Ways to improve the environmental situation. Measures to improve the environmental situation at the enterprise JSC "Dawn"

The ecological situation in the world is on the verge of catastrophe. And although numerous "green" organizations, funds for the conservation of nature and its resources, government agencies of all countries are trying to overcome the consequences of human economic activity, it is not possible to fundamentally correct the situation. Thoughtless use of the Earth's wealth, irresponsibility, material interests of the largest corporations, globalization lead to the fact that the ecological situation is not improving.

Environmental problems in the world

In fairness, I would like to note that countries with a developed economy, high standards of living can also boast a high level of nature protection, a culture of ecology. In many countries of Europe, America, Japan, they try to minimize the consequences of human handiwork. At the same time, the level of education of citizens is increasing, which they are trying to involve at the household level in processes that contribute to the preservation and cleanliness of the environment. But at the same time, serious gaps in such activities in developing countries, and even more so in lagging regions of the planet, kill all attempts to somehow protect nature in the bud. Thoughtless pollution of water bodies with industrial waste, waste products, absolutely irresponsible attitude towards the land fund is evident.

The poor state of the environment is a problem that can affect everyone. Such distant troubles as the thinning of the ozone layer, or the melting of glaciers, cannot make it clear to a person that he is making a mistake. But outbreaks of epidemics, unfavorable climatic conditions, dirty water and fresh water that does not give a good harvest, smog - these are all direct results of our hands.

Ecology of Russia

Unfortunately, Russia belongs to the list of countries with the worst environmental situation. This state of affairs is due to various factors and manifests itself in all areas. Traditionally, the greatest damage to indicators comes from the impact of industry. The economic crises that plague both the global and domestic economies, one after the other, contribute to a decline in production. It is logical to assume that this should reduce emissions harmful substances to the outside world, but alas, here the lack of working capital works, forcing enterprises to save even more. This happens, first of all, due to the elimination of programs for modernization, installation of treatment facilities.

But not only in large metropolitan areas and industrial regions, the situation is of great concern. Uneven felling of coniferous forests, neglect of leafy plantations, negligence of local authorities and citizens provoke the destruction of 20% of the world's woodland.

The discharge of sewage into rivers and lakes, the artificial drainage of swampy areas, the plowing of coastal areas and sometimes vandal mining are a reality that exists, and the environmental situation in Russia is deteriorating daily in connection with this.

How to assess the real situation in the natural environment?

The complexity of the approach in the analysis of the state of the environment is the key to an adequate result. The study of only individual areas and the focal struggle against pollution of land, water and air will never bring a positive result on a global scale. Assessment of the environmental situation is a top priority for the government. Based on this assessment, a long-term strategy should be developed with the implementation of programs at all levels.

Only truthful and adequate monitoring, which will be carried out by truly independent experts in the field of ecology, can give a clear picture. Alas, the reality is that even world-famous organizations are often affiliated branches of large corporations and work under their dictation, taking a position that is beneficial to the monopolist.

In Russia, the situation is aggravated due to the high level of corruption on the part of public services that perform both supervisory and executive functions. To achieve legitimate decisions on the protection of nature becomes an impossible task. There are neither means nor mechanisms for this, and most importantly, the will of officials. Until the top leadership is personally interested in the fact that the ecological situation in Russia gets out of the impasse, real transformations are unlikely to occur.

Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation

In each country, there are both state and public organizations that deal with environmental issues at their own expense. Which of them do their job better is a complex and controversial issue. Definitely a good practice when the environmental apparatus in the country is empowered with extended functions.

The Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology in Russia has existed since 2008. It reports directly to the government. The scope of this organization is not very wide. The Ministry performs two functions - legislative and controlling. Direct activity is carried out by creating a regulatory framework, according to which, there is control, management of the activities of enterprises, state facilities that fall under a special status (zakazniks, nature reserves), mining facilities, in the field of development and extraction of resources. Unfortunately, there is no body that would control the implementation of the instructions and take active actions in case of violation of the law. Thus, the Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology takes a passive position regarding the preservation of the country's ecosystem.

The earth is our everything!

It is no coincidence that the agro-industrial complex occupies one of the most important places in the country's economy. The area of ​​agricultural land occupies more than 600 million hectares. This figure is colossal, no other country in the world has such a resource, wealth. Powers that really care about their soil, intended for growing crops used in food and light industry, prefer not to exploit the land mercilessly.

The unwise use of fertilizers, which is a consequence of the pursuit of high yields, outdated heavy equipment that violates the integrity of the soil, the deterioration of the chemical composition of the soil, not only in the fields and gardens, but also on non-agricultural lands - these are all the fruits of human intervention, they directly show how indifferent we are to the world around us. Undoubtedly, in order to feed such a huge number of people, farmers are forced to plow every piece of land, but at the same time, the approach and attitude towards it must be radically revised.

Modern ways of doing business based on farms in developed countries are arranged in such a way that land owners take care of their “breadwinner”, and as a return they receive higher yields, respectively, and income.

Water situation

The beginning of the 2000s was marked by the realization that freshwater sources throughout the world are in a catastrophic state. Such an ecological problem and ecological situation as pollution is fraught with the extinction of man as a species. The seriousness of the issue forced a more responsible approach to water quality control. However, weak attempts to bring water resources back to normal have so far been unsuccessful.

The fact is that the southern and central regions have the highest population. They contain the largest industrial capacities of the country, the highest indicator of the development of agriculture. The number of reservoirs suitable for supporting the national industry, on the contrary, is not as high as necessary. The intense pressure on the existing rivers has led to the fact that some of them have practically disappeared, some are so polluted that their use is categorically impossible.

There is an improvement in the ecological situation, but this applies to water bodies that are taken under strict control. The figures that characterize the overall situation are catastrophic:

  • Only 12% of water bodies, according to environmentalists, fall under the category of conditionally clean.
  • The amount of harmful impurities, such as pesticides, heavy metals, exceeds the allowable norms in some water bodies hundreds of times.
  • More than half of the country's population uses water that is not suitable for drinking for domestic purposes. Moreover, almost 10% of the population does not use life-giving moisture for cooking, but poison. This provokes outbreaks of epidemics of hepatitis, intestinal infections and other waterborne diseases.

What are we breathing?

The average indicators show that the current environmental situation in the airspace last years improved somewhat. However, the statistics are good only on paper; in reality, the drop in harmful emissions occurred at an insignificant level, and in some regions it even increased. Every year, 18 thousand enterprises across the country emit more than 24 million tons of harmful substances into the atmosphere.

The most critical ecological situation is developing in such cities as Kemerovo, Grozny, Arkhangelsk, Novosibirsk. The list of cities with an unfavorable atmospheric background has 41 positions throughout the country.

In addition to the constant emission of gases and smoke, due to the increased number of vehicles on the roads, the intensive activity of enterprises, there is another factor that undermines the ecological situation - these are accidental emissions. Severe deterioration, obsolescence of treatment facilities are the reason why more than 40% of the population have respiratory diseases, almost 5% - oncological diseases.


