The toilet is country wooden. How to make a toilet in the country with your own hands? Site selection and construction stages

The dream of a city dweller is to buy a country house where you can relax from the hustle and bustle. Well, now you are the owner of the site and the most requested part is the toilet. What if it doesn't exist?

But there is a way out - to build a toilet with your own hands, using improvised means, by creating a drawing yourself. With your own hands to provide comfortable living conditions.

How to make a toilet in the country?

A string of questions immediately arise in my head, which drawing to choose, which design to give, what materials will go. In this article, we will reveal the basis and rules for developing your project.

The main types of booths

First, let's look at what types of structures exist. The simplest type, a building with a cesspool.

But before we start, we take into account the sanitary standards that apply in Russia: think over the method of cleaning, proper waterproofing. Clarify the requirements of the neighbors so that there are no conflict situations.

A toilet in the country with your own hands can be made in several ways.

We list the types of buildings:

  • The birdhouse is an economical version with a shed roof located on a box. Summer option;
  • The hut is a complex structure with a large selection of designs that retains heat in the cold. Requires more material costs;
  • Hut - a simple form with a gable roof, a wind-resistant model;
  • House - a design with increased strength, a warm option;
  • Double - a complex building with a second department;
  • Toilet with shower - an additional extension for washing is attached to the main booth;
  • Dry closet - can be installed even inside the house. Dry closets are gaining popularity, as there is no particular fuss with them.

There are three types of dry closets: peat, chemical and electrical models. This option is first aid when construction is underway.

Then you can proceed to the capital toilet with a reliable septic tank, serving for years.

Where to start building?

The summer resident needs a toilet that is hygienic, clean and pleasing to the eye, in compliance with the environmental situation, waste neutralization, and compliance with the requirements for external design.

Capital septic tank with a complex of tanks in the ground

To do this, most often they make three concrete rings, which are immersed in the ground in turn. The upper ones become settling tanks, the third filters sewage that goes into the ground without harming groundwater.

Such septic tanks contain anaerobic bacteria that process waste and neutralize harmful bacteria.

You have the following tasks:

  • choose a system for the removal, discharge and disposal of sewage;
  • determine a place for the toilet and it is better to choose far from home;
  • decide what type of construction is suitable, dismantled above;
  • choose a design that you can do with your own hands;
  • select suitable materials;
  • determine the size of the toilet in the country;
  • calculate the construction cost estimate.

Decide for yourself how the waste pit will be cleaned if you do not install a septic tank. How can a sewage truck drive up, pumping out sewage.

Decided and answered questions? Now you can start building, let's take it step by step.

Practice: start of construction

We decided on the place, we will choose the desired design. The builders have already developed a certain gold standard of size, the ratio: 2.2x1x1.4 m.

Look at the photo of the country toilet. We decided on the form, we will prepare the necessary tool:


  • perforator, can be replaced with a crowbar, for crushing hard ground;
  • a shovel, preferably with a short handle, it is so convenient to dig;
  • capacity for a pit with waste, the optimal capacity is 200 l;

If you use electrical appliances, take care of the power source.

Make drawings of a country toilet or use the data in the figure. Consider installing ventilation, insulation. Let's start construction with a waste pit.

Stage one - hole

We dig a deep waste pit for sewage. The standard shape is square, the depth is not less than 2 m. Be sure to strengthen the walls after digging, you can use reinforced concrete material, boards or make masonry from stone, brick.

We provide the bottom of the pit with tightness, fill it with rubble or make a concrete screed.

If there is a risk of contaminating groundwater, then we will make the walls and the bottom waterproof, seal it with a special material.


The second stage - the frame

The pit has been prepared, we will begin to build a protective external structure. The prepared frame must be fixed, it is better to make it wooden. We will make markings and drill holes in which we install the supporting pillars. They will provide stability for future construction.

The foundation itself is necessary if you visit the country house all year round, to serve for a long time. First, it must be deepened, then bricks or blocks should be placed in the corners, waterproofing will be provided by a roofing material overlay.

Place the material between the prepared frame and the foundation. Immediately begin to install the bottom frame so that the roofing material does not dry out from the sun.

Lay the floor, prepare the seat skeleton in place and attach it. Nail the front frame to the posts. After sheathe the toilet seat, make a hole.

Now sheathe the facade of the toilet directly, you can choose lining, profiled sheet, siding and other materials for this. Install the crate for the roof and put on it any roof made of slate, metal tiles.


