Toilet in the house in the country with their own hands. Do-it-yourself toilet in the country - drawings and dimensions

On a summer cottage or private plot, the first building should be a toilet. Even if construction is just beginning, then this structure is indispensable. The situation will be more relevant when permanent residence or occasional trips to the country. The best solution would be to arrange outdoor toilet. The construction is not particularly difficult. Anyone can handle the challenge House master. It is about how to equip a street toilet with your own hands that will be discussed further.

Varieties of street toilets

Toilet with cesspool. Most often, a wooden booth or house, under which there is a cesspool. It functions simply. All waste is placed in a pit. The liquid evaporates and soaks into the soil. Dense residues accumulate. They have to be removed from time to time.

play closet. It also has a cesspool. However, it is completely sealed and large sizes. The process of drainage from it is unacceptable. Purification occurs only by pumping with a cesspool machine. Typically, such structures are used for residential premises and install a toilet.

Powder closet. This system does not need arrangement cesspool. Inside the house, a toilet seat is set up, under which a storage container for waste is placed. Peat is located in the immediate vicinity. After each trip to the toilet, excrement is sprinkled with a peat layer. When the container is full, it is simply taken out to the compost heap.

Such an outdoor device has a number of advantages. Compared to a cesspool toilet, it has a simpler design. It can even be placed in a residential area. However, the process of cleaning the waste container is not very pleasant.

Peat dry closet. It is a kind of closet powder, but made in the factory. Looks like a plastic toilet with a cistern. The principle of operation is completely similar to the previous version. Peat is also used for adding sewage. Such dry closets are suitable for outdoor placement and for home use.

chemical toilet. The difference from the previous option will be the use of chemicals instead of peat. They carry out the splitting and deodorization of waste. As a chemical active environment biobacteria can be used. They will even be preferred for cottages. Products of their processing can be removed even to the beds. To that extent they are safe.

Where can you put a toilet?

Dealt with views. Now it’s worth understanding where you can put a toilet in a private house with your own hands. Of course, this section will only deal with pit latrines. This will not apply to powder closets and variations of dry closets, since they will not cause problems with choosing a place. They can be placed anywhere you like.

We talked about in one of the articles. It examined in detail all the nuances of placement. The same rules apply to the cesspool. We recommend that you study them before starting the arrangement of the toilet.

There is no point in repeating them in this article. You can find all this information by clicking on the link. Let's move on to construction issues.

Pit toilet

When making a toilet in a private house with your own hands, you should adhere to the recommended characteristics of the building. So, there is no point in equipping a house that is too big. Extra space is useless, and in winter it will be fresh. On the contrary, too small a building will be inconvenient. That is why the optimal sizes will be the following:

  • Height - from 2 to 2.5 meters;
  • Length - up to 1.5 meters;
  • Width - 1 meter.

In one of the previous articles, we cited. Therefore, if you need a ready-made drafted version, then follow the link and study.

Initial stage and preparation of the pit

The first step will be preparation. At the very beginning, you should think over the project and prepare the site. Immediately it is worth preparing the required materials and tools.

Above, we have already touched on the issue of choosing a place. It should be taken seriously. If you do not think through all the nuances, then you can get a lot of problems. Moving a cesspool is not so easy.

After initial training and choosing a place, you can begin to equip the cesspool. For an outdoor toilet that does not involve continuous use, a pit measuring 1-1.5 m3 is suitable. You can prepare the pit manually or with the involvement of special equipment. However, in any case, the most optimal size will be as follows:

  • Depth - 2 meters;
  • Width - 1.5 meters;
  • Length - 1.5 meters.

In order to strengthen the walls of the pit, you can use boards, old tires, concrete rings or bricks. Alternatively, metal or plastic barrels can be used.

When laying bricks, it is necessary to make reinforcement. Armature is used or reinforced mesh. All seams must be carefully sealed and waterproofed. The cesspool must not leak liquid.

In the general sequence, the technology for arranging a cesspool will look like this:

  • The pit is being dug. It needs to be made 30 centimeters more than the planned cesspool;
  • Clay is laid and rammed to the bottom. Thickness - up to 30 cm. It will be a clay castle. Thanks to him, impurities will not penetrate the soil.
  • The walls and bottom are laid out with brick, stone or boards. The main requirement will be the inability to pass water. At this stage, waterproofing is performed.
  • The gap between the wall and the ground should also be sealed with clay. This is also a castle - external waterproofing.
  • A cover is laid over the hole. Most often, boards with a thickness of 40 millimeters are used. In this overlap, you need to make 2 holes. The first is required for the installation of the toilet seat. The second is for the pumping hatch.
  • Ventilation is in progress.

