What is better bath or tray. What is better shower or bath

Each of us is faced with the question - showers or baths, which is better? In this article, we will weigh all the pros and cons, as well as figure out which baths and showers are better to choose.

When choosing, you will need to take into account a lot of factors. First of all, it is the area of ​​the bathroom, the rhythm of human life and personal preference. If it was not possible to figure it out, for a large room there is an option to install a bathtub along with a shower cabin.

Each of these plumbing objects has certain advantages and disadvantages, having dealt with them, you can choose the option that suits you best.

Shower or bath - what to choose

During repairs in the bathroom, especially if the room is not spacious, almost every apartment owner thinks about whether to leave the bath or replace it with a comfortable booth in order to quickly take a shower and be able to squeeze another washing machine, water heater or some other object into the room, on which now there is not enough space.

The first thing you need to pay attention to when choosing between a bathtub and a shower box is the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room in which one of these devices will be installed. Unfortunately, the sizes of bathrooms in most apartments and houses in our country are not large, so the issue of saving space is always relevant.

Moreover, in addition to the washing device, a sink should also be mounted there. And this is the minimum set of plumbing, in addition to which the already mentioned washing machine is often installed in the bathroom, a laundry basket and pieces of furniture for such a room are placed, allowing you to store various things.

Therefore, if there is a need to place all of the above in a small area, the shower cabin will be the best choice. It will take up half the space of a standard bathtub and will become a stylish decoration of any room.

However, if the dimensions of the bathroom allow you to install a classic container for water procedures, and there are bathers in the family, then you should not deny yourself such a simple pleasure. The opportunity to relax is worth it to move the washing machine to the kitchen.

The second important factor influencing the choice of this type of plumbing is water saving. The ability to reduce its consumption is becoming increasingly relevant, given the constant rise in prices of the most important liquid on our planet.

It is obvious that by taking a shower you can constantly save a lot of water, since its consumption will be five times less than filling a bath. However, if the latter is installed, it is also not necessary to fill it every day if you can use the shower attached to the mixer.

The only difference will be that it is still a little more convenient to take this water procedure in the box created for this. The third point to consider when examining the arguments for and against showers and bathtubs is the functionality of these fixtures.

As for classic tanks, in addition to bathing, they can be used for soaking and washing clothes, washing various items and other similar procedures. Hot tubs have a huge number of advantages, which, among other things, can positively affect human health, as well as help to effectively relax and relieve stress.

However, showers can also be equipped with a serious set of features. Moreover, their number will be significantly greater than that of the best hot tubs. In addition to various shower and water massage modes, the cabins are equipped with steam generators, aromatherapy devices, a bath simulation function, ventilation and lighting.

When choosing between a bathtub and a shower box, you also need to take into account the composition of your family. It has a great influence on the need for certain water procedures. After all, if the family has small children who need to be bathed regularly, it is almost impossible to do without a bath. In most cases, babies themselves love to swim, so you don’t need to deprive your child of this opportunity.

If all family members are already old enough, you can get by with installing a shower cabin at home. When figuring out which type of plumbing in question to give preference to, it is worth considering the pace of life of homeowners.

Energetic, constantly immersed in work and other affairs for people who are relatively rare at home, a shower cabin is ideal for quick water procedures. In turn, those who spend a lot of time in their home, and also love comfort and regularity, should give preference to a comfortable bath.

Whatever pace of life is typical for a particular person, the choice of a bathtub or shower cabin must be made, guided, among other things, by personal ideas about comfort.

And although they are very subjective, each person can easily determine what is more pleasant for him - immersion in a bathing container filled with water and foam, which helps to relax and unwind, or jets of liquid beating under pressure, giving vigor.

The practicality and convenience of each type of plumbing also plays a significant role in the process of choosing it. Studying the advantages and disadvantages of bathtubs and showers, future owners of the latter need to know that the walls of these devices will need to be cleaned regularly after taking water procedures.

This, of course, can not be done often, however, in this case, traces of dried water drops, stains, and limescale will remain on the transparent walls of the box. All this spoils the appearance of the shower stall, much more than the tiles above the bath.

And this state of affairs, as well as the need for constant care for a glass box, can greatly annoy its owners. As for the baths and the tiles surrounding them, it is much easier to clean them with special products.

If it is important for bathroom owners to follow fashion trends in its design, they should give preference to a modern shower cabin. These devices are the trend of the last decade. As mentioned earlier, the shower cabin will serve not only as a place for receiving water procedures, but also as an elegant decoration for the bathroom.

The state of human health is also able to shape the choice of plumbing for water procedures. For example, it is a well-known medical fact that taking a bath is not recommended for those people who have been diagnosed with cardiovascular diseases.

For those who still have not made their choice, there is an alternative option - shower boxes, which is a bathtub connected to a shower cabin. With a shower box, depending on your mood, you can either enjoy a refreshing contrast shower, or dream and relax in a spacious bath.

Each type of plumbing has its advantages, as well as certain disadvantages. Let's compare them according to the most important parameters:

CharacteristicBathshower cabin
DimensionsEven a small bath takes up quite a lot of space.Allows you to save room space, as it is smaller in size
Water consumptionLarge enough - at least 200 liters per bathVery economical - an average of 40-50 liters per shower
Electricity consumptionSoaking in the bath, you spend more electricitySince the shower is a fairly quick procedure, the light consumption will be 5-8% less
Consumption of household chemicalsBathtub needs more chemicalsDue to the smaller area of ​​​​the tray (2-5 times), less cleaning products will be consumed
Time spentTo take a bath, you have to wait for some time for the water to fill the deviceYou can take a shower almost immediately, as soon as the water is turned on.
Impact on the bodySoothes and relaxesInvigorates and tones
Comfort in useYou can relax your muscles in warm water, arrange aromatherapy, take a bath with salt, herbal decoctions, do air massageDepending on the cabin model, hydromassage, rain shower and other additional options are available.
SecurityThe risk of slipping when getting out of the bath will be greaterThe minimum risk of injury, therefore, is more often acquired by families with the elderly (it is easy to cross the side, you can put a seat inside)
Contraindications for useIt is not recommended to take a bath for hypertension and varicose veins, as well as for skin problemsContrasting procedures cannot be performed for colds and cardiovascular pathologies, and there are no contraindications for washing with warm water
Duration of water proceduresA hot bath should not last longer than 15 minutes, a warm bath should not last longer than half an hour.No duration restrictions
Efficiency in removing contaminants from the bodyDue to prolonged exposure to warm water, it is much easier to remove dirt and sweat from the body.Effort is needed to remove strong impurities from the body.
CareCleaning is fairly easy as the footprint of the device is smallerCleaning is more complicated and time consuming, you have to wash the booth after each use
Difficulty of installationPretty easy to installSpecialists will install a booth in 3-5 hours, depending on the dimensions of your bathroom, and self-assembly will take 1-2 days

Shower or bath which is more economical

So, you are faced with a dilemma: to change or not to change? I mean, a bathtub - on a shower cabin? Especially given the rather attractive prices for the latter. So, the most affordable shower cabins will cost the buyer within 10 thousand rubles.