Finish up by hanging the door on the hinges and the wooden outdoor toilet is almost ready.

The third stage - ventilation

So that unpleasant odors do not bother you, we will develop a ventilation system in the design of the toilet. We use a plastic pipe with a diameter of 100 mm for this.

Take tin clamps and pull it to the hole made on the roof of the building. The lower end of the pipe must be drawn 15 cm into the waste pit, cutting a hole of the required diameter into the seat.

A deflector nozzle will additionally help to strengthen the draft. There is nothing complicated in the construction, anyone can build a simple toilet.

DIY toilet photo

Even if the dacha is just a bare piece of land without a single building, you still can’t do without the main thing - the toilet. The need for this uncomplicated building arises after a few hours of staying at their summer cottage. Despite the fact that we all imagine how a toilet should look like and what needs to be done, it’s still not worth rushing. First of all, you should study the site in order to understand what type of country toilet can be built in a particular case, because there are several of them. Then you need to decide where exactly you can put the toilet, while observing sanitary rules and regulations. And only after that you can proceed directly to the construction. There is nothing complicated in making a country toilet with your own hands. However, it is not necessary to make a toilet box yourself. The modern market can offer ready-made toilet houses for every taste. In this article, we will analyze the instructions on how to make a toilet with your own hands, starting with choosing the type of toilet and ending with making a house.

What kind of toilet in the country can be equipped - types and features

In a well-equipped dacha, where there is a house and you can actually live, it is advisable to have two toilets - one in the house and the second on the street. The toilet in the house is convenient to use at night or in bad weather when it rains. Still, the house is warmer and more comfortable. An outdoor toilet for a summer residence is necessary in order to use it during the day after gardening work on the site and not carry dirt from the street into the house.

In total, there are several types of toilets that can be used in the country:

  • Outdoor toilet with a cesspool.
  • Powder closet.
  • Backlash closet.
  • Dry closet.
  • Chemical toilet.

The choice of toilet is influenced by such an indicator as the level of groundwater. If the water is far away (deeper than 2.5 m) and never rises above this mark, even during the rainy season or spring floods, then any of the proposed toilet options can be used. If the groundwater level is high, the water is close to the surface, then it is impossible to equip a toilet with a cesspool.

Outdoor pit toilet- the good old time-tested design. It is a cesspool up to 1.5 m deep, on top of which there is a toilet house. Impurities in the pit accumulate and gradually decompose. If the intensity of use of such a toilet is high, then the filling of the pit occurs rapidly, the sewage does not have time to ferment. Previously, such a problem was solved simply - they rented a toilet house, dug in an old hole, and dug a new one in another place and put a toilet on top. Now they prefer to clean cesspools either with the help of a sewage machine or manually.

Powder closet- a toilet option for areas where water is close. In its design there is no cesspool at all. Instead, a container (bucket, barrel, box) is used, which is installed immediately under the toilet seat. So that sewage does not remind too much of itself with an unpleasant odor, after each trip to the toilet they are sprinkled with dry peat, sawdust or ash. The process itself resembles powdering, from which the name of this type of toilet "powder-closet" came from. After filling, the container is taken out and emptied into a compost pit, heap or other place. Over time, sewage, sprinkled with peat, will turn into a wonderful fertilizer.

play closet- a toilet with a sealed cesspool, which is cleaned with a cesspool machine. Usually backlash closets are equipped directly in the house next to the outer wall of the house. The cesspool is located outside, sewage enters it through a pipe. The pit itself has a slope away from the house for easy cleaning.

dry closet- a booth familiar to urban residents with a container into which active microorganisms are poured to process sewage. Probably the easiest way to equip a toilet in the country, since you don’t need to build anything - you can buy a ready-made dry closet of any size, both outdoor and home.

chemical toilet differs from a dry closet only by means of sewage processing. Chemical reagents are used here, so the contents of the container after processing cannot be used as fertilizer in the garden, unlike a dry closet.

peat toilet- This is a homemade version of powder closet. In fact, the powder closet is also a peat toilet, because in it peat is used to powder feces. The home peat toilet is a modernized achievement of civilization. It is very similar to an ordinary toilet, only in the water tank instead of water there is dry peat, and instead of sewer pipes, a sewage container.

Such a toilet can be safely installed inside the house. To eliminate unpleasant odors, ventilation is provided in its design, which must be taken outside.

The choice of a toilet for a summer residence depends entirely on your personal preferences and on the conditions that dictate the rules of SanPin.