To eliminate all the laborious work of laying out walls with waterproofing, you can use some suitable container (options above) or a special one - a septic tank. This option will turn out to be 2 times faster.

Building a toilet house

Every toilet needs a cubicle. If you do it yourself, then the easiest way is to build a rectangular structure. The roof is shed. This option requires a minimum amount of time and materials. The entire construction procedure was considered in most detail in the article. .

First of all, you need to make a floor. However, it must be raised above the ground. This is best done with the help of pillars at the corners of the building. It is best to deepen them by 20-30 centimeters. They are made of stones, bricks or concrete. There are special spacers made of concrete, as in the image. However, finding them will be more difficult and more expensive than doing it yourself.

  • Flooring is laid on the poles. Most often wooden. The tree is best treated with protective preparations. It is worth remembering about the aggressive environment.
  • Install vertical supports. For this, a beam of 100x100 mm or more is used. You choose the height yourself, but we have given the recommended values. The front must be done 15 cm higher. This is required to create the roof slope. They are fixed to the base with plates or pieces of bars. Instead of nails, it is better to use self-tapping screws.
  • At the top, the perimeter is also tied with a bar.
  • A beam of 50x100 mm forms a doorway. The width is selected based on the dimensions of the door.
  • The frame is sheathed with boards, plywood or OSB boards.
  • Roofing is being done on the roof. As it can be used the same materials as for sheathing.
  • Is being laid roofing- slate, profiled sheet or soft coating.
  • Doors are being installed.

Toilet without a pit

Without a pit, creating an outdoor toilet for a summer residence on your own is much easier and faster. In the options considered, you saw that all waste is collected in containers. Accordingly, for location on the street, you only need to build a suitable booth. You saw the technology for building a cubicle for an outdoor toilet. Therefore, for a toilet without a cesspool, it can be built in the same way.

Such toilets have significant advantages:

  • No need to dig a hole, seal it.
  • There is no need for regular pumping or cleaning.
  • Waste after processing can be used as fertilizer.

However, factory toilets have their drawbacks:

  • Factory toilets are expensive.
  • You will need to replace the container from time to time.
  • It is necessary to observe the means of neutralization.

Despite certain shortcomings, modern dry closets are gaining more and more popularity. Of course, the possibility of indoor use can outweigh all the disadvantages. At the time of buying similar device you do not need to be puzzled by the arrangement of an outdoor toilet at all, and the problem will be solved easily and simply.

Lavatory on suburban area allows you to work without distraction. And you don’t want to go home just to get into the toilet - you can put dirt on the floor. Therefore, one cannot do without a restroom located in the garden. But how and from what to make it? There are rules in building a wooden toilet.

Features of a wooden structure

Summer residents prefer to build a toilet from boards on their site. It is a latrine with a cesspool (backlash-closet) or a structure where a container for biological waste (powder-closet) is used instead of a pit. Both types of toilet are very convenient, but the powder closet needs to be cleaned much more frequently.

It is worth stopping at a backlash closet for a summer resident who has a large family who constantly works on the site. A powder closet is suitable for two or those who spend not so many days a year in the country. In this case, a special container for collecting biowaste will need to be emptied no more than once a month.

This restroom is made of planks

Wooden restroom enjoys in great demand than plastic or metal. A toilet made of wood has a lot of advantages, however, there are also disadvantages.


  • The wooden structure looks beautiful and, most importantly, is combined with nature. It becomes more original after painting;
  • A minimum of finance is spent on the construction;
  • It is operated for a long time if it is processed once a year and periodically cleaned;
  • Wood masks unwanted odors and smells pleasantly like a forest at first;
  • When the life of a wooden toilet is over, it can be taken apart and burned in an oven.


  • Wood is a material susceptible to fire. To avoid unexpected fire, you can cover the boards with a heat-resistant agent;
  • The wood gradually becomes damp and rots, which can be prevented by treating it with a special preparation;
  • Over time, the wooden structure deteriorates, because bugs start up in it. So that they do not eat wood, the toilet will have to be treated with a pesticide.

Preparation for construction

First of all, they make a drawing of the future structure, that is, a wooden cabin with a cesspool under it. A toilet schematically depicted on paper will greatly simplify the assembly of the restroom frame.

