The relationship of modern geography with other sciences. Connections of recreational geography with other sciences

There is no science absolutely isolated from other knowledge. All of them are closely intertwined with each other. And the task of any teacher or lecturer is to reveal these intersubject relationships as much as possible. In this article, we will examine in detail the connections of geography with other sciences.

Inter-scientific relations - what is it?

Interscientific (or interdisciplinary) connections are the relationships between individual disciplines. During educational process they must be established by the teacher (teacher) and the student. The identification of such links provides a deeper assimilation of knowledge and contributes to their more effective application in practice. Therefore, the teacher needs to emphasize Special attention on this problem in the study of any science.

Identification of interdisciplinary connections is important factor building a meaningful and high-quality education system. After all, their awareness by the student allows him to more deeply know the object and tasks of a particular science.

Sciences that study nature

The system of sciences studying nature includes physics, biology, astronomy, ecology, geography and chemistry. They are also called natural scientific disciplines. Perhaps the main place among them belongs to physics (after all, even the term itself is translated as "nature").

The relationship of geography with other sciences that study nature is obvious, because they all have a common object of study. But why, then, is it studied by different disciplines?

The thing is that knowledge about nature is very multifaceted, it includes many different sides and aspects. And one science is simply not able to comprehend and describe it. That is why several disciplines have been historically formed that study various processes, objects and phenomena occurring in the world around us.

Geography and other sciences

Interestingly, until the 17th century, the science of the Earth was unified and integral. But over time, as new knowledge was accumulated, the object of its study became more and more complicated and differentiated. Soon biology broke away from geography, and then geology. Later, several more earth sciences became independent. At this time, based on the study of various components geographical envelope connections of geography with other sciences are formed and strengthened.

Today, the structure of geographical science includes at least fifty different disciplines. Each of them has its own research methods. In general, geography is divided into two large sections:

  1. Physiography.
  2. Socio-economic geography.

The first is studying natural processes and objects, the second - the phenomena that occur in society and the economy. Often the connection between two narrow disciplines from different sections of the doctrine may not be traced at all.

On the other hand, the links between geography and other sciences are very close. So, the closest and "native" for her are:

  • physics;
  • biology;
  • ecology;
  • mathematics (in particular, geometry);
  • story;
  • economy;
  • chemistry;
  • cartography;
  • the medicine;
  • sociology;
  • demographics and others.

Moreover, at the junction of geography with other sciences, completely new disciplines can often be formed. So, for example, geophysics, geochemistry or medical geography arose.

Physics and geography: connection between sciences

Physics - this, in fact, is pure. This term is found in the works of the ancient Greek thinker Aristotle, who lived in IV-III Art. BC. That is why the connection between geography and physics is very close.

The essence of atmospheric pressure, the origin of wind, or the features of the formation of glacial landforms - it is very difficult to reveal all these topics without resorting to the knowledge gained in physics lessons. Some schools even practice conducting in which physics and geography are organically intertwined.

The connection of these two sciences within the framework school education helps students to understand more deeply educational material and refine your knowledge. In addition, it can become a tool for schoolchildren to "adjacent" science. For example, a student who previously did not get along very well with physics may suddenly fall in love with it in one of the geography lessons. This is another the most important aspect and the benefits of interdisciplinary connections.

Biology and geography

The connection between geography and biology is perhaps the most obvious. Both sciences study nature. That's just biology focuses on living organisms (plants, animals, fungi and microorganisms), and geography - on its abiotic components ( rocks, rivers, lakes, climate, etc.). But since the connection between living and non-living components in nature is very close, this means that these sciences are a priori connected.

At the intersection of biology and geography, a completely new discipline has been formed - biogeography. The main object of its study is biogeocenoses, in which biotic and abiotic components interact. natural environment.

These two sciences are also united by the question. In search of the correct answer to it, geographers and biologists consolidate all their efforts.