It is urban residents who most often suffer from bad air, dirty water, and the lack of food labeled “environmentally friendly”. In large cities, for example in Moscow, officials are trying to set limits for enterprises, create modern treatment plants, modernize sewer systems and water supply. Such actions of the authorities managed to raise the capital this year from 68th place to 33rd in terms of pollution in the overall ranking of cities in the country. However, these measures are not enough. Every summer, residents of large cities suffer from smog, smoke, and high levels of gases in the atmosphere.

Urban sprawl and high concentration of population in a small area threatens to deplete natural resources in an urban area. The unrealized energy conservation policy and the failure to comply with international standards regarding the provision of safe industrial activities also undermine the balance in nature. Thus, the ecological situation of the city cannot please.

A striking example of the consequences of poor ecology can be found by looking at the statistics of childhood diseases over several decades. A high level of congenital pathologies, acquired diseases, a weak immune system - these are the realities that one has to face every day.

And the adult population of cities has reasons for concern. The life expectancy of citizens and inhabitants of territories falling under the category of environmentally unfavorable is on average 10-15 years lower.

Collection, disposal and recycling of garbage

The problem of environmental pollution with waste is not new and lies on the surface in a literal sense. The trend towards waste disposal has outlived itself and is leading to the systematic transformation of the country into one large repository. Realizing that at the rate at which the population and industry produce waste, this prospect is getting closer, the Ministry of Ecology decided to create a new direction in its work. Namely, the organization of centers for the collection, sorting and processing of various waste for recyclables.

All the same West took care of this issue several decades ago. The amount of non-recyclable waste they do not exceed 20%, while in Russia this figure is four times higher. But according to the optimistic plans of the country's leadership, the situation will change and by 2020 it will reach full-fledged waste processing with their subsequent implementation in industry and energy. Such a statement of the task is very pleasing, because if ambitious plans are implemented, one can hope for favorable environmental situations and conditions in the country.

Catastrophes of recent years

In the meantime, we have to reap the rewards, and the realities are such that the current ecological situation is undermined and flares up in different places every year, showing all the gaps in the system

According to activists, recently the inhabitants of Russia had to face problems in different regions of the country. So, in the Sverdlovsk region, in the Zhelezyanka River, the level of iron and manganese in the water exceeds the norm by 22 and 25 thousand times, respectively! Such figures defy any common sense, and the situation is getting worse. Despite the fact that local authorities are inactive.

Increasing cases of fuel release during its production and transportation also clearly demonstrate examples of environmental situations. Oil, fuel oil, spilling over the water, leads to the death of birds, animals, pollution of both the reservoirs themselves and groundwater. The same thing happened when in November this year there was an accident with the tanker "Nadezhda" off the coast of Sakhalin.

Environmentalists around the world are sounding the alarm to save Lake Baikal. The pride of Russia may soon partially turn into a swamp. The ingress of detergents into its waters, sewage from collectors, provokes abundant flowering of water. Toxic substances do not just pollute the water, but cause the extinction of the unique flora and various living organisms living in the lake.

Ways to solve problems in ecology

The ecological situation in Russia requires prompt intervention. Passive surveillance, which the state is now engaged in, is fraught with serious problems. The main paths that need to be developed relate to absolutely all levels of a person.

It is very important to instill in every citizen the foundations of ecological culture. After all, even the best bills and programs of officials will not be able to overcome the problem if society is not concerned about this. Although often it is it that deals with the elimination of catastrophes, cleansing coastal zones, parks, places of recreation, which cannot but rejoice.

The introduction of energy efficient technologies at all levels, from private households to large industrial enterprises, is a priority task that must be addressed in the coming years.

The issues of the use of natural resources, their extraction, restoration cannot remain unresolved. In order to leave the opportunity for existence to the next generations, it is necessary not to rely entirely on the independent revival of its natural wealth. Man differs from other inhabitants of the planet in that he is reasonable, which means that this mind must be shown not only for consumption, but also for the creation of something worthwhile!

I absolutely agree that our environment leaves much to be desired. And this needs to be corrected. And you need to think about it collectively, each one alone will not do anything. For example, I regularly participate in the cleaning of our yard. We usually post an announcement on which Saturday everyone is going to clean the yard. And I always try to participate as much as I can. Because if not us, then who? It is unlikely that someone will come and clean my yard. Yes, there are janitors, but firstly they need to be paid, and secondly they don’t clean with a soul)) for them it’s just a job, but for us it’s like cleaning our house. After all, we clean the apartment regularly and with soul, why then do we treat entrances and yards like that?
In general, it seems to me that something in the world around us will change only when we change our mentality. If everyone treats the surrounding things differently: “not mine, it’s not a pity”, but rather carefully, only then something will change in our world. Then I think that it is also important not to litter every day. After all, there is…

“A person cannot but be occupied with nature, he is connected with it by a thousand inextricable threads; he is her son... Man's behavior in nature is a mirror of his soul"

I. Turgenev

It is often said - "one in the field is not a warrior." This does not apply to ecology - here each of us can contribute to the protection of the environment. And do not think that your contribution will be a drop in the ocean. Every day we have to do something to make the world a little cleaner. Necessity underlies many actions. It happens that at the beginning of big projects and plans lies a dream. Combining necessity and dreams is the basis of ecological morality, our ecological consciousness and actions in nature.

"Ecology is new image thinking. If every person, before throwing garbage in the forest or pouring used oil into the river, thought about the consequences of their actions, then everyone would feel responsible for maintaining good quality environment" (Pierre Aguess, famous ...

35 simple ways to improve the ecology on the planet: let's protect nature together

In order to protect the environment, it is not at all necessary to make a lot of effort. Of course, some believe that little can change from the actions of one person. However, if every inhabitant of the planet devotes at least a little time to the problems of the "green", then the qualitative environmental changes will be so significant that it will be difficult not to pay attention to them.

List of rules for people who care about the state of the environment

In this list you can find things that are very often discussed, however, alas, not every person is guided by them in his life. Each of us can do this:

1. Use for lighting not ordinary light bulbs, but fluorescent energy-saving or LED bulbs.

2. Going to bed, turn off the computer. This simple action will save more than 1000 kilowatts of electricity per month.

3. Use not...

No matter how hard you try, everyone contributes to environmental pollution, and we have not yet drowned in mountains of garbage just because there are people who care about the fate of our planet, of course, you need to switch to environmentally friendly consumer products, for example: developments are underway in solar the light conversion industry based on organic semiconductors, which will allow some industries to abandon the use of pollutants (gasoline, oil, electricity), but who will allow this industry to develop when the state has such grandmas from the sale of oil, and this is just one example of whom it is beneficial to switch to environmentally friendly products., and there are many such examples .. what I do for the environment is like a drop in the ocean, I don’t litter whenever possible, I always take out the garbage .. but there is a paradox, if it has gone somewhere, it will arrive somewhere, you need to dispose of garbage, but there are few such enterprises, the fact that I cleaned up after myself in one place does not mean that I saved nature from this garbage, ...

