Growing fir on the site: planting, care and beautiful varieties and species. Fir care in autumn

Fir occupies a place of honor among perennial conifers: a fluffy coat of curved needles, vertically standing candlesticks made of cones, a resinous aroma, and a decorative crown. Due to its characteristics, fir is able to ennoble any area.

Fir in landscape design.

Decorative varieties of firs are used in garden and park design, planted in alleys, alternated with, maples, various shrubs. In addition, ornamental trees are combined with other plants.

Application areas.

Thick sprigs of fir are used in the process of creating floristic works. When combined with leaves, flowers, nuts or berries, interesting compositions are obtained.

Some gardeners use sprigs of fir as a covering material. But plants only suffer from this, because the density of the needles prevents air circulation, does not let light through and creates a greenhouse effect. Therefore, the needles are not suitable for sheltering plants for the winter.

Beneficial features.

Fir essential oil is widely used in cosmetology and medicine, as it has an antiseptic, deodorizing, tonic and regenerating effect. Studies have shown that it can eliminate age-related sagging of the skin and restore its elasticity. With the help of fir oil, pneumonia, sore throat, flu are cured, colds, disorders of the nervous system.

Uses of fir oil:

aromatherapy (combing, aroma lamps);inhalation;lotions;elimination of excessive sweating.

Fir oil can be purchased at the salon, in pharmacies, or collected from a tree growing on the site. But keep in mind that it doesn't work for everyone. Before using the oil, consultation with a specialist is necessary so that he excludes individual intolerance. During inhalations, lotions and aromatherapy, oil should not be allowed to get into the eyes.

Useful properties of fir:

Improves blood circulation; helps to strengthen the immune system; has anti-inflammatory properties; restores strength; prevents cardiovascular and oncological diseases; improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract; improves intestinal motility; reduces pressure; source of vitamins and microelements; removes toxins from the body; has an antioxidant property; helps the body adapt to aggressive environmental factors.


Choosing a place for growing fir.

Fir is an unpretentious plant. Young plants do not tolerate bright sunlight, so you need to choose a shaded place for rooting cuttings. Fir should be rooted and grown in a site with fertile soil, with a good drainage layer. The plant develops well near the reservoir.

Planted grown specimens should be in a brightly lit place. The plant is wind-resistant, as it has a powerful root system that goes deep into the ground.

Selection of seedlings and planting plants.

By the time of planting, the seedlings should be four years old, you should not bother with younger specimens, they may not take root. You can buy fir in the online store, in specialized nurseries or in wildlife stores. They are sold in containers with a well-developed root system. When choosing an instance, you need to pay attention to the color of the needles. Healthy plants have a rich green color, it is better to bypass yellowed seedlings.

You need to transplant on a cloudy day or in rainy weather. best time April is for planting, but the end of August or the first days of September are also suitable for planting plants in the ground.

How to plant a fir.

The site is being prepared first. Depending on the size of the root system, you need to dig a hole, but not less than 60x60x60 cm. The hole should be moistened by pouring 2 buckets of water. When it is absorbed, you need to select the bottom layer of soil for half the bayonet of a shovel and arrange a drainage layer from broken brick, rubble. The height of the drainage should be 5 cm.

Then half of the pit must be filled with a fertile mixture of humus, clay, peat and sand in a ratio of 3:2:1:1. 200 g of nitrophoska and 10 kg are added to the prepared soil. small sawdust.

After 2 weeks, seedlings can be planted. During landing, you must ensure that root collar was level with the soil surface. The roots of the seedling need to be straightened, the free space filled with soil, compacted and watered.

For group planting, the distance between specimens should be 3 meters. When creating an alley of fir trees, it is required to place the plants at a distance of at least 4 meters from each other. Such footage will allow plants to grow freely and receive all the necessary nutrients from the soil.

Fir care.

Fir does not require special care, but observance of some points is still necessary to obtain chic trees. Care of seedlings consists in watering, loosening the soil, applying complex fertilizers and removing weeds.


Fir does not respond well to waterlogging of an earthen coma; natural precipitation is sufficient for many species. But balsam fir is very demanding on the lack of moisture, so it should be watered 2-4 times per season. During watering, under one copy, it is necessary to pour 2 buckets of water. This species is best planted next to an artificial reservoir.

After each watering, you need to loosen the soil 10 cm deep, thus providing air access to the roots. So that the soil does not crack from drying out, it is recommended to mulch the trunk circle with peat, sawdust or wood chips. You can not use decorative chips, as it has a bad effect on the development of seedlings. Do not add mulch close to the root collar.

Top dressing.

Young seedlings do not need to be fed in the first two years after planting, as they have already been placed in nutrient soil. It should be fed with complex mineral fertilizers in the spring, adding 100-120 g of Kemira Universal to the near-stem circle.


The fir crown suffers from a sharp change in the weather, the branches are damaged, dry out. You need to trim the fir in early spring before the start of sap flow. For pruning dry and damaged shoots use gardening scissors. During pruning, protruding branches are also removed to form a compact crown. Shoots are shortened by 1/3 of the length.

How to transplant fir?

Unlike other plants, firs have a good survival rate, they easily tolerate transplantation. Of course, when transplanting a plant, you must not damage the root system. This will give you a positive result.

When transplanting a young coniferous tree, it is necessary to pierce the earth around the circumference with a shovel, at a distance of 30 cm from the trunk. Then deepen the shovel, pry the plant and take it out with the root system. As a rule, the earth ball does not crumble, and the plant easily adapts to a new place.

Transplanting an old tree is significantly different from transplanting young specimens. A year before the procedure, the soil around the trunk should be bayoneted in a circle at a distance of 50 cm from the trunk. The diameter of the circle depends on the power of the root system. Even if the roots were damaged during the designation of the circle, they will have time to grow in a year and it will be easier for the plant to transfer the transplant. It is very difficult to transplant an old tree alone, since you will have to extract a fairly large lump with roots from the ground. Therefore, it is better to deal with a transplant in two or even three. The main condition for good survival is not to let the earthen one fall apart.

Preparing for winter. Work in autumn.

To ensure a good wintering for fir trees, you need to cover them with spruce branches in the fall, mulch the trunk circle with sawdust, foliage or peat. It is recommended to pour a layer of mulch 10 cm high.