Nevertheless, the issue of switching from a bathtub to a shower room is not easy, given that in the event of a replacement, the premises will have to be redevelopment, plumbing and supply pipes will be moved ... On the other hand, saving water in the future can save money spent ... Or not?

Indeed, according to experts, filling a standard bath requires twice as much water as taking a shower for 6-7 minutes. The water consumption during this time is approximately 100 liters, provided that 15 liters of water flows out of the shower per minute.

In addition, after taking a bath, many are accustomed to rinsing the body in the shower, which requires additional water consumption and, accordingly, money. However, all the benefits of a shower in terms of money can be crossed out by the fact that it is less beneficial for health than taking a bath.

Bath with the use of products to soften its hardness makes the skin smooth and soft, soothes the nervous system and has a positive effect on the respiratory tract. After a long exposure to warm water, the pores of the skin open up and well absorb the beneficial trace elements contained in herbal extracts, sea salt or oils, which are usually added to the bath.

If you are thinking about whether to change the bathtub for a shower cabin due to water savings, it would be wiser to change the bathtub to a more economical one, with a special, economical contour - wide at the head and narrow at the feet. On the one hand, it allows you to comfortably stretch out, and on the other hand, it saves 10-15 liters of water every time you wash.

And in order for the shower to become really economical, it is necessary to replace ordinary watering cans with modern economical ones, with aeration technology (saturation of water jets with air).

If we talk about saving space, then here the shower does not always have an advantage over the bath. There is usually "air" above the bath, which allows you to increase the volume, you just have to move the curtain. But the shower cabin of the same area looks rather cumbersome.

But whichever option you choose, it is advisable to make sure that the bath or cabin is not visible from the entrance. For this, corner models of bathtubs and showers are suitable. A very interesting option in terms of saving space is a shower enclosure without a tray, when the water leaves through a channel in the floor.

When renovating, you should also keep in mind that remodeling a bathroom and relocating plumbing usually costs 25% more than renovating with the same arrangement of items.

Cabins are open and closed. The former partially limit the territory of the shower, since there is a partition or door between the walls. Such devices are cheaper than closed analogues, in which everything is hermetically sealed due to the roof, thereby creating the effect of a sauna.

    They differ in functionality and materials from which pallets are made:
  1. cast iron - durable, but heated for a long time;
  2. steel make a loud noise;
  3. ceramic - rather fragile, can break if a heavy object is dropped on them;
  4. marble look spectacular, but are expensive;
  5. acrylics look good, but are not resistant to damage.
Advice. Choose a shower cabin size of at least 0.8 x 0.8 m, otherwise it will be uncomfortable to be in it.
    Advantages of shower cabins:
  • Save space. Good for installation in small bathrooms.
  • Safe. For the production of cabins, non-slip material is used, which practically eliminates the possibility of injury.
  • They consume water sparingly, about 2-3 times less than when bathing in a bath.
  • Equipped with additional functionality. For example, the presence of a telephone or radio, the ability to switch water supply modes (massage jets, etc.). In some cabins, inhalations or aromatherapy can be carried out.
  • They have a variety of mounting methods and accessories. Shower installation is quick and easy.
    Cons of showers:
  1. High-quality rectangular models with a solid door are wide, which does not always make it possible to install them in a small bathroom.
  2. The functionality of the cabin depends on the pressure of the water. If it is less than 1.5 bar, then you can only take a shower, additional options (if provided) will not be available.
  3. Over time, doors and walls accumulate a white coating (the result of dried spray). Need a thorough wash after you shower.
  4. As a rule, they cost more than bathtubs. Although it is available to pick up an inexpensive middle-class cabin.
  5. Unlike baths, they do not provide an opportunity to soak up and relax. True, you can purchase a shower room, which includes a bath, but its dimensions and cost are larger than a traditional cabin.

Without a bath with warm water and lush foam, many simply cannot imagine their life, and are ready to be content with limited space and the lack of other necessary things in a cramped room, for example, a washing machine or a spacious closet. And yet, the bath has that attractive power that even the most modern shower cabin is deprived of.

  • Versatility

In the bathroom, you can not only soak in hot water, but just as well take a quick shower, shielding yourself with a protective curtain.

  • Comfort

A bath with aroma oils relaxes and gives you the opportunity to sit in full growth. The atmosphere of the spa salon is created in the room

  • Isolation tricks

Even if your bathroom is shared with a toilet, there are several ways to insulate the tub.

For example, hang a protective polyester curtain with a beautiful pattern; install a stationary wall of frosted glass from the sides of the bath to the ceiling; or completely enclose the bath with a stainless steel frame with glass sheets, creating a real "hydrobox".

Among the shortcomings of the bath, one main one can be distinguished: its dimensions, which in a small room make it difficult to place additional, very necessary objects.

    Especially for those who do not find time to take a bath and prefer to wash in the shower, here are five reasons why you should still draw water into the bathroom at least once a week and soak in it:
  1. Cold prevention. A bath is indispensable if you or your child is often sick. It is especially useful to lie in a warm bath after walking outside in bad weather, when your feet are wet or very cold. The bath will help to warm up the whole body and thereby prevent the development of cold symptoms.
  2. Skin cleansing. With the help of a shower, no one will be able to cleanse the skin as effectively as a warm bath. In the bath, as in a bath, the pores open, and the skin is completely cleansed of the dirt accumulated in it.
  3. Relaxation. In order not to get annoyed over trifles, you need to do a full course of massage twice a year, take a bath once a month or visit spa treatments.
  4. Cooldown and stretching of muscles. When you sit at a computer for a long time or do physical exercises, the muscles become very tense and stagnation begins in them. It is best for this purpose to combine business with pleasure and take a warm bath with the addition of sea salt or herbal extract.
  5. Remedy for low blood pressure. Weather-sensitive people are often troubled by headaches and weakness if the sky is covered with clouds and rain is planned. To improve your well-being in these cases is quite simple - take hot water into the bath and add coniferous decoction to it. Lie in the bath for 10-15 minutes and the result will surprise you.