What is needed to improve the environmental situation in the country? Subscribe


Talks alone will not be enough to improve the ecological situation in the country. In order for changes to occur on a global scale, it is necessary to wake up the mind of each person, and only in this case there is a small chance that it will be possible to significantly improve the ecological situation. You also need to make sure that it is done in a timely manner.

To begin with, a person should be aware of the fact that his behavior can affect the overall environmental situation. And therefore, you should direct all your actions to create a favorable environment, otherwise after a while you simply will not have a place to live.

You must understand that various air purifiers, water filters, will not help to save natural environment habitat. All this can only be done by a person, without littering the territory, planting a tree, using vehicles only ...

Our health depends on the influence of many different factors. This is nutrition, and lifestyle, and the presence of stress. But we can independently correct all these influences to one degree or another. However, the activity of our body largely depends on how it is affected by the environment. One person cannot cope with such a global adversary as industry, which daily causes a huge amount of emissions into the atmosphere. But at the state level, many countries are already very serious about improving the environmental situation. And this approach implies, among other things, the participation of each individual separately.

There are simple and rather inexpensive things in terms of time and effort that each of us can do for the benefit of the world around us and ourselves. Let's talk about some of them in more detail, about measures that improve the ecological situation in the environment.

Probably every student knows...

In order to protect the environment, it is not at all necessary to make a lot of effort. Of course, some believe that little can change from the actions of one person. However, if every inhabitant of the planet devotes at least a little time to the problems of the "green", then the qualitative environmental changes will be so significant that it will be difficult not to pay attention to them.

List of rules for people who care about the state of the environment

In this list you can find things that are very often discussed, however, alas, not every person is guided by them in his life. Each of us can do this:

1. Use for lighting not ordinary light bulbs, but fluorescent energy-saving or LED bulbs.

2. Going to bed, turn off the computer. This simple action will save more than 1000 kilowatts of electricity per month.

3. Use not one, but two sides of the paper. Set the printer to print on both sides by default.

4. No need to turn on the oven prematurely. When checking the readiness of the dish, you do not need to open the oven, evaluate the degree of readiness visually. This will keep the temperature and, as a result, save electricity.

5. Hand over glass to collection points. Glass recycling reduces the level of air pollution (by 20%) and water (by 50%).

6. Use environmentally friendly diapers for your baby, not diapers.

7. Don't eat meat at least once a week. This little self-restraint will greatly help the world and improve your health.

8. Don't forget to turn off the lights. If the room has an incandescent lamp, then you should turn off the light every time you leave the room. If you are using fluorescent lights, then turn off the light only when you leave the room for more than 20 minutes, since in this case the number of on and off matters.

9. Recycle waste paper. If you send at least one newspaper a week for recycling, it will save a lot of trees.

10. Buy water in plastic bottles less often. Most of these containers are not recycled, and the period of their decomposition is millennia. Alternatively, you can use one bottle many times. By doing this, you are doing a service to the environment and your wallet.

11. Take a shower instead of a bath. Bathing in a bath uses about 2 times more water than taking a shower. Reduced the process of washing the body by a minute - saved about 15 liters of water.

12. Turn off the water while brushing your teeth and washing dishes, this will save about 20 liters of water daily.

13. Repair water pipes where water drips. Think about how much water flows away this way in a year.

14. Plant trees. Turn it into a tradition. For example, you can plant one tree for each family member every year.

15. If you drive a car, use cruise control. This device significantly reduces the amount of fuel emissions and allows you to save a lot on refueling the car.

16. If a thing is used, then this does not mean that it is bad. Toys, bicycles, roller skates and other dimensional things - as a rule, children do not use all this for a very long time. In second-hand stores, you can buy such items in good condition and save a significant amount of money.

17. Use local products. Consider how much the environment suffers from transporting products from other regions and countries.

18. Change the temperature in your home. If you are using private heating system and air conditioning, reduce the temperature in winter by only 1 degree and increase it by the same amount in summer. This will save about 10 percent of electricity.

19. Get dressed instead of warm. Warm clothes will save a significant amount of electricity.

20. Get a mug and carry it with you. It will come in handy if you want to drink coffee in a place where it is poured into disposable plastic cups. This will help you keep the environment clean.

21. If you have to travel on business, try creating a schedule that allows you to travel as little as possible, such as once a week.

22. If you read a lot, then use the services of the library. This will save a lot of paper. Another option is to buy e-book. Although it is not very cheap, but such an investment will quickly pay for itself.

23. Carefully study the packaging of goods. Approximately one third of the waste is packaging. Do not purchase a product that is wrapped in an unreasonably large amount of packaging material.

24. Recycle old cell phones. Over time, some parts of the mobile phone begin to emit into the environment toxic elements.

25. Monitor the condition of your car. Good engine condition, clean air filters, etc. greatly increase the level of machine performance.

26. Find remote work. First, it will save you money on travel. Secondly, such a solution will allow you to work in more comfortable conditions.

27. Engage in breeding indoor plants. They not only make the room more alive, but also contribute to the saturation of the room with oxygen.

28. Use matches, not lighters. The body of the lighters is made of plastic. In addition, most of these products are disposable. This results in about a billion pieces of plastic waste ending up in landfills every year.

29. Take your bag to the store. Each package that is not thrown away provides an indispensable service to the environment.

30. Don't throw away things you don't wear. Hand them over to collection points, they will definitely find their new owner.

31. Try not to use plastic bags as these products do not biodegrade. Instead, use reusable bags made from recyclable material (preferably paper).

32. Unplug the charger from the outlet if this moment you do not recharge anything with it, since it consumes electricity anyway.

33. Give preference to walking. If you use a car to get around, try to walk occasionally (at least a few times a week).

34. Pay your bills online. According to some estimates, the use of paper checks leads to the death of tens of millions of trees every year. Therefore, you should try to minimize payment through bank terminals. Or, alternatively, you can refuse to receive receipts.

35. Use the above information and spread it among your friends, the only way to save the environment.

Remember that each person can contribute to the protection of nature. Only by changing oneself can one influence the people living in this world and be able to avoid the impending ecological disaster.

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"How to Improve Ecology?!" 20 interesting ideas

Let's try to list some actions that would improve the environment:

1. Do not burn plant waste either in the city or outside the city: stubble, straw, sawdust, wood shavings, tree branches, paper, leaves, dried grass, tops, leather industry waste, etc. All this must be turned into compost and returned to the soil.

2. Do not set fire to high grass in fields and meadows, not only and not so much because it often leads to fires, but also because any fire (including tourist fires) is the death of trillions or even quadrillions of living beings - microorganisms soil. That is, each bonfire does not at all symbolically reduce the amount of life on earth.