Ecology and geography

These two sciences are interrelated so closely that sometimes the subject of their study is even identified. Any solution environmental problem simply impossible without referring to aspects of geographical science.

The connection between ecology and physical geography is especially strong. She poured into the formation of a completely new science- geoecology. The term was first introduced by Karl Troll in the 1930s. This is a complex applied discipline that studies the structure, properties and processes that take place in the human environment, as well as other living organisms.

One of the key tasks of geoecology is the search and development of methods environmental management, as well as an assessment of the prospects for sustainable development of specific regions or territories.

Chemistry and geography

Another discipline from the class natural sciences which has rather close links with geography is chemistry. In particular, it interacts with soil geography and soil science.

Based on these connections, new scientific branches have arisen and are developing. This is, first of all, geochemistry, hydrochemistry, atmospheric chemistry and landscape geochemistry. The study of some topics of geography is simply impossible without the appropriate knowledge of chemistry. Primarily we are talking about the following questions:

  • Spread chemical elements in the earth's crust;
  • the chemical structure of the soil;
  • soil acidity;
  • chemical composition of waters;
  • salinity of ocean water;
  • aerosols in the atmosphere and their origin;
  • migration of substances in the lithosphere and hydrosphere.

assimilation this material students will be more effective in the context of integrated lessons, based on laboratories or chemistry classrooms.

Mathematics and Geography

The relationship between mathematics and geography can be called very close. So, it is impossible to teach a person to use a geographical map or a plan of the area without elementary mathematical knowledge and skills.

The connection between mathematics and geography is manifested in the existence of so-called geographical problems. These are the tasks:

  • to determine distances on the map;
  • to determine the scale;
  • to calculate the height of a mountain from temperature gradients or pressure gradients;
  • for demographic calculations and the like.

In addition, geography in its research very often uses mathematical methods: statistical, correlation, modeling (including computer) and others. If we talk about economic geography, then mathematics can be safely called its "half-sister".

Cartography and geography

No one should have the slightest doubt about the connection between these two scientific disciplines. After all, a map is the language of geography. Without cartography, this science is simply unthinkable.

There is even a special research method - cartographic. It consists in obtaining the information necessary for the scientist from various cards. Thus, geographic map from an ordinary product of geography turns into a source of important information. This research method is used in many studies: in biology, history, economics, demography, and so on.

History and geography

"History is geography in time, and geography is history in space." Jean-Jacques Reclus expressed this unusually precise idea.

History is connected exclusively with social geography (social and economic). So, when studying the population and economy of a particular country, one cannot ignore its history. Thus, a young geographer must a priori in general terms understand the historical processes that took place in a certain area.

Recently, there have been ideas among scientists about the full integration of these two disciplines. And in some universities, related specialties "History and Geography" have long been created.

Economics and geography

Geography and economics are also very close. In fact, the result of the interaction between these two sciences was the emergence of a completely new discipline called economic geography.

If for economic theory the key question is "what and for whom to produce", then economic geography is primarily interested in something else: how and where are certain goods produced? And this science is also trying to find out why the production of a particular product is established in this (specific) point of the country or region.

Economic geography originated in the middle of the 18th century. Her father can be considered the greatest scientist M.V. Lomonosov, who coined this term in 1751. At first, economic geography was purely descriptive. Then the problems of distribution of production forces and urbanization entered the sphere of her interests.

Today, economic geography includes several industry disciplines. This is:

  • industry geography;
  • Agriculture;
  • transport;
  • infrastructure;
  • tourism;
  • geography of the service sector.


All sciences are related to each other to a greater or lesser extent. The connections of geography with other sciences are also quite close. Especially when it comes to disciplines such as chemistry, biology, economics or ecology.

One of the tasks of a modern teacher is to identify and show the student intersubject communications on the concrete examples. This is extremely important condition to build a quality education system. After all, the effectiveness of its application for solving practical problems directly depends on the complexity of knowledge.

