The degree of theoretical preparation of the student is an example. Characteristics for a student who had an internship: how to write, where to get

Each student of a pedagogical educational institution is faced with the task of passing industrial practice, and in order to be in good standing and have positive marks on the eve of the thesis, it is necessary to overcome the practice with dignity, confirming it with a testimonial from the place of passage. We offer several options for characteristics for a student-trainee of various pedagogical profiles.

Who needs and why

The characteristic is issued to the student at the end of the practice and confirms its very passage in a particular educational institution, and also describes the quality of the work done by the student: the administration indicates all the pros and cons of his activities, puts a mark. Then the student refers the characteristic to his university. The characteristic of a trainee in pedagogical practice should reflect the evidence that the knowledge, skills and abilities acquired in an educational institution were applied in work. special attention requires writing a description on class teacher, since the student is faced with the task of organizing the class, maintaining documentation and educational activities.

The following will be concrete examples filling out the document.

Primary classes

Characteristics of a student trainee at a school who had an internship at ... (indicate the full name of the educational institution) in primary school, FULL NAME.

During the internship, the student showed himself as a responsible teacher striving for self-development.

Despite such a short period of pedagogical activity, he showed the ability to organize educational process in such a way that the whole class was covered during the work, including poorly performing children, who further improved their performance in subjects.

A series of consecutive lessons in mathematics, Russian, literary reading, the world around and labor training. All plans were developed and approved at least three days before teaching.

The lessons were planned methodically correctly, taking into account age and individual features students. The student owns the methodology of teaching in the primary grades.

The student was especially good at planning and conducting lessons in literary reading and the world around him, as there is a deep feeling for the beautiful and good knowledge about their homeland and nature. The student managed to become an example for his wards, to develop in them the desire to learn new things about his native city, introducing elements of local history into each lesson.

He managed to help weakly motivated children to express themselves in creative and intellectual activities, contributed to improving the quality of knowledge in humanitarian subjects.

He rendered great assistance to the class teacher in preparing gifted children for city Olympiads in the Russian language and mathematics, namely: he was engaged in the selection of additional material and conducting classes.

By his example and through educational conversations, he tried to accustom children to order, work, careful attitude to textbooks, school supplies.

Possesses pedagogical tact, is polite towards colleagues and parents.

In working with children he was tolerant, patient and tactful. He repeatedly helped to resolve conflict situations among children, having managed to negotiate with them, while not losing respect from any of the students.

In addition to systematic work with the class, work was carried out with parents. Thus, the event "Super-family" was held, dedicated to the Day of the Family, where the student-trainee was the organizer and leader and showed himself on the good side as a creative and extraordinary person.

The planning and holding of the parent-teacher meeting had minor discrepancies, since not everything that was planned could be held. Due to his small teaching experience, the ability to work with parents has not yet been formed sufficient level, but there is a great desire to work on their mistakes.

Estimate pedagogical activity trainee during the internship can be at the mark of "5" (excellent).

Summer school camp

Characteristics for a student of pedagogical practice in a summer school camp, F.I.O.

A student-trainee of the Pedagogical College had an educational practice in the summer school health camp "Solnyshko" from June 1 to June 20.

During her teaching practice, the student showed herself not only as a diligent and responsible teacher, but also as a creative, creative person.

She planned and carried out a number of recreational activities for children of primary school age.

While preparing for the opening of the camp, she was engaged in decorating detachment corners, thinking through costumes, mottos and chants.

She perfectly prepared the event dedicated to the opening of the camp shift, managed to involve all the detachments, the organization was at a good level.

Held a station team game"Treasure Island", where she showed creativity, artistry and a desire to work. not only organized this event, but also fully prepared the design and equipment for all competitions, skillfully distributed roles and responsibilities, and showed acting skills.

In all events, along with the children, she took an active part, having managed to "ignite" the children's audience, instantly receiving feedback.

There is a love for children, respect for the teaching staff, a responsible attitude to filling out camp documentation.

She managed to establish friendly relations with children, while not losing authority among students.

In the responses from parents and children about the camp shift, the work of the student was noted positively, with many thanks.

The school administration and the authorities of the summer school health camp believes that (F. I. O.) deserves the highest possible appreciation for his practical activities, and gives her a mark of "5" (excellent).

Class teacher practice

Characteristics for a student-trainee for practice at school, F. I. O., who was a class teacher in secondary general education school No. ... from September 4 to October 5.