There are certain restrictions on the placement of an outdoor toilet. First of all, they concern those toilets in which sewage can come into contact with soil and groundwater.

  • There must be at least 25 m from the toilet to the water source. Whether it is a well, well, lake, stream or other water body. If the summer cottage is located under a certain slope, then the toilet must be installed below the source of water intake. This will prevent effluents from entering drinking water.

Important! Please note that you should consider not only your source of water, but also the nearest neighbors.

  • From the toilet to the house and the cellar or basement there should be at least 12 m.
  • From a summer shower or bath, sauna at least 8 m.
  • The distance from the building for keeping animals to the toilet should be 4 m.
  • From tree trunks - 4 m, from shrubs - 1 m.
  • From the fence to the toilet should be at least 1 m.
  • Also, the wind rose must be taken into account when choosing the place and location of the outdoor toilet, so as not to annoy either yourself or your neighbors with unpleasant amber.
  • The door to the toilet should not open towards the neighbors.
  • If the groundwater is below 2.5 m, then any outdoor toilet can be equipped. If it is higher than 2.5 m, then a toilet with a cesspool cannot be made, only a powder closet or backlash closet, and dry closets can also be installed. Such structures are safe in the sense that sewage cannot enter the groundwater and pollute them.

Please note that when choosing a place for a toilet, you need to focus on objects not only on your site, but also on the neighbor's. This applies to trees, and sheds, and houses, and everything else. For toilets of the powder-closet and backlash-closet types, the above restrictions do not apply, since sewage does not come into contact with the ground in them. The only thing that will have to be considered when placing them is the wind rose and ease of use.

Do-it-yourself toilet in the country - instructions for building a powder closet

It’s not so difficult to equip a country toilet with your own hands, it’s enough to have basic carpentry skills, engineering thinking and stock up on the help of a friend. Let's consider an example of building a toilet in a country house like a powder closet. As we already wrote, its peculiarity is that there is no cesspool under the toilet. And this makes the task much easier. Firstly, such a toilet can be located next to a residential building. Secondly, the construction technology itself is somewhat easier; you don’t have to dig a foundation pit. Thirdly, groundwater pollution is excluded.

The construction of the toilet must begin with a drawing so that all elements and details have the appropriate dimensions, and not by eye. Due to the fact that there is no cesspool in the powder closet, only the design of the toilet house will be shown in the drawing.

Schematically powder closet can be represented as follows:

The dimensions of the toilet are selected so that it is convenient to use. For example, the most common size: width 1.5 m, depth 1 m, height 2.2 m. Dimensions can be increased if the dimensions of the owners require it. The material for making a toilet can be different: the most common are wooden toilets, but you can sheathe the walls with a metal profile, slate or other material, as well as build brick walls.

Country wooden toilet - sectional drawing.

Example 1.

Example 2.

You can use the ready-made drawing, or you can make your own. The main thing is compliance with the dimensions during construction.

Foundation and support for the toilet

A country toilet is a structure that does not require a heavy foundation. In some sources, you may come across a proposal to fill a strip foundation under the toilet. In fact, this is superfluous, especially if the toilet is wooden. A support for a toilet house can be made in two ways: the first is to bury the pillars, the second to lay bricks or concrete blocks around the perimeter.

As pillars-supports, you can use both a wooden beam or a log, and concrete columns. The latter are more resistant to aggressive environments and will last longer.

  • First of all, we mark the area. It is extremely important to accurately determine the angles of the structure.
  • We take 4 asbestos-cement pipes with a diameter of 150 mm and coat them outside with bituminous mastic.
  • In the corners of the toilet house, we dig wells and deepen the pipes to a depth of 50 - 70 cm. The depth of the pipes may be more, it depends on the structure of the soil. Can be made 90cm or 1m.
  • To a height of 1/3 of the pipe, they must be poured with concrete mortar. Carefully compact the concrete to remove air bubbles.
  • Inside the pipes we insert wooden or concrete pillars-supports. To fix them, add concrete mortar.

Support pillars in this case can also act as a vertical part of the frame, i.e. they must be driven to a height of 2.3 m from the ground. It is also necessary to constantly check that the location of the pillars is even relative to the corners.

There are cases when it is enough to fix concrete blocks or bricks as a support, on which the frame will then be installed. In this case, it is necessary to remove the top layer of soil to a depth of 20 - 30 cm and compact the base tightly. For greater reliability, a layer of sand can be covered at the bottom. Concrete blocks, bricks or concrete curbs are installed on top.