Along with the continuity of the basic principles of the “new geography” period with classical descriptions of countries and peoples, the creation of multi-volume works in the main countries of the world, profound changes took place in relation to the internal structure of geographical science, the research methods used, the tasks being solved and the content of geographical works. The separation of physical and socio-economic geography took place more and more. The process of differentiation also captured both main branches of geographical science. Political geography, cultural geography, and electoral geography have been developed. The processes of differentiation of the geographical tree were accompanied by a search for synthesis, the creation of a theoretical framework that would connect the rapidly moving away areas of geographical science. In 1922 was formed International Geographical Union, who held regular scientific congresses in various countries on topics that determined the most significant interest in the scientific world at one time or another (on current topics), including searches in theoretical geography, in research methods.

IN 20s and 30s. the proportion of works of the classical type, in which nature, population and economy were considered as parts of a single knowledge about man and his environment, gradually decreased. There was an ever clearer delimitation of geography into natural and socio-economic branches. At the same time, interest in social and political problems, in human geography, increased. In physical geography, component-by-component studies dominated, with the main attention to the problems of geomorphology, to a lesser extent, climate and inland waters and even less for biogenic components.

IN 40s and 50s. questions of a practical orientation, the problems of a detailed study of territories with the task of scientific support for efforts to exploit the natural resource potential, prevailed.

IN 60s and 70s began to show up clear signs of the depletion of mineral resources and the increasingly threatening accumulation of human waste. The public organization "Club of Rome" was created, bringing together the most prominent scientists and politicians of the world, concerned about changes in the conditions of human life. Interest in the theoretical problems of geography, in the search for concepts that unite the natural and socio-economic directions of geography, has increased. As a unifying idea, the mathematization of geographical research, the formalization of data on natural and socio-economic phenomena, was proclaimed. The period of searching for the application of mathematical methods in geography was called the "quantitative revolution".

80s and 90s are characterized by a tilt towards the problems of regionalism and globalism based on the ecological concept. Rapid differentiation, the emergence of highly specialized, often marginal, directions makes it problematic not only the formation of unified theoretical concepts, but also communication in “ understandable language» the geographers themselves

22. System of geographical sciences, its connections with other sciences, problems of development.

Geography as a science is one, its individual branches are not isolated from one another and overlap many times. Therefore, any classification of sciences is conditional. Obviously, it is possible to build systems of sciences in different ways based on various criteria. General principle- natural connection and a certain subordination, or hierarchy, of the objects of study themselves (this issue has already been raised above when discussing the objects of geographical research).

In the process of historical development of geography, its differentiation progressed, which could not be resisted by the desire for integration. As a result, geography has broken up into many branches, and its spread in different directions, which V.V. Dokuchaev stated a hundred years ago, does not stop. The entire set of existing branches of geography is united by different terms: group, family, family, complex, system of sciences. V. B. Sochava successfully called geography an association of sciences, but gradually it became more customary to define geography as a system of sciences.

Modern science is characterized by overlaps between different disciplines. The most urgent scientific problems of our time are interdisciplinary in nature, their solution requires the joint efforts of many specialists, and research on general issues blurs the boundaries between sciences.

Geography consists of two large blocks. Each of these blocks corresponds to the concept of a system of sciences due to the close interconnectedness of the objects under study, the presence of common theoretical foundations and direct working contacts between specialists. As for the mutual links between the natural-geographical and socio-geographical blocks, in theory such links are declared in various definitions of geography. However, in practice, it turns out that physical geographers often find it easier to find a common language and come into contact with representatives of related natural sciences (geologists, geochemists, biologists, etc.) than with their colleagues in socio-economic geography. The latter, as a rule, have more in common with other specialists in the social sciences than with physical geographers.