(F. I. O.) was held as a class teacher of the 5th grade "B".

The student faced the tasks of observing the class, maintaining documentation and conducting educational work with the children's team.

During the period of internship, she managed to show herself as a comprehensively developed teacher.

When filling out documentation, namely characteristics for students, social passport class, were marked high level literacy of the trainee, possession of scientific pedagogical terminology, attentiveness and accuracy.

At the stage of observing the children's team, she managed to notice the main positive and negative aspects of the class and, after analyzing, correctly chose the ways to solve problems.

Spent a number class hours and educational activities that were aimed at rallying the children's team.

One of the memorable events was Autumn Ball» for students in grades 5-6. She helped the children of the class to prepare at the highest level and win in the nominations "Best Autumn Reader", "Mr. Autumn".

The student is proficient in information and communication technologies and uses them in her teaching activities.

Throughout the practice, diaries were regularly checked, the condition of textbooks, and the children's attendance was monitored. She taught children to systematic duty in the classroom and school.

When conflict situations the intern was able to handle them without offending anyone.

During her work, she managed to become a good mentor and a great friend for students who have just moved to the middle link, who are in a crisis period.

Particular attention was paid to self-management skills in the classroom. Among the children, roles and responsibilities were clearly distributed, followed their implementation.

The class teacher and the school administration believe that F.I.O. did her job perfectly, and puts a mark "5" for practical activities.

English language

Characteristics for a trainee in teaching practice at school as a teacher foreign languages.

(F. I. O.) had an internship as a teacher in English in high school №...

During his career, he showed himself as a responsible, diligent student.

Systematically came for consultations to his mentor, F.I.O., teacher of foreign languages ​​and boss methodical association at school.

Sequential lessons on the topics My family, My day, Weekend were planned methodically correctly. Each lesson had a clear and understandable explanation of the new material for the children. Systematically checked homework and tracked the growth of each student.

He distinguished himself by his deep knowledge of the English language and foreign literature. He always found answers to the most intricate questions of students and managed to involve children in learning English.

Owns modern pedagogical technologies, such as critical thinking problem-based learning.

In the lessons he often used a group form of work, which allowed many children to liberate themselves, become more active and fall in love with the English language.

showed Fluency information and communication technologies, using an interactive whiteboard.

The main problem for (F.I.O.) was that it was difficult for him to maintain discipline at the proper level, and therefore some types of work did not give the expected result, since the attention of students was not riveted to the teacher. So, the control on the topic At school showed that most of the class did not master the material.

The school administration believes that the student's practice can be rated at "4" (good).

Physical Education

Characteristics for a student-trainee of pedagogical practice as a teacher physical education. During his stay in practice at a comprehensive school (full name of the student) he showed high knowledge of the program material, the ability to lead and manage the class.

From the first days of practice, he skillfully involved children in the educational process, managed to arouse interest in team sports games such as basketball, football, pioneerball. He organized a sports and entertainment event "Merry Starts" at the highest level for students in grades 3-4, receiving positive reviews school administration, children and parents.

During the lesson, he often changed activities, which helped to attract the attention of children and maintain discipline. Competently applied the received theoretical knowledge in practice. Provided support to every student.

When preparing and conducting lessons, he took into account the advice of the teacher (F. I. O.) received at the consultations. He effectively used methods and techniques, as well as various forms of individual and collective activity children.

The student demonstrated conscientious attitude to business, punctuality, creativity. I carefully prepared for the lessons. Actively used information Technology. Conducted extracurricular activities and competitions were planned and held taking into account age and individual characteristics.

The student distinguished himself by diligence and responsibility, all assigned tasks were completed in a timely manner and in good faith.

Characteristics for the future teacher of the Russian language

The pedagogical characteristic of a trainee at school as a philologist has some peculiarities, therefore it is obligatory in this article as an example.

Characteristics for a student (full name), who underwent pedagogical practice as a teacher of the Russian language and literary reading.

The following classes were assigned to her: 5 "a", 5 "b", 7 "b", 7 "d", where some classes had a mathematical bias, and others - a humanitarian one, in order to try their hand with different children.

During the internship, the student showed good level subject knowledge and a high level methodological training. She approached the lessons creatively, the lessons were new and interesting.

A student from the first lesson won over students of all classes. Even the most inactive children worked with great interest in the lesson, as the tasks corresponded to their level of knowledge in the subject.