We make the frame of an outdoor toilet

The frame of a country toilet can be made from a wooden bar 50x50 mm or 80x80 mm. It is not necessary to take a thicker and more massive timber 100x100 mm and more. You can also use metal corners.

The frame should be a structure:

  • 4th bearing vertical supports.
  • Toilet roof lining. The longitudinal bars for the roof should protrude 30 - 40 cm beyond the toilet body. In front, the canopy will serve as a visor, and in the back - to drain rainwater away from the toilet.
  • Strapping or screed at the level of the future toilet seat. Usually, the strapping bars of the toilet seat are attached to the bearing vertical supports. The height of the toilet seat should be comfortable - 40 cm from the floor of the toilet.
  • Diagonal struts for structural strength on the rear and side walls of the toilet.
  • Frame for fastening the door. Two vertical supports to a height of up to 1.9 m and a horizontal lintel on top at the same height.

Be sure to calculate the height of the toilet seat, as too high a seat will be uncomfortable, especially if there are short people among the owners. Indicate at what level the final floor in the toilet will be, and set aside 38 - 40 cm from it upwards. Please note that on top of the strapping there will be a sheathing 20 - 25 mm thick.

We sheathe the body of the toilet, make the roof

Further construction of the country toilet is to sheathe the frame. Since wooden toilets are always popular due to their original beauty, convenience and comfort, the walls of the country toilet can be sheathed with wooden boards.

Wooden boards 15 - 25 mm thick are nailed to the frame, tightly fitting them to each other. Boards must be placed vertically. Since the roof will be sloped towards the rear wall, the upper part of the sheathing boards will have to be carefully cut at an angle.

Instead of wood, you can use sheets of corrugated board, slate or other material. They are much easier to work with, as you only need three sheets for the back and two side walls. But in such a toilet it is much less comfortable to be than in a wooden one. And all because there is no natural moisture and air exchange through the walls.

On the back wall of the toilet, it is necessary to make a door through which it will be possible to remove the container with sewage. Usually it is made for the entire width of the back wall to a height of 40 cm (up to the height of the toilet seat). Such a door is fixed on hinges. You can make it from the same wooden boards.

The roof of a country toilet is usually covered with the same material as all the buildings on the site so that the buildings do not stand out from the composition. You can use sheets of corrugated board or metal tiles. A hole must be made in the roof for the ventilation pipe, which should then be carefully sealed.

If you want to make the roof of the toilet wooden, then it must be covered with roofing felt or other rolled material so that the tree does not get wet.

We hang the door

The door for a country toilet is usually made of wood. We hang the door on hinges. The number of hinges 2 or 3 depends on the severity and massiveness of the door. The heavier the door, the more hinges should be. The mechanism for closing the door to the toilet, everyone does as he likes: a latch, a hook, a latch or a wooden latch. A latch must also be installed inside the toilet.

A window should be made above the door through which natural light can penetrate. Usually it is made as close to the roof as possible so that water does not get inside during rain. The window can be glazed, then neither rain nor insects that often fly through such windows will be terrible. What a country wooden toilet looks like can be seen in the photo.

Country toilet: photos - examples

We equip the toilet seat

The seat or toilet seat in the country toilet is made of wooden boards, lining or moisture-resistant plywood. It is better to use pure wood without additives, so we exclude plywood. The frame of the future toilet seat was made at the stage of arranging the frame, so now it is enough to carefully sheathe it with wooden boards and paint it. In the middle we cut a hole through which we will relieve ourselves. Be sure to check at what depth from the beginning of the toilet seat a hole should be made so that it is convenient to use it.

Under the toilet seat we install a container for sewage with a volume of 20 to 40 liters. By the way, the toilet seat cover can be made reclining on hinges, or it can be stationary.

We hang a container for peat on the wall in a convenient place. At the bottom we put a bucket for toilet paper. A washbasin can be installed inside the toilet, if the dimensions of the building allow it. Then we install a bucket for slops under the washbasin.

How to build a toilet in a country house with a cesspool

The construction of a pit latrine is somewhat more complicated, as a waste pit will have to be equipped. The toilet house for this type of toilet is no different, so we will not touch it. We will only indicate how to make communications. The diagram shows how the cesspool should be located relative to the toilet house. Based on this, we carry out the marking of the site and proceed to earthworks.