The term " system of sciences" applied to geography first used S. V. Kalesnik in 1959 and at the same time proposed a classification of geographical sciences, which he refined in 1972. In this classification, four groups of sciences: 1) natural-geographical, 2) socio-geographical, 3) cartography, 4) combined disciplines. Each group (except for cartography) covers a number of industry disciplines (there were 18 in total). The last group includes country studies, local history, military geography, and medical geography. At present, the list of branch disciplines should be significantly expanded, some clarifications are required by the group of united disciplines. However, the classification of S. V. Kalesnik has not lost its significance. Some later versions of the classification of geographical sciences are known, but they do not contain any new approaches.

E.B. Alaev in 1983 tried to introduce a stricter subordination into the classification by breaking down all private, or branch, divisions of geography into five hierarchical levels:

a) the system of sciences - geography as a whole;

b) the family of sciences - natural history and social science geography;

c) a complex of sciences (disciplines) - physical geography, biogeography, socio-economic geography;

d) branch - separate large elements of the complex of sciences (zoogeography, population geography);

e) a section - for sciences that study part of a common object (geography of the rural population - a section of the geography of the population, oceanology - a section of hydrology), or a direction - the object does not change, the method, approach changes (agroclimatology - a direction in climatology).

Historical physical geography was defined by S. V. Kalesnik as the paleogeography of the historical period. This branch is still in the initial stage of formation, but its development has broad prospects and great integration significance for the system of geographical sciences. The main subject of this branch can be considered the study of changes in geosystems over historical time in the process of human interaction with the geographic environment.

Finally, in the composition of complex physical geography, the regional physical geography. In the traditional view, this is a descriptive or academic discipline that summarizes the data of branch physical and geographical sciences on individual natural components for various territorial divisions (countries, natural or economic regions, etc.). But in a strictly scientific sense, regional physical geography gives a comprehensive description of geosystems and various territories, regardless of their size and boundaries, based on the principles of physical-geographical (landscape) zoning.

Thus, the formation of a system of geographical sciences is a continuous process. Currently, it is in the stage of an active search for new directions and, at the same time, ways to counter the further "spread" of geography.

SI geogr. Sciences has a different interpretation in foreign and Russian (Soviet) geographic schools. It should be noted that some of the disciplines traditionally classified as geo are considered by many as separate. sciences or as sciences included in other complexes of sciences. So geomorphology is classified as geology, soil science is distinguished as a department. science, etc. This is due to the problem of "pulling" geography into private disciplines and, as a rule, occurs due to the lack of geogr. culture and knowledge of the history of the subject from specialists in other fields of science engaged in private research in geogr. sphere. Lucky is the reducible A. G. Isachenko geographic system. Sciences:

1. subsystem of physical and geographic Sciences (Physical Geography (an object of research in civil defense, the study of individual components of civil defense, observation of integration processes); general geography, landscape science, paleogeography, regional physical geography. Industry disciplines: geomorphology, climatology, hydrology, oceanology, hydrogeology, glaciology, cryolithology, soil science, biogeography

2. subsystem of socio-geographic. sciences (soc-economic. geo (the object of research is the territorial organization of society and the social-eco. Sub-SIs that form it: population geo and social / geo, economic / geo, geo. culture, polit. geo).

Z. cartography

4. mixed group of sciences (interdisciplinary sciences): military geo. medical geo. recreational geo. reclamation geo., geo. natural resources, toponymy

5.general geographical (integration sciences): regional studies, history. geography, geography of the ocean, geoecology, theoretical. Geography

1.2. The connection of the methodology of teaching geography with other sciences.

Any academic subject is a pedagogical "projection" of science, built taking into account age features schoolchildren and their previous training, as well as the specifics of the social and natural environment in which schoolchildren live.