Shower or bath which is better reviews

    People who are faced with the need to choose a shower cabin or a bathtub for the bathroom recommend paying attention to the following nuances:
  • If no one in your family soaks in the bath for a long time, a shower will be the best option, as it will save half the floor space.
  • If you install a shower faucet in the bathroom and hang a curtain, you can enjoy both the shower and the bath in peace. If you install a shower stall, it will not be possible to take a bath if you do not choose the option with a high tray.
  • When purchasing a booth, look for expensive models that have few additional features. According to the experience of many users, such options are used very rarely, and the cost increases quite significantly.
  • A bath is preferable when washing bulky items such as bedspreads or blankets.
  • If there is an elderly person in your family, a hot bath will most often be contraindicated for him, so you can replace the bath with a shower cabin.
  • But for families with children or pets, a bath is preferable. However, a deep shower tray can correct the situation.
  • Installing a bathtub is easier when compared to a modern multifunctional shower stall.
  • In the bath, it is convenient to relax the muscles, and while washing in the shower, most muscles remain in a tense state.
  • The hygiene of the shower is greater, since all impurities from the body are immediately washed into the sewer.
  • Having bought a shower cabin, you will not be able to enjoy aromatherapy or take therapeutic baths. At the same time, the advantage of the cabin is the possibility of using a contrast shower.
  • Already in the first month after replacing the bathtub with a shower, users note that water costs have been greatly reduced.
  • The risk of flooding neighbors is noted more among the owners of the bath, as the shower cabin closes tightly.
  • At the same time, cabin owners often complain about more difficult care. The device has to be washed after each shower to prevent the formation of plaque.

It is impossible to give an unambiguous answer to the question of which is better: a bath or a shower. It all depends on many factors, comparing which you will make the right decision. To decide what to put in the bathroom, the recommendations of experts and consumer reviews will help. And even if family members are divided in opinion, you can always find a compromise.

For example, fix a special sliding screen on the bath or hang a curtain and install a faucet. If the dimensions of the room and financial possibilities allow, get a shower with a bathtub.

At the same time, be interested not only in the manufacturer and price, but also in the functionality of plumbing, as well as the guarantee. In this case, whatever you choose, both the shower and the bath will be a good purchase that will last a long time.

Which shower cabins are better to choose

In today's sanitary ware market, you can find a large number of devices for vertical washing. In addition to shower cabins, these include hydromassage and steam boxes, as well as shower panels and systems.

Creations of different manufacturers differ in appearance, design, functionality, size and cost. A brief review of some of the characteristics of these products will help answer the questions - what kind of shower cabins are there, and which ones are better?

Structurally, a standard box consists of a special pallet, fixed side walls, a door or doors, and a shower head. All this can be supplemented with a top cover, hydromassage jets, lighting, a steam generator and other useful features.

There are two types of showers - open and closed. Both modifications of these plumbing products have significant differences. An open shower is actually a separate part of the bathroom, consisting of a tray, side walls and doors.

In turn, closed showers are a one-piece design with the same tray, side walls and sliding doors, as well as a roof, hydromassage jets, lighting and other additions.

The second version of products is usually more complex and functional. The most visible parts of these boxes - walls and doors - are made of tempered glass or polystyrene. Glass is a quality material and is present in the design of more expensive cabins.

It makes it easy to clean the sides of your shower fixtures and keep them looking their best. Budget models of shower boxes are equipped with walls and doors made of polystyrene. Although it is cheaper, it quickly becomes cloudy and prone to divorce. Both glass and polystyrene parts can be transparent and opaque.

    As for the lower floor parts of shower cabins, they can be made of the following materials:
  1. Acrylic pallets are the most common modification, light and strong enough. The advantages of this type of plastic is that it warms up quickly, and also does not lose its original color and does not absorb foreign substances. A small minus of acrylic is only its not very high strength.
  2. Cast iron enameled pallets are the most reliable and durable type of these products, which, however, are almost no longer produced. Their disadvantage is their heavy weight.
  3. Steel enameled pallets are durable and have good stability. The disadvantage of these parts of shower stalls, oddly enough, can be enamel, which can absorb rust and break down over time. In addition, water jets when falling on this material will make a lot of noise.
  4. Earthenware pallets - the quality of this material is well known. The floor constructions of shower boxes made from it are durable, massive and stable. The only drawback of earthenware is its fragility.
  5. Quarry pallets are made from a modern material, which is a mixture of acrylic and quartz sand. It is characterized by greater strength, in comparison with plastic, low thermal conductivity, as well as a large color gamut.
  6. Artificial marble pallets are endowed with all the advantages of natural stone, such as natural beauty, stability and massiveness. They retain heat well and are distinguished by a minimum level of noise. The disadvantage of this material is its high weight.

The height of the shower trays can also be different and range from 6 to 35 cm. The doors of the devices in question are hinged with one or two leaves, as well as sliding. The latter can have from one to six wings.

As for the shape of shower cabins, the variety of their designs is quite large. On the plumbing market, you can find square, rectangular, semicircular, five and hexagonal boxes, as well as asymmetric boxes.

Among other things, shower cabins are simple and multifunctional. The first modification is completed only with a conventional mixer and a shower. Multifunction cabins, on the contrary, can be equipped with a large number of additional functions, some of which have already been mentioned earlier.

Such functions can be - different types of shower, hydromassage, aromatherapy, sauna, ozonation, steam generator, lighting and much more. When choosing boxes for water procedures, the question always arises - which manufacturers of shower cabins are better? The most reliable and high-quality products are considered to be Italian, German and Finnish companies.

Which baths are better to choose

Having studied the design features and capabilities of showers, in the next topic of our review, we will consider similar information regarding various bathing tanks. They have long become an integral part of people's lives, firmly taking the place of one of the main devices for hygiene procedures in any home.

Therefore, it makes no sense to describe the advantages of baths again - their capacity and convenience of bathing with maximum immersion in water are known to everyone. For this reason, it is worth choosing a bathtub, first of all, having studied the qualities of the materials from which it can be made.

They affect the usability of the container and its durability. Additional factors influencing the choice of a bath are its shape, dimensions and functionality. Consider what vessels for water procedures are, depending on the materials from which they are made:

  • Cast iron bathtubs

By right they are considered the most durable and durable. These containers have been the most common in our country for many decades, also because their service life reaches 40 years. Other advantages of cast iron bathtubs are practicality, perfect stability and resistance to vibrations.

The latest quality of these tanks allows you to draw water into them with minimal noise. Also, enameled cast-iron bathtubs retain heat for a long time, which ensures the comfort of taking water procedures. As for the disadvantages of containers of this type, they are also, unfortunately, quite a few.

The main disadvantage of cast iron baths is their heavy weight - about 120 kg, which complicates their transportation and installation. Another disadvantage of these tanks can be their coating, which requires careful handling.

  • Steel baths

It's reliability at a very affordable price. Tanks of this type are characterized by a wider variety of shapes than their cast iron counterparts, as well as greater strength than acrylic tanks. In addition, steel bathtubs are lightweight - about 30 kg, making them easy to carry and install.

However, these products have a number of disadvantages that must be considered when buying. The first disadvantage of steel baths is the high heat transfer of the material from which they are made. It causes the water in the tank to cool quickly.