3. Do not plant trees where they will obviously be broken or will not grow due to a scarce amount of soil, or will block the light, interfere with movement, touch wires, etc., so as not to execute them later. In general, landscaping of urban areas is best done with grass, not trees.

4. Do not whitewash curbs and roadsides, as this is the greatest stupidity.

5. Do not fight weeds on lawns and wastelands by exterminating them. And if you fight, then only by replacing it with meadow grasses.

6. Do not plant “cultivated” flowers in the flowerbeds, as this is not only a waste of time, but also the wrong orientation of people: they say, natural multi-grass is a disgrace, but we will plant lawn grass, we will mow it, and we will give the bushes the shape of a brick , and here it will be a real beauty. In a word, do not cultivate pseudo-culture.

7. Do not make the curb stone rise above the asphalt, but make it flush with it so that the water from the asphalt flows freely into the lawn. Excess moisture and dirt will not harm him: on the contrary, it will contribute to a riot of greenery.

8. Do not break ice on lawns in the spring, as this is stupidity of the same order as whitewashing curbs.

9. Do not remove steppe felt of old grass from lawns, as in autumn and spring it still hides dust and thus purifies the air. In addition, the litter is necessary for the soil.

10. Do not pour the ground above the asphalt on the lawn, because then, instead of cleaning the air from dust, the lawn becomes its source.

11. Do not bring land from the fields to the city. On the contrary, to export from the city the black soil obtained from the overheating of plant waste in wastelands and special points for obtaining black soil (PPC).

12. Do not be afraid to start overhauling lawns, i.e. remove the soil and temporarily lay it down next to it, take the subsoil layer (clay, crushed stone) to neighboring dirt roads and cover it again with the same soil, but already so that the level of the lawn becomes 10-15, and sometimes 20 cm below the asphalt.

13. Do not be afraid to pour clay-crushed stone mixture onto dirt roads, since with almost no effort and special knowledge you can get an excellent road surface. It is only necessary to make a slightly convex road profile, and ditches below the roadbed.

14. Do not get carried away with large, continuous asphalt pavements, but wherever possible, you need to provide dust-catching green recesses (preferably round) and, in general, consider greenery not as a decoration, but as the main means of purifying the air from dust, stuffiness, dryness, etc.

15. Make roofs with traditional coverings as little as possible and practice green “jungle” on roofs as much as possible (garages, barns, pigsties, sheds for drying grass, sheds, booths, bus shelters, etc.). All this literally asks for earthen roofs. Not news and green lawns on the roofs of residential buildings.

In general, greenery today should be built almost into a cult. It's almost impossible to overdo it here. After all, the human body was formed in conditions when greenery surrounded it like clothes, and today we are surrounded by stone, dust, asphalt, dryness, stuffiness.

In hospitals and even on trains long distance of increased comfort, today it is quite possible to make hanging beds (under fluorescent lamps), which could provide much more oxygen than "flowers in pots", while requiring less maintenance.

16. Do not make two-story high garden houses, as they are hot and stuffy in summer. garden house should be semi-basement and, of course, with an earthen roof. In such a house it is cool in summer, and in winter, if you have a stove, you can live. It takes much less time and money to build it.

17. Do not make traditional stoves in the private sector, as there are more advanced forms of heating that require less labor and at the same time give a greater effect.

18. To minimize the use of internal combustion engines. Firstly, by organizing a single dispatch service, the purpose of which is to prevent idle or unjustified car runs. Each flight must perform several functions. This is the only way to reduce petrol smog today.

19. At the same time, in every possible way to welcome the invention and introduction of devices that make it possible to transport weights, plow the earth, lift loads, wash linen, cut firewood, etc., using the power of wind or solar energy or the muscular strength of organisms. For example, spreading fertilizers in the fields or throwing soil on bald hills and hills can be done in strong wind sail carts. In the northern regions (and in the future also in the middle latitudes), man-made ice tunnels could be an excellent transport artery.

20. It is high time not only to speak, but also to implement the idea of ​​ribbon cities, or what is the same thing: integral life support complexes, i.e. all houses, industries, auxiliary buildings are located along the underground transport highway - just as nature did in organisms. High expediency, low cost, abundance of greenery, almost complete heat recovery from electric transport, protection from earthquakes, high level the country's defense capability with a large number of ILIs, etc. - all this makes this idea much more attractive than space exploration or the design of supersonic aircraft and other traditional "winged" hobbies of mankind. Rushing into space, i.e. into cold, blackness and emptiness, and we turn our native land into a dirty, smelly sewer. Where is the logic?


Ecology is rapidly gaining popularity among the population. Increasingly, citizens and activists are calling for an environmental trend. Most complain about the country's authorities for the lack of a proper system of environmental policy: they say, why is the government not doing anything, why is it so dirty on the streets, why is garbage lying on the sidewalks ... Wait, is it by chance that you threw a candy wrapper under your feet yesterday? ? Didn't you throw your cigarette butt on the sidewalk? These questions are rhetorical and do not require an answer.

Therefore, in order to improve the ecological state of not only the city, but also the country, you need to start with yourself! If everyone stops littering, only then will it be clean. No matter how trite this phrase may sound, it is the pure truth. Of course, not everyone understands the importance of this issue due to their inexperience and short-sightedness. Therefore, such people need to be constantly reminded of this with the help of ecologists and environmental programs and projects.

Also, cleanliness and order need to be taught to people from childhood. Even in the kindergarten, it is necessary to carry out environmental campaigns to collect waste paper. When playing, children absorb information twice as fast. Therefore, simply reading the information will not help - you need to involve children and so that the importance of this issue remains in their memory.

Of course, one cannot build an ecological system by human enthusiasm alone. Here we need the help of the authorities, the financing of patrons, and the reasonable approach of specialists. Indeed, the government pays little attention to the ecological state of the country. Believe me, if we turn to her for help correctly, if we use certain levers of influence, then everything will work out for us.

It is possible to help improve the ecological state with the help of not only our own, but also international environmental projects and actions. Do not be lazy, join them and attract others. Do not be afraid to become the actual initiator of this or that project. After all, everything is in your hands, and the more people who participate, the greater the result will be. Don't be afraid to have Saturdays. At least family or school. Even such activities will be of great benefit to your city.

Therefore, the main rule on the way to the cleanliness of your city is to start with yourself and attract others. Make it a rule to live in a European way, to live in purity and well-being. If we don't start, who will? Who will love our country except us?!


How to improve the environment? - Useful information for everyone

Personally, I am engaged in science, and I try my best to contribute. In particular, at present, the world's minds, in the heart of Europe, with the active assistance of Russia, are building the latest thermonuclear reactor. A new energy source that will practically run on water and will not be radioactive.

There is such a thing as a property of nature when it natural way can digest some pollution, but there is irreparable damage, and here we all need to try ...

