Order issued or accepted. What is the difference between government decrees and decrees

The publication of government instructions and orders significantly affects the political, economic and social life of the state and society. One of the central links of this system is the government, which is endowed with a wide range of competencies. It exercises its powers by issuing relevant resolutions and orders. What is the difference between government decrees and orders. How do these legal acts differ and are there any features of their application?

What are government regulations and government orders

Government Decree- a normative legal act adopted by virtue of the competence of the executive branch and has legal force throughout the Russian Federation. This document has a wide scope and, as a rule, is not limited by time frames. The circle of subjects is most often not strictly defined, therefore, the action of the decree applies to all residents of the Russian Federation, unless otherwise specified.
Government Decree- a management act that is designed to resolve operational issues and does not create legal relations. This document has a narrow scope and affects a separate segment human activity. As a rule, the order is limited in time and is subject to immediate execution by the persons whose effect it applies to.

Comparison of executive orders and government regulations

Thus, there is much in common between the decrees and orders of the government. First, they must comply with the Constitution and other higher legal acts. Secondly, they are issued by the supreme body executive power whose authority extends throughout Russia. Thirdly, both resolutions and orders enter into force within the period established by law and are subject to publication within 15 days after their ratification. Finally, acts can be challenged in court if they clearly contradict the law, infringe on other people's rights and interests.
However, the difference between orders and government regulations is also seen. Thus, government decrees are of a normative nature and affect significant legal relations. This may be the procedure for calculating benefits, pensions, wages and much more. Unlike them, orders are not of a normative nature and are designed to solve current problems. These include the fight against natural disasters, single allocation financial assistance, organization mass event. Thus, in terms of their significance, the decrees are somewhat higher than the orders of the government.
However, the nature of the application also affects such an aspect as the moment of gaining legal force. Since the orders are operational in nature and are designed to resolve current issues, their implementation is mandatory from the date of ratification. Government decrees acquire legal force on the day of publication, if they stipulate otherwise, then from the moment of adoption.

TheDifference.ru determined that the difference between decrees and government orders is as follows:

legal nature. Government decrees are normative acts, while orders are managerial, having no normative nature.
Acceptance sequence. Decrees are primary in nature, while orders are adopted in pursuance of regulatory legal acts.
Significance. Despite the fact that there is no direct indication of this aspect in the legislation, the importance of decrees is much higher than orders.
Entry into force. Decrees acquire legal force either from the date of publication, or on the date of signing, orders - from the date of signing.

Decree – in several countries normative act heads of state; decision of the supreme authority having the force of law.

Decree - a collective decision, an official order.

Order - a legal act issued solely by the head of the institution. Disposition is a form of bringing operational issues to the executors. Usually order has a limited duration and concerns a narrow circle of officials.

An order is an official instruction subject to strict execution.

As we can see, the difference between these definitions is in their essence.

So the decree is issued by the supreme authority, the head of state. A decree is a formal order or a collective decision.

Order - issued as official government bodies authorities, and can be issued by the head of the enterprise.

2. How do you understand the following statement: the activity of an official in an organization is limited by the ability of managers to lead?

The activity of an official in an organization is limited by managers to management, I understand it as follows. Any person working in an organization, including an official, must be motivated to work. And it doesn't have to be just material motivation. There is a need for competent and rational management of the current activities of the official, the strictest control over the quality of the work performed by him. It is necessary to competently and intelligently manage an official, direct his activities, encourage him to take a creative approach to the work performed.

3. Implement comparative analysis civil servant career models in France and the UK.

Career (from French Cariera) - successful advancement in a particular field (public, service, scientific, professional)

Choosing a career is one of the most important decisions that
a person accepts in his life, since the achievements of a person in one or
other field of activity depend on the correspondence between his personality and
the nature of his work, as well as from the combination of personal expectations in the field
personal career with organizational opportunities.

The concept of service career exists in a broad and narrow sense.
In a broad sense, a career is a professional advancement,
professional growth, stages of an employee's ascent to professionalism.

The result of a career is the high professionalism of a civil servant, the achievement of a recognized professional status. The criteria for professionalism may change during a person's work activity.

In a narrow sense, a career is promotion, achievement
certain social status in professional activity,
holding a certain position. In this case, a career is consciously
the career path chosen and implemented by the employee,
striving for the intended status (social, official,
qualification), which provides professional and social
self-affirmation of the employee in accordance with the level of his qualifications.
A civil servant, as a rule, consciously chooses and builds
career both professionally and professionally.

The essential component of the concept of career is promotion, then
there is forward movement. In this respect, a career is a process defined by
as a passage, a sequence of system states.

This understanding of career focuses on the appropriate
methodological approach to its study. It is based on the trend
modern science study events, not things, processes, not states.
Society and its components are seen as processes, not as
a static state, like a continuous endless stream of events. Man
included in this stream and forced to constantly move in it,
adapt to it, overcome its deviating currents,
own change in this process and change of its components. How
the faster the general movement, the more dangerous the deceleration.

Hence the understanding of career as active promotion person in
mastering and improving the way of life, ensuring its stability in the flow social life. From these positions, the approach to modeling the career process and the foundations of the strategic
career management. A career is a process of moving along the path of mastery
certain values, benefits recognized in society or organization.