The second disadvantage is the high noise level, due to which the liquid filling process will be very loud. Both of the disadvantages described above can be partially eliminated with the help of an insulating layer of rubber or polyurethane foam. As for the service life of a steel bath, on average it is 10-15 years.

  • Acrylic bathtubs

They appeared on the domestic plumbing market in the 90s of the last century and quickly gained popularity among buyers. Made from a modern type of plastic that takes on different shapes when heated, these tanks come in a wide range of designs, sizes and even colors.

Acrylic bathtubs are light enough, so they are easy to transport and install. Among their advantages, there is also a low thermal conductivity, which allows the walls of the container to warm up quickly, and the water poured inside cools down rather slowly.

In addition, it is also not at all difficult to take care of acrylic. Bath surfaces can be simply wiped with a neutral detergent. Important is the fact that acrylic can be restored - scratches and chips are removed by applying a special paste and its subsequent polishing.

As for the disadvantages of acrylic bathtubs, the main one is the low level of plastic strength, due to which tanks of this type often have to be installed on a steel frame that prevents deflection.

Other disadvantages of containers of this type is the inadmissibility of contact with gasoline and other solvents, as well as the fear of boiling water, which softens this material.

If it is very difficult to make a choice, you can resort to an alternative that allows you to take the best from each plumbing fixture. This is especially convenient if some family members like to soak in the bath, while others do not want to spend time on water procedures, so they prefer a shower.

Also, the combined device is suitable for families with a small child, as it allows you to bathe the baby. In addition, modern hydroboxes have many additional options that allow you to get the most out of any water treatment.

A shower cabin like a bath is an option for those who like to soak up and take water procedures from 30 minutes to an hour, and for people who are quite satisfied with 15-20 minutes. In size, this design takes up as much space as a standard bathtub 1.50-1.70 m.

A glass or plastic partition does not allow splashes to fly in all directions. As a rule, such models are not limited by functionality. They include hydromassage, Turkish bath, aromatherapy. In addition, they are equipped with a disinfection system, remote control, automatic water heating.

    But there are also a number of disadvantages:
  1. Increased level of maintenance and care of operation.
  2. From constant mechanical action by the force of air and water, the enamel surface is prone to the rapid appearance of chips.
  3. The increased thermal conductivity of the material contributes to the rapid cooling of water.
    According to the form, the complexes are divided into:
  • Oval.
  • Round.
  • Rectangular.
  • Asymmetrical.
  • Corner.

The first four models will look rich and dignified, and the last shower cabin with a bathtub is actively used among owners of small bathrooms.

Most often, corner baths are equipped with seats and pillows under the head for a more convenient foot massage procedure. Ceramic, metal and acrylic bathtubs act as a shower tray.

The second is the location of the shower system above the bath, which is covered by a curtain. Everyone knows, the most common option, where we will not stop for a long time.

    I will only clarify the type of material from which bath curtains are sewn:
  1. Polyethylene.
  2. Fabric.
  3. Nylon.

The choice of pattern, design, color, length level is provided in a wide range. You can't call it a feature or a novelty, but this combination option is worth mentioning, since "an old friend is better than two new ones."

The third is to buy a shower cabin autonomously from the bathroom.

Bath or shower: which is better for comfort?

When arranging a bathroom, the question always arises: what kind of plumbing to install. To save useful square meters, choose a shower cabin. The traditional bath attracts with the opportunity to carry out water procedures in a horizontal, relaxed position. Each option has its own merits. Knowing the pros and cons of the equipment will allow you to choose a good model in terms of size, comfort of use and functionality. To decide what is more suitable for installation: a bathroom or a shower cabin - acquaintance with their main characteristics will help.

What are the baths

According to the material of manufacture, the cases are divided into cast iron, steel and acrylic.

Cast iron bathtubs

  • Advantages
    The material (iron-carbon alloy) is durable, the average warranty period from manufacturers is 25 years. Such models hold heat well, are resistant to deformation, water is collected relatively silently.
  • disadvantages
    Weight - more than 100 kg, and this is a significant load on the floors and difficulties during installation / dismantling. Over time, the enamel loses its smoothness, the surface of the bowl becomes porous, rough, and it is more and more difficult to clean it from limescale. The design most often comes down to the usual rectangular shape.

Steel baths

  • Advantages
    Outwardly similar to cast iron, but weigh 4 times less (about 30 kg), which is very convenient for summer cottage construction. Models from reliable manufacturers will last up to 15 years. The shape is more diverse than analogues made of cast iron.
  • Disadvantages.
    High thermal conductivity: hot water cools down quickly. Cheap thin-walled bathtubs are easily deformed under weight, their enamel cracks. They make too much noise when water is drawn in, which will undoubtedly affect the choice: bath or shower - which is better.

Acrylic bathtubs

  • Advantages
    Due to the low heat transfer, they heat up in a short time and keep the temperature for a long time. Forms - various (round, oval), angular models which save the area are popular. Bathtubs are light, made of reinforced material. They don't slip and clean well. Minor damage can be easily repaired. The most silent.
  • disadvantages
    The surface is easy to scratch, acrylic-coated plastic products lose their gloss over time. Compared to cast iron cases, they are fragile, so they will last 10-15 years. Models from an inexpensive price segment can be stained when washing colored items. Solid high-quality acrylic baths (and not a fake made of thin plastic), equipped with a hydromassage, usually cost more than steel and cast iron ones.

Classification by size and shape

The decision: to buy a bathtub or a shower cabin is influenced by the dimensions of the products. The standard bathtub length is 1500-1800 mm, width 700-1000 mm. The internal volume of the bowl depends on the slope of the side, the presence of armrests on the body, various recesses and roundings. In width, you should choose a model where 5 cm on each side will remain free between the body and the side. The norm is the position in which the chest of a person rises above the water, and his outstretched legs are completely hidden.

Manufacturers offer bath models of various shapes:

  • classic rectangular - they are most often placed along the wall with a long side;
  • corner, semicircular - perfect for small bathrooms;
  • oval - elegant models, beautifully fit into diverse interior styles;
  • round, square - will require additional meters;
  • multifaceted, non-standard - they will ask for a non-trivial interior environment.

Bath: pros and cons

A variety of models in shape and size allows you to purchase a font for any bathroom design. Before deciding what to choose: a bath or a shower, you should think about the main advantage that its installation in the bathroom will give. This is comfort:

  • having taken a horizontal position, it is easy to relax, stretch your legs;
  • in a filled bowl, you can lie for hours, adding hot water;
  • complement the pleasant sensations of the function of hydro-, air massage, multi-colored illumination;
  • here it is convenient to take procedures with the addition of medicinal herbs;
  • models for two are equipped with two pairs of headrests, handrails, a hydromassage system, built-in lighting and other options for creating a relaxing and romantic environment;
  • built-in bathtubs are, as a rule, the central place in the room and an occasion to decorate an unbanal interior.