Drawings and correct dimensions

A summer resident can use ready-made drawings of a wooden toilet. He will only need to thoroughly study them and strictly follow the recommendations. Otherwise, the design may turn out to be twisted and sloppy.

Among all types of outdoor toilets, the most common is the "birdhouse", the shape of which is a rectangle. Unlike the "hut", it requires less skill in construction.

View of the toilet from different sides

Toilet frame and interior decoration

A latrine in the form of a "birdhouse" is usually built 2.3 meters high. Standard Width this design - one meter. And for the length wooden toilet less stringent requirements are imposed, it can vary from one to one and a half meters. But if you wish, you can slightly increase all other indicated sizes.

Required materials and tools

For the construction of the toilet, materials will be needed in a certain amount. According to calculations, only for the construction of a cesspool, the summer resident will have to prepare in advance:

  • 4–6 iron concrete rings or a metal barrel;
  • 0.25 m3 sand;
  • bag of cement;
  • 2 buckets of rubble.

When creating the base and booth, you will need the following:

  • 4 concrete blocks;
  • 2 m2 roofing material;
  • 2 buckets of sand;
  • 3 six meters edged boards size 100 mm/ 50 mm;
  • 3 six-meter floor boards 9 mm thick;
  • Edged board 25 mm (6 meters long);
  • Wooden six-meter beam 0.05 / 0.05 m;
  • Reinforcement cuttings of 0.5 meters;
  • Galvanized meter sheet.

The top of the booth will need to be covered with 8-wave asbestos-cement slate, of course, painted.

The building can be sheathed with clapboard made of needles (length - 3 meters, width - 87 mm). The lining will take 4 packs of material.

The assembly of the frame must be carried out using nails 1.2 cm long, 70 mm, 40 mm and 100 mm long (for slate) and self-tapping screws 70 mm long.

A summer resident who plans to independently build an outdoor toilet with a “podium” and a window needs to purchase additional materials and items:

  • Sedushku;
  • Glass 0.5 / 0.1 m, galvanized hinges and bead (1.5 meters) for the window.

The door is constructed from a block with dimensions of 0.9 m / 2 m. To frame it, you need 5 running meters clypeus. You will also need to purchase hinges, door handles and a latch in advance.

To work with wood materials, you need to arm yourself with a hacksaw, planer, hammer and screwdriver. And when creating a cesspool, you will need a shovel.

Instructions for building a simple wooden toilet

  1. looking for appropriate place for the location of the toilet. According to the rules, it should stand 25-30 meters from the ground water. If it is impossible to maintain the sounded distance, then the summer resident needs to immerse a sealed container in the cesspool so that biowaste does not seep into the ground.
  2. Take a shovel and make a hole in the ground. There are no special requirements for its size, but it should slightly go beyond the walls of the toilet or be strictly under it. It is advisable to put tires on the bottom and walls. However, instead, a metal barrel with a volume of 200 liters can be lowered into the pit. The container immersed in the ground must be filled up on the sides, and the soil around must be tamped. Not a bad replacement metal barrel- special containers made of plastic, reinforced with metal ribs.

    Installation of a container for collecting biowaste

  3. At the corners of the skids of the future restroom they put concrete blocks. The foundation with "pillars" is covered with roofing material for waterproofing.

    Creating a foundation from blocks and boards

  4. They begin to create a base: skids are made from the bars, and then they are connected and placed on a ready-made platform. The boards must be covered with an antiseptic.
  5. Floor coverings are laid on the runners. So that cold air does not enter from below during the operation of the toilet, the floorboards are sheathed with OSB sheets on the reverse side. Between the boards put heat-retaining material, that is, foam. Attached to the floor again OSB sheets. At this stage, a round hole is created in the floorboards for the drainage of feces.

    Here they made a square hole in the floor

  6. The walls of the restroom are assembled from boards 100x50 mm, using nails and self-tapping screws. The wall frames are fixed to the platform using the same self-tapping screws, as well as corners.

    Frame construction

  7. Start building the carrier system pitched roof. Notches are sawn in the rafters, and then they are installed on the top board of the gable and side walls. Then they are nailed. OSB sheets are placed on top of the structure, that is, under the roof, laying insulation between them, and a material that protects against moisture penetration. Lastly, slate is attached to the top.
  8. Make a door. To make it strong, it is pulled diagonally with two bars. The door is sheathed in the same way as the walls of the restroom. After that, hinges, handles and a latch are attached to it.

Completely finished restroom

Do I need to sheathe a country toilet inside and out?