England, in order to enter the service of the state, needs to pass a written exam, which is based on the programs of leading universities - Oxford and Cambridge, which in practice leads to the fact that it is these universities that supply most of the candidates for leadership positions. The main requirement for employees is loyalty in political matters.

Today in the UK, about 25% of government officials are specialists in various fields of law, economics, science and technology. The importance of such specialists is gradually growing: they make up about 60% of the heads of the state apparatus. English officials are subject to mandatory attestation, which is closely connected with the system of their selection, promotion, and career planning in general.

An official cannot be promoted only for conscientious work. The latter is implied by itself: it is for the results of the work of an employee that they value and pay remuneration. If an official does an excellent job, the most he can expect is a cash bonus or some promotion. wages. The automatic promotion of civil servants up the career ladder, adopted in other European countries, is nonsense for England.

Career growth is possible subject to the possession of many necessary qualities, in particular, a high sense of responsibility and duty, special knowledge and experience, quick wit, dynamism, decisiveness and decision-making ability, diligence, reliability, leadership ability, prudence, and the ability to foresee. Each vacancy is filled on a competitive basis.

Each case of individual promotion is rather an exception. It is possible only with really outstanding service results and is less than 1%. The career growth of the remaining 99% of the staff occurs only as vacancies appear within the organization.

significant role in the reform public service in the UK plays training. All civil servants are divided into 7 classes, the highest positions belong to the 1st class.

Civil service training programs are focused on the implementation of the concept government controlled, the main goal of which is to improve the quality of services, which requires the development of change management and leadership skills in civil servants.

During the modernization of public administration, a “competence assessment system” was developed that defines the requirements for civil servants and dictates the need for continuous professional development. The implementation of this approach gives impetus to the development of positive motivation to acquire new knowledge, master effective methods work.

The bulk of middle and senior employees study at the College of Public Service. Classes are held according to training programs for future leaders (allowing you to get an increase up to the 3rd grade inclusive), special advanced training programs for leaders of 4-7th grades; high-ranking civil servants attend "master classes" in project management training for which they are responsible.

Courses are addressed to leaders of grades 1-3, where training is conducted according to two programs: “change”, which helps leaders to realize the significance and scale of fundamental changes taking place in the world, economic, social spheres, etc .; "effective leadership", dedicated to the issues of human resource management.

The duration of college education is 22 weeks, which are spread over four years.

Civil servants, who will take the highest positions of category "A", receive their basic education at the universities of Oxford and Cambridge.

Along with the centralized training of civil servants in the UK, other forms of their training are also used. There is a wide system of courses and seminars organized by ministries and departments that are responsible for preparing a personnel reserve for promotion to higher positions and Professional Development top leaders. This requires them to constantly monitor staff training needs and plan for their future use. Each department develops own plans management development. The content of training and professional growth programs for civil servants are formed taking into account the specifics of the functions and position held by the official. With all the variety of forms and methods of teaching, they have in common: preparation of the final work on the project, theoretical training in an educational institution, the acquisition of practical experience. The presence of a connection between learning outcomes and the implementation of career plans stimulates an increase in the efficiency of civil servants.

The organization of the French civil service combines a system
recruitment (“open civil service”) and career system (“closed
public service"). Accordingly, employees are divided into two

1. employees, who are not officials, working in public institutions for hire.

2. Servants-officials, permanently working in the public service system, constituting its backbone.

An official is a person appointed to a permanent position,
included in a certain corps of civil servants and received
a certain category in the hierarchy of administrative bodies, services,
institutions of the state.

Corps brings together officials doing the same job
(teachers, treasury inspectors, civil administrators, etc.).
Entering the corps, the official can remain in it for the entire professional
a life.

Each official is assigned a rank. Rank is a title that gives
holder of the right to hold certain positions. Each corps consists of many ranks, which, in turn, are divided into stages. Despite the interdependence of ranks and positions, a complete match between them is not necessary. An official's career usually takes place within the corps through promotion in rank, rank or position. Obtaining a rank is determined by the results of competitive examinations and the passage of promotion
qualifications. Promotion in rank depends on length of service and attestation.
Certification is also a condition for promotion to a position. Upgrading to a higher category requires either management decision or
passing the competition. Competition is usually required for transfer to another

Caring for the career of civil servants in France begins already at the training stage. The training system includes a number of special educational institutions.

The most important of them is the National School of Administration (ENA) -
trains civil servants of the highest category
opens the way to the highest administrative posts. Training
The process has been going on for more than two years and is designed for active methods
training (working with documents, seminars, contacts with specialists and
etc.). Training is paid. Disciplines are studied in the following areas: jurisprudence, administrative law,. budget and taxes, economics,
public administration, foreign languages. School graduates
places in the administration are provided taking into account the results of studies.

The processes of professional training of employees and their qualification growth in France are defined by the concept of "continuous professional training". It begins with the preparation of an employee for his first position (initial vocational training) and continues throughout his career in the form of advanced training.

Such a system combines theoretical and vocational training. At educational institutions, from the walls of which future civil servants come out, there are special centers that during the year prepare graduates to participate in the entrance competition for work in government bodies. In addition, under an agreement with the universities, the preparatory cycles are organized by the National School of Administration (NSA) and the Higher Economic School in Paris.