In a purely utilitarian sense (large capacity), a bath is used for washing and rinsing heavy and large things, washing pets.
The reverse side of the coin is a traditional bath, and even more so a double or non-standard in shape, in the case of a small bathroom, it requires a larger area for installation compared to a shower.

Types of shower cabins

By design, shower boxes are divided into three types:

  • Open - these are models without a ceiling, with four side panels-walls. If converging walls of the room are used as a fence, then this type is called a shower enclosure. When, when arranging a compact bathroom, you need to decide whether a bath or shower: which is better - such a corner will be a great solution.

  • Closed - hermetic structures with roof, drip tray and side panels. Due to this closeness, the cabin is equipped with different types of shower and hydromassage without the risk of flooding the surrounding space, inside the sauna effect is created.
  • Recessed - represent a niche or corner without partitions, pallets and ceilings. It can be separated from the rest of the room by glass doors or left open. The presence of a niche is not even necessary: ​​it is enough to bring communications to one of the walls, and arrange drainage in the floor. This is the most expensive option. The design and design of such a shower is developed by the designer; specialists will be needed for the technical implementation.

Common Sizes

The dimensions of the cabin, as well as the area it occupies, are determined by the size of the pallet. The most popular models are on a square base 800x800 mm, 900x900 mm, 1000x1000 mm, rectangular 1200x800 mm. Figured pallets allow efficient use of space in a corner arrangement.

When deciding what to choose - a bath or a shower, you should understand the classification of pallets:

  • flat - do not exceed 35 mm, at such a height it is extremely important to properly organize the drain;
  • small - sides up to 180 mm, they are easy to step over;
  • deep - the height of the sides is up to 450 mm, in fact it is a mini-bath.

According to the material, pallets are cast iron, ceramic, marble, steel, acrylic.

Shower cabin functions

One of the main advantages of this plumbing is the variety of options that turn the hygiene procedure into a wellness and relaxing one.

Shower cabin: pros and cons

In addition to the wide functional equipment, we can safely name a number of advantages that distinguish this equipment.



In bathrooms with an area of ​​5 square meters or more, there is enough space to install both a bathing bowl and a shower cabin at the same time: from using compact corner models to non-standard ones in shape. In smaller rooms, the choice is tougher, because here you want to place a washbasin, small storage systems, and a washing machine.

In case of doubt which is better: a bath or a shower, consumer reviews will help you decide. Experienced owners are advised to pay attention to the following points:

  • When the family does not like to lie in the bath for a long time, the cabin is the best way to save space.
  • If someone from the household does not want to be limited to a shower, leave the bath, but equip it with side walls that protect the room from splashes.
  • When buying, it is better to choose not cheap Chinese showers and with fewer options (radio, the ability to answer phone calls, etc.). As with expensive smartphones, most of us use only a few basic features and don't want to overpay for the frills.

  • For a couple with small children or pets who need to bathe regularly, a bath is more suitable. Or a spacious shower cabin equipped with a high tray.
  • Installing a bathtub is easier than connecting a modern multifunctional shower structure.

  • You can't wash your bike in the cabin. It seems like a joke, but this is a real message on one of the forums where they compared which is better to choose - a bath or a shower.
  • After installing the cabin, already in the first months, the owners note a decrease in water consumption.
  • Some low-quality models of cabins have to be additionally sealed at the joints, because. Over time, water begins to seep in.
  • The standard cabin size of 900x900 mm may not be suitable for people with a large build.

Compromise solutions

A simple and affordable option to combine a bathtub and a shower cabin without significant alterations and repairs is to install glass or plastic curtains (stationary or sliding) on ​​the bath body. If you run them for the entire length of the bowl, the tight closure of the panels will make the internal volume airtight, by analogy with a closed cabin. This option is beneficial for small bathrooms.

If in a dilemma: which is better, a bathroom or a shower cabin, it is impossible to determine the winner, and the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room allows you to connect both types of plumbing equipment - this is an advantageous balance of functionality and comfort. There will be a mood to soak in hot water - please, in the bath. I want to quickly put myself in order - a shower is at your service.

Models of a bath combined with a shower column combine the advantages of each device and allow the most useful use of space. True, and this option is much more expensive.

The choice of a bathtub or a shower cabin is influenced by many factors: the size of the bathroom, budget, personal preferences, composition and lifestyle of family members. When buying plumbing, the main criteria, in addition to price, should be the functional equipment of the model, the material of manufacture, as well as the reputation of the manufacturer and the seller's guarantee. Then the product, whether it is a shower box or a bath, will last a long time and without problems.

Video - beautiful baths and showers in interiors

When planning a bathroom renovation, you will certainly face this question. Showers - both a corner and a cabin - are an excellent replacement or addition to a traditional bath. Both seemingly almost similar options actually have a considerable number of differences and nuances that can easily be confusing. Therefore, here we will talk about what shower cabins and shower enclosures are, whether they need a tray, what functions you can count on and what to choose after all.

What you need to know when buying a shower cabin

This device is a completely closed space for water procedures. They have a pallet, walls on all four (sometimes five) sides, and most often a roof. The filling of the design can consist of both a minimum set - an overhead and side shower, and contain additional functions. The most popular of them are hydromassage, Turkish bath, lighting and radio.

  1. A good cabin with high-quality plumbing will cost a lot in itself. A large set of features will increase the price. If you want to save money and buy a device with bells and whistles, be prepared for the fact that a cheap shower cabin is unlikely to last long. And it will probably break often.
  2. Hydromassage today is included in the minimum package for almost all firms. But here the rule is the same: in cheap models, nozzles quickly fail.
  3. Additional functions such as a steam generator require very soft water. When buying such a model, in most cases you will need to install good water filters.
  4. Built-in ventilation will be very useful. One will greatly facilitate the care of the device. Although this does not mean that the cabin can not be ventilated at all.

Shower cubicle with bathtub?

Now let's talk about the pallet. Most often, it is already included in the kit, and the price, respectively, is indicated with it. They differ in height.

  1. Low - 15 cm. Such a pallet will be convenient for the elderly, who find it difficult to raise their legs high.
  2. Medium - from 15 to 35 cm. If there is a small child in the house who needs to be bathed, such a pallet will be very convenient. It is not too high, but at the same time it allows you to collect a little water so that the children are more comfortable.
  3. High - everything above 35 cm. In such shower cabins, you can safely take a bath if necessary, and the tray itself is often equipped with a seat.

The choice of pallet height is purely a matter of taste and needs. If the cabin is planned to be installed instead of a bath, it makes sense to take a high pallet. In an apartment for the elderly, on the contrary, it is better to set a low one.