Preparation for the lessons was carried out systematically. Every day I brought various visual aids, printed cards with exciting tasks.

Affordable presentation of the material to students, the children well learned the knowledge gained in the lessons.

The student demonstrated excellent knowledge in psychology and pedagogy. Both in theory and in practice, it takes into account individual and age features schoolchildren, won the prestige of students with her openness, humanity and love for her work.

The characteristic for the trainee was compiled by the teachers and the school administration, who decided that (F.I.O.) deserved the highest mark for passing the teaching practice - "excellent". The school administration offers to provide a job for this student after her graduation.

Characteristics for a student who had an internship in a preschool organization

Characteristics for a trainee teacher (F. I. O.), a student of a pedagogical college who had an internship in a kindergarten ...

During the internship (F. I. O.) proved to be a competent student, who owns the main methodological techniques. The work was carried out responsibly, efficiently, during demonstration lessons always used additional and visual material.

For all the time (F. I. O.) showed the ability to plan not only educational and cognitive activity, but also excelled in educational work.

With children, she conducted repeated classes in moral education, patriotic orientation, learned the national anthem, as well as state symbols.

(F. I. O.) implements the tasks of education in the process of children's activities, knows how to organize children in various types activities, attract their attention, activate cognitive activity, arouse interest in it.

(full name) conducts individual work with children at a high level. The student owns information and communication technologies and skillfully applies them in her practice.

Knows and applies all norms of health-saving technologies.

Participated in all creative activities kindergarten, and also provided all possible assistance in decorating the hall for the holidays.

This characteristic for the trainee was compiled by the pedagogical council of the school. Based on the results of teaching practice, the student can be rated as "excellent".

educational practice

An example of a characteristic for a trainee conducting educational activities is presented below. A trainee student (full name) underwent educational practice at a comprehensive school No. ... in the period from ... to ...

For all the time, a lot of educational work has been done, which covered several types of orientation: moral, patriotic, intellectual.

She came to practice (full name) prepared in advance: the topics of class hours and intra-school events were taken, for which preparations were made during September. Constantly kept in touch with the head teacher for educational work, as well as class teachers primary school of this educational institution, came to consultations, listened to the recommendations and made the necessary amendments.

The first event held by the student was dedicated to Friendship Week at school. (F. I. O.) organized the "Mail of Friends", the students wrote letters to each other with wishes and proposals to make friends. The idea was highly appreciated by the students.

She worked as a host of the events "Miss Autumn" for high school and "Golden Time" for junior schoolchildren, showing themselves at the proper level.

The characteristic of the student-trainee at the school was compiled and agreed upon by the school administration, which believes that (F. I. O.) deserves a high rating for his activities - "excellent".

All students are different

Writing characteristics requires knowledge and experience. And sometimes even an experienced teacher asks for help.

If the practice is industrial, the characteristics of the trainee will differ from passive activity. The samples presented above are suitable for more active practice.

Not all characteristics are completely suitable for the same student. The level of skills and abilities of one may be radically different from the abilities of another. When drafting documents, you can take into account the sample student-trainee characteristics presented above in order to understand what criteria to evaluate the student.

On demand authorized bodies or organizations, such a document as a characteristic for a student from the place of study can be drawn up. Moreover, it can also become one of or a document characterizing a person, when considering cases of administrative offenses or criminal prosecution.

On the site we have placed examples of the most common characteristics that can also be used in relation to a student:,. In this case, we will consider general example such a document for a student when transferring to another university. The same example can be used to present such a document during employment, law enforcement agencies and any other organizations.

An example of a characteristic for a student from the place of study

federal state budgetary educational institution higher education

Kemerovo State Polytechnic University

6500056, Kemerovo, st. Krasnoznamnaya, 49


Zavyalov Makar Viktorovich, born on September 05, 1997, is a student of Kemerovo State Polytechnic University since July 20, 2015. Currently, he is a 3rd year student at the Faculty of Jurisprudence full-time, study group YuK-415. Enrolled on budget place, USE results - 272 points.

During his studies, he proved himself to be a conscientious and disciplined student. He copes with the curriculum, the average score of academic progress is 4, 3, he has no debts in disciplines, he does not experience any difficulties in studying. Specialization - civil law and civil process. Successfully defended term papers at the end of 1st and 2nd courses, grade "excellent". He did not allow skipping lectures and seminars without a good reason.

He takes an active part in the social and sports life of the university: he is a member of the volleyball team.