Finishing the country restroom inside is not necessary. But if the summer resident is not too lazy and sheathes the walls, floor and ceiling of the toilet, then the structure will last much longer. As a material for interior decoration of the restroom, you can use:

  • Styrofoam sheets that are attached to the walls tightly to each other, providing insulation from wind and moisture;
  • A film stretched over supports slightly separated from external walls. It serves as a barrier to the penetration of cold air into the room;
  • Ordinary or decorative edged boards that lay out all the walls inside the toilet;
  • Lining, that is, the most aesthetic material for decoration.

If you took on interior decoration restroom, then do not forget about outer skin. Covering the outside of the toilet is a guarantee of its long service life, despite the effects of precipitation, low temperatures and winds. External protection material wooden structure restroom can be:

  • Drywall;
  • Siding;
  • plastic panel;
  • Metal profile.

Wooden toilet in the country correct solution, because it fits perfectly into the rural landscape and does not require large expenses. Usually summer residents build it in the form of a "birdhouse" with a height of more than two meters. If desired, you can extend the life of such a toilet by completing the internal and exterior finish clapboard and siding, respectively.

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Everyone knows that comfortable rest in the country is possible only if there is a well-equipped sanitary facility. It is for this reason that the arrangement of a site in a country house most often begins with the construction of an outhouse, for which it is extremely important to choose the right location and materials. IN this material we will look at how to build a country toilet with your own hands. Photos, drawings and detailed instructions attached.

A well-equipped closet is the key to a comfortable pastime outside the city

The right place is the key to the successful construction of a sanitary facility, its durability and strength.

Useful advice! Before building a toilet, be sure to carefully study the recommendations for choosing a place. The durability and convenience of the design largely depends on this.

Before starting construction, pay attention to the following points:

  • On the drawing of your site, mark the places located at least 8 meters from the well with water, 7 from the house and 1 from the fence. This will be best options for construction.

  • The next point to pay attention to is the height of the site. An excellent option for building is a lowland.
  • The soil on which the toilet will be built should not be very wet.
  • Wind direction is one of the most important indicators to consider. We must try to ensure that the prevailing direction is not directed towards residential premises.
  • Another important point: a shadow, which in the case of a country toilet should not be constant, just as the location of the structure in the sun is unacceptable. The best way out of this situation would be to build a toilet under a tree that casts a shadow only in certain time day.
  • If construction is planned for long time, it is necessary to provide a convenient entrance for the sewer truck in order to clean the cesspool in time.
Important information! In no case do not build a toilet on the site of an old destroyed closet or garbage pit - this can be dangerous in further operation!

Do-it-yourself country toilet: photos, drawings of various types

There is a whole host of different types country toilet facilities. As a rule, they do not require water supply or sewage, and some of the options presented can be bought at all in the usual hardware store. So, now we will analyze the options for building a country toilet with our own hands with photos and drawings.

Standard sanitary room

Such a design looks like the most common cabin with a seat or just a hole in the floor, often made of boards or other available material, which is additionally strengthened in the walls and foundation. A sewer machine is used to remove waste.

Related article:

Powder toilet

This building differs from the rest in the absence of a cesspool, as it uses the "dusting" technology. After each visit to the latrine, the waste is sprinkled with a mixture of peat or ordinary ash, and the resulting substance is great for fertilizing the soil.

Chemical sanitary room

Such a toilet differs from the previous one in that only chemical substances, which means that it will not work to get fertilizer for your site in this way.

backlash toilet

The construction of such a building consists in the partial deepening of a cesspool under a residential building, due to which the toilet is built right next to the wall. The toilet hole is connected to it with the help of sewer pipe small size. Waste is pumped out through the installation of a sealed hatch.

dry closet

This design is manufactured at the factory, comes to customers already in ready-made and serves as a great alternative to a country toilet with your own hands. Photos, drawings and other materials are presented below. The dry closet is a cabin in which a waste tank is installed. After each trip to the closet, waste products are neutralized with the help of special bioreagent substances.

Closet peat type

Due to its unique design, such a toilet combines the features of dry closets and "powder" technologies. Thus, all waste processed in this building and accumulated in a separate container can be used as natural fertilizer.

Related article:

So we took everything apart existing species closets, each of which has its own advantages and disadvantages of use. But it is up to you to decide which one is suitable for the device on your site.

Now we will analyze how to build a toilet in the country with our own hands. Drawings, dimensions and calculations must be prepared in advance, and we will help you with this.