  • We dig a cesspool with a slope towards the rear wall of the toilet with a depth of 1.5 m.
  • We tamp the bottom and walls of the pit with clay with a layer of 15 - 25 cm. Some people make the walls of the pit from wood, brick or concrete instead of clay. If the groundwater is at a sufficient depth, then it is not necessary to make the walls of the cesspool completely airtight. Enough clay castle.
  • We knock down the base for the toilet from a wooden bar 100x100 mm. You can also use a sidewalk curb or concrete blocks, laying them on the ground. If you use a wooden beam, then it must be treated with an antiseptic.
  • Above the cesspool we equip the flooring from the boards. First, we knock down the frame of the bars. We make such a distance between them that it is convenient to clean the pit. Please note that the flooring is done outside the toilet house, leaving a free space under the house of sufficient size for sewage to fall into the pit.
  • The flooring must be upholstered from below with roofing material or other rolled material.
  • Behind the toilet we install a hatch, which is a hinged lid. The hatch will be used when clearing the pit. We treat the wooden hatch with an antiseptic.
  • We lay the ventilation pipe from the pit. We install it next to the back wall of the toilet, display it 70 - 100 cm above the roof of the toilet. For these purposes, you can use a regular sewer pipe. We fix a visor on top of the pipe so that water and debris do not get inside. We fix the pipe to the back wall with clamps. The bottom edge of the ventilation pipe should be 15 - 20 cm below the level of the toilet floor.
  • A toilet house is installed on top.
  • Around the toilet with a cesspool, it is imperative to make a blind area and drain rainwater so that it does not flood the sewage pit.

If in the future it is planned to clean the cesspool with the help of a sewage truck, then the toilet must be located on the site so that the car can drive up to a sufficient distance. Remember, the sleeve of such a machine is only 7 m.

Country toilet backlash-closet and its features

Most often, a country toilet of the backlash-closet type is installed next to a residential building or inside the house. The sewer pit is located outside the building, behind its walls. A toilet of this type can only be built where it is possible to heat the sewage pit in winter. If they don’t use the toilet in winter, then before the end of the season, the cesspool must be completely cleaned.

The main difference between the backlash closet and other types of toilets is that the cesspool in it is completely sealed and is regularly cleaned with a sewer machine. Here are a few differences in the construction of a backlash closet:

  • A sealed pit so that sewage does not soak into the ground. You can fill a pit of concrete, make it out of brick and plaster, or you can use ready-made plastic containers - caissons.
  • There must be a ventilation pipe from the cesspool. It must be carried out through the chimney of the stove or fireplace. In turn, a pipe should go from the chimney into a pit through which warm air will flow. This is necessary so that the pit does not freeze. The material of the exhaust pipe is asbestos-cement or ceramic.
  • If the house does not have a conventional stove or fireplace, but only gas heating, then the cesspool must be heated using a low-power electric heater.
  • A cover / hatch is made over the pit. To prevent the lid from freezing, it is made double: the upper one is metal or cast iron, and the lower one is wooden. Between the covers we lay heat-insulating material.
  • The slope of the pit should be away from the house for easy cleaning.

Recently, peat toilets for summer cottages have become increasingly popular. Their convenience is that they can be safely placed in the house in any room. Peat toilets are easy to clean, practically do not emit a smell, even a fragile woman or an elderly person can cope with them. Also, such toilets can be made on the street, the same powder-closet is just the predecessor of the modern peat toilet.

Do-it-yourself construction of a country toilet does not require serious construction experience and professional equipment.

This article will help you decide on a suitable material for making a booth, learn about the main differences between sewers with and without a cesspool, and also provide complete instructions for building a country toilet.

Sanitary and hygienic standards for a country toilet

Before starting installation work on the independent construction of a toilet in the country, you should carefully study the regulations that govern the construction procedure. There are certain requirements that must be met:

  • check that the toilet does not interfere with neighbors. Otherwise, they have the right to complain to the appropriate authority and there is a possibility that the building will need to be moved;
  • choose a location, taking into account all the standards and regulations for placement. If this is not done, the result will be a serious deterioration of the ecological situation in the area, pollution of the soil and nearby water bodies and water sources. The owner of the site will have to pay fines, health may also be impaired due to environmental pollution;
  • when designing, care must be taken to remove waste from the cesspool;
  • when choosing a suitable design, it is important to take into account the features of the site, in particular, the water horizon. If groundwater is located close to the surface, it is required to opt for a completely sealed system.

Attention! Following these requirements will prevent various operational problems in the future.