Character - calm, friendly. Avoids conflicts, friendly, affable, sociable. Responds well to criticism. Among the students of the group YUK-415 enjoys well-deserved prestige. With teachers, he is polite and tactful. He takes an active part in the work of seminars and scientific research.

This characteristic is given for presentation at the place of demand.

Curator of the group YuK-415 Svetlogorskaya A.V.

Dean of the Faculty of Law Bezborodov A.A.

How is a characteristic compiled for a student from the place of study

In most cases, the characteristic is compiled by the student himself, depending on the purpose of its presentation. Such a duty can also be assigned to the curator of the group where he is studying. In any case, such a document has its own structure and content.

A characteristic is always an evaluation document. Since one of the main indicators for a student is academic performance and the absence of debts in disciplines, such information must be included in the document.

To prepare a profile for a student from the place of study, information will be needed: about the results of the USE, the results of passing exams and tests, defending term papers, participation in public life university, cultural life. Character traits based on interaction with classmates, other university or college students, teachers.

The structure of characteristics for a student from the place of study

The document is drawn up on the letterhead of the educational institution indicating its full name and address. We propose the following document preparation algorithm:

  1. Specify full name student, date of birth, date of admission to Educational establishment, faculty, course, form of study, group number, results upon admission
  2. Academic performance, grade point average, coursework defense results, specialization (if any)
  3. Participation in the public life of the educational institution, conferences, olympiads, the presence scientific developments, publications in scientific journals
  4. Features of character, temperament and relationships in the team and with teachers

The characteristic for a student from the place of study is signed by the dean of the faculty with the date of issue.

During their studies, students can do internships at any enterprise.

Depending on the year of study, three types of practical activities of students can be distinguished:

  1. introductory (it takes place at the initial stage of training).
  2. Production ( this species Internships usually take place in the middle of studies).
  3. Undergraduate.

In their educational institution, students have a supervisor who is responsible for the internship and gives an assessment at the end. This person supervises his wards and coordinates their activities. In an enterprise where students gain experience, there is also a person responsible for students. This person is the head of the interns. Drawing up a student's characteristics from the place of industrial practice is his task.

In the characterization of a student from the place of industrial practice, an adequate assessment of the knowledge and acquired skills of the student is given, how successfully he performed the work assigned to him.

This document also reflects the observance by the student at his temporary place of work of discipline, labor safety rules (if this is any kind of production), his attitude to the matter.

Who can write a testimonial?

The head of the practice may ask the student to write a characteristic himself and give it to him for signature. In this case, it is very important to discuss what exactly should be reflected in the document. It may be convenient to record the text on a voice recorder and then transfer it to paper.

Also, the student can draw up the beginning and end of the document, and the leader will only have to write the most important thing - directly his own review of the work of the ward. Thus, the head of the practice does not have to bother with the preparation of the document.

In whose name is it drawn up?

The characteristic about the passage of practice is compiled either in the name of the teacher who is responsible for the internship of students, or in the name of the head of the department.

As a rule, each university has its own requirements.

Usually the head of the practice from among the teaching staff provides all kinds of assistance to his wards.

This should include providing Toolkit on the preparation of all necessary reports and other documents.

Design and rules for writing characteristics

This document is written in free form. There are no rules enshrined in the legislation of the Russian Federation for writing characteristics. However, when compiling a review from the place of practice, it is important to comply with all the rules of business correspondence.

  • the document is drawn up on the official letterhead of the company. At the same time, in the header, along with the company logo, it is desirable to indicate its details.
  • An easily readable font must be used. The font size should be 12 points.
  • Never use informal language.
  • When applying, use wide brim. Start a new paragraph with a red line, and the spacing between lines should not be too large or small. Try to keep the paragraph 4-6 lines long. Otherwise, the text is poorly perceived when reading.
  • The text must be written correctly.
  • Official documents must be printed on A4 paper only.

In the photo you can see a completed sample of the characteristics of a student from the place of internship:

The characteristic from the place of internship must be signed by the head of the internship. At the end of the letter, the seal of the enterprise is required.

I would like to put aside in advance that the characteristics of a undergraduate from the place of practice will not differ in any way from a similar document drawn up for a student in structural terms.

Document structure

The main points of the sample characteristics of a student from the place of practice are no different from the structure of any business letter. The following sections can be distinguished, which it is desirable to reflect in this document:

  1. a cap.

    It is located at the top right of the letter.