How can each of us try and bring a part of our participation into nature. You need to come up with your own rules and strictly follow them:

  1. Never throw garbage while on the street and especially while on vacation (in nature outside the city).
  2. Do not throw garbage out of the windows and from the windows of passing cars.
  3. Do not throw garbage outside the city, in car towns (use special containers at gas stations).
  4. Clean up after yourself and take your picnic waste with you.
  5. Avoid spilling oils and other substances.
  6. Always undergo maintenance and adjust the level of CO emissions in the exhaust gases of the car, especially in carburetors.
  7. Do not dispose of fluorescent lamps containing mercury in trash cans.
  8. Do not dispose of batteries, accumulators and other batteries in trash cans.
  9. Attend civil defense and emergency courses, where citizens are taught the basics of security.
  10. Do not throw away used chewing gum anywhere.
  11. During long journeys in trains, do not throw garbage overboard.
  12. During sea cruises and sea crossings, do not throw garbage into the sea.
  13. Do not discharge wastewater from the fan system overboard in ports and at sea, as well as in roadsteads.
  14. Do not drain ballast and bilge water overboard at sea, port waters.
  15. Oiled rags must be disposed of in the prescribed manner.
  16. Do not pour hazardous liquids such as brake fluid, insect repellent (mosquitoes) down the drain.
  17. If mercury from devices and thermometers enters the environment, inform the local civil defense and emergency authorities and take all measures for collection and decontamination.
  18. Pass current technical services car at service stations where the old used motor oil and used oil filters are disposed of in the prescribed manner.
  19. Monitor the tightness of the exhaust systems of cars, the operation of the sensors, replace them in a timely manner and replace the Catalysts to be replaced.
  20. To teach the younger generation how to behave in the external environment, and by their example demonstrate a caring attitude.
  21. Participate in the greening of the city.
  22. Preserve green spaces, maintain good condition their fences, fences.
  23. In squares and parks, do not hunt for animals, such as squirrels, pigeons ...
  24. Feed animals, birds that are part of the ecosystem.
  25. To take part in rare subbotniks, to help city services put the city territory in order.
  26. Do not wash your car in the city, but use car washes for this.
  27. Do not drive a very dirty vehicle.
  28. In rural areas, do not abuse fertilizers and other chemicals, as they all enter the groundwater.
  29. Transfer urban transport to electric transport and gas equipment.
  30. Do not use old, decommissioned in the west, buses, the engines of which are mercilessly smoked with diesel fuel.
  31. To build new trolleybus lines, new tram lines, new subway lines.
  32. Save consumption of clean drinking water at home from the citywide access network.
  33. Save heat in homes, apply heat and energy-saving technologies.
  34. Install motion sensors at entrances and entrances.
  35. Do not use incandescent lamps.
  36. Do not engage in poaching, which can disrupt the natural background of nature, destroy the ecosystem.
  37. Track world news in the field of increasing carbon dioxide emissions, reducing the ozone layer.
  38. Use aerosols that do not contain substances that destroy the ozone layer.
  39. Use safe reagents for the treatment of pavement and sidewalks.
  40. Always remember that nature is our home, and we all live in it!
  • For example, our ecology would be better if the annual forest fires stopped. Everyone can help with their voice in solving this problem (link).

    Many talk about improving the environment, but no one does, or waits for someone to do it. For global changes, the question needs to be put differently, namely: What have I done to improve the environment? If everyone thinks about it and does something, and we are 7 billion. inhabitants on earth, imagine what a colossal effect we will get immediately.

    Well - people will think, we are ready to do something to improve the environment, but what? Everyone will answer in their own way, but it will be very good if you leave your answers in the comments, what you can do for this purpose, or maybe you have already done.

    For example:

    I planted a tree.

    I rarely use paper.

    I stopped driving.

    I came up with a transport on a different type of fuel. etc.

    It will be of interest to many and will encourage someone to act in your way to improve the environment.

    I will offer my own way to improve the environment. One of the main environmental pollutants is the car. The car emits a huge amount of harmful substances into the atmosphere, from which various diseases appear. There are about a billion cars in the world, and every year there are more and more of them. Of course, there are cars that run on hydrogen, water, air, etc., but no one knows when they will go on sale and how long it will take to build gas stations or another approach. But each of us would like to do something about this scourge right now. FFI offered a very interesting and affordable solution for everyone by developing the MPG combustion biocatalyst, which reduces the harmful exhaust of cars and other mechanisms with an internal combustion chamber up to 75-90%. Just imagine the fumes, smog in cities would have decreased by 80%! How easier it would be to breathe, how less diseases would become. That's environmental improvement! Everyone can improve the environment by adding an MPG biocatalyst to their car before each refueling, so each of you will reduce the harm caused by people in general, and in particular by you. Improvement of ecology PROFITABLE!!!

    Did an experiment, did it. We took the car and checked the CO, it turned out to be 1.5 after two tanks with the MPG biocatalyst, we got 0.7. Other machines have even more impressive results in IMPROVED ENVIRONMENT.

    It was not necessary for humanity to spoil so much and treat nature with contempt, as it has been done in the last 120 years, especially, thinking that I am not going to live for 300 years, so we will produce emissions into the atmosphere, into water bodies, enough for my lifetime, but At least the grass doesn't grow there. Man is the most dangerous for the environment. As for ordinary citizens, of course, we will not be able to influence the environment very much, it needs to be done more globally within the entire planet, but something can be done, for example, each of us should stop throwing garbage anywhere, accustom at least to this myself. After all, now, wherever you go on vacation, you see everywhere that there have already been people here before you, and you can see this only in the mountains of garbage scattered anywhere. You can hold a charity event, and install garbage cans in places of public recreation on the beaches with the money received, this will give some result, although there will still be those who will be too lazy to walk to the garbage can. Discussion of a civil project with subsequent submission for consideration by deputies to attract investors for the construction of a waste processing plant in each region, since there are already such colossal heaps of garbage outside the big cities that a little more time will pass and we will simply wallow in our own garbage.

    I've been having this problem for a long time now. Even posted this information on several sites. Quoting myself:

    Let's take the first step towards improving the environment together, let's abandon these packages at least partially! The main thing is to start the process.

    In other countries, they have been thinking about this for a long time and are starting to produce decaying bags, packaging, and so on.

    But first it is necessary to refuse the acquisition and use of what is already there, there will be no demand, there will be no production.

    Personally, I have been trying for a long time not to take these free bags in stores, I bring old ones with me, which are still quite new, and then I throw garbage into them. And I don’t pack every little thing, even 3-5 fruits can be taken without a package, not to mention other goods. And the salespeople at the checkout, by the way, are sympathetic when I explain the reason to them.

    To begin with, we ourselves can set a good example for others, i.e. lead a life that does not harm nature. The second is to stop others from trying to harm her. The third is to conduct explanatory work with those who have not understood that ecology is a very important part of our life, because we are all dependent on nature.

    In my opinion one of important points This is waste recycling. The second is, of course, to stop polluting the environment, not to dump industrial waste into rivers and lakes, not to cut down trees.