Choosing the location of the toilet

The main factor that you need to focus on when choosing a location is the type of building used. It is especially important whether there is a storage pit for waste, and whether the container where they will be stored is completely sealed.

Choosing a house for a toilet in the country

The next step is to choose the desired booth shape. The main types are:

  • "Starling house" - has a shed roof, is simple in design and economical. Best suited if the toilet is visited only in the summer;
  • "Hut" - has a complicated structure. It has the ability to retain heat even in winter, but involves a greater consumption of materials;
  • "Hut" - differs in the presence of protection from the winds, has a roof with two slopes;
  • "House" - this variety has high strength and can retain heat.

There are also sophisticated cubicles with a second shower compartment or extra space for other needs. Separately, it is possible to single out dry closets of an electric or chemical type, as well as those in which waste is processed using peat.

Dry closets are built when it is not possible to equip a waste pit or septic tank. The most suitable option in terms of affordability and practicality is wooden toilet with a cesspool and a birdhouse type cabin.

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Cabin drawings with dimensions

In order to properly carry out the installation procedure, it is important to find and pre-examine the correct drawings with the dimensions of the future toilet in the country. The simplest variety is the Birdhouse, even a complete novice in construction can build it, so we will explain the installation process using this type as an example.

In the above drawing, the following elements are numbered:

  1. Strapping (for connecting several components).
  2. Rack.
  3. Door.
  4. Doorhandle.
  5. Door crossbar.
  6. Front wall.
  7. Roof truss system.
  8. Roof covering.
  9. Ventilation.
  10. Deflector.
  11. Side wall.
  12. Top cover covering the drain hole.
  13. Support system (most often made of bricks).
  14. Back wall.

Advice! If the person producing the toilet in the country is experienced enough and has engineering knowledge, then he can draw up a drawing of the toilet for the country with his own hands. Otherwise, it is better for the master to use ready-made options.

We build a wooden toilet with a cesspool - step by step instructions

When the owner of the summer cottage has decided on the choice of a suitable place that meets all the requirements and rules, and has also chosen the necessary shape of the booth, you can begin to build a country toilet. This process includes several stages, first you need to prepare all the necessary materials.

To build a toilet, we need the following tools and materials:

  • 2 square meters of roofing material (for roofing and waterproofing);
  • sand;
  • cement block (4 pieces) or concrete curb (2 pieces, 2 meters long);
  • 40 pieces of lining;
  • electric jigsaw;
  • door with necessary accessories;
  • 4 things. edged board;
  • galvanized metal profile;
  • wooden beam;
  • nails, screws and other elements for fastening;
  • building level;
  • varnish or paint for finishing.

For additional insulation of the toilet, foam may be needed. Also, the list does not include materials for beautiful interior cladding.

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Digging a pit for a hole

The depth of the cesspool should not be less than 2 meters. It can be built from various materials. The most popular are:

  • plastic;
  • brick;
  • concrete rings;
  • monolithic concrete.

Sheathing and roof construction

Basically, sheathing is carried out by means of boards or lining, which gives the structure a more aesthetic appearance.

The lining can be located vertically or horizontally, depending on the preference and convenience of the owner of the summer cottage, who builds the wooden toilet on his own.

To the frame base, the elements are attached with nails, screws or other fasteners.

As a floor covering, thick boards made of wood are used, which is characterized by increased strength. The allowable thickness must be at least 4 cm.

In most cases, the owners of the dacha, when building a wooden toilet on their own, provide for ventilation. Its installation is a fairly simple procedure: you need to place one end of the pipe inside the room, and the other - outside, placing it a meter above the roof of the house.

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Wooden toilet without a pit

Do-it-yourself cesspool construction is the simplest and most effective way to implement sewage. However, this cannot be done if the following conditions are met:

  • shale or limestone soil;
  • The water level in the ground is more than 3 meters;
  • the dacha is visited by a large number of people, therefore, a significant load is planned.

In such a situation, the only way out will be the construction of a street country toilet without a drain pit. There are the following varieties of this type:

  • powder closet;
  • play closet;
  • dry closet.

Powder - closet in most cases is mounted when the site has a high level of groundwater. As a rule, the reservoir is located under the toilet bowl and has a small volume (up to 18-20 liters).

The basic principle of operation: drains are covered with a powdery composition (most often with peat mass), which prevents the appearance and spread of an unpleasant odor. After such treatment, sewage is moved to compost.

The main advantage of this type of outdoor toilet without a cesspool is the simplicity of the structure and low construction costs.