    It indicates in whose name the letter was written, as well as the position of this person.

    The next line contains the name, surname and patronymic of the compiler and his position at the enterprise where the student did his internship.

  2. More than one example of the characteristics of a student from the place of practice will be given below.

    An example of a characteristic from the place of practice to the student:

    Dean of the Faculty of Foreign Languages

    Ural State

    Pedagogical Institute Shaposhnikov Boris Nikolaevich

    from the director of school No. 146

    Agalakova Irina Dmitrievna

  3. header. The name of the document may be as follows: "Characteristics on the passage of industrial practice." The name is always located in the center.
  4. Introductory part. Here it is worth listing the surname, name and patronymic of the student, the name of his university, the course in which he studies, the name of the specialty. And also the name of the enterprise where the practice took place, the data of its head, the position of the student during the internship. It is also necessary to indicate the start and end dates of the student's activities at the enterprise.
  5. An example of a characteristic for a student from the place of practice:

    A 5th year student of the Faculty of Foreign Languages ​​of the Ural State Pedagogical Institute in Yekaterinburg Kisileva Maria Dmitrievna had an industrial and pedagogical practice at the secondary school No. 146 in Yekaterinburg from March 14 to May 23, 2016.

  6. Main part. This section should describe all official duties trainee. What kind of work he did, how successfully he coped with it. You can also list all the tasks that the supervisor set for him and whether the student managed to cope with the work. If the student independently studied something at the enterprise or showed initiative in the performance of any work, it is desirable to reflect this.
  7. In addition to the direct duties of the trainee, it is important to reflect all the knowledge and skills that he acquired at a temporary job.

    It could be learning production process or study any documentation.

    It all depends on the type of activity of the company.

    At the very end, it is desirable to briefly describe the personal qualities of the student. How responsibly he approached work, whether he fulfilled his duties on time, whether he came to work on time.

    You can emphasize such qualities as initiative, sociability, attentiveness, punctuality, consistency in the performance of duties.

    An example of a student's job description at the place of internship:

    Intern Kisileva M. D. served as a deputy class teacher and teacher German language. As an assistant to the class teacher Kisileva M.D. I talked a lot with children, conducted extra-curricular activities with them on the topics of my favorite hobbies, healthy lifestyle life, relationships in the family and the team, creativity. She also worked separately with those children who received low grades and lagged behind in some subjects. As a teacher of the German language Kisileva M.D. showed excellent knowledge didactic material, language proficiency, successfully coped with the practical application of the theoretical skills of the teaching profession, independently prepared for the lesson.

    Kiseleva M.D. mastered a large number of new methodological techniques education, studied all the visual aids of the foreign language classroom, read additional literature on teaching the German language, and also made visual aids for the lessons herself.

    Kisileva M.D. spent a lot extracurricular activities, always arrived on time, behaved politely with the children and was able to gain their authority. She always filled out the lesson sheets, showed herself as a responsible teacher.

  8. Final part. The leader must express his position regarding the evaluation of the student's performance. It indicates both a positive opinion about the ward and a negative one.

    If the student has not mastered something properly or has not completed all the hours of internship prescribed for him, then this information must be reflected. However, the final assessment is made by the university teacher or a commission from the teaching staff.

  9. Important. This paragraph can also reflect recommendations on the conclusion employment contract with this trainee (if possible).

    An example of a characteristic from the place of practice:

    Kiseleva M.D. showed herself as an erudite, responsible person. She perfectly coped with her duties, carried out many assignments, showed independence, showed love for the profession. Rating - "excellent".

  10. Date and signature. The date is written in the lower left corner of the document, and the signature, along with the transcript, in the lower right corner. The company seal is placed under the signature.
  11. signature /______________/

    Headmaster: Agalakova I.D.

    signature /______________/


The characteristic reflects how successfully the student was able to immerse himself in the realities of his future profession . This document affects the student's overall performance.

To get the highest score, not only mastered production skills are important, but also such nuances as attendance, attitude, initiative, and speed of completing tasks. You have familiarized yourself with a sufficient number of examples of writing characteristics for a student from the place of practice. You can also see what it looks like general characteristics student from the place of practice.