Other nuances

The assembly and installation of the shower cabin is quite simple. In addition, the cabin does not require a special waterproof wall finish. But it will be difficult to fit the space shower design into a classic interior. Therefore, in the latter case, it is better to give preference to a regular bath or shower enclosure.

Advantages of a shower cabin

  • Complete set of plumbing. There is no need to match the individual parts to each other.
  • There are no requirements for interior decoration. Since the cabin is completely sealed, moisture will not get on the walls and floor.
  • It can be placed, in general, in any place to which water is supplied.


  • The same ready-made plumbing kit may not be to everyone's taste. Sometimes one or two functions are not in demand, but you still have to pay for them. At the same time, adding a new element to a finished cabin is problematic. Therefore, you have to choose among ready-made sets.
  • Large dimensions. The size is calculated by the outer perimeter, so there will be less space inside. As a result, the cabin itself takes up more space than will be available for water procedures, and looks bulky.
  • The service life is 10-20 years, after which the cab will most likely have to be changed. Repair and replacement of components is a complex and troublesome job, often costing as much as purchasing a new model.

Popular models of the manufacturer

Shower corner - room for imagination

  • Unlike the cabin, the corner is just two partitions with doors. They are installed both on the pallet and on the floor. Everything depends on your desire. If you're leaning towards this bathroom design, there are a few things to keep in mind.
  • Almost all manufacturers of shower enclosures list the price excluding the pallet. Also, plumbing is not included. Therefore, when planning a purchase, consider the cost of acquiring them.
  • On the other hand, it gives vent to fantasy and allows you to more accurately adjust to your desires. From plumbing, you can purchase only what you really need, without overpaying for unnecessary functions.
  • This option allows only a low pallet (15 cm). Therefore, a bathtub with a shower corner cannot be combined in any way.
  • Installation will require very skilled hands. It will be necessary to maintain the level and prevent curvature, otherwise the design will not be able to provide tightness. This, in turn, requires very good surface leveling in your bathroom.
  • Since the walls and floor are not protected by anything, it is necessary to properly fill them up and think over the issue of protection against moisture, so that you do not have to deal with mold later.
  • We recommend that you think about the issue of draining water in advance. The easiest way to solve this problem is with a pallet. Alternatively, you can build a low podium and organize a drain in it. Or “drown” it in the floor, piercing it to the required depth.

A shower enclosure with or without a tray can be integrated into any design. It looks very light, does not catch the eye and does not load the space. It also allows you to arrange a shower space exactly the way you want, without limiting your choice.

Materials for shower cabins and corners

Despite the difference in design, both corners and cabins are made from the same materials. What are they and how to choose good ones?

doors made from tempered glass. This allows you to make them more durable to household shocks. But don't count on them to withstand a hammer or sledgehammer test. True, in this case they will crumble not with sharp fragments, so that you do not inadvertently get hurt.

Modern manufacturers offer you glass options in 4 mm, 6 mm and 7-8 mm. 4 mm is considered standard, 6 mm has increased strength, and 7-8 mm is rather just a way to increase the price. In practice, 6mm glass is already quite durable and will last you all 30+ years.

European manufacturers often cover it with a protective layer that fills in all the bumps and roughness on the glass surface. This makes cleaning easier and increases the service life. True, only if you do not use hard sponges and abrasive detergents.

opening mechanism may be different. The most simple and budget - sliding. They do not take up extra space, they are easy to manufacture. Another option is swing doors. But when choosing this design, you need to understand that in small baths they are more likely to create inconvenience, knocking on the walls, washing machine and furniture.

In some models, you can find doors that fold like an accordion. In general, it is also quite a convenient option. But you will find it only in premium models, since the design itself is very expensive.

The most common pallets- acrylic. It is lightweight and hygienic material, it is very easy to clean. The disadvantages include low strength: with average use, such a pallet can serve you for ten years. With intensive - for example, if you like to take a shower in the morning and in the evening, and there are three people in your apartment - expect somewhere around 2-3 years of operation.

Recently, artificial marble products have appeared on the market. They are more expensive, heavier, but much stronger. Marble pallets are most often found in European manufacturers.

Size and shape

First of all, these two parameters are dictated, of course, by the conditions of your bathroom. But for comfortable use, we still advise you to adhere to the basic rules of choice.

  • The standard size is a shower enclosure or a 90x90 cm cabin. A more compact version of 80x80 cm will force you to make some room. Especially if you want to equip everything with shelves. If 80 cm is required only on one side, you can get out of the situation by lengthening the other and taking a model of 80x100 cm or 80x120 cm.
  • Semicircular models in small baths will look much better and will “eat up” less space. Even if you take an oblong size, for a compact bathroom it is better to opt for a rounded shape. Pentagonal models can look very tempting, but in reality they can be very difficult to fit into a quadrangular room. Think carefully about the design of your bathroom if you are leaning towards buying such a shower enclosure.
  • Remember that the size of the cabin is indicated on the outer perimeter, and in fact there will be a little less space in it. In general, for small rooms it is recommended to take a shower corner.

Otherwise, feel free to focus on your preferences and needs. Most importantly, remember that one of the tasks of both the corner and the cabin is to provide you with comfort during water procedures.

Instead of output

In fact, both options for arranging a place to take a shower are so different that it is very difficult to say unambiguously which one is better. Rather, it is a matter of preferences and priorities. You can argue for a long time, pointing out the advantages and disadvantages of both. But it all depends on what point of view you look at. If you do not want to bother with the installation, the selection of everything you need - take a shower. If you want to equip everything for yourself in the first place - choose a corner.

We tried to give both the pros and cons of both options. You just have to choose the most suitable for you.

Price shower cabin shower corner

up to 10,000 rubles

it is difficult to find a cabin at such a cost, but among the shower enclosures you can choose a very good option

from 10,000 to 15,000 rubles

for this price you can find a simple cabin with a minimum set of functions. But the corner for these can be purchased more spacious, with thick glass and even various patterns on it.

from 15,000 to 20,000 rubles

In this price range, showers become a little more spacious, hydromassage is added to the functions. Corners for such a cost can be found complete with a pallet or you can buy a simple model of very famous European brands

from 20 000 rub

having an amount of 20-30 thousand rubles, you can buy a well-equipped cabin of a conventional brand or a well-known basic equipment. If you are ready to spend more than 30,000, you can count on the European quality all-inclusive model. Corners with such a budget, you can choose all stripes and colors.

During repairs in the bathroom, especially if the room is not spacious, almost every apartment owner thinks about whether to leave the bath or replace it with a comfortable booth in order to quickly take a shower and be able to squeeze another washing machine, water heater or some other object into the room, on which now there is not enough space. We decided to compare these two popular plumbing fixtures to help you choose.