Mature plants do not need shelter. When winter comes to an end, and the sun begins to bake, you need to protect the delicate crown from the scorching rays by wrapping it with non-woven material.

Diseases and pests of fir.

The plant is resistant to diseases, but sometimes there is a loss of decorative crown. This is due to the fact that the plant settled spruce-fir hermes- a species of aphids. Decay products affect the plant and the crown becomes yellow. You can destroy Hermes with the help of drugs: "Antio", "Rogor". Aphid females wake up in early spring, at which time the plant should be sprayed with a solution of one of the preparations, diluting 20 g of the agent in a bucket of water. These insecticides are effective against cone leaflet And shoot moth.

Yellowing of needles and the formation of rusty pads contributes rust. fungal disease first damages young shoots of fir, and then migrates to lignified twigs. First you need to trim all the damaged parts, treat open wounds with var. A 2% solution of Bordeaux liquid will help in the fight against rust.


The neighborhood of coniferous trees with chickweed and chickweed leads to various diseases. Therefore, flowers should not be planted near conifers.

Fir breeding.

Seed propagation is suitable for species firs, vegetative - for ornamental trees.

Reproduction by seeds.

The collection of seeds is carried out at the beginning of the maturation of the cones. Since the cones are at the top of the fir, getting them is very difficult. But if you managed to remove an unripe cone, you need to dry it and remove the seeds, put them on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator so that they undergo stratification. Sowing is carried out either in autumn or spring. In April, the seeds need to be planted in the garden, deepening them 2 cm into the soil. After sowing, the plot is covered with a film to speed up the germination process.

After about 3 weeks, sprouts will appear. The film must be removed, water the plants. Behind growing season it is necessary to monitor growth, remove weeds and loosen the soil to ensure air access to the roots. Young seedlings are sensitive to low temperatures, so for the winter they need to be covered with spruce branches. In the first four years, the fir builds up the root system and only then starts growing.

Vegetative propagation (cuttings).

For rooting, you need to take an apical annual cutting with one kidney, 5 cm long. The cutting should be with a "heel", so it is recommended to break it off and not cut it off. It is necessary to pull the cutting sharply so that the bark and a fragment of the wood of an adult shoot remain at the tip.

For cuttings, you need to choose a cloudy day and break off a branch from the middle part of the crown, located with north side. There should be no burrs on the heel. Before planting, the cutting is placed for 6 hours in a 2% solution of potassium permanganate. For planting, a mixture is prepared from leafy soil, humus and sand, taken in a ratio of 1: 1: 1, cuttings are planted and covered with a jar. It is necessary to ventilate the greenhouse and remove the condensate. Since rooting is long, moss can form on the surface of the soil.

In the first 10 years, the development of fir is very slow.

Types and varieties of firs.

Distributed in the south of the Korean Peninsula. It grows both in single plantings and forms mixed forests. Young plants grow slowly, but with age they noticeably increase their green mass. The crown has a conical shape, the plant reaches a height of 15 m, and the diameter of the trunk is 50 cm. The bark of young specimens is ash-colored, smooth, and mature trees have chestnut bark. Characteristic features: the cones are cylindrical, the fir has hard and dense needles with curved needles, resinous buds.

Types of Korean fir.


Differs in slow growth. It has a dense crown, painted in marsh green, small purple cones.

Blue Standard.

A plant with spreading needles and dark purple buds.


The crown of an adult plant reaches a width of 1.5 m.

Shade-tolerant and frost-resistant tree. Distributed in the US and Canada. Adult specimens reach a height of 15 to 25 meters. Young trees have smooth gray bark with an ash sheen that turns brownish-red over time. Resinous, green buds are spherical or egg-shaped. Dark green needles, when rubbed, thin out a pleasant aroma. Hence the name - balsamic. Young cylindrical cones are stained in purple. As they mature, they turn brown.



A low plant, used to decorate terraces, for planting in rockeries.


Dwarf species, characterized by a dense crown with short needles. Cultivated since the beginning of the XIX century.

In landscape design, a gray, columnar, dwarf, silver variety of balsam fir is used.

Distributed in the southwestern United States. Long-lived fir. In nature, there are specimens that are already more than 300 years old. The variety is drought tolerant long time go without water. Cylindrical oval-shaped buds immediately turn purple, then turn into brown tone. The dense crown of fir has the shape of a cone. The bark is ashen, very often covered with cracks.

Common decorative types:


Differs in rapid growth, tolerates a lack of moisture, has a decorative crown. The white-blue conical crown looks beautiful against the background of green firs.


Dwarf blue shrub species.

The pure species is found only in the Caucasus, grows in the highlands. Adult fir reaches 60 m in height. The bark is smooth, but when the plant reaches 80 years of age, the bark begins to crack and does not look very attractive. ovoid buds. Green cones.

Types of Caucasian fir: weeping; gray-gray; golden tip; upright; golden.

Agrotechnics of cultivation different varieties fir is similar. To enjoy evergreen shades, enjoy a specific and fresh aroma, create a pleasant atmosphere in your garden, you need to stock up on knowledge and patiently care for the green beauty.

The evergreen tree, spreading a delicate coniferous fragrance, creates a warm and cozy atmosphere. Fir in a pot fits perfectly into any room. And it seems that there should be no difficulties when growing this tree at home (after all, they take root perfectly on the street).

But if you want your fir to be beautiful, you need to take into account some nuances and follow the rules of care.

Fir: description of a coniferous plant

This evergreen is native to the Caucasus and North America. The variety of tree varieties has made it a favorite of many gardeners. If fir grows in the wild, then its height can reach eight meters, the growth of ornamental species rarely exceeds two meters.

The trunk of a fir is covered with hard bark with small cracks or even smooth (depending on the variety), the root is taproot, but very powerful, which allows it to go to a sufficient depth. The needles of this tree are flat, soft, spirally located on the shoot (in some varieties - comb).

Fir grown in pots (the description of the care of which we will consider later) differs from the street in the color of the needles and the shape of the crown. Fir is mainly grown at home:

  • Nordman (or Caucasian);
  • Fraser;
  • upright;
  • golden;
  • bluish.
Decorative varieties of fir can live for several centuries, and in the wild - about 800 years. And planted in open ground a tree grows 30 cm per year, while in a pot it can grow only 4-6 cm per year.