Applicants to the Higher School of Economics must complete a two-year economic lyceum, where they study general economic disciplines and foreign languages, and have an inclination to continue their education in the field of public administration. The main teaching methods are business games and parsing specific situations(case studies).

Recruitment to the NSA takes place through two competitions. The first one is for executives with an experience of at least five years, the second - for graduates of educational institutions without work experience, intending to make a career as a top-ranking manager. Education combines a one-year internship in the office of mayor's offices, regional councils, embassies, other departments, at large firms, enterprises and theoretical training at the school itself. This model allows the future civil servant top level not only to acquire knowledge in the main disciplines, but also to develop an innovative approach to solving problems, to master modern technologies personnel management.

Most executive authorities have their own schools of administrators, where the number of students corresponds to the number of budgetary positions to which graduates will be sent. Preparation includes theoretical courses, adaptation practice and on-the-job training.

The system of professional development of civil servants covers: improvement courses; studies related to career advancement; vocational training with temporary deduction from the civil service to the reserve or with the provision of leave for carrying out socially significant scientific developments.

4. What type of organization do the structural divisions of public administration belong to?

Structural subdivisions of public administration belong to the mechanical type of organization.

Mechanistic organization (rigid, bureaucratic) - characterized by the use formal rules and procedures, centralized decision-making, narrowly defined job responsibilities, and a rigid hierarchy of authority in an organization—effective with routine technology, uncomplicated and immobile external environments. Advantages: versatility, predictability, performance, cost savings. An example is standardized assembly line production. Such an organization is called bureaucratic.

Characteristics of the bureaucracy as an organization M. Weber:

    Availability general rules and procedures to control employee behavior;

    following rules and procedures rather than personal preferences;

    subordination to the position, not to the individual;

    definition of duties, rights, power;

    the hierarchical principle of building an organization - the subordination of the lower level of the hierarchy to the higher;

    recruitment for professional qualities; appointed, not elected;

    promotion - on the basis of seniority or achievement;

    obedience to general rules.

    5. What is a "free economic zone"? What are SEZs?

    According to Art. 41 of the Law on Foreign Investments of 1991, SEZ - territories where a preferential regime is established compared to the general economic activity foreign investors and commercial organizations with foreign investment in order to attract foreign capital, advanced technology, technological and management experience, and develop export potential.

    In the world practice of creating a free economic zone, there are two ways. In the first case, the “territorial approach” is put at the forefront, i.e. consider the SEZ as a specific, defined territory, which is subject to the corresponding preferential order of existence. Another approach is “regime”: the zones are considered as a specific complex enterprise, which is provided with certain advantages under certain conditions. And the tasks that the states set for themselves when creating a free economic zone are also not the same. Some states are trying to solve the problems of specific regions with the help of zones, associated with the expected unemployment, low level of economic and social development, protection of the interests of both producers and consumers. In other countries, SEZs are used in the public interest as an integrative economic mechanism, effective remedy accumulation and dissemination of advanced foreign experience in business and management, increasing competitiveness own production. But most often both tasks are set in a limited number. In addition to global tasks, are defined and specific tasks, which can be combined into three large blocks: economic, social and scientific and technical.

    Depending on the type of activity, there are five types of zones:

    national customs territory, within the framework of which operations are carried out for warehousing and adapting goods to the conditions of sales markets;

    industrial production zones - with a special customs regime, in which industrial companies produce export and import-substituting products using a system of incentives;

    techno-innovative zones in which there are national and foreign research, design and research and production companies that use operating system benefits;

    service zones - territories with preferential treatment for entrepreneurial activity, firms and institutions providing different types financial and non-financial services;

    complex zones - with a preferential regime of economic activity on the territory of one administrative region.

    Each FEZ has special benefits for infrastructure, banking services, small and medium-sized businesses. But the basic benefits are the same for all types of zones:

    foreign trade benefits - duty-free import and export of goods to the territory of the SEZ;

    tax benefits - tax holidays for a period of 5-20 years, full or partial exemption from taxes on reinvested profits for a period of up to 5 years, income tax rebates. Foreign investors are exempt from paying property taxes, turnover tax;

    financial incentives - investment subsidies for new capital investors, preferential government loans, etc.;

    administrative benefits - a simplified procedure for entry and exit of foreign citizens, etc.;

    6. Carry out a comparative analysis of the indicators of the quality of life in the Russian Federation and the leading countries of the world.

    The quality of life is one of the main categories through which the meaning of being of civilizations, states, ethnic groups, humanity and man, the target functions of social and economic policy are reflected.

    The quality of life embodies the synthesis of the material and spiritual and creative aspects of life, the level of realization of the generic forces of a person, his intellect, the creative meaning of life. It cannot be reduced only to the material standard of living, although the “material standard of living” also plays a significant role. The quality of life is a complex and contradictory system of the unity of spiritual, intellectual, material, socio-cultural, scientific, educational, environmental and demographic components of life as an individual, family, people, and society as a whole of mankind. Thus, it contains both the individual and the public (social) quality of life, reveals the diversity of a person's needs and abilities, his potential for comprehensive, harmonious, creative development.

    According to the integral indicator of the quality of life, Russia is in 148th place in the world, and behind only Central Africa.

    The standard of living of every fifth citizen of the Russian Federation is below the officially subsistence level. The income of the 10% of the “richest elite” is 15-20 times higher than the income of the “poor part of the population, and taking into account the “shadow” funds, this parameter generally “goes off scale” for 30%, which is 4-5 times higher than in Europe and the USA, and actually equates our country with the economically backward states of Africa and Latin America.