Comparison in the table

Each type of plumbing has its advantages, as well as certain disadvantages. Let's compare them according to the most important parameters:



shower cabin


Even a small bath takes up quite a lot of space.

Allows you to save room space, as it is smaller in size

Water consumption

Large enough - at least 200 liters per bath

Very economical - an average of 40-50 liters per shower

Electricity consumption

Soaking in the bath, you spend more electricity

Since the shower is a fairly quick procedure, the light consumption will be 5-8% less

Consumption of household chemicals

Bathtub needs more chemicals

Due to the smaller area of ​​​​the tray (2-5 times), less cleaning products will be consumed

Time spent

To take a bath, you have to wait for some time for the water to fill the device

You can take a shower almost immediately, as soon as the water is turned on.

Impact on the body

Soothes and relaxes

Invigorates and tones

Comfort in use

You can relax your muscles in warm water, arrange aromatherapy, take a bath with salt, herbal decoctions, do air massage

Depending on the cabin model, hydromassage, rain shower and other additional options are available.


The risk of slipping when getting out of the bath will be greater

The minimum risk of injury, therefore, is more often acquired by families with the elderly (it is easy to cross the side, you can put a seat inside)

Contraindications for use

Contrasting procedures cannot be performed for colds and cardiovascular pathologies, and there are no contraindications for washing with warm water

Duration of water procedures

A hot bath should not last longer than 15 minutes, a warm bath should not last longer than half an hour.

No duration restrictions

Efficiency in removing contaminants from the body

Due to prolonged exposure to warm water, it is much easier to remove dirt and sweat from the body.

Effort is needed to remove strong impurities from the body.


Cleaning is fairly easy as the footprint of the device is smaller

Cleaning is more complicated and time consuming, you have to wash the booth after each use

Difficulty of installation

Pretty easy to install

Specialists will install a booth in 3-5 hours, depending on the dimensions of your bathroom, and self-assembly will take 1-2 days

As for the cost, you should compare devices with similar characteristics. In terms of quality and price, a good shower cabin and a quality bath will be approximately on the same level. Manufacturers seek to reduce prices (since competition is high), as well as offer various additional features.

Hydrobox - combine bath and shower

If it is very difficult to make a choice, you can resort to an alternative that allows you to take the best from each plumbing fixture. This is especially convenient if some family members like to soak in the bath, while others do not want to spend time on water procedures, so they prefer a shower. Also, the combined device is suitable for families with a small child, as it allows you to bathe the baby. In addition, modern hydroboxes have many additional options that allow you to get the most out of any water treatment.

When arranging a bathroom of a small area, doubts often arise when choosing plumbing fixtures. The owner needs them to be comfortable, practical, beautiful and at the same time take up little space. Most often, you have to choose between a shower and a bath. In the first case, the owner of the premises gets the opportunity to save space, and in the second - the usual comfort. Both arrangement options have their advantages.

Where to stop? Which is better - a bath or a shower? What criteria should be followed when choosing plumbing? To find out, you need to prioritize and match your wishes with the available functions of both types of devices.

When choosing between a bathtub and a shower stall, two-thirds of buyers prefer the first option. This is due to the relatively recent appearance of shower stalls on the market.

Most people still choose familiar plumbing. And yet, cabins have their own undeniable advantages:

  • saving space (plumbing takes up less space in the bathroom);
  • rational and targeted water consumption (to wash, it is not necessary to take a bath);
  • additional functions (you can take a shower with hydromassage and listen to the radio at the same time);
  • tightness (cabins are tightly closed, and no matter how water splashes, it does not fall on the floor of the room);
  • ease of use (there is enough space for any hygiene procedures, nothing hinders movement);
  • saving time on hygiene (you don’t have to wait until the bath is full to start bathing, you just need to turn on the shower).

With all the advantages, showers are not suitable for hand washing. It is difficult to wash pets in them. They are completely unsuitable for bathing young children, while in a familiar bath this is possible using special devices. Also, the high cost can be attributed to the disadvantages.

Shower cabins can be equipped with scented steam generators, different types of lights, work in tropical rain, Turkish bath or hydromassage modes. There are models with a sharko shower

Even the most modest shower stalls often cost more than conventional bathtubs without additional features. In addition, lovers of relaxation in warm water with herbs, infusions and foam will not be able to get the usual pleasures.

What functions can be equipped with shower cabins, you will learn from the video:

Baths also have their advantages. Warm water well relaxes the muscles, relieves tension, soothes. Modern hot tubs are a real find for connoisseurs of such relaxation. The familiar plumbing fixture has also become a "physiotherapy room" for many people.

Some models of modern baths are high-tech plumbing fixtures that combine many functions, are controlled by a computer, are equipped with shower sets and operate on a conventional 220 W power supply.

A warm bath is an excellent remedy for stress, neurosis, and fatigue. Compared to a shower, a bathtub is easier to clean, which for many buyers becomes a decisive factor when choosing. The owner can always purchase plastic curtains and provide the same tightness as shower stalls.

Choosing the right shower

Shower cabins are called special plumbing fixtures designed for hygiene procedures. They are structures of three walls, a door and a pallet. Models are very different - from simple prefabricated without rear walls and ceilings to polyfunctional monoblock systems with computer control. The former are also called shower enclosures and are installed so that the walls of the bathroom serve as walls.

And the latter are very easy to install and are hermetically sealed, fully equipped with everything you need “rooms”. The cost depends on the type of construction and the number of functions.

The shapes and sizes of shower enclosures can vary greatly. They are selected depending on the place where it is planned to install. So, rectangular structures can be mounted against the walls, corner ones - in the corner, and round, oval and polygonal booths are usually installed in spacious bathrooms next to the walls. The minimum size of the plumbing fixture is 800x800x2050 mm. Compact cubicles fit perfectly into bathrooms of any size.

There are much larger models. They are chosen for spacious rooms. When buying, you should definitely make sure that the future owner and his family members will not be crowded, because. the inner size of the booths is 6-7 cm smaller than the outer one.