Fir in planting and further care unpretentious, so many summer residents plant it in their backyards. During flowering, male (similar to earrings) and female (cones growing up) flowers appear on the fir. They are pollinated by the wind and produce mature seeds in the same year.

Did you know? For the first few years, fir is best grown in partial shade. If it grows in the sun, then this is fraught with a tendency to diseases and weakness of the tree in the future.

Is it possible to grow fir in a pot

Ideal for growing fir in a pot dwarf breeds that are available to everyone today.

When purchasing a tree, be sure to consider its cold resistance.

If a fir pot will spend a lot of time on a balcony or in a garden, its frost resistance should be slightly higher (by 1-2 zones) than in the region.

Important! Fir in a container freezes faster than in open ground.

The best option is planting fir seeds. To do this, they are harvested at the very beginning of the ripening of the cones. Sow in spring or autumn. After the emergence of sprouts, they are seated in separate containers.

You can also propagate dwarf fir vegetatively, using cuttings with an apical bud, only such a seedling will grow for a very long time and take root in 8-10 years.

Features of planting fir in the room

Fir in a container looks very impressive, but its cultivation requires compliance with a number of rules.

In order to make fir care more convenient, it is better to use a wheeled pot stand - this way an adult tree can be easily moved around the room.

Did you know? Decorative fir is a long-liver, and with proper care can live for more than a hundred years and become a family heirloom.

Lighting, humidity and temperature

If the seedling was bought in the winter, then before planting the fir in a permanent pot, she needs to be given time to get used to the new conditions. At first, the conditions should not differ from those that were in the store - at a lower temperature than in the room.

As soon as the tree adapts to the environment, move it to the place where you plan to leave it in the future. ABOUT good pallet and drainage needs to be taken care of initially - fir loves moist soil, but does not tolerate stagnant moisture (its roots simply rot).

Any air is suitable for the normal growth of fir. There is absolutely no need to take any measures aimed at moistening the habitat of the fir.

How to choose a container for planting fir

The purchased tree can immediately be planted in a larger (5-10 liters) pot with suitable soil without destroying the earth ball around the roots. It is preferable to grow fir in a large pot, because they are more stable, contain more land and, accordingly, the soil in them remains moist longer.

But in larger pots, dwarf fir should be transplanted every 2-3 years. The ideal time for transplantation is September-October. In order for the fir to take root in a new place, it is not necessary to remove the earth from the roots, and the soil after transplantation should be fertilized with preparations.

Soil preparation for planting fir

The main thing to take care of is - right choice soil. The earth should be nutritious and neutral (it can be slightly alkaline).

IN vivo fir propagation occurs by seeds, so it is better to take light soils, loams, ready-made soil for coniferous plants or a special mixture (clay, peat, sand, leafy soil) as a basis.

To maintain normal nutrition during planting, add complex fertilizers. In this case, you need to ensure that the root neck of the fir is at the level of the soil.

How to plant fir at home

Before you buy a growing fir, carefully remove it with its roots from the pot to evaluate the root system.

Like the tree itself, they must be fresh and the soil moist. How easy it is for you to grow fir at home depends on how the rules for care in the store were followed.

Important! You need to purchase only trees with an open root system - small and young specimens will take root better in pots. The older the fir, the more difficult it is for it to survive the stress of transplantation.

Many stores offer to buy fir planted in a special substrate. In such soil, the tree will not live long, so such purchases should be avoided. Seedlings need to be bought only with an earthen clod - such fir is grown from seeds and packaged by the manufacturer with the expectation of obtaining minimal stress during further transportation.

After transplanting the fir into a new container, thoroughly moisten the ground. To do this, it is recommended to put the pot for a couple of hours in a sink, bucket or basin of water. After this procedure, you need to get rid of excess water through the drainage holes.

Now the fir pot can be placed in a decorative flowerpot (after you grow a larger tree - in a flowerpot). If volume allows, you can pour a layer of expanded clay on the bottom and pour a little water to raise the humidity level.

Knowing how to properly create conditions for the full growth of fir, you can enjoy a beautiful coniferous tree in a short time.

Watering and feeding the plant

As soon as the tree has taken root, it is not recommended to water the fir in a pot often - it is better to spray every three days (in hot weather it is possible more often), and the watering itself should be carried out at the root.

The tree also needs to be fed, but not earlier than 14 days after transplantation. Granular fertilizers for coniferous plants are suitable for top dressing (ideal - Kemira wagon).

For hygienic purposes, you can periodically arrange a shower for fir.

Did you know? A healing balm is made from the bark of fir, and fir oil is made from their needles and branches. A decoction of needles and bark reduces acidity, improves immunity and relieves toothache.

fir pruning

A distinctive characteristic of fir is the independent formation of the crown. But, if you want to control the height of the tree, pruning is best. As a rule, this procedure is carried out in the spring.


Fir transplantation is recommended in April, before bud break. In autumn, this can be done from late August to late September. Fir is shade-tolerant, so both shady and sunny places are suitable for planting it. However, it should be remembered that the tree acquires a typical crown only with sufficient lighting.

For fir transplantation, moist, but not waterlogged, well-drained loams are chosen. If water stagnates on the site, this can lead to a slowdown in the growth of the tree, as well as to the defeat of various fungal diseases.

About 2 weeks before transplanting, it is necessary to prepare a seat - make a hole, loosen it and fill it with a nutrient mixture. First, they dig a hole 60-80 cm deep, its width depends on the size of the root system of the tree. If the soil is heavy and clayey, at the bottom it is necessary to make drainage from broken bricks or gravel laid in a layer of 10-20 cm.

It is necessary to loosen the bottom of the pit to a depth of 10-15 cm and fill it halfway with a mixture of leafy soil, humus, river sand, peat and clay soil. After that, 10 kg of sawdust and 200-300 g of nitroammofoska should be added. The filling of the pit is well mixed and poured into a mound, it is sprinkled on top with garden soil that does not contain fertilizers.

Spreading the roots horizontally, the fir is planted in a hole and covered with garden soil. In this case, the seedling must be moved so that its root neck is at ground level. The distance between the firs in the alleys should be approximately 4-5 m, in groups - 3-3.5 m, in hedges the trees are placed in a checkerboard pattern. After transplantation, fir requires abundant watering, and spraying in spring.