    Ukraine is located on the 99th place, Russia was almost at the very end of the ranking - on the 105th place. The top ten of the list consists almost entirely of European countries, and only Australia managed to somewhat push the European monopoly on good life, taking 6th place with a coefficient of 7.9. Interestingly, the most rich country world - the United States - was in 13th place, despite the fact that in terms of per capita income it ranked second after Luxembourg.

    Russia was in 105th place out of 111, despite the fact that it ranked 55th in material terms. Worse than in Russia, life is only in Nigeria, Botswana, Haiti and Zimbabwe, as well as in two former Soviet republics - Uzbekistan and Tajikistan.

    Over the past decade, the mortality rate in Russia has risen 1.5 times compared to the mid-1980s. By 2003, the country had lost about 7.7 million people who died in excess. At this rate, the indigenous population threatens to more than halve in 50-70 years. The average human life expectancy in Russia is 55.5 years, which lags behind that of Ukraine, Georgia, Armenia, and Moldova. Modern model mortality is the death of young and middle-aged men from 20-45 years old and women from 55 to 70 years old. Moreover, the probability of death from accidents, poisoning, injuries is 4.5 times higher than that of developed European countries. The situation in the Central and Northwestern regions looks especially tragic. federal districts where the population is disappearing faster than 1% per year. This level is considered to be pre-threshold, indicating the threat of an approaching demographic catastrophe.
    By 2016, the population of the Russian Federation will decrease by 10.4 million (by 7.2%) compared with the beginning of 2001 and will amount to 134.4 million people. Almost half - from 3.4 to 1.99 million people - will decrease age group 17-19 year olds. And the number of disabled people will exceed the number of those entering the active working age by more than 2 times.

    7. Analyze the budget of the Russian Federation approved for the current year. Identify its investment and social focus, as well as a rigid design that ensures a balanced spending of funds

    Let us consider the main parameters of the state budget of the Russian Federation for 2005.

    First of all, we note that the formation of the revenue base of the budget system of the Russian Federation for 2005 was carried out on the basis of the main provisions of the tax reform in 2005-2007 and in accordance with the scenario conditions for the socio-economic development of the Russian Federation for 2005. In accordance with Art. 180 of the Budget Code of the Russian Federation, in the calculation of federal budget revenues, the adopted federal laws providing for the introduction of amendments and additions to tax legislation starting from 2005 are taken into account.

    In turn, the formation of the revenue base of the budget system of the Russian Federation for 2005 was also carried out on the basis of the main provisions of the tax reform in 2005-2007 and in accordance with the scenario conditions for the socio-economic development of the Russian Federation for 2005. In accordance with Art. 180 of the Budget Code of the Russian Federation, in the calculation of federal budget revenues, the adopted federal laws providing for the introduction of amendments and additions to tax legislation starting from 2005 are taken into account.

    Since January 1, 2005, the Budget Code of the Russian Federation on a long-term basis fixed the norms for the distribution of taxes and fees, as well as a part of non-tax revenues between the levels of the budget system of the Russian Federation.

    The total volume of revenues of the consolidated budget of the Russian Federation for 2005 was projected at 5478.3 billion rubles, or at the level of 29.26% of GDP, including without taking into account the unified social tax credited to the federal budget and contributions to the Stabilization Fund of the Russian Federation. Federation, in the amount of 4824.0 billion rubles (25.77% of GDP).

    Federal budget revenues in 2005 were provided for in the amount of 3326.0 billion rubles (17.77% of GDP), including excluding the unified social tax and contributions to the Stabilization Fund of the Russian Federation in the amount of 2671.8 billion rubles (14 .27% of GDP). As part of federal budget revenues, tax revenues amount to 2,232.7 billion rubles (11.93% of GDP), including excluding the unified social tax and contributions to the Stabilization Fund of the Russian Federation 1,814.4 billion rubles (9.69% to GDP). As part of federal budget revenues, non-tax revenues amount to 1,093.4 billion rubles (5.84% of GDP), including 857.3 billion rubles (4.58% of GDP) excluding contributions to the Stabilization Fund of the Russian Federation.

    In comparison with the expected fulfillment of the federal budget in 2004, the revenues forecast for 2005 will increase by 35.6 billion rubles. However, the share of income in the gross domestic product will decrease from 20.4% to 17.77%. The relative (in %% of GDP) decrease in the level of federal budget revenues in 2005 against the expected estimate for 2004 by 2.63 percentage points is provided for by the following factors:

    — change in macroeconomic indicators — 1.17% of GDP;

    — changes in budget legislation (including changes in the federal income tax rate) + 0.55% of GDP;

    — changes in tax legislation -1.38% of GDP;

    — other factors — 0.63% of GDP.

    The change in the main indicators of the macroeconomic forecast for 2005 compared to the expected indicators for 2004 led to a decrease in federal budget revenues in 2005 relative to 2004 by 1.17 percent of GDP. The most significant influence, as in previous years, is exerted by foreign economic indicators of macroeconomics. In particular, the decline in the projected price for Urals oil from $31.2 per barrel in 2004 to $28 per barrel in 2005 reduced federal budget revenues by 0.7% of GDP, or by 131 billion rubles. The change in the structure of the taxable base led to a decrease in federal budget revenues by 0.47% of GDP, or by 88 billion rubles, incl. Non-tax revenues (0.19% of GDP or 35.6 billion rubles) have a significant impact on the decrease in the total volume of federal budget revenues.