The connections of the methods of teaching geography with the geographical sciences are especially great importance when developing the content of school geography, i.e. in resolving the issue of what is the range of scientific geographical knowledge and skills that schoolchildren should master in the process of teaching geography. Designing and improving the content of geographical education is a task of enduring importance and significance. It is significant that one of the central tasks of improving the content of geographical education is to more fully reflect in it the current level of development and achievement of the system of geographical sciences. IN modern school the foundations of geographical science are studied, and not scientific geography itself. The teaching aids and methods of working with them are also largely determined by the methods of research in geographical science. So, for example, the cartographic method of research, the most specific for geography, is widely used in schooling in the form of a system for working with cards. In the upper grades, work with economic and demographic statistics occupies a prominent place, which corresponds to the statistical method of research, which is so important for economic geography. Field methods for studying scientific geography in school education are represented by educational excursions and observations. In all school geography courses, the territorial, spatial approach inherent in geographical science to the consideration of objects and phenomena of nature and society is widely used.

Relationships between teaching methods and didactics. Didactics forms the general scientific basis of the methodology of all academic subjects. The methodology of teaching geography is developing in accordance with the laws, patterns and principles justified by didactics. The content of school geography is developed on the basis of the theory of the content of general and polytechnic education in a modern general education school, and the system of methods for teaching geography and the requirements for them correlate with didactic classifications of teaching methods in general. The geography lesson implements the most important provisions of didactics concerning this main form of organization of education in a modern general education school, etc. The connection between methodological science and didactics is dialectically complex: the methodology of teaching geography is not only based on general provisions didactics, but also enriches the latter, revealing the features and ways of successful formation of knowledge and skills, development and education of students in the process of teaching geography. Didactics as a general theory of the learning process cannot develop successfully without generalizing the specific patterns of teaching in all academic subjects. Didactics, for example, included such results of research on the methodology of teaching geography as 1) methods for objectively testing and evaluating students' knowledge and skills, 2) conditions and ways of developmental education, 3) general approaches to determining the system of worldview ideas and ways of their formation among schoolchildren etc.

Relationships between the methods of teaching geography and psychology. The methodology of teaching geography has close ties with psychology. These connections are due to the fact that patterns discovered by psychology help to find the most effective means, methods and techniques of teaching, educating and developing the child's personality, to construct a pedagogically competent process of forming the foundations of geographical thinking among students. Indeed, teaching geography will not be successful if the teacher fails to use the latest achievements of psychology in the study cognitive activity children. IN last years methodological research is increasingly based on data from general, psychological and developmental psychology, as a result of increased attention to how the student learns. Methodological science uses the data of psychology both indirectly, through the laws and principles of didactics, and directly. Especially great influence on the development of methods of teaching geography is exerted by psychological theories the teachings of N.A. Menchinskaya, D.I. Bogoyavlensky, P.Ya. Galperin, N.F. Talyzina, E.N. Kabanova-Meller and others. The ideas and principles of the theory of developmental education put forward by L.S. Vygotsky, as well as his students and followers. According to this theory, teaching should focus not on yesterday, but on the future of the student's development; properly organized training should always stay ahead of development, go ahead of it and serve as a source of new development.

As the methodology for teaching geography develops, its connections with logic, cybernetics, and neurophysiology deepen.

1.3. Goals of teaching geography.

A rigorous definition of learning objectives is fundamentally importance to solve the whole complex of problems of methodology and psychology of any academic subject, including geography. Tasks, content, methods and techniques depend on the objectives of training, organizational forms, means, as well as the general orientation of the process of teaching geography.

In terms of the breadth and variety of learning objectives, geography occupies one of the leading places among other subjects in the modern general education school. The goals of teaching geography are traditionally grouped into the following three groups:


To give students knowledge of the basics of modern geographical science, cartography, geology, etc., to reveal scientific foundations nature protection and rational nature management;

To promote environmental, economic and polytechnic education of schoolchildren;

To equip schoolchildren with methods available to them for studying natural and social objects and phenomena;

To form a geographical culture among students, to prepare students for self-education in the field of geography and related sciences.


to form students' dialectical views on nature as an objective reality that is in continuous formation, change, transformation and development;

To promote the moral and environmental education of schoolchildren, the formation of a humane, careful and responsible attitude towards the natural environment;

Contribute to labor education and career guidance, help in choosing future profession and choice life path;


Develop cognitive interests to geographical knowledge and problems of the state of the natural environment;

To promote the development in schoolchildren of such higher mental functions as meaningful perception, creative imagination, thinking in concepts, arbitrary memory, speech, etc.