A shower enclosure is the simplest type of cubicle. Usually the corners are equipped with pallets, but there are models without them. Such structures are placed directly on the floor, but for an apartment in a high-rise building this is not the best option, because. there is always a risk of flooding neighbors

Important functional features

Some of the features that shower cabins can have are not able to provide even the most modern bath models. For example, these:

  • rain shower. The essence of the technology lies in the separation of water jets into small splashes. A person under such a shower feels like under a warm summer rain. Gentle touches of small drops relax well. This is an excellent procedure for those who want to tune in to rest.
  • Turkish sauna. The function is provided in models equipped with steam generators. The system supplies steam to the cabin at a temperature of 45-60 degrees. This contributes to the opening of pores, the removal of toxins and toxins from the body. Like a regular bath, the steam generator has a positive effect on the immune system, stimulates lymph flow and blood circulation. After sweating, a person gets a feeling of lightness throughout the body.
  • aromatherapy. The function is available in models that can work in Turkish bath and rain shower modes. This is possible thanks to the placement of a special container for oils and balms on the wall of the shower. Drops of water or steam pass through the container, are saturated with aromas and useful substances, and then are fed into the interior of the shower.
  • Ventilation. Steam and small splashes of water create increased humidity inside the plumbing fixture. For uniform distribution of moisture, ventilation, a ventilation system is used.
  • Vertical hydromassage. There are bath models that are equipped with a hydromassage function, but this effect is of a slightly different type. In the showers, rotary nozzles are placed, from which jets of water mixed with air beat. If desired, you can massage not the whole body, but certain areas. Hydromassage perfectly relaxes, relieves fatigue and stress.
  • Horizontal hydromassage. This feature is very similar to the hydromassage baths can provide. It is provided in combined cabins, which manufacturers position as home SPA centers for domestic use. Such models are expensive, but their capabilities are very extensive.
  • Illumination (chromotherapy). Lights are built into the upper part of the shower cabins, which are capable of giving both ordinary soft light and colored light. Thanks to the backlight, the water jets are colored in different tones, creating unique color and light effects. Chromotherapy perfectly relaxes or tones, depending on the settings of the system.

In addition to all of the above, contrast showers are especially popular. The system adjusts itself automatically and delivers jets of either cold or hot water in turn.

A contrast shower is considered one of the most useful hygiene procedures, because. invigorates, tempers, tones the whole body.

A steam generator is a device that converts water into steam. The temperature of the steam is sufficient to expand the pores and relax the body, but not to burn. Cabins with steam generators are absolutely safe. To prevent heated steam from accumulating under the cabin ceiling, exhaust fans work. Phytocontainers for herbs and oils are used to create therapeutic steam.

The vertical hydromassage function can work in 4 different modes. It can be controlled from the electronic panel. The operation of the system is provided by magnetic valves. Including vertical hydromassage, you can stand or sit. The healing effect of this does not change

What to look for when buying?

Having decided on the desired functionality of the shower stall, you can start choosing the model of the desired class. In order for it to serve for many years, special attention should be paid to the pallet. It must withstand the upcoming loads without any problems, without bending under the weight of bathing people.

In this case, the shape, material and external anti-slip coating are important. It is better to choose a pallet that is compact, but capacious. As for the material, the choice here depends on personal preferences. They all have their own pros and cons:

  • Faience. The material is durable, hygienic and easy to care for, but can easily shatter if a heavy object is dropped on it.
  • A rock- artificial and natural. Pallets made of stone are almost eternal and look status. The material is very expensive, used for elite designer models.
  • Steel. Pallets differ from steel baths only in shape. The advantages and disadvantages are the same. Products are covered with glossy enamels. They are beautiful, but short-lived, and drops falling on the surface make a loud sound.
  • Acrylic. The material is very practical, durable, easy to clean. The disadvantage is poor stability due to low weight. Acrylic pallets are mounted on special frames to increase the rigidity of the structure.

As for the design of the doors (curtains), they can be single- and double-leaf hinged and sliding. The first ones open in the same way as any door. This is convenient, but at the same time, the open door takes up space in the bathroom. For a small area, it is better to choose a model with sliding doors.

They can be designed for 2, 3, 4, 6 wings, which are closed using a magnetic mechanism. When buying, you need to make sure that the doors open smoothly, silently, and the mechanism does not jam.

Shower trays differ not only in material and shape, but also in depth. Dimensions should be selected depending on the functionality of the model. Deep trays can be used as mini-baths, but be aware that older people may have difficulty entering the cabin

On expensive models, manufacturers install tempered glass curtains. Budget cabins are equipped with doors made of polystyrene and plexiglass. Glass is the choice of people who intend to use the booth for many years. It does not change its appearance and technical and operational properties throughout the entire service life.

Plastic doors may become cloudy, lose transparency. However, such models are cheaper, so they are always in demand. So that the changes are not noticeable, many buyers choose shower stalls with matte, tinted or rough curtains.

Most models of showers are equipped with sliding doors. They are convenient, do not take up extra space, provide complete tightness. When buying, be sure to pay attention to the presence and quality of the seal. The hydro and sound insulation of the shower cubicle depends on this.

Our compatriots most often buy models of such brands: Eurosun, Pegas, Hyber, Ammari, Attoll, MidoceanTeuco, Niagara, Glass, Coliseum, Tarim, Movida, Avanta, Appollo, Fituche, Eago, Gruppo Treesse, Jacuzzi. The products of these companies can be trusted. And the video below will tell you about the types of shower cabins, the features of their designs, and the selection criteria:

Secrets of choosing a modern bath

If we are talking about buying an ordinary bath without additional functions, then the selection criteria are simple and clear: material, manufacturer, price. But this plumbing in terms of capabilities cannot be compared with a multifunctional shower stall.

What do modern manufacturers offer? Sophisticated plumbing fixtures with hydromassage. They consist not only of the case, but also of high-tech electronic and mechanical "stuffing":

  • pump;
  • air compressor;
  • nozzles;
  • tubes for water and air supply;
  • disinfection system;
  • devices for chromotherapy;
  • containers and devices for aromatherapy.

In terms of functionality, such models are not inferior to the best showers. The systems are controlled by means of a touch or pneumatic panel, with which you can set the program of procedures. The control unit manages all processes without further human involvement.

The system reports all the information about the water temperature, pressure, the set program and the time of its execution. Depending on the available functions, the number of nozzles in the model varies.

Depending on the model of the bath, the jets can be used both for general massage and for individual parts of the body - back, arms, legs. There are baths with ozone therapy, light music and other additional options.

The procedures in the hot tubs are not only pleasant, but also very useful. During the massage, all muscles and joints are warmed up, the body becomes flexible. Acceleration of metabolism contributes to weight loss and rejuvenation, splitting of cellulite tubercles.

After the massage, the skin and muscles are in good shape, look good, mobility returns to the limbs, which were previously constrained by spasms. Hydromassage strengthens blood vessels and accelerates blood circulation. However, it also has contraindications: urolithiasis, diseases of the nervous system, oncology, and some infectious diseases.

Some baths look light, almost weightless. Subconsciously, buyers may not trust such models. Completely in vain! They are stable, durable and able to turn an ordinary bath into a full-fledged massage session.

What to choose anyway?

What will be better for you - a bath or a shower? How to solve this issue will tell the expert:

When making a final decision, you must be sure that the purchased plumbing will suit all family members without exception. Therefore, it makes sense to discuss this issue with them. However, it happens that contradictions arise in close-knit families. If they are fundamental, you can always find a compromise by buying both types of plumbing - both a bathtub and a shower stall. The main thing is that everyone is comfortable!