    The only factor that increased federal budget revenues in 2005 relative to 2004 is the factor of changes in budget legislation.

    The norms for the distribution of income between the levels of the budget system were fixed in 2005 by the Budget Code. The redistribution of revenues in 2005 increased federal budget revenues by 102.1 billion rubles. or 0.55% of GDP. The main impact was the transfer of 1.5 percent of the income tax rate to the federal level, which made it possible to attract 46.4 billion rubles. or 0.25% of GDP.

    The change in the rate of deductions for the mineral extraction tax and regular payments gave an additional 44.9 billion rubles. or 0.24% of GDP.

    The transfer of the water tax to the federal level increased federal budget revenues by 11.2 billion rubles. or 0.06% of GDP.

    The transfer completely to the income of the subjects of the unified agricultural tax led to a decrease in federal budget revenues by 0.4 billion rubles.

    Changes in tax legislation reduced federal budget revenues in 2005 by 258.2 billion rubles. or 1.38% of GDP.

    On the basis of the above factors, the decrease in federal budget revenues in 2005 relative to 2004 was estimated at 492 billion rubles.

    Federal budget expenditures for 2005 are envisaged in the amount of 3,047.9 billion rubles, which is 388.5 billion rubles (14.6%) more than the planned level for the current year.

    At the same time, the need to ensure the balance and stability of the federal budget and the budget system as a whole in the face of a reduction in the tax burden on the economy requires further reduction in federal budget expenditures in relation to GDP.

    This year, the total amount of federal budget expenditures is projected at 16.8% of GDP (according to the federal law "On the federal budget for 2004" - 17.4% of GDP), in 2005 it will decrease to 16.3% of GDP.

    In the macroeconomic conditions adopted for the formation of the federal budget, this ensures the balance of the federal budget, subject to the requirements established by the Budget Code of the Russian Federation for the formation of the Stabilization Fund of the Russian Federation.

    At the same time, taking into account the projected level of inflation, the total volume of federal budget expenditures in 2005 in real terms will exceed by 6.1 the volume of expenditures approved by the federal law "On the Federal Budget for 2004". At the same time, a further reduction in the share of expenditures allocated for servicing the public debt (from 10.8% in 2004 to 8.3% in 2005) will allow the volume of non-interest expenditures of the federal budget to increase at a faster pace, which will increase compared to the planned level of 2004. by 17.8% in nominal terms and by 9.1% in real terms.

    Thus, held in last years and the fiscal policy continued in 2005, on the one hand, creates favorable conditions for economic growth by optimizing and reducing the tax burden on the economy, and, on the other hand, ensures growth in real terms of non-interest expenditures while balancing the federal budget and accumulating reserves, necessary to increase its resistance to adverse changes in the external economic environment.

    The structure and dynamics of federal budget expenditures are presented in Table. one.

    Table 1 - Structure and dynamics of federal budget expenditures in 2004-2005




    Rates of growth,

    billion rubles

    % of total expenses



    % of total expenses

    Total expenses

    2 659,4





    General government issues






    including excluding interest expenses




    national defense











    National economy




    National Security and Law Enforcement






    National economy






    environmental protection









    Health and sports




    Social politics




    Intergovernmental transfers






    including budgets of other levels







    Payroll and accruals






    Capital investments in fixed assets




    Significantly (from 27.5 to 30.5%), the share of expenditures directed to the financial support of national defense will increase, national security and law enforcement activities.

    Social expenditures (interbudgetary transfers and social policy) will grow at an average pace, while maintaining their share in the total volume of federal budget expenditures at the level of 36.4%.

    The share of spending on the industry will slightly decrease social sphere, which will mainly be associated with the transfer of a significant number of institutions and facilities under the authority of the authorities state power subjects of the Russian Federation and local governments. Along with this, it is planned to concentrate expenditures in these areas on solving problems of a national nature.

    The share of spending directed at direct support of the national economy will continue to decline. At the same time, it is planned to significantly increase the share of state capital investments. In combination with a significant reduction in the tax burden on the economy, it is precisely this budget policy that ensures the creation of the most favorable conditions for sustainable economic growth.

    The fundamental feature of the federal budget for 2005 is its formation in the conditions of the launched comprehensive reform of the budget process, the main directions of which were approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 22, 2004 No. 249 "On measures to improve the effectiveness of budget expenditures."

    The ultimate goal of this reform is the orientation of budget expenditures towards socially significant measurable results reflecting the goals and priorities of the state policy. The work carried out during the formation of the draft federal budget for 2005 made it possible to group budget expenditures into priority areas of state policy, which is the first step towards achieving this goal (Table 2).