To instill in schoolchildren a system of mental actions and operations (analysis, synthesis, comparison, classification, generalization, etc.), which allow them to successfully solve various problems real life.

In foreign literature on the problems of methods of teaching geography, the formation of spatial representations, skills, or a set of geographical reactions is considered as the main goal of geographical education.

In our opinion, the formation of geographical thinking as a certain way of solving problems of the "man-nature-society" type in their territorial or spatial aspect should be considered as a strategic goal of geographical education. Geographical thinking in this sense is systemic, complex, spatial, scientific, dialectical, generalized thinking. It develops as children grow and gain experience about the world around them. From the point of view of the cultural-historical approach, geographical thinking is one of the highest mental functions

The goals of teaching geography are of an activity nature, that is, they can be achieved only in the process of educational and cognitive activity of the students themselves. The definition of learning objectives is directly related to the development of programs and the creation of textbooks, as well as to the organization of the process of teaching geography in the real conditions of modern secondary school.

Chapter 2. Studying the regional studies course in school geography.

... (in the territories at the place of residence, study), i.e. their locality within the framework of the so-called "small motherland". Therefore, in this study, at the forefront of environmental education and upbringing in the system of school geographical education is the local history principle, that is, a comprehensive comprehensive study of the “small motherland” 47, 49. In general, the regional focus of education ...

Schoolchildren practically lack material on the significance of scientific prediction of possible changes in nature. Chapter 2. Methodological conditions for using the basics of geographic forecasting in the process of environmental training of schoolchildren in the course "Geography of Russia". 2.1. A model of the methodology for using geographic forecasting in the process of environmental training of schoolchildren with ...

Russia"). The material increases students' interest in geography, has a certain career guidance potential, and also instills in students an interest in reading books. 3. Methodology for the formation of knowledge about Russian explorers-travelers in the school course of geography 3.1 Guidelines for the week of geography “In memory of the famous polar explorer - G.Ya. Sedov" Geography Week in...

September 6, 2017

Despite the fact that the era of the great geographical discoveries left far behind long journeys sailing and climbing have become a sport, geographical science is still actively developing. However, today its development is closely connected with other sciences, such as geophysics, computer science, astronomy and political science.

The connection of modern geography with other sciences

In the 21st century, geography is losing its conceptual unity, giving way to new and increasingly diverse areas that pay great attention to the interaction of man and environment, regionalism and working with big data arrays.

Thus, we can safely talk about the obvious connection of geography with sociology, computer science, cultural studies and political science. The process of increasing differentiation is natural and is observed throughout the formation and development of Earth science. However modern trend includes not only the differentiation of geography, but also its integration with other sciences.

Modern technical means, such as satellites, seismological and meteorological stations, supply scientists with huge amounts of data that need to be processed. And here the modern branch of informatics comes to the aid of geographers, specializing in the so-called big data - big data.

Recreational geography and urban studies

At the intersection of sociology, economics and economic geography, a new direction is emerging, called urban studies. This system of knowledge aims to build the most comfortable urban space for living.

For this purpose, many years of experience accumulated by researchers in Europe and America are used. And such urban construction is impossible without an adequate understanding of local geographical conditions, which once again indicates the great importance of communication modern geography with other sciences. For example, some researchers consider it inappropriate to make bike paths in cities located beyond the Arctic Circle.

Also, urban studies would not be possible without accurate data on the level of economic and social development city, region and country as a whole. The connection of modern geography with other sciences is becoming increasingly important due to increased competition in the international market.