    Buy a bike and move around the city on it, for example, to study or work. To make more green spaces in cities, following the example of my city, I will say that after cutting down old trees, new ones were not planted everywhere again. Use resources economically fresh water, more use of renewable resources, improve the technical base of enterprises by switching to modern environmentally friendly technologies, thereby reducing the percentage of harmful emissions into the atmosphere. Properly dispose of household waste, before that by creating factories for this very disposal. Properly store toxic waste from the nuclear industry and prevent poisons from entering groundwater. Limit the use of vehicles that emit a huge amount of exhaust gases. As for agriculture, learn how to create high-tech centers for the processing of land and water resources. Looking at the experience of past years, we can conclude that the environment has suffered significant losses only because the technological processes of waste disposal have not been properly thought out, possibly due to the lack of funding for this area of ​​human activity. Today, an ordinary citizen can help the environment only by observing decency and respect for the places where he directly lives. Thus, the conclusion suggests itself that an ordinary person can help the environment only by not harming it due to his social bad manners. Do not pollute the places where you arrive, whether it be a cigarette butt or a whole dump truck of garbage. We must try to use civilized methods and take an example from developed countries, not only in terms of environmental awareness, but also the right way of life and thoughts in general. It is necessary to educate a grateful generation in relation to their land of people. Children need to be taught culture from childhood, and, moreover, realizing that all of the above has not gone unnoticed. Although, probably, no one needs it.

    For starters, do not litter everywhere, do not burn leaves, rubber, and similar nonsense. Also, do not bury various chemicals in the ground, including mercury from broken thermometers. This is all we can do for the environment. And global problems are already the authorities can solve. For example: switch all transport to electric power supply - the air will become much better!

    And now I want to open a waste-processing shop (And later on a plant). For this, a business plan has already been drawn up and everything is under development. garbage. That is, its initial sorting of different containers, cleaning the territory of the city and suburban areas. Processing into fertilizers, threads, plastics (in general, raw materials for the manufacture of products in the future), etc. We have not yet decided to do something ourselves and develop in this direction in the sense of further processing into products or someone else. I always try to go to the store with the bag that I have, and there is even a special shopping bag when we take a lot, we make it up. We take bio garbage bags, old things and everything we can take it to the country house to rot and fall asleep in the compost pit, after cutting or sawing it into smaller pieces, breaking it. I always make a remark on the street when I see that they are throwing garbage. after others, but if we catch that they are leaving or leaving without cleaning, we stop, we ask you to clean it up. Sometimes it even came to fights) People didn’t want to clean up after themselves.

    You can improve the environment only by starting with yourself, developing not only a culture in yourself, but also living consciously, realizing that everything has consequences.

    Culture includes:

    do not litter - neither in the city nor in nature. Arrange regular subbotniks to clean the area where you live and work. Planting trees. Use separate garbage bags - for glass, plastic, organics, etc.

    Life awareness:

    If the culture of behavior and life can be trained in oneself, then awareness is already more difficult. Because it carries a rejection of comfort. And comfort, as we know, carries with it all the harmful devices that make life easier for a person (thermal power plants, cars, factories, etc.). When a person consciously changes from a car to a bicycle, this is already a victory. Switching to alternative sources of energy is a huge step towards a clean planet. But ... greedy factories, oligarchs will not allow this and freeze all advanced developments in every possible way. But energy, if you think about it, can be extracted from anything.

    Example. Take Israel for example. Their roads are made of a special coating, which releases energy when the car passes. Can you imagine how many cars will drive on the highway in a day? This energy is enough to provide electric lighting for the track for a day and it is used to recharge electric vehicles. In our country, this is considered fantastic, since this electricity costs a penny, and, accordingly, the oligarch's pocket will lose weight.

    In general, everything starts small. If one person switches to a bicycle, another 10 will follow him, and then 50, and so on. is already an achievement.

    Well, the role of the state here is huge. If a person can clean the space around himself, then he is no longer able to clean the air and water from the horrific industrial pollution. This is where the government has to regulate. And in our country, unfortunately, the whole ecology is corrupt, they write all sorts of scribbles and reports, but in reality they do NOTHING. Trouble in general.

    For example, in Kazakhstan over the past decade in industrial cities - where there are metallurgical plants, etc., note that respiratory diseases have increased by 300%, the number of cancer patients is growing, all children are in poor health. But on the other hand, everything is clean on paper, but in fact, nature is dying and people are getting sick.

    Therefore, it turns out that we are killing with our lack of culture and unconsciousness, and the state is killing us with the vital activity of factories, etc.

    If there are separate waste collection points somewhere in the city, then you can not be too lazy and carry your garbage there. Do not leave rubbish in nature. Do not wash cars on the banks of rivers and reservoirs. Do not burn in bonfires plastic bottles, laminated milk bags. Do not clutter up your home with unnecessary items that will soon go to a landfill. Take care of your things, do not throw them away just because they are tired. Until the end, use tubes with toothpaste, cream, gel, etc.

    Etc. etc.

    If each of us who answered this topic does not throw wrappers and cigarette butts on the street, burn leaves, paper, save light and water, use less chemicals to control insects, pests, to clean houses, etc., it will be commendable, but it will not improve the ecological situation :(

    The ecological state of the planet as a whole is deplorable! And the whole process is rapidly moving only for the worse, gaining momentum. However, infrequently these issues are raised for discussion and solution at the global level. And all because it is unprofitable for entire states to abandon powerful industries (fuel, fertilizers, and many other things). They all live for today. And today the situation is not the worst, but it’s scary to imagine what will happen to the planet in 30 years.

    Now the situation in the world is such that the authorities must unite and jointly make decisions on the complete replacement of production methods with ecological ones, on waste treatment, on transport, on water, on land cultivation methods, on everything that is on our planet.

    And they should think about how our children will live! And they think that their children do not need money, and they will not, will need a breath of clean air and not money!

    It is sad, but it is unlikely that they will start doing something while you can still turn back!

    From our side, probably the only way out is to unite via the Internet, to gather on a global scale for protests, perhaps this will affect. But you need to be aware that global solution environmental issues can deprive us of some of the benefits to which we are accustomed, but for our own good.

    Although, as Ukraine shows with its Maidan, no one needed those protesters even in a frost of 25 degrees, and you can simply shoot the biggest activists and calm the crowd: ((((((((


    Environmental issues in disaster films

    "We will have to go through great pain and suffering if we do not understand our responsibility for nature" (J. Cameron)

    Separate waste collection, saving water and electricity, using reusable bags and utensils instead of disposable ones, a bicycle instead of a car - even the most simple ways can significantly change the environment around us.

    The state of the environment is becoming an increasingly important topic for Russian society. However, speaking of environmental issues ah, we often assume that their causes, as well as the possibility of a solution, depend on "someone else." German Cultural Center Goethe decided to talk to environmentalists in St. Petersburg about what each of us can do to improve the environmental situation.