Young firs need regular loosening of the soil at a depth of 10-15 cm, as well as weeding. After that, the trunk circle should be mulched with a layer 5-8 cm thick of wood chips, sawdust and peat. Young plants need shelter for the winter and protection from late spring frosts. To do this, the soil in the trunk circle is covered with peat and dry leaves, the layer thickness should be 10-12 cm. The fir crown is covered with spruce branches.

2-3 years after transplantation, it is recommended to regularly add 100-125 g / sq. m. Kemiry station wagon. Only moisture-loving species of fir need watering; for them, in dry weather, 15-20 liters of water are poured under each plant. However, one should not get carried away with watering, since waterlogging is contraindicated for firs.

Why didn't our ancestors plant coniferous trees at home? Let's look into the past and understand the reasons for this belief. Why are coniferous trees not planted near the house, what is the reason for this? Each newly-made owner of a summer house, or a private house, sooner or later wonders what kind of trees to ennoble a garden, a personal plot.

For this purpose, deciduous trees, shrubs, including fruit-bearing ones, are often used. No less relevant coniferous plants. When choosing “green jewelry”, many people do not think about the fact that some of them are energy vampires, and some, on the contrary, willingly share positive energy. Today we will talk about coniferous vampires. Naturally, it is unreasonable to plant such plants near the dwelling itself.

This is a well-known evergreen tree used as the main symbol for the New Year. However, you cannot plant this tree in the garden, as it belongs to the group energy vampires. A spruce tree planted near the house will take the vitality of its inhabitants, bringing down terrible misfortunes on their heads.

So where do the legs of these or those superstitions grow from, and what to believe in the end? The fact is that spruce has long been considered a funeral tree: it is a material for coffins, the dead were buried under it, its branches were strewn with the last path of the deceased from home to the cemetery. Many were scared away by the purpose of this plant, and over time, various negative properties were attributed to it.

To some extent, these fears are justified. But spruce is terrible for another reason - a powerful root system damages paths, communications, and even the dwelling itself.

In some regions, it is also believed that this tree drives men out of the house. It's about about divorces. According to popular superstition, sharp spruce needles provoke quarrels and conflicts. Spruces planted near the house of the newlyweds deprive them of their heirs. There is an opinion that a spruce whose height is greater than your dwelling promises a quick death to the person who planted it.

It should be noted that in regions where spruces are a very common greenery, such signs are not given any importance. They believe that these plants, on the contrary, are useful for humans: they exclude family quarrels, negative emotions, and normalize peace of mind.

So if you want to plant a spruce in the garden, then keep in mind that the distance from the landing site to the buildings should be at least 10 meters. This is also justified by security considerations: in summer there is a high probability of fire, and coniferous trees are covered by fire instantly. If they are located close to the house, and the house itself is built of wood, then the fire cannot be avoided.

Differs in intensive growth, is not exacting to leaving, is unpretentious to growing conditions, and perfectly transfers air pollution in industrial cities. Therefore, it is often used in landscaping yards and roadside areas. However, these beautiful evergreen trees with soft needles and neat buds are too infamous, so planting them in close proximity to the house is not recommended.

Thuja is a tree that the deceased especially like. Therefore, it is associated with grief and sadness, and is planted mainly in cemeteries. Perhaps the only positive property is that it drives away evil spirits and unfriendly people. However, this is too little to cover all the negative signs associated with thuja.

So, according to popular belief, planted next to the house - it will bring great misfortune to the family. A girl who grows up in a house that has this tree will never marry and will never know mutual love. Thuja, which is higher than the house, leads to the death of family members.

At the same time, the Indians called thuja the Tree of Life, many diseases were treated with its cones and needles. When this tree was brought to the Old World, European healers were amazed at its healing abilities.

As you can see, these superstitions arose due to the fact that once someone decided to plant these trees in cemeteries. Perhaps they do not affect people's lives negatively at all. So if you want to plant thuja near the house, then do it, but only use small varieties of this tree. In this case, it will not grow higher than the house, and bad omen won't work.

It is famous for its incredible height (up to 40 m) and power. According to modern beliefs, the cedar, which is higher than the house, attracts misfortune and death.

Among the Slavs, the cedar was considered a symbol of wealth, strength and prosperity. The inhabitants of Siberia had a tradition during the construction of housing, be sure to plant a small cedar near the log house of the future hut. This made the home strong and stable. According to Siberian folk beliefs, cedars have the same biorhythms as the human body.

Over time, this tree began to be treated with caution. Most likely, this is due to the fact that the cedar in the customs of some peoples is a symbol of sadness. Many European peoples had a custom after the funeral to bring home a cedar branch and certain period install it "in the corner of sorrow." Therefore, today planting a cedar near the house and even just bringing its branches into the room is a very bad omen.

Modern esotericists agree with the ideas of the past, but lovers of decorating the garden with evergreens are offered an alternative - planting cedar as far as possible from the buildings and closer to the hedge. Naturally, decorative varieties are a priority. A few reasons why you should not plant conifers at home:

  1. Pine, spruce, cedar, thuja is a fire hazardous object, it burns strongly, it burns out quickly from a small spark, the fire can easily spread to the house.
  2. Conifers drink a lot of water, draining the soil, and have very powerful roots that can turn whole layers of earth out of the site.
  3. Bioenergetics say that conifers produce negative energy. Over time, from such a neighborhood, a person can become depressed. Spruce, moreover, is a hotbed of fungal diseases.
  4. If you plant a spruce or pine tree near the house - nothing will grow next to the tree at a distance of 5-6 meters - there will be one dry land.

Above, we have summarized the information collected on the basis of beliefs different peoples and times. Many signs that came to us from antiquity are irrelevant today, but people continue to believe in them. Instead of deriving, we give you useful advice- when landscaping a site, be guided by your attitude to a particular coniferous plant.

Many are interested in whether the blue spruce on the site is bad or good omen, since it is believed that it is impossible to plant a Christmas tree near the house. It is important to figure out whether this tree really attracts misfortune, perhaps it's just prejudice.