    Table 2 - Grouping federal budget expenditures by priority areas of state policy




    Rates of growth,



    % of total expenses



    % of total expenses

    1. Improving the level and quality of life of the population

    1 056,4


    1 176,0



    2. Strengthening national security






    3. Creating conditions for economic growth




    4. Building capacity for future development




    5. Increasing the efficiency of the state




    Projections of budget expenditures for 2005 are formed in the new classification of expenditures of the budgets of the Russian Federation, the main features of which are:

    - reducing the number of sections and subsections of the functional classification of expenditures of the budgets of the Russian Federation with their clear link to the main functions and areas of activity of the state and granting the right to authorities at each level to independently determine the composition of target items and types of expenditures;

    — reflecting the costs of management and applied Scientific research in the relevant areas of activity as part of sections and subsections of the functional classification;

    - reflecting the costs of capital investments as part of the economic classification of budget expenditures with the possibility of their distribution across all positions of the functional classification;

    — Enlargement of positions of the economic classification with their binding to the new chart of accounts.

    All these changes are aimed at bringing the budget classification closer to international standards for accounting and statistics of public finances, more accurate reflection of budget expenditures for the main functions (areas of activity) of the state, increasing the transparency and accountability of government bodies while expanding their independence and responsibility in managing public finances.

    One of the main advantages of the new structure for classifying expenses is the possibility of distributing expenses for management, applied research, federal targeted programs, capital investments in the main areas and areas of activity of public authorities (Table 3).

    During the formation of budget projections for 2005, for the first time, an analytical division of existing and newly assumed obligations to be fulfilled at the expense of the federal budget in 2005 was carried out for the first time.

    The application and development of this approach makes it possible to increase the validity of budget planning with its clear linkage with the priorities of state policy and the effectiveness of financed and (or) newly adopted budget programs.

    In preparing the draft federal budget for 2005, a number of measures were implemented to expand the use and improve the quality of program-target planning of budget expenditures.

    Distribution of expenses for management, applied scientific research, federal target programs, capital investments in the main directions and spheres of activity of public authorities in 2005, billion rubles.


    Direction and management in the field of established functions

    Applied Research

    Federal target programs

    Increase in the value of fixed assets







    General government issues




    national defense




    National Security and Law Enforcement



    National economy





    Department of Housing and Utilities

    environmental protection



    Culture, cinematography, media

    Health and sports


    Social politics


    Intergovernmental transfers



    In terms of financing in 2005, 54 federal targeted programs are proposed, including 84 subprograms. It is planned to approve 9 new programs and subprograms, completing in 2004 the implementation of 13 programs and subprograms and ending the implementation of 10 sectoral programs that have not been funded in recent years. When preparing these proposals, the achievement of the goals of the program planned for 2005, the availability of quantitative parameters that characterize the goals, expected results and efficiency of the program implementation, the provision of opportunities for their financing, taking into account the priorities of state policy and the significance of objects, were taken into account.

    In 2005, it is proposed to transfer a number of capital expenditures, previously financed under various sections of the functional classification, into the program part of the Federal Targeted Investment Program.

    In 2004, by the adoption of the Federal Law "On Amendments to legislative acts of the Russian Federation and the invalidation of certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation in connection with the adoption of the Federal Law “On Amendments and Additions to the Federal Law “On general principles organizations of legislative (representative) and executive bodies of the Government of the Subjects of the Russian Federation” “On the General Principles of Organization of Local Self-Government in the Russian Federation”, as well as amendments to the Budget and Tax Codes, a comprehensive reform of interbudgetary relations was completed, the main provisions of which were determined by the Program for the Development of Budgetary Federalism in the Russian Federation for the period up to 2005 , approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 15, 2001 No. 584.

    Starting from 2005, expenditures of budgets of all levels will be formed in the conditions of a clear delineation of expenditure obligations and revenue sources, preventing the emergence of obligations that are not secured by sources of financing, and creating institutional incentives to improve the efficiency of public finance management.

    In the conditions of 2004, the total amount of expenditure obligations of the federal budget is estimated at 3,360.0 billion rubles, of which 700.6 billion rubles are established by regulatory legal acts, the operation of which for 2004 was suspended by the federal law "On the federal budget for 2004" .

    The presence of expenditure obligations that are not secured real sources financing, created potential instability of the budgetary system of the Russian Federation, reduced the confidence of citizens in state institutions, distorted the conditions for the formation and implementation of a targeted state policy.

    8. What is community service? How are they organized by the executive power of the city of Krasnodar?

    Community Service - Public labor activity, which has a socially useful orientation and is organized as an additional social support job seekers.

    In order to ensure temporary employment of the population with persons wishing to participate in public works, is an urgent labor contract. The pre-emptive right to conclude such an agreement is enjoyed by unemployed citizens who do not receive unemployment benefits, unemployed citizens registered with the employment service for more than six months. Citizens registered with the employment service also have the right to participate in public works. Participation of citizens in public works is allowed only with their consent. A fixed-term employment contract on the participation of a citizen in public works may be terminated by him ahead of schedule when applying for a permanent or temporary work. Citizens employed in public works are subject to the legislation of the Russian Federation on labor and social insurance.

    In Krasnodar, the organization of public works is carried out by the Department of the State Employment Service for Krasnodar, as well as the Committee on Labor and social protection population of Krasnodar

    With persons wishing to participate in public works, the employer concludes a fixed-term employment contract with the direction of the employment department.

    Citizens participating in public works receive payment for the amount of work actually performed in accordance with the terms of remuneration in force at the enterprise or on a contractual basis, but not lower than the minimum level established by law, subject to a full working day (week).