Competent understandable drawing is the key to a successful business

How to build a toilet in the country with your own hands in stages: video and practical guide

If you nevertheless decide to build a toilet in the country with your own hands, the drawings and dimensions of which are presented below, it is important to take into account all the nuances and little things.

The construction sequence is as follows:

  • According to the above rules for finding the optimal place for the construction of a closet, select the most appropriate option.
  • The marking of the future building is being carried out, a hole is dug with a depth of two meters, a width of one and a half meters.
  • If the soil is loose or wet, the bottom of the pit is sprinkled with crushed stone or gravel, laid out with brickwork.
  • The foundation is being installed - tape or columnar, depending on your requirements and requests.
  • A frame is being erected from wood or any other materials, which is subsequently sheathed with corrugated board, boards and other coatings. The roof is covered.
  • If necessary, the room is insulated from the inside.
Useful information! The liquid part of the waste should be well absorbed into the soil.

So, we learned how to build a toilet in the country with our own hands. The video is below:

We make a toilet in the country with our own hands: drawings, sizes of the most popular options

It is important to remember that with proper skill and careful study of materials, it is quite easy to build a toilet with your own hands. Various photos, drawings and videos will help you with this.


The frame of the future building is made of bars measuring 10x5 cm, which are installed according to the drawing on the skids.

Useful advice! It is necessary to ensure that the bars are carefully treated with an antiseptic, as they come into contact with the pit and the waste located in it.


If wood paneling is planned, then the same beams are used as in the construction of the frame, which are attached to the base with nails. It is important not to forget to make special windows for ventilation and lighting in the daytime.


Building a roof is not a difficult task: any roofing materials available to you are used for this.

Drawing conclusions

So, we see that when proper preparation to build a country toilet with your own hands, the photo, the drawings of which are presented above, is quite simple. The key to the success of any of your construction undertakings is a responsible approach!

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The first building that every summer resident thinks about is a toilet. And here there are a number of questions that need to be addressed. First of all, you need to decide on the type of toilet, because there are many of them. Special attention deserves author's projects, which are distinguished by an unusual design and design.

In fact, when creating a country toilet with your own hands, you yourself can become an architect and develop a unique project that is ideal for your conditions. However, there are rules that it is desirable to follow. This guarantees a long service life of the structure.

When creating a country toilet with your own hands, you need to take into account the possible frequency of use, the number of family members and the length of stay. The last parameter is of particular importance. The point is that most country houses used periodically. You enter them only on weekends, and even then summer period. Naturally, in this case, it is pointless to install a structure that is designed for continuous use and ultra-high loads.

Special attention when building a country toilet with your own hands, you need to pay attention to the level of groundwater. If it exceeds the mark of 2.5 meters, then it is impossible to dig a cesspool.

What are the types of toilets

Before you start building with your own hands, you need to find out what they are, in general. The first type are structures based on a cesspool. This is the simplest and fast way bathroom buildings. But even here there are subtleties that you need to know about.

Firstly, in such a toilet, proper waterproofing is necessary. It will prevent spontaneous drainage into groundwater. Secondly, you need to think about cleaning in advance. For this, it is best to use a sewer machine.

Biotoilets are very popular now. They are of three types:

  • chemical,
  • peat,
  • electrical.

Their main advantage is ease of installation. Such a country toilet can be installed by anyone without special knowledge. The main thing is to connect the drain in the case of a peat toilet.

A dry closet can be placed both inside the house and made for it. special room. The features of building a country toilet with your own hands will be discussed further. The most important thing is to choose the right model. When choosing, you need to consider how many people will use the restroom and how often.

There are models of a country toilet with a tank of 100-150 liters, however, their price is appropriate. You will have to pay at least 15-20 thousand. But you can clean such a dry closet 1-2 times a year.

If you visit the dacha once a week, and completely close all the rooms for the winter, you can buy a bathroom for 5-6 thousand rubles. For a family of three, this will be more than enough.

Important ! Dry closets are indispensable when building a house.

When a house and all the main construction works finished, it is worth taking care of creating a capital country toilet with your own hands, namely a septic tank. This building is a complex of reservoirs buried in the ground. Moreover, they can be cleaned once every 8 years if a biological cleaning system is used.

Very often, when creating such country toilets, concrete rings are used with their own hands. They alternately sink into the ground, the joints between them are smeared. It is believed that the ideal number of tanks is 3. The first two serve as settling tanks. The latter is filtering. Waste is absorbed into the ground without the slightest harm to nature.