Before you figure out why planting spruce is a bad omen, you need to know what kind of energy comes from trees. Ancestors believed that absolutely any plant has its own energy that affects a person. Trees with negative energy include oak and willow, as they impair health and bring bad luck. These trees are called vampires because they absorb positive energy from the environment.

In addition, there are healer trees that attract good luck and normalize well-being. They should be planted near the house. It can be absolutely anything fruit trees: larch, acacia.

Is the blue spruce on the site a bad omen? A question that many people are interested in, because no one knows for sure what effect this tree has on a person. According to the signs, you can determine the plants that can be grown on your site and which are not. The energy of plants is very difficult to check, but it is better to abandon trees that have an extensive root system. Often it is so powerful that it can even destroy the foundation of a house.

It is believed that oak has bad energy, since it is too powerful and heavy for him. The tree draws vitality from people suffering from various diseases. There is another belief, according to which you should not plant an oak near the house. It is believed that this tree can bring death to the head of the family.

In addition, it is not recommended to plant a birch near the house. According to signs, spirits live in the crown of this tree, which can be good or evil. There is a belief that if a birch grows near the house, then a woman may suffer from female diseases or infertility.

Bad omen - spruce on garden plot. The tree brings bad luck, destroys crops, and can even attract death. There is a perfectly logical explanation for this. From ancient times in Russia, the dead were covered with spruce branches, so the tree caused fear. Spruce is very flammable, which poses a great threat to wooden houses.

The blue spruce on the site is a bad omen, and this tree is also found in a variety of legends. The Slavs were sure that if you plant this tree on your site, then failures will surely begin in the family. There was an opinion that a wife would not be able to get pregnant or would only give birth to daughters. It was believed that if you plant such a tree near the house of a single woman, then she will be alone all her life, and will soon die.

Previously, they thought that if you plant a tree next to your house, and it suddenly dries up, gets sick or is struck by lightning, then all the inhabitants of the dwelling will soon die. It was believed that during bad weather or a thunderstorm one should not hide under a spruce, since lightning would strike it.

According to legend, this tree was planted by the first colonists in Finland. People revered him very much and were afraid of anger. Initially, the entire crop was shown to be eaten, only after that people collected food.

However, as soon as 1 branch dried up on the blue spruce, one of the colonists who arrived in these parts would surely die. This continued until only one old woman survived. After the withered tree completely collapsed, she also died. Only the descendants of those people who first came to conquer this land remained alive.

According to the Eastern teachings of Feng Shui, the most useful plants flowering and fruit-bearing shrubs and trees are considered. They attract vital energy to themselves, becoming quite powerful emitters of joy.

A bad omen is a blue spruce on the site, according to Feng Shui. According to this teaching, a tree is able to attract good energy to itself. The worst option is considered to be a lone spruce growing right in front of the house. In this case, the tree will literally saturate the entire surrounding space with bad energy. If you wish to land evergreen in front of the house, it is better to opt for pine rather than spruce.

Skeptical designers believe that spruce in a summer cottage represents only one danger, because it can fall from strong winds It also has a superficial root system. However, this problem can be easily solved by planting low-growing varieties of conifers.

Designers do not think that blue spruce on the site is a bad omen, as this tree thins useful material throughout the site, so against its background the flowers will bloom even more brightly. But everyone decides for himself whether to plant this tree on his site or not.

Many people think that spruce in their summer cottage is a bad omen. The superstitions associated with the coniferous tree are based on the knowledge gained by the ancestors, who noticed the events taking place around them. It is worth noting that many of these beliefs remain relevant to this day.

Often, it is not the very presence of this tree on the site that is considered negative, but its height. The ancestors believed that if the spruce grew higher than the roof of the house, then someone in the house would soon die. In some countries it was believed that the person who planted the tree would die, but this would happen when it grew taller than him.

One of the existing superstitions is based on the qualities that are attributed to this plant. It was believed that spruce has the ability to draw out all the vitality from the owners of the house. Therefore, people did not even doubt that the plant would drink all the vitality and joy out of them.

The debate about whether to plant a spruce near the house, a bad omen or not, continues to this day. Some psychics claim that this plant absorbs other people's energy only in the summer, and in winter the tree actively shares its accumulated forces. That is why in winter time When impotence and beriberi are observed, you just need to walk through the spruce forest and you will immediately increase your strength.

The ancestors believed that the blue spruce on the site is a bad omen, especially one that grows to human height. She can mysteriously affect the tenants of the house and bring death. It is likely that the opinion about this coniferous tree has developed due to the fact that it ignites very quickly: where there is fire, there is grief.

However, despite all the existing superstitions and prejudices that have existed since ancient times in Russia, today the cultivation of pine and spruce on personal plot considered to be fairly common. It is worth noting that many bioenergetics believe that coniferous trees are capable of generating negative energy that has a negative impact on humans.

This tree has long been considered female, so planting it next to the house was not accepted. Like any other plant associated with the weaker sex, it easily survives from the house of all men. Not a very good relationship coniferous forest the participation of this tree in the funeral rite was also caused, since the road to the cemetery was covered with thorny branches so that the soul of the deceased could not find its way back, did not disturb relatives. The Christmas tree has a special effect on the atmosphere of the house. Esotericists are sure that it cleanses the energy of the house, eliminating any entities.

It is believed that living tree or a pine tree near the house is a bad omen, but all this can be explained with scientific point vision. It is worth noting that this tree has a very powerful root system, which is located in upper layers soil. In strong winds, the plant may tilt, which is dangerous for housing. Therefore, experts recommend planting a spruce away from a residential building.

Almost every superstition can be explained scientifically. Signs about Christmas trees are not considered an exception. In Russia, people will not allow themselves to plant such trees near the house, because they light up even from the slightest spark. And since the houses were completely wooden, the fire is guaranteed. Indeed, lightning can hit a spruce, but not because it is a cursed tree. Often it grows separately from others, alone. Do not take bad omens on faith. It is a very common practice in Russia to plant blue spruce near buildings.

Poplar, spruce and oak are undesirable to grow near the house. Many plant-related superstitions can be explained scientifically. However, there are various trees with good energy. If you want to grow a tree with positive energy, then you should pay attention to such plants:

  • juniper;
  • acacia;
  • maple;
  • Rowan;
  • pear;
  • rose hip.

In order for the energy in the house to be only positive, then on your personal plot it is worth growing trees and flowers that can only bring benefits.