    Citizens employed in public works are subject to the law Russian Federation about labor and social insurance.

    The period of participation in public works is counted in the length of service.

    In agreement with the administration of enterprises, workers engaged in public works may be given the opportunity to search in work time permanent place work (without saving pay for the time of absence).

    9. What is an “emergency zone” environmental situation»?

    The zone of ecological emergency is the areas of the territory of the Russian Federation where, as a result of economic and other activities, stable negative changes occur in environment that threaten the health of the population, the state of natural ecological systems, genetic funds of plants and animals.

Non-tax revenues as sources of financing the Russian Federation budget MODERN DEMOGRAPHIC SITUATION IN THE WORLD, COUNTRY, REGION The following types of legal acts are used:

Decree of the Governor of the Kirov region;

order of the Governor of the Kirov region;

Decree of the Government of the Kirov region;

order of the Government of the Kirov region;

order of the Chairman of the Government of the Kirov region,

orders of the administration of the Government of the Kirov region,

as well as orders of the executive authorities of the region.

Preparation, execution and adoption of resolutions and orders

Government of the Kirov region is carried out in accordance with the requirements established by the Regulations (Appendix No. 18). The governor of the region, within his competence, issues
decrees on matters requiring regulation, and decrees on appointment to positions in accordance with federal laws and the laws of the Kirov region, on all other issues - orders which are mandatory in the region. The Governor - Chairman of the Government of the Kirov Region adopts acts regulating the internal current issues of the Government of the Region, which are of an operational and administrative nature, in the form orders of the Chairman of the Government of the Kirov region. When preparing drafts of individual acts (decrees and orders) on the form instead of props "Name of the executive authority" props are placed The position of the person signing the document "( GOVERNOR OF THE KIROV REGION, CHAIRMAN OF THE GOVERNMENT OF THE KIROV REGION ).

These details are placed below the coat of arms of the Kirov region through a line spacing of 18 pt in the middle of the text field and printed capital letters bold type regular font number 14.

Act type (decree, order) is placed below the title of the person - the author of the document in the middle of the text field with a line spacing of 18 pt and is printed in bold capital letters in regular font No. 16. When registering the details used in the preparation, execution and acceptance draft decrees of the Governor of the Kirov region and orders of the Governor of the Kirov region, are guided by the requirements established by the Regulations (Appendix No. 18).

The heading is printed below the requisite "Place of the document" with a line spacing of 24 pt, highlighted in bold font size No. 14 and aligned to the center. A heading consisting of two or more lines is printed with a single line spacing.

The text of the act can be divided into a stating part (preamble) and an operative part (at the disposal - the administrative part).

The preamble (if any) in the decrees of the Governor of the Kirov Region ends (or the text of the draft decree begins) with the word RESOLVE without quotes with a colon at the end, while it is printed in capital letters and without breaking it with a hyphen.

In contrast to the resolutions and orders of the Government of the Kirov Region, in the draft decrees of the Governor of the Kirov Region and the orders of the Governor of the Kirov Region, the requisite “Signature of an official” is drawn up as follows:

Governor Number orders of the Chairman of the Government of the Kirov region consists of the ordinal number of the order within the calendar year and the letters “pr” affixed through a hyphen (without quotes). When registering the order of the Chairman of the Government of the Kirov Region on personnel, the letter “k” (without quotes) is added to the number of the act through a hyphen. When registering in the records management department the orders of the Chairman of the Government of the Kirov Region on the assignment of an employee outside the region and the orders of the administration of the Government of the Kirov Region on the assignment of an employee within the region, the letters “vn” (without quotes) are added to the number of the act through a hyphen. Draft decrees of the Governor of the Kirov Region, orders of the Governor of the Kirov Region and orders of the Chairman of the Government of the Kirov Region, prepared in accordance with the established procedure, must be agreed with stakeholders, on whose activities the implementation of the act depends. The list of approvals is not issued. Coordination, legal and linguistic expertise, registration, distribution and publication of decrees of the Governor of the Kirov Region, orders of the Governor of the Kirov Region and orders of the Chairman of the Government of the Kirov Region are carried out in accordance with the requirements of the Regulations. The draft orders of the Governor of the Kirov Region and the Chairman of the Government of the Kirov Region do not need to be reviewed by the Prosecutor's Office of the Kirov Region. Draft decrees of the Governor of the Kirov region, which are of a normative nature, are sent to the prosecutor's office of the Kirov region to receive a response to the draft.

Decrees and orders of the Governor of the Kirov Region prepared in accordance with the established procedure are signed only by the Governor of the Region. Orders of the Administration of the Government of Kirovskaya
region and heads of executive authorities that are legal entities, are formatted in a similar way.

Orders An order is an individual legal act issued (adopted) in order to resolve internal management issues.