A student of the TV-31 VSP group "Berdyansk College of the Tavria State Agrotechnological University, passed a technological internship at the winery of the State Enterprise with / z named after. P. Osipenko from 25.05.2010 to 26.07.2010

During the internship, Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich studied the technology of grape processing, mastered the operation of grape processing equipment (crushers, presses, stackers, conveyors), got acquainted with the work of a chemical laboratory, and mastered grape sampling. During the technological practice, he showed himself to be a hardworking, executive employee, interested in the quality of work and in its result.

Excellent internship rating. Practice leader.

Characteristics for a trainee student in industrial practice example.

Characteristics for a student intern of the 5th year of the Accounting and Finance Faculty Ivanova Ivanna Ivanovna.

The student - trainee, Ivanova Ivanna Ivanovna, during the internship at the State Enterprise "Livadia" showed herself on the good side. She conscientiously fulfilled all the tasks assigned to her, studied a large number of documentary materials available at the enterprise. Studied the organization of the system accounting, enterprise reporting, as well as the degree of automation of the accounting process. Showed a high level of training as a specialist. Always showed interest in new work.

Humble, responsible, hardworking.

Chief accountant (head of practice from the enterprise).

Characteristics for an intern for an internship - examples

Characteristics for a trainee student of the faculty of TPH and PPR of the specialty "Land Management and Cadastre"

Taranenko Ekaterina Valerievna had an internship at the State Enterprise "KNIiPIZ" from September 1, 2008 to October 3, 2008.

During the practice of violations labor discipline and internal regulations there was no work.

Ekaterina got acquainted with the work and tasks that are solved in the departments: the state land cadastre, TGO, the department of land management and land assessment work.

She took an active part in the work of the organization, showed interest in the production tasks assigned to her. Participated in design and geodetic works, got acquainted with the intricacies of work in various positions, got acquainted with various normative documents in the area of ​​land law.

The work given to her was done quickly and efficiently. Showed initiative in problem solving. Independently dealt with the questions that arose, which indicates the presence basic knowledge at the student.

In the process of performing the work successfully used computer technology.

Strengthened the practical knowledge gained at the university.

Characteristics for a trainee for technological practice

Vyazovikova Nadezhda Anatolyevna, student of the Faculty of Technology, Southern Branch of the National University of Bioresources and Environmental Management of Ukraine "KATU"

Vyazovikova Nadezhda Alexandrovna, a 5th year student of the Faculty of Technology of the specialty "Technology of Fermentation and Winemaking" "NAU BiP UF KATU" had an internship at CJSC "Oktyabrsky Wine and Cognac Factory" (primary winemaking workshop) from September 14 to October 31, 2009.

During the internship, I successfully mastered the acquired in the process curriculum knowledge. On the territory of the enterprise, she got acquainted with all the production shops and technological processes.

During the internship, she showed herself as a conscientious and executive trainee. Persistently mastered all the operations carried out on the territory of the plant. Worked well with the team and earned the respect of workers for their ability to work.


Characteristics for a trainee veterinary practice

Intern Ajigaziyev D.D. 6th year student of SFNU and PU (KATU) arrived at Shirokoe JSC on 10.08.2009. and finished on November 27, 2009.

During the internship, he has established himself on the positive side as a responsible, executive, punctual and active person. He performed all the tasks entrusted to him on time and showed himself as a good student. In the treatment of animals showed good theoretical knowledge. He took part in the treatment of internal non-communicable diseases, surgery, obstetrics and preventive anti-epizootic treatment and diagnostic measures.

We express our gratitude to the student for the work done.

Characteristics for an accounting intern

A student of the 5th year of the Accounting and Finance Faculty of the Law Firm "KATU" NAU was sent to practice at the MChSP "Veresk".

Responsible for all assignments.

She showed herself as a disciplined, hardworking worker.

Home Sample characteristic Characteristic for undergraduate practice sample report

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Characteristics for undergraduate practice sample report

Sample characteristics from the place of undergraduate practice in the economics of statistics and computer science

Characteristics from the place of practice (undergraduate)

on Andreiko Petr Sergeevich

Andreyko P.S. in the period from 04/27/2010 to 06/25/2010, he underwent undergraduate practice at Vikink Stroy + LLC as deputy head of the department, Ozery, st. Lenina, 34 Tel. 45-48-66 fax 45-48-66.

During the passage of undergraduate practice Andreiko P.S. He has proven himself on the positive side as a competent and trained employee.

Complaints about personal behavior during the internship Andreev P.S. didn't have.

Knowledge acquired by Andreev P.S. while studying at the Moscow University of Economics, Statistics and Informatics allowed him to in full complete the practice program.