In addition, many do not like to plant spruce near residential buildings due to the fact that it grows tall with a dense crown. During a strong wind, the spruce could cover the chimney with its branches, because of which the residents of the house died.

It’s good if birches already grow in the yard, bird cherry is a familiar planting. And some like unusual plants near the house. For example, spruce, pine, fir. Of course, these trees look very beautiful on the site. While they look like small, neat bushes, you can create an original hedge.

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Conifers grow for long decades to become mighty trees. Many plant lovers are wondering: is it worth growing conifers near the house? And what coniferous trees can be planted on the site?

Gardeners are sure, if there is a desire, why not?! You just need to figure out which breeds of conifers to grow. After all, each of them has their own preferences for the place of stay and care. Some like the shade, while others like a sunny place. For each species or variety, optimal conditions. We will understand the variety of their types and landing features.

Spruce is the most common coniferous tree on the plots. Herringbone beautifully and neatly fits into any free space. And on New Year's holidays, you can dress it up right in the yard! It is believed that spruce feeds on positive energy in summer, and gives it to us in winter.

The downside is that Christmas trees have a huge root system. As it grows, it becomes stronger and occupies a large underground space. Biologists believe that long, strong roots can damage structures. And they advise planting spruces away from the residential building. If the area allows, then great.

Breeders bring out special garden varieties oil. They are short and compact for plots. They are easier to care for. Trees love shady places and moist soil.

Pine is a powerful tree. Rarely seen in yards. Pine is not recommended to be planted close to the house. It has a negative property - to take moisture from the soil. A chic root system requires a lot of moisture and deoxidizes the soil. And you can not plant conifers next to other garden pets. Pine will leave them without moisture. She will live and develop herself, and everything else around will be destroyed.

Pine trees grow very tall trees. Grow fast. This poses a danger to residents nearby. standing houses. From strong wind or lightning, the tree can break and collapse. Pine is more prone to lightning strikes than other conifers because of its height. Since its trunk is resinous, it is easily ignited. There are many dangers.

If you still want to have a pine, you need to know a few rules. It is necessary to plant coniferous sunny place. There are varieties that can live in partial shade. Any soil is suitable, but without excess moisture. You can regularly trim the tree, not allowing it to grow up. And plant no closer than five meters from housing. Or next to a fence.

The needles crumble, and this brings inconvenience. There will be a lot of rubbish in the area.

Too beautiful tree. It is increasingly being grown in backyards. Juniper is a photophilous plant. In the shade becomes a pale tree. There are no special requirements for soil quality.

Some superstitions that came from grandmothers are associated with juniper. Those who believe in omens believe that this tree near the house can protect from evil forces, damage, and the evil eye. The plant attracts good luck and love.

This type of conifer is considered the most suitable for garden plots. Pretty hardy plant. Any place is suitable for thuja - in the shade, in the sun, in dry or moist soil. She has the ability to adapt to all kinds of conditions. The plant has a dense bark and can withstand severe frosts.

The tree does not like too much sun. Create partial shade for the tree. Can grow in moist soil. A hedge made of thuja looks very nice. To do this, it is planted along the fence, at a distance of one to five meters. As they grow, the seedlings will expand and cover the area with themselves, like a real fence.

Another representative of coniferous beauty. Unusually looks in the gardens. Because of the beautiful conical shape. For lovers of conifers, several decorative varieties have also been bred. Fir is able to withstand severe Siberian frosts. It is recommended to purchase seedlings that are at least five years old. Plant in April-May or autumn, in wet weather.

The plant does not like windy places and drafts. Decorative fir attracts gardeners with its short stature. These varieties will not grow above 8-10 meters. It grows for a long time, and wait for flowering up to thirty years.

Made from the leaves and bark of the tree medicinal tinctures, decoctions. Coniferous connoisseurs advise planting fir near housing. Even under windows. The tree emits useful substances, and we breathe this air.

Experienced gardeners advise not to buy coniferous seedlings anywhere, on the highway or in the market. You can run into scammers selling ordinary forest shoots. There are many trusted stores, online stores with positive feedback licensed to sell.

Thus, we conclude that coniferous plants can be planted on the site. Just make sure you make the right choice. Consider the size of the garden, soil moisture, and your options.

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Is planting a spruce really a bad omen? Residents of the villages are often convinced that it is impossible to plant a Christmas tree near the house. But can the appearance of a tree on the site really lead to various misfortunes, or is it just another prejudice?

Signs and beliefs are a real storehouse of knowledge and wisdom that we inherited from our ancestors. Among all the beliefs, the most popular are wedding ones associated with the seasons (summer, autumn, winter, spring), with animals, birds and, of course, plants.

There are signs about health, money, love and so on. In some beliefs, a logical chain is clearly traced, it is easy to draw quite understandable conclusions. Others never cease to amaze us with their spontaneity.

If we talk about the signs associated with Christmas trees, then most often they believe that planting such a plant in their area is a bad omen, people living in areas where there are no spruce forests. In areas where the Christmas tree is not a rare guest, there are no such horror stories.

Spruce is also found in various legends. The Slavs were sure that if such an outlandish plant was planted near the house, then misfortunes would begin in the family. It is possible that the wife will not be able to give birth or will give birth only to daughters. Planting a tree near the house of a lonely woman meant that she would be lonely until the end of her days or die in the near future.

There was also a belief that if, after all, a tree was planted next to the house, but it suddenly withered, fell ill, or was struck by lightning, then all the owners of the house would very soon leave the next world. It was believed that during a thunderstorm and bad weather it was impossible to hide under a spruce in any case, since lightning would fall into it.

Such superstitions were widespread not only in the territory Ancient Russia but also in European countries. For example, the legend says that it was this tree that was planted by the first colonists in Finland near Lake Keitele.

People revered the tree very much, they were afraid of his wrath, the whole harvest was initially shown to him, and only after the tree saw the fruits of their labor, the products could be taken away. It was among Europeans that spruce was considered a symbol of harvest and good luck. However, things were not so smooth.

It turns out that as soon as 1 branch dried up on a tree, one of the first colonists would surely die. This continued until only one old woman survived. And as soon as the withered tree collapsed, so did she die. Only the descendants of the people who first came to this land remained alive in the settlement.