The fact is that anaerobic bacteria are present in the country toilet with a biological cleaning system. They recycle sewage, neutralizing everything harmful substances. This is the only type of country toilets that you can create with your own hands near water supply points.

Important ! For the installation of concrete rings, you will need special equipment. But all the work can be done by hand.

We build a toilet house with our own hands

Preparatory stage

After you have decided on the place to build a country toilet with your own hands, you need to choose the type of construction you need. There is a certain golden standard, which is most often used by builders. This ratio: 2.2x1x1.4 meters. If we talk about the form, then there are three most common varieties:

  • hut,
  • teremok,
  • house.

Before starting work, check the availability of all the right tools. To build a country toilet with your own hands, you will need:

  1. puncher (if this is not available, a simple scrap will do, but you have to sweat a lot);
  2. shovel;
  3. a barrel with a capacity of about 200 liters (needed for a cesspool), a concrete ring is also suitable;

The spade must have a short handle. It makes it much easier to dig a hole. A crowbar or perforator is needed in order to crush hard ground. If you decide to use an electric tool, make sure you have an electrical connection.

A warning ! This instruction is designed for a country toilet with a cesspool.

Before starting the construction of a country toilet with your own hands, make a sketch or use one of those presented below. The project must include ventilation and insulation. Of course, you can do without the latter if you do not use the cottage in winter.

The main advantage of building a country toilet with your own hands on the basis of a cesspool is its cheapness. Moreover, it is not even necessary to purchase new materials. It is enough to use what is left from the construction of the house.

Digging a cesspool

The pit is made before the construction of the house. Although there are exceptions in some cases. If you decide to make a brick building instead of a traditional wooden structure, then you can first build a building, and then dig a hole. However, you should consider that doing this will be extremely inconvenient.

The size of the cesspool directly depends on the presence of groundwater and the depth of their occurrence. The diameter is chosen according to your own discretion. However, don't make it too big. This can cause certain difficulties in the further construction of a country toilet with your own hands.

Advice ! You need to do construction in good weather.

When digging a hole with your own hands for a country toilet, try to reach the sand. Clay has poor absorbent qualities. Because of this, human waste will be extremely slowly absorbed into the ground. And this, in turn, will lead to the formation of an unpleasant odor.

Of course, you can use special substances that kill the smell, but their possibilities are not unlimited. Therefore, it is better to go one extra meter deep than to regret later that you did not.

The pit is cleared. The bottom is leveled and compacted. Only after that a barrel or a concrete ring is installed. Moreover, the barrel can be both metal and plastic. The latter option when creating a country toilet with your own hands is much preferable.

The fact is that plastic barrels do not corrode, which means that their service life is almost unlimited. Particular attention here should be paid to the quality of the plastic. There are species that can survive in such an environment for 50 years!

If you don’t have a barrel or a concrete ring, you can use cement and simply concrete the walls of the pit. This, of course, is not an ideal option for waterproofing, but it’s easier not to come up with it.

When building a country toilet with your own hands from concrete rings, you will need crane. On our own rings in the pit you do not immerse. One more alternative waterproofing is brickwork. It is additionally reinforced with reinforcement.

The process of creating a country toilet

To build a country toilet with your own hands, you need to plan everything accurately and follow the instructions below. The construction of the house begins with the markup. Then you need to drill holes. Later, columns are installed in them, which act as supports.

An important issue that needs to be resolved even when creating a project for a country toilet is the presence of a foundation. If the house is summer, then it is not necessary to build a foundation. However, it is necessary when you live in a country house. all year round or come for the winter.

When you create the foundation of a country toilet with your own hands, it is important to take into account some parameters. First, it must be deepened below the freezing point of the earth. Secondly, the rectangular shape of the site is traditionally used. But this is not an axiom. You are free to choose the shape of the foundation depending on the location of the building.

It is better to mount the frame for the toilet from wood. It's simple and inexpensive. You can, of course, use a brick, but creating masonry with your own hands for a country toilet will take a lot of time. It is not surprising that most people choose wood as their main material.

Advice ! Timber is considered the ideal material. It is inexpensive and very reliable.

When building the frame of a country toilet with your own hands, it is desirable to strengthen it from the inside. This is especially true for areas where hurricanes and storms are frequent. In the process of work, braces and scarves are used.

Advice ! To create a seat, just take cross bars and mount them at a height of about half a meter.

The roof for a country toilet is laid without using a lag with your own hands. The material can be anything, as long as it matches the general architectural ensemble of the rest of the buildings on your territory.