During the practice, Andreev P.S. studied the internal regime of the enterprise, got acquainted with technical documentation, equipment available at the enterprise, studied the technological schemes, charter and regulations of the organization.

Andreev Petr Sergeevich showed his ability to work in difficult conditions, act independently and without prompting, which indicates his high theoretical level of training. Also, during the internship, he mastered the practical skills necessary for work.

Grade for the internship - "excellent"

General Director of Vikink Stroy+ LLC

Molchanov K.S. _____________________

samples of my earlier control, term papers and theses

All the power of knowledge. from session to session.

How to write a testimonial from the place of internship?

Any student has to undergo industrial and undergraduate practice.

When the time comes to prepare a practice report, the next problem arises. You approach the head of the practice from the enterprise (organization) and ask to write a reference for you, and the head of the practice (mentor) answers as follows: Write it yourself, because you know better, and I will sign it! What to do? How to write a testimonial from the place of practice? Where can I get a sample of characteristics from the place of practice?

Below we consider an example of a characteristic from the place of practice.


for a 6th year student of the specialty Organization Management

Samara State Economic University Ivanova Inna Ivanovna

6th year student of the Samara State University of Economics Ivanova Inna Ivanovna did undergraduate practice at Tires-Machines LLC from November 1, 2010 to November 30, 2010 as an assistant to the head of the economic department.

During the passage of undergraduate practice Ivanova I.I. consolidated the theoretical knowledge gained in the classroom at the university, acquired practical managerial skills, experience in solving analytical and research problems.

During the internship Ivanova I.I. studied the structure, functions, tasks, regulation activities of OOO Tires-Machines activities of the enterprise financial documents and strategic directions of activities of OOO Tires-Machines.

Ivanova I.I. showed herself as a hardworking, conscientious, sociable, diligent worker, friendly and respectful of the team, showed excellent knowledge of the functions and duties of a manager.

According to the results of undergraduate practice, student Ivanova I.I. deserves an excellent rating.


OOO Tires-Machiny place of signature and seal of Sh.Sh. Radiator

Make the necessary adjustments to the text and your student profile from the place of internship is ready!

Diary of undergraduate practice for students of the specialty Finance and Credit

Goryachkin V.V. Guidelines for the design and protection of term papers, theses and other reporting documents of university students

Guidelines. Minsk. BGU. 2005 - 50 p.

The training manual sets out the requirements and rules for registration and

protection by students of term papers, diploma and bachelor's works, reports on undergraduate practice and master's theses for the period of study in the Belarusian

Diary of undergraduate practice. place of passage

Minchukova L.A. World Economy: Educational and methodological guide for coursework for students of engineering and economic specialties FBO

I.V. Guidelines for the preparation, design and defense of term papers, theses and master's theses

/ Report on undergraduate practice in the Committee for Work with Youth - MGOSGI - GIMU - 5th year / Characteristics of a full-time student-practitioner (sample)


full-time trainee student

FULL NAME. student: Privezentseva Maria Georgievna

Faculty, course: Historical, GIMU, 5th year

Organization in which the student had an internship: Committee for Educational and Leisure Work with Youth of the Administration of the City District of Kolomna

Characteristic production work student:

During the internship, the student has established herself as a competent and responsible officer. The assigned work was carried out creatively with individual approach for each given task. Labor functions were performed accurately and in a timely manner.

Characteristics of professional and organizational qualities of a student:

The student is able to make decisions independently and be responsible for the final result. She is characterized by high efficiency, communication skills, goodwill.

In the process of work, the student showed the following professionally significant qualities:

Competence, discipline, punctuality

Ability to perform multiple tasks simultaneously and quickly

Ability to productively use computer, multimedia technologies and office equipment in the process of work

Communicative literacy

Ability to work with information volumes of various structure and complexity

Quick adaptation to new working conditions and workforce

Ambition, hard work

openness, purposefulness

Integrity, diligence, ability to work in a team.

The level of theoretical and practical knowledge meets the requirements of the institution.

Offers for vocational training student:

For the purpose of practical mastery of the subject component professional activity the future specialist and the opportunity for the student to get acquainted with the regional experience of the organization in terms of visiting specialized institutions. Thematic meetings with real representatives of the future profession will enrich with specific content theoretical level knowledge of the student, will help him clarify the subject of his future activity and strengthen his professional positional attitudes.

Overall Practice Assessment: ____________________________(in words)