Depending on the content, orders are divided into three kinds:
orders for core activities, orders for economic activities and orders for personnel. The order must have the name of the document (heading to the text) and be printed on the form of the established form with a longitudinal arrangement of details (Appendix No. 9). The text of the order consists, as a rule, of ascertaining and administrative parts. The stating part of the order should begin with stable standard expressions: "In accordance with ...", "In order to ...", "In pursuance of ...", etc. If the basis for issuing an order is a normative legal act or an instruction from a higher body (official), then the stating part indicates the name of the type of document, the name of the organization (official) - the author of the document, its date and number, the name of the document. The ascertaining part may be absent if the administrative part does not need to be substantiated. The administrative part of the order is stated in imperative form and begins with the word I ORDER, which is printed in capital letters without quotes with a colon at the end. If the text preceding the word I ORDER consists of an unfinished sentence,
then this word completes the given sentence and is printed without breaking it with a hyphen. In the absence of a stating part, the word I ORDER is printed from the red line, and if it is preceded by a text consisting of a complete sentence with a dot at the end, then it is printed from a new line from the left border of the text field of the document. Paragraphs and subparagraphs in the order are numbered in accordance with
with requirements subparagraph of this Instruction.

Each item is printed from the red line, must contain a complete thought and begin with an indication of the position, last name and initials of the performer in the dative case (structural divisions can be indicated as the performer, then the names of the leaders
indicated in brackets in the nominative case).

Then the due date and the prescribed action are indicated, which is expressed by the verb in an indefinite form (“... ensure ...”, “... organize ...”, “... carry out ...”, “... prepare ...”, etc. .). If the order supplements, cancels or changes previously issued orders or their individual clauses, this is stipulated in the text of the issued order. In the last paragraph of the administrative part, if necessary, it is indicated executive or division to which
control over the execution of the order. Applications to the order are printed on separate sheets, must have independent numbering and the necessary details (approval stamp, title, etc.). Links to applications are indicated in the text of the order. Orders of the Administration of the Government of the Kirov Region (hereinafter referred to as orders) formalize the decisions of the Head of the Administration of the Government of the Kirov Region on issues within his competence. Draft orders are prepared and submitted by structural divisions on the basis of instructions from the head of the administration of the Government of the Kirov Region or at the initiative of the heads of structural divisions.

Orders for economic activities are prepared, registered and stored in the economic department.

Orders for the main activity are registered and stored in the records management department.

Orders on vacations and personnel issues * (on bonuses and the establishment of allowances for civil servants and personnel engaged in technical support activities of the Administration of the Government of the Kirov Region) are prepared, registered and
are kept in the Department of State Civil Service and Personnel. Orders signed by the Head of Administration of the Government of the Kirov Region or his substitute must be registered(including in the electronic database) in the specified structural divisions. Responsibility for preparing a draft order and annexes to it, their coordination (in the form of endorsement of the first copy of the original document) with the heads of departments, which
The draft of the order is given instructions, carried by the heads of departments that prepare and submit the project. Draft orders and annexes to them in mandatory
order are endorsed
head of the structural unit,
who prepared the draft order, interested parties and the Deputy Minister, the head of the state - Legal Department of the Ministry of Justice of the Kirov Region or his substitute. Objections or comments on the draft order are set out on a separate sheet and attached to the draft.

If changes are made to the draft order during the approval process that change its original meaning, then it is subject to re-approval. Corrections and additions to the signed order are not allowed. In exceptional cases, amendments are possible only in agreement with the head who signed the order. At the same time, a certification signature is put on the document at the place where the text is changed. Issued orders are assigned serial numbers in accordance with the order of their registration within the calendar year, and the date of issue of the order is affixed to them.

The numbering of orders is carried out separately for the main activity, economic activity and personnel.

The letters “od” are added to the order number for the main activity through a hyphen.

Personnel orders related to the appointment and dismissal of employees, numbered separately from orders on personnel related to the provision of vacations to employees. At the same time, in the first case, the letter “k” is added to the order number for personnel through a hyphen, and in orders related to the provision of holidays to employees, the letter “O” is added to the order number through a hyphen. When registering orders for holidays without pay and for child care, the letter “o” is added to their numbers through a hyphen. Copies of orders issued in accordance with the established procedure are sent to the addressees in accordance with the instructions for distribution. The replacement of the sent order is carried out at the direction of the head who signed the order. Orders come into force from the moment they are signed, unless otherwise specified in the order itself. Orders of the heads of executive authorities that are legal entities are drawn up in a similar way. Copy of the order

Copy of the order- a copy of the document that fully reproduces the information of the original document [*] .

In copies of orders, the title of the position of the person who signed it is printed from the left border of the text field of the document (the size of the longest line of the title of the position should not exceed 8 cm). The initials and surname of the person who signed the order are located four spaces at the level of the last line of the job title with a space between the initials and the surname. For example:


government administration

Kirov region I.O. Surname

And about. leader

government administration

Kirov region I.O. Surname

A copy of the order is certified by a seal. Copies of orders for the main activity are certified by the seal of the documentation department, orders for personnel - by the seal of the department for state civil service and personnel, orders for economic activity - by the seal of the economic department. Extract from the order

Extract from the document duly certified copy of part of the document * .

An extract from the order (as well as from any other document) is prepared if the document is large, and the required information occupies a small part of it, or to maintain confidentiality. In all other cases, a copy of the required document is made.

An extract from the order is drawn up according to the following model:

fully reproduce the details of the order form, while the type of document "ORDER" is replaced by "EXTRACT FROM THE ORDER", the registration number and date of the order are printed out;

the initial part (preamble) of the order is repeated in full, if it is absent, then they are limited to the word I order:;

only the necessary information or paragraph (s) of the order are transferred from the administrative part;

the name of the position of the person who signed the order, and the certification of an extract from the order is drawn up similarly to a copy of the order.