  1. Observation window.
  2. Chair cover.
  3. Toilet seat
  4. storage capacity.
  5. Entrance door
  6. Support joist lining
  7. cesspool
  8. ventilation window

The play closet is distinguished by a completely sealed container, where sewage and drain water are located. Drains in such a toilet do not enter the soil, therefore they are not capable of polluting the environment.

It will be necessary to provide periodic cleaning by calling a special sewage equipment. The structure of the play closet suggests that the main storage tank can be located at some distance from the upper cabin, so such a toilet is often placed in a building.

The disadvantage is the inability to use the building in the winter, because. drains freeze and are difficult to pump out. The solution is to install a special heating system.

Dry closets are often installed in the country. Their principle of operation is similar to the work of powders - a closet, waste treatment is also carried out with peat. In some cases, biological preparations containing microorganisms that speed up processing, or chemical agents are used.

When operating a chemical toilet, it is important to use only safe products.

Pros and cons of a cesspool

The advantages of building a pit toilet with your own hands:

  • the ability to create a filtration system that can independently get rid of wastewater and sewage. Thanks to this, it is not necessary to regularly call a sewage truck and provide access to the pit;
  • you can operate a similar toilet all year round.


  • it takes more time to build and drain equipment;
  • installation and creation of a toilet pit is more expensive;
  • soil contamination is possible at a high level of groundwater.

Advantages of a country toilet, built independently, without a drain pit:

  • mobility, which allows you to easily move the building, as well as place the tank at some distance from the booth;
  • the possibility of erection at a close location of groundwater to the surface;
  • simple installation;
  • less stringent requirements for the location on the site, in particular, for distances to water sources, because hermetic system does not lead to environmental pollution;
  • if necessary, the building can be easily disassembled or completely removed.

Disadvantages of such toilets:

  • the likelihood of spreading the stench. This does not apply to all types of toilets (if processing occurs using peat, this problem does not arise). An unpleasant smell quickly appears due to the small volume of the tank where drains and waste are stored. The solution to the problem is the construction of a forced ventilation system;
  • the need to regularly eliminate the filling of the tank. This is done by sewage equipment or complete processing and transfer of waste to compost is ensured;
  • inability to use in winter.

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Thus, the construction of a toilet is possible even for craftsmen who do not have experience in construction. However, it is important to study the instructions and recommendations in order to know how to build a toilet in the country correctly.

First of all, it is desirable to decide on the material and type of booth, then design the sewer. This will allow high-quality construction, as a result of which the toilet will last for decades.

It is unlikely that anyone will argue with the fact that a toilet in a country house in a house is much more convenient than one located on the street.

But is it possible to organize it in the absence of a centralized sewage system?

It turns out yes, and not only sewerage, but also plumbing is optional. This article tells about ways to solve this problem.

So, we want to arrange a toilet in a country house. This can be done in one of two ways:

Traditional Options

The idea is simple: put a toilet in the house and run a pipe from it into a cesspool located 5 meters from the house. In order for waste to fall into the pit, it must be washed off with water. Hence the conclusions:

  1. This option is suitable for houses equipped with running water.
  2. Due to the large volume of drains, instead of a cesspool, which will fill up quickly, it is better to use a septic tank.

Traditional country toilet

In the latter case, most of the water can be filtered and made suitable for discharge into the ground.

Innovative Solutions

If there is no running water in the house or it is rarely visited, you can install one of the types of dry closets. Common to such designs is that waste accumulates in a sealed container located directly under the toilet bowl, where it is processed in a certain way.

Modern electric dry closet

As the container is filled, it is emptied, while the waste as a result of processing does not usually have a pronounced unpleasant odor.

Depending on the method of processing feces, dry closets are divided into the following types:


There are two subtypes here:

  1. Powder closets. Every time after visiting the toilet, the waste is sprinkled (“powdered”) with a portion of peat, ash or sawdust. Such a powder, firstly, blocks the spread of an unpleasant odor, and secondly, it prevents oxygen from entering the feces. In an oxygen-free environment, specific biochemical processes take place, after which the waste is converted into compost suitable for use as fertilizer.
  2. Drying toilets. Air is forced through the waste collection chamber by the compressor (it is thrown out through the exhaust pipe connected to it), as a result of which its contents are completely dry. It also causes faeces to be converted into fertilizer.

The simplest peat dry closet from a plywood box and a plastic bucket


Processing consists in separating the solid and liquid fractions, after which the liquid is filtered. The solid one is removed for composting when the storage tank is full.