But in addition to local residents, a high-quality urban environment is also important for tourists, as tourism is becoming increasingly important in the global economy, which, among other things, also includes recreational geography, which studies the geographical, climatic and cultural characteristics of a region that needs in attracting tourists.

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Geography and ecology

The most obvious connection of modern geography with other sciences for grade 5 can be illustrated by the example of ecology and geography. These two sciences constantly side by side at modern scientific conferences.

Given the intense climate change and the increasing attention paid by the world community to the problem of global warming, it is not surprising that geography is increasingly in contact with ecology, climatology and social sciences. After all, the connection of modern geography in a dynamically changing world has a humanitarian dimension.




Recreational geography has broad connections with other sciences, especially with geographical sciences, and primarily with economic geography, population geography, physical geography, and medical geography.

1. Economical geography considers recreational activities, tourism, TRS as an element of the economic system, as a branch of the economy, studies the impact of recreation on the territorial structure of the country, region. Engaged in tourism zoning, substantiates the capacity of recreational areas, taking into account demand and economic efficiency, determines the optimal degree of extensiveness, and in
intensity of use of the territory in terms of economic feasibility, optimizes the territorial organization of service in recreational areas,
resolves issues of intersectoral "competition" in the regions
tourism development.

2. Population geography examines the impact of recreational activities on the settlement system. It is known that tourism is a significant city-forming factor of our time. Population geography studies recreational flows - a kind of population migration.

3. physical geography deals with the assessment of natural recreational resources, determines sustainability natural complexes(landscapes) to recreational loads, studies such important properties territorial agricultural complexes, as their recreational comfort and capacity, based on the socio-economic standards of recreational activities. In addition, physical geography develops issues related to the protection of nature in connection with the development of recreation, that is, issues of maintaining the sustainability of wildlife in conditions of mass tourism.

4. medical geography, studies the influence of the natural environment and regional conditions of life, work and recreation on the health of the population, as well as the geographical distribution of individual diseases. She plays a big role in the study of biomedical aspects of recreational activities. Its role is especially important in the study of the psycho-physiological comfort of recreation and tourism, the medical and biological effectiveness of recreation in a particular area.

Many non-geographical sciences are engaged in the study of the problems of recreational activities in various aspects. Recreational geography benefits from research sociology, social psychology, general psychology and human physiology. In this respect, the results sociological research on issues such as the structure of the use of free time, the volume and structure of recreational needs for various social and age groups of people.

Recreational geography is based on the results of studies of those sections of specific economies that study consumer types. human activity how constituent part of all social reproduction. The importance of scientific cooperation with the latter is due to the fact that, ultimately, the economic capabilities of society determine the scale and structure of the organization of recreational activities, the development of its material and technical base, and regulate the relationship between recreational needs and the totality of recreational goods and services produced.

Recreational geography is associated with such scientific and applied disciplines as district planning, urban planning, which, in the course of district planning and urban planning and design work, solve the problems of regional planning and organization of recreation areas. Recreational geography, together with other geographic sciences, equips district planners and designers with a set of knowledge about the geographical situation in a particular projected area.

Tasks of modern recreational geography can be summarized in two main directions. First of which - the identification of patterns of territorial organization of recreational services as an emerging specific industry National economy and its various taxonomic levels of territorial-system formations. Second direction - further development of recreational raionology: study of conditions and factors, regularities and signs of raion formation, substantiation of the taxonomic system of recreational formations, drawing up a program for characterizing recreational areas, establishing essential features of their typology.

Development of a methodology for the transition from empirical territorial patterns to standards is one of the most promising and main tasks of recreational geography.

An important task of recreational geography is to give an idea of ​​the types and forms of recreational activities, specific territorial and recreational systems of Russia and foreign countries, i.e. satisfy the cognitive needs of potential recreational migrants.