    Text version

    Hello, my name is Andrey Shpartko. I represent the Garbage Public Organization.More.No. Every day, a person throws something into the trash can. And where does it go then? In St. Petersburg, unfortunately, all this is sent to a landfill. Everything rots, a huge mountain is formed, which poisons the earth and the environment.

    What can you do? Already now you can separate paper, cardboard, glass bottles and jars, plastic bottles and jars, aluminum cans from the total mass of household waste. All this is to be recycled. You can find information about recycling points on our website. The map clearly shows these points, there are dozens of them in the city. There you can hand over those fractions that I have listed for processing. Everyone can support major events and activities that aim to raise awareness of environmental issues such as Earth Day, 500 Actions, World Day of Action. (Andrey Shpartko Garbage.More.No)

    What can you do right now to improve the ecology of our city?

    My name is Ekaterina Uspenskaya. I am from the Friends of the Baltic organization. We are engaged in environmental education and enlightenment. Our goal is to tell everyone, in our case, these are mostly schoolchildren, what each of us can do at home, on our own, to help nature.

    The fact is that the existing system makes us consume as many resources as we do not really need. We consume them, on the one hand, because we are forced to consume it through advertising, on the other hand, we use a lot out of ignorance. Something needs to be done about this, because if everyone lived like an average Russian, we would need four planets to provide for everyone.

    How can we reduce our consumption? First, when we go to the store, we can ask ourselves one simple question: do I want to buy this, but do I need it? This is where a lot starts, I think. At home, we often use more energy than we need because up to 40% of this energy is wasted. Because our windows are not insulated, we use old-style light bulbs that consume 20 times more energy than energy-saving ones, we often leave the light on when we don't need it.

    In addition, you can do very simple things that do not require any costs and even moral effort. When going to the store, you can take simple cloth bags with you so as not to create unnecessary plastic waste. Social initiatives are important. Instead of going to buy yourself new thing, can be exchanged. To do this, there are initiatives such as book-crossing - the exchange of books. You can change clothes - for this there is, for example, a free market.

    We need to pay attention to the people around us. There are things that one person cannot solve, but the solution of these problems is often within the power of a close-knit team, a friendly community. By saving water, we also save the energy that goes into heating it. By installing such a water-saving nozzle, we save up to half of the water used, while not experiencing any discomfort. These nozzles are very affordable and are often sold in our stores as massage ones. (Ekaterina Uspenskaya Friends of the Baltic)

    What can you do for the environment?

    My name is Igor Babanin. I am the Project Manager for the Efficient Use of Resources at Greenpeace Russia. Petersburg is a big vacuum cleaner where natural resources are drawn in: wood, water, etc. different types. The same materials are thrown back, but already in the form of obscene, and pollute everything around. Therefore, if we are talking about what people need to do to save St. Petersburg, the ecology in St. Petersburg and in general on earth, you need to think about how you live, what you consume, what you take for yourself and what you throw away. The simplest thing is to conserve resources such as water, electricity, maybe cycling where possible.

    It is a scientific fact that automobiles contribute the bulk of environmental pollution. It cannot be said here that this is a point of view, this is scientific data. 80 or even 90 percent of the pollution in cities like Moscow and St. Petersburg is cars. Everything is interconnected, and now it is important to understand: is it time to stop? Isn't it time to stop producing, satisfy your smallest fictitious needs, and instead think - why do you live, how do you want to live and is it good for you to live in this form? Of course, it is important that people understand where we are going. I want to increase civic consciousness. (Igor Babanin Greenpeace)

    Nature will satisfy the needs of each of us, but not the greed of each of us!

    I am Dmitry Vorobyov, sociologist, researcher at the Center for Independent Sociological Research, where we are now. What can we, city dwellers, do to improve the environmental situation? Nothing! We're already late. I would say that they were late by ten, twenty, forty years. We did not deal with ecology - a real apocalypse is coming. Late! The only thing you can do is to come to your senses and urgently become a green man.

    I would give many examples beautiful projects which are known. From the famous roof garden, where the roof of the house was planted with real vegetables, they collect food waste and turn it into compost, but this is an isolated example. How many cyclists we have in the city is another practice that will help reduce the load, there are hundreds, thousands of them. But in our city there are only a couple of bicycle roads. There are many, small, local initiatives, but this is a drop in the ocean, and I am rather pessimistic.

    In order to change something in this city in terms of ecology, you always need to start with yourself, with your practices, with your room or apartment. You can feel the forces that open up when you have a calm conscience, a green mood. When you see that someone has broken a branch of a bush, it must be a tragedy for everyone! We need to bandage it and think about how to plant more shrubs and trees, fence off lawns and not litter, not litter, not litter. It is with such small things: with the installation of a water meter, with saving water, heat, that the strongest change in the city begins.

    All people are environmentalists. There are plenty of practices that can make all the difference - even blowing and compressing bags - if millions of people do this, the problem will be almost devoid of. This ecological lifestyle is the most important thing. Everyone can contribute. The situation is easy to change. You just need to believe all of us, the inhabitants of the city, and urgently do this. Engage in environmental practices. Fast, fast, yesterday already! (Dmitry Vorobyov Center for Independent Sociological Research)

    A source


    Solving environmental problems: ways and means

    The scientific and technological revolution and the use of minerals of the earth has led to the fact that the ecological situation on our planet is deteriorating literally before our eyes. The level of pollution of the subsoil, hydrosphere and air layer of the earth is approaching a critical level. Humanity is on the verge of a global man-made disaster. Fortunately, more and more government and public organizations understands the depth and danger of the problem.

    Work to improve the current situation is gaining momentum. Already, modern technologies offer many ways to solve environmental problems, from creating ecological species fuel, ecological transport to the search for new environmentally friendly energy sources and the reasonable use of the Earth's resources.

    Ways to solve the problem

    An integrated approach to environmental issues is needed. It should include long-term and planned activities aimed at all spheres of society.

    To radically improve the environmental situation, both on earth as a whole and in a single country, it is necessary to implement measures of the following nature:

    1. Legal. These include the creation of environmental laws. International agreements are also important.
    2. Economic. Elimination of the consequences of technogenic impact on nature requires serious financial investments.
    3. Technological. In this area, there is a place where inventors and innovators disagree. The use of new technologies in the mining, metallurgical and transport industries will minimize environmental pollution. The main task is to create environmentally friendly energy sources.
    4. Organizational. They consist in the uniform distribution of transport along the streams to prevent its long accumulation in one place.
    5. Architectural. It is advisable to plant trees and shrubs in large and small settlements, to divide their territory into zones with the help of plantations. Of no small importance is the planting of plantings around enterprises and along roads.

    Special importance should be attached to the protection of flora and fauna. Their representatives simply do not have time to adapt to changes in the environment.

    Current conservation measures

    Awareness of the dramatic situation in ecology forced mankind to take urgent and effective measures to correct it.