Modern signs are based on the knowledge that our ancestors received, noticing the events taking place around them that preceded any result. Surprisingly, most of these beliefs are still relevant in our world. But why is spruce on the site a bad omen?

In most cases, it is not just the presence of a plant on the site that is negative, but its height. It was believed that if they grow larger than the roof of a building, then someone in the house will surely die. In some other parts of our vast homeland, the belief has been slightly changed. It was believed that the person who planted the tree would die if it grew taller than him.

One of the beliefs is based on the amazing properties that were attributed to the plant. It was believed that it is actually evil, insidious and drinks all the happiness, juices, vitality from the owners of the house. Therefore, people believed that the couple who planted the tree would part in the near future, as the plant would drink all the joy out of them.

Our ancestors believed that spruce has an extremely negative attitude towards men, therefore, mostly male representatives await grief, or the plant simply will not let men into the house (that is, girls will not be able to get married).

Some beliefs are quite easy to explain. In ancient ancient times, the bodies of the dead were completely surrounded by fir branches. This explains the superstition that says that this plant carries the dead, death. Our people have many signs about what trees can be planted in the courtyard of the house.

Disputes regarding such a magical tree continue to this day, as many modern psychics and bioenergetics claim that the plant absorbs other people's energy only in the warm season. In winter, the tree actively shares its accumulated forces. That is why if in winter, during the period of beriberi and impotence, walk through the spruce forest, then you will have more strength.

Almost every superstition can be explained in terms of logic. Tree signs are no exception. In Russia, people could not afford to plant such trees near the house, as fir trees light up from any spark. And since the houses were wooden, the fire was guaranteed.

Indeed, this plant could often be struck by lightning, but not because it is a cursed tree, but because most often it grew alone.

Another logical explanation for the dislike of Christmas trees is that the tree grows very tall, with a dense dense crown, and, having become taller than a small house with a chimney, during a strong wind, the plant could simply close the chimney and residents could burn out.

Accordingly, all these horrors that were previously attributed to the plant have a very logical justification. However, today they do not work. In the 21st century, people are no longer afraid of terrible signs, they are not afraid of crows that beat out the window, they plant fir trees in the area, which were previously considered the tree of the dead, they are not afraid to break the mirror, and so on.

Of course, it is foolish to ignore the wisdom of the ancestors, but for the most part they tried to explain everything that happens around them, the world in which they lived with such superstitions. Perhaps this is what helped them to maintain harmony with the surrounding nature.

Each person can decide for himself whether to believe in superstition or not, a tree in the yard is a bad omen or a good one, or in general, having appeared on your site, this tree will not change anything.

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I grew up in the village, and when I grew up, I heard a lot different signs from grandmothers. So, according to the signs, it is possible to plant a spruce near the house, but only if it is not fenced. If the spruce is planted in the garden, then the owner (man) will not live in this house. You can’t plant pines either, as the owner of the house will get sick, but larches can.

Then I didn’t believe in these signs, but I still had to believe in the field of what happened, which I will describe to you.

My sister and her girlfriends and friends at one time were engaged in gardening their gardens, dug up all kinds of small trees in the forest, brought them to houses and planted them in a certain way. So a friend brought a few trees and planted them in the garden, my sister - pines. A couple of years later, my friend's father died (cancer), but my dad got sick (encephalitic tick, almost completely paralyzed to this day, since the 96th).

I still don’t know if it’s a coincidence or not, however, almost all the other friends who planted trees in their gardens with similar trees had their fathers either seriously ill or died in the next 5 years.

I give you advice: do not plant Christmas trees near the house, if you want to green up the space, then plant it outside the garden. Plant either larch or fir near the house.

My sister in the country planted locks and pah, pah.

I bought a forest plot with lacquers, and what should I do, cut all the luces? Well, what nonsense!

The neighbors have a huge spruce growing in the yard next to the house. They have a huge family, grandchildren come - do not count, so the belief that death brings sorrow is definitely not about them. The spruce is very beautiful, and very old.

In principle, if signs about spruce scare you, you can plant larch.

Plant a tree for sure! Not only is this a very beautiful tree, it also exudes phytoncides that are harmful to harmful microorganisms. However, this is a property of all conifers. But spruce has the ability to take away excess energy, mostly negative. If you have a headache, sit under your arm. Next to her comes calm, thoughts flow more slowly. And on New Year's Eve, you can dress up and not spend money on buying a yellowed broomquot ;.

Recently they showed how they live stage and cinema. They have their own large private mansions and spruces grow in the yard along the wide paths.

They know that there is such a sign that it is impossible to plant spruce in the yard own house or not, they are doing well.

For example, Nikita Mikhalkov every year buys a live spruce in a large pot for the New Year, and in the spring he plants them in the courtyard of the house. He has more than 10 of these firs.

No need to believe in all sorts of signs, then nothing bad will ever happen.

Yes…. It turns out that you can’t plant in the garden ... .. My parents bought a house in 93 and planted two blue firs in the garden…. After 4 years, my father was forced to leave to work in Vladivostok and never returned to us .... The house was left without an owner ... .. So you don’t believe in omens ... ..

Signs are exactly those that remained from Tsar Pea (such as spilled salt, a black cat and a fallen fork). Plant whatever you want (I have both larch and linden, mountain ash, maple and much more), and this year I will definitely plant a couple of firs and 2-3 lki. I know people who generally have a fenced (private) pine forest near the house. Birches, cherry trees, chestnuts and their own mushrooms grow right there (every year) - they live for themselves, smile when they meet their neighbors, but they don’t want to hear about signs)

I heard from my grandparents that spruce cannot be planted in the yard, as it brings sadness and sorrow. And often this tree accompanies tragic events (funeral, serious illness). Therefore, such a tree, being next to a person’s dwelling, affects him negatively.

I don't know how true this is, but my old people say so

If there is an additional free space in the country house and plot that is not occupied for utilitarian needs, then such a beautiful plant as fir will decorate it very much (both the most notorious “place” and the entire plot as a whole).

Despite the fact that fir and fir oil, based on their useful properties these are leaders in the frequency of use in traditional medicine recipes, planting fir on the site will rather bring only aesthetic pleasure. Brewing her needles from scurvy I think no one needs modern Russia, (with all its disadvantages in the field of medicine) still will not arise, and fir oil in pharmacies is not so expensive. We ourselves, having sorted out a bunch for the sauna essential oils, now we use only fir.

