning of traffic lights.

Guys, please explain what each traffic light means.


Red signal means: the movement of vehicles and pedestrians is prohibited.

yellow signal warns of changing traffic signals. He forbids movement.

Green signal permits the movement of vehicles and pedestrians.

You know perfectly well what each traffic light means.

III. Work on the topic of the lesson.

  1. The teacher's story on the topic of the lesson.

The traffic light offers to solve a riddle.

Riddle: "Not alive, but leading, motionless, but walking." (Road)

That's right guys, this is the road. We will talk about it today. SLIDE 5

It is impossible to imagine our life without roads. How to go to the city to visit relatives and friends without a road? Without roads, our cars, motorcycles, trucks would have to be left in garages.

Listen to the story of how the road came to be.

2. Students' report on the history of roads.

1. The road is life - they considered it in antiquity. Archaeological excavations show that well-equipped paved roads appeared several millennia ago in the territory of modern Iraq. There, for the first time, the wheel was invented, which was later used for movement. This entailed the construction of roads. The first and most famous was the Appian Way, built in 312 BC. It was 11 meters wide and went south from Rome to Capua, its length is 260 km. Roads were the pride of the Romans. They were named after great people.

2. In our country, the first wooden pavements were created in the X-XI centuries during the heyday of Russia. The road that connected Moscow with Vladimir in the 15th century was called the Great. While people were only walking on the ground, everything was simple, but as soon as horsemen and wagons appeared, problems arose. It became dangerous for pedestrians to walk. The crews, randomly treated along the streets, often collided with each other, people fell under the wheels and hooves of horses. It was then that the road was divided into a carriageway for vehicles and a roadside for pedestrians.


The road is not only the carriageway and the sidewalk. It includes other components, which are called elements of the road.


Now we will rest a little and fix the traffic lights:

Red - we stand without movement, silence;

Yellow - clap your hands;

Green - we walk in place.

Be careful so that trouble does not happen to you.

Teacher: The modern road passing through the city has the following main elements: sidewalk, carriageway, curb. A curb is a special stone curb that separates the edge of the sidewalk from the carriageway. SLIDE 6

Writing in a notebook of the concept of "curb"

Outside the city or between villages, the road consists of a carriageway, a shoulder and a ditch.

A ditch is a ditch along the roads. SLIDE 7

Writing in a notebook of the concept of "ditch"

3. Repetition of the rules safe passage streets.

And now let's remember the rules of safe crossing the road.(children reading) SLIDE 8

Reading rules on slides.

Rule 1 - you must cross the street on a green traffic light.

Rule 2 - cross the street only at the pedestrian crossing - "3ebre".

Rule 3 - it is better to cross the street through the underpass, if there is one.

Rule 4 - you can not run out onto the road, you must cross calmly.

Rule 5 - when crossing the street, first you need to look to the left, and when you reach the middle - to the right.

IV. Consolidation of the material covered

  1. Work on tests (on computers) and a crossword puzzle (on cards) in pairs.

2 students work on a test, in which there are 10 questions, 2 - where there are 7 (highlighted questions) questions.

Subject: Rules of conduct on the roads

1. When crossing the street, you must be:

a) strong, brave, slender;

b) collected, attentive, careful;

c) smart, beautiful, joyful.

2. At what age can children ride a bike on the roads?

a) from the age of 10

b) from the age of 14

c) from 18 years old

3. What do prohibition signs look like?

a) a sign in the form of a red triangle;

b) a sign in the form of a red circle;

c) a sign in the form of a blue circle.

4. Signs in the form of a red triangle, this

a) prohibition signs;

b) information and indication signs;

c) warning signs.

5. Road sign "Brick" means:

a) straight ahead

b) "bus stop"

c) "Movement is prohibited."

6. Which of the statements is correct?

a) the most important road signs- warning, because they will always warn the driver of any danger;

b) the most important signs are service signs, because you always need to know where gas station or hospital;

c) all road signs are important - without them it is impossible safe movement on the roads.

7. Is it possible to play near the carriageway?

a) no, it is dangerous;

b) yes, if there are no cars;

c) sometimes, if there is no more room to play.

8. What is a pedestrian traffic light called?

a) two-eyed;

b) pedestrian;

C) a traffic light with little men.

9. Which side of the sidewalk should you follow?

a) left;

b) right;

c) walk in the middle;

10. How do you get around a stopped bus if there is no pedestrian crossing nearby?

a) only behind;

b) only in front;

c) wait until the bus leaves the stop.

2. Checking crosswords. SLIDE 9

2. Work in groups.(recording of the song "Good Road")

Group 1 - color the picture, highlighting the sidewalk in gray, the curb is red, and the roadway is blue, the roadside is green. (drawings of the street and the road)

Group 2 - sign the names of the road elements (the same street drawings)

3. Checking the work of groups at the board. Demonstration and explanation of the student.

4.Individual work on cards

Everyone has a task on the desk, "weak" choose the correct answer from 5 statements, and "strong" - from 7 statements. There are only 3 correct ones, which will make up traffic lights). SLIDE 10

Choose the correct answers from the answers given below. Draw circles of the corresponding colors in your notebook.

One of the dangerous places for pedestrians is an intersection.

On the sidewalk, next to the roadway, you can play with the ball.

If you are late for class, you need to quickly cross the road.

You need to wait until the bus drives away from the stop, and only then cross the street.

Cross the street at the yellow traffic light.

You need to walk along the side of the road one after another, without going out onto the roadway, and be sure to meet the movement of cars.

The red light at the traffic light is located at the bottom because it is the most important.

Let's check. Look at the screen. SLIDE 10

Well done! You coped with all the tasks of the traffic light. Let's summarize.

V. Lesson summary and student assessment.

What was different about today's lesson?

What did you especially like?

What did we talk about in class today, what did you learn?

VI. Setting homework.

- Draw on an album sheet well-known to you sections of the roads of our area, streets in the village, clearly indicating their elements.

Additional material:

Let's check again how you know the rules of the road. If you agree with the statement, then say "allowed", and if you do not agree, then say "prohibited."

For everyone who loves to walk

Everyone without exception

You have to remember

Need to know

Traffic rules.


  1. Play on the pavement...
  2. Cross the street to green light traffic light...
  3. Cross the street through the underpass...
  4. Cross the street in front of oncoming traffic
  5. Cross the street at a red light...
  6. Help old men and old people to cross the street...
  7. Crossing the street on a yellow light...