Waste is burned by a powerful electric heater (from 5 kW) to the state of ash. The water then evaporates and is removed through the chimney.


The opposite solution: the waste is frozen, which leads to the death of microbes and neutralization of the smell.

Many people associate a country toilet with discomfort. However, making a comfortable option is quite simple. Consider the types of structures and their advantages.

You can see a comparison of different types of country dry closets.

Which dry closet for a summer residence to choose and where to buy it? Read the answers to these questions.

Toilet arrangement

Everything is clear with a dry closet - you just need to purchase and install it. You will have to tinker with a classic-type toilet. The creation process is divided into two stages:

  1. Choice of collection point.
  2. Bathroom equipment.

Cesspool made of monolithic concrete

Waste collection point

The easiest option is to build a cesspool. You can go this way if the cottage is visited relatively rarely, otherwise you will have to call the sewage machine too often to remove accumulated effluents.

Just digging a hole is not enough - you need to form an airtight container in it to prevent contamination of the soil with runoff.

Here's how the construction is done:

  1. On an area of ​​​​2 - 3 square meters. m digs a pit 2.5 m deep. Please note that it should be located in a lowland, at least 5 m from the house and at least 25 m from a well or well.
  2. The bottom is covered with 3 layers of polyethylene film.
  3. A layer of compacted clay 20 cm thick is laid on top of the film.
  4. Clay is poured with concrete 10 cm thick.
  5. The walls can be lined with boards, but such sheathing will last only 10 years. A more durable option is to overlay the pit with ceramic bricks (silicate bricks cannot be used!), Which will last for about 20 - 25 years.
  6. The pit is covered with a concrete slab with a hatch or thick boards on which cut fertile soil can be laid.

A more time-consuming, but also more practical solution is to build a septic tank. This is a structure of 2 or 3 chambers, the last of which is a drainage well (instead of a concrete bottom there is a gravel filter), and the rest are sealed. Overflow pipes are installed between the chambers at a certain height.

An example of a plastic septic tank

The idea is as follows: each of the sealed chambers plays the role of a sump: heavy fractions settle down, light fractions float up, and relatively clean water flows through the overflow pipe (it starts with a knee turned downwards) into the next container.

If it is also sealed, the 2nd stage of settling occurs, after which even more clarified water again enters the 3rd chamber through the overflow pipe, from which it drains into the ground through a gravel filter. Thus, only the waste directly remains in the settling tanks, which is why they have to be pumped out much less frequently than a cesspool.

The walls of the chambers and the partitions between them can be laid out with ceramic bricks; it is also possible to assemble the chambers from concrete rings.

If funds allow, you can purchase a modern plastic septic tank, which, at the request of the customer, can be equipped with a disinfection system and other options.

Bathroom equipment

Under the bathroom in the house, you need to either select a zone near the outer wall from the side of the cesspool, or build an extension of the toilet and shower to the country house.

If there will be only a toilet bowl here, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room should be at least 1.5 square meters. m. If there is also a washbasin, that is, the bathroom will be combined, then the allotted area should be at least 3.8 square meters. m.

Attached toilet

If you are not yet ready to shell out for an extension, the room inside the house should be fenced off with partitions. The most affordable option is plasterboard partitions: a frame is erected from metal profiles, which is sheathed on both sides with plasterboard sheets. You can lay mineral wool in the frame, protecting it with a vapor barrier - due to the soft structure, it retains sound well.

If the owner is ready to spend money on a better option, the partition should be laid out of brick.

Brick partition walls

The finish applied inside the bathroom should be moisture resistant and have a smooth surface so that it can be washed . If ceramic tiles do not suit you because of the high cost, you can use a very affordable alternative - plastic panels. They can be fixed directly on the frame, drywall is not needed.

The toilet bowl is installed so that the sewer bed between it and the descent into the underground has a length of no more than 1 m.

The bottom of the vertical section (descent) should reach the depth of soil freezing characteristic of the region.

If the foundation under the house is tape, it is necessary to drill an opening through which the pipe will go outside.

Of course, it is better to provide a toilet at the stage of building a house - then the opening can be easily made during the pouring of the foundation, having laid a pipe segment into the formwork before that.

The outer part of the pipe is laid in a trench with a slope of 3 cm/m.

A sand cushion is arranged under the pipe, and on top it is first covered with a small layer of expanded clay and only then with soil.

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