The main plus of fir for use in the landscape design of the site is the needles that do not fall for a long time, which do not become “rusty”, that is, they do not turn red. The fir crown is soft and dense, easily tolerating shaping.

Fir (lat. Aies) belongs to the Pine family (Pinaceae), the genus includes about 50 species distributed in the temperate zone of the Northern Hemisphere. Most often used as holiday trees Nordmann fir, noble and balsamic. Christmas wreaths and garlands are made from fir branches.

A neat, well-defined crown, most often of a small diameter, dense branches located almost from the very base of the trunk, shiny dark green needles make fir trees attractive and decorative.

These trees have long been used for park landings, mostly suburban, since the city air has a bad effect on the appearance of coniferous beauties.

Strict firs are good along the front alley. They also look great in group plantings on their own or in combination with birches, maples, mountain ash. Fir makes excellent hedges along the edges of the site. A single fir can decorate a lawn or local area. Dwarf forms look great in.

In plantings, fir trees perfectly coexist with other large conifers (spruce, pine, larch), and their dwarf forms - with low counterparts, ground cover flowering perennials, heathers, erics,.

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Biological properties and features

Fir - large, 10-80 m tall coniferous trees. The crown starts almost from the ground and has a neat conical shape. The trunk is 0.5-4 m in diameter, covered with smooth gray bark, although there are species in which the bark is rough, mottled with deep cracks. root system rod, in most firs it goes into the soil to a great depth. The needles are soft, flat, usually with a rounded tip. The upper side of the needles is dark green, shiny, the lower side is matte, with two white stripes on the sides of the midrib.

Fir - monoecious plants, pollen and seed cones are on the same specimens. Seed cones are cylindrical, elongated, directed upwards, and not downwards (as, for example, in spruce), so a fir that has reached reproductive age and without decorations looks like a wonderful Christmas tree with candles on the upper branches.

Another feature of fir cones is that when ripe, they break up into separate scales, releasing seeds, and the central rod remains on the branch. Seeds are small, winged, dispersed by the wind.

Fir: varieties and types

The following species and their garden forms are most commonly used.

Balsam fir (Abies bahamea) is the most common species of the genus in North America. More than other fir is resistant to waterlogging of the soil. Lives up to 150-200 years. Reaches 15-25 m in height.

The root system, unlike other species of the genus, does not lie too deep, therefore strong wind can knock down trees. It is frost-resistant, differs in rather fast growth. The first cones appear at the age of 20-30 years.

Used for groups single landings. The species is unsuitable for cultivation in the southern regions, where it suffers from a lack of soil moisture and dry air.

There are a number decorative forms, including dwarf ('Hudsonia, 'Nana'), with bluish needles ('Glauca'), with white-colored needles at the ends ('Argentea'), with yellow-motley needles ('Variegata'), columnar ('Columnahs) creeping ('Prostrata).

Korean fir (Abies koreana) forms mountain forests in the southern regions of the Korean Peninsula. Tree up to 15 m tall, growing very slowly in the first years of life.

Cones before ripening become bright, blue, sometimes with purple tint, and they form already 15-year-old specimens.

Differs in winter hardiness and decorative effect (not too large sizes, bright cones). There are decorative forms: with dark purple cones ('Blue Standard), slow growing, with short needles and small cones (Brevifolia), undersized, with a rounded dense crown and silver needles ('Silberzwerg'), dwarf with a spreading flat crown (' Piccolo').

Caucasian fir, or Nordmann (Abies nordmanniana), forms forests in the western part of the Caucasus Mountains and in Turkey. Reaches a height of 60 m with a trunk diameter of 2 m. The crown is narrow, cone-shaped. The species is characterized by rapid growth and longevity (lives up to 500 years). Winter hardiness is low, even in adulthood, there are a number of decorative forms (‘Pendula, ‘Aurea’, ‘Albo-spicata’, ‘Gtauca’).

The single color fir (Abies concolor) comes from the mountainous regions of the southwestern United States and northern Mexico. Reaches a height of 40-60 m, the needles have a bluish tint. It grows quickly, lives up to 350 years. It is not afraid of strong winds and air smoke, it is very drought-resistant and frost-resistant. Pretty light-loving.

There are decorative forms: a compact tree with blue and white long needles (‘Violacea’), dwarf, with long blue needles (‘Compacta Glauca).

Correct planting of fir

Fir is unpretentious. They put up well with shading, especially in the first years of life, when partial shade is almost a prerequisite for growing. Grown up specimens develop better in full sunlight. Most species of fir have a deep root system and, therefore, high wind resistance.

Fir trees do not tolerate dry air and its pollution with smoke and gaseous impurities, so they are not so often seen in city parks.

It is best to plant these plants in April or in the second half of August - September. 5-10-year-old seedlings have the highest survival rate. On heavy soils with high levels ground water provide drainage. To the bottom landing pit lay 20-centimeter layers of crushed stone or broken bricks.

From the size of the earthy coma on the roots. When planting, remember that the root neck should remain at the level of the soil surface. The width of the pit is at least half a meter, it can be a little more (60-70 cm).

It is useful to prepare for planting soil mixture in the composition: clay, humus (or leafy earth), peat, sand (2: 3: 1: 1), complex mineral fertilizer is also added, and on heavy soils with drainage - up to 10 kg of sawdust. The recommended distance between firs in alley plantings is 4-5 m, in loose groups - 3-3.5 m, in dense ones - up to 2.5 m.

How to form a crown at a fir

In the spring, these conifers clean the crown, removing dry and badly damaged branches. Fir trees have a neat strict form crowns, but if suddenly for some reason its additional formation is required, it is carried out in early spring, before the start of sap flow. Sometimes not only large trees, but also dwarf, as well as creeping cultivars.

Most species and decorative forms of fir are successfully grown without any shelter for the winter. However, it should be remembered that young specimens in the first year after planting are more vulnerable to low temperatures. Usually they are covered with spruce branches, which protects both from spring matinees and from sunburn, especially severe when snow melts. It is useful for the winter to cover the trunk circles of young plants with a dry leaf or mulch with peat.