    The most popular activities are:

    1. Reducing household and industrial waste. This is especially true for plastic utensils. It is gradually being replaced by paper. Research is underway to eliminate bacteria that feed on plastic.
    2. Cleaning of drains. Billions of cubic meters of water are consumed annually to provide various branches of human activity. Modern treatment facilities allow to clean it to a natural state.
    3. Transition to clean energy sources. This means phasing out atomic energy, engines and furnaces running on coal and oil products. The use of natural gas, wind, solar and hydroelectric power ensures a clean atmosphere. The use of biofuels can significantly reduce the concentration of harmful substances in exhaust gases.
    4. Protection and restoration of lands and forests. New forests are being planted in the clearing areas. Measures are being taken to drain the land and protect it from erosion.

    Constant agitation in favor of ecology changes people's views on this problem, inclining them to respect the environment.

    Prospects for solving environmental problems in the future

    In the future, the main efforts will be aimed at eliminating the consequences of man-made human activities and reducing harmful emissions.

    For this, there are such prospects:

    1. Construction of special plants for the complete disposal of all types of waste. This will allow not to occupy new territories for landfills. The energy obtained from combustion can be used for the needs of cities.
    2. Construction of thermal power plants operating on the "solar wind" (Helium 3). This substance is on the moon. Despite the high cost of its production, the energy obtained from the "solar wind" is thousands of times greater than the heat transfer from nuclear fuel.
    3. Transfer of all transport to power plants running on gas, electricity, batteries and hydrogen. This decision will contribute to the reduction of emissions into the atmosphere.
    4. Cold nuclear fusion. This option for generating energy from water is already under development.

    Despite the serious damage caused to nature, humanity has every chance to return it to its original form.


    Eco-philosophy: how to improve the ecological situation

    Who will solve environmental problems? Many believe that only politicians, environmentalists or manufacturers can influence environmental issues. In fact, politicians do not care about such "trifles". Ecologists are aware of the state of the planet, and let's be honest: they do not have enough authority to influence anything. And producers will not move until they see the benefits and the consumer stubbornly does not demand changes. The only ones who can change anything are ourselves. The legendary Jacques Yves Cousteau studied the marine world for 40 years and was very worried about its biodiversity. So, at the end of the documentary about him, an amazing song sounded with the words: “What can one do? Be in love. What can one? Plant a garden. What can one? Change the world." So, one person is not enough, but if you are an example and tell others about the glorious idea of ​​​​living ecologically, then others will soon join. You, He, She, They - and then we can change the world for the better.

    Eco-philosophy: 2 important concepts: "Think globally, act locally" - the UN motto for the 21st century (Local Agenda XXI). It characterizes very succinctly how one should behave during an ecological crisis. Principle 3R: Reduce (reduce consumption), Reuse (reuse), Recycle (remake). If we take the purchase of clothes as an example, then, according to the 3R principle, you should buy what you really like and need, wear it to the bitter end, look for ways to reuse (alter, give to others, use for rags), and only then throw it away. Did you know that the population of the planet consumes more than the Earth is capable of regenerating? Scientists have calculated that with this way of life we ​​need 3 planets.

    How can we improve the situation?

    1. Be a wise consumer. Buy things only if you really need them: think carefully before buying, refuse spontaneous purchases, prepare a list of necessary purchases before going to the store. And remember: it is better to buy a quality item once than a cheap one several times. The aphorism "The miser pays twice" now applies to the environment. Don't be wasteful.

    2. Don't buy junk: give preference to products without extra packaging. Why do you need another beautiful bag-box-jar, if you still won’t use them?

    3. Avoid single-use plastic bags. Plastic does not decompose naturally: an island has already formed in the Pacific Ocean, which consists entirely of human waste. After eating such garbage, 100 thousand animals die every year. Therefore, it is better to carry a convenient reusable eco-bag with you, which will be good for the environment and help you save a hundred or two hryvnias, eliminating the need to buy a new plastic bag every time.

    4. "No" - once. Try not to buy single-use products: dishes, napkins, razors, pens, instead, give preference to appropriate reusable items. Less waste, less problems! 5. Garbage sorting: 1 ton of waste paper will save 17-20 trees, and 1 ton of secondary polymers (plastic) will save 16 tons of crude oil. If you already have separate containers for household waste and plastic-glass-metal-paper, it's a sin not to use it. If this is not the case, then you can contact the recycling centers, or carefully fold packs of paper, bottles, plastic near the trash can and they will definitely come in handy for someone.

    6. Save water. If we compare the Earth with the head of a baby, then fresh water reserves are just a tear in the eyes. Scientists predict that by 2050 fresh water supplies will be almost exhausted, and 4 billion people will not even be able to meet their daily water needs. The banal “turn off the tap while brushing your teeth” has a deep meaning: if you do this, then 1 liter of water is consumed, while when the tap is open, 6 l / min flows out. Reduce the time spent in the shower, reduce the pressure, purchase a special economic nozzle with the air shower function (saturates the water flow with air). Repair leaky faucets.

    7. Save energy. Get in the habit of turning off the lights when leaving the room for more than 15 minutes. Use energy-saving lamps, which last 12 times longer and consume 80% less energy. Unplug unnecessary appliances from the outlet, thus, you will save up to 40% of wasted electricity.

    8. Economy mode. When buying, pay attention to the efficiency of equipment (marking A, A +, Energy Star), so you can reduce your electricity bill by 30%.

    9. About paper. Save paper: print on both sides, use drafts. Saving 25 reams of paper saves one felled tree! Choose chlorine-free bleached paper (PCF label) and controlled plantation paper (FSC label).

    10. About the car. Buy an economical car. Change the filter regularly and inflate your tires. Such actions will increase the number of kilometers per liter of gasoline.

    11. About cleanliness. Conventional detergents contain phosphates, which, getting into water bodies, contribute to the rapid "greening" of water. Also, phosphates do not pass through filters and can again enter our home through the central water supply system. Therefore, preference should be given to environmentally friendly detergents or soap nuts, which are harmless and 98-100% biodegradable.

    12. About cosmetics. Give preference to natural, and even better, organic cosmetics that do not contain artificial additives and petrochemicals.

    13. About nutrition. Give up fast food, cook at home and have dinner together with the whole family. Choose foods that are local (this uses less fuel for transportation), seasonal and, if possible, organic. The latter do not use pesticides (most are made from oil), use less water and energy, and regenerate the soil.

    14. About children. Imagine: if a child uses exclusively disposable diapers, then while the child grows up, a mountain of garbage will also grow, weighing 1,000 kg! Give up diapers and switch to a natural swaddling system or disposable diapers that can decompose in nature.

    15. About home comfort. Give preference to everything natural as much as possible: furniture, textiles, interior items.

    16. Plant a tree and support the people who conserve and protect our forests. Trees absorb a ton of CO2 during their lifetime, purifying the air. Trees also provide shade and reduce air conditioning costs by 10 to 15%.